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Doklady Earth Sciences - Sergeysmirnovite, MgZn2(PO4)2 · 4H2O, is a new mineral from the oxidation zone of the Kester mineral deposit, Sakha-Yakutia, Russia. This mineral forms...  相似文献   

刁飞一ISON WITH THOSE OF NEIGHBORINGAREAS(AMCS,ISSN 1000一0674,CN32一1 1 89,12(4),1995,p.349一373,2 graPhs,4tables,35 ref,wirh English abstraet)962146 Shang Ping(Fuxin Institute of Mi-n ing and‘I’eehnology,Fuxin,Liaoning)THE NATURE AND CHARACTERS OFTHE EARLY CRETACEOUS FLORAFROM THE PINGZHUANG BASIN,IN-NER MONGOLIA(GR,ISSN 0371一5736,CN 11一1 952/P,41(6),1995,P.533一536,1table,6 ref,with English abstraer)962144 Tong Guobang(Institute o…  相似文献   

980326 Chen Jianqiang(China University ofGeoseienees,Beijing)The MicroskeletalStruCtUreS ofM公k耐t勿LavruseviCh(Rugosa)(Aeta Palaeontologieal Siniea,ISSN 0001一6616,CN 32一1188,36(4),1 997,p.446一452,2 tables,2 Plates,18ref) Maikottia Lavrusevieh 1 967 15 a group ofPeeuliar fossil eystiPhyllids,usually in eerioideompound forms with eystiPhylloid septa eom-posed of eomposite rhabdaeanthines,rangingfrom Lower Silurian(Llandovery series)toUPPer Silurian(Ludlow series)in theYangtze …  相似文献   

971349 Che;19 Jie(China Universityseienees,Beijing)The MammaljanShowjng ClimatieF盆uetuat应on—ExamPle of the Early Pleistoceneof Ge。FaunaS AS anMam-malian Faunas from Zhoukoudian,Beijing,China(ESI矛,ISSN 1 005一2321,CN 11一3370/P,4(2),1997,p·275一279,1 graph,1 table,10 ref) By analyses of the four local marnmalianfaunas from Zhoukoudian,Beijing,the EarlyPleistoeene elimatie and eeologieal environ-CN 11一1 905/Q1 53,1 graph,1735(2).1997,P.145一mental ehangespaper.One of1 .90M…  相似文献   

peldense,X.yixianenese,X.fuxinense sP.nov.and X.h:‘011,Zhe,,se sP.nov.In addi~,一on,rwo other sPeezes rePorred by prev一ousaurhors were also ldenrifled as X.‘o),ch夕l;a,,u,):and X.l;ao,,z,之ge,zse .Thepalaeoeeologieal envlronmenr model and phy-logeno51s of the genus Xeno了夕10,,aro analyzedand dlseussed irlt}115 paper.20001600 Ding Qiuhong(Shenyang Institureof Geology and Mineral Resourees,Shenyang,Liaoning);Zheng Shaolin Meso-zoic Fossil Woods of Genus Xenoxylon fromNortheast Chi…  相似文献   

980318 Jiao Jianwei(YuanPing IndustrialSchool,YuanPing,Shanxi)The Discovery ofthe Oldest MegasPore“Qiuguo”of PermianStratum of Don梦han,Taiyuan and its Ev企lut五on Slgnifieanee(Journal of Geology andM inera!Resourees of North China,ISSN1005一2682,CN14一1192/P,12(4),1997,P.315一318,1 Plate,11 ref) The Cyeas megasPore leaf was firstlyfound in Lower Permian stratum of Dong-shan,Taiyuan of Shanxi Provinee.It showsthatt蚤le eone一shaped strueture was possiblyMediterranean eurre[1…  相似文献   

