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Geophysical data from the Amazon Cone Experiment are used to determine the structure and evolution of the French Guiana and Northeast Brazil continental margin, and to better understand the origin and development of along-margin segmentation. A 427-km-long combined multichannel reflection and wide-angle refraction seismic profile acquired across the southern French Guiana margin is interpreted, where plate reconstructions suggest a rift-type setting.
The resulting model shows a crustal structure in which 35–37-km-thick pre-rift continental crust is thinned by a factor of 6.4 over a distance of ∼70  km associated with continental break-up and the initiation and establishment of seafloor spreading. The ocean–continent boundary is a transition zone up to 45  km in width, in which the two-layered oceanic-type crustal structure develops. Although relatively thin at 3.5–5.0  km, such thin oceanic crust appears characteristic of the margin as a whole.
There is no evidence of rift-related magmatism, either as seaward-dipping sequences in the reflection data or as a high velocity region in the lower crust in the P -wave velocity model, and as a such the margin is identified as non-volcanic in type. However, there is also no evidence of the rotated fault block and graben structures characteristic of rifted margins. Consequently, the thin oceanic crust, the rapidity of continental crustal thinning and the absence of characteristic rift-related structures leads to the conclusion that the southern French Guiana margin has instead developed in an oblique rift setting, in which transform motion also played a significant role in the evolution of the resulting crustal structure and along-margin segmentation in structural style.  相似文献   

The deepest part of the Canary Basin, the Madeira Abyssal Plain, receives allochthonous sediments derived from a large drainage basin which, if its subaerial continuation is included, covers an area of 3.36 times 106 km2. An international research effort over the last 10 years has recovered over 160 sediment cores from the plain, and the development of a high-resolution stratigraphy has enabled individual turbidites to be correlated layer by layer. Sedimentation on the Madeira Abyssal Plain during the late Quaternary is dominated by thick turbidite muds separated by thin pelagic intervals. The core density has allowed the mapping of each sedimentary unit throughout the abyssal plain, thus building up a layer by layer picture of sediment accumulation. Over the last 300 kyr, 600 km3 of turbidites compared to 60 km3 of pelagic sediments have been deposited on the plain. Sedimentary structures developed in the coarse basal facies of the larger turbidites are more complex than simple models predict due to surging flows, fluctuating flow velocities and reflection from adjacent high ground. Over the last 300 kyr, there has been a switching of entry points for turbidity currents entering the abyssal plain. From 300 ka to 200 ka, organic-rich turbidites were emplaced predominantly from the south but around 200 ka this source switched off and subsequent organic- and volcanic-rich turbidites, which included units deposited by giant, possibly hyperconcentrated flows, were emplaced from northern or eastern sources. Although restricted to the late Quaternary, the data presented provides a detailed case study of the evolution of an oceanic basin fill.  相似文献   

A series of three‐dimensional models has been constructed for the structure of the crust and upper mantle over a large region spanning the NE Atlantic passive margin. These incorporate isostatic and flexural principles, together with gravity modelling and integration with seismic interpretations. An initial isostatic model was based on known bathymetric/topographic variations, an estimate of the thickness and density of the sedimentary cover, and upper mantle densities based on thermal modelling. The thickness of the crystalline crust in this model was adjusted to equalise the load at a compensation depth lying below the zone of lateral mantle density variations. Flexural backstripping was used to derive alternative models which tested the effect of varying the strength of the lithosphere during sediment loading. The models were analysed by comparing calculated and observed gravity fields and by calibrating the predicted geometries against independent (primarily seismic) evidence. Further models were generated in which the thickness of the sedimentary layer and the crystalline crust were modified in order to improve the fit to observed gravity anomalies. The potential effects of igneous underplating and variable upper mantle depletion were explored by a series of sensitivity trials. The results provide a new regional lithospheric framework for the margin and a means of setting more detailed, local investigations in their regional context. The flexural modelling suggests lateral variations in the strength of the lithosphere, with much of the margin being relatively weak but areas such as the Porcupine Basin and parts of the Rockall Basin having greater strength. Observed differences between the model Moho and seismic Moho along the continental margin can be interpreted in terms of underplating. A Moho discrepancy to the northwest of Scotland is ascribed to uplift caused by a region of upper mantle with anomalously low density, which may be associated with depletion or with a temperature anomaly.  相似文献   

