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Summary The method of the automated computation of the gravimetric deflections of the vertical and of the geoidal heights for the European region is described. The work was carried out during the period 1986–1988 by the Topographic Service of the Czechoslovak Army. The computation applies to 20 sheets of the international map 1:1 000 000 (total area of =16c, =30c - see Fig. 1). The mean values of the free-air anomalies for each surface element =5, =7.5, approximately 9 × 9 km, were used with radius of integration of 300 km.  相似文献   

Summary The results of two different methods of the determination of the non-linearity of the gravimeter scale are compared; the economy is discussed as well.  相似文献   

The basic task of satellite geodesy is the construction of a unified 3 or 4 dimensional world-wide geodetic network. In this frame the station position, the parameters of the Earth's gravity field, and the orbital elements of the observed satellite would be known.The satellite observations by Doppler method are independent of weather and daylight conditions; they can be done fully automatically and no accumulation of errors occurs. For these reasons, the satellite observations by Doppler methods are getting more and more weight.A simple method is given for the determination of the satellite's position using Doppler shifts observed at several stations of known coordinates.  相似文献   

The relative intensities of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (RAM) and thermoramanent magnetization (TRM) are strongly dependent on grain size, blocking temperature and applied field, and are poorly predicted by existing theories. Analog techniques that substitute ARM for TRM probably yield adequate relative paleointensities in suites of mineralogically similar rocks, but they yield uncertain estimates of absolute paleointensity.  相似文献   

Summary Simultaneous measurements of wind, air temperature, and humidity profiles as well as of evaporation, presented byTakahashi (1958), were compared with relevant formulae suggested by turbulence theory. Satisfactory agreement could be achieved if, near the sea surface, the influence of molecular diffusion and, at higher levels, the effect of thermal stratification on the profiles were taken into account in addition to a suitable reduction of the value of evaporation obtained by means of a floating pan.The chief results of this report have been presented on 27th April 1962 to the Tenth Yearly Meeting of theSocietà Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova: 26–28 April 1962).  相似文献   

The determination of Mercury's magnetic moment from the spatially and temporally limited observations obtained by the Mariner 10 mission is dependent upon the assumed nature of both the intrinsic planetary magnetic field and that of the magnetospheric current systems. In this paper the methods that have been used for this purpose are reviewed. The results that have been obtained are then considered in comparison with the constraints placed on the planetary field by the solar wind dynamic pressures and stand-off distances inferred from the Mariner 10 magnetic field data by Slavin and Holzer (1979) which are consistent with an effective dipole moment of 6 ± 2 × 1022 G cm3. It is found that the models which fit the observations with substantial quadrupole and octupole moments are not consistent with the magnetospheric boundary conditions, presumably owing to incorrect assumptions regarding the magnetopause position, incorrect assumptions regarding solar wind dynamic pressure, and/or averaging over temporal variations in the Mariner 10 data.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the marked influence of the air-flow on the value of the diffusion coefficient as determined by the dynamic method can be fully explained when heterogeneity of the condensation nuclei in the aerosol is assumed. A theory of the dynamic method for heterogeneous aerosols is given on the assumption that the diffusion loss of a mixture of condensation nuclei of different diffusion coefficients is the sum of the diffusion losse of its components. Procedures for resolving heterogeneous aerosols into their components using the dynamic method are developed. The accuracy attainable by one of the methods which requires no assumptions on the number of components in the aerosol under investigation is illustrated by a numerical example.
Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, dass der bemerkenswerte Einfluss der Luftstromgeschwindigkeit auf die Grösse des mit der dynamischen Methode bestimmten Diffusionskoeffizienten völlig erklärt werden kann, wenn Heterogenität der Kondensationskerne im Aerosol angenommen wird. Eine Theorie der dynamischen Methode für heterogene Aerosole wird unter der Annahme, dass der Diffusionsverlust eines Gemisches von Kondensationskernen mit verschiedenen Diffusionskoeffizienten gleich der Summe der Diffusionsverluste ihrer Komponenten ist, gegeben. Verfahren der Zerlegung heterogener Aerosole in ihre Komponenten mittels der dynamischen Methode werden entwickelt. Die mit einem der Verfahren, welches keine Annahme über die Zahl der in dem zu untersuchenden Aerosol vorhandenen Komponenten benötigt, erreichbare Genauigkeit wird an einem numerischen Beispiel illustriert.

