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Taking into account the relativistic effect of a transverse high-frequency electromagnetic wave on the plasma electrons, the radiation properties of an accelerated supersonic soliton is studied, in the case when the acceleration of the soliton is due to an inhomogeneous density barrier of a wide range of applications. It is shown that the accelerated supersonic soliton radiates an ion-sound wave. The basic equations describing the dynamic behaviour of the high-frequency electromagnetic waves, as well as the emission of the ion-sound waves are formulated. The distribution of the perturbed concentration in the ion-sound wave is derived. The energy flux of the soliton + ion-sound system is estimated.  相似文献   

L. Mollwo 《Solar physics》1973,30(2):497-511
The generation of space charge waves by micro instabilities of the Harris type and their conversion into electromagnetic waves is discussed in the framework of the dispersion curves of the extraordinary wave mode in the warm plasma. Acceleration of electrons as also nonlinear interactions of waves are taken into account. A survey of the parameter regions of the Harris instabilities is given. Distinct values p / c and p / c result, enabling the instability as well as the conversion. The moving type IVmA bursts, and on the other side the impulsive cm-bursts and the first phase of type IV bursts are correlated to different values p / c and corresponding heights in the corona. The space charge waves can produce hydromagnetic waves by parametric excitation, too (type II bursts). The proposed mechanism is discussed with respect to the energy balance and to the magnetic configurations derived from observations with the Culgoora radioheliograph.  相似文献   

We present the experimental verification of existing theoretical models of emission mechanisms of solar type III bursts at the second harmonic of the plasma frequency, pe . This study is based on the detection of Langmuir and envelope solitons by the Ulysses spacecraft inside three type III burst source regions. We show that the oscillating-two-stream instability, coherent radiation by Langmuir solitons and stochastic phase mixing of the Langmuir waves in the strong turbulence regime are the appropriate emission mechanisms at 2 pe .  相似文献   

It is usually assumed that the ions of cosmic rays contribute nothing to the observable electromagnetic radiation. However, this is true only when these ions are moving in a vacuum or a quiet (nonturbulent) plasma. In the case of fast ions in a turbulent plasma, there is an effective nonlinear mechanism of radiation which is discussed in this paper. The fast ion (relativistic or nonrelativistic) moving in the plasma creates a polarization cloud around itself which also moves with the particles. The turbulent plasma waves may scatter on the moving electric field of this polarization cloud. In the process of this scattering an electromagnetic wave with frequency (2.7) is generated. Let 1 and k1 be the frequency and wave vector of turbulent plasma waves,V is the velocity of the ion, and is the angle between the wave vector of electromagnetic radiation and the direction of the ion velocity. The method of calculating the probability of the conversion of plasma waves (k1) into electromagnetic waves (k) by scattering on an ion with velocityV is described in detal in Section 2 (Equation (2.14)).The spectral coefficients of spontaneous radiation in the case of scattering of plasma waves on polarization clouds created by fast nonrelativistic ions are given in (3.6) for an ion energy distribution function (3.4) and in (3.8) for more general evaluations. The Equations (3.9)–(3.13) describe the spectral coefficients of spontaneous emission for different modes of plasma turbulence (Langmuir (3.9), electron cyclotron in a weak (3.10) or strong (3.11) magnetic field and ion acoustic (3.12)–(3.13) waves). The coefficients of reabsorption or induced emission are given by Equations (3.14) and (3.16)–(3.19). There is a maser effect in the case of scattering of plasma waves on a stream of ions. The effective temperature of the spontaneous emission is given by Equation (3.15). The spectral coefficients of radiation due to scattering of plasma waves on relativistic ions are calculated in the same manner (Equations (4.14)–(4.15)). The total energy loss due to this radiation is given in Equations (4.23)–(4.25). The coefficients of induced emission are given in (4.26)–(4.28).The results are discussed in Section 5. It is shown that the loss of energy by nonlinear plasma radiation is much smaller than the ionization loss. However, the coefficients of synchrotron radiation of electrons and nonlinear radiation of ions under cosmic conditions may be comparable in the case of a weak magnetic field and fairly low frequencies (5.5)–(5.6). Usually the spectrum of nonlinear plasma radiation is steeper than in the case of synchroton radiation. Equation (5.10) gives the condition for nonlinear radiation to prevail over thermal radiation.Translated by D. F. Smith.  相似文献   

