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Pavagada taluk of Tumkur district in Karnataka is one of the most backward taluks receiving less than 500 mm annual rainfall. The maximum area of the taluk is under monocropping, reasons for the same were not documented well. The present study was carried out using remote sensing data along with field survey and laboratory analysis for assessing the potentials and limitations of soil. Using the basic information on soil, climate and topography based on the matching exercise between the growth and production requirements of the crop, suitability of soils for groundnut, paddy and finger millet was assessed as per FAO land evaluation. The soil suitability maps were prepared using Arc GIS software. About 48 per cent of the total area was moderate to marginally suitable and 13 per cent of the area was not suitable for both groundnut and finger millet. Lowland areas covering 12 per cent of the area was highly suitable, 15 per cent was moderate to marginally suitable and 20 per cent was not suitable for paddy cultivation.  相似文献   

This study presents a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based geostatistical and visualization analysis of crop suitability in two blocks of sub-mountain area of Punjab under diversification programme. It combines the limitation approach of land capability classification, productivity potential evaluation procedure and crop suitability evaluation framework of FAO. Two blocks from the sub mountain Siwalik region of Punjab viz., Mahalpur and Garhshankar were selected. This study evaluates the capabilities of the study area for traditional crops like wheat, paddy and maize, and recently introduced crops like sugarcane, sunflower, pea, rapeseed-mustard, potatoes and kinnow for agricultural diversification. The suitability of the crops has been worked out at the village level. About 35–40 per cent of total area mostly in Siwallik hills is not fit for growing any type of crop. Sandy texture, uneven topography, moderately steep slopes and excessive drainage are responsible for unsuitability of this area. The GIS based suitability analysis for traditional crops as well as for new crops, under diversification of agriculture has been undertaken. The geostatistical analysis points towards suitability of relatively large areas for new crops like sunflower, potato, pea (green) and sugarcane. Forty three and 14 per cent of total area has been found highly suitable and suitable respectively for growing green pea - a cash crop. Thirty three per cent of total area is suitable for growing kinnow fruit. The success of diversification programme is subject to logical government policy in terms of providing cold storage, food processing facility and marketing infrastructure.  相似文献   

A methodology for the preparation of semi detailed soil maps using medium scale aerial photographs for an area of about 3600 ha in Merida area, Spain is presented. The new concepts such as ‘Basic Land Units’, ‘Soil Consociation’ and ‘Soil Set’ developed by Elbersen (1976) were adopted for this study to see their utility for the preparation of semidetailed soil maps which can be used for land evaluation, land classification and also for making prodictions about the feasibility of a particular project for rural development plannning purposes. Basic land units and their subdivisions like major and minor compo-nents were used for the delineation of interpretation units. Mapping units, viz, Soil Consoication, Soil Complex and miscellaneous land type were used for mapping soils. Soils were classified upto family level and shown as subgroups in the 1:50,000 scale soil map. Soils were mapped as soil sets per basic land unit per subgroup. A model legend for use in the preparation of seimdetailed physiographic cum soil maps is given which is in terms of physiography and Soil Taxonomy qualified by soil sets.  相似文献   

Colour infrared and panchromatic B & W aerial photographs at 1∶25,000 scale over part of Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh were interpreted stereoscopically for delineating soilscape units. Soils and land properties were evaluated for suitability of the land for agriculture i.e. paddy and wheat. The results indicate that the relative case in delineating physiographic units offered by colour infrared air-photos does not commensurate with their cost. In the study area, 19.57 and 14.78 per cent area have been found to be suitable for paddy and wheat, respectively.  相似文献   

Planning based on agro-ecological zoning aims at scientific management of regional resources to meet the food, fibre, fodder and fuel wood requirements without adversely affecting the status of natural resources and environment. An attempt has been made to map the agro-ecological units for Vellore district of Tamil Nadu and derive the crop-zone map for the four major crops namely, paddy, sugarcane, groundnut and millets. The basic theory of FAO framework for Land Evaluation was adopted to define the suitability of crops. Land quality details necessary for evaluating the agro-land suitability of crops and for delineating the agroecological units include the terrain, soil and climatic characteristics. Agro-ecological units map was generated by overlaying the agro-edaphic and agroclimatic map layers in GIS. The agro-land suitability map was generated by matching the crop requirement details with the land qualities. The results of the suitability evaluation, when compared with the current land use statistics of these crops showed that area cultivated is less than the area suitable for these crops.  相似文献   

