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The Varushanad hills forms the eastern offshoot of the Western Ghats and the Cumbum valley divides the Varushnad hills from the Western Ghats. Investigations were carried out in about 1700 sq Km comprising the Cumbum valley and the Varushanad hills of the Western Ghats situated in Periakulam Srivalliputhur and Usilampatti taluks of Tamil Nadu on the geological and geomorphological aspects. Remote sensing techniques were used and limited field checks were made. Visual interpretation of aerial photographs on 1:60,000 scale was carried out for identifying the geomorphological features, drainage pattern and lithology. Digital analysis of the Landsat computer compatible tape (CCT) path-row 154–053 was also carried out to delineate major lithological variations. Major lineaments were also mapped from the Landsat imagery and false colour composite. The rock types of the Cumbum valley and the Varushanad hills are mainly charnockites, granite gneiss and pink granites which have been deformed by folds and faults. The various geomorphological units of the area are ridges, valleys, bazada zone and pediment zone of mountain complex. Resources evalution studies on the potential zone of ground water and possible construction materials were also discussed.  相似文献   

Remote sensing technique can play a vital role in geological, geomorphological and structural studies. Geology and structure of Perungulathur area in Thiruvannamalai Sambuvarayar district was studied by using Landsat imagery and aerial photographs with limited field checks. Charnockite, which forms the country rock of the area, and the interbedded pink granite and amphibolite exhibit typical tonal and textural characters on aerial photographs. The study has brought out a partly exposed structural basin which is represented by the folded structure of amphibolite and pink granite within the charnockitic country rock.  相似文献   

Of late, airphoto interpretation and Landsat imagery analysis play a vital role in geological mapping for detailed hydrogeological investigations for ground water prospecting. Certain obscure features like lineaments/fracture zones which are masked by surface soil and cultivated lands are easily visible. In hard rocks like granites and basalts the occurrence and movement of ground water are controlled by the fracture pattern. Delineation of potential zones of ground water for successful exploration is possible by the study and analysis of aerial photographs, visual interpretation of Landsat imagery and interactive data analysis system through computer techniques and applications. These techniques constitute for data integration with conventional methods of hydrogeological investigations and exploratory drilling. As a case study an area of 1500 sq km in part of the Narmada river basin of Madhya Pradesh and also forming a portion of Narmada Sagar area covered under topo sheets 46 N/12 and 46 N/16 was taken up. Aerial photographs pertaining to the area of study and Landsat imagery of band 5 and 7 in scale blown upto 1∶250,00 were scanned and analysed. It was observed that the successful artesian wells are located in pominent lineament/fractured zones in the study area. It is also recommended after through analysis different hyddromorphic zonations for future exploration of ground water.  相似文献   

Geological studies of the area around Katta, in the southern part of the Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra, were carried out with the help of visual remote sensing techniques using LANDSAT imageries on 1:250,000 scale and aerial photographs on 1:60,000 scale. The major stratigraphic units represented in the area under study are the Archean Complex, Kaladgi Supergroup, Deccan Trap, Laterite and Alluvium. The Kaladgis unconformably overlie the Archean metasediments and also at places exhibit faulted contacts with the latter. The major part of the area is covered by a thick evergreen vegetation. The interpretation followed by field work and laboratory work revealed the following:
  1. The different lithologic units could be delineated on the aerial photographs.
  2. Different lineaments marked on the imagery were found to be due either to faults or fracture zones. Some of the older faults appear to have been rejuvenated after the formation of the laterites.
  3. Some of the lithologic horizons can be identified on the Landsat imagery by virtue of their spatial signatures.
These studies indicate that even in the area covered with thick vegetation, aerospace imagery in appropriate band and data scale can provide significant geological information.  相似文献   

The paper decribes the lineaments in the coastal area of Goa identified on aerial photographs and their correlation with the lineaments reported from the adjoining areas. The majority of lineaments along the coastal part of Goa follows a NW-SE, NE-SW and a few ENE-WSW trends. The NW-SE direction is predominant and corresponds with the regional Dharwarian trend followed by NE-SW trending linears due to cross folding of Dharwar Orogeny.  相似文献   

