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A family of symplectic integrators adapted for the integration of perturbed Hamiltonian systems of the form H=A+B was given in (McLachlan, 1995). We give here a constructive proof that for all integer p, such integrator exists, with only positive steps, and with a remainder of order O(p + 22), where is the stepsize of the integrator. Moreover, we compute the analytical expressions of the leading terms of the remainders at all orders. We show also that for a large class of systems, a corrector step can be performed such that the remainder becomes O(p +42). The performances of these integrators are compared for the simple pendulum and the planetary three-body problem of Sun–Jupiter–Saturn.  相似文献   

The results of the experimental study of the interaction of polyethylene impactors with a massive flat organic-glass target are presented. The impactor speed ranged from 3.2 to 5.84 km/s. A statistical analysis of the mass and size distributions of fragments of the impact and chop craters of the target is done. As a result, some scaling relations are established for the geometric size of the craters, the cumulative ejected mass, the mass of the largest fragment ejected from the impact crater, and for the dust mass. The mass distribution of the impact-crater fragments is shown to obey a power law and agrees well with other authors" data for some materials. The critical impact energy k , resulting in the catastrophic disruption of the target into individual fragments, is estimated. For organic glass, the value of k is found to be 4 × 104J/kg. The mass of the largest (central) fragment accounts for 27 to 33% of the overall mass ejected from the impact crater. The use of the parameter 3= p / p v 2 0gives the best fit to the observational data for the masses released from the impact and chop craters.  相似文献   

It is shown that a cylindrical plasma column supporting a longitudinal fieldB z and an azimuthal fieldB has a fastest-growing mode in whichkR 01 (k=wave number,R 0=radius of the column). If we assume that plasma is ejected from a galaxy to form a jet, filament or bridge of length 5 kpc,R 00.5 kpc, density 10–24 gm cm–3 with a dragged-out field of strengthB z 10–5 Gauss (from a parent field 10–6 Gauss), such a column must eventually fragment by the action of a hydromagnetic instability, breaking up into a number 10 of regularly-spaced condensations. It is, therefore, predicted that features like the M87 jet should show incipient nucleation with 3–10 knots, and that periodically-spaced objects of the type noted by Arp may have resulted from the action of such an instability.  相似文献   

Low-mass strange stars with a crust are investigated within the framework of the bag model. The crust, which consists of degenerate electrons and atomic nuclei, has a limiting boundary density cr , which is determined by the mass of the crust, and it cannot exceed the value drip = 4.3·1011 g/cm3, corresponding to the density at which neutrons drip from nuclei. For different values of cr in the low-mass range (M 0.1 M) we calculate several series of configurations: we find the dependence of the stellar mass M on the central density c for cr = const, with 109 g/cm3 cr drip , and for each series we determine the parameters of the configuration for which the condition dM/d c > 0 is violated. When the boundary density of the crust decreases to 109 g/cm3, the minimum mass of a strange star decreases to M min 10-3 M, while the radius reaches 600 km.  相似文献   

The contact binary system CC Com (=12h09m33s.8, =+22°4339, (1950);V max=11.31, (B-V)max=1.24) is a W UMa-type system with the shortest known period. The photometric solution of CC Com is presented using the Wilson and Devinney method. The results show that the CC Com belongs to the late-type eclipsing binary with the spectral type K5V and K6V, low temperatureT 1=4300 K,T 2=4265 K, the mass ratioq=0.5873±0.0021, and the inclinationi=87°.719±1°.44. The best regions of the gravity darkening exponents , the bolomotric albedov, and the limb-darkening coefficients are tested. It is found that 0.1250.065, 0.1v0.5, =0.5 are better regions for CC Com. The third body ofl 3 is not found to be significant. The results are combined with the spectroscopic results of Rucinski to provide an estimate of the absolute parameters.  相似文献   

An approximate metric is found which represents a sphere of matter embedded in a background of dust. The use of this metric in conjunction with the Friedmann equations gives values of for the three possible values ofk as +6×10–36 (k=+1), +3×10–35 (k=0), +10–36 (k=–1). These values depend on data regarding clusters of galaxies, and are probably accurate to within an order of magnitude given the correctness of the assumptions on which their derivation rests.  相似文献   

