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Magnetic fabric was determined by applying the anisotropy from the low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) technique in 62 mafic dykes from the Mesozoic Florianópolis (Santa Catarina Island) dyke swarm, southern Brazil. These dykes cut the crystalline basement rocks, which are mainly Proterozoic. They are vertical or subvertical in dip and trend mainly NE, although NW-trending dykes are also found. Dykes are tholeiitic in composition and are geochemically similar to those from the Ponta Grossa swarm. Thicknesses vary from 0.3 to 60 m. Polished sections show that titanomagnetites carry the AMS in these dykes. Hysteresis parameters show that the magnetic minerals fall in the PSD range. Two types of magnetic fabric are recognized. Type I is characterized by K 1- K 2 parallel to the dyke wall, representing magma flow within the dykes; type II, with K 1- K 3 parallel to the dyke wall, was found in four dykes. Type I is found in 94 per cent of the dykes, and approximately 20 per cent of these have K 1 inclinations of less than 30°, suggesting horizontal or subhorizontal flow. About 80 per cent have K 1 inclinations of greater than 30°, due to inclined to vertical flow. The comparison of AMS studies from both the Florianópolis and the Ponta Grossa dykes suggests a source position closer to Santa Catarina Island than the Ponta Grossa arch.  相似文献   

A detailed record of mineral magnetic properties of a loess–palaeosol profile comprising seven loess horizons, six interbedded palaeosols and recent soil at the top in NE Bulgaria is analysed. A strong contrast between the soil and loess susceptibilities as well as other concentration-dependent hysteresis parameters is present, similar to the well-documented magnetic characteristics of the Chinese loess ( Hus & Han 1992 ; Maher & Thompson 1992 ; Heller & Evans 1995 ; Hunt et al. 1995 ). The magnetic enhancement of the palaeosol units is caused by very fine-grained pedogenic magnetite with superparamagnetic behaviour. Thermomagnetic analyses on bulk material suggest magnetite and maghemite as the main ferrimagnetic carriers in both soil and loess horizons. Their relative proportions are shown to reflect different palaeoclimatic conditions. Chernozem soils, which include recent soil S0 and first and second palaeosols S1 and S2 developed under steppe vegetation, show a high degree of low-temperature oxidation of the pedogenic magnetite to maghemite. This material is characterized by coercive force H c showing even higher values than those of the parent loess material. The older palaeosols (S4 to S6 ) were formed during more humid climatic conditions and therefore probably developed as forest types. Rock magnetic data suggest the existence here of only partly oxidized magnetite grains. The behaviour of the thermomagnetic curves, characterized by a kink at 200 °C, may be due to either a release of internal stress (built up as a result of partial low-temperature oxidation) or interactions between two phases.  相似文献   

Measured changes in the Earth's length of day on a decadal timescale are usually attributed to the exchange of angular momentum between the solid mantle and fluid core. One of several possible mechanisms for this exchange is electromagnetic coupling between the core and a weakly conducting mantle. This mechanism is included in recent numerical models of the geodynamo. The 'advective torque', associated with the mantle toroidal field produced by flux rearrangement at the core–mantle boundary (CMB), is likely to be an important part of the torque for matching variations in length of day. This can be calculated from a model of the fluid flow at the top of the outer core; however, results have generally shown little correspondence between the observed and calculated torques. There is a formal non-uniqueness in the determination of the flow from measurements of magnetic secular variation, and unfortunately the part of the flow contributing to the torque is precisely that which is not constrained by the data. Thus, the forward modelling approach is unlikely to be useful. Instead, we solve an inverse problem: assuming that mantle conductivity is concentrated in a thin layer at the CMB (perhaps D"), we seek flows that both explain the observed secular variation and generate the observed changes in length of day. We obtain flows that satisfy both constraints and are also almost steady and almost geostrophic, and therefore assert that electromagnetic coupling is capable of explaining the observed changes in length of day.  相似文献   

