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公路竣工环境保护验收中的公众参与是公路竣工环保验收调查组与公众之间连续和双向交换意见的过程.本文针对公路竣工环境保护验收的特点,给出公路竣工环保验收中公众参与的概念及作用,阐述了公路竣工环保验收中公众参与范围、内容、工作程序、调查结果分析方法等,给出公路竣工环保验收中公众参与应注意的事项.  相似文献   

上海市规划系统政务公开工作是从1997年7月开始推行的。四年来,在建设部关心下,在上海市政务公开办公室指导下,全市规划系统上下联动,政务公开有序推进、步步深入,实现了从规划管理部门向地名、测绘、城建档案专业管理部门拓展,从公开方式的确立向机制建设迈进,从方便群众办事、接受市民监督向引导公众参与城市规划与管理延伸。通过政务公开,提高城市规划管理水  相似文献   

公众参与是环境影响评价的重要内容,城市轨道交通规划环评不同于一般的建设项目,其线路一般选择在城市中心繁华地区、城市交通主干道,环境影响的范围较广,城市轨道交通规划环境影响评价公众参与的广度和深度均应比建设项目环境影响评价公众参与的要求高,本文对轨道交通规划环境影响评价公众参与的必要性进行了阐述,其中包括公众参与是轨道交通规划环境影响评价过程的重要组成部分和现阶段社会主义民主的充分体现;是提高公众环境意识、化解社会矛盾和提高轨道交通规划环境影响评价有效性的重要途径。  相似文献   

2011年以来,潍坊市国土资源局坊子分局在推进党务公开工作中,注重从制度化、规范化建设入手,围绕深度、力度、广度、满意度“四个度”,建立起了民主开放、公开透明的党务公开工作新机制。一是在公开内容上,有理有据挖掘深度。为突出党务公开内容的科学性和严谨性,该局结合工作实际,将党务公开与政务公开有机联动,从党的建设到党员群众关注的热点、难点问题,  相似文献   

公众参与是随着政治文明和法制建设不断成熟、发展而产生的一种民主理念,已经成为城市规划工作中一项必不可少的内容。文章就我国城市规划中公众参与的现状提出我国城市规划过程中公众参与的必要性和紧迫性,总结出我国现阶段公众参与的现状与问题,并提出对策和合理化建议,从而把公众参与真正落实到我国的城市规划过程当中。  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记提出的"党委领导、政府负责、部门协同、公众参与、上下联动"的二十字方针,从党和国家的最高层面,向全社会明确传递了打造国土资源管理新格局的坚强决心。台州市认真贯彻落实中央领导同志讲话精神,以落实土地管理共同责任为主线,积极构建国土执法快速反应机制,深入开展土地执法模范乡镇、民主管理示范村创建活动,进一步畅通国土资源信息反馈渠道,切实加大土地执法监管力度,土地利用和管理秩序发生明显好转。  相似文献   

云南镇雄"1.11"特大滑坡灾害的应急处置受到了社会的高度关注,中央电视台在1月15日的"新闻1+1"节目中也专门讨论了灾害善后的"快"与"慢"问题.我认为,面对重大地质灾害,也应从公共危机管理的角度加以重视. 这次特大滑坡灾害发生后,当地不少村民强烈表达了同一诉求——请政府进一步调查滑坡发生的原因,并用详细易懂的语言向公众解释说明.这些年,在各个领域,因信息不透明导致公共关系危机的事例很多,唯一解决的途径就是真诚和公开.如果,我们的"官方"总是三缄其口,那就不要埋怨公众和媒体为何要流传一些通过自行调查获得的甚至带有臆想色彩的信息,更不要质疑为何群众对"官方"与"专家"越来越不信任.请相信:"你将事实多快地呈现给公众和媒体,事情解决得就有多快."  相似文献   

