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The South arm of Sulawesi was an active continental margin from approximately 60 to 10 Ma, when it collided with the microcontinental fragment of Buton. Pre-collisional samples analyzed for this study are characterized by a geochemical signature typical of arc volcanics: high LILE/HFSE ratios; 87Sr/86Sr slightly higher than MORB; 143Nd/144Nd ratios similar to MORB. Syn-collisional samples have more enriched isotopic signatures, and are relatively potassium rich. This is interpreted to reflect a larger contribution from subducted sediments, added to the mantle wedge as a silicic melt. Melting of subducted sediments is interpreted to result from a decrease in subduction rate and an increase of temperature in the slab. Magmatism that postdates the collisional event by 10 Ma is characterized by higher Nb/Y ratios than the pre- or syn-collisional samples, and Sr and Nd isotopic signatures intermediate between these two groups. This is likely to reflect melting of a subduction-modified mantle, with a significant contribution from the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. Comparison with post-collisional magmatism from other areas of the world suggests that trace element signatures are similar, but isotopic characteristics are variable. The latter are likely to reflect both the age of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle and the time lag between cessation of subduction and formation of the post-collisional magmas.  相似文献   

The Salu Bulo prospect is one of the gold prospects in the Awak Mas project in the central part of the western province, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The gold mineralization is hosted by the meta‐sedimentary rocks intercalated with the meta‐volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Latimojong Metamorphic Complex. The ores are approximately three meters thick, consisting of veins, stockwork, and breccias. The veins can be classified into three stages, namely, early, main, and late stages, and gold mineralization is related to the main stage. The mineral assemblage of the matrix of breccia and the veins are both composed of quartz, carbonate (mainly ankerite), and albite. High‐grade gold ores in the Salu Bulo prospect are accompanied by intense alteration, such as carbonatization, albitization, silicification, and sulfidation along the main stage veins and breccia. Alteration mineral assemblage includes ankerite ± calcite, quartz, albite, and pyrite along with minor sericite. Pyrite is the most abundant sulfide mineral that is spatially related to native gold and electrum (<2–42 μm in size). It is more abundant as dissemination in the altered host rocks than those in veins. This suggests that water–rock interaction played a role to precipitate pyrite and Au in the Salu Bulo prospect. The Au contents of intensely altered host rocks and ores have positive correlations with Ag, Ni, Mo, and Na. Fluid inclusions in the veins of the main stage and the matrix of breccia are mainly two‐phase liquid‐rich inclusions with minor two‐phase, vapor‐rich, and single‐phase liquid or vapor inclusions. CO2 and N2 gases are detected in the fluid inclusions by Laser Raman microspectrometry. Fluid boiling probably occurred when the fluid was trapped at approximately 120–190 m below the paleo water table. δ18OSMOW values of fluid, +5.8 and +7.6‰, calculated from δ18OSMOW of quartz from the main stage vein indicate oxygen isotopic exchange with wall rocks during deep circulation. δ34SCDT of pyrite narrowly ranges from ?2.0 to +3.4‰, suggesting a single source of sulfur. Gold mineralization in the Salu Bulo prospect occurred in an epithermal condition, after the metamorphism of the host rocks. It formed at a relatively shallow depth from fluids with low to moderate salinity (3.0–8.5 wt% NaCl equiv.). The temperature and pressure of ore formation range from 190 to 210°C and 1.2 to 1.9 MPa, respectively.  相似文献   