Using the flux-transport equation in the absence of sources, we study the relation between a highly peaked polar magnetic field and the poleward meridional flow that concentrates it. If the maximum flow speed m greatly exceeds the effective diffusion speed /R, then the field has a quasi-equilibrium configuration in which the poleward convection of flux via meridional flow approximately balances the equatorward spreading via supergranular diffusion. In this case, the flow speed () and the magnetic field B() are related by the steady-state approximation () (/R)B()/B() over a wide range of colatitudes from the poles to midlatitudes. In particular, a general flow profile of the form sin p cos q which peaks near the equator (q p) will correspond to a cos n magnetic field at high latitudes only if p = 1 and m = n /R. Recent measurements of n 8 and 600 km2 s–1 would then give m 7 m s–1.  相似文献   

Spherically symmetric, steady-state, optically thick accretion onto a nonrotating black hole with the mass of is studied. The gas accreting onto the black hole is assumed to be a fully ionized hydrogen plasma withn 0=108 cm–3 andT 0=104 K far from the black hole, and a new approximate expression for the Eddington factor is introduced. The luminosity is estimated to beL=1.875×1033 erg s–1, which primarily arises from the optical surface (1) ofT104 K. The accretion flow is characterized by 1 and (v/c)10. In the optically thin region, the flow remains isothermal, and the increase of temperature occurs at 1. The radiative equilibrium is strictly realized at (v/c)10.  相似文献   

Intensity, polarization, and cooling rate of the two-photon annihilation radiation are studied in detail in the case of one-dimensional power-law distributions of electrons and positrons, assuming that they occupy the ground Landau level in a strong magnetic fieldB1010–1012 G. Simple analytical expressions for limiting cases are obtained and results of numerical calculations of radiation characteristics are presented. Power-lawe ± distributions ± ± –k are shown to generate power-law spectra of the annihilation radiation atEmc 2 andEmc 2, with indices depending on the direction of radiation. The annihilation spectra at =0 show the largest blue-shifts of their maxima and the hardest high-energy tailsI(Emc 2, =0)E –(k–1). The blue-shifts reduce, and the hard tials steepen, with increasing . At >(2mc 2/E)1/2 the slopes of the high-energy tails rapidly transform to that at =2,I(Emc 2, =/2)E –(2k+3). The direction-integrated spectraS(E) also display the power-law tials at low and high energies,S(Emc 2)E –(k+1). The total annihilation rate and energy losses decrease with decreasingk, being higher than for the isotropice ± power-law distributions at the samek. The radiation is linearly polarized in the plane formed by the magnetic field and wave-vector. The polarization degreeP is maximum atEmc 2:P max0.6 for =/2. Annihilation features and power-law-like hard tails observed in many gamma-ray burst spectra may be associated with the annihilation radiation of the magnetized power-law distributed plasma near neutron stars. Comparison of the observed and theoretical spectra allows one to estimate the power-law index of thee e +-distribution and the gravitational redshift factor in the radiating region.  相似文献   

We consider the possibility that gravitational energy may play a local as well as global role in the behavior of matter in strong gravitational fields. A particular idealized equation, suggested as representing uniform energy density in general relativity, is examined, and its stability with respect to oscillatory and convective perturbations shown to be consistent with general relativistic hydrodynamics, subject to a new physical effect predicted for the behavior of fluids moving in strong fields. We calculate from this idealized equation the mass of a non-rotating neutron star, obtaining a maximum surface redshift ofz=2.48 and a maximum core mass of 9.79 14 –1/2 M. This compares withz=2.00 and 11.4 14 –1/2 M for a Schwarzschild star (=const.) and 6.8 14 –1/2 M for a causal star (dP/d1).  相似文献   

