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Satellite Remote Sensing data has been found useful for various applications in natural resources survey because of its synoptic and repetitive coverage. It is further recognised that it has wide application in urban and regional studies. Till now much of the earlier work has been concentrated on visual interpretation of satellite data. It is felt that digital image processing of satellite data could be useful for urban studies. For this purpose the digital image processing of Delhi area has been considered to demonstrate its potentiality in urban applications. IRS LISS II data of Delhi area has been used on a low cost image processing system. The results of application of various image processing algorithms have been discussed to show the suitability for urban area studies.  相似文献   

无人机获取地面影像时,水体反射会导致影像中存在较为明显的水体高光,给数据处理带来一定困难并对DOM(digital orthophoto map)质量产生显著影响。提出了一种单张无人机影像水体高光自动检测与补偿方法,先基于高光分量对高光区域进行多尺度检测,再使用Grabcut算法对其边界进行优化;然后根据地物反射的几何与光谱特性建立决策树剔除非水体高光;接着精化高光区域,将附近的细碎高光点纳入到区域内;最后,使用提出的改进Criminisi算法对高光区域进行补偿。使用无人机影像对该方法的有效性进行验证,综合主观目视与PNSR(peak signal to noise ratio)、SSIM(structural similarity index)指数的客观评价结果,本文方法优于Mallick、Shen、Yoon等人的方法;使用Pix4Dmapper对高光处理前后的影像生成DOM,本文方法可以明显提高DOM质量。  相似文献   

敦煌壁画计算机存贮与管理信息系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究以045号窟为例,应用近景摄影测量、数字图象处理、色度学和信息系统理论和技术方法,以现有的仪器设备为基础,对洞窟内壁画、塑象等进行近景摄影测量、图象几何纠正和彩色失真矫正,建立了可操作的“敦煌壁柬计算机存贮与管理信息系统”。为敦煌英高窟壁画、逆象等文物图象数据永久保存、修复、还原和进一步开发研究等提供服务。  相似文献   

The paper focuses on analysing the irrigation water supply and demand of different crops under three main canals for kharif and rabi seasons in Dehradun region of Uttaranchal state. Crop acreage maps of rabi and kharif seasons have been prepared using LANDSAT TM 5 digital data by applying different image processing and classification techniques. Crop water and irrigation water requirements of different crops have been computed using CROPWAT computer program. Canal discharges have been compared with the irrigation water planning and management and found to be more than the irrigation water requirements in many months, that shows the need of revising the irrigation water management.  相似文献   

The use of digital imagery, acquired through charge-coupled devices (CCDs) either by the scanning of hard copy film or direct capture through the use of a CCD camera, has fundamentally changed the photogrammetric environment. In order to fully exploit these digital image data, the photogrammetrist must employ system design, implementation philosophies and processing methodologies different from those of traditional film based photogrammetry. It is now possible for these new photogrammetric systems to be operated from low cost, high performance PC and Macintosh class commercial hardware, using vendor supplied software for user developed applications. This paper explores lessons learned and experiences gained from low cost, digital photogrammetric system development and CCD image exploitation. Examples and discussion presented in this paper include: (1) integration of user developed applications with commercial hardware and software; (2) user interface design; (3) validation of processing algorithms within the digital image domain; (4) system calibration; (5) digital image data handling, management and storage; and (6) image data compression. The film based photogrammetric system provides the point of departure to digital photogrammetry. Technical knowledge, system design and implementation and CCD image exploitation provide the experience.  相似文献   

立足于城市地理信息系统建设的总体目标,结合数字城市、智慧城市建设的实际需求和工作操作流程,在已有基础地理信息资料和技术的基础上,应用计算机技术、GIS技术的处理技术和方法,构建大比例尺城市地理信息数据批处理和质检系统。该系统可以为数字城市、智慧城市的大比例尺地理信息数据生产提供技术支持,减少生产成本,提高工作效率和数据生产质量,同时可以大量减轻作业人员和质检人员的工作量,也为数字城市和智慧城市的业务系统建设带来了新的数据解决方案。  相似文献   