The Ratatotok district in the Minahasa Regency of North Sulawesi, Indonesia is an area of significant gold mineralisation. Gold has been mined in the district since at least the 1850s, and intensively by the Dutch between 1900 and 1921 with a recorded production of 5,060 kg of gold. Newmont began exploring the district in 1986, and has delineated a major sediment-hosted replacement-style deposit at Mesel, and other smaller deposits in an 8×5 km area. A total drill-indicated resource of over 60 metric tonnes of gold (+2 Moz) is reported for Mesel, and three of the smaller deposits. Approximately 80% of this resource is refractory. Silver grades are usually low (<10 g/t). The Mesel deposit is similar to many Carlin-type deposits in carbonate hostrocks, alteration, geochemical signature and ore mineralogy, but is distinct in tectonic setting. The discovery of replacement-style mineralisation at Mesel, in an impure limestone within a Tertiary island arc environment, demonstrates that deposits with outward characteristics similar to Carlin-type mineralisation are not restricted to a continental setting.Carbonate sediments in the Ratatotok district were deposited in a Late Miocene restricted basin. Later compressional tectonics caused uplift that resulted in karst development in the limestone and erosion of the adjacent volcanic arc with deposition of a thick epiclastic unit. This was followed by intrusion of shallow level pre-mineral andesite into the sequence. Mineralisation at Mesel, and probably elsewhere in the district, is synchronous with the late-stage reactivation of strike-slip faults. Mineralising fluids at Mesel were focussed along steep structures sympathetic to these faults, and trapped below a relatively impermeable andesite cap rock. Hydrothermal fluids caused decalcification of the silty, more permeable carbonate units with the formation of secondary dolomite, deposition of fine arsenian pyrite, silica veinlets and gold. Volume loss due to decalcification and dolomite formation caused collapse brecciation which enhanced fluid flow and further mineralisation. This locally culminated in total decarbonation and deposition of massive silica. Late-stage stibnite occurs in structural zones within the ore deposit, whereas arsenic (as realgar and orpiment) and mercury (as cinnabar) are concentrated on the periphery.Elsewhere in the Ratatotok district, gold mineralisation is restricted to replacement-style mineralisation in permeable zones along limestone-andesite contacts, open-space filling quartz-calcite veins and stockworks, and residual quartz-clay breccias. The residual breccias are developed in-situ, and are interpreted to form by dissolution of the wallrock limestone from around pre-existing mineralisation. This has resulted in widespread eluvial gold occurrences.  相似文献   

波龙谷金矿床产于新生代火山岩岛弧环境。金矿体主体赋存于石英闪长玢岩岩体和岩墙之内和内、外接触带,矿石构造以细脉状、细粒浸染状为主,蚀变带和矿化带受石英闪长玢岩岩体、岩墙形态和接触带控制。矿床形成与玢岩岩体、岩墙有密不可分的关系,属于斑岩型金-银、铅、锌多金属矿床。  相似文献   