Heating of the primaeval plasma prior to the epoch of recombination results in distortions in the Rayleigh-Jeans region of the microwave relic radiation spectrum (1–60 cm, or more exactly =2.5–7/8 cm). The present observational data allow limits to be set to such energy injection from which follow upper limits to (a) the amount of antimatter in the universe; (b) the parameters of primaeval turbulence; and (c) the adiabatic fluctuation spectrum for small masses (M<1011 M ).If the heating takes place prior to the epocht=101012/5 sec (and in particular at the annihilation of electron-positron pairs atT108–1010 K,t<300 sec), no observable distortions are expected in the relic radiation spectrum. Here =/crit is the dimensionless average density of matter in the universe.Translated from the Russian by D. F. Smith.  相似文献   

We determine the momentum distribution of the relativistic particles near the Crab pulsar from the observed X- and -ray spectra (103109 eV), provided that the curvature radiation is responsible for it. The power law spectrum for the relativistic electrons,f() –5, reproduces a close fit to the observed high-energy photon spectrum. The theoretically determined upper limit to the momentum (due to radiation damping), M 8×106, corresponds to the upper cut-off energy of the -ray spectrum, 109 eV. The lower limit to the momentum, m 1.8×105, is chosen such that flattening of the X-ray spectrum below 10 keV is simulated. The number density of these electrons is found to be much higher than the Goldreich-Julian density. We also discuss pulse shape and polarization of high-energy photons. The extremely high density of particles and the steep momentum spectrum are difficult to understand. This may imply that another, more efficient, mechanism is in operation.  相似文献   

It is found that charged particles of positive energiesE, when constrained on axisymmetric isoflux surfaces , execute sinusoidal motions with typical frequencies =(2E/m)1/2). In general, it was found that under equilibrium condition p=J ^B/cthe particles develop a non-ambipolar drift velocityv d =(cµ/eb)[1+q 2 +2(q/)2]p.  相似文献   

General theory of electrical conductivity of a multicomponent mixture of degenerate fermions in a magnetic fieldB, developed in the preceding article (this volume), is applied to a matter in neutron star interiors at densities 0, where 0 = 2.8×1014 g cm–3 is the standard nuclear matter density. A model of free-particle mixture ofn, p, e is used, with account for appearance of -hyperons at > c , where c 40. The electric resistivities along and acrossB, and , and the Hall resistivity H are calculated and fitted by simple analytical formulae at c and > c for the cases of normal or superfluid neutrons provided other particles are normal. Charge transport alongB is produced by electrons, due to their Coulombic collisions with other charged particles; is independent ofB and almost independent of the neutron superfluidity. Charge transport acrossB at largeB may be essentially determined by other charged particles. If c , one has = [1 + (B/B 0)2] for the normal neutrons, and for the superfluid neutrons, while H = B/B e for both cases. HereB e 109 T 8 2 G,B 01011 T 8 2 G, andT 8 is temperature in units of 108 K. Accordingly for the normal neutrons atBB 0, the transverse resistivity suffers an enhancement, 1/4 1. When 50 andB varies from 0 toBB p 1013 T 8 2 G, increases by a factor of about 103–104 and H changes sign. WhenBB p , remains constant for the superfluid neutrons, and H B 2 for the normal neutrons, while H B for any neutron state. Strong dependence of resistivity onB, T, and may affect evolution of magnetic fields in neutron star cores. In particular, the enhancement of at highB may noticeably speed up the Ohmic decay of those electric currents which are perpendicular toB.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation of the evolution of low-mass binaries is performed for the case when the secondary fills its Roche lobe at the stage of core hydrogen exhaustion. The obtained results are compared with observational data for ultra-short periodic X-ray systems MXB 1820-30 and MXB 1916-05. In the frame of the proposed evolutionary scenario it is possible to obtain for MXB 1820-30 its periodP=11.4 min twice (see Figure 2). In the first case the parameters of the system are:M 2 0.13–0.15M ,X0.05–0.13, |P/P| (3.6–6.2) } 10–7 yr–1, M2 (4.1–9.6) } 10–9 M yr–1, for the second:M 2 0.08–0.09M ,X= 0, |P/P| (1.3–1.5) } 10–7 yr–1, M2 (1.4–1.8) } 10–8 M yr–1. It is suggested that MXB 1916-05 is the progenitor of the system MXB 1820-30 (M 2 = 0.1M,X 0.221,M 2 1.8 × 10–10 M yr–1).  相似文献   

