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We develop a technique for estimating the inner eccentricity in hierarchical triple systems, with the inner orbit being initially circular, while the outer one is eccentric. We consider coplanar systems with well-separated components and comparable masses. The derivation of short-period terms is based on an expansion of the rate of change of the Runge–Lenz vector. Then, the short-period terms are combined with secular terms, obtained by means of canonical perturbation theory. The validity of the theoretical equations is tested by numerical integrations of the full equations of motion.  相似文献   

The dynamical interaction of a binary or planetary system and a third body moving on a parabolic orbit inclined to the system is discussed in terms of Hill stability for the full three-body problem. The situation arises in binary star disruption and exchange, in extrasolar planetary system disruption, exchange and capture. It is found that increasing the inclination of the third body decreases the Hill regions of stability. This makes exchange or disruption of the component masses more likely as does increasing the eccentricity of the binary.
The stability criteria are applied to determine possible disruption and capture distances for currently known extrasolar planetary systems.  相似文献   

A recently discovered solution of the three-body problem represents a new possible byproduct of binary–binary scattering. This is demonstrated by an explicit example. A way of detecting the new orbit automatically is discussed, and we give estimates related to the probability of its formation.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the influence of a varying gravitation constant on the orbits of celestial bodies. Regarding the eccentric anomaly as an independent variable, we find the solutions to the perturbed equations of motion. In the first order solutions, we find the secular and periodic variations in semi-major axis. For the other orbital elements only periodic variations exhibit. However in the second order solutions, the longitude of periastron and the mean longitude have secular terms. Applying the calculations to six selected binaries, we give the numerical estimations of the variations of orbits. These results are then carefully compared and discussed.  相似文献   

In previous papers, we developed a technique for estimating the inner eccentricity in hierarchical triple systems, with the inner orbit being initially circular. We considered systems with well-separated components and different initial setups (e.g., coplanar and non-coplanar orbits). However, the systems we examined had comparable masses. In the present paper, the validity of some of the formulae derived previously is tested by numerically integrating the full equations of motion for systems with smaller mass ratios (from 10−3 to 103, i.e. systems with Jupiter-sized bodies). There is also discussion about HD 217107 and its planetary companions.  相似文献   

We consider the destructive effects of encounters between binaries and red giant stars in the Galactic Centre. Such encounters may explain the observed depletion of luminous red giants within the central 0.2 pc of the galaxy. We consider encounters involving 2- and 8-M⊙ red giants, and thus span the range of stellar masses contributing to the most luminous red giants observed in the Galactic Centre. To explore the phase space of encounters thoroughly, we simulate 18 × 103 encounters using a modified four-body code in which the red giant core and components of the binary are treated as point masses, and where the envelope configuration is assumed to remain static throughout the encounter. We then rerun a small number of encounters with a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code to confirm the reliability of conclusions drawn from the four-body runs. We see two possible pathways to red giant destruction. A large fraction of encounters lead to the formation of common-envelope systems, where two compact objects (drawn from the red giant core and the components of the original binary) form a binary within a common gaseous envelope, whilst the third body is ejected. The destruction of the red giant will then follow when the envelope is ejected as the binary hardens. In a smaller number of encounters, the intruding binary passes through the star and ejects the red giant core from the envelope. The red giant envelope will then disperse on short time-scales. We compute the time-scales for both of these processes to occur in the Galactic Centre for a variety of binary populations.  相似文献   

给出了以偏近点角为自变量的变引力常数的摄动方程组的解.解包括轨道半长轴的长期和周期变化项,其他轨道根数在一阶解中无长期项,只有周期项.近星点经度和平经度在二阶解中显示长期项变化.给出了由于引力常数变化对双星轨道演变情况的数值估计,对结果做了讨论并给出结论.  相似文献   

The new approach outlined in Paper I to follow the individual formation and evolution of binaries in an evolving, equal point-mass star cluster is extended for the self-consistent treatment of relaxation and close three- and four-body encounters for many binaries (typically a few per cent of the initial number of stars in the cluster mass). The distribution of single stars is treated as a conducting gas sphere with a standard anisotropic gaseous model. A Monte Carlo technique is used to model the motion of binaries, their formation and subsequent hardening by close encounters, and their relaxation (dynamical friction) with single stars and other binaries. The results are a further approach towards a realistic model of globular clusters with primordial binaries without using special hardware. We present, as our main result, the self-consistent evolution of a cluster consisting of 300 000 equal point-mass stars, plus 30 000 equal-mass binaries over several hundred half-mass relaxation times, well into the phase where most of the binaries have been dissolved and evacuated from the core. The cluster evolution is about three times slower than found by Gao et al. Other features are rather comparable. At every moment we are able to show the individual distribution of binaries in the cluster.  相似文献   

