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媒介产品的大量生产是以文学形象为中心的。媒介时代的文学形象媒介化包含两个层面:一是媒介的文学形象化,即符号媒介和传播媒介的文学形象化,表现为传播媒介注重利用文学作品和文学形象来传播信息、吸引受众,还表现为新闻作品的文学化和新闻事物、新闻人物、新闻场景等的文学形象化;二是文学形象的媒介化,即文学文本、文学形象的传播媒介广泛化,表现为文学作品越来越以能否改编为影视作品为写作标杆,文学形象转变为影视形象才能大众化,还表现为指文学作品的传播越来越依赖媒介的运作,越来越倚重文学形象的传播。文学形象媒介化对文学和文学形象而言有利有弊。  相似文献   

媒介时代的文化艺术生产渐渐形成了一种以文学形象为根源性、共同性因素的相关艺术文本的生产模式,即文学形象在异质媒介中的增殖模式。指出孙悟空形象除了在文学、影视、戏曲、游戏等作品文本的多重媒介中增殖,还作为文化形象、商业形象或娱乐形象出现在文化产品、旅游产品或游乐产品中。文学形象的增殖是文学艺术作品生产的内驱力,促使文学形象增殖的原因包括媒介伸手、形象长腿和经济效益的驱动。  相似文献   

为了解决目前生产上由于滚刀基本蜗杆的近似造型而产生的误差,应用平面啮合原理对非渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮滚刀基本蜗杆进行精确设计。提出可以应用啮合线的投影原理从工件齿轮端面的啮合线直接求得刀具蜗杆的端面齿形,而不必求出媒介齿条的齿形的方法。  相似文献   

在学科服务与特藏建设协同发展的视野下培育学科馆员人文素养,有利于完善学科馆员的知识体系,提升服务能力;促进特藏深度开发,维护可持续发展;增强学科馆员的人文情怀,培养团队意识。分析在学科服务领域里学科馆员人文知识和人文精神的特定人文素养构成,提出领导重视、制度护航、实践历练是培育学科馆员人文素养的三个关键。  相似文献   

为了解决目前生产上由于滚刀基本蜗杆的近似造型而产生的误差,应用平面啮合原理对非渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮滚刀基本蜗杆进行精确设计,提出可以应用啮合线的投影原理从工件齿轮端面的啮合线直接求得刀具蜗杆的端面齿形,而不必求出媒介齿条的齿形的设计。  相似文献   

正7月2日,厅党组发出《关于开展向丁长春同志学习活动的决定》后,全省国土资源系统各级党组织积极行动,结合国土资源管理工作,认真组织,积极开展学习宣传丁长春同志先进事迹的活动,在全省上下掀起了学习丁长春同志的热潮。洛阳市国土资源局洛阳市国土资源局党组及时下发了向丁长春同志学习的通知,并在局网站、公示栏、LED显示屏和手机短信平台等宣传媒介,号召学习丁长春同志先进事迹。该局将学习活动与开展党的群众路线教育实践活动相结合,采取集中学习与自学相结合的方式,利用周五  相似文献   

大学生海洋意识调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以问卷形式对大学生的海洋认识进行调查,结果显示大学生海洋意识总体较弱,但大多学生关心海洋资源开发与海洋污染问题,海洋主权意识强烈。在此基础上分析了大学生海洋意识薄弱的根源以及增强大学生海洋意识的必要性。借鉴日本海洋教育经验,提出了让海洋知识教育进入大学课堂,加强各种媒介对全社会宣传海洋知识,并组织丰富多彩的活动普及海洋科学知识等途径为我国培养拥有较高海洋意识水平的大学生。  相似文献   

以问卷形式对大学生的海洋认识进行调查,结果显示大学生海洋意识总体较弱,但大多学生关心海洋资源开发与海洋污染问题,海洋主权意识强烈。在此基础上分析了大学生海洋意识薄弱的根源以及增强大学生海洋意识的必要性。借鉴日本海洋教育经验,提出了让海洋知识教育进入大学课堂,加强各种媒介对全社会宣传海洋知识,并组织丰富多彩的活动普及海洋科学知识等途径为我国培养拥有较高海洋意识水平的大学生。  相似文献   