Sulawesi with its peculiar K-shaped pattern is situated in an area where the Eurasian, Indian—Australian and Pacific plates interact and collide.Complex geological processess in this area resulted in the transformation of a normal island-arc structure into an inverted one, deformation of an already tectonized belt, sweeping of fragments against unrelated terrain, thrusting of oceanic and mantle material over the island arc, closing of deep-sea basins behind the arc, trapping of old oceanic crust caused by the rolling up of an island arc, formation of a marginal basin by the spreading of the sea floor behind the arc, development of small subduction zones with reverse polarities etc.Small deep-sea basins surrounding Sulawesi such as the Gulf of Bone and the Gulf of Gorontalo originally formed the arc—trench gap of the Sulawesi island arc.The Banda Sea is considered as an oceanic crust trapped by the bending of the east—west trending Banda arc due to the northward drift of Australia combined with the westward movement of the Pacific plate. Similarly the Sulawesi Sea consists of an old Pacific crust trapped by the westward bending of the Sulawesi island arc, caused by the spearheading westward thrust along the Sorong transform-fault system, in which later a minor spreading center became active in its central part. The Molucca Sea comprises tectonic mélange in which presumably a small spreading center developed between the two colliding arcs of northern Sulawesi and western Halmahera. While the Benioff zones dip under the northern Sulawesi and Halmahera arcs in normal fashion, the mélange thrusts over them. The Strait of Makassar is a marginal basin which was brought into existence by the spreading of the sea floor between Kalimantan and Sulawesi.The evolution of Sulawesi started in Miocene time or even earlier when 800 km east of Kalimantan a north—south trending east-facing island arc came into existence, originating from a spreading center located in the Pacific Ocean. Volcanism and plutonism accompanied this subduction process.Collision between Sulawesi and the Australian—New Guinea plate which occurred in early Pliocene time severely transformed Sulawesi into an island with its convex side turned towards the continent, at the same time causing obduction of ophiolite in the eastern arc of this island.The movement of the Pacific plate continued and gradually pushed Sulawesi towards the Asian continent, resulting in the closing of the sea between Kalimantan and Sulawesi islands separated by small straits and deep seas resembling the complicated pattern of the Philippine Archipelago, in which the original double island-arc structure can no longer be recognized.  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(3):287-302
Banded iron formations (BIFs) are the most significant source of iron in the world. In this study, we report petrographic and geochemical data of the BIF from the Meyomessi area in the Ntem Complex, southern Cameroon, and discuss their genesis and the iron enrichment process. Field investigations and petrography have revealed that the studied BIF samples are hard; compact; weakly weathered; and composed of magnetite, subordinate quartz, and geothite. The geochemical composition of the whole rock reveals that iron and silica represent more than 98 wt% of the average composition, whereas Al2O3, TiO2, and high‐field strength elements (HFSE) contents are very low, similar to detritus‐free marine chemical precipitates. The total iron (TFe) contents range from 48.71 to 65.32 wt % (average of 53.29 wt %) and, together with the low concentrations of deleterious elements (0.19 wt % P on average), are consistent with medium‐grade iron ores by global standards. This interpretation is confirmed by the SiO2/Fe2O3total versus (MgO + CaO + MnO)/Fe2O3total discrimination plot in which most of the Meyomessi BIF samples fall in the field of medium‐grade siliceous ore. Only one sample (MGT94) plots in the high‐grade magnetite–geothite ore domain. The high Fe/Ti (376.36), Fe/Al (99.90), and Si/Al (29.26) ratios of the sample are consistent with significant hydrothermal components. The rare earth elements (REE) contents of the studied BIF samples are very low (∑REE: 0.81–1.47 ppm), and the Post‐Archaean Australian Shale (PAAS)‐normalized patterns display weak positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*: 1.15–1.33), suggesting a syngenetic low‐temperature hydrothermal solutions, similar to other BIF worldwide. However, the Meyomessi BIFs show high Fe contents when compared to the other BIFs. This indicates an epigenetic mineralization process affected the Meyomessi BIF. From the above results and based on the field and analytical data, we propose that the genetic model of iron ores at the Meyomessi area involves two stages of the enrichment process, hypogene enrichment of BIF protore by metamorphic and magmatic fluids followed by supergene alteration as indicated by the presence of goethite in the rocks.  相似文献   

西藏山南努日铜钼钨矿床矽卡岩地球化学特征及成因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈雷 《地质与勘探》2011,47(1):78-88
西藏山南地区努日Cu-W-Mo多金属矿床位于冈底斯火山-岩浆弧构造带东段南缘,属于冈底斯铜钼成矿带的南亚带,是新近探明的一个大型矽卡岩型的铜钨钼矿床,也是西藏冈底斯带首例钨矿床.对矿区内出露的矽卡岩、大理岩和灰岩的地球化学组成研究表明:在主量元素方面,Ca、Ti、Al、Mg、Mn、Fe及Si等元素在灰岩、大理岩和矽卡岩...  相似文献   

An extraordinarily large-scale landslide with a volume of about 200 million m3, a width of about 1,600 m, and a height of about 750 m occurred on 2004 March 26, 13:45 local time, on a steep caldera wall on the northwest flank of Mt. Bawakaraeng (2,830 m) at the headwater of the Jeneberang River in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The debris avalanche extended about 7 km from the headwater and buried the river valley, causing devastating damage. There are a great many calderas in the world, notably Japan. If a large-scale sector collapse were to occur in a heavily populated area, it would be a devastating disaster for the people living in the area. The aim of this paper is to outline such a landslide and explain its mechanism of occurrence. We evaluated the stability of the original slope before the landslide using the limit equilibrium method and the finite-element-based shear strength reduction method (SSRFEM) with the strength reduction factor. The limit equilibrium method showed that a rise in the groundwater level caused the landslide. Although the critical slip surface predicted by the SSRFEM was shallower than that of the actual slip surface, the end positions of the actual and predicted slip surfaces were almost the same. Moreover, the end position of the critical slip surface before the landslide—the headwater of the Jeneberang River—was a knick point at which the slope inclination became steeper. SSRFEM analysis may be useful for evaluating the slope stability of large-scale landslides, because the critical slip surface predicted by it was close to the actual surface, even though we assumed homogenous conditions without information on the degree of weathering or ground properties. As the knick point formed at the end of the critical slip surface and is equivalent to the end of the actual slip surface, we assume such topographic features to be a primary geomorphologic cause of the landslide.  相似文献   

