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Five 230 Å/mm infrared spectra of Nova Delphini 1967 have been obtained from May to September 1970 on Kodak hypersensitized IN plates. Visual brightness has dropped by one magnitude between fall 1969 and fall 1970. The continuous spectrum remains strong and a mean value of 2.35 is found for the gradient in the region 6000–8000 Å, indicating a slight increase in temperature since 1969. Permitted lines ofHi,Oi, Hei, Feii are weakening, while intensities of forbidden transitions due [Nii], [Fevii], [Oi], [Oii], [Aiii], [Av], [Fevii], [Fex], [Fexi], [Fexi], [Nixv] are much more stable At the dispersion of our spectra, there is little evidence of activity in the nova shell during 1970. Temperature seems to be slightly increasing in the lower layers as well as in the external, low density regions.

Les observations ont été effectuées à l'Observatoire de Haute-Provence (C.N.R.S.)  相似文献   

The heights of formation of a number of extreme ultraviolet lines in active regions have been measured from OSO-IV spectroheliograms. Using the Lyman continuum at 2000 km above the white light limb as a reference, we find heights for Hei, Heii, Ciii, Niii, Oiv, Ovi, Neviii, Mgx, Sixii, Fexv and Fexvi that are in approximate agreement with models based on analysis of EUV emission intensities. The height of Cii is anomalously high. The accuracy of measurement is typically about 2000 km. The data suggest that the transition zone is less steep than calculated from EUV emission intensities; however, higher resolution observations are necessary to resolve the discrepancy.  相似文献   

The nova-like variable RR Telescopii observed at Cerro Tololo Observatory in 1968 displayed an unusually rich emission line spectrum ranging in excitation from Mgi to [Feviii]. A list of lines with their suggested identifications and approximate intensities covers the range from 3100 to 6700. Only a semi-quantitative discussion is possible since photographic measurements of line intensities could not be calibrated photoelectrically.The spectrum can be interpreted as coming from a highly, inhomogeneous stratified shell illuminated by an extremely hot source. Radiation of Mgi [Oi], [Nii], and [Sii] arises from dense pockets shielded from ionizing radiation. The [Oiii] and [Neiv] radiation appears to originate in strata with densities of the order of 5×106 ions/cm3 and a temperature of the order of 18000 K. The abundance of iron appears to be comparable with that of neon. The helium/hydrogen ratio may be about 0.24.  相似文献   

Sommaire Les photographies monochromatiques en H, [Nii] 6584 et [Oiii] 5007 ont été obtenues sur NGC 281, IC 434 et M 16 eu vue de la détection et de l'étude des bords brillants. A partir de ces photos, on accède à la carte d'égal rapport [Nii]/H grâce à la méthode décrite par Louise et Sapin (1972). A l'exclusion des bords brillants, ce rapport varie très peu à l'intérieur d'une même nébuleuse. Par contre à l'approche des fronts d'ionisation, il augmente de façon spectaculaire et systématique.Le renforcement de la raie [Oiii] vers les bords brillants suggère la présence des inhomogénéités (globules ou/et filaments) et le rôle possible que jouent les mécanismes d'échange de charges étudiés par Aller et Keyes (1980).
Observations of bright rims in NGC 281, IC 434 and M 16
Monochromatic plates are obtained in H, [Nii] 6584 and [Oiii] 5007 lines for three Hii regions: NGC 281, IC 434 and M 16. They allow both detection and physical studies of bright rims. Indeed, it is shown that bright rims appear most contrasted on [Nii] and [Oiii] plates. Furthermore, maps of ratio [Nii]/H are derived from the method described by Louise and Sapin (1972). This ratio remains practically constant within the nebula, except for bright rims where it increases. This may be understood by means of both increasing abundanceN(N+/N(H+) and temperature following to the model of Mallik (1975).The [Oiii] enhancement towards bright rims in M 16 suggests the presence of inhomogeneities (globules or/and filaments) and the possible role played by charge exchange mechanisms as pointed out by Aller and Keyes (1980).