科普工作是科技工作者以各种形式向人们宣传、普及科学知识,激发广大群众特别是广大青少年爱科学、学科学的积极性,引导广大青少年积极投入到学科学、用科学、开展科技创新活动,促进广大群众科学知识和创新能力的增长,提高全民族的科学文化素养的工作。是实施科教兴国的重要组成部分,是一项很有意义的工作。  相似文献   

<正>9月16日,青海省国土资源厅召开厅系统"三严三实"教育暨"一季一讲一看一短信"警示教育大会,邀请省检察院研究室副主任马天山作专题辅导报告,青海省国土资源厅纪委书记郭开艳主持了会议。会上,马天山主任作了题为"法律素养与修身养德"的报告,就如何从法律素养的角度来提升个人养德方面能力的角度,重申从严治党、严明纪律,重申中央八项规定精神、驰而不息纠正"四风"各项要求。  相似文献   

信息素质包括信息意识、信息能力和信息道德三个方面的内容。从编辑的选题及其工作环节阐明信息素质的重要性 ;并提出通过参加信息检索课程的培训学习、通过继续教育优化知识结构及自我信息能力培养等多种途径对编辑的信息素质进行全方位的培养。  相似文献   

介绍了Mactumulia公司最新的用于开发富媒体应用程序的FLASH技术。并描述了在远程教育E-Learming环境下使用这种技术开发在线多媒体教室系统的设计、主要功能和实现。系统能够满足多媒体教学的需求,弥补了传统远程教育系统的不足,并具有相当的实用性和创新性。  相似文献   

农村信息扶贫是大众传播媒介的重要功能之一。我国是一个有着近九亿人口的农业大国,在构建和谐社会的今天,大众传媒对农村地区的信息扶贫功能具体体现在:向广大农民群众奉献关爱之心,播撒精神文明;传播致富信息,发展农村经济;创新农民观念、培养一代新人,从而为社会主义新农村建设做出自己应有的贡献。  相似文献   

利用社交媒体的位置潜语义特征提取与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社交媒体及时、大量、广泛地记录了城市中居民的观点和情感,尤其是具有位置标记的签到文本,将人们所处的空间和城市设施与其相应的认知态度结合起来,成为以人为核心主导的对空间位置特征的直接表达,是场所语义信息的集中体现。以微博签到数据为研究对象,引入自然语言处理领域的潜语义分析的方法,结合空间分析中因子分析、空间自相关分析和聚类分析的手段,提取并分析其中隐含的位置语义特征。本研究主要侧重于对位置之间语义相关程度的度量,首先提取研究区域隐含的概念主题结构,分析不同主题在空间上的分布特征。然后对特定地块进行潜语义空间上的相似性索引,在此基础上,采用先验的百度百科词条描述对位置间语义相似性进行扩展,通过空间自相关的分析,得到不同功能类型的热点区域。  相似文献   

Acoustic-elastic coupled media is often encountered in most marine explorations, and accurate simulation of acoustic-elastic coupled media is of great significance. At present, the study of acoustic-elastic coupled media still assumes that the solid of the acoustic-elastic coupled media is isotropic, but this assumption is not in accordance with the actual situation. In this paper, we derive the solid media of acoustic-elastic coupled media from isotropic media to anisotropic media, and propose an acoustic-elastic coupled medium based ontransverse isotropic media with vertical symmetric axes(VTI) to improve the accuracy of forward modeling. Based on the relationship between the Thomsen parameter and the coefficient matrix of the anisotropic elastic wave equation, we transform the Thomson parameter into a velocity model with anisotropic properties. We use a staggered grid finite difference method to simulate the propagation of a wavefield in a three-dimensional acoustic-elastic coupled media. We obtain the snapshots of the wave field when the solid of the acoustic-elastic coupled media is an isotropic medium and a VTI media. When the solid of the acoustic-elastic coupled media is considered VTI media, we can observe the qP wave and qS wave that cannot be observed in the isotropic medium from the wave field snapshot. We can also find that the seismic records obtained by the method we use are more realistic. The algorithm proposed in this paper is of great significance for high-precision ocean numerical simulation.  相似文献   