多源信息融合中小波变换的应用研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
钟志勇  陈鹰 《测绘学报》2002,31(Z1):56-60
研究了小波变换在多源信息融合中的应用,主要涉及高分辨率全色影像与低分辨率多光谱影像融合问题及合成孔径雷达与光学影像的融合问题.主要方法是基于地物光谱信息特征的彩色融合与基于几何特征的融合.利用小波技术对整个融合过程加以改进.获得的融合结果表明基于光谱特征信息的融合方法,可以有效地提高多光谱影像的空间分辨率,而基于几何特征的融合方法,可以提高对遥感影像的目视解译效果.视觉效果上就是将高分辨率影像的细节加入到了低分辨率多光谱影像中,并同时保持原始影像的光谱特征.  相似文献   

本文介绍用于地质勘查的数字图像处理技术。所处理的数据涉及遥感、地质、地球物理、地球化学和地理等学科的多源地学信息。针对地学信息的特殊性,研究和开发了各种数字图像处理方法,以增强和提取用于地质勘查的重要信息,辅助地质构造分析,并在矿产预测中取得初步效果,显示出数字图像处理技术在地质勘查中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

To tackle the problems arising due to rapid urbanization, the urban planners need relevant data base. Since the conventional methods of data acquisition and processing ate not cost and time effective, introduction of new techniques is necessary. Application of satellite remote sensing is an alternative. Ia this paper attempt has been made to find out the usefulness of visual interpretation technique of satellite remote sensing data in the selection of new residential site. SPOT 1 HRV 1 MLA (FCC) date has been used to map existing landuse/landcover of Hisar town and its environs. Based on existing landuse/lsndcover conditions and evaluation of various suitability parameters like physiography, slope, drainage, availability of drinking water and wind direction, a new residential site has been selected. This study may be useful to the urban planners in the preparation of a comprehensive plan Df the town.  相似文献   

利用传统测量方法和现代测绘技术相结合,对大型木造建筑物进行计算机三维模型构造并以此对整个重建工程进行测量监控,也对一些新的设备和技术在占建筑领域的应用作了有益的尝试。结果表明,在占文物古建筑维护和重建过程中,用计算机三维仿真来保存完整数据资料和对施工过程进行质最监控是一种合适的方法。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionChinesearchitectureisoneofthemostvaluablecultureheritageintheworld .Thehall,attic ,prochandtowerbytimbercomponent,suchastou ,kung ,ang ,fang ,beam ,rafter,column ,etc .havemuchtobeadmired .TheChiLinRedevelopmentwillbringlifetotheartisticandarchitec…  相似文献   

简述了利用原始影像制作正射影像图的方法及数字影像图在实际工作中的应用。  相似文献   

针对当前水库管理信息化水平较低和基础数据业务分析应用较少等现象,提出了GIS技术、空间数据库管理技术和空间分析技术相结合开发水库管理系统的实现方法,以实现对水库管理信息的有效管理和业务应用,为水库管理提供有效、科学的决策支持信息。重点介绍了以水利基础数据、国土管理数据、城市规划数据和基础测绘数据为基础的水库管理系统构建...  相似文献   

一种改进的SAR图像斑点噪声滤波方法   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
在过去的 2 0多年中 ,提出了许多去除SAR图像斑点噪声的方法。这些方法的主要目的是去除斑点噪声而不破坏图像的空间分辨率和边缘信息。理论和实践表明去除图像的斑点噪声和保持图像边缘信息是无法同时完成的。现有大部分滤波器是在去除噪声和保持边缘之间进行折衷。在Han等人方法的基础上提出了一种在去除噪声和保持边缘方面最优的滤波器。它在去除噪声同时能够有效保持边缘信息  相似文献   