The magnetic behaviour of hydrothermally synthesized greigite was analysed in the temperature range from 4 K to 700 °C. Below room temperature, hysteresis parameters were determined as a function of temperature, with emphasis on the temperature range below 50 K. Saturation magnetization and initial susceptibility were studied above room temperature, along with X-ray diffraction analysis of material heated to various temperatures. The magnetic behaviour of synthetic greigite on heating is determined by chemical alteration rather than by magnetic unblocking. Heating in air yields more discriminative behaviour than heating in argon. When heated in air, the amount of oxygen available for reaction with greigite determines the products and magnetic behaviour. In systems open to contact with air, haematite is the final reaction product. When the contact with air is restricted, magnetite is the final reaction product. When air is excluded, pyrrhotite and magnetite are the final reaction products; the amount of magnetite formed is determined by the purity of the starting greigite and the degree of its surficial oxidation. The saturation magnetization of synthetic greigite is virtually independent of temperature from room temperature down to 4 K. The saturation remanent magnetization increases slowly by 20–30 per cent on cooling from room temperature to 4 K. A broad maximum is observed at ~10 K which may be diagnostic of greigite. The coercive and remanent coercive force both increase smoothly with decreasing temperature to 4 K. The coercive force increases from ~50 mT at room temperature to approximately 100–120 mT at 4 K, and the remanent coercive force increases from approximately 50–80 mT at room temperature to approximately 110–180 mT at 4 K.  相似文献   

Dissipative core–mantle coupling is evident in observations of the Earth's nutations, although the source of this coupling is uncertain. Magnetic coupling occurs when conducting materials on either side of the boundary move through a magnetic field. In order to explain the nutation observations with magnetic coupling, we must assume a high (metallic) conductivity on the mantle side of the boundary and a rms radial field of 0.69 mT. Much of this field occurs at short wavelengths, which cannot be observed directly at the surface. High levels of short-wavelength field impose demands on the power needed to regenerate the field through dynamo action in the core. We use a numerical dynamo model from the study of Christensen & Aubert (2006) to assess whether the required short-wavelength field is physically plausible. By scaling the numerical solution to a model with sufficient short-wavelength field, we obtain a total ohmic dissipation of 0.7–1 TW, which is within current uncertainties. Viscous coupling is another possible explanation for the nutation observations, although the effective viscosity required for this is 0.03 m2 s−1 or higher. Such high viscosities are commonly interpreted as an eddy viscosity. However, physical considerations and laboratory experiments limit the eddy viscosity to 10−4 m2 s−1, which suggests that viscous coupling can only explain a few percent of the dissipative torque between the core and the mantle.  相似文献   

Low-field magnetic susceptibility and its anisotropy (AMS) were measured for a suite of sandstone and siltstone samples. AMS orientations measured on two systems (Bartington and Digico) differed before thermal treatment of the samples but became the same after thermal demagnetization in air to 600 °C. Six position measurement schemes for the Bartington system do not eliminate the effects of specimen inhomogeneity and other errors, whereas 12- and 24-position measurements give good agreement with the Digico anisotropy meter and with the observed petrofabric. Thermal demagnetization from temperatures between 400 and 650 °C had the effect of enhancing both the magnetic susceptibility and AMS. Although the most profound mineralogical change due to heating was the conversion of kaolinite into metakaolin, IRM, XRD, DTA and Mössbauer spectroscopic analysis demonstrate that the changes in magnetic properties were due to the transformation upon heating of trace amounts of sulphides into magnetite and/or maghemite and haematite. Both magnetic susceptibility and the degree of anisotropy decrease with higher-temperature thermal demagnetization due to the oxidation of the newly formed magnetite and/or maghemite into haematite. The magnetic foliation of the newly formed magnetite/maghemite and haematite is parallel to the bedding, possibly following the orientation of the original sulphides.  相似文献   

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