The study deals with making land evaluation for sugarcane, wheat and paddy cultivation in the semi-arid central alluvial plains in district Rohtak, Haryana. The special feature of this study is the use of soil survey data obtained from the interpretation of aerial photographs (1∶25,000) with limited field checks for making soil classification. Methodology of land evaluation is based on F.A.O. frame work and an attempt has been made to extricate land qualities from the information contained in the texa of soil Taxonomy identified in the surveyed are. The study successfully demonstrates a systematic, fast and economic way of making land evaluation for sound landuse planning in an area for agriculture development. On the basis of this study, highly suitable (S1), moderately suitable (S2), marginally suitable (S3) and currently not suitable (N1) land mapping units for the cultivation of sugarcane, wheat and paddy have been identified and their respective percentage area calculated for the study area.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrated the methodology to assess agro-climatic suitability of the soybean crop through integration of crop suitability based on FAO framework of land evaluation and biophysical (water limited) yield potential in the rainfed agro-ecosystem. A long term climatic database (1980–2003) was prepared to compute decadal rainfall and temperature variations of 13 IMD stations in part of Madhya Pradesh state. The climatic database was used in soil water balance software–BUDGET to compute crop specific length of growing period (LGP) and biophysical production potential such as water limited crop yield potential of each soil types for soybean crop. Water limited crop yield potential of soils were found to be varied from 33 to 100 and LGP ranged from 65 to 180 days in the area. FAO based land suitability was analyzed in association with the water limited yield potential for better appraisal of land potential and assess their suitability in rainfed area. FAO based land suitability indicated 2.45 % area as highly suitable and 57.49 % area as moderately suitable. However, integration of water limited crop yield potential with FAO based land suitability lead to agro-climatic suitability analysis indicated 17.60 % and 40.03 % area, respectively as highly suitable and moderately suitable. FAO based land evaluation showed 88.13 % of plains as moderately suitable whereas agro-climatic suitability indicated only 47.79 %. Agro-climatic suitability analysis revealed undulating plateau and undulating plains as most suitable for soybean crop.  相似文献   

Soil data obtained from soil resource inventory, land and climate were derived from the remote sensing satellite data (Landsat TM, bands 1 to 7) and were integrated in GIS environment to obtain the soil erosion loss using USLE model for the watershed area. The priorities of different sub-watershed areas for soil conservation measures were identified. Land productivity index was also used as a measure for land evaluation. Different soil and land attribute maps were generated in GIS, and R,K,LS,C and P factor maps were derived. By integrating these soil erosion map was generated. The mapping units, found not suitable for agriculture production, were delineated and mapped as non-arable land. The area suitable for agricultural production was carved out for imparting the productivity analysis; the land suitable for raising agricultural crops was delineated into different mapping units as productivity ratings good, fair, moderate and poor. The analysis performed using remote sensing and GIS helped to generate the attribute maps with more accuracy and the ability of integrating these in GIS environment provided the ease to get the required kind of analysis. Conventional methods of land evaluation procedures in terms of either soil erosion or productivity are found not comparable with the out put generated by using remote sensing and GIS as the limitations in generating the attribute maps and their integration. The results obtained in this case study show the use of different kinds of data derived from different sources in land evaluation appraisals.  相似文献   

Two band simulad WiFS data for five dates correspfonding to rabi sorghun growing season of 1993-94 has been generated for Aurangabad district of Maharashtra. Ground truth data has been used for supervised classificatioa of one date raw image and five date NDVI of simulated WiFS data and the results were compared with those derived from single date IRS LISS I data. Analysis of classification accuracies indicate that single date WIFS data gives slightly lower accuracy of 79 per cent against 81 per cent obtained for single date LISS I data. Overall accuracy for 5-date WiFS data is 96 per cent which shows that classification performance of five date WiFS NDVI data is far superior to the single date data of the IRS-IC WiFS as well as the IRS LISS I. The study thus shows the importance of temporal domain of data acquisition in sorghum crop discrimination, Growth profile for sorghum and other crop classes were generated from multidate WiFS derived NDVI data. Differences in growth profiles of sorghum vigour classes as well as amongst different crop types and forests corroborate the premise of better discrimination of crop types and their vigour on multidate remotely sensed data.  相似文献   