Photographic and spectroscopic observations of the two galactic novae, V400 Per and V373 Sct, which appeared in 1974 and 1975, have been carried out at Asiago. The light curves of the two novae were characterized by the presence of brightness oscillations during the early decline. The spectral evolution was quite normal: the spectra showed at first, over a relatively strong continuum, wide emission bands of moderate excitation, accompanied by blueshifted absorptions, with radial velocities of –1760 km s–1 (Nova Per) and –1260 km s–1 (Nova Sct). Later, after the novae entered the nebular stage, the continuum weakened, the absorption disappeared and the novae displayed the usual emission spectrum, with permitted and forbidden lines of high excitation ([Oiii], Niii, Hei, Heii). Forbidden lines of Fevi and Fevii-and in Nova Sct, also Fex and Ax-were present for a time, but they soon disappeared, so that at the end the spectrum was dominated by the [Oiii] nebular lines, even stronger than H.  相似文献   

Previously published solar abundances of oxygen and carbon can be corrected to be logN(O) = 8.93 and logN(C) = 8.60 on the hydrogen log-scale when new accurate forbidden electric quadrupole transition probabilities A Q(s–1) are used. Such A Q's, based on the new atomic structure and electron correlation theory, developed recently by Sinanolu and coworkers, are reported for the (1 S 0-1 D 2) lines of [C i], [N ii, [O i] and [O iii] and the (2 P-2 D) lines of [N i] and [O ii]. The available experimental values are also given for comparison.Work supported by Grant No. GP-29471 from the U.S. National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A detailed list and analysis of line identifications of five UV spectra of the RS CVn-type binary system TY Pyxidis are presented. These spectra are recorded at different phases with the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE). Two of them are in the wavelength range1235–1950 Å while the other three in the range2700–3110 Å.The far-UV spectrum of TY Pyx is mainly an emission spectrum dominated by the emission lines of the ions:Ci, Oi, Cii, Siii, Heii, Alii, and Feiii. We also pointed out the existence of a Feiii [34] line in absorption.The UV spectrum between 2700–3110 Å is dominated by weak absorption lines. Two satellite components are indicated for many lines, which correspond to the two stars of the system, in the two out of the three spectra (LWP 13386 and LWP 13347).Violet emission wings are observed for Fei [1], Tii [1],Oiv [1], and Siiii [1]. The UV spectrum of TY Pyx is also characterized by the multi-structure of Mgii [1] resonance lines.Based on data from the International Ultraviolet Explorer, de-archived from the Villafranca Data Archive of the European Space Agency.  相似文献   

The suspected symbiotic nature of MH80-5=AS 360 was confirmed for the first time by spectra taken in 1967 at Asiago Observatory (Marini, 1969) showing the [Oiii] and [Neiii] forbidden lines, together with strong Heii lines and TiO bands. According to Allen (1984) nebular lines were absent in 1978, while we recorded them again in 1985. Further excitation strengthening up to [Fevii] andOvi, in 1990 were noted by Munari and Buson (1991). The evolution implies density variability in the thick nebula surrounding this new variable system.  相似文献   

Narrow band-pass direct photographs have been secured of the central region of 30 Doradus and of several other nebulosities in the Magellanic Clouds. We have utilized an image tube camera attached to the Yale one-meter telescope at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory. Interference filters whose band passes were selected to allow for the radial velocities of the Magellanic Clouds have been utilized to record monochromatic images of [Nii] 6584, H, Hei 5876, and [Oiii] 5007. In 30 Doradus the main filamentary structures appear to be very similar in H, Hei, [Nii], and [Oiii] at least in the inner regions where most spectroscopic measurements have been made. The features appear to be material bounded rather than radiation bounded and the excitation differences are very small. Likewise, in NGC 346 in the Small Magellanic Cloud the [Oiii] and H images are very similar, but in N44 in the Large Magellanic Cloud excitation differences do appear. The implications of these observations for chemical compositions of nebulosities in the Magellanic Clouds would appear to be that spectroscopic and scanner studies should be supplemented by monochromatic photographs. Some nebulosities can be handled by simple models while for others excitation differences must be taken into account.Guest investigators at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy under contract with the National Science Foundation  相似文献   

The detailed study of the possible presence of four [Niii] lines in solar absorption leads to an abundanceA ni = logN ni = 6.30±0.30 (in the usual scale where logN H = 12.00), in agreement with the coronal and meteoritic values.On leave from Institut d'Astrophysique, Université de Liège.  相似文献   

