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 The standard analytical approach which is applied for constructing geopotential models OSU86 and earlier ones, is based on reducing the boundary value equation to a sphere enveloping the Earth and then solving it directly with respect to the potential coefficients n,m . In an alternative procedure, developed by Jekeli and used for constructing the models OSU91 and EGM96, at first an ellipsoidal harmonic series is developed for the geopotential and then its coefficients n,m e are transformed to the unknown n,m . The second solution is more exact, but much more complicated. The standard procedure is modified and a new simple integral formula is derived for evaluating the potential coefficients. The efficiency of the standard and new procedures is studied numerically. In these solutions the same input data are used as for constructing high-degree parts of the EGM96 models. From two sets of n,m (n≤360,|m|≤n), derived by the standard and new approaches, different spectral characteristics of the gravity anomaly and the geoid undulation are estimated and then compared with similar characteristics evaluated by Jekeli's approach (`etalon' solution). The new solution appears to be very close to Jekeli's, as opposed to the standard solution. The discrepancies between all the characteristics of the new and `etalon' solutions are smaller than the corresponding discrepancies between two versions of the final geopotential model EGM96, one of them (HDM190) constructed by the block-diagonal least squares (LS) adjustment and the other one (V068) by using Jekeli's approach. On the basis of the derived analytical solution a new simple mathematical model is developed to apply the LS technique for evaluating geopotential coefficients. Received: 12 December 2000 / Accepted: 21 June 2001  相似文献   

 A potential-type Molodensky telluroid based upon a minimum-distance mapping is derived. With respect to a reference potential of Somigliana–Pizzetti type which relates to the World Geodetic Datum 2000, it is shown that a point-wise minimum-distance mapping of the topographical surface of the Earth onto the telluroid surface, constrained to the gauge W(P)=u(p), leads to a system of four nonlinear normal equations. These normal equations are solved by a fast Newton–Raphson iteration. Received: 7 February 2000 / Accepted: 23 October 2001  相似文献   

Fast spherical collocation: theory and examples   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
 It has long been known that a spherical harmonic analysis of gridded (and noisy) data on a sphere (with uniform error for a fixed latitude) gives rise to simple systems of equations. This idea has been generalized for the method of least-squares collocation, when using an isotropic covariance function or reproducing kernel. The data only need to be at the same altitude and of the same kind for each latitude. This permits, for example, the combination of gravity data at the surface of the Earth and data at satellite altitude, when the orbit is circular. Suppose that data are associated with the points of a grid with N values in latitude and M values in longitude. The latitudes do not need to be spaced uniformly. Also suppose that it is required to determine the spherical harmonic coefficients to a maximal degree and order K. Then the method will require that we solve K systems of equations each having a symmetric positive definite matrix of only N × N. Results of simulation studies using the method are described. Received: 18 October 2001 / Accepted: 4 October 2002 Correspondence to: F. Sansò  相似文献   

 The recovery of a full set of gravity field parameters from satellite gravity gradiometry (SGG) is a huge numerical and computational task. In practice, parallel computing has to be applied to estimate the more than 90 000 harmonic coefficients parameterizing the Earth's gravity field up to a maximum spherical harmonic degree of 300. Three independent solution strategies (preconditioned conjugate gradient method, semi-analytic approach, and distributed non-approximative adjustment), which are based on different concepts, are assessed and compared both theoretically and on the basis of a realistic-as-possible numerical simulation regarding the accuracy of the results, as well as the computational effort. Special concern is given to the correct treatment of the coloured noise characteristics of the gradiometer. The numerical simulations show that the three methods deliver nearly identical results—even in the case of large data gaps in the observation time series. The newly proposed distributed non-approximative adjustment approach, which is the only one of the three methods that solves the inverse problem in a strict sense, also turns out to be a feasible method for practical applications. Received: 17 December 2001 / Accepted: 17 July 2002 Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Prof. W.-D. Schuh, Institute of Theoretical Geodesy, University of Bonn, for providing us with the serial version of the PCGMA algorithm, which forms the basis for the parallel PCGMA package developed at our institute. This study was partially performed in the course of the GOCE project `From E?tv?s to mGal+', funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) under contract No. 14287/00/NL/DC. Correspondence to: R. Pail  相似文献   