It is shown how to retrieve the atmospheric ozone profile by means of ground based microwave measurements of the radiative intensity. Chahine's iteration method is used. The method is tested by a numerical experiment. The retrieval rms about the mean error is approximately 0.4 ppm. The required measurement accuracy for the brightness temperatures is ±0.01 K.  相似文献   

在嫦娥一号探月工程中求定月球重力场   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
月球重力场制约着近月外空间物体的运动,同时环月飞行器的运动也反映了月球重力场的作用. 本文结合我国嫦娥一号探月工程,探讨了利用月球卫星的地面跟踪资料,求定月球重力场的基本理论和方法,分析了环月卫星的轨道高度、地面跟踪采样时间间隔和跟踪精度等对求定月球重力场的影响. 若单独利用我国嫦娥一号探月工程的地面跟踪数据,恢复30阶次左右的月球重力场模型是一个比较实际的目标. 地面跟踪最好能以75s的时间间隔进行采样,数据连续提供时间应不少于30个昼夜,月球卫星星下点的月面轨迹间距不大于110km.  相似文献   

近年来,低幅度构造油藏作为油气勘探的一个重要接替领域,在油气勘探与开发中日益受到重视,但目前预测低幅度构造的方法均存在一定局限性.本文探索了一种利用地震曲率形态指数预测低幅度构造的新方法,首先对地震数据体进行多窗口倾角扫描,然后对倾角数据体进行多种曲率属性计算从而得到曲率形态指数数据体,将得到的曲率形态指数数据体沿目的 层进行数值提取从而获得目的 层的曲率形态指数结果,形态指数高值区为低幅度构造高部位.曲率形态指数预测低幅度构造不用解释层位、受人为因素影响小,能够预测更小尺度的低幅度构造,并且预测结果准确率高.此方法在厄瓜多尔T区目的 层进行应用,可以预测0.01 m2的小尺度低幅度构造,预测结果与钻井稳合率高,后续部署的2口钻井均获得工业油流,对类似地质条件地区的勘探开发具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Marine magnetotelluric measurements using “free‐fall’’ instruments without effective compasses suffer from the problem of unknown orientation of the receivers at the seafloor. While past works indicate that marine magnetotelluric orientation of the instruments can be estimated by reference to land deployments of known orientation using the transfer tensor method, there is limited published information on how this is implemented in practice. We document this method and propose a set of new time‐ and frequency‐domain approaches to solve this orientation problem of the seafloor receivers. We test these methodologies in onshore and offshore magnetotelluric data whose orientations are well known and apply these techniques to marine magnetotelluric data with unknown orientation. For the controlled tests, both time‐ and frequency‐domain approaches produce overall comparable results. To investigate the effects of the subsurface structure distribution on the orientation process, a dimensionality analysis of a controlled dataset is carried out. In subsequent analysis using the available disoriented marine magnetotelluric data from offshore Brazil and from the Vassouras magnetic observatory on the mainland for remote referencing, frequency‐domain methods yield approximate orientation angles among themselves with low standard deviation each. Time‐domain results are consistent for most cases but differ from frequency‐domain results for some situations.  相似文献   