It is shown that X-ray radiation of neutron stars with magnetic fieldsB=1011–1013 G near cyclotron resonances=s B (s=1,2,...) is deeply affected by such quantum effects as electron-positron vacuum polarization (significant at V=3×1028 n e –1 (B/B C 4)1, whereB C =4.4×1013G), the quantizing character of the magnetic field (significant atV=3 x 1028 n e –1 (B/B c)41 whereB c =4.4 x 1013G), the non-harmonic character of the Landau levels, and the quantum recoil of electrons. The latter two factors shift the resonances by the frequency –s 2 B (B/2B c )sin2, being the angle between the direction of radiation propagation and the magnetic field. IfVV 0 (for 1,V 0–1=(mc 2/2T)1/2), the normal mode (NM) polarizations, as well as the absorption coefficientk 1 of the extraordinary NM in the Doppler core of the first resonance (|–| B cos ), is only slightly affected by varyingb and/orV, whereas for the ordinary NM (at 1)k 2k 1 2[b + (3 + tan2–2V)2]k 1. For sufficiently largeb and/orV the quantum effects amplify resonant absorption of the ordinary NM at B , with spin-flip transitions playing a major role atb1+V 2. IfVV 0, the coefficientsk 1 andk 2 in the Doppler core of the resonance are of the same order and acquire some peculiar features (shifts, intersections, etc.), with the NM polarizations depending sharply on and being strongly non-orthogonal. AtVV 0,k 2=k 1(cos2 +B/2B C ) and the polarizations are almost linear. Near high resonances (s2), as a rule,k 1,2(1 + b) s–1 2s–3 i.e., absorption increases withb due to replacement of the thermal energy of the transverse motion of electron,T, by the magnetic energy B . The above effects should be taken into account for an interpretation of observational data on X-ray pulsars (e.g., Her X-1) and other X-ray sources associated with neutron stars.  相似文献   

A semi-continuous hierarchy, (i.e., one in which there are galaxies outside clusters, clusters outside superclusters etc.), is examined using an expression of the field equations of general relativity in a form due to Podurets, Misner and Sharp. It is shown (a) that for a sufficiently populous hierarchy, the thinning factor( i+1/ i [r i /r i+1] is approximately equal to the exponentN in a continuous density law (=aR –N) provided (r i /r i+1)3-1; (b) that a hierarchical Universe will not look decidedly asymmetric to an observer like a human being because such salient observers live close to the densest elements of the hierarchy (viz stars), the probability of the Universe looking spherically symmetric (dipole anisotropy0.1 to such an observer being of order unity; (c) the existence of a semi-continuous or continuous hierarchy (Peebles) requires that 2 if galaxies, not presently bound to clusters were once members of such systems; (d) there are now in existence no less than ten arguments for believing 2, though recent number counts by Sandageet al. seem to be in contradiction to such a value; (e) Hubble's law, withH independent of distance, can be proved approximately in a relativistic hierarchy provided (i)N=2, (ii)2GM(R)/c 2 R1; (iii)Rc (iv)M0 in a system of massM, sizeR (f) Hubble's law holds also in a hierarchy with density jumps; (g)H100 km s–1 Mpc–1; (h) objects forming the stellar level of the hierarchy (in a cosmology of the Wilson type) must once have had 2GM/c 2 R1; (i) there is a finite pressurep=2Ga in all astrophysical systems (a=R N ,N2); (j) for the Galaxy, theory predictsp G7×10–12 dyn cm–2, observation givesp G5×10–12 dyn cm–2; (k) if the mass-defect (or excess binding energy) hypothesis is taken as a postulate, all non-collapsed astrophysical systems must be non-static, and any non-static, p0 systems must in any case be losing mass; (1) the predicted mass-loss rate from the Sun is 1012 g s–1, compared to 1011 g s–1 in the observed solar wind; (m) the mass-loss rates known by observation imply timescales of 5×109 years for the Sun and 1010 years for other astrophysical systems; (n) degenerate superdense objects composed of fermions must haveN-2 if they were ever at their Schwarzschild radii and comprised a finite numberN B of baryons; (o)N B1057N for degenerate fermion and boson systems; (p)285-4; (q) the metric coefficients for superdense bodies give equations of motion that imply equal maximum luminosities for all evolving superdense bodies (L max1059 erg s–1); (r) larger bodies have longer time-scales of energy radiation atL max (10–5 s for stars,1 h for QSO's) (s) expansion velocities are c soon after the initial loss of equilibrium in a superdense object; (t) if the density parametera(t) in aR –N isa=a (non-atomic constants of physicsc, G, A), andA, thenN=2; (u) N2 is necessary to giveMM at the stellar level of the hierarchy;(v) systems larger than, and including, galaxies must have formed by clumping of smaller systems and not (as advocated by Wertz and others) in a multiple big bang.  相似文献   