 In a comparison of the solution of the spherical horizontal and vertical boundary value problems of physical geodesy it is aimed to construct downward continuation operators for vertical deflections (surface gradient of the incremental gravitational potential) and for gravity disturbances (vertical derivative of the incremental gravitational potential) from points on the Earth's topographic surface or of the three-dimensional (3-D) Euclidean space nearby down to the international reference sphere (IRS). First the horizontal and vertical components of the gravity vector, namely spherical vertical deflections and spherical gravity disturbances, are set up. Second, the horizontal and vertical boundary value problem in spherical gravity and geometry space is considered. The incremental gravity vector is represented in terms of vector spherical harmonics. The solution of horizontal spherical boundary problem in terms of the horizontal vector-valued Green function converts vertical deflections given on the IRS to the incremental gravitational potential external in the 3-D Euclidean space. The horizontal Green functions specialized to evaluation and source points on the IRS coincide with the Stokes kernel for vertical deflections. Third, the vertical spherical boundary value problem is solved in terms of the vertical scalar-valued Green function. Fourth, the operators for upward continuation of vertical deflections given on the IRS to vertical deflections in its external 3-D Euclidean space are constructed. Fifth, the operators for upward continuation of incremental gravity given on the IRS to incremental gravity to the external 3-D Euclidean space are generated. Finally, Meissl-type diagrams for upward continuation and regularized downward continuation of horizontal and vertical gravity data, namely vertical deflection and incremental gravity, are produced. Received: 10 May 2000 / Accepted: 26 February 2001  相似文献   

 The analytical continuation of the surface gravity anomaly to sea level is a necessary correction in the application of Stokes' formula for geoid estimation. This process is frequently performed by the inversion of Poisson's integral formula for a sphere. Unfortunately, this integral equation corresponds to an improperly posed problem, and the solution is both numerically unstable, unless it is well smoothed, and tedious to compute. A solution that avoids the intermediate step of downward continuation of the gravity anomaly is presented. Instead the effect on the geoid as provided by Stokes' formula is studied directly. The practical solution is partly presented in terms of a truncated Taylor series and partly as a truncated series of spherical harmonics. Some simple numerical estimates show that the solution mostly meets the requests of a 1-cm geoid model, but the truncation error of the far zone must be studied more precisely for high altitudes of the computation point. In addition, it should be emphasized that the derived solution is more computer efficient than the detour by Poisson's integral. Received: 6 February 2002 / Accepted: 18 November 2002 Acknowledgements. Jonas ?gren carried out the numerical calculations and gave some critical and constructive remarks on a draft version of the paper. This support is cordially acknowledged. Also, the thorough work performed by one unknown reviewer is very much appreciated.  相似文献   

A synthetic Earth for use in geodesy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 A synthetic Earth and its gravity field that can be represented at different resolutions for testing and comparing existing and new methods used for global gravity-field determination are created. Both the boundary and boundary values of the gravity potential can be generated. The approach chosen also allows observables to be generated at aircraft flight height or at satellite altitude. The generation of the synthetic Earth shape (SES) and gravity-field quantities is based upon spherical harmonic expansions of the isostatically compensated equivalent rock topography and the EGM96 global geopotential model. Spherical harmonic models are developed for both the synthetic Earth topography (SET) and the synthetic Earth potential (SEP) up to degree and order 2160 corresponding to a 5′×5′ resolution. Various sets of SET, SES and SEP with boundary geometry and boundary values at different resolutions can be generated using low-pass filters applied to the expansions. The representation is achieved in point sets based upon refined triangulation of a octahedral geometry projected onto the chosen reference ellipsoid. The filter cut-offs relate to the sampling pattern in order to avoid aliasing effects. Examples of the SET and its gravity field are shown for a resolution with a Nyquist sampling rate of 8.27 degrees. Received: 6 August 1999 / Accepted: 26 April 2000  相似文献   

Green's function solution to spherical gradiometric boundary-value problems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
 Three independent gradiometric boundary-value problems (BVPs) with three types of gradiometric data, {Γ rr }, {Γ r θ r λ} and {Γθθ−Γλλθλ}, prescribed on a sphere are solved to determine the gravitational potential on and outside the sphere. The existence and uniqueness conditions on the solutions are formulated showing that the zero- and the first-degree spherical harmonics are to be removed from {Γ r θ r λ} and {Γθθ−Γλλθλ}, respectively. The solutions to the gradiometric BVPs are presented in terms of Green's functions, which are expressed in both spectral and closed spatial forms. The logarithmic singularity of the Green's function at the point ψ=0 is investigated for the component Γ rr . The other two Green's functions are finite at this point. Comparisons to the paper by van Gelderen and Rummel [Journal of Geodesy (2001) 75: 1–11] show that the presented solution refines the former solution. Received: 3 October 2001 / Accepted: 4 October 2002  相似文献   

 A general scheme is given for the solution in a least-squares sense of the geodetic boundary value problem in a spherical, constant-radius approximation, both uniquely and overdetermined, for a large class of observations. The only conditions are that the relation of the observations to the disturbing potential is such that a diagonalization in the spectrum can be found and that the error-covariance function of the observations is isotropic and homogeneous. Most types of observations used in physical geodesy can be adjusted to fit into this approach. Examples are gravity anomalies, deflections of the vertical and the second derivatives of the gravity potential. Received: 3 November 1999 / Accepted: 25 September 2000  相似文献   