A model is presented for the generation and evolution of bump-in-tail driven Langmuir waves in the solar wind during type III emission, which removes a number of apparent inconsistencies between theory and observations. It is argued that there must be localized enhancements of f b /v by a factor of 102 over the measured average values. Growth rates and energy densities of Langmuir waves are, therefore, considerably enhanced, permitting growth to overcome linear scattering losses, and also allowing nonlinear decay into ion-acoustic waves, in line with observations. Estimates are made of the probability distribution p(E), of wave field strengths E, based on linear and nonlinear wave-packet evolution, yielding p(E) E –a, 3. This helps explain why very high values of E are rarely found in the measured spiky wave turbulence.  相似文献   

A non-linear Schrödinger equation which characterizes the non-linear electrostatic waves in collisionless turbulent plasma is derived. Detailed analysis of this equation for the non-linear Langmuir waves is presented to show how the ion dynamics affects the envelope behaviour of these waves. Necessary condition for the existence of Langmuir envelope solitons is found to bek 2 D 2 (m/M);k being the characteristic wave number, D the electron Debye length andm andM the electron and the proton mass.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978.  相似文献   

As a possible mechanism for particle acceleration in the impulsive phase of solar flares, a new particle acceleration mechanism in shock waves is proposed; a collisionless fast magnetosonic shock wave can promptly accelerate protons and electrons to relativistic energies, which was found by theory and relativistic particle simulation. The simultaneous acceleration of protons and electrons takes place in a rather strong magnetic field such that ce pe . For a weak magnetic field ( ce pe ), strong acceleration occurs to protons only. Resonant protons gain relativistic energies within the order of the ion cyclotron period (much less than 1 s for solar plasma parameters). The electron acceleration time is shorter than the ion-cyclotron period.  相似文献   

A finite amplitude linearly polarized electromagnetic wave propagating in a relativistic plasma, is found to generate the longitudinal d.c. as well as the oscillating electric field at the second harmonic. In a plasma consisting of only electrons and positrons, these fields cannot be generated.The evolution of the electromagnetic waves is governed by the non-linear Schrödinger equation which shows that the electromagnetic solitons are always possible in ultra-relativistic plasmas (electron-ion or electron-positron) but in a plasma with relativistic electrons and nonrelativistic ions, these solitons exist only if 1(KT e/meC2)<(2m i/15me);m e andm i being the electron and ion mass andT e the electron temperature. Both the d.c. electric field and the solitons provide a nonlinear mechanism for anomalous acceleration of the particles. This model has direct relevance to some plasma processes occurring in pulsars.  相似文献   

The electron distribution functions measured at 1 AU in an electron stream passing the ISEE-3 spacecraft (Lin et al., 1981) are used as input data to a programme which simulates in a one-dimensional model the interaction between fast electrons and plasma waves (quasi-linear relaxation) together with the plasma wave scattering off the background ions. While the computed spectral energy density of the plasma waves excited in resonance with the streaming of electrons is below Zakharov's threshold of strong turbulence, it is sufficiently high to undergo a fast induced scattering off the background ions. The resulting spectrum is concentrated around the wave vector k = 0. Some simple analytic considerations show that this stage leads necessarily to the crossing of Zakharov's threshold and therefore this indirect excitation of strong turbulence seems to play an essential role in understanding the Langmuir turbulence generated by the motion of fast electron beams in the interplanetary plasma.  相似文献   