A new mineral, hillesheimite, has been found in the Graulai basaltic quarry, near the town of Hillesheim, the Eifel Mountains, Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany. It occurs in the late assemblage comprising nepheline, augite, fluorapatite, magnetite, perovskite, priderite, götzenite, lamprophyllite-group minerals, and åkermanite. Colorless flattened crystals of hillesheimite reaching 0.2 × 1 × 1.5 mm in size and aggregates of the crystals occur in miarolitic cavities in alkali basalt. The mineral is brittle, with Mohs’ hard-ness 4. Cleavage is perfect parallel to (010) and distinct on (100) and (001). D calc = 2.174 g/cm3, D meas = 2.16(1) g/cm3. IR spectrum is given. Hillesheimite is biaxial (?), α = 1.496(2), β = 1.498(2), γ = 1.499(2), 2V meas = 80°. The chemical composition (electron microprobe, mean of 4 point analyses, H2O determined from structural data, wt %) is as follows: 0.24 Na2O, 4.15 K2O, 2.14 MgO, 2.90 CaO, 2.20 BaO, 2.41 FeO, 15.54 Al2O3, 52.94 SiO2, 19.14 H2O, total is 101.65. The empirical formula is: K0.96Na0.08Ba0.16Ca0.56Mg0.58Fe 0.37 2+ [Si9.62Al3.32O23(OH)6][(OH)0.82(H2O)0.18] · 8H2O. The crystal structure has been determined from X-ray single-crystal diffraction data, R = 0.1735. Hillesheimite is orthorhombic, space group Pmmn, the unit-cell dimensions are: a = 6.979(11), b = 37.1815(18), c = 6.5296(15) Å; V=1694(3) Å3, Z = 2. The crystal structure is based on the block [(Si,Al)13O25(OH)4] consisting of three single tetrahedral layers linked via common vertices and is topologically identical to the triple layers in günterblassite and umbrianite. The strong reflections [d Å (I %)] in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are: 6.857(58), 6.545(100), 6.284(53), 4.787(96), 4.499(59), 3.065(86), 2.958(62), 2.767(62). The mineral was named after its type locality. Type specimens are deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, registration number 4174/1.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - Epifanovite, NaCaCu5(PO4)4[AsO2(OH)2] · 7H2O, a new natural copper, sodium and calcium arsenate–phosphate, has been found in a quartz–phosphate pocket...  相似文献   

Thermodynamic properties of several TeO2 polymorphs and metal tellurites were measured by a combination of calorimetric techniques. The most stable TeO2 polymorph is α-TeO2, with its enthalpy of formation (ΔfHo) selected from literature data as ?322.0 ± 1.3 kJ·mol?1. β-TeO2 is metastable (in enthalpy) with respect to α-TeO2 by +1.40 ± 0.07 kJ·mol?1, TeO2 glass by a larger amount of +14.09 ± 0.11 kJ·mol?1. >200 experimental runs and post-synthesis treatments were performed in order to produce phase-pure samples of Co, Cu, Mg, Mn, Ni, Zn tellurites. The results of the hydrothermal and solid-state syntheses are described in detail and the products were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction. The standard thermodynamic data for the Te(IV) phases are (standard enthalpy of formation from the elements, ΔfHo in kJ·mol?1, standard third-law entropy So in J·mol?1·K?1): Co2Te3O8: ΔfHo = ?1514.2 ± 6.0, So = 319.2 ± 2.2; CoTe6O13: ΔfHo = ?2212.5 ± 8.1, So = 471.7 ± 3.3; MgTe6O13: ΔfHo = ?2525.8 ± 7.9, So = 509.2 ± 3.6; Ni2Te3O8: ΔfHo not measured, So = 293.3 ± 2.1; NiTe6O13: ΔfHo = ?2198.7 ± 8.2, So = 466.5 (estimated); CuTe2O5: ΔfHo = ?820.2 ± 3.3, So = 187.2 ± 1.3; Zn2Te3O8: ΔfHo = ?1722.5 ± 4.0, So = 299.3 ± 2.1. The solubility calculations show that the Te(IV) concentration in an aqueous phase, needed to produce such phases, must be at least 3–5 orders of magnitude higher than the natural Te background concentrations. The occurrence of these minerals, as expected, are restricted to hotspots of Te concentrations. In order to produce more reliable phase diagrams, more work needs to be done on the thermodynamics of potential competing phases in these systems, including Te(VI) phases.  相似文献   