 The problems of intersection on the sphere and ellipsoid are studied. On the sphere, the problem of intersection along great circles is explicitly solved. On the ellipsoid, each of the problems of intersection along arcs of constant azimuth, normal sections and geodesic lines is solved without any limitation on arc length. In the last case the solution is based on the Newton–Raphson method of iteration including numerical integration. Received: 11 April 2001 / Accepted: 3 September 2001  相似文献   

  The Western Alps are among the best studied collisional belts with both detailed structural mapping and also crustal geophysical investigations such as the ECORS and EGT seismic profile. By contrast, the present-day kinematics of the belt is still largely unknown due to small relative motions and the insufficient accuracy of the triangulation data. As a consequence, several tectonic problems still remain to be solved, such as the amount of N–S convergence in the Occidental Alps, the repartition of the deformation between the Alpine tectonic units, and the relation between deformation and rotation across the Alpine arc. In order to address these problems, the GPS ALPES group, made up of French, Swiss and Italian research organizations, has achieved the first large-scale GPS surveys of the Western Alps. More than 60 sites were surveyed in 1993 and 1998 with a minimum observation of 3 days at each site. GPS data processing has been done by three independent teams using different software. The different solutions have horizontal repeatabilities (N–E) of 4–7 mm in 1993 and 2–3 mm in 1998 and compare at the 3–5-mm level in position and 2-mm/yr level in velocity. A comparison of 1993 and 1998 coordinates shows that residual velocities of the GPS marks are generally smaller than 2 mm/yr, precluding a detailed tectonic interpretation of the differential motions. However, these data seem to suggest that the N–S compression of the Western Alps is quite mild (less than 2 mm/yr) compared to the global convergence between the African and Eurasian plate (6 mm/yr). This implies that the shortening must be accomodated elsewhere by the deformation of the Maghrebids and/or by rotations of Mediterranean microplates. Also, E–W velocity components analysis supports the idea that E–W extension exists, as already suggested by recent structural and seismotectonic data interpretation. Received: 27 November 2000 / Accepted: 17 September 2001  相似文献   

 Since the beginning of the International Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) Experiment, IGEX, in October 1998, the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) has acted as an analysis center providing precise GLONASS orbits on a regular basis. In CODE's IGEX routine analysis the Global Positioning System (GPS) orbits and Earth rotation parameters are introduced as known quantities into the GLONASS processing. A new approach is studied, where data from the IGEX network are combined with GPS observations from the International GPS Service (IGS) network and all parameters (GPS and GLONASS orbits, Earth rotation parameters, and site coordinates) are estimated in one processing step. The influence of different solar radiation pressure parameterizations on the GLONASS orbits is studied using different parameter subsets of the extended CODE orbit model. Parameterization with three constant terms in the three orthogonal directions, D, Y, and X (D = direction satellite–Sun, Y = direction of the satellite's solar panel axis), and two periodic terms in the X-direction, proves to be adequate for GLONASS satellites. As a result of the processing it is found that the solar radiation pressure effect for the GLONASS satellites is significantly different in the Y-direction from that for the GPS satellites, and an extensive analysis is carried out to investigate the effect in detail. SLR observations from the ILRS network are used as an independent check on the quality of the GLONASS orbital solutions. Both processing aspects, combining the two networks and changing the orbit parameterization, significantly improve the quality of the determined GLONASS orbits compared to the orbits stemming from CODE's IGEX routine processing. Received: 10 May 2000 / Accepted: 9 October 2000  相似文献   

 The global positioning system (GPS) model is distinctive in the way that the unknown parameters are not only real-valued, the baseline coordinates, but also integers, the phase ambiguities. The GPS model therefore leads to a mixed integer–real-valued estimation problem. Common solutions are the float solution, which ignores the ambiguities being integers, or the fixed solution, where the ambiguities are estimated as integers and then are fixed. Confidence regions, so-called HPD (highest posterior density) regions, for the GPS baselines are derived by Bayesian statistics. They take care of the integer character of the phase ambiguities but still consider them as unknown parameters. Estimating these confidence regions leads to a numerical integration problem which is solved by Monte Carlo methods. This is computationally expensive so that approximations of the confidence regions are also developed. In an example it is shown that for a high confidence level the confidence region consists of more than one region. Received: 1 February 2001 / Accepted: 18 July 2001  相似文献   

 The topographic and atmospheric effects of gravimetric geoid determination by the modified Stokes formula, which combines terrestrial gravity and a global geopotential model, are presented. Special emphasis is given to the zero- and first-degree effects. The normal potential is defined in the traditional way, such that the disturbing potential in the exterior of the masses contains no zero- and first-degree harmonics. In contrast, it is shown that, as a result of the topographic masses, the gravimetric geoid includes such harmonics of the order of several centimetres. In addition, the atmosphere contributes with a zero-degree harmonic of magnitude within 1 cm. Received: 5 November 1999 / Accepted: 22 January 2001  相似文献   

