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Summary Data from 306 stations in India, for the 70 years (1901–70) of summer (June–September) monsoonal rainfall, are grouped into 32 sub-regions. Extreme event theory is used to analyse the return periods of extreme rainfall deficits within each of these sub-regions, using the log-Pearson type III frequency distribution in a spatial rather than a temporal context. The resultant estimates for 2, 5 and 10 year return periods are compared with the patterns derived from the Gaussian frequency distribution applied to the 306 stations individually; the 50 and 100 year return period estimates are also considered.
Zusammenfassung Die Daten über den sommerlichen Monsunregen (Juni–September) aus 70 Jahren (1901–70) von 306 Stationen in Indien werden in 32 Teilgebiete gruppiert. Zur Analyse der wiederkehrenden Perioden extremen Regendefizits in jedem dieser Teilgebiete wird die Theorie extremer Ereignisse verwendet, wobei die log-Pearson-Häufigkeitsverteilung vom Typ III eher in einem räumlichen als zeitlichen Zusammenhang verwendet wird. Die sich daraus ergebenden Schätzungen für wiederkehrende Perioden von 2, 5 und 10 Jahren werden mit den Mustern verglichen, die mit Hilfe der auf alle 306 Stationen einzeln angewandten Gaußschen Häufigkeitsverteilung gewonnen wurden. Die Abschätzung 50jähriger und 100jähriger Ereignisse wird ebenfalls besprochen.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the way public opinion responds to the prospect of global warming. In particular, we focus on the public's willingness to pay in order to prevent various hypothetical climate scenarios from transpiring. To this end, fractional factorial survey methods are employed with a sample of over 600 residents of Southern California. By and large, the public is able to understand and evaluate rather complicated hypothetical climate scenarios, but the public appreciates some features of climate far better than others. In this context, the contingent valuation estimates we provide, while promising, are clearly not ready of consideration by policy makers.  相似文献   

Agriculture in India is highly sensitive to climatic variations particularly to rainfall and temperature; therefore, any change in rainfall and temperature will influence crop yields. An understanding of the spatial and temporal distribution and changing patterns in climatic variables is important for planning and management of natural resources. Time series analysis of climate data can be a very valuable tool to investigate its variability pattern and, maybe, even to predict short- and long-term changes in the series. In this study, the sub-divisional rainfall data of India during the period 1871 to 2016 has been investigated. One of the widely used powerful nonparametric techniques namely wavelet analysis was used to decompose and de-noise the series into time–frequency component in order to study the local as well as global variation over different scales and time epochs. On the decomposed series, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and artificial neural network (ANN) models were applied and by means of inverse wavelet transform, the prediction of rainfall for different sub-divisions was obtained. To this end, empirical comparison was carried out toward forecast performance of the approaches namely Wavelet-ANN, Wavelet-ARIMA, and ARIMA. It is reported that Wavelet-ANN and Wavelet-ARIMA approach outperforms the usual ARIMA model for forecasting of rainfall for the data under consideration.  相似文献   


基于赣江流域1964-2013年13个水文站的日降水资料,采用AM抽样和POT抽样相结合的方法,对极端降水序列,选定日最大降水量(RX1)、极端降水量(R95)、极端降水天数(RD95)和极端降水强度(RI95)四个指标,利用Mann-Kendall趋势分析方法、Pettitt变点检验法分别对赣江流域极端降水进行时间变化趋势和突变的分析,并利用普通克里金插值,对各指标进行空间分布的分析。研究结果表明,时间变化上,赣江流域RX1、R95和RD95均表现出一定的增加趋势,但RI95变化不大,各指标在过去50 a没有发生显著突变;空间分布上,RX1、R95和RI95沿着赣江流向从西南向东北增加,而RD95的空间分布没有明显的变化规律,存在多个极大极小值中心。