通过对国际上公众参与相关概念的辨析及其理论发展轨迹的评述,系统的总结出公众参与理论的主要内容与特征,并分别就公共参与的权利关系变化、主流价值观演变和组织管理方式特点展开详细说明。在此基础上,对国际水资源集成管理的公众参与目的、价值体现及具体实施目标、过程设计和保障条件做出全面、系统的解释说明;分别就公众参与式管理的过程、实力和关系作用,参与式管理过程核心控制点,各个运行环节监督评估效果的异同特征做出理论总结。基于对国际上公众参与理论及其应用的分析与总结基础上,提出就中国政治体制和现实实践条件而言,均需加强和发挥政府在参与式水管理的作用。进一步展望中国公众参与的研究方向与应用领域,得出具有中国特色的水资源集成管理中公众参与的定性、定量结合实证研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

GIS的社会化及公众GIS   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
GIS(地理信息系统 )的发展继专业化和行业化阶段之后 ,正处于社会化发展阶段。在该阶段 ,GIS的主要作用是为公众提供信息服务。文章在分析了GIS的这种发展趋势的基础上提出了“公众GIS”的概念 ,即 :直接面向公众 ,为公众提供信息服务和辅助公众进行行为决策的地理信息系统。与传统GIS相比 ,公众GIS更具有信息服务业的特点。公众GIS的建设应该突出信息的全面性、现势性和准确性、系统的友好性以及数据的易维护性等原则。公众GIS的关键技术包括数据采集、网络、数据库、多媒体以及系统的友好性设计等技术。公众GIS在建设全国城市公众信息服务网、全国交通旅游信息网以及汽车导航信息系统等方面具有广阔的应用前景。文章对公众GIS的实例———“今日武汉”公众查询系统作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

正公示语是指公开和面对公众,告示、指示、提示、显示、警示、标示与其生活、生产、生命、生态、生业休戚相关的文字及图形信息(吕和发,2005)。公示语是一种较为独特的应用文体,是旅游园区的重要组成部分,具有指示性、限制性与解释性作用,对公众有着重要意义。截止到2016年,中国有33处地质公园入选联合国教科文组织世界地质公园名录,是世界上拥有世界地质公园最多的国家。世界地质公园作为世界  相似文献   

In the midst of the ever-increasing natural and human-induced disasters, where many of the preparedness and mitigation measures show inefficiencies, there is narrow margin for decision-makers to make mistakes by misallocating budgets, designing infeasible reconstruction plans, and in other terms, making decisions not in line with the public preferences. In particular, public participation in post-disaster measures seems undoubtedly necessary to reduce the possible economic, social, political, and cultural conflicts around the stressful community after a major disaster. This paper aims at evaluating the role of public participation in increasing the reconstruction phase efficiency through a case study of the reconstruction process in Bam, a southeastern Iranian city, after the 2003 earthquake. It is attempted to identify the major motivators of the public participation through a combination of quantitative and qualitative studies. Statistical data are generated through a set of questionnaires being filled by a number of 200 randomly selected survivors. The numerical results were then discussed through the Focus Group technique sessions to determine the main contributors to the public participation. It is later found that the answers are found among the performance of the reconstruction authorities, financial policies, emotional resiliency of the survivors, public information mechanisms, public satisfaction, the pace of reconstruction, and temporary housing policies.  相似文献   

Conflicting rights to the city in New York's community gardens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the mid-1990s, New York City initiated what would prove to be a long, highly visible struggle involving rights claims related to property, housing, and public space in the form of community gardens. The competing discourses of rights were part of a struggle over the kind of city that New York was to become, and more specifically, whether it would be one in which difference is accepted and in which access to the city and the public realm would be guaranteed. Using interviews with participants in the conflict over community gardens, we evaluate how the resolution to the gardens crisis, which in part occurred through the privatization of what are often taken to be public or community rights to land, transform not only the legal status of the gardens but also, potentially, their role as places where different `publics' can both exercise their right to the city and solidify that right in the landscape.  相似文献   

