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Based on the fact that the Hankel matrix constructed by noise-free seismic data is low-rank, low-rank approximation (or rank-reduction) methods have been widely used for removing noise from seismic data. Due to the linear-event assumption of the traditional low-rank approximation method, it is difficult to define a rank that optimally separates the data subspace into signal and noise subspaces. For preserving the most useful signal energy, a relatively large rank threshold is often chosen, which inevitably leaves residual noise. To reduce the energy of residual noise, we propose an optimally damped rank-reduction method. The optimal damping is applied via two steps. In the first step, a set of optimal damping weights is derived. In the second step, we derive an optimal singular value damping operator. We review several traditional low-rank methods and compare their performance with the new one. We also compare these low-rank methods with two sparsity-promoting transform methods. Examples demonstrate that the proposed optimally damped rank-reduction method could get significantly cleaner denoised images compared with the state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

基于单次散射模型的尾波功率谱分析法,利用安徽省蒙城区域数字地震台1999年12月30日记录震中距35 km,M_S 4.1地震波形资料计算蒙城地震台周边半径约55 km范围内区域地球介质不同频率的Q值,发现0.5—20 Hz频率范围内,Q值随频率的变化关系近似服从幂函数关系Q_c=Q_0f~η,Q_0为1 Hz时的Q值,即Q_c=27.04f~(0.9952±0.0004),其中Q值在13—533范围内,平均值为273,η值在0.9952±0.004。结果表明,蒙城地震台附近范围内Q值具有较强的频域依赖性,与他人研究求得的Q作比较,平均值结果接近该Q值可以较好反映当地地球介质的品质因子;给出当地地震波传播介质的平均自由程为15 km,探讨介质的品质因子Q(Q_c)值的物理意义及应用,对研究本地区的地震活动习性及震后趋势预测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

New observations of magnetic, electric and electromagnetic field variations, possibly related to recent volcanic and seismic events, have been obtained on Mt. Unzen in Japan, Reunion Island in Indian Ocean, the Long Valley volcanic caldera in California, and for faults in China and Russia, California and several other locations. For volcanic events, contributions from different physical processes can be identified during the various eruption stages. Slow processes (weeks to months) include near-surface thermal demagnetization effects, piezomagnetic effects, and effects from rotation/displacement of magnetized material. Rapid processes (seconds to days) include piezomagnetic effects from instantaneous stress redistribution with explosive eruptions and electrokinetic effects from rupture of high pressure fluid compartments commonly encountered in volcanic regions. For seismic events, the observed coseismic offsets are instantaneous, provided care has been taken to ensure sensors are insensitive to seismic shaking and are in regions of low magnetic field gradient. Simple piezomagnetic dislocation models based on geodetically and seismically determined fault parameters generally match the observed signals in size and sign. Electrokinetic effects resulting from rupture of fluid filled compartments at hydrostatic to lithostatic pore pressures can generate transient signals in the frequency band 100 Hz to 0.01 Hz. However, large-scale fluid driven processes are not evident in near-field measurements in the epicentral region minutes to weeks before large earthquakes. The subset of ionospheric disturbances generated by trapped atmospheric pressure waves (also termed gravity waves and/or acoustic waves, traveling ionospheric disturbances or TID's) that are excited by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common and propagate to great distances. These are known and expected consequences of earthquakes, volcanic explosions (and other atmospheric disturbances), that must be identified and their effects removed from VLF/ULF electromagnetic field records before associating new observations of ionospheric disturbances with earthquake activity.  相似文献   

随机噪声的影响在地震勘探中是不可避免的,常规的随机噪声压制方法在处理中往往会破坏具有时空变化特征的非平稳有效地震信号,影响地震数据的准确成像.当前油气勘探的目标已经转变为“两宽一高”,随着数据量的增大,对去噪方法的处理效率也提出了更高的要求.因此,开发高效的非平稳地震数据随机噪声压制方法具有重要意义.预测滤波技术广泛用于地震随机噪声的衰减,本文基于流式处理框架提出一种新的f-x域流式预测滤波方法,通过在频率域建立预测自回归方程,运用直接复数矩阵逆运算代替迭代算法求解非平稳滤波器系数,实现时空变地震同相轴预测,提高自适应预测滤波的计算效率.通过与工业标准的FXDECON方法和f-x域正则化非平稳自回归(RNA)方法进行对比,理论模型和实际数据的测试结果表明,提出的f-x域流式预测滤波方法能更好地平衡时空变有效信号保护、随机噪声压制和高效计算三者之间的关系,获得合理的处理效果.  相似文献   