The East Sulawesi Ophiolite (ESO) is tectonically dismembered and widely distributed in Central and East Sulawesi. It comprises, from base to top, residual mantle peridotite and mafic–ultramafic cumulate through layered to isotropic gabbro, to sheeted dolerites and basaltic volcanic rocks. Residual peridotite is dominantly spinel lherzolite intercalated with harzburgite and dunite. Ultramafic rocks from different locations display significant differences in rock composition and mineral. However, the clinopyroxene of peridotite displays REE pattern similarities with those of mid-ocean ridge (MOR) origin, rather than those of suprasubduction zone (SSZ) origin. The gabbroic unit consists of massive gabbro, layered gabbro, mafic and ultramafic cumulate and anorthosite. The observed crystallization sequence of gabbroic unit, which is olivine→(spinel)→plagioclase→clinopyroxene→(orthopyroxene)→(hornblende), and the mineral chemistry data indicate that the ESO gabbro has similarities with MOR setting.Major and trace element geochemistry of basalt and dolerite suggests MOR, oceanic plateau and minor SSZ origins. A possible oceanic plateau origin is supported by the following: (i) the 15-km thickness is comparable with the thickness of oceanic plateau rather than normal oceanic lithosphere; (ii) there are no or only minor olivine phenocrysts in the basalt; and (iii) predominance of aphyric texture in the basalts. The REE pattern of ESO basalt exhibits N-MORB-like signatures. However, a negative Nb anomaly in the trace element spider diagram may be attributed to mantle heterogeneity of an OPB source.The geochemical variations and disparities for both peridotite and basalt and the noncogenetic relationship between crust and mantle sections in several locations suggest that the ESO may have been formed at one tectonic setting and was later overprinted by magmatism in different environments through its birth to emplacement. A possible Cretaceous origin of an oceanic plateau component of the ESO is indicated on the basis of calculated paleopositions using plate trajectory analyses together with previously published paleolatitude data. The ESO can be traced back to the proximity of the presently active region of the SW Pacific Superplume.  相似文献   

西藏南部印度-亚洲碰撞带岩石圈:岩石学-地球化学约束   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
拟以岩石学和地球化学的研究为基础, 结合地球物理与构造地质学的研究成果, 从一个侧面探讨青藏高原岩石圈、特别是印度-亚洲主碰撞带岩石圈结构、组成及今后进一步的研究方向.印度-亚洲主碰撞带具有青藏高原最厚的地壳, 由初生地壳及再循环地壳两类不同性质的地壳构成; 青藏巨厚地壳是由于构造增厚及地幔物质注入(通过岩浆作用) 增厚两种机制形成的.碰撞以来藏南地壳加厚主要发生在约50~25Ma期间.青藏岩石圈地幔在地球化学和岩石学上是不均一的, 至少存在3种地球化学端元: (1) 新特提斯大洋岩石圈端元; (2) 印度陆下岩石圈端元; (3) 新特提斯闭合前青藏原有的岩石圈端元.在青藏高原还发现了一批壳幔深源岩石包体及高压-超高压矿物, 对于认识青藏深部有重要的意义.可以识别出青藏高原现今存在3种岩石圈结构类型: 第1种, 增厚的岩石圈(帕米尔型); 第2种, 减薄的岩石圈(冈底斯型); 第3种, 加厚-减薄-再加厚的岩石圈(羌塘型).这3类岩石圈是否在时间上具有先后顺序, 尚无明确的证据, 需要在今后加以注意.研究表明, 沿冈底斯带后碰撞钾质-超钾质火山活动, 可能与新特提斯洋俯冲板片在后碰撞阶段的断离及印度大陆岩石圈向青藏的持续俯冲作用有关, 但西段、中段与东段的动力学机制不相同.在青藏高原北部地区(羌塘、可可西里等地区), 后碰撞钾质-超钾质火山活动, 可能与波状外向扩展式的软流圈上隆引起的减压熔融有关.在高原北缘西昆仑、玉门等地区, 其形成机制可能为大规模走滑断层引起的减压熔融.青藏高原后碰撞火成活动具有明显而有规律的时空迁移.同碰撞的林子宗火山活动在65Ma左右始于冈底斯南部, 标志印度-亚洲大陆碰撞的开始.于45Ma左右火山活动向北迁移到羌塘-“三江”北段, 开始了后碰撞火山活动; 然后自内向外迁移, 即北向可可西里、南向冈底斯(在冈底斯内部又自西向东)、东向西秦岭迁移; 最后(6Ma以来), 再分别向高原的西北、东北、东南三隅迁移.结合已有地球物理资料, 一种可能的解释是它可能暗示由印度和亚洲大陆板块碰撞所诱发的深部物质(如中-下地壳、软流圈地幔物质) 流动.   相似文献   