This paper applies the ecological modernization (EM) framework to analyze China’s green building program. EM focuses on the effective institutionalization of environmental objectives into respective political and economic systems, and thus provides valuable insights into the roles of the state and other stake holders in environmental regulation. Since the mid-2000s, the Chinese government has advanced an aggressive green building campaign, which is distinguished by its speed, scale, and evolution from one of voluntary participation to a top-down implementation through administrative hierarchies. While this has resulted in a remarkable growth of green building projects, questions remain about the effectiveness and sustainability of such a state-centered approach. Though interviews with officials, planners, architects, real estate developers, and property managers in several Chinese cities, data analysis of the green building stock, and surveys of architects, this paper analyzes Chinese green building patterns and situates such patterns among the contradictory motivations of different levels of government and their relationships to different stake holders. This research finds that the top-down state apparatus is not sufficient to overcome these contradictions and the profit motives of the property developers. However, many under-developed opportunities exist to leverage property developers, building professionals, and the public to engage in green building practices. In the end, I argue that the state must embrace reform to build flexible and collaborative movements with other parties with strong public participation. China’s ecological modernization process may feature a stronger state and faster changes, but it is not exempted from the need of political modernization.  相似文献   

While the principle of public participation is an acknowledged requirement of planning in most Western countries there is continuing debate, and insufficient empirical evidence, on the effectiveness of public participation in practice. This research examines the power of public participation in local planning in Scotland with particular reference to the pressing issue of conflict over residential development in the metropolitan green belt. The paper first defines key concepts underlying the research, and identifies the principal actors in the residential development process. The post-2006 institutional framework for planning in Scotland is explained to establish the legislative and procedural context for a case study of conflict between developers and the local community in a village in Glasgow’s green belt. Using a combination of analysis of planning documents, interviews with local planners and developers, and a survey of village residents the empirical study provides detailed insight on the principles, practice, problems for public participation in local planning in Scotland. Finally, a number of conclusions are presented on the prospects for public participation in Scotland.  相似文献   

地质成果是与矿产资源紧密相关的财产权利,对它的认识不能局限于地质成果的形成具有智力投入的特点。分析地质成果的价值及维护其价值的方式,可发现它是一种商业秘密,在权利形态上是一种矿产发现权,这种发现权区别于传统理论对发现权归属于身份权的认识。在资源消耗超前的新经济时代,地质成果项下的矿产发现权是一种典型的产权。  相似文献   

过湿黄土砾石桩复合地基处理的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
过湿黄土是指含水量较高的黄土。过湿黄土土体含水量高、饱和度大、压缩性高以及土体浸水后强度显著降低。其性质随土体含水量变化而变化,给工程建设带来一定影响。本文结合某高速公路过湿黄土地基砾石桩复合地基的工程实践以及原位测试,分析加固前后复合地基的强度和变形,研究过湿黄土的力学特性。并总结不同成桩工艺对过湿黄土复合地基的加固适用性以及地基处理要点。  相似文献   

Education infrastructure issues have been one of the most important topics in developing countries that have difficulty reserving money for education infrastructure needs, especially Turkey. Development plans have a crucial role in meeting school infrastructure needs in Turkey. Generally, the expropriation method has been used for land transitions from private to public ownership. However, scarcity of monetary resources for such land transitions and legal/technical deficiencies delays the process. The main objectives of this paper are to respond to the need of the education sector by using land management tools and to identify the most suitable land management tool for allocating basic and primary school lands free of charge. Current trends, education indicators, management responsibility and financial resources, statistical and economical information, education infrastructure needs, and qualitative-quantitative characteristics of the pupils in the Turkish education system are analyzed based on national and international reports. Then, the property right problems experienced in the process of allocating school lands are defined. Methods of transferring school lands to public ownership are examined, and the benefit-cost relationships are revealed. Land readjustment (LR) would make an important contribution to planning decisions and the implementation stage in the sustainable management of school lands.  相似文献   

废弃矿井再利用已成为资源型城市实现功能转型的主要路径,矿井地面生产区采矿用地的再开发属于城市存量工业用地更新的范畴,是一个伴随产权转移的空间转型过程.通过分析相关产权政策与废弃矿井再开发模式之间的关联性,探讨制度对空间的影响,提出对未来发展的政策建议.通过系统梳理自1990年以来国家、地方层面的产权政策,并以该时段内不...  相似文献   

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