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威海海域文昌鱼的形态特征与分类学地位探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙玉苗  祝茜 《海洋科学》2008,32(9):18-24
2002年3月,威海海域发现文昌鱼.研究观察了威海海域文昌鱼的主要形态特征,并与Branchiostoma belcheri和Branchiostoma japonicum做了相应比较,初步探讨其分类地位.结果表明,威海海域文昌鱼在体长与体高的比值(平均10.78±0.69)、肌节总数(平均67.12±0.87)、腹孔前肌节数(平均38.83±0.53)、腹孔~肛门肌节数(平均17.61±0.78)、肛门后肌节数(平均10.67±0.80)、背鳍室数目(平均308.55±15.65)、腹鳍室数目(平均57.26±5.07)、左侧生殖腺数目(平均25.69±2.24)和右侧生殖腺教目(平均28.20±2.03)等主要形态特征上与青岛海域的B.japonicum尤为接近.威海海域4月份性腺发育状况也与B.japonicum相符而不同于B.belcheri.认为威海海域文昌鱼为B.japonicum.为威海海域文昌鱼研究提供了基础资料,也为文昌鱼资源的保护和开发提供了必要依据.  相似文献   

为研究棱梭不同地理群体间的形态差异,使用多元统计分析方法对采集自金门、厦门、虎门、湛江、北海和防城港6个地点邻近海域的棱梭群体样本的形态和矢耳石形态两方面进行比较研究。对棱梭样本的形态研究结合传统形态学和地标形态学开展,对矢耳石的形态研究则将传统耳石形态分析法和椭圆傅里叶分析法相结合,形态和耳石形态数据的分析结果相似。主成分分析结果表明从28个棱梭形态量度指标提取的前8个主成分累积贡献率为65. 868%,从85个耳石形态指标提取的前23个主成分的累积贡献率为79. 290%,根据临界值85. 000%可以推断这6个棱梭群体间形态和耳石形态上的差异不能够单独依靠少数指标来判断;聚类分析的结果总体显示出群体间差异与地理距离等因素相关联的分布规律;在判别分析中形态学量度指标的综合判别正确率为75. 9%,而耳石形态学指标的综合判别正确率略低,为69. 3%;对棱梭形态量度指标的单因子方差分析显示湛江棱梭群体与其他群体在形态上存在显著差异的量度指标较少。栖息地环境、饵料组成和海流等可能是导致形态学差异和耳石形态差异形成的主要因素。另一方面,理化因子的相似性和群体间的交流会减弱群体间形态和耳石形态的差异。  相似文献   

Tintinnids from the surface plankton of New Zealand coastal waters are illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. Brief notes are given on their taxonomy, and their use of silica grains, diatom valves, and coccoliths in construction of the lorica is discussed. Distributional data are given for each species and these are related to the hydrological regime.  相似文献   

Both water and suspended particulate matter in the deep water of the Gulf of St. Lawrence are greatly enriched in manganese. Maximum dissolved manganese concentrations are encountered close to the sediment-water interface whereas the particulate matter with highest manganese content occurs 30–100 m above the bottom. The elevated concentrations are attributed to the diagenetic release of dissolved manganese from the underlying fine-grained sediments and its subsequent precipitation in the water column. The rate of manganese precipitation is rapid compared to the rates of diffusion and mixing in the bottom water. Part of the manganese-enriched particulate matter becomes mixed throughout the water column by advection and diffusion. Thus, particles enriched in manganese can ultimately be carried into the open ocean by prevailing currents. This process, which appears to be widespread in eastern Canadian coastal waters, enables manganese originally associated with rapidly settling terrigenous particles to be transferred to slowly settling fine-grained suspended particles entering the ocean from coastal environments. In this way, riverborne manganese of terrigenous origin may well account for a major proportion of the excess manganese in pelagic sediments.  相似文献   

厦门海域鱼类群落分类学多样性的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
根据厦门海域鱼类种类组成历史资料和调查资料,系统整理了厦门海域的鱼类总名录和现有名录,并应用分类学等级多样性指数和分类差异变异指数分析了厦门海域鱼类群落分类学多样性的时空变化。结果表明:厦门海域有记录鱼类共649种;现有鱼类有331种,隶属2纲22目90科181属,其中软骨鱼纲共5目9科9属15种,辐鳍鱼纲共17目81科172属316种。厦门海域鱼类总名录的等级多样性指数Δ+和分类差异变异指数Λ+分别为79.267和220.96;现有鱼类群落分类多样性指数Δ+和分类差异指数Λ+分别为77.504和245.34。分类多样性指数Δ+在冬、春季较高,秋季次之,而夏季最低;而分类差异指数Λ+夏季较高,秋季次之,冬春季较低。秋季和冬季鱼类组成的相似度最高,其次为夏季,最后为春季。与历史总名录相比,厦门海域的现有鱼类群落分类学范围较小,生态幅变窄,群落稳定性较差。  相似文献   