The monthly rainfall data from 1901 to 2011 and maximum and minimum temperature data from 1901 to 2005 are used along with the reference evapotranspiration (ET0) to analyze the climate trend of 45 stations of Madhya Pradesh. ET0 is calculated by the Hargreaves method from 1901 to 2005 and the computed data is then used for trend analysis. The temporal variation and the spatial distribution of trend are studied for seasonal and annual series with the Mann-Kendall (MK) test and Sen’s estimator of slope. The percentage of change is used to find the rate of change in 111 years (rainfall) and 105 years (temperatures and ET0). Interrelationships among these variables are analyzed to see the dependency of one variable on the other. The results indicate a decreasing rainfall and increasing temperatures and ET0 trend. A similar pattern is noticeable in all seasons except for monsoon season in temperature and ET0 trend analysis. The highest increase of temperature is noticed during post-monsoon and winter. Rainfall shows a notable decrease in the monsoon season. The entire state of Madhya Pradesh is considered as a single unit, and the calculation of overall net change in the amount of the rainfall, temperatures (maximum and minimum) and ET0 is done to estimate the total loss or gain in monthly, seasonal and annual series. The results show net loss or deficit in the amount of rainfall and the net gain or excess in the temperature and ET0 amount.  相似文献   

利用达县1959~1998年3~10月逐时降水资料,按逐时降水量≥0.1mm、≥5.0mm、≥10.0mm、≥20.0mm、≥25.0mm等标准分类作降水量、降水频次(概率)以及降水过程开始、结束、持续时间等方面的统计,得出了降水日变化的一些特征,同时对其成因进行了分析.  相似文献   

In the present study, it was found that there was a significant climate regime shift in 1993 from average rainfall amounts in winter (December of a year and January and February of the next year) in North Korea over the last 30 years (1982–2011). This significant climate regime shift in 1993 also appeared in empirical orthogonal function analysis conducted using the winter mean rainfall amounts observed at 26 weather observation stations in North Korea. The reason why winter mean rainfall amounts in North Korea were smaller during the period of 1994–2011 than during the period of 1982–1994 was that anomalous anticyclone was reinforced in regions near Lake Baikal while anomalous cyclone was reinforced on the sea on the east of Japan so that the winter pressure system pattern (west high-east low pattern) appeared and thus anomalous cold and dry northerlies were reinforced in most East Asian regions including North Korea. To figure out the reason why anomalous anticyclone was reinforced further in the East Asian continent in winters during the period of 1994–2011, differences in water equivalent of accumulated snow depths between the two periods were analyzed. As a result, more snow was observed in most East Asian regions during the period of 1994–2011. Therefore, anomalous anticyclone could be further reinforced in the East Asian continent because surface air temperature dropped further due to snow-albedo effect. The surface air temperature cooling deepened further in the East Asian continent during the period of 1994–2011 due to snow-albedo effect was identified through differences in sensible heat net flux between the two periods.  相似文献   

周泽英 《四川气象》2003,23(4):47-48
利用达县1959~1998年3~10月逐时降水资料,按逐时降水量≥0.1mm、≥5.0mm、≥10.0mm、≥20.0mm、≥25.0mm等标准分类作降水量、降水频次(概率)以及降水过程开始、结束、持续时间等方面的统计,得出了降水日变化的一些特征,同时对其成因进行了分析。  相似文献   

Summary A comprehensive study of long-term changes in October rainfall patterns in southern Israel, a semi-arid fringe zone between the Mediterranean coastal plain and the Negev Desert, was carried out. It was earlier postulated that the observed positive trend in October rainfall amounts may result from land-use changes in the area following the installation of the National Water Carrier (NWC) in the early 1960s. The purpose of the present study is to delineate the anticipated local effects, as well as their spatial extent, in order to investigate the possibility of climatic change over a larger synoptic scale.In the study region, a total number of 51 rainfall stations with long-term records up to 55 years, were analyzed, along with six control stations in other parts of the country. All stations were analyzed for trends in early seasonal rainfall, spatial variability during the two reference periods before and after the 60s, and for the ratio between rain per day (RPD) and number of rain days (NRD) during the two periods.The results of the analyses point to a well defined localized climatic change in October rainfall patterns within the study area, that is traceable to intensive and extensive land-use changes following the installation of the NWC.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

Surface pressure and summer monsoon rainfall over India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between the all-India summer monsoon rainfall and surface pressure over the Indian region has been examined to obtain a useful predictor for the monsoon rainfall. The data series of all-India monsoon rainfall and the mean pressures of three seasons before and after the monsoon season as well as the winter-to-spring pressure tendency (MAM-DJF) at 100 stations for the period 1951-1980 have been used in the analysis. The all-India monsoon rainfall is negatively correlated with the pressure of the spring (MAM) season preceding the monsoon and winter-to-spring seasonal difference as pressure tendency (MAM-DJF), at almost all the stations in India, and significantly with the pressures over central and northwestern regions. The average mean sea level pressure of six stations (Jodhpur, Ahmedabed, Bombay, Indore, Sagar and Akola) in the Western Central Indian (WCI) region showed highly significant (at 1% level) and consistent CCs of -0.63 for MAM and -0.56 for MAM-DJF for the period 1951–1980. Thus, the pre-monsoon seasonal pressure anomalies over WCI could provide a useful parameter for the long-range forecasting scheme of the Indian monsoon rainfall.  相似文献   