Summary It was intended to carry out a detailed comparison between the values of the diffusion coefficient of condensation nuclei obtained by the static method and the corresponding values deduced from measurements by the dynamic method.In order to increase the accuracy of the diffusion coefficient as determined by the static method, using as decay vessel the fog tube of a photo-electric counter, it was necessary to develop a new version with an air column diameter smaller than that previously employed. Calibration curves for counters with fog tubes of 1.1, 1.9 and 2.5 cm diameter together with that for the standard of 3.85 cm are given.Fürth's theory of the static method was experimentally verified and shown to be consistent in itself.With regard to the dynamic method, the effect of varying the air-flow on the results obtained with the diffusion box was investigated and a marked influence on the value of the diffusion coefficient usingGormley's formula found. A regular and systematic increase of the diffusion coefficient with increase of air-flow, apparently overlooked up to now, was discovered. Within the range of 1 to 4 litres/min air-flow a change by 1 litre/min alters the diffusion coefficient by about 12%. Since for technical reasons during one experiment, adjustment of the air-flow by two litres/min were not uncommon hitherto, the diffusion coefficient determined in this way may be wrong by 25 % of its value for this reason alone. The influence of humidity on the diffusion coefficient determined with the diffusion box was also studied. It was found that the reduction of the diffusion coefficient due to increase in relative humidity from 53 % to 84 % amounts in the average and over a very wide range of diffusion coefficients to about 10 %.The comparison of the diffusion coefficients determined by the static and dynamic methods gave the following results: The diffusion coefficient of large hot nichrome wire nuclei (D 10 · 10–6 cm2/sec) determined by the static method is approximately one third of that obtained when the dynamic method with an air-flow of 1 litre/min is used. With decreasing size of nuclei the diffusion coefficients measured by the two methods approach each other.It is suggested that the observed discrepancies are due to a thin boundary layer which at the start of the diffusion process is almost free of nuclei. The theory of the static method is accordingly modified and a new formula for the calculation ofD is derived which leads to agreement between the static and the dynamic determinations ofD when it is assumed that the boundary layer has a thickness of about 1.5 mm.
Zusammenfassung Es war beabsichtigt, eine detailierte Vergleichung der mittels der statischen und dynamischen Methode gemessenen Diffusionskoeffizienten von Kondensationskernen durchzuführen.Um die Genauigkeit der mit der statischen Methode ermittelten Diffusionskoeffizienten, wenn das Nebelrohr des photoelektrischen Kernzählers als Kernspeicher benützt wird, zu erhöhen, war es notwendig ein neues Modell mit einer zylindrischen Nebelkammer von kleinerem Durchmesser, als bisher verwendet, zu entwickeln. Es werden Eichkurven für Zähler mit Nebelrohren von 1.1, 1.9 und 2.5 cm Durchmesser zusammen mit der Eichkurve für den Standard-Kernzähler von 3.85 cm Durchmesser gegeben.Fürth's Theorie der statischen Methode wurde experimentell verifiziert und als in sich selbst verträglich bewiesen.Es wurde ferner der Effekt der änderung des Luftstromes durch den Diffusions-apparat auf die mit der dynamischen Methode bestimmten Diffusionskoeffizienten untersucht, und ein bemerkenswerter Einfluss der Luftstromgeschwindigkeit auf die Grösse des Diffusionskoeffizienten entdeckt, wennGormley's Formel der Auswertung zu Grunde gelegt wird. Ein regelmässiges und systematisches Anwachsen des Diffusionskoeffizienten mit Zunahme der Luftströmung — offenbar bis jetzt übersehen — wurde festgestellt. Für Luftströmungen zwischen 1 und 4 Liter/Min bewirkt eine änderung der Luftströmung um 1 Liter/Min eine änderung des Diffusionskoeffizienten um etwa 12%. Da bisher aus technischen Gründen eine Regulierung des Luftstromes um 2 Liter/Min während eines und desselben Experiments nichts Ungewöhnliches war, so kann deshalb allein der so bestimmte Diffusionskoeffizient um 25 % seines Wertes unrichtig sein. — Auch der Einfluss der Feuchtigkeit auf den mit dem Diffusionsapparat ermittelten Diffusionskoeffizienten wurde geprüft. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Reduktion des Diffusionskoeffizienten als Folge einer Erhöhung der relativen Feuchtigkeit von 53 auf 84 % im Durchschnitt und für Diffusionskoeffizienten bis zu 500. 10–6 cm2/sec etwa 10 % beträgt.Die Vergleichung der mittels der statischen und dynamischen Methode gemessenen Diffusionskoeffizienten ergab das folgende Resultat: Der Diffusionskoeffizient grosser,. durch elektrisches Glühen eines Drahtes erzeugten Kondensationskerne (D 10. 10–6 cm2/sec), wenn mit der statischen Methode bestimmt, ist ungefähr ein Drittel jenes mittels der dynamischen Methode gemessenen Wertes bei einem Luftstrom von 1 Liter/Min durch den Diffusionsapparat. Mit abnehmender Grösse der Kondensationskerne nähern sich die Werte der nach den beiden Methoden bestimmten Diffusionskoeffizienten.Es wird versucht, die beobachteten Unstimmigkeiten durch die Annahme einer dünnen Wandschicht zu erklären, die zu Beginn des Diffusionsprozesses beinahe frei. von Kernen ist. Die Theorie der statischen Methode wurde dementsprechend abgeändert und eine neue Formel für die Berechnung vonD abgeleitet, die zu einer Uebereinstimmung zwischen den statischen und dynamischen Bestimmungen vonD führt, wenn angenommen wird, dass die Wandschicht eine Dicke von ungefähr 1.5 mm hat.

实际地震采集中的点震源激发产生球面波场,反射界面处球面波前曲率的改变会导致反射波的振幅和相位随频率而变化,而基于高频远场近似的常规平面波勘探忽略了球面波前曲率的低频频变效应.为此,本文首先利用高精度的数值积分法和有限差分法模拟了柱坐标系下的反射波记录,揭示了球面波反射系数的低频频变特征.为解决常规叠前反演需要多个偏移距...  相似文献   

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