Various image processing techniques were experimented with in this study to evaluate their efficiency for geological mapping in the Eljufra area of northwest Libya. Remote sensing data including multi-spectral optical Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+), Synthetic Aperture Radar (ERS-2 SAR) and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) extracted from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data were used to trace different lithological units as well as extracting geological lineaments in the study area. The study area is located in an arid environment mostly devoid of any vegetation. Most lithological and structural units are distinguishable based on their topographic form and spectral properties. Fusion of ETM+ and ERS-2 images was experimented with to further identify lithological units. Shaded relief techniques were implemented to enhance terrain perspective views and to extract geological lineaments. The results discriminated different rock units and modified formation boundaries and revealed new geological lineaments. Nine rock units were identified and plotted in the new geological map defined by the new boundaries. The dominant lineaments tend to run in the NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW directions. Analysis and interpretation of the lineaments provided information about the tectonic evolution of the study area.  相似文献   

Synoptivity and the exemplified fracture systems exhibited by the space borne imagery data has helped in solving many of the geological enigma in various parts of the world. The study conducted, using such remotly sensed data, in Jhalawar anticline, part of Proterozoic Cratonic Vindhyan Basin, Rajasthan, India, led to infer the history of tectonic evolution of peribasinal deformation which has been a matter of controversy for a century and more. In Landsat MSS data the Jhalawar region displays a panorama of lineaments and their analysis through azimuthal frequency diagrams, isofracture, lineament incidence and lineament intersection incidence density maps shows that the mean orientation of the lineaments fall in NW-SE and NE-SW and the shape of the various lineament density contours also show NE-SW and NW-SE orientations. In aerial photographs the area exhibits four sets of lineaments in NE-SW, NW-SE, N-S and E-W directions. Amongst these the former two sets are expressed as wide open master fracture systems with prolific vegetation fills along them and the latter two sets are characteristically observed as thin vegetation linears with frequent strike slip faulting along them. The further analysis of these fracture/lineament systems derived from multi-level remote sensing data shows that the Jhalawar anticline, which followed the pattern of flexural slip fold mechanism, was evolved by horizontally disposed σ1 (greatest principal stress) and 3σ (least principal stress) with the former oriented in NE-SW and the latter aligned in NW-SE directions with vertically disposed 2σ. The inference of such palaeostress environment of the Jhalawar region lead in the identification of a buried rigid basement high southwest of Jhalawar anticline, beneath the Deccan pile and loci of ground water, silica sand and probable igneous plug.  相似文献   

The Precambrian metamorphites of Northeastern Rajasthan belonging to Pre-Aravalli, Aravalli and Delhi Supergroups exhibit a mature topography where the physiography has faithfully depicted the major structures of area. Few important megalineaments demarcated on the imagery either represent major fault zones or the zones of intense granitic activity. Some of these are oblique to the regional strike of rocks and support drainage running in diagonally opposite direction within the same lineament, indicating thereby upheavels subsequent to the lineament formation. The lineaments fall broadly in two sets which are correlatable to the two major phases of Delhi orogeny. The lineaments of the first set trend NE-SW and are more prominent: than the NW-SE and WNW-ESE running lineaments. The major lineaments such as Sabi-Sota, Mendha and Kakor-Lalsot lineament together with other regional lineaments depict appreciable geomorphological expressions and significant geological evidences.  相似文献   

Extensive areas along Yamuna, Chambal and their tributaries in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh have been severely eroded forming ravines of various depths. These areas offer great potential for the development of agriculture and forestry after reclamation. In order that they are reclaimed and managed properly, precise data on their nature and extent are needed. Morphometric analysis of ravine lands along Chambal and Kunwari rivers near Bhind, Madhya Presdesh has been carried out using 1:25,000 scale aerial photographs. Landsat imagery for the same area has been interpreted to find out the relative recognition of morphometric units earlier interpreted on air photos. It was observed that while aerial photographs provide data regarding depth, width, slope and frequency distribution of ravines at a greater detail, Landsat imagery helps in delineation of broad reclamative groupings which would be useful for Large Area Planning (LAP). A multistage approach involving the use of both air photos and satellite imagery seems to be the possible answer for preparing a Ravine Map of India.  相似文献   

