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In areas of broadly distributed extensional strain, the back‐tilted edges of a wider than normal horst block may create a synclinal‐horst basin. Three Neogene synclinal‐horst basins are described from the southern Rio Grande rift and southern Transition Zone of southwestern New Mexico, USA. The late Miocene–Quaternary Uvas Valley basin developed between two fault blocks that dip 6–8° toward one another. Containing a maximum of 200 m of sediment, the Uvas Valley basin has a nearly symmetrical distribution of sediment thickness and appears to have been hydrologically closed throughout its history. The Miocene Gila Wilderness synclinal‐horst basin is bordered on three sides by gently tilted (10°, 15°, 20°) fault blocks. Despite evidence of an axial drainage that may have exited the northern edge of the basin, 200–300 m of sediment accumulated in the basin, probably as a result of high sediment yields from the large, high‐relief catchments. The Jornada del Muerto synclinal‐horst basin is positioned between the east‐tilted Caballo and west‐tilted San Andres fault blocks. Despite uplift and probable tilting of the adjacent fault blocks in the latest Oligocene and Miocene time, sediment was transported off the horst and deposited in an adjacent basin to the south. Sediment only began to accumulate in the Jornada del Muerto basin in Pliocene and Quaternary time, when an east‐dipping normal fault along the axis of the syncline created a small half graben. Overall, synclinal‐horst basins are rare, because horsts wide enough to develop broad synclines are uncommon in extensional terrains. Synclinal‐horst basins may be most common along the margins of extensional terrains, where thicker, colder crust results in wider fault spacing.  相似文献   

The Santa Rosa basin of northeastern Baja California is one of several transtensional basins that formed during Neogene oblique opening of the Gulf of California. The basin comprises Late Miocene to Pleistocene sedimentary and volcanic strata that define an asymmetric half‐graben above the Santa Rosa detachment, a low‐angle normal fault with ca. 4–5 km of SE‐directed displacement. Stratigraphic analysis reveals systematic basin‐scale facies variations both parallel and across the basin. The basin‐fill exhibits an overall fining‐upward cycle, from conglomerate and breccia at the base to alternating sandstone‐mudstone in the depocentre, which interfingers with the fault‐scarp facies of the detachment. Sediment dispersal was transverse‐dominated and occurred through coalescing alluvial fans from the immediate hanging wall and/or footwall of the detachment. Different stratigraphic sections reveal important lateral facies variations that correlate with major corrugations of the detachment fault. The latter represent extension‐parallel folds that formed largely in response to the ca. N‐S constrictional strain regime of the transtensional plate boundary. The upward vertical deflection associated with antiformal folding dampened subsidence in the northeastern Santa Rosa basin, and resulted in steep topographic gradients with a high influx of coarse conglomerate here. By contrast, the downward motion in the synform hinge resulted in increased subsidence, and led to a southwestward migration of the depocentre with time. Thus, the Santa Rosa basin represents a new type of transtensional rift basin in which oblique extension is partitioned between diffuse constriction and discrete normal faulting. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of intercalated volcanic rocks suggests that transtensional deformation began during the Late Miocene, between 9.36 ± 0.14 Ma and 6.78 ± 0.12 Ma, and confirms previous results from low‐temperature thermochronology (Seiler et al., 2011). Two other volcanic units that appear to be part of a conformable syn‐rift sequence are, in fact, duplicates of pre‐rift volcanics and represent allochthonous, gravity‐driven slide blocks that originated from the hanging wall.  相似文献   

Salt tectonics have markedly influenced the rapid evolution of the Upper Palaeozoic Cumberland Basin of Atlantic Canada, including the ca. 5 km‐thick Mississippian – Pennsylvanian stratigraphic succession exposed along the UNESCO World Heritage coastline at Joggins, Nova Scotia. A diapiric salt wall is exposed in the Minudie Anticline to the north of the Joggins section on the Maringouin Peninsula of New Brunswick, which corresponds to the fault‐bounded northern margin of the Cumberland Basin. The salt wall is of Visean evaporites of the Windsor Gp that originally were buried by red‐beds of the Mabou Gp in the Serpukhovian, and later by fluvial and floodplain strata (Boss Point Fm, Cumberland Gp) in the Yeadonian (mid‐Bashkirian, Early Pennsylvanian). Folds and faults in the Boss Point and overlying basal Little River formations are truncated by an angular unconformity at the base of overlying red‐beds of the Grande Anse Fm. Re‐evaluation of the palynological data delimits the Grande Anse Fm as Langsettian, providing a tight constraint of less than 2 myr on the timing of deformation. Diversion of palaeoflows by the rising salt structure, noted in previous work on the upper Boss Point Fm, occurs to the north of the diapiric anticline. This is interpreted to signify the development of a mini‐basin on commencement of diapirism once a ~1.5 km‐thick succession of clastic strata had buried the salt. Faults and folds in the succession below the unconformity indicate an initial phase of dextral transpressive strike‐slip motion, which may have promoted halokinesis. Reverse faults indicate shortening associated with northward development and overturn of the Minudie Anticline during transpression; subsequent normal faulting was associated with collapse of the sediment pile and underlying salt structure.  相似文献   