Summary. The crustal structure beneath the Vema fracture zone and its flanking transverse ridge was determined from seismic refraction profiles along the fracture zone valley and across the ridge. Relatively normal oceanic crust, but with an upwarped seismic Moho, was found under the transverse ridge. We suggest that the transverse ridge represents a portion of tectonically uplifted crust without a major root or zone of serpentinite diapirism beneath it. A region of anomalous crust associated with the fracture zone itself extends about 20 km to either side of the central fault, gradually decreasing in thickness as the fracture zone is approached. There is evidence to suggest that the thinnest crust is found beneath the edges of the 20 km wide fracture zone valley. Under the fracture zone valley the crust is generally thinner than normal oceanic crust and is also highly anomalous in its velocity structure. Seismic layer 3 is absent, and the seismic velocities are lower than normal. The absence of layer 3 indicates that normal magmatic accretionary processes are considerably modified in the vicinity of the transform fault. The low velocities are probably caused by the accumulation of rubble and talus and by the extensive faulting and fracturing associated with the transform fault. This same fracturing allows water to penetrate through the crust, and the apparently somewhat thicker crust beneath the central part of the fracture zone valley may be explained by the resultant serpentinization having depressed the seismic Moho below its original depth.  相似文献   

Data acquired from petroleum exploration well 164/7‐1 drilled in the UK sector of the Rockall Trough have yielded fresh insights into the igneous and thermal history of this frontier region. The well targeted a large four‐way dip closed structure of presumed Mesozoic age named ‘The Dome Prospect’. The structure is now known to have a magmatic, rather than a purely structural origin, which was the preferred pre‐well interpretation. The well encountered 1.2 km of Palaeocene age basaltic lavas, overlying Late Cretaceous mudstones which were intruded by over 70 dolerite sills ranging from <1.5‐ to 152‐m thick. 40Ar/39Ar dating of the dolerite intrusions indicates an Early Palaeocene age (63–64±0.5 Ma), which are among the oldest 40Ar/39Ar dates recognised in the North Atlantic Igneous Province. Radiometric dating of the overlying basaltic lavas proved unsuccessful, because of excessive alteration. Biostratigraphic dating of underlying and overlying sedimentary strata was utilised to constrain the age of the lavas to Late Paleocene to Early Eocene age (~55 Ma). Despite being related to two distinct events separated by ~8 Ma, the intrusives and extrusives are compositionally similar. The basaltic rocks from well 164/7‐1 possess Sr–Nd isotopic, major and trace‐element geochemical compositions similar to other volcanic and intrusive rocks of the British Tertiary Igneous Province and represent partial melts of both lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle associated with the proto‐Icelandic mantle plume head. Joint consideration of thermal maturity, potential fields and 3D seismic data indicate a deeper igneous body in addition to the sills encountered in well 164/7‐1. Jack‐up and arching mechanisms associated with both scales of intrusive body are believed to have developed the dome structure. The preferred interpretation is of a mafic laccolith, 17 km in diameter, ~7 km thick, intruded at 64.5 Ma, situated ~2.5 km below the bottom of the well. 3D thermal modelling suggests that all of Tranche 52 was thermally affected by the intrusion of the magmatic body. The thermal aureole, between 27 and 51 km in diameter, is not thought to play an important role in the hydrocarbon prospectivity of the surrounding Tranches in the NE Rockall Basin. Results show that hydrocarbon exploration prospects that are circular in map view should be interpreted with caution on volcanic continental margins. In sedimentary basins, where salt domes and shale diapirs are absent and igneous rocks prevalent, periclinal structures such as ‘The Dome Prospect’ should undergo a thorough multi‐disciplinary risk assessment.  相似文献   

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