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吕君昌  袁崇喜 《地质学报》2005,79(4):443-443
根据一具有头骨和下颌保存的几乎完整骨架,建立古神翼龙类一新属新种:季氏华夏翼龙。华夏翼龙的头骨形态显示它处于中国翼龙和古神翼龙的过渡阶段。从华夏翼龙头骨的形态(低的头骨脊)看,显示了它与中国翼龙的关系要比与具有高的头骨脊的古神翼龙密切。中国翼龙相对低长的头骨显  相似文献   

辽西朝阳盆地早白垩世一新的无齿翼龙化石   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
采自辽西朝阳盆地早白垩世九佛堂组的一翼龙化石被记述。化石材料是一接近完整骨架的无齿的翼龙,带有一不完全的头骨。作者将其归于翼手龙类(Pteroclactyloidea),并建一新属、新种一无齿吉大翼龙(Jidapterus edentus gen.et sp.nov.)。  相似文献   

辽西义县组奔龙类化石一新种   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在辽宁西部义县头台的义县组中新发现的1件奔龙类化石标本,显示出许多中国鸟龙属(Sinornithosaurus)所具有的特征,如上颌骨眶前窝侧面具有装饰性凹坑、前颌骨齿无边缘小锯齿、齿骨后缘二分叉、指节Ⅲ-1略长于指节Ⅲ-2的2倍、?骨Ⅲ部分窄?型形态等。但其头骨的部分骨骼与千禧中国鸟龙(S.millenii)有明显的区别前颌骨主体部分相对较高,其长仅稍大于其高,前颌骨角大,前颌骨上颌突与鼻突均很长,上颌骨不参与外鼻孔的构成,上颌骨窗相对较小且为圆形,方颧骨上升突明显长于颧骨突,齿骨长高之比小等。此外,新标本肠骨的耻骨柄前后方向的宽度小于髋臼宽度。这些不同之处表明,义县头台的标本应为中国鸟龙属另一新种,将其命名为郝氏中国鸟龙(新种)(S.haoianasp.nov.)。  相似文献   

根据发现于辽宁省西部下白垩统义县组的一近乎完整翼龙骨架,确立了鸟掌龙类一新属新种:崔氏北方翼龙Boreopterus cuiae gen.et sp.nov.。崔氏北方翼龙以其数量多的牙齿,且前部的九对牙齿大于后部的牙齿,上下颌的第四对牙齿稍微大于第三对等特征不同于辽西及其周边地区所发现的任何具有头骨保存的翼龙类。总的来说,  相似文献   

辽西义县组蝾螈类化石新发现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在辽西葫芦岛市附近的早白垩世义县组地层中发现1处新的蝾螈化石点。新台门一带出露的湖相沉积地层主要是一套灰绿色安山岩与紫色泥质粉沙岩的互层。该层中除了产蝾螈化石外,还有诸如Ephemeropsis,Eosestheria,Liaoningocladus等其他动植物化石。过去发现的Liaoxitriton化石点是在同一地区比新化石层稍高的层位中发现的。该类蝾螈化石曾报道产于早白垩世的九佛堂组,但是新近的野外调查表明,该化石点所在层位也属义县组。  相似文献   

报道了美颌龙类一新属新种:季氏北票颌龙(Beipiaognathus jiigen. et sp. nov.)。它不仅具有美颌龙科的鉴定特征,如扇形的背椎神经脊和强壮的第一指第一指节,而且具有不同于其他美颌龙类的独具特征:不具有小锯齿的锥形牙齿,较长的尺骨,长而强壮的第二指第一指节,以及较短的尾部。这一发现进一步揭示了美颌龙类具有相当高的分异度,为了解美颌龙类的解剖学特征提供了重要信息  相似文献   

以要路沟上平房-青石岩、上白庙-罗家沟和小郎家沟-三门店剖面为代表的建昌盆地义县组,自下而上分为5段:第一段主要为砂砾岩(要路沟层);第二段为砂泥岩、页岩夹凝灰岩,其中包括上白庙层含Cypridea(C.)biventricostata-Yumenia luojiagouensis介形类亚组合带,罗家沟层产介形类CyprideaC.)luanpingensis-Yumenia unidorsalta-Djungarica camarata亚组合带以及爬行类和鸟类等多门类化石,后狮沟里层以鱼类和介甲类化石为主;第三段岩性是中酸熔岩及其火山碎屑岩;第四段亦称前狮子沟层,以砂页岩为主,夹安山岩,含介形类Yumenia luojiagouensis-Jianchangella dorsicostata亚组合带;第五段为酸性火山岩.上述各层介形类亚组合统归该盆地义县组CyprideaC.)biventricostata-Yumenia luojiagouensis-Djungarica camarata组合带,其时代属早白垩世早期.文中描述了介形类化石1新属7新种.  相似文献   