Summary The west coast of the Indian peninsula receives very heavy rainfall during the summer Monsoon (June–September) season with average rainfall over some parts exceeding 250 cm. Heavy rainfall events with rainfall more than 15 cm day−1 at one or more stations along the west coast of India occur frequently and cause considerable damage. A special observational programme, Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment, was carried out during the monsoon season of 2002 to study these events. The spatial and temporal distributions of intense rainfall events, presented here, were used for the planning of this observational campaign. The present study using daily rainfall data for summer monsoon season of 37 years (1951–1987) shows that the probability of getting intense rainfall is the maximum between 14° N–16° N and near 19° N. The probability of occurrence of these intense rainfall events is high from mid June to mid August, with a dip in early July. It has been believed for a long time that offshore troughs and vortices are responsible for these intense rainfall events. However, analysis of the characteristics of cloud systems associated with the intense rainfall events during 1985–1988 using very high resolution brightness temperature data from INSAT-IB satellite shows that the cloud systems during these events are characterized by large spatial scales and high cloud tops. Further study using daily satellite derived outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) data over a longer period (1975–1998) shows that, most of these events (about 62%) are associated with systems organized on synoptic and larger scales. We find that most of the offshore convective systems responsible for intense rainfall along the west coast of India are linked to the atmospheric conditions over equatorial Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Summary In a previous paper, maps were provided of the extreme monsoonal rainfall deficits likely to occur somewhere within individual Standard Meteorological Sub-Divisions in India. The present paper extends this study to similar evaluations for areas of radius 150 km around each of the 306 stations used in the previous study. Maps are presented of percentage rainfall deficits (or percentage of average values) with return periods of 2, 5, 10 and 50 years, and of the spatial pattern of return periods for deficits of 40%, 50%, 60% and 70% below the average. In addition, there are graphs for 25 stations displaying the relationships between deficit intensity and return period.
Zusammenfassung In einer vorhergehenden Arbeit wurden Karten über extreme Monsonregendefizite vorgelegt, wie sie wahrscheinlich innerhalb der einzelnen meteorologischen Untereinheiten Indiens vorkommen. Diese Arbeit präzisiert diese Studien auf Gebiete im Umkreis von 150 km jeder der 306 schon früher verwendeten Meßstationen. Hierbei werden Karten vorgelegt, die sowohl Prozentsätze der Regendefizite (bzw. der Durchschnittswerte) für Wiederholungszeiten von 2, 5, 10 und 50 Jahren als auch räumliche Muster der Wiederholungszeiten für Defizite von 40, 50, 60 und 70% unter dem Durchschnittswert angeben. Dem sind Grafiken von 25 Stationen beigefügt, die die Zusammenhänge von Defizitintensität und Wiederholungszeit zeigen.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Urbanisation has burdened cities with many problems associated with growth and the physical environment. Some of the urban locations in India are becoming increasingly vulnerable to natural hazards related to precipitation and flooding. Thus it becomes increasingly important to study the characteristics of these events and their physical explanation. This work studies rainfall trends in Delhi and Mumbai, the two biggest Metropolitan cities of Republic of India, during the period from 1951 to 2004. Precipitation data was studied on basis of months, seasons and years, and the total period divided in the two different time periods of 1951–1980 and 1981–2004 for detailed analysis. Long-term trends in rainfall were determined by Man-Kendall rank statistics and linear regression. Further this study seeks for an explanation for precipitation trends during monsoon period by different global climate phenomena. Principal component analysis and Singular value decomposition were used to find relation between southwest monsoon precipitation and global climatic phenomena using climatic indices. Most of the rainfall at both the stations was found out to be taking place in Southwest monsoon season. The analysis revealed great degree of variability in precipitation at both stations. There is insignificant decrease in long term southwest monsoon rainfall over Delhi and slight significant decreasing trends for long term southwest monsoon rainfall in Mumbai. Decrease in average maximum rainfall in a day was also indicated by statistical analysis for both stations. Southwest monsoon precipitation in Delhi was found directly related to Scandinavian Pattern and East Atlantic/West Russia and inversely related to Pacific Decadal Oscillation, whereas precipitation in Mumbai was found inversely related to Indian ocean dipole, El Ni?o- Southern Oscillation and East Atlantic Pattern.  相似文献   