We analyse a regional 2D seismic section of the Mexican Ridges foldbelt (MRFB), western Gulf of Mexico, and construct excess‐area diagrams for each of the structures comprising the foldbelt to estimate shortening, the onset of folding and the degradation of the folded seafloor. From the chronostratigraphy, we derive rates of tectonic and superficial mass transport and illustrate how they change across the MRFB. The resulting tectonic transport in the MRFB is 11.8 km forming a train of twelve buckle folds above a detachment at a depth of ca. 6 s of two‐way travel time, with an average strain of ca. 10%. The fold train grew at a mean uplift rate of ca. 0.21 mm year?1. Cross‐sectional balancing demonstrates that shortening balances the down‐slip motion of the Quetzalcoatl extensional system (QES), suggesting that horizontal compaction, volume loss and other penetrative deformation mechanisms are negligible. By assuming steady‐state denudation, we are able to distinguish sediments derived locally from sediments transported from distant sources. The constant of mass diffusivity, a parameter controlling the degradation rate, is ca. 0.42 m2 year ?1, which is characteristic of rapid, episodic, superficial mass movements. The combined sedimentation rate from both, local and distal sources is ca. 0.23 mm year ?1. Those values are not constant; structures proximal to the continental shelf are rising rapidly and are being degraded more intensely than those in the distal part of the MRFB, where sedimentation outweighs tectonic uplift. Our results indicate deformation initiated up to 3 Myr earlier than estimated from stacking patterns. Moreover, we find deformation started synchronously during the Late Miocene throughout the MRFB and not in two episodes as the stacking relations suggest. The discrepancy can be explained by a delay in the sedimentary response to folding. During early fold growth, nearly constant thickness strata are deposited before a progressive unconformity and other converging geometries develop. The development of growth strata is fast in the folds near the QES, which are being uplifted rapidly and degraded vigorously. Under these conditions, the stratigraphic relations give only a broad estimate of the pretectonic/syntectonic limit when compared to the excess‐area method. On the other hand, the development of growth strata took twice as much time for folds near the abyssal plain, which are being uplifted at a slower rate and where degradation is less intense. Consequently, the delay takes more time, and the use of stratigraphic relations introduces an even more pronounced bias towards younger ages in the identification of the onset of folding.  相似文献   

We investigate the controls on the architecture of coarse‐grained delta progradational units (PUs) in the Pliocene Loreto basin (Baja California Sur, Mexico), a half‐graben located on the western margin of the Gulf of California. Dorsey et al. (1997b) argued that delta progradation and transgression cycles in the basin were driven by episodic fault‐controlled subsidence along the basin‐bounding Loreto fault. Here we test this hypothesis by a detailed analysis of the sedimentary architecture of 11 exceptionally well‐exposed, vertically arranged fluvio‐deltaic PUs, each of which shows lateral facies transition from proximal alluvial facies palaeo‐seaward into distal pro‐delta facies. Of these 11 PUs, seven exhibit a lateral transition from a shoal water to Gilbert‐delta facies associations as they are traced palaeo‐seaward. This transition is characterised by down‐transport development of foresets, which grow in height up to 35 m. Foreset units thicken in a basinward direction, with initially an oblique topset–foreset geometry that becomes increasingly sigmoidal. Each delta is capped by a shell bed that records drowning of the delta top. This systematic transition in delta architecture records increasing water depth through time during individual episodes of progradation. A mechanism that explains this transition is an accelerating rate of fault‐controlled subsidence during each PU. During episodes of low slip rate, shoal‐water deltas prograde across the submerged topography of the underlying delta unit. As displacement rate accelerates, increasing bathymetry at the delta front leads to steepening of foresets and initiation of Gilbert deltas. Subsequent delta drowning results from sediment starvation at the shoreline at high slip rates because of sediment trapping upstream. The observed delta architecture suggests that the long‐term (>100 kyr) history of slip on the Loreto fault was characterised by repetitive episodes of accelerating displacement accumulation. Such episodic fault behaviour is most likely to be because of variations in temporal and spatial strain partitioning between the Loreto fault and other faults in the Gulf of California. A physical explanation for the acceleration phenomenon involves evolving frictional properties on the episodically active Loreto fault.  相似文献   