Ferrovalleriite, ideally 2(Fe,Cu)S · 1.5Fe(OH)2, a layered hydroxide-sulfide of the valleriite group and an analog of valleriite with Fe instead of Mg in the hydroxide block, has been approved by the IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification as a valid mineral species. It was found in the Oktyabr’sky Mine, Noril’sk, Krasnoyarsk krai, Siberia, Russia. Ferrovalleriite occurs in cavities of massive sulfide ore mainly consisting of cubanite and mooihoekite. In different cases, it is associated with magnetite, Fe-rich chlorite-like phyllosilicate, ferrotochilinite, hibbingite, or rhodochrosite. Ferrovalleriite forms crystals flattened on [001] (from scaly to tabular; up to 5 mm across and up to 0.3 mm thick), typically split and curved. Occasionally, they are combined into aggregates up to 1.5 × 2 cm. Ferrovalleriite is dark bronze-colored, with a metallic luster and black streak. The Mohs’ hardness is ca. 1; VHN is 35 kg/mm2. Cleavage is perfect parallel to {001}, mica-like. Individuals are flexible and inelastic. D(calc) = 3.72 g/cm3. In reflected light, ferrovalleriite is pleochroic from yellowish to gray; bireflectance is moderate. Anisotropy is strong, with bluish gray to yellowish beige rotation colors. Reflectance values [R 1R 2 %, (λ, nm)] are: 15.6–16.6 (470), 14.8–20.5 (546), 14.7–22.3 (589), 14.5–24.1 (650). The IR spectrum shows the presence of (OH) groups bonded with Fe cations and the absence of H2O molecules. The chemical composition of the holotype (wt %; electron microprobe, H content is calculated) is as follows: 0.10 Al, 0.03 Mn, 45.31 Fe, 0.07 Ni, 18.29 Cu, 20.37 S, 15.62 O, 0.98 H, total is 100.77. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 2 S atoms is: Al0.01Fe2.55Cu0.91S2(OH)3.07 = (Fe1.09Cu0.91)Σ2S2 · (Fe 1.34 2+ Fe 0.12 3+ Al0.01)Σ1.47(OH)3.07. The structure of ferrovalleriite is incommensurate (misfit); two sublattices are present: (1) sulfide sublattice, space group $R\bar 3m$ , R3m or R32; the unit-cell dimensions are: a = 3.792(2), c = 34.06(3) Å, V = 424(1) Å3 and (2) hydroxide sublattice, space group $P\bar 3m1$ , P3m1 or P321; the unit-cell dimensions: a = 3.202(3), c = 11.35(2)Å, V = 100.8(3) Å3. Together with this main polytype modification with three-layer (R-cell, Z = 3) sulfide block, the holotype ferrovalleriite contains the modification with one-layer (P-cell, Z = 1) sulfide block (sulfide sublattice with $P\bar 3m1$ , P3m1 or P321, unit cell dimensions: a = 3.789(4), c = 11.35(1) Å, V = 141(5) Å3). The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder pattern (d, Å-I) are: 5.69–100; 3.268–58; 3.163–36; 1.894–34; 1.871–45.  相似文献   

sedimentary environment.Based on the de-formation feature of the syngenetie elast,theauthor believes that the ShuangqiaoshanGroup in this area has undergone two phasesof deformation:the regional fold deformat一ondominated by flattening and duetile shear de-formation dominated by shearing.980139 Dong Yunpeng(Department of Geol-ogy,Northwest University,Xi,an,Shaanxi);Zhou nngwu Sm一Nd IsotoPieAges of the Songshugou OPhiolite from theEast Qinling and its Geologieal Significance(Regional …  相似文献   

961933 Liu Shuwen(Peking University,Beijing,100871)STUDY ON FLUID IN-CLUSIONS FROM HIGH GRADE META-MORPHIC ROCKS IN EASTERN HEBEIPROVINCE(MGQG,ISSN0256一1492, 一29一CN37一1117/P,11(4),1995,P.375一385,4 graphs,5 tables,1 plate,14 ref,withEnglish abstraet)961934 Zhu Ailin(Survey of RegionalGeology,Guiz卜ou Bureau of Geology andMineral Resourees);Wang Changwei FEA-TURES OF MICROSTRUCTURES AND Fl-NITE STRAIN MEASUREMENTS WITHINTHE TR…  相似文献   