Sets of theoretical models of spherically symmetrical gaseous nebulae are calculated for a fixed chemical composition and with central star, energy distributions given by Cassinelli (1971) and by Kunasz, Mihalas and Hummer (1975). A central region of constant densityN H=100 cm–3 is surrounded by a broken shell consisting of zones of different density and optical thickness. It is found that for a fixed chemical composition and central star flux, a considerable range can be found in the emitted fluxes of certain lines such as 4686 which are often used to fix the level of excitation of a nebula. Although it is possible to produce models yielding a variety of nebular line ratios in this way, these truncated inhomogeneous shell models have not reproduced the integrated spectra of nebulae that simultaneously show extreme features of high and low excitation with great strength-e.g. [Nii], [Oii] and 4686 Heii.  相似文献   

Some high-dispersion spectrograms of CH Cygni taken in epochs at which only the M6 spectrum is visible and after the explosions of June 1967 and July 1968 have been studied. The strong negative radial velocities of the Caii chromospheric absorptions and the turbulent motions broadening the emission, lines ofHi, Hei, Feii, [Feii] prove that mass is lost from the star at a rate of the order of 10–8 solar masses per year. Arguments are given in favour of the hypothesis that CH Cygni is a close binary composed of an M giant and a blue unstable subdwarf.Presented at the Trieste Colloquium on Mass Loss from Stars, September 12–16, 1968.  相似文献   

Résumé On compare les courbes de déplacements radiaux déduites des mesures de Struve et Swings, celles déduites des mesures de Babcock et Burd et celle d'Eu déduite des mesures de Pyper (en tenant compte de tous les résultats photométriques, on aP=5,4693±0,0001 j). Les différences sont surtout attribuables, dans le cadre du modèle binaire, à l'effet Ovenden. Celui-ci ainsi que les courants circumstellaires peuvent aussi être responsables des trop grands déplacements constatés et d'autres particularités.
Curves of radial displacements for 2 CVn are obtained by mechanical integration of radial velocity curves deduced from measures by Struve and Swings and by Babcock and Burd for Euii, Crii, Fei andii, and by Pyper for Euii.In order to proceed to the comparison, a value as accurate as possible is sought for the period. If we take all the known photometric observations into account, we get 5.4693±0.0001 d.Small differences between the curves for a given ion are noted, especially when using Pyper's measures. However these discrepancies do not necessarily prove the existence of secular variations; in the binary model, they can be interpreted mainly in terms of the Ovenden effect. Too large displacements, and other pecularities in the variations, may also be attributed to that effect, and to circumstellar currents.The ranges of the velocity variations and of the radial displacements are also discussed for other Ap stars.

In the field partsH, K, L andM of the Orion Nebula, indicated in Figure 2, no obvious differences do appear in the monochromatic photographs obtained in H+[Nii], [Oii], the visual continuum and the range of the Balmer continuum. A different situation we meet in the rest of the field, where one observes two types of featuresA andB, distinguished in Figure 1 by solid and dashed bordering lines respectively. Relative to the conditions in the H+[Nii] pictures, the typeA areas gain in intensity in the photographs taken in the visual continuum. the emission in the forbidden [Oii] lines at 3727 Å is correlated with H+[Nii], the emission in the range of the Balmer continuum with the visual continuum. According to these properties theA-areas must have a particularly high percentage of scattered star light.Most of the areas with identical monochromatic features show a high deficiency of cluster stars correlated with a low surface brightnesss and a reduced gas density. This is explained by an opaqueness of the emission strata in the direction in the line of sight and a position of the same nearer to the observer than the extension of the cluster. There appear surface structures at large distances from the Trapezium which show a correlation between the intensity of scattered star light and the intensity of the emission of the higher ions ([Oiii], [Neiii]). This observation is considered as a proof that canals through the nebular cloud complex allow in some directions the exciting radiation to reach large distances from the star without having suffered an appreciable absorption or scattering.  相似文献   

Rozelot  J. P.  Noens  J. C.  Pech  B. 《Solar physics》1974,37(1):173-178
Résumé Les populations des niveaux excités des ions coronaux suivent avec une très bonne approximation une loi analytique du type a × N e b, où N e est la densité électronique du milieu et où a et b sont des coefficients dépendant seulement de la distance du bord et de la température. Cette forme est particulièrement souple d'emploi pour l'interprétation des mesures d'intensités des raies démission coronales.Les coefficients a et b présentés ici, ont été déterminés à partir des résultats de nombreux auteurs, et portent sur les niveaux intervenant dans les transitions responsables des raies observées dans le domaine visible et infra-rouge du spectre coronal concernant les ions: Fe x, xi, xiii, xiv, xv; Ca xiii, xv; Ni xii, xiii, xv, xvi et A xiv. L'examen des coefficients b permet notamment de sélectionner les raies les plus sensibles à la densité électronique.
The populations of the excited levels of coronal ions follow with very great accuracy an analytical law of the type a × N e b, where N e is the electron density of the medium and where a and b are only temperature and solar limb distance dependant coefficients. This form is particularly well adapted for the interpretation of the intensities measurements of coronal emission lines.The coefficients a and b here presented have been determined according to the results of various authors, and deal with the levels concerning the transitions responsible for the lines observed in the visible and infrared coronal field, and chiefly bear on the following ions: Fe x, xi, xiii, xiv, xv; Ca xiii, xv; Ni xii, xiii, xv, xvi, and A xiv. The most sensitive lines to the electron density can be selected thanks to the examination of the coefficient b.