我国近海有毒藻和藻毒素问题的研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于仁成  罗璇 《海洋科学集刊》2016,51(51):155-166
海洋中的一部分微藻能够产生藻毒素,导致鱼、贝类等养殖动物染毒或死亡,甚至危及人类健康和海洋生态安全。近20年来,随着对有害藻华(Harmful algal bloom, HAB)问题关注程度的不断提高和研究手段的快速发展,对我国近海有毒藻和藻毒素的认识也在不断深入。本文针对常见的几类藻毒素,从贝类中藻毒素污染状况、毒素来源、有毒藻藻华状况等角度,对我国当前相关研究工作进展进行了综述。大量研究表明,麻痹性贝毒毒素(paralytic shellfish toxins, PSTs)和腹泻性贝毒毒素(diarrhetic shellfish toxins, DSTs)在我国近海最为常见,其中,麻痹性贝毒主要由有毒亚历山大藻(Alexandrium spp.)产生,产毒藻种常见于南海海湾、福建沿海、长江口邻近海域、海州湾、北黄海和秦皇岛近海等,中毒事件也时有发生。常见的大田软海绵酸、扇贝毒素等腹泻性贝毒毒素多由鳍藻(Dinophysis spp.)产生,我国近海贝类沾染藻毒素的现象也非常常见。近年来,随着高效液相色谱和质谱技术的发展,在我国近海发现了越来越多的有毒藻和藻毒素。在对文献进行综合分析的基础上,简单探讨了有毒藻与藻毒素对海产品食品安全的影响及风险,以及未来研究发展方向。  相似文献   

Toxic algal species of marine and brackish-water plankton, as well as nontoxic microalgae, which are capable of initiating harmful blooms, cause a detriment to human health (seafood poisoning) and often lead to a total crisis of coastal water ecosystems. The Russian coastal waters are inhabited by dozens of toxic and bloom-causing algal species, their toxins are accumulated in the tissues of edible mollusks, and there have been incidents of human poisonings and marine fauna mortality due to these blooms. An analysis of the current situation concerning the problem of toxic algae and harmful blooms of nontoxic species in the seas of Russia provides evidence that it is necessary to create a system of compulsory governmental monitoring of the exploited marine areas to serve as the basis of ecological safety control in the exploitation of the biological resources of the Russian Federation, as well to introduce compulsory sanitary control of diarrheic, paralytic, and amnesic phycotoxins. The compiled summary of algal toxic and potentially toxic species met in the European and Far Eastern seas of Russia is given with notes on their toxicity type and its manifestations.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2001,74(1):1-13
Measurements of methane (CH4) made during two surveys in the eastern and central Arabian Sea in April–May, 1996, and August–September, 1997, corresponding to late Spring Intermonsoon (SI) and Southwest Monsoon (SWM) seasons, respectively, revealed high spatial and temporal variability in surface saturation (110–2521%). The highest values were observed during the SWM in the inner shelf where coastal upwelling combined with freshwater runoff to produce very strong near-surface stratification. These values might result to a large extent from CH4 inputs from coastal wetlands through seasonal runoff as abnormally high saturations (up to ∼13,000%) were recorded in the estuarine surface water. In situ production of CH4, favoured by very high biological production in conjunction with the prevalence of suboxic conditions in the upwelled water, could be the other major CH4 source. In comparison, sedimentary inputs of CH4 seemed to be of lesser importance in spite of previously-reported occurrence of gas-charged sediments in this region.Methane profiles in the open central Arabian Sea showed two maxima. The more pronounced deeper maximum, occurring at 150–200 m depth, was similar to the feature seen elsewhere in the oceans, but was probably intensified here due to an acute oxygen deficiency. It showed some correlation with the subsurface particle maximum characteristic of the denitrifying layer. The dominant mechanism of its formation might be in situ production within particles rather than advection from the continental shelf as concluded by previous workers. The less pronounced and previously unreported shallower maximum, occurring in the well-oxygenated upper 50 m of the water column, was more dynamic probably as a result of variability of the balance between CH4 production due to biological activity and its losses through microbial oxidation and air–sea exchange.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2005,52(8):673-689
Formulae for bedload transport of sediments in conditions characteristic of coastal waters are developed from principles of physics. They cover driving forces of: current alone, current plus symmetrical waves, current plus asymmetrical waves, asymmetrical waves alone, and integrated longshore transport. In each case the transport is given as one or more analytical functions of the basic input variables. The formulae are tested against laboratory and field data, and give predictions that lie within a factor of 2 of the measured values for between 47% and 91% of the data, depending on the driving force. The formulae are suited to practical application in coastal waters, especially for transport of coarse materials such as shingle, and also for the bedload component of transport of sand.  相似文献   