962057 Yang Xingke(Xi’an College of Geo-logy,710054);Ji Jinsheng ANALYSIs OFORE一FORMING CONDITIONS ANDFEATURES OF KANGGUERTAGE WOL-LASTONITE ORE DEPOSIT(JXCG,ISSN1000一548X,CN61一1074/P,17(4),1995,p .24一30,4 graphs,1 table,3 ref) The authors have first found wollas-tonite in Kangguertage of eastern Tianshan.On the basis of speeial researeh them and byanalysing regi6nal strata,teetonies,magmaaetivities,and wollastonite ore features,theauthors find that r…  相似文献   

20071213 Guo Xianpu(Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Science,Bei- jing 100037);Wang Naiwen Palaeontolog- ical Proof of the Naij Tal Group-Complex as Melange Aggregation in the Eastern Kun- lun Orogenic Belt and Its Geologic Signifi- cance(Geological Review,ISSN0371-5736, CN11-1952/P,52(3),2006,p.289-294, 2 illus.,2 plates,19 refs.)  相似文献   

P,27(2),1997,p.162一177,1 graPh,3tables,5 ref) In this PaPer advanee exPerimental for-mula that show the relationshiP of shear zonesthiekness of roeky slope ro largesr datesquirming deforrnarion to apply Grey theory.It again advanees systematie merhods that inview largest date of squirming deformation toealeulates sliding moment of rocky slope and itinfluenees effeet to interrelate take Preeautionsagainst calamities.It was inspeeted by ob-serve material of reservoir Vaeant of Italy andit m…  相似文献   

20062082 Chen Baoquan (Fujian VocationalInstitute of Information and Technology,Fuzhou, 350003) Geochemistry Characteris-tics of Trace Elements of Precambrian Meta-morphic Rock in Northern Fujian Province(Geology of Fujian, ISSN1001-3970, CN35-1080/P, 24(2), 2005, p.221-228, 3illus., 5 tables, 2 refs.)Key words: metamorphic rocks, minor ele-ments, Fujian ProvinceBased on the characteristics of rock asso-ciation and multielement quantitative analysisresults of Precambrian metamorphic…  相似文献   

971532 Cheng Lilai(Department of Geologyand Mineral Resourees of Henan Provinee-Geophysieal Prospecting Team,Xinxiang,Henan)The Preliminary Diseussion onGeotechnieal Engineering of Jiyuan City,Henan Provinee(HNG,ISSN 1006一320X,CN 41一1086/P,15(2),1997,P.129一1 34,2 rables,6 ref) The author diseussed*he geoteehnieal ex卜gineering of Jiyuan City in this paPer.Theaehievements in geologieal exploration ofgeoteehnieal engineering in Jiyuan City aresummed up and indieated some pendin…  相似文献   

20002326 Bie Bixiong(Government of YiduCity,Yidu,Hubei);Wu Weiya Study onMeehanism for Chadian Embankment Col-IaPse at Yidu Reaeh of Changjiang(Yangtze)River and its Control Measures(Journal of Engineering Geology,ISSN 1004一9665,CN 11一3249/P,8(3),2000,P .272一276,3 illus.,1 table,6 ref) Embankmenr eollaPse 15 a heavy hazardfor Changjiang(Yangtze)River during floodseason.The Chadian embankment eollaPseoeeurred at Yidu reaeh of Changjiang Riverduring rhe flood period 1998.The …  相似文献   

20062203 Chen Cunron (Mineral and Geolog- ical Technique Development Company of Fu- jian Province, Fuzhou, Fujian 350011); Jie Jing Test Results of Cement Admixtures Us- ing Aluminilite Ores from Nanyu Town, Fu- jian Province (Geology of Fujian, ISSN1001 -3970, CN35-1080/P, 24(4), 2005, p. 229-234, 9 tables, 3 refs.) Key words: alunite deposits, ceramic raw materials It is to analyze partitioning test results of cement admixtures used by the aluminilite ores from Nanyu Town and to…  相似文献   

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