该文运用多种沉积地球化学指标结合地质事实,对埃迪卡拉纪晚期沉积于皖南蓝田地区的皮园村组硅质岩进行 了综合研究,揭示了皮园村组硅质岩具有海相沉积硅质岩典型的微晶石英结构和较高的 SiO2 含量,同时具有 Fe/Ti > 20, Al/(Al+Fe) < 0.4 和 Eu 正异常的地球化学特征。根据 Al-Fe-Mn 图解认为,硅质岩含有来自海底热液流体的组分,而接近现 代开阔洋海水的 Y/Ho 比值和海水型稀土配分特征则显示沉积水体主要为海水。硅、氧同位素在地层序列上无趋势性变化和 较高 δ30Si 值指示硅质岩是由海水中的溶解态硅化学沉积形成,而不是由海底热液直接沉淀形成。氧同位素温度计也表明硅 质岩形成于当时常温的海水环境。上升流使得混合了海底热液而富硅的底层海水上涌,运移至离喷口较远的相对偏酸性海域, 导致局部海水硅过饱和而发生二氧化硅沉淀。皮园村组产出大量藻纹层和微体化石,并在顶部见有保存完好的埃迪卡拉纪 微体化石Palaeopascichnus jiumenensis,表明本海域生产力旺盛,生物和有机质降解作用产生的酸类物质可能降低了海水中 溶解硅的溶解度,间接促进了硅质岩的沉积。  相似文献   

In eastern Indonesia, the Central Sulawesi fault system consists of complex left-lateral strike-slip fault zones located within the triple junction area between the Pacific, Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates. Seismicity in Central Sulawesi documents low-magnitude shallow earthquakes related, from NW to SE, to the NNW-trending Palu-Koro (PKF) and WNW-trending Matano fault zones. Study of the active fault traces indicates a northward growing complexity in the PKF segmentation. Left-lateral displacement of 370 ± 10 m of streams incised within fans, whose deposition has been dated at 11 000 ± 2300 years, yields a calculated PKF horizontal slip rate of 35 ± 8 mm yr−1. This geologically determined long-term slip rate agrees with the far-field strike-slip rate of 32–45 mm yr−1 previously proposed from GPS measurements and confirms that the PKF is a fast slipping fault with a relatively low level of seismicity.  相似文献   