Soil mapping on the scale 1:50,000 was conducted in Tehri-Garhwal district of Uttar Pradesh using Survey of India Topographic maps and utilising aerial photographs of the area which were interpreted for demarcation of physiographic units, vegetation, drainage and other features relevant to soil development. Resulting soil map and soils and land use information have been helpful in presenting an optimum land use and management plan in the area keeping in view of the soils characteristics, terrain features and existing land use, Soils and physiographic interpretation in the area have highlighted significant soil-landscape relationships relevant to land utilization. The other factors responsible for soil formation which could be significant in the area i.e. climate and parent material were also taken into consideration apart from topography. Of all these factors topography was revealed to be the predominant factor governing soil formation in the area. Soil units mapped coincided with the physiographic units demarcated through aerial photo-interpretation. The area of the district could be divided into three climatic zones viz. (i) Cool temperate, (ii) Sub-tropical warm temperate and (iii) tropical following Kaushic (1962). It was noticed that in each climatic zone with the climate being almost uniform within the zone, irrespe tlve of variations in the parent material, soil development was markedly affected by topographly, variations which led to differences in soil characteristics particulary soil texture and amount of coarse fragments. In about 70 percent of the area of the district where slopes are steep to very steep, topography was revealed to be the dominant factor determining characteristic soil development. In the remaining part where slopes are moderate to gentle, parent material is the dominant factor followed by topography.  相似文献   

To understand the nature of land degradation and factors responsible for it, investigations were carried out in Etah district with an area of 4.45 lakh hectares. For identification of soil/land degradation problems, multidate Landsat, TM spectral bands and FCC were used. It is observed that salt-affected soils are sharply depicted by light and dark gray mixed tone on band 3, while they are not clear on band 4. Flood plain and waterlogged soils are clearly observed on band 4. Band 6 (10.3 – 12.5 µm) helps in separation of broad zones of coarse and fine-textured soils, active flood plain of rivers, and eroded and gullied lands. The confusion between coarse-textured droughty soils and salt-affected areas in TM FCC (2, 3, 4) could be eliminated by use of band-6 data in combination with FCC. For delineation of problematic areas, two approaches were followed viz. (i) physiographic approach, and (ii) direct approach. In the physiographic approach landscape map associated with image characteristics was prepared. Further the image interpretation units were interpreted for land degradation hazards. With this approach physiography and soil relationship and the degradation problems vis-a-vis soil units could be established and ameliorative measures as per soil condition can be suggested. In direct approach, the problematic areas as per predetermined key were demarcated. Out of 4.45 lakh ha of the area, 1.99 lakh ha is affected by various soil degradation problems, like droughty soils, flooding hazard and salinity and alkalinity which cover 22.1%, 50.0% and 27.9%, respectively. To study the distribution of a salt-affected lands, major physiographic boundaries were superimposed over the land degradation map prepared by direct approach. It is observed that 81.5% of the salt-affected areas lie in the old alluvial plain while 18.5% is in recent flood plain.  相似文献   

Soil resource characterization of Dhamni micro-watershed in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra was carried out using IRS-1D LISS-III data in conjunction with field survey and ancillary data. The study indicates that nearly 84.2 per cent of the total geographical area of the watershed is under cultivation. Forest (mainly degraded) occupy only 4.5 per cent area Whereas wasteland with scrub cover 9.4 per cent area of the watershed. Nine soil series were tentatively identified and mapped as soil series association in to five mapping units. These soils belong to order Inceptisol, Vertisol and Mollisol. Except the soils of wasteland with scrub, other soils are moderately suitable for pigeonpea and soybean and have average to good productivity.  相似文献   

Standard false colour composites (Std. FCC) on 1:50,000 scale was visually interpreted in conjunction with soil survey to prepare physiographic-soil map. Thirteen mapping units were delineated indicating soil association at family-level. Soil and land resource was evaluated for their land capability and irrigation suitability for its sustained use under irrigation. Land capability and land irrigability maps were generated as attribute map. These maps were integrated to suggest potential land use map. Current land use/land cover map prepared by visual analysis was spatially analysed in relation to potential land use to study potential changes in land use / land cover using GIS. The study reveals that 14.66% area has no limitation and can be brought to intensive agriculture by double cropping.  相似文献   

Land degradation in Puruliya district, West Bengal was assessed using remote sensing techniques. Analysis of satellite data (False Colour Composite in 1:50,000 scale) was carried out visually and subsequent ground verification and translation of imgae interpretation units into various categories of degraded lands. The results indicate that 31.8 per cent area of the district suffers from one or the other kind of land degradation. Water induced soil erosion is the major problem which accounts for 31.3 per cent area of the district. Land degradation due to waterlogging is limited to only 0.3 per cent area whereas 0.2 per cent area is degraded due to rock quarries, brick kiln and indus-trial effluents.  相似文献   

Land suitability analysis is prerequisite for sustainable agriculture and it plays a pivotal role in the niche based agricultural planning in mountain regions. In this paper different parameters viz. climatic (precipitation and temperature), topographic (elevation), soil type and land cover/land use have been used in order to perform land suitability evaluation for cereals food-grain crops in Himachal Pradesh using Geographic Information System (GIS). The suitability analysis was performed by digital processing of geo-referenced data (elevation, climate, soil and landcover) and calculating potential production areas by combining different types of geographical data through decision rules framed for each crop in ArcView spatial analyst. Suitable areas have been delineated for cereal crops in the form of land suitability maps. In comparison to the actual area under cereal crops, the possibility of further expansion under each cereal crop was determined. These discriminated areas appear suitable for growing these crops and can be harnessed efficiently for achieving long term sustainability and food security.  相似文献   