A theory for type I emission is developed based on fundamental plasma emission due to coalescence of Langmuir waves with low-frequency waves. The Langmuir waves are attributed to energetic electrons trapped in a magnetic loop over an active region. It is argued that the low-frequency waves should be generated in connection with the heating of the region. The continuum can be explained in terms of Langmuir waves generated by a gap distribution formed through collisional losses over a timescale of several tens of minutes. Bursts are attributed to local enhancements in the Langmuir turbulence associated with a loss-cone instability. No triggering mechanism for the bursts is identified. It is predicted that if the continuum is due to a large source then its brightness temperature should rise over several tens of minutes to a value which is roughly independent of frequency and of position across the source and which should not exceed 3 × 109 K. For bursts, it is predicted that a fainter second harmonic component should accompany bright bursts.  相似文献   

A two-component scheme for the generation of type III fundamental radiation is proposed. The first component of the fundamental arises at a plasma level L t because of the Rayleigh scattering of the plasma waves into electromagnetic radiation. The other component arises at L t /2 because of the decay of the first component into plasma waves and the subsequent rescattering of the plasma waves into electromagnetic radiation t 2( t /2). By its properties (location, directivity, polarization) the second component is essentially the same as the second harmonic radiation produced by a stream of fast electrons at L ( t /2). This scheme is used to solve the main problems (localization and directivity of the source, polarization of type III fundamental) of the harmonic theory of type III solar bursts.  相似文献   

Since most Alfvén-waves in the solar wind are observed to come from the Sun, nonlinear wave-particle interactions can be expected to constitute their dominant dissipation process. The growth or damping of two circularly-polarized Alfvén-waves with wave vectors parallel to the ambient magnetic field is calculated using kinetic theory. If the waves are oppositely polarized they both damp proportional to their frequency. If the waves are of the same polarization, both the lower frequency wave and the plasma particles gain energy at the expense of the higher frequency wave. Thus, with increasing distance from the Sun, a steepening of the power spectrum is expected. For waves propagating in the same direction, the interaction is negligible for small , while it becomes appreciable for 10–1. For conditions typical of the solar wind near 1 AU an observed half-hour linearly-polarized wave, for example, with B=0(B 0) has a damping time of about 10 h.  相似文献   

The dispersion equation for hydromagnetic surface waves along a plasma-plasma interface has been solved as a function of the compressibility factor c 1/v A1, where c 1 and v A1 are the acoustic and Alfvén wave speed in one of the medium, for general wave propagation direction. Both slow and fast magnetosonic surface waves can exist. The nature and existence of these waves depends on the values of c 1/v A1 and , the angle of wave propagation. For low- plasmas only fast mode exists. The slow mode does not propagate below a critical value of c 1. When c 1 the phase velocity of the slow wave tend to the Alfvén surface wave velocity in the incompressible media and for large the phase velocity of the fast wave approaches this value. The phase velocity of the slow wave increases whereas for the fast wave it decreases with increase in the angle .  相似文献   

Analytic and numerical results are presented for the growth rate of Langmuir waves due to a loss-cone distribution of energetic electrons. The effect of the magnetic field on the wave-particle interaction is ignored, and the resonance condition is described in terms of a resonance hyperboloid in momentum space. The collisional evolution of a distribution of magnetically trapped electrons is followed numerically to show how a gap distribution develops. The growth is most favorable for an intermediate sized loss cone ( 45 °) and a gap distribution in which the mean energy of the suprathermal electrons is much larger than the thermal energy of the background electrons. It is plausible that loss-cone gap distributions do develop in the solar corona, and that they should lead to second harmonic plasma emission weakly polarized in the x-mode.  相似文献   

The effect of shock wave propagation is investigated with respect to precursor heating and acceleration, upstream, with the aim of explaining Supernova (SN) observations.A model is presented, where two different sources of Langmuir waves produce upstream heating and acceleration: (1) Langmuir waves excited by resonance beam particles, that are accelerated through the shock front by Bell's mechanism; and (2) Langmuir waves, created in the post-shock turbulent zone.The most important processes considered in the calculations are: (1) the heating efficiency of beam particles of different velocity; (2) Bell's acceleration efficiency; (3) the spectrum of Langmuir waves created in a turbulent regime; (4) the effects of density, and of the density gradient in the medium, where the shock propagates.The calculations are applied to type II SN. The results show that temperatures of 105–106 K, obtained in the preshock region, can explain P-Cygni observed line profiles. Moreover, accelerations of the plasma in front of the shock up tov108 cm s–1 by momentum exchange, are in good agreement with observations.Partially supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Technológico (CNPq) and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP).  相似文献   