To evaluate the hydrogeomorphological conditions of Niva river basin Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, geological, hydrogeological and geomorphological studies were carried out. through visual interpretation of Landsat 5, FCC with adequate ground truth. The study shows that the Niva river basin is occupied by granites and gneisses of Archaean age with intrusive bodies of dolerites. The recent alluvium deposits are present along the stream courses. The study area is traversed by various directional fractures/lineaments and most of them are NESW, ENE-WSW and EW directions. Groundwater potential of geomorphological units viz. Denudational hill, Residual hill, Pediment, Pediplain and Valley fill is discussed.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to mark regional geology of part of Lalitpur district. The area is characterized by flat topography gently sloping east ward with isolated hillocks. The well contrasted lithology has been marked on the basis of variation in tone, drainage pattern and texture. The main lithounits are foliated granites/gneiss, banded iron formation, granites, ultra basic, quartz reef and basic dykes. The structural elements of lineaments are visible on aerial photos and imagery which range in length from 1 to 10 km. The lineaments at places intersect with each other. The major trends are NNW- SSE. NE- SW. NNH- SSW. These NNW- SSE and NE-SW lineaments are retlected by well aligned body of quartz- sericite schist and quartz reef respectively.  相似文献   

Geological studies in the area around Badami, Bijapur District, Karnataka, were carried out with the help of Landsat imagery and aerial photographs. The study are forms a part Kaladgi Basin which is located on the northernmost fringes of the exposed Dharwar Craton. Archaen Peninsular Gneiss and intrusive Granodiorite/Granites (≈Clospet Granite) form the basement for the Middle to Late Proterozoic Kaladgi Super Group sediments which are, in turn, overlain in the north by the Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene Deccan flood basalt lavas. Geological mapping of the study area and inferences about the structural setup were primarily based on interpretation of the remotely sensed data. The combined interpretative study of Landsat imagery and aerial photographs was instrumental in mapping of the lithostratigraphic units exposed in the study area along with the structures associated with them.  相似文献   

The use of Landsat imagery at 1:1 M and 1:250,000 and aerial photos on 1:65,000 and 1:20,000 scale have been used to study landuse. It has been possible to achieve identification using Landsat imagery up to utility level ( level 1 and II ) and with the aerial photographs further subdivisions of utility into management and identification (level III and IV) .  相似文献   

Landsat imagery have been interpreted visually and under Additive Colour Viewer to interpret the regional geology and geomorphology in parts of Subarnarekha-Baitarani basin. The area lies south of Singhbhum shear zone and represents Precamrain shield. Important Simlipal ultrabasic volcanic complex of Orissa is included in the area. Although detailed map of the area is available, yet an attempt has been made to interpret the imagery for evaluating the results provided in comparison to the existing maps. Delineation of main lithological groups is possible. Having some data from the existing maps, lithoiogical boundary delineation of Mica Schist-Phyllite-Quartzite, Granites and Gneisses, Dhanjori Lava, Anorthosite-Gabbro Complex and Dolerite dykes, all of Precambrian age, has been done. Laterite and Quaternary sediments are also picked up. Lineament mapping has been carried out from imagery, which is difficult to map in the field. N--S and NNW-SSE lineament system is very prominent in Simlipal complex whereas in other parts NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW trends are common. The major fault plane running NNE-SSW in the area is responsible for the present-day configuration of Subarnarekha river. Identification of different geomorphological units is perhaps best done on imagery. Several geomorphic units like structural Hill, Denudational Hill, Pediment, Buried Pediment, Lateritic Clay Plain, Laterite upland, Terrace Plain etc have been mapped. Valley fills are wellpicked up from imagery. Hydrogeological potentiality of the different geologic and geomorphic units have been evaluated qualitatively. Ground water occurrence, movement and potentiality are mainly controlled by structural, geological and geomorphological set-up of the area. Buried Pediment, Laterite upland, Laterite clay plain and alluvial fills are the potential zones from the view point of ground water occurrences. Comparative study of the different Landsat bands and band-filter combinations under Additive Colour Viewer has been undertaken to find out the enhancement capability in delineating features. It is found that small scale geological and geomorphological maps can be prepared from Landsat imagery.  相似文献   

Wasteland map (1∶100,000) of Rewasa catchment (Sikar district) has been prepared using aerial photographs and Landsat TM imagery. Thematic Mapper data were helpful in identifying the types of wastelands and details could be derived from the aerial photographs. The types of wastelands identified are sands, gullied land, salt affected areas, and barren rocky area. Depending upon the nature of wasteland, suitable rehabilitation measures like plantations, afforestation have been proposed.  相似文献   