高存英  王焱 《山西地震》2010,(3):10-13,17
以大同国家测震台观测资料为例,总结了震中距10~°50°范围内特别区域地震震相特征和震相识别的方法,对震相识别的难点进行了说明,以图例的形式为判读震相提供了依据。  相似文献   

研究了模拟、数字地震观测中评价台基噪声的不同指标;提出用噪声包络幅度作为背景噪声的统计特征量;得到了位移、速度、加速度噪声的包络幅度与峰值放大倍率之间的对应关系;阐明了用数字记录的包络振幅估算峰值放大倍率的方法。  相似文献   

四川地处青藏高原的东南缘,近代地壳运动强烈,活断裂发育,强震频繁。本文总结了四川活动断裂研究从定性向定量的发展.在此基础之上讨论了活动断裂研究在国民经济建设中的作用。  相似文献   

Detecting temporal changes in fault zone properties at seismogenic depth have been a long-sought goal in the seismological community for many decades.Recent studies based on waveform analysis of repeating earthquakes have found clear temporal changes in the shallow crust and around active fault zones associated with the occurrences of large nearby and teleseismic earthquakes.However,repeating earthquakes only occur in certain locations and their occurrence times cannot be controlled,which may result in inadequate sampling of the interested regions or time periods.Recent developments in passive imaging via auto-and cross-correlation of ambient seismic wavefields (e.g.,seismic noise,earthquake coda waves) provide an ideal source for continuous monitoring of temporal changes around active fault zones.Here we conduct a systematic search of temporal changes along the Parkfield section of the San Andreas fault by cross-correlating relatively high-frequency (0.4-1.3 Hz) ambient noise signals recorded by 10 borehole stations in the High Resolution Seismic Network.After using stretch/compressed method to measure the delay time and the decorrelation-index between the daily noise cross-correlation functions (NCCFs),we find clear temporal changes in the median seismic velocity and decorrelation-index associated with the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield earthquake.We also apply the same procedure to the seismic data around five regional/teleseismic events that have triggered non-volcanic tremor in the same region,but failed to find any clear temporal changes in the daily NCCFs.The fact that our current technique can detect temporal changes from the nearby but not regional and teleseismic events,suggests that temporal changes associated with distance sources are very subtle or localized so that they could not be detected within the resolution of the current technique (~0.2%).  相似文献   

吴敏  雷正超  唐丽  毛磊  王志栋  李兴坚 《地震工程学报》2020,42(5):1141-1145,1158
使用相同带宽、同类型地震计BBVS-120观测记录数据,对高台地震台新旧观测山洞的台基环境噪声、地震监测能力及震相记录特征进行对比分析,结果表明,高台测震新山洞的地震监测水平优于旧山洞,部分地区新山洞对于核面反射波的记录更加清晰。  相似文献   

数字化地震记录震相自动识别的方法研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
针对目前震相自动识别方法不能自动给出震相识别区间,以及不能确定识别出震相名称的问题,运用震相的运动学特征,由平均速度模型和J-B走时表数据,自动计算近震、远震和极远震的震相走时及震中距。对多尺度小波分解进行单支重构作为识别不同震相的分析信号。先求出初至震相和最大面波到时,估算出震中距,然后找到S波或PP波到时,求出准确的震中距,即可自动给出各震相的识别区间,采用线性偏振法在给定区间中识别出震相的初至时刻。由于该方法采用的是先明确要找什么震相,再由该震相的走时确定寻找区间,所以找出的初至就是要寻找的震相,自然解决了识别出震相的名称问题,从而实现了对震相的全程自动识别。  相似文献   

通过对连云港地震台台基背景噪声进行计算和分析,得出该台台基背景噪声属于Ⅰ类噪声水平。分析该台6—7月观测数据,得出日夜噪声差值约3 dB。分析发现,该台人为干扰为基础建设的工程车干扰、景区人员聚集和车辆干扰;自然环境干扰主要来自大风干扰。  相似文献   

本文提出了任意曲线Radon 反投影离散重建方法及最小二乘法曲线Radon 反投影重建公式。讨论了这种方法在地震层析成象中的应用。  相似文献   

利用鄂西地区长时间段宽频地震台站的三分量背景噪声记录,采用波形互相关方法得到台站对间的互相关函数,并通过聚束分析获得瑞雷波和勒夫波的慢度谱,研究鄂西地区背景噪声源的时空分布特征。结果表明,5~10 s周期范围,背景噪声来源于南太平洋且没有季节变化;10~20 s周期范围,慢度谱上显示明显的能量环,表明噪声源来源于多个方向,且表现出强烈和急剧的季节变化;20~40 s周期范围,慢度谱上也存在明显的能量环,其产生机制可能与此周期下提出的次重力波机制相似。在不同的周期范围内,噪声源分布方位有所不同,但在周期10~40 s范围噪声源在各方向均有分布。因此,利用长时间段连续噪声数据计算的互相关函数在周期10~40 s范围内满足背景噪声面波层析成像的理论前提。  相似文献   