Summary Along with averages, rainfall variability and distribution are important climatological information. In this study, using 114 years (1871–1984) data of 306 stations, it is demonstrated that the variability and spatial distribution of annual, summer monsoon and monthly rainfall are highly dependent upon the respective period mean rainfall variation over India. The magnitude of three selected absolute measures of variability, e.g. standard deviation, absolute mean deviation and mean absolute interannual variability is found to increase linearly with mean rainfall.In order to describe the relation between the rainfall frequency distribution and the mean rainfall, a linear regression between the rainfall amount expected with a specified exceedance/non-exceedance probability and the mean rainfall amount is presented. Highly significant linear curves for a large number of probabilities specified in an average probability diagram clearly demonstrate the dependence of the rainfall frequency distribution on mean rainfall over India.With 8 Figures  相似文献   

Developing countries like India are under international pressure to sign a legally binding emissions treaty to avert catastrophic climatic change. Developing countries, however, have argued that any international agreement must be based on historic and per capita carbon emissions, with developed countries responsible for reducing their emissions first and funding mitigation and adaptation in other countries. Recently, however, several scholars have argued that Indian government climate change discourses are shifting, primarily by recognizing the “co-benefits” of an alignment between its development and climate change objectives, and by displaying increasing “flexibility” on mitigation targets. This study investigates the factors driving shifting Indian discourses of climate change by conducting and analyzing 25 interviews of Indian climate policy elites, including scientists, energy policy experts, leading government officials, journalists, business leaders, and advocates, in addition to analysis of articles published in Economic and Political Weekly (a prominent Indian policy journal), and reports published by the government and other agencies. Our analysis suggests that India’s concerns about increasing energy access and security, along with newer concerns about vulnerability to climate change and the international leadership aspirations of the Indian government, along with emergence of new actors and institutions, has led to plurality of discourses, with potential implications for India’s climate change policies.  相似文献   

Regional changes in extreme monsoon rainfall deficit and excess in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With increasing concerns about climate change, the need to understand the nature and variability of monsoon climatic conditions and to evaluate possible future changes becomes increasingly important. This paper deals with the changes in frequency and magnitudes of extreme monsoon rainfall deficiency and excess in India from 1871 to 2005. Five regions across India comprising variable climates were selected for the study. Apart from changes in individual regions, changing tendencies in extreme monsoon rainfall deficit and excess were also determined for the Indian region as a whole. The trends and their significance were assessed using non-parametric Mann–Kendall technique. The results show that intra-region variability for extreme monsoon seasonal precipitation is large and mostly exhibited a negative tendency leading to increasing frequency and magnitude of monsoon rainfall deficit and decreasing frequency and magnitude of monsoon rainfall excess.  相似文献   

A new approach to ensemble forecasting of rainfall over India based on daily outputs of four operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) models in the medium-range timescale (up to 5 days) is proposed in this study. Four global models, namely ECMWF, JMA, GFS and UKMO available on real-time basis at India Meteorological Department, New Delhi, are used simultaneously with adequate weights to obtain a multi-model ensemble (MME) technique. In this technique, weights for each NWP model at each grid point are assigned on the basis of unbiased mean absolute error between the bias-corrected forecast and observed rainfall time series of 366 daily data of 3 consecutive southwest monsoon periods (JJAS) of 2008, 2009 and 2010. Apart from MME, a simple ensemble mean (ENSM) forecast is also generated and experimented. The prediction skill of MME is examined against observed and corresponding outputs of each constituent model during monsoon 2011. The inter-comparison reveals that MME is able to provide more realistic forecast of rainfall over Indian monsoon region by taking the strength of each constituent model. It has been further found that the weighted MME technique has higher skill in predicting daily rainfall compared to ENSM and individual member models. RMSE is found to be lowest in MME forecasts both in magnitude and area coverage. This indicates that fluctuations of day-to-day errors are relatively less in the MME forecast. The inter-comparison of domain-averaged skill scores for different rainfall thresholds further clearly demonstrates that the MME algorithm improves slightly above the ENSM and member models.  相似文献   

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