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Abstract— In this study, we have performed pulse‐heating experiments at different temperatures for three organic molecules (a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon [PAH], a ketone, and an amino acid) absorbed into microporous aluminum oxide (Al2O3) in order to imitate the heating of the organic molecules in interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and micrometeorites (MMs) during atmospheric entry and to investigate their survival. We have shown that modest amounts (a few percent) of these organic molecules survive pulse‐heating at temperatures in the 700 to 900 °C range. This suggests that the porosity in IDPs and MMs, combined with a sublimable phase (organic material, water), produces an ablative cooling effect, which permits the survival of organic molecules that would otherwise be lost either by thermal degradation or evaporation during atmospheric entry.  相似文献   

Abstract— Infrared spectra of mineral grains from primitive meteorites could be useful for comparison with astronomical infrared spectra since some of their grains might be similar to those formed in the planet‐forming disks around young stars or in the envelopes surrounding late‐type stars. To assess the usefulness of meteorite spectra, olivine grains separated from primitive meteorites have been analyzed using FTIR microscope techniques in the 2–16 μm wavelength range. The sub‐micron sizes of the grains made a complex preparation process necessary. Five characteristic bands were measured near 11.9, 11.2, 10.4, 10.1, and 10.0 μm. The results of 59 analyses allow the calculation of band positions for meteoritic olivines as a function of their iron and magnesium contents. Comparison of the meteoritic results with astronomical data for comets and dust around young and old stars, which exhibit bands similar to the strongest infrared bands observed in the grains (at 11.2 μm), show that the spectral resolution of the astronomical observations is too low to ascertain the exact iron and magnesium (Mg: Fe) ratio of the dust in the 8–13 μm wavelength range.  相似文献   

Abstract– The fluence of dust particles <10 μm in diameter was recorded by impacts on aluminum foil of the NASA Stardust spacecraft during a close flyby of comet 81P/Wild 2 in 2004. Initial interpretation of craters for impactor particle dimensions and mass was based upon laboratory experimental simulations using projectiles less than >10 μm in diameter and the resulting linear relationship of projectile to crater diameter was extrapolated to smaller sizes. We now describe a new experimental calibration program firing very small monodisperse silica projectiles (470 nm–10 μm) at approximately 6 km s?1. The results show an unexpected departure from linear relationship between 1 and 10 μm. We collated crater measurement data and, where applicable, impactor residue data for 596 craters gathered during the postmission preliminary examination phase. Using the new calibration, we recalculate the size of the particle responsible for each crater and hence reinterpret the cometary dust size distribution. We find a greater flux of small particles than previously reported. From crater morphology and residue composition of a subset of craters, the internal structure and dimensions of the fine dust particles are inferred and a “maximum‐size” distribution for the subgrains composing aggregate particles is obtained. The size distribution of the small particles derived directly from the measured craters peaks at approximately 175 nm, but if this is corrected to allow for aggregate grains, the peak in subgrain sizes is at <100 nm.  相似文献   

X‐ray microtomography (XMT), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), and magnetic hysteresis measurements were used to determine micrometeorite internal structure, mineralogy, crystallography, and physical properties at μm resolution. The study samples include unmelted, partially melted (scoriaceous), and completely melted (cosmic spherules) micrometeorites. This variety not only allows comparison of the mineralogy and porosity of these three micrometeorite types but also reveals changes in meteoroid properties during atmospheric entry at various velocities. At low entry velocities, meteoroids do not melt and their physical properties do not change. The porosity of unmelted micrometeorites varies considerably (0–12%) with one friable example having porosity around 50%. At higher velocities, the range of meteoroid porosity narrows, but average porosity increases (to 16–27%) due to volatile evaporation and partial melting (scoriaceous phase). Metal distribution seems to be mostly unaffected at this stage. At even higher entry velocities, complete melting follows the scoriaceous phase. Complete melting is accompanied by metal oxidation and redistribution, loss of porosity (1 ± 1%), and narrowing of the bulk (3.2 ± 0.5 g cm?3) and grain (3.3 ± 0.5 g cm?3) density range. Melted cosmic spherules with a barred olivine structure show an oriented crystallographic structure, whereas other subtypes do not.  相似文献   