厦门市近岸海域水环境污染现状及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厦门市位于中国东南沿海,台湾海峡西岸,具有重要的战略地位。然而随着经济社会的发展,近岸海域水环境污染已成为影响厦门市环境质量的瓶颈。文章在分析近岸海域水质状况的基础上,阐述了厦门近岸海域主要污染物来源及污染的主要原因,并提出了关于提高厦门近岸海域水环境质量的对策建议。  相似文献   

The uptake of a suite of 19 metals from coastal seawaters upon both glass and Teflon surfaces reflected primarily the sorption of particulate matter derived from crustal rock weathering. Uptake for all elements was greater in the light than in the dark. Based upon these and earlier results, a new definition of scavenging for environmental systems is proposed.  相似文献   

浙江沿岸海域浮游动物的分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2003年和2004年的夏、秋季对浙江沿岸(27°05′~30°54′N、121°04′~123°19′E)50 m等深线(禁渔线附近,下称外侧海域,站号为P1至P20)和10 m等深线(下称内侧海域,站号为1至17)37个采样站大、小潮汛浮游动物的种类组成、数量分布、优势种及群落特征进行了调查和分析.在调查海区被发现的浮游动物共有234种,属19个大类,其中桡足类66种,水母类42种,浮游软体类、端足类和毛颚类各13种,浮游多毛类9种,糠虾7种,介形类和樱虾各6种,被囊类5种,涟虫和磷虾各4种,枝角类3种,另有各种浮游幼体、仔鱼30种及其它.浮游动物的生物量均值分布是:内侧海域为289.9±43.4 mg/m3,大潮汛为258.9±73.6 mg/m3,小潮汛为320.8±47.3 mg/m3;外侧海域为318.9±49.8 mg/m3,大潮汛为390.5±89.1 mg/m3,小潮汛为247.2±41.4 mg/m3.浮游动物的丰度均值分布是:内侧海域为751.2±138.4个/m3,大潮汛为531.8±94.4个/m3,小潮汛为971.5±253.2个/m3;外侧海域为816.8±137.2个/m3,大潮汛为1 041.0±243.8个/m3,小潮汛为592.5±111.8个/m3.本次调查的结果表明,桡足类对浮游动物丰度的贡献最大,其余依次为毛颚类、水母类、被囊类和浮游幼虫,它们是浮游动物组成数量的主要类群.调查海区出现优势度大于0.02的种类有15种,内侧海域有9种,外侧海域有10种,其中有4种是内、外侧海域共有种.就潮汛和纬度而言浮游动物群落结构指数无明显区别,丰富度、多样性指数和均匀度指数较高而单纯度低,群落结构状态良好.但各类指数变幅较大(种类数为16~55,丰富度为1.73~6.77,单纯度为0.06~0.54,多样度为1.67~4.51,均匀度为0.33~0.87),表明了浮游动物群落结构的不稳定性还存在.根据调查海区浮游动物的生态习性和分布特点,可将其划分为近岸低盐、沿岸暖温、近海暖水、暖水广布和热带外海5个生态类型,其中以近海暖水和暖水广布性种类为主要类群.  相似文献   

Remote sensing applications are important in the fisheries sector and efforts were on to improve the predic-tions of potential fishing zones using ocean color. The present study was aimed to investigat...  相似文献   

We present the results of the investigation of the hydrodynamical regime of the coastal zone off Tuapse. We identified the spatial and temporal scales of the dynamic inhomogeneities. The intensity of the vertical component of the relative vorticity and its distribution in the waters of the coastal zone are estimated. We demonstrate that the effects found in the distributions of the relative vortex’s intensity and its orientation are able to lead to the formation of blocking water in marine coastal zones or, inversely, to prompt the ventilation of these waters. Based on the multidimensional statistical analysis, the relationship of the relative eddy distribution and the dynamical topography of the coastal waters was revealed which simplifies the problem of the blocking or ventilation of the coastal waters.  相似文献   