An empirical relationship between the ratio of the intensities of emission lines in spectra of planetary nebulae, 4686 Heii/H andN 1+N 2[Oiii]/4868 Heii, is established (see Equation (1), curve in Figure 1). A new statistical temperature scale based on this empirical relationship is proposed for the determination of lower limits of the temperatures of the nuclei of planetary nebulae. The well-known method 4686 Heii/H gives the upper level of the temperature of the nucleus. A simultaneous application of both methods has been carried out for 97 planetary nebulae, in order to determine both the upper and lower limits of the temperature of their nuclei (last two columns in Table I). A new quantitative system for the determination of excitation classes of nebulae is proposed (Tables IV and V).  相似文献   

The populations of the excited state 2 P 3/2 relative to the ground state 2 P 1/2 have been investigated in C ii, N iii, O iv, Ne vi, Mg viii, Si x, and Si ii by considering all the radiative and collisional processes including the collisional transitions to the higher states which cascade to the upper level. The relative populations are used for the calculation of the line emissivities. The intensities of 76 320, 30 258 and 14 302 lines of Nevi, Mgviii, and Six ions respectively in the chromosphere-corona transition region are also calculated.  相似文献   

Observations of the Be star HD 50138 have been extended to the photographic infrared region up to 9500 Å. The main features noted in this wavelength range are strong lines of Oi (8446 Å), Hi (from P 9 to P 20), the Caii infrared triplet and the 8629 line attributed to Ni. The 7772 multiplet of Oi is shown to undergo important changes during the period of observations (1959–1971). Higher Balmer lines do not exhibit any emission component, but their profiles are variable and indicate the presence of satellite absorption, as already mentioned by some authors.Les observations ont été obtenues aux télescopes de 120 et 193 cm de l'observatoire de Haute-Provence (CNRS).  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of monochromatic [Oiii], [Nii], and [Sii] observations of ring nebula Sh157 around the star (WR + B0III) HD 219460 belonging to the Ba 3 cluster. A stratification of radiation typical for photoionization excitation has been revealed. The observations suggest that the Sh157 ring structure may arise as a result of the HD 219460 stellar wind blowing the surroundingHii region, and the bubble age is found to bet(2–5)×105 yr. Three outer envelopes have been distinguished: a weaker extended emission shell apparently blown out by the wind from B-stars of the Ba 3 cluster, and two dust shells which are likely to be associated with NGC 7510 and Cas OB2. The paper is also concerned with the discussion of young star aggregates Ba 3, NGC 7510, Cas OB1, OB2, OB4, OB5, OB7, and Cep OBI and the associatedHii regions, shells and supershells of gas and dust, molecular clouds, and supernova remnants which may be probable members of a single giant stellar complex where the star formation process is in progress.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the main features of the far UV spectrum of the binary star AX Mon, observed with the IUE satellite at phase 0.568.Ions indicating a large range of ionization stages, going fromCi,Oi,Ni toSiv,Civ,Nv are present.The spectrum is dominated by shell absorption lines of Feii, Feiii, Siiii,Cii, Alii, Mgii and Niii.Two satellite components are clearly indicated in all these lines except for Niii which presents only one. Their mean velocities are +10±5 km s–1, –75±10 km s–1, and –260±15 km s–1.Red emission wings are observed in the Mgii resonant doublet at 2800 Å, which shows a P Cygni profile. Each of the absorption lines of the Mgii doublet is formed by a narrow component, which is blended with the Mgii interstellar line and a broad component, which shows a complex structure.Broad and asymmetrical profiles are observed for the Siiv,Civ, andNv resonance lines with blue edge velocities about –700±30 km s–1.  相似文献   

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