LANDSAT-TM has been evaluated for forest cover type and landuse classification in subtropical forests of Kumaon Himalaya (U.P.) Comparative evaluation of false colour composite generated by using various band combinations has been made. Digital image processing of Landsat-TM data on VIPS-32 RRSSC computer system has been carried out to stratify vegetation types. Conventional band combination in false colour composite is Bands 2, 3 and 4 in Red/Green/Blue sequence of Landsat TM for landuse classification. The present study however suggests that false colour combination using Landsat TM bands viz., 4, 5 and 3 in Red/Green/Blue sequence is the most suitable for visual interpretation of various forest cover types and landuse classes. It is felt that to extract full information from increased spatial and spectral resolution of Landsat TM, it is necessary to process the data digitally to classify land cover features like vegetation. Supervised classification using maximum likelihood algorithm has been attemped to stratify the forest vegetation. Only four bands are sufficient enough to classify vegetaton types. These bands are 2,3,4 and 5. The classification results were smoothed digitaly to increase the readiability of the map. Finally, the classification carred out using digital technique were evaluated using systematic sampling design. It is observed that forest cover type mapping can be achieved upto 80% overall mapping accuracy. Monospecies stand Chirpine can be mapped in two density classes viz., dense pine (<40%) with more than 90% accuracy. Poor accuracy (66%) was observed while mapping pine medium dense areas. The digital smoothening reduced the overall mapping accuracy. Conclusively, Landsat-TM can be used as operatonal sensor for forest cover type mapping even in complex landuse-terrain of Kumaon Himalaya (U.P.)  相似文献   

This paper reviews the requirements and equipment for the photogrammetric restitution of digital data. Advances in computer technology have made it possible to process and display image data in very fast time; this has made real time movement of images on a display screen a reality and hence, together with stereoscopic viewing, a digital version of the analytical plotter. The necessary components are discussed and the implementations which have been made. The use of parallel processing for additional speed is also discussed and the alternatives of using standard workstations are considered. A system developed at University College London is described and some pointers to the future are provided.  相似文献   

数字地籍测量是以计算机为平台,利用数字化设备采集野外数据,将数据存储在计算机里,利用数据处理软件和绘图软件生成地籍图、表册等地籍资料的一种自动化测绘技术。本文对地籍测量的内容与方法作了概述,主要阐述现代测量技术在地籍测量中的应用,对传统地籍测量技术和现代测量技术进行了比较,充分说明了现代测量技术的优越性;并对几种数字地籍测量模式进行了比较,针对不同要求的测量任务和不同环境的测区,应用不同的测量模式来完成任务,可提高测量效率和质量。  相似文献   

数字图像处理技术的广泛应用使很多与图像相关的领域产生了根本性的变革。反过来,这些变革也对数字图像处理提出更高的要求,而计算机和人工智能技术的迅速发展为建立新的、面向具体应用的图像处理系统提供了现实的可能性。本文展示了一个基于Unix工作站的、适用于遥感领域的交互式图像系统的设计框架和主要功能。  相似文献   

复图像配准是干涉合成孔径声纳(interferometric synthetic aperture sonar,InSAS)信号处理中非常关键的环节,配准质量的好坏直接影响到后续的干涉图生成和数字高程重建。从InSAS成像的几何关系出发,推导出偏移量和斜距的有理函数关系,进而提出了基于有理函数曲面拟合的InSAS复图像配准方法。与传统的多项式曲面拟合方法相比,该方法具有拟合精度高、计算量小的优点。以均方根误差、相关系数、残余点数目和计算时间作为评价标准,利用仿真数据和真实湖试数据验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

结合武汉市真彩色数字影像图的生产实际,论述了基于Im agEye.exe制作数字影像图的数据组织、生产工艺、关键技术,同时还对Im agEye与常规作业方法制作真彩色正射影像图做了简单比较。  相似文献   

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