In the present study, soil loss in Nagpur district of Maharashtra is predicted employing USLE method and adopting integrated analysis in GIS to prioritise the tahsils for soil conservation and for delineation of suitable conservation units. Remote sensing techniques are applied to delineate the land cover of the district and to arrive at annual cover factors. Results indicate that potential soil loss of very slight to slight (>5–10 tons/ha/year) exist in the valleys in north western, northern and in the plains of central and eastern parts of the district. Moderate to moderately severe erosion rates (10 to 20 tones/ha/year) is noticed in the southeastern and some central parts. Severe, very severe and extremely severe erosion types (20 to 80 tons/ha/year) are noticed in the northern, western, southwestern and southern parts of the district. The average soil loss is estimated to be 23.1 and 15.5 tons/ha/yr under potential and actual conditions respectively. Slight, moderate, moderately severe and extremely severe potential erosion covering about 41 per cent area of the district is reduced to negligible and very slight rates of actual erosion under the influence of present land cover leading to a reduction of 7421.2 tones of potential soil loss. Priority rating of the tahsils is evaluated from the area weighted mean quantum of soil loss. Multi-criteria overlay analysis with the parameters of soil erosion, slope, soil depth, land cover and surface texture with rating for the constituent classes has resulted in delineation of nine conservation units. Appropriate agronomic and mechanical practices are suggested in the identified units for minimizing the erosion hazard.  相似文献   

In the present study an attempt has been made to map land use/land cover and change detection analysis in Kolli hill, part of Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, using remote sensing and GIS. About 467 ha increase has been observed in single crop category and about 434 ha decrease has been observed in land with or without scrub category. Majority of the area (13639 ha) is under scrubland. Lesser changes could be noticed in double crop, plantation and barren/rocky categories. Necessary measures should be taken to utilize the scrubland and to prevent the conversion of cropland into scrubland. The identified wastelands, which are suitable for agriculture, have to be utilized optimally to improve the economy of the people.  相似文献   

Optimal land use map of Kanholi area, part of Nagpur district,Maharashtra have been prepared using Satellite imagery in 1:1000,000 and 1:250,000 and aerial photographs in 1:60,000 scale with adequate ground checks. The Satellite imagery proved valuable information about landscape characteristics, land use, hydrology and other environmental features. The aerial photographs were used to prepare comparatively large scale land resource association maps in scale 1:60,000 on geomorphology, landuse, soil hydrology. Soil irrigability, land irrigability and land capability maps are also attempted after interpreting soils information collected during field studies. The utility of this technique in preparation of optimal land use map with associated limitations due to scale have been discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to assess the biological richness in Sunderban Biosphere Reserve (SBR) using a three-pronged approach i.e. satellite image (IRS 1D LISS-III) for vegetation/land use stratification, landscape analysis for disturbance regimes assessment and the disturbance regimes together with the ecosystem uniqueness, species richness and importance value for biological richness modelling. The study showed that four mangrove categories, viz., Avicennia, Phoenix, mixed mangroves and mangrove scrub, cover 23.21 per cent of the total geographical area of SBR. The largest area is occupied by mixed mangroves (18.31%). The overall accuracy of the vegetation/land use map worked out to be 91.67 per cent. The disturbance analysis revealed that the vegetation types were not much disturbed. Shannon-Weaver’s index of diversity was highest in case of mixed mangrove. The results revealed that 75 per cent forest area has high biological richness.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to assess land suitability and to predict the spatial and temporal changes in land use types (LUTs) by using GIS-based land use management decision support system. A GIS database with data on climate, topography, soil characteristic, irrigation condition, fertilizer application, and special socioeconomic activities has been developed and used for the evaluation of land productivity for different crops by integrating with a crop growth model—the erosion productivity impact calculator (EPIC). International food policy simulation model (IFPSIM) is also embedded into GIS for the predictions of how crop demands and crop market prices will change under alternative policy scenarios. An inference engine (IE) including land use choice model is developed to illustrate land use choice behavior based on logit models, which allows to analyze how diversified factors ranging from climate changes, crop price changes to land management changes can effect the distribution of agricultural land use. A test for integrated simulation is taken in each 0.1o by 0.1o grid cell to predict the change of agricultural land use types at global level. Global land use changes are simulated from 1992 to 2050.  相似文献   

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