We performed investigations of synoptic variability of bottom and surface currents, the flow rate of the Mzymta River, and the wind speed measured with high resolution (10 min periodicity) in the coastal zone of the city of Sochi in May 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. Based on the measurements, a Fourier spectral analysis and harmonic analysis were carried out for both low-frequency and high-frequency components of the variability of the current velocities and wind speed. The analysis revealed a similarity of the structures of the main oscillation periods for the currents in the low-frequency spectrum and significant fluctuation periods for the currents in the high-frequency range. In addition, we studied the internal waves generated by the river plume.  相似文献   

连云港近岸海域沉积物运移趋势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张存勇 《海洋学报》2013,35(3):172-178
基于连云港近岸海域夏冬季大面积多站表层沉积物样品的粒度分析结果,采用Gisedtrend粒径趋势分析方法,研究了沉积物的运移趋势,探讨了粒径趋势分析的影响因素,结果表明,连云港近岸海域沉积物运移趋势较显著,在海州湾海域沉积物运移趋势为西南向,表现为湾顶淤积;在港口南部海域沉积物运移趋势显示为汇聚区。特征距离、采样网格、周围环境和粒度组分影响粒径趋势的分析结果;综合考虑岸线、岛屿、人工边界等自然环境以及多源粒度组分能够提高粒径趋势分析结果的合理性。  相似文献   

Dissolved cadmium and copper concentrations have been determined in 76 surface water samples in coastal and ocean waters around Scotland by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV). A trace metal/salinity ‘front’ is observed to the west, north and north-east of Scotland separating high salinity ocean water (>35 × 10−3) with low concentrations of dissolved Cd and Cu from lower salinity (<35 × 10−3) coastal water containing higher concentrations of Cd and Cu. Mean Cd concentrations in ocean and coastal waters are 7 ng dm−3 (0·06 n ) and 11 ng dm−3 (0·10 n ) respectively; for Cu the respective levels are 60 ng dm−3 (0·95 n ) and 170 ng dm−3 (2·68 n ). The observed distribution is attributed principally to freshwater runoff and the advection of contaminated Irish Sea water into the study area.  相似文献   

Ecology of macrobenthos in the south of Zhejiang coastal waters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解浙江南部近岸海域海洋生态环境质量的现状及其变化趋势,2009年4月对浙江南部近岸海域的12个站位进行了大型底栖生物的分类、组成、丰度、生物量以及多样性的研究.应用Bray—Curtis相似性系数聚类和多维尺度排序,对浙江南部近岸海域的大型底栖生物进行群落划分;采用丰度生物量比较法分析群落的稳定性;并研究了对大型底栖生物产生影响的主要环境因子.本次调查共鉴定大型底栖生物109种,多毛类、软体动物和甲壳动物构成主要类群.平均生物量为23.38g/m^2,平均丰度为335.5ind/m^2,平均生物多样性指数为2.69.数量组成:生物量以软体动物居首(13.29g/m^2),鱼类次之(3.68g/m^2);丰度以多毛类居首(268.0ind/m^2),软体动物次之(51.7ind/m^2).浙江南部近岸海域可划分为3个群落.与环境因子进行相关性分析表明,有机污染含量、深度、溶解氧含量、盐度和悬浮物含量是对浙江南部近岸海域大型底栖生物产生影响的主要环境因子.总体上,除了瓯江口和乐清湾海域受到一定扰动,浙江南部近岸海域大型底栖生物环境质量较好,群落结构较为稳定.  相似文献   

The coastal waters of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) are hypersaline (salinity ∼37) during the dry season as a result of evaporation greatly exceeding rainfall, of shallow waters, and of the presence of numerous bays along the coast preventing rapid flushing. These hypersaline waters are not flushed out by salinity-driven baroclinic currents because these waters are vertically well-mixed. Instead these waters are transported by a longshore residual current and thus form a coastal boundary layer of hypersaline waters. As a result the hypersalinity distribution is 2-D with both cross-shelf and longshore gradients of salinity. The cross-shelf gradients are largely controlled by turbulent diffusion, while the longshore gradients are controlled by the residual currents that transport hypersaline waters longshore south ward in the central and southern regions of the GBR. Because every bay supplies hypersaline waters, the width of the coastal hypersaline layer increases southwards. Steady state is reached in about 100 days, which is the typical duration of the dry season. The dynamics of the GBR hypersaline coastal boundary layer thus differ from the classical inverse hypersaline systems, e.g. in Saloum River Estuary, Laguna San Ignacio, Mission Bay, Tomales Bay, San Diego Bay, Hervey Bay, Shark Bay, Coorong Coast Lagoon, Spencer Gulf, Gulf of California and many others where the salinity gradient is mainly 1-D with a dominant along-channel salinity gradient.  相似文献   

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