辽宁凌源义县组恐龙皮肤印痕化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姬书安 《地质论评》2004,50(2):170-174,i006
辽宁西部凌源大王杖子义县组恐龙皮肤印痕化石的发现,是热河生物群中恐龙皮肤鳞片的又一次记录。这些鳞片的形态以不规则多边形为主、互不叠覆,同时鳞片的大小、排列方式等随其着生部位的不同而明显变化。从与该皮肤鳞片保存在一起的数枚上颌齿及部分前后肢骨来判断,这一恐龙化石应归鸟臀类,且极有可能为鹦鹉嘴龙类(psittacosaurids)。  相似文献   

辽西北票地区义县组地层层序与化石层位   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
辽西北票地区义县组是一套中生代火山-沉积地层.义县组火山活动具有明显的旋回性特征,主要由下部基性-中基性火山喷发-沉积旋回和上部酸性、偏碱性火山活动旋回组成.具体可划分6个岩性段,自下而上分别为底砾岩段,基性、中基性火山岩段,湖相沉积岩段,酸性、偏碱性火山岩段,上部基性火山岩段和顶部砾岩段.义县组底砾岩段和基性、中基性火山岩段的沉凝灰岩中产有丰富的以鹦鹉嘴龙为主的古脊椎动物化石.湖相沉积岩段含有大量热河生物群化石,包括著名的中华龙鸟、孔子鸟和辽宁古果等珍稀化石,该层位记录了侏罗-白垩纪界限附近重大的生物演化事件.  相似文献   

根据发现于辽宁省西部下白垩统九佛堂组的一近乎完整的梳齿颌翼龙类下颌,确立了一新属新种:短颌辽西翼龙Liaoxipterus brachyognathus gen.et sp.nov.短颌辽西翼龙以它前部扩张的下颌缝合部,左右第四齿槽间的距离最宽等特征不同于发现于辽西及其周边地区任何具有头骨保存的翼龙类,基于其扁宽的下颌吻端,牙齿大小分异小及短的下颌缝合部,把它归入梳齿翼龙类,短颌辽西翼龙以其较少的牙齿数目区别于其他梳齿颌翼龙,  相似文献   

根据新材料,对始无齿翼龙的特征进行了修订:中部颈椎体没有神经棘;肱骨三角嵴的长度与肱骨长度之比率约为0.2.5:翼掌骨的长度与第二翼指骨的长度几乎相等;第二翼指骨与第一翼指骨的长度之比率约为0.76。始无齿翼龙的新标本与正型稍微不同,可能由个体发育所引起。  相似文献   

New Azhdarchid Pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Western Liaoning   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A nearly complete skeleton with a lower jaw of pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous of western Liaoning is described and assigned to a new genus, Eoazhdarcho gen. nov.. The new genus is characterized by a relatively small size,the ratio of the length to width of the middle series cervical vertebrae approximately 3.5 and the ratio of humeral length to femoral length approximately 0.96. The humerus of Eoazhdarcho shows great resemblances to that of previously described Azhdarchidae, so it is assigned to the family Azhdarchidae.  相似文献   

New Tapejarid Pterosaur from Western Liaoning, China   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
A new tapejarid pterosaur Huaxiapterus jii gen. et sp. nov. is erected based on a nearly complete skeleton with a skull. The skull morphology of Huaxiapterus jii gen. et sp. nov. appears transitional between the skulls of Sinopterus and Tapejara. The skull morphology (low crest) of Huaxiapterusjii indicates that Huaxiapterus is more closely related to Sinopterus than to Tapejara, which has a high crest. The relatively long and shallow skull of Sinopterus indicates that it is a primitive form. Huaxiapterus is more derived than Sinopterus but more primitive than Tapejara.  相似文献   

Based on a nearly complete lower jaw from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning Province, a new ctenochasmatid pterosaur: Liaoxipterus brachyognathus gen, et sp. nov. is erected. Liaoxipterus brachyognathus is different from any known pterosaurs with skulls preserved from western Liaoning Province and its peripheral areas in that the anterior part of the mandibular symphysis is expanded, being widest between the fourth alveolus of each side. Liaoxipterus brachyognathus is assigned to Ctenochasmatidae based on the following characters: the rounded anterior end of the lower jaw is spatulated and dorsoventrally flattened and marked heterodonty in the dentition is absent. It differs from other ctenochasmatid pterosaurs in having relatively small number of teeth. Liaoxipterus is distinguished from some ornithocheirids, which have expanded anterior parts of the mandibular symphyses, such as Anhanguera piscator,Coloborhynchus robustus in which the teeth of the new pterosaur are not as variable.  相似文献   