Excellent exposure, well-controlled palaeobathymetry, and tightly-spaced, high-precision radiometric age control in the El Gallo Fm. permit rigorous quantitative analysis. Backstripping of these proximal nonmarine, forearc basin deposits reveals that, during the Late Cretaceous, the Rosario embayment of the Peninsular Ranges forearc was undergoing an episode of rapid tectonic subsidence. This subsidence had several marked effects on the sedimentology of the Rosario embayment: formation of a broad alluvial plain consisting of coarse-grained clastics; rapid (∼ 600 m Myr-1) aggradation of sediments; and a retrogradational succession of facies, capped by a marine transgression, as deposition failed to keep pace with eustatic rise and subsidence.
Long-term sedimentation is driven by some combination of two allocyclic mechanisms: tectonic subsidence and eustatic sea-level rise. In order to evaluate which force predominated during deposition of the El Gallo Fm., the processes of sedimentation, compaction, and isostasy are evaluated through the interval in question. A sensitivity analysis is performed, in which the maximum tectonic and maximum eustatic contributions are estimated, along with the best-fit model. These results are qualitatively the same: tectonic subsidence was the major driving force of sedimentation in the Rosario embayment in late Campanian time. Regional sedimentological similarities suggest that this tectonic subsidence may have characterized the Peninsular Ranges forearc margin at this time, reflecting an episode of active down-faulting during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Glaciers in the western USA contribute summer meltwater to regional hydrological systems. In the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, where glaciers do not exist, rock glaciers serve that function during the summer runoff period. Most rock glaciers in Colorado are located on northern slopes in mountainous areas; however, some rock glaciers in southwest Colorado have different aspects. In this study, we asked how slope aspect and rising air temperatures influence the hydrological processes of streams sourced from rock glaciers in the San Juan Mountains. We focused on three adjacent basins, Yankee Boy basin, Blue Lakes basin, and Mill Creek basin, which share a common peak, Gilpin Peak. Using HOBO® U20-001–04 water-level loggers, streamflow data were collected in each of these basins, below each rock glacier. Air temperature significantly influenced stream discharge below the rock glacier. Discharge and air temperature patterns indicate a possible air temperature threshold during late summer when rock glacier melt increases at a greater rate. The results also suggest that the aspect of rock glacier basins influences stream discharge, but that temperature and precipitation are likely larger components of melt regimes.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic data from petroleum wells and seismic reflection analysis reveal two distinct episodes of subsidence in the southern New Caledonia Trough and deep‐water Taranaki Basin. Tectonic subsidence of ~2.5 km was related to Cretaceous rift faulting and post‐rift thermal subsidence, and ~1.5 km of anomalous passive tectonic subsidence occurred during Cenozoic time. Pure‐shear stretching by factors of up to 2 is estimated for the first phase of subsidence from the exponential decay of post‐rift subsidence. The second subsidence event occured ~40 Ma after rifting ceased, and was not associated with faulting in the upper crust. Eocene subsidence patterns indicate northward tilting of the basin, followed by rapid regional subsidence during the Oligocene and Early Miocene. The resulting basin is 300–500 km wide and over 2000 km long, includes part of Taranaki Basin, and is not easily explained by any classic model of lithosphere deformation or cooling. The spatial scale of the basin, paucity of Cenozoic crustal faulting, and magnitudes of subsidence suggest a regional process that acted from below, probably originating within the upper mantle. This process was likely associated with inception of nearby Australia‐Pacific plate convergence, which ultimately formed the Tonga‐Kermadec subduction zone. Our study demonstrates that shallow‐water environments persisted for longer and their associated sedimentary sequences are hence thicker than would be predicted by any rift basin model that produces such large values of subsidence and an equivalent water depth. We suggest that convective processes within the upper mantle can influence the sedimentary facies distribution and thermal architecture of deep‐water basins, and that not all deep‐water basins are simply the evolved products of the same processes that produce shallow‐water sedimentary basins. This may be particularly true during the inception of subduction zones, and we suggest the term ‘prearc’ basin to describe this tectonic setting.  相似文献   