李奋其  刘伟  张士贞  王保弟 《地质学报》2012,86(10):1592-1603
前人对西藏冈底斯构造带古生代地质构造属性认识仍然存在多种解释。本文报道了位于冈底斯南部打加错地区的鸭洼基性岩浆杂岩的锆石U-Pb定年和地球化学数据,以期对这一问题进行约束。鸭洼基性杂岩单斜辉石岩的加权平均年龄为263.5±4.0Ma(MSWD=0.34),2件辉长岩分别为262.7±2.3Ma(MSWD=2.8)和263.9±2.4Ma(MSWD=3.8),反映冈底斯带存在二叠纪深成岩浆活动。鸭洼基性杂岩体的两类岩石属于碱性岩系列,具有高的TiO2含量,区别于冈底斯二叠纪岛弧型火山岩类,类似于板内玄武岩;稀土配分型式呈∑LREE富集型,Eu﹡值为0.98~1.07;高场强元素丰度与板内玄武岩平均丰度相近,Zr/Nb比值、Hf/Th比值分别变化在3.07~4.94和1.25~1.98范围内,类似于板内玄武岩;微量元素原始地幔标准化的蜘网图和MORB标准化的蜘网图显示岩浆形成于板内构造环境,微量元素构造环境判别图解也支持这一结论。结合区域上石炭——二叠纪沉积特点、火山活动和变形变质作用,认为冈底斯南部二叠纪时期为被动陆缘环境,以北地区属于主动陆缘环境。  相似文献   

文章通过对印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛某红土型镍矿床的成矿地质条件、矿床地质特征、矿石类型变化规律及矿床成因的分析与研究,认为矿床是由超基性岩橄榄岩在热带及亚热带常年高温、雨旱交替且年降雨量较大的地区经风化、淋滤、沉积富集而成矿;与在中生代、新近纪、第四纪的热带、亚热带气候条件下形成的蛇纹岩风化壳有关.  相似文献   

A target area in northwestern Kalimantan, Indonesia, already defined by a geochemical stream-sediment survey, has been further investigated by geochemical analysis of soils and samples of test pits. Overlapping geochemical anomalies in the soils were found for Cu, Mo, Au and Bi. Anomalies and high values of the other elements, Pb, Zn, Fe, Mn and As, can be explained by lithology and by scavenging and coprecipitation phenomena at the break of slopes.With the aid of detailed geochemical mapping and mineralogical and petrographic analysis the Cu-Mo-Au-Bi anomaly was explained by a porphyry-type mineralization consisting mainly of chalcopyrite and molybdenite within a quartz-enriched granodiorite. Hydrothermal alteration consists of a potassic zone, including the anomaly, and a broad propylitic zone. This type of mineralization is related to the plate-tectonic evolution of Sundaland. The possibility of a belt of porphyry-type mineralization in western Kalimantan is proposed.  相似文献   

以“地球化学块体”理论为基础,以赤峰南部的区域地质为背景,利用1/20万化探扫面所提供的地化信息,对该区域的金矿资源特征进行了系统研究。圈出地球化学块体1个,区域地球化学异常体8个;并提出:北东向断裂与东西向断裂交汇部位、太古界矿源层及其附近及燕山早期中酸性侵入岩体及其附近为地球化学块体含矿的主要标志。  相似文献   

藏南邛多江地区花岗岩地球化学特征及成因类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂凤军  胡朋  江思宏  刘妍 《地质学报》2006,80(9):1342-1354
本文以邛多江变质核杂岩中花岗岩为研究对象、分别对仲格耐和倾日二长花岗岩体及相关岩脉的代表性全岩样品主元素、微量元素和稀土元素进行了系统测定。研究结果表明,所研究的2处花岗岩环(株)无论在岩相学和矿物学上,还是在元素地球化学方面均兼具壳幔型花岗岩特点,部分微量元素的特征比值和稀土元素分布型式完全可与高钾钙—碱性系列火成岩相对比。根据全岩样品的矿物学和地球化学特征,可以推断,仲格耐和倾日花岗岩环(株)是深源岩浆与地壳浅部岩(体)层相互作用的结果,而并非是泥质类岩石通过深熔和岩浆结晶分异的产物。仲格耐和倾日花岗岩体的成岩作用与后碰撞造山作用晚期阶段大规模拆离构造活动有关,属后碰撞造山环境中的壳幔型花岗岩。  相似文献   

何熙琦  陈仁  跃连红  刘应忠 《贵州地质》2012,29(3):225-228,239
波龙谷金矿矿石具有金品位高、金粒粒度粗,可解离度高,同时伴有银、铅、锌等可综合利用组分,而有害组分As低等特点。矿石质量极佳,属于易选矿。混合浮选+混汞选矿法在国内很成熟,建议试验此法,与螺旋向心跳汰重选法比较,以获得更佳优选方案。  相似文献   

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