 Carrier phase ambiguity resolution is the key to fast and high-precision GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) kinematic positioning. Critical in the application of ambiguity resolution is the quality of the computed integer ambiguities. Unsuccessful ambiguity resolution, when passed unnoticed, will too often lead to unacceptable errors in the positioning results. Very high success rates are therefore required for ambiguity resolution to be reliable. Biases which are unaccounted for will lower the success rate and thus increase the chance of unsuccessful ambiguity resolution. The performance of integer ambiguity estimation in the presence of such biases is studied. Particular attention is given to integer rounding, integer bootstrapping and integer least squares. Lower and upper bounds, as well as an exact and easy-to-compute formula for the bias-affected success rate, are presented. These results will enable the evaluation of the bias robustness of ambiguity resolution. Received: 28 September 2000 / Accepted: 29 March 2001  相似文献   

 Monitoring of the crustal movements along a tectonic fault is of particular importance in the study of the mechanism of an earthquake. There are several techniques to gauge crustal deformations, including terrestrial survey methods, space-positioning techniques and permanently installed geotechnical instruments. Each technique or method has its own advantages and limitations. Integration of the various techniques into a monitoring scheme is recommended. It is discussed how a proper integrated system can significantly improve the separability of a monitoring scheme at little additional expense. Separability is the ability of a monitoring scheme to distinguish among potential deformation models, and can be used for the optimum design of monitoring schemes. Discussion concentrates on the separability between a dislocation model and a rigid movement model in the area of an active fault. The addition of a few strain observations to a conventional terrestrial survey scheme can better distinguish between the above-mentioned models. A simulated example is presented to demonstrate the idea. Received: 4 November 1997 / Accepted: 9 July 2001  相似文献   

The gravitational potential and its derivatives for the prism   总被引:12,自引:12,他引:12  
 As a simple building block, the right rectangular parallelepiped (prism) has an important role mostly in local gravity field modelling studies when the so called flat-Earth approximation is sufficient. Its primary (methodological) advantage follows from the simplicity of the rigorous and consistent analytical forms describing the different gravitation-related quantities. The analytical forms provide numerical values for these quantities which satisfy the functional connections existing between these quantities at the level of numerical precision applied. Closed expressions for the gravitational potential of the prism and its derivatives (up to the third order) are listed for easy reference. Received: 18 August 1999 / Accepted: 15 June 2000  相似文献   

 The use of GPS for height control in an area with existing levelling data requires the determination of a local geoid and the bias between the local levelling datum and the one implicitly defined when computing the local geoid. If only scarse gravity data are available, the heights of new data may be collected rapidly by determining the ellipsoidal height by GPS and not using orthometric heights. Hence the geoid determination has to be based on gravity disturbances contingently combined with gravity anomalies. Furthermore, existing GPS/levelling data may also be used in the geoid determination if a suitable general gravity field modelling method (such as least-squares collocation, LSC) is applied. A comparison has been made in the Aswan Dam area between geoids determined using fast Fourier transform (FFT) with gravity disturbances exclusively and LSC using only the gravity disturbances and the disturbances combined with GPS/levelling data. The EGM96 spherical harmonic model was in all cases used in a remove–restore mode. A total of 198 gravity disturbances spaced approximately 3 km apart were used, as well as 35 GPS/levelling points in the vicinity and on the Aswan Dam. No data on the Nasser Lake were available. This gave difficulties when using FFT, which requires the use of gridded data. When using exclusively the gravity disturbances, the agreement between the GPS/levelling data were 0.71 ± 0.17 m for FFT and 0.63 ± 0.15 for LSC. When combining gravity disturbances and GPS/levelling, the LSC error estimate was ±0.10 m. In the latter case two bias parameters had to be introduced to account for a possible levelling datum difference between the levelling on the dam and that on the adjacent roads. Received: 14 August 2000 / Accepted: 28 February 2001  相似文献   

 The New Hebrides experiment consisted of setting up a pair of DORIS beacons in remote tropical islands in the southwestern Pacific, between 1993 and 1997. Because of orbitography requirements on TOPEX/Poséidon, the beacons were only transmitting to SPOT satellites. Root-mean-square (RMS) scatters at the centimeter level on the latitude and vertical components were achieved, but 2-cm RMS scatters affected the longitude component. Nevertheless, results of relative velocity (123 mm/year N250°) are very consistent with those obtained using the global positioning system (GPS) (126 mm/yr N246°). The co-seismic step (12 mm N60°) related to the Walpole event (M W = 7.7) is consistent with that derived from GPS (10 mm N30°) or from the centroid moment tensor (CMT) of the quake (12 mm N000°). Received: 19 November 1999 / Accepted: 17 May 2000  相似文献   

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