A specimen collected from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China, represents a new genus and species of troodontid theropod. The new taxon is named and described on the basis of the holotype and the only known specimen, which comprises an articulated skeleton with the presacral vertebral, shoulder girdle and forelimbs missing as preserved. Diagnostic features of the new species include nasals that are sinusoid in lateral view, absence of a passage connecting the antorbital and maxillary fenestrae, relatively large teeth, plate-like chevrons forming a band along most of the length of the tail, and a long neck between the femoral head and shaft. The temporal constraints of the three paravian groups (Troodontidae, Dromaeosauridae and Aves) combined with the character distributions among the earliest known troodontids indicate a rapid evolution at the base of the Troodontidae.  相似文献   

辽西义县组的地质时代   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
长期以来辽西义县组地质时代存在争论。通过对义县组命名地义县上底家沟—砖城子剖面义县组下部玄武岩的定年 ,获得K Ar年龄 131.2± 2 .6Ma ,坪年龄tp130 .4± 1.0Ma ,总气体年龄ttg130 .1± 1.3Ma ,等时年龄tI130 .5± 1.5Ma。这一结果表明 ,辽西义县组的地质时代应属早白垩世 ,其时代可与浙西劳村组、江苏宁芜盆地龙王山组、安徽庐枞盆地砖桥组对比。  相似文献   

A new Early Cretaceous enantiornithine bird from Liaoning Province of northeastern China, Shengjingornis yangi, gen. et sp. nov., is reported. This new bird possesses the following unique combination of features: a long rostrum, with some teeth in the front; short nasal; slender jugal; Y-shaped furcula, with expanded distal end of the hypocleidum; cake-like sternum, with a low and caudally distributed keel; strut-like and caudally concave coracoid. The derived features of the scapula and the wings suggest a powerful flapping flight capability.  相似文献   

A new troodontid dinosaur,Daliansaurus liaoningensis gen.et sp.nov.,is erected based on a nearly complete specimen from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Beipiao City,Liaoning Province,China.This well preserved skeleton provides important new details of the anatomy for Liaoning troodontids,and gives new insight into their phylogenetic relationships and evolution.Daliansaurus is distinguished from other troodontids by an enlarged ungual on pedal digit IV,which is approximately the same size as the sickle-shaped second ungual,and is differentiated from other Liaoning troodontids by a number of characters of the skull,manus,pelvis,and hindlimb.A phylogenetic analysis recovers Daliansaurus within a subclade of Liaoning troodontids that also includes Sinovenator,Sinusonasus,and Mei.We erect a name for this group—Sinovenatorinae—and argue that it reflects a localized radiation of small-bodied troodontids in the Early Cretaceous of eastern Asia,similar to previously recognized radiations of Liaoning dromaeosaurids and avialans.As more Liaoning theropods are discovered,it is becoming apparent that small,feathered paravians were particularly diverse during the Early Cretaceous,and future work is needed to clarify how this diversity arose,which species coexisted,and how these numerous species partitioned niches.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The Jiufotang Formation is one of the most fossil- productive Early Cretaceous deposits of China. It overlies the famous Yixian Formation from which many important taxa were found (Ji et al., 2004; Chang et al., 2003; Zhou et al., 2003). In addition to other vertebrates, pterosaurs, the first flying reptiles in Earth history, are also abundant in the Jiufotang Formation. At present, nine species belonging to five genera have been reported from the Jiufotang Formation. The…  相似文献   

记辽宁一新翼龙化石(喙嘴龙亚目)   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
姬书安  季强 《江苏地质》1998,22(4):199-206
记述了辽宁北票四合屯炒米甸子组中一新翼龙化石,该翼龙个体极小,两翼展开仅约40cm。化石具有同形齿、长尾、极短的翼掌骨和非常发育的后肢第Ⅴ趾等特征,因而无疑可归入喙嘴龙亚目喙嘴龙科(Rhamphorhynchidae),并代表一新属种弯齿树翼龙(Dendrorhynchuscurviden-tatusgen.etsp.nov.)。该化石是我国及东亚晚侏罗世喙嘴龙类翼龙的首次记录,它的发现有力地表明包括中华龙鸟和孔子鸟在内的辽西四合屯化石层的地质时代应为晚侏罗世。  相似文献   

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