The C-band imaging radar of ERS-1, due to its high sensitivity to terrain surface features, holds tremendous potential in topographic terrain mapping for various applications. This is being examined for geological applications, mainly structural and lithological mapping in a mineral belt of Bihar and Orissa, India. The high image contrast that facilitates structural interpretation and highlights topography on the SAR images, reflects the high sensitivity of the ERS-1-SAR to change in terrain slope in the study area. Extensive lineaments, fold structure and major lithological contacts are easily mappable from the SAR imagery. Many of the lineaments, lithological contacts and fold pattern are mapped equally from optical data (Landsat-TM and IRS-1B FCC). The close association of fold pattern and mineral deposits in the region has necessitated the study of those structures carefully from various remote sensing data products. Synergism between SAR and TM provided useful results regarding structure and lithology of the region. The advantage of SAR in highlighting topography and detecting lineaments are affected to a great extent by the speckle noise and low pixel resolution. The present study shows that future geologic interpretation demands high spatial resolution and efficient data processing technique which reduces the speckle noise more significantly.  相似文献   

The extraction of lineaments and anomalous patterns in the Singhbhum Shear Zone, Jharkhand, India, has multifaceted applications for mineral exploration as well as for geological interpretation of neotectonic movements. ERS-1 SAR data are very useful for such applications because of their structural information content. A comparative study has been attempted with ERS, Landsat and IRS images for the interpretation of various geological structures over the Singhbhum Shear Zone. The Rose diagram generated from this study has shown major trends that matched well with the geological map of the area and the associated tectonic boundary as well as with the results obtained from ground based studies.  相似文献   

本文讨论了以热带森林植被为主体的再生资源的面积动态变化监测。研究中包括两个部分。首先,我们利用多时相遥感图像对大面积的西双版纳州进行地类判读,系统地分析了森林植被的动态变化。其次,利用Landsat MSS和TM数据对自然保护区的动态变化进行了包含无监督分类和归一化差值植被指数分析的数字图像处理,变化分类也相当符合实际。总的实验结果表明,这种监测方法是很有效的,可在再生资源监测中特别是在森林植被监测中加以推广应用。  相似文献   

Geological mapping of the Vindhyan and Deccan Trap terrain around Jhalawar was accomplished by aerial photointerpretation with limited field checks in parts, by conventional field mapping for part of the area and also by interpretation of LANDSAT imagery. A comparative assessment of the data producing capability and accuracy of these methods is made from the case study. Major geological formations comprising Semri, Kaimur, Rewa and Bhander groups of Vindhyan supergroup, Deccan Trap and recent fluvial sediments are equally interpretable from all three level (i.e. ground, air and space) surveillance data. All the members and units are mappable on air photos and on ground but not on the LANSAT imagery. It is difficult to plot all the flows and flow units of Deccan Trap on a topographic base map during conventional field mapping but these are more or less separable on aerial photos. Structural trends are decipherable by photointerpretation but lineaments are well depicted on LANDSAT imagery. Physical and petrological characters of rocks can, however, only be studied in situ and by laboratory analysis of samples. Aerial photointerpretation techniques can be applied for geological mapping of Vindhyan and Deccan Trap terrain with high degree of confidence and reasonable accurate maps can be generated. LANDSAT imagery are useful for generation of small scale reconnalssance and lineament pattern maps. The best system of mapping such terrain would be photointerpretation with limited field check and collection of essential groundtruth and specimens for laboratory analysis along selected traverses thus minimising the time and cost of survey.  相似文献   

Deccan Trap lavas (Cretaceous to Tertiary), which cover a large area in the Western and the Central India, are generally regarded as structurally undisturbed save for certain areas along the west-coast and the Narmada Valley in Central India. Remote Sensing techniques have given a new dimension to the problem of locating such disturbed areas by virtue of the capacity of aerospace imagery to delineate lineaments, many of which represent structural geological features. Studies carried out in the areas west and north west of Pune, (above and below the western ghat scrap), the Narmada valley region north of Barwah and the Ramakona area of Central India, reveal that these areas are riddled with fractures. The fractures have generally given rise to narrow valley or escarpments. Some of the fractures show displacement along them, while some show intrusive dykes filling them. The fractures in Central India were sometimes found to the extensions of faults traversing the basement. Hence, in the regoins, where the basement is not exposed, they may be suggestive of the structural trends of the concealed basement.  相似文献   

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