临夏地震台观测到的临震预滑和震颤震相   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
许健生  李丽  姜振海 《地震工程学报》2021,43(2):272-278,305
对临夏地震台的YRY-4分量应变仪、水位仪和地震仪记录数据分析后发现:2008年5月12日汶川MW 7.9地震前,在3种不同学科的观测记录上,在相近时间段内均记录到了预滑震相Xp和震颤震相Tp.总结Xp震相和Tp震相记录特征的基础上,试图用实验室做的小尺度黏滑实验结果来佐证和解释所记录到的临震预滑和震颤震相的物理机制....  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的发展,数字化地震监测技术正在我国得到逐步普及。根据胜利油田的实际情况,作者对胜利油田深井数字化地震监测系统建设中主要考虑的影响因素、系统功能、技术方案和设备选型、系统特色、观测结果及应用等方面进行了深入的研究。经过4年多的运行证明,该系统建设功能齐全、先进,地震事件处理便捷、定位准确,对山东省尤其是渤海强震区的地震监测发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

In this paper,the corresponding relation of the evolutionary characteristics of geodetic deformation fields with seismic activity for more than 20 years in the North-South seismic zone and East of Qinghai-Xizang Mess has been investigated.Not only is geodetic deformation in non-homogeneity for the space-time distribution but also deformation fields are in macroscopic similarity for the identical time interval.The inherited tectonic movement is a total tendency of recent crustal movement,and the motion mode is in undulations.There are stages of accumulation and release-adjusting of strain energy in crustal movement processes,which may be the dynamic mechanism of relatively quiet and active seismicity.The analysis of the crustal movement tendency since 1991 is of some significance for judging the stress state and the large seismic situation in the area.  相似文献   

唐山地区尾波Qc值研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
利用首都圈地震数字台网资料,计算了唐山地区不同尾波窗长的Qc值。尾波窗长为15~30s时,Qc(f)=53f1.1;尾波窗长为30~60s时,Qc(f)=256f0.8;尾波窗长为60~90s时,Qc(f)=304f0.72;尾波窗长为90~120s时,Qc(f)=2400.68。可以看出,同一地点的Q0值随尾波窗长的增加而增大,但尾波窗长为90~120s时,Q0反而减小。  相似文献   

江苏省区域地表背景噪声特性的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用welch方法,计算了江苏省"十五"数字地震台站地表背景噪声在0.01~20 Hz频带范围内的功率谱值,结果显示在周期10~16 8、4~8 s处分别存在两个明显的峰值.对比白天和夜晚时段台站三分向地表背景噪声的功率密度谱比值发现,地表台站三分向背景噪声在高频段(≥1 Hz)变化最为显著,在微震峰值频段(0.125~1 Hz)几乎所有台站之间的差异都不大,低频段(≤0.125 Hz)大部分台站垂直向白天时段的噪声水平比夜晚的值低,水平向则相反;但井下观测系统全频段内的比值变化都很小.此外,在2~16 Hz频率范围内,沿长江的苏南-上海地区的平均噪声水平高于苏中和苏北地区,比NLNM(低噪声模型)值高约45 dB左右;在0.125~1 Hz频率范围内,江苏中东部的噪声水平高于其他区域,推测这可能是与区域地质构造差异有关.  相似文献   

震中距100°左右地震震相特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
震中距100°左右的地震,位于远震与极远震之间,特征既像远震又像极远震,震相较难分析。为了提高对该震中距地震的速报能力,对山西省地震局太原基准地震台记录的该震中距的地震事件进行了分析,总结了其震相特征及规律。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONFrom Aug.4 to Aug.26 ,2004 ,the Institute of Geophysics , China Earthquake Administrationcarried out a field survey in the Naqu district in Tibet ,in cooperation with the Beijing EarthquakeAdministration.10 stations were deployed with concentric circle methods for the field observation.Asthe result ,a large quantity of original waveformdata was recorded. Since the establishment of theNaqu seismic array will correspond withthe arraytype of the International Monitoring Sys…  相似文献   

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