With more applications of seismic exploration in metal ore exploration,forward modelling of seismic wave has become more important in metal ore.Finite difference method and pseudo-spectral method are two im-portant methods of wave-field simulation.Results of previous studies show that both methods have distinct ad-vantages and disadvantages:Finite difference method has high precision but its dispersion is serious;pseudo-spectral method considers both computational efficiency and precision but has less precision than finite-diffe-rence.The authors consider the complex structural characteristics of the metal ore,furthermore add random media in order to simulate the complex effects produced by metal ore for wave field.First,the study introduced the theories of random media and two forward modelling methods.Second,it compared the simulation results of two methods on fault model.Then the authors established a complex metal ore model,added random media and compared computational efficiency and precision.As a result,it is found that finite difference method is better than pseudo-spectral method in precision and boundary treatment,but the computational efficiency of pseudo-spectral method is slightly higher than the finite difference method.  相似文献   

当今时代正处在由工业经济向知识经济过渡的新时期。我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业蓬勃发展 ,社会主义市场经济体制逐步完善 ,加入WTO已成定局。为适应新形势的要求 ,财会人员面临新的挑战 ,肩负艰巨的任务 ,要求具备更高的素质  相似文献   

在现代媒体深深介入文学领域并困绕既往的文学习惯,造成文学困境的时候,希利斯.米勒提起的“文学终结”论无疑引起人们思想上的波动,并让人深省造成文学困境的原因。事实上,造成困境是多种力量合力的产物,而不能仅仅归源于现代媒体,文学创作者与文学研究者对大众群体文学接受视野某种程度上的漠视,也负有不可推卸的责任。  相似文献   

Agricultural innovation is important for the green transformation of agriculture. Based on the perspective of technology transformation, this paper builds a theoretical analysis framework and evaluation index system for green efficiency of agricultural innovation,and discusses the evolution laws and influencing factors of the green efficiency of China's agricultural innovation from 2005 to 2017 utilizing the DEA model, Malmquist index, and Tobit regression analysis. The results show that: 1) The overall green efficiency of China's agricultural innovation is not high, the green efficiency of agricultural innovation in eastern China is mainly driven by pure technical efficiency, while that in central and western China is mainly driven by the scale efficiency. The green efficiency of agricultural innovation shows significant spatial differences, and the low efficiency and relatively low-efficiency regions moved to central and southeastern China. 2) Technical progress is the main force affecting the change of green total factor productivity of China's agricultural innovation, seeing a trend of decrease followed by an increase. Pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency exhibit an increasing-decreasing trend, and gradually transform into key factors that restrict the improvement of the green total factor productivity of agricultural innovation. 3) Agricultural technologies' diffusion, absorption, and implementation are three influencing factors of the green efficiency of agricultural innovation. The local level of informatization, the number of agricultural technicians in enterprises and institutions, average education level of residents, and the level of agricultural mechanization have positive impacts on the promotion of the green efficiency of agricultural innovation, promoting the diffusion, absorption and implementation of agricultural innovation technology can significantly improve the green efficiency of agricultural innovation.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the permeability of porous media,it is necessary to figure out the property of wave propagation in this medium. The authors calculated the full waveforms and the 2-dimensional spectrum of fluid saturated porous media,analyzed the wave propagation characteristics of different permeable stratums. From the theoretical acoustic pressure waveform received at the well-axis and the 2-D spectrum it is revealed that longitudinal-,transverse-,Stoneley-,pseudo-Rayleigh-,longitudinal mode-and transverse mode waves are different in characters in various permeable strata. Stoneley wave is sensitive to the change of permeability,and its frequency range and amplitude attenuation are influenced by permeability.  相似文献   

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