The longitudinal waves (Bernstein modes and plasma waves near the hybrid frequency) in a mixture of equilibrium coronal plasma and a small group of energetic electrons are investigated. The energetic electrons have a nonequilibrium momentum distribution inherent in trapped particles. The frequency dependence of the cyclotron instability increments is studied. Attention is paid to a significant role of the relativistic effects for the cyclotron instability of longitudinal waves. For sufficiently large velocity of nonequilibrium electrons the increments are shown to increase when the hybrid frequency coincides with one of the gyrofrequency harmonics (double plasma resonance). The results obtained are used in Parts II and III to explain tadpoles and zebra-pattern in solar radio bursts.  相似文献   

Quasi-linear theory, describing the diffusion of electrons in velocity space due to resonant interaction with Langmuir waves, is generalized to treat the case where the waves are distributed inhomogeneously (in clumps). The method used is a generalization of an approach developed by Morales and Lee (1974) to treat the interaction of electrons with a distribution of solitons. It is shown that quasi-linear theory, specifically the diffusion of electrons in velocity space due to resonant interaction with Langmuir waves, applies irrespective of how the waves are distributed in space, provided that an electron has multiple encounters with clumps of Langmuir waves, and that the evolution of the distribution of electrons is considered only on a time-scale long compared with the time between such encounters. This generalization of quasi-linear theory is of relevance to type III solar radio bursts, where the Langmuir waves are known to be distributed inhomogeneously, and yet the electron distribution is consistent with that expected from a balance between ballistic effects and quasi-linear relaxation.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to a search for relativistic objects in massive close binary systems without strong X-ray emission (L x <1034 erg s–1). It is pointed out that, according to the present-day theory on the evolution of massive close binaries, the number of neutron stars and black holes in non-X-ray binary systems must be 100 times the number of the known X-ray binaries comprising OB supergiant stars; that is why, in studying non-X-ray binary systems, the chances are to detect about a hundred of black holes in the Galaxy.Criteria are formulated for the relativistic nature of companions in the binary systems, such as high spatial velocity values and height Z over the galactic plane for OB stars (runaway stars) and for Wolf-Rayet stars. As reported by Tutukov and Yungelson (1973), as well as by van den Heuvel (1976), the presence of ring-type nebulae can serve as another indication of a relativistic nature of companions in the case of Wolf-Rayet stars.Data are collected on Wolf-Rayet stars with low-mass companions (Table I), which can be relativistic objects accreting within a strong stellar wind from Wolf-Rayet stars. Presented are new findings in respect of spectral examination of the runaway OB-stars (Table II), bringing together data on eight OB stars which can represent binary systems with relativistic companions (Table III).A list of 28 OB-stars (Table IV) which offer a good chance for finding relativistic companions is given.  相似文献   

Radio-emission of pulsars is investigated through computer simulation. We assume that electronpositron plasma is thermal and beam particles have b in the plasma rest frame. The main purpose of this study is to search for unstable electromagnetic waves which may be caused by beam-plasma interactions. We obtain the dominant waves in the range of radio frequencies in the observer frame. The results show that transverse electromagnetic waves grow rapidly, while electrostatic waves have very slow growth.  相似文献   

This study considers the influence of the effects of scattering due to Langmuir turbulent pulsations in the transfer of radiation in the spectral lines. The transfer equation of radiation in spectral lines, by taking into account scattering due to Langmuir turbulent pulsations, is written in a form convenient for application by numerical methods.The profile's intensity for a plane-parallel finite isothermal slab of a turbulent plasma in the case of complete redistribution of scattering by an atom are obtained. Numerical studies show that in this case with the broadening of spectral lines and the decreasing of self-reversal, the Langmuir frequency pe is of the same order as the electronic Doppler width De. Creation of the line satellites when pe is larger than the line width is shown with the aid of numerical methods.  相似文献   

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