We aim to characterize the properties of the stellar clusters in the Milky Way. Utilising an expectation-maximization method, we determined that the cluster FSR 0358, originally discovered by J.D. Kirkpatrick, is the most likely real cluster amongst the cluster candidates from Froebrich et al. Here, we present new deep high resolution near-infrared imaging of this object obtained with the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). The analysis of the data reveals that FSR 0358 (Kirkpatrick 1) is a  5 ± 2 Gyr  old open cluster in the outer Milky Way. Its age, metallicity of   Z = 0.008  and distance from the Galactic Centre of 11.2 kpc are typical for the known old open galactic clusters. So far six of the FSR cluster candidates have been identified as having an age above 5 Gyr. This shows the significance of this catalogue in enhancing our knowledge of the oldest open clusters in the Galaxy.  相似文献   

Tuite is a high‐pressure γ‐form of Ca3(PO4)2. An occurrence of tuite partly transformed from merrillite and chlorapatite was observed in the chondritic area adjacent to the shock veins in the Suizhou meteorite. Tuite grains are found in contact with both merrillite and chlorapatite, indicating two different transformation pathways. Tuite isochemically transformed from merrillite contains much higher contents of Na2O and MgO than those transformed from chlorapatite. Tuite transformed from merrillite does not contain Cl, but tuite transformed from chlorapatite contains 1.90–3.91 wt% of Cl, hence indicating an incomplete phase transformation from chlorapatite to tuite. P‐T conditions of above 12 GPa and 1100 °C are probably required for the transformation from merrillite and chlorapatite to tuite. A temperature gradient from the hot vein at 2000 °C to the surrounding chondritic area at 1000 °C corresponds to the partial phase transitions in the Suizhou phosphates. Fast cooling of the thin shock veins plays a key role in the preservation of phosphates that suffered partial high‐pressure phase transformation.  相似文献   

The silica glass extracted from the bulbous parts of Stardust tracks is riddled by electron‐opaque nanograins with compositions that are mostly between pyrrhotite and metallic iron with many fewer nanograins having a Fe‐Ni‐S composition. Pure taenite nanograins are extremely rare, but exist among the terminal particles. Assuming that these Fe‐Ni‐S compositions are due to mixing of pyrrhotite and taenite melt droplets, it is remarkable that the taenite melt grains had discrete Fe/Ni ratios. This paper presents the data from an igneous pyrrhotite/taenite fragment of cluster IDP L2011#21, wherein the taenite compositions have the same discrete Fe/Ni clusters as those inferred for the Stardust nanograins. These Fe/Ni clusters are a subsolidus feature with compositions that are constrained by the Fe‐Ni phase diagram. They formed during cooling of the parent body of this cluster IDP fragment. These specific Fe/Ni ratios, 12.5, 24, 40, and 53 atom% Ni, were preserved in asteroidal taenite that survived radially outward transport to the Kuiper Belt where it accreted into the (future) comet Wild 2 nucleus.  相似文献   

An improved orbit of minor planet (85) Io is determined from an analysis of all known observations over the 112 year period 1865 – 1977. Some 735 observations from 63 apparitions are recorded. A comprehensive bibliography of the observations is given as well as a discussion of the O–C residuals. The final solution, based on 548 accurate positions from 54 oppositions, yields a total rms value of 2.″61.  相似文献   

A detailed dynamical analysis of the nearby rich Norma cluster (ACO 3627) is presented. From radial velocities of 296 cluster members, we find a mean velocity of 4871 ± 54 km s−1 and a velocity dispersion of 925 km s−1. The mean velocity of the E/S0 population (4979 ± 85 km s−1) is offset with respect to that of the S/Irr population (4812 ± 70 km s−1) by  Δ v = 164 km s−1  in the cluster rest frame. This offset increases towards the core of the cluster. The E/S0 population is free of any detectable substructure and appears relaxed. Its shape is clearly elongated with a position angle that is aligned along the dominant large-scale structures in this region, the so-called Norma wall. The central cD galaxy has a very large peculiar velocity of 561 km s−1 which is most probably related to an ongoing merger at the core of the cluster. The spiral/irregular galaxies reveal a large amount of substructure; two dynamically distinct subgroups within the overall spiral population have been identified, located along the Norma wall elongation. The dynamical mass of the Norma cluster within its Abell radius is  1–1.1 × 1015  h −173 M  . One of the cluster members, the spiral galaxy WKK 6176 which recently was observed to have a 70 kpc X-ray tail, reveals numerous striking low-brightness filaments pointing away from the cluster centre suggesting strong interaction with the intracluster medium.  相似文献   