On the basis of empirical (D)-dependency at the frequency of 5 GHz constructed using 15 planetary nebulae with the independently measured distances (10–171×10–20 W m–2 Hz–1 ster–1), we evaluated distances of 335 objects. Independent evidence of the correctness of the accepted scale are given. Then(D)-dependency is constructed and it is shown that atD<0.08 pc the mean electron density is higher than the one determined by the Seaton method. We showed that the filling factor diminishes with the increase of the PN diameter (1 atD0.08 pc and 0.2 atD0.4 pc). the ionized mass of 33 PNs is determined. With the diameter increase the ionized mass grows and atD0.4 pc reaches the valueM0.07M . We used the new distance scale when investigating the space distribution of PNs. The mean scale height =130±15 pc and the mean gradient of the change of surface densitym=0.37, which allowed us to estimate the total number of nebulae in the GalaxyN4×104. We divided the PNs according to their velocities (withV LSR>35 km s–1 andV LSR<35 km s–1) and permitted us to confirm that the PN belong to different sub-systems of the Galaxy. The estimated local formation rate of PNs [=(4.6±2.2)×10–12 pc–3 yr–1] is a little higher than the one of the white dwarfs. That can be explained by a large number of PNs having binary cores, which used in our sample. The statistical estimation of PN expansion velocity showed thatV ex increases from 5–7 km s–1 (atD0.03 pc) to 40–50 km s–1 (atD0.8 pc).  相似文献   

Gelfreikh  G. B.  Pilyeva  N. A.  Ryabov  B. I. 《Solar physics》1997,170(2):253-264
A technique is proposed to estimate the magnetic field and its derivative in coronal layers above solar active regions. On the basis of the theory of quasi-transverse propagation of microwaves, the measurable degree of circular polarization is related to the gradient of the coronal magnetic field. The relation is applied to the analyses of a set of microwave sunspot-associated sources at the time when they reverse the sense of their circular polarization.Here we present the characteristic values of coronal fields H= 20 G, H/ l = 10-9 G cm-1 at a height of 1010 cm, estimated using spectral-polarization observations with the radiotelescope RATAN-600 ( =18–36 at = 2.0–4.0 cm). The steepest gradient of 2 × 10-5 G cm-1 at h=5 × 109 cm is obtained in the case of coronal magnetic fields overlying a sunspot with a high photospheric proper motion.  相似文献   

Exact corotations are equilibrium points in the phase space of the asteroidal elliptic restricted problem of three bodies averaged over the synodic period, at a mean-motions resonance. If the resonant critical angle is =(p+q) jup pq, exact corotations are double resonant motions defined by the conditionsd/dt=0 andd(– jup )/dt=0. The first condition is characteristic of the periods resonance(p + q) : p and the second one is a secular resonance equivalent to that usually known as thev 5-resonance. This paper presents the symmetric solutions =0 (mod ), = jup (mod ). Corotations have a coherence property which is unique in non-collisional Celestial Mechanics: An elementary calculation shows that, in the neighbourhood of these solutions, the motions cluster aroundp independent longitude values and are, in each cluster, as close together as and are close to the equilibrium values.  相似文献   

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