The South Caspian Basin has accumulated a sedimentary succession ~20 km thick. Roughly half of this was deposited in the last 5.5 Ma, mainly in the largely lower Pliocene, fluvio‐lacustrine Productive Series, which is also the principal hydrocarbon reservoir succession in the basin. Heavy mineral data identify different sediment sources for both Productive Series sandstones and modern river sands. Lesser Caucasus sediment was supplied by the Palaeo‐Kura into the western part of the South Caspian Basin. Productive Series strata in the north of the basin were supplied by the Palaeo‐Volga, and represent a mixture of sediment from the Greater Caucasus and Russian Platform/Urals. Greater Caucasus sand input to the Palaeo‐Volga increased at the start of deposition of the Pereriva Suite, which is an important reservoir subunit of the Productive Series. We interpret this provenance shift as indicating enhanced uplift and exhumation of the Greater Caucasus within the Pliocene, during regional re‐organization of the Arabia–Eurasia collision, although late Cenozoic climate changes may have played a role.  相似文献   

Janecke  McIntosh  & Good 《Basin Research》1999,11(2):143-165
We examine the basin geometry and sedimentary patterns in the Muddy Creek half graben of south-west Montana by integrating geological mapping, structural and basin analysis, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, biostratigraphy and reflection seismic data. The half graben formed in late Middle Eocene to early Oligocene (?) time at the breakaway of a regional, WSW-dipping detachment system. Although the structure of the half graben is that of a supradetachment basin, facies patterns and basin architecture do not conform to a recent model for extensional basins above detachment faults. The border fault, the Muddy Creek fault system, consists of three en echelon, left-stepping normal faults separated by two relay ramps. The fault steepens southward toward each en echelon step, ranges in dip from 8 to 60° near the surface, but flattens at depths between 0 and 3 km. A broad ENE-plunging displacement-gradient syncline defines the central part of the half graben and is flanked by narrow SE-and NE-plunging anticlines to the north and south. Fine-grained deposits of the syntectonic basin-fill are thickest in the central syncline and interfinger with footwall-derived conglomerate near the adjacent anticlines. These facies patterns suggest that folding was coeval with extension and sedimentation in the half graben. Pre-extensional volcanic rocks and interbedded conglomerate filled a major ESE-trending palaeovalley along the future axis of the Muddy Creek half graben. Synextensional sedimentary deposits include lacustrine and paludal shale, mudstone and sandstone ponded in the centre of the half graben, and a narrow (typically <1.5 km wide) fringe of coarse alluvial-fan and fan-delta conglomerate and sandstone derived from the footwall. Angular unconformities and rock-slide deposits occur only locally within the syntectonic sequence. These facies patterns agree well with the half-graben depositional model of Leeder & Gawthorpe but not with a more recent supradetachment basin model of Friedmann & Burbank despite the demonstrably low dip-angle of the basin-bounding normal fault. These data show that it may not be possible to differentiate between supradetachment basins and half graben with steeper border faults using the architecture of the associated basin-fill deposits.  相似文献   

It has been observed that the distance between the outlets of transverse basins in orogens is typically half of the distance between the main divide and the range front irrespective of mountain range size or erosional controls. Although it has been suggested that this relationship is the inherent expression of Hack's law, and/or possibly a function of range widening, there are cases of notable deviations from the typical half‐width average spacing. Moreover, it has not been demonstrated that this general relationship is also true for basins in morphologically similar nonorogenic settings, or for those that do not extend to the main drainage divide. These issues are explored by investigating the relationship between basin outlet spacing and the 2‐dimensional geometric properties of drainage basins (basin length, main valley length and basin area) in order to assess whether the basin outlet spacing‐range width ratio is a universal characteristic of fluvial systems. We examined basins spanning two orders of magnitude in area along the southern flank of the Himalayas and the coastal zone of southeast Africa. We found that the spacing between basin outlets (Los) for major transverse basins that drain the main divide (range‐scale basins) is approximately half of the basin length (Lb) for all basins, irrespective of size, in southeast Africa. In the Himalayas, while this ratio was observed for eastern Himalayan basins (a region where the maximum elevations coincided with the main drainage divide), it was only observed in basins shorter than ~30 km in the western and central Himalayas. Our analysis indicates that basin outlet spacing is consistent with Hack's law, apparently because the increase in basin width (represented by outlet spacing) with basin area occurs at a rate similar to the increase in main stream length (Lv) with basin area. It is suggested that most river systems tend towards an approximately diamond‐shaped packing arrangement, and this applies both to the nonorogenic setting of southeast Africa as well as most orogenic settings. However, in the western Himalayas shortening associated with localised rock uplift appears to have occurred at length scales smaller than most the basins examined. As a result rivers in basins longer than ~30 km have been unable to erode in a direction normal to the range front at a sufficiently high rate to sustain this form and have been forced into an alternative, and possibly unstable, packing arrangement.  相似文献   