Arecibo S-band () radar observations of Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) on 2001 July 7-9 showed a strong echo from large coma grains. This echo was significantly depolarized. This is the first firm detection of depolarization in a grain-coma radar echo and indicates that the largest grains are at least λ/2π or 2 cm in radius. The grains are moving at tens of m s−1 with respect to the nucleus. The nondetection of the nucleus places an upper limit of 3 km on its diameter. The broad, asymmetric echo power spectrum suggests a fan of grains that have a steep (differential number ∼a−4) size distribution at cm-scales, though the observed fragmentation of this comet complicates that picture.  相似文献   

Asteroid 2008 TC3 was characterized in a unique manner prior to impacting Earth's atmosphere, making its October 7, 2008, impact a suitable field test for or validating the application of high‐fidelity re‐entry modeling to asteroid entry. The accurate modeling of the behavior of 2008 TC3 during its entry in Earth's atmosphere requires detailed information about the thermophysical properties of the asteroid's meteoritic materials at temperatures ranging from room temperature up to the point of ablation (~ 1400 K). Here, we present measurements of the thermophysical properties up to these temperatures (in a 1 atm. pressure of argon) for two samples of the Almahata Sitta meteorites from asteroid 2008 TC3: a thick flat‐faced ureilite suitably shaped for emissivity measurements and a thin flat‐faced EL6 enstatite chondrite suitable for diffusivity measurements. Heat capacity was determined from the elemental composition and density from a 3‐D laser scan of the sample. We find that the thermal conductivity of the enstatite chondrite material decreases more gradually as a function of temperature than expected, while the emissivity of the ureilitic material decreases at a rate of 9.5 × 10?5 K?1 above 770 K. The entry scenario is the result of the actual flight path being the boundary to the load the meteorite will be affected with when entering. An accurate heat load prediction depends on the thermophysical properties. Finally, based on these data, the breakup can be calculated accurately leading to a risk assessment for ground damage.  相似文献   

The orbital elements of the binary star ADS 9979 – σCRB were determined with the method of KOWALSKY , by the use of 886 observations. These provisional elements were then corrected with the differential method of HELLERICH . At last the total mass of the system was calculated and the dynamical parallax was obtained with the method of BAIZE –ROMANI .  相似文献   

We have derived the real and imaginary indices of refraction for 10 phyllosilicate minerals—montmorillonite, beidellite, nontronite, hectorite, saponite, illite, illite–smectite (60/40 interlayered) kaolinite, halloysite, and serpentine—from 100–2000 cm−1 (5–100 μm) at 2 cm−1 spectral sampling using classical Lorentz–Lorenz dispersion theory. We present the real and imaginary indices and the oscillator parameters with which they were modeled. Use of these optical constants will aid in the modeling of thermal infrared spectra of planets, asteroids, interplanetary and interstellar dust, and protoplanetary disks around nearby stars.  相似文献   

Approximation formulae describing the long-term changes in the rotation of the Earth are evaluated. The time scale reduction from Universal to Ephemeris Time can be accomplished by a 12th degree polynomial with a mean error of less than one second for the entire time span 1800–1988. The maximum residuals of least squares fits of the 19th and 20th century data, respectively, can be limited to this accuracy by even simpler expressions.  相似文献   

Tuite, γ‐Ca3(PO4)2, was first discovered as the high‐pressure phase of whitlockite in shock veins of the Suizhou L6 meteorite. This study reports the finding of tuite in a shock vein of the same Suizhou chondrite as a product of decomposition of chlorapatite, where it coexists with coarse‐grained ringwoodite, majorite, lingunite, fine‐grained majorite‐pyrope solid solution, and magnesiowüstite. Moreover, we also successfully synthesized tuite with a multianvil apparatus from chlorapatite at 15 GPa and 1573 K over 24 h. Both natural and synthetic tuite crystals were examined by means of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscope, electron microprobe analysis, X‐ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. Our results suggest that the Na2O, MgO, and Cl contents in natural tuite may serve as good indicators for distinguishing the precursor phosphate mineral, chlorapatite or whitlockite.  相似文献   

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