The stars that populate the solar neighbourhood were formed in stellar clusters. Through N -body simulations of these clusters, we measure the rate of close encounters between stars. By monitoring the interaction histories of each star, we investigate the singleton fraction in the solar neighbourhood. A singleton is a star which formed as a single star, has never experienced any close encounters with other stars or binaries, or undergone an exchange encounter with a binary. We find that, of the stars which formed as single stars, a significant fraction is not singletons once the clusters have dispersed. If some of these stars had planetary systems, with properties similar to those of the Solar System, the planets' orbits may have been perturbed by the effects of close encounters with other stars or the effects of a companion star within a binary. Such perturbations can lead to strong planet–planet interactions which eject several planets, leaving the remaining planets on eccentric orbits. Some of the single stars exchange into binaries. Most of these binaries are broken up via subsequent interactions within the cluster, but some remain intact beyond the lifetime of the cluster. The properties of these binaries are similar to those of the observed binary systems containing extrasolar planets. Thus, dynamical processes in young stellar clusters will alter significantly any population of Solar System-like planetary systems. In addition, beginning with a population of planetary systems exactly resembling the Solar System around single stars, dynamical encounters in young stellar clusters may produce at least some of the extrasolar planetary systems observed in the solar neighbourhood.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the gravothermal instability of spherical stellar systems endowed with a radially anisotropic velocity distribution. We focus our attention on the effects of anisotropy on the conditions for the onset of instability and in particular we study the dependence of the spatial structure of critical models on the amount of anisotropy present in a system. The investigation has been carried out by the method of linear series which has already been used in the past to study the gravothermal instability of isotropic systems._   We consider models described by King, Wilson and Woolley–Dickens distribution functions. In the case of King and Woolley–Dickens models, our results show that, for quite a wide range of the amount of anisotropy in the system, the critical value of the concentration of the system (defined as the ratio of the tidal to the King core radius of the system) is approximately constant and equal to the corresponding value for isotropic systems. Only for very anisotropic systems does the critical value of the concentration start to change and it decreases significantly as the anisotropy increases and penetrates the inner parts of the system. For Wilson models the decrease of the concentration of critical models is preceded by an intermediate regime in which critical concentration increases, reaches a maximum and then starts to decrease. The critical value of the central potential always decreases as the anisotropy increases.  相似文献   

High-resolution observations of the inner regions of barred disc galaxies have revealed many asymmetrical, small-scale central features, some of which are best described as secondary bars. Because orbital time-scales in the galaxy centre are short, secondary bars are likely to be dynamically decoupled from the main kiloparsec-scale bars. Here we show that regular orbits exist in such doubly barred potentials, and that they can support the bars in their motion. We find orbits in which particles remain on loops : closed curves which return to their original positions after two bars have come back to the same relative orientation. Stars trapped around stable loops could form the building blocks for a long-lived, doubly barred galaxy. Using the loop representation, we can find which orbits support the bars in their motion, and the constraints on the sizes and shapes of self-consistent double bars. In particular, it appears that a long-lived secondary bar may exist only when an inner Lindblad resonance is present in the primary bar, and that it would not extend beyond this resonance.  相似文献   

We report results of collisional N -body simulations aimed at studying the N dependence of the dynamical evolution of star clusters. Our clusters consist of equal-mass stars and are in virial equilibrium. Clusters moving in external tidal fields and clusters limited by a cut-off radius are simulated. Our main focus is to study the dependence of the lifetimes of the clusters on the number of cluster stars and the chosen escape condition.
We find that star clusters in external tidal fields exhibit a scaling problem in the sense that their lifetimes do not scale with the relaxation time. Isolated clusters show a similar problem if stars are removed only after their distance to the cluster centre exceeds a certain cut-off radius. If stars are removed immediately after their energy exceeds the energy necessary for escape, the scaling problem disappears.
We show that some stars that gain the energy necessary for escape are scattered to lower energies before they can leave the cluster. As the efficiency of this process decreases with increasing particle number, it causes the lifetimes not to scale with the relaxation time. Analytic formulae are derived for the scaling of the lifetimes in the different cases.  相似文献   

We study spherically symmetrical equilibrium states of collisionless stellar systems confined to a spherical box. These equilibrium states correspond to the statistics introduced by Lynden-Bell in his theory of 'violent relaxation', and are described by a Fermi–Dirac distribution function. We compute the corresponding equilibrium diagram and show that a global entropy maximum exists for any accessible control parameter. This equilibrium state shows a pronounced separation between a degenerate core and a halo. We therefore check that degeneracy is able to stop the gravitational collapse (of a collisionless system), and we propose a simple model for the 'core–halo' structure. We also discuss the relevance of our study for real galaxies or other astrophysical systems such as massive neutrinos.  相似文献   

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