Four drowned shelf-edge delta complexes, two drowned shelf deltas, three drowned barrier islands, large areas of “hardground”, and fields of bedforms on the mid and outer continental shelf and uppermost slope north of the head of De Soto Canyon, NE Gulf of Mexico were mapped with high-resolution multibeam echosounder. Deltas formed not during the last eustatic low stand, but during one or more interstadials when eustatic sea levels were only 60 to 80 m below present sea level. The barrier islands and deltas must have been cemented prior to rapid falls of eustatic sea level that occurred during global glaciations. Cementation is necessary to have preserved the barrier islands from erosion and subsequent destruction by the rapid sea-level rise during the last deglaciation. The preservation of the relict bathymetry is so good that features that superficially resemble trough blowouts are found in association with one of the relict barrier islands. Asymmetric bedforms on the midshelf in water depths of 50 to 60 m indicate transport directions to the SW but asymmetric bedforms in water depths of the upper slope between 100 and 120 m on the S and SE flanks of the drowned shelf-edge deltas indicate a different current direction, a separate flow that is a continuation of a SW-flowing current that was previously found on the upper slope off NW Florida.  相似文献   

The style of extension and strain distribution during the early stages of intra-continental rifting is important for understanding rift-margin development and can provide constraints for lithospheric deformation mechanisms. The Corinth rift in central Greece is one of the few rifts to have experienced a short extensional history without subsequent overprinting. We synthesise existing seismic reflection data throughout the active offshore Gulf of Corinth Basin to investigate fault activity history and the spatio-temporal evolution of the basin, producing for the first time basement depth and syn-rift sediment isopachs throughout the offshore rift. A major basin-wide unconformity surface with an age estimated from sea-level cycles at ca . 0.4 Ma separates distinct seismic stratigraphic units. Assuming that sedimentation rates are on average consistent, the present rift formed at 1–2 Ma, with no clear evidence for along-strike propagation of the rift axis. The rift has undergone major changes in relative fault activity and basin geometry during its short history. The basement depth is greatest in the central rift (maximum ∼3 km) and decreases to the east and west. In detail however, two separated depocentres 20–50 km long were created controlled by N- and S-dipping faults before 0.4 Ma, while since ca . 0.4 Ma a single depocentre (80 km long) has been controlled by several connected N-dipping faults, with maximum subsidence focused between the two older depocentres. Thus isolated but nearby faults can persist for timescales ca . 1 Ma and form major basins before becoming linked. There is a general evolution towards a dominance of N-dipping faults; however, in the western Gulf strain is distributed across several active N- and S-dipping faults throughout rift history, producing a more complex basin geometry.  相似文献   

北部湾涠洲岛珊瑚礁的研究历史、现状与特色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析多年来涠洲岛珊瑚礁的研究成果,得出以下认识:1)近20多年来涠洲岛活珊瑚覆盖率呈快速下降趋势,北部活珊瑚覆盖率由2005年的63.70%下降到2010年的12.10%,东南部由1991年的60.00%下降到2010年的17.58%,西南部由1991年的80.00%下降到2010年的8.45%;2)处于相对高纬度区域的涠洲岛珊瑚礁,是研究全球气候变暖背景下珊瑚向高纬度或相对高纬度海域迁移的珊瑚避难所这一假说的理想区域;3)涠洲岛的珊瑚礁直接发育于火山基岩之上,是检验达尔文关于环礁成因假说的理想场所;4)涠洲岛珊瑚礁主要受到极端气候事件与人类活动的双重影响,是研究珊瑚礁响应人类活动和极端气候事件的天然实验室。因此,涠洲岛珊瑚礁除了与其他珊瑚礁一样具备重要的资源、生态与环境特征之外,还具有独特的科学研究价值,需要引起高度重视并进行有效保护,为南海珊瑚的北向迁移创造条件。  相似文献   

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