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InFOCμS is a new generation balloon-borne hard X-ray telescope with focusing optics and spectroscopy. We had a successful 22.5-hour flight from Fort Sumner, NM on September 16,17, 2004. In this paper, we present the performance of the hard X-ray telescope, which consists of a depth-graded platinum/carbon multilayer mirror and a CdZnTe detector. The telescope has an effective area of 49 cm2 at 30 keV, an angular resolution of 2.4 arcmin (HPD), and a field of view of 11 arcmin (FWHM) depending on energies. The CdZnTe detector is configured with a 12 × 12 segmented array of detector pixels. The pixels are 2 mm square, and are placed on 2.1 mm centers. An averaged energy resolution is 4.4 keV at 60 keV and its standard deviation is 0.36 keV over 128 pixels. The detector is surrounded by a 3-cm thick CsI anti coincidence shield to reduce background from particles and photons not incident along the mirror focal direction. The inflight background is 2.9 × 10−4 cts cm−2 sec−1 keV−1 in the 20–50 keV band.  相似文献   

The Hard X-ray Telescope (HXT) is a Fourier-synthesis imager; a set of spatially-modulated photon count data are taken from 64 independent subcollimators and are Fourier-transformed into an image by using procedures such as the maximum entropy method (MEM) or CLEAN. The HXT takes images of solar flares simultaneously in four energy bands, nominally 15 (or 19)–24, 24–35, 35–57, and 57–100 keV, with an ultimate angular resolution as fine as 5 arc sec and a time resolution 0.5 s. Each subcollimator has a field of view wider than the solar disk. The total effective area of the collimator/detector system reaches 70 cm2, about one order of magnitude larger than that of the HINOTORI hard X-ray imager. Thanks to these improvements, HXT will for the first time enable us to take images of flares at photon energies above 30 keV. These higher-energy images will be compared with lower-energy ones, giving clues to the understanding of nonthermal processes in solar flares, i.e., the acceleration and confinement of energetic electrons. It is of particular importance to specify the acceleration site with regard to the magnetic field figuration in a flaring region, which will be achieved by collaborative observations between HXT and the Soft X-ray Telescope on board the same mission.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.  相似文献   

硬X射线能带 (2 0KeV~ 1MeV)是我们了解天体物理中高能辐射过程的一个好窗口。成像硬X射线望远镜可以提供更好的分辨率和灵敏度来研究硬X射线天体物理学。本文介绍了成像硬X射线望远镜在美国和欧洲的发展 ,这包括 :1 )EXITE2 ,由美国哈佛———史密松林天体物理中心设计和运行的一个光电开关成像硬X射线望远镜 ;2 )EXIST ,一个成像硬X射线全天巡天望远镜 ,将于 2 0 1 0年由ULDB (EXIST -LINE)或国际空间站 (EXIST -ISS)承载 ;3)HERO ,由NASA/MSFC建造的一个新的硬X射线光学仪器。  相似文献   

The EUV Imaging Spectrometer for Hinode   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on Hinode will observe solar corona and upper transition region emission lines in the wavelength ranges 170?–?210 Å and 250?–?290 Å. The line centroid positions and profile widths will allow plasma velocities and turbulent or non-thermal line broadenings to be measured. We will derive local plasma temperatures and densities from the line intensities. The spectra will allow accurate determination of differential emission measure and element abundances within a variety of corona and transition region structures. These powerful spectroscopic diagnostics will allow identification and characterization of magnetic reconnection and wave propagation processes in the upper solar atmosphere. We will also directly study the detailed evolution and heating of coronal loops. The EIS instrument incorporates a unique two element, normal incidence design. The optics are coated with optimized multilayer coatings. We have selected highly efficient, backside-illuminated, thinned CCDs. These design features result in an instrument that has significantly greater effective area than previous orbiting EUV spectrographs with typical active region 2?–?5 s exposure times in the brightest lines. EIS can scan a field of 6×8.5 arc?min with spatial and velocity scales of 1 arc?sec and 25 km?s?1 per pixel. The instrument design, its absolute calibration, and performance are described in detail in this paper. EIS will be used along with the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) and the X-ray Telescope (XRT) for a wide range of studies of the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

Hard X-ray Imager(HXI) is one of the three scientific instruments onboard the Advanced Spacebased Solar Observatory(ASO-S) mission, which is proposed for the 25th solar maximum by the Chinese solar community. HXI is designed to investigate the non-thermal high-energy electrons accelerated in solar flares by providing images of solar flaring regions in the energy range from 30 keV to 200 keV. The imaging principle of HXI is based on spatially modulated Fourier synthesis and utilizes about 91 sets of bi-grid sub-collimators and corresponding LaBr_3 detectors to obtain Fourier components with a spatial resolution of about 3 arcsec and a time resolution better than 0.5 s. An engineering prototype has been developed and tested to verify the feasibility of design. In this paper, we present background, instrument design and the development and test status of the prototype.  相似文献   

The hard X-ray imaging telescope based on the Fourier transform imaging technique is introduced. The double-layer parallel gratings are used to make the modulation and coding on the light emerging from a celestial X-ray source, the modulated light is acquired, to make the optoelectronic conversion by scintillation crystal detectors, and ?nally read out by the electronic system. The modulation collimator X-ray telescopes can be divided into two types: the spatial modulation and temporal modulation. The temporal modulation system requires the scanning motion of the detector system, but the spatial modulation system requires no motion. The technology of grating fabrication is investigated, and the basic structure design of the collimators is given. The principal compo- nents of the prototype hard X-ray imaging telescope of spatial modulation type are successfully developed, including the 8 CsI crystal detector modules (contain- ing photomultipliers or PMTs), 8-channel shaping ampli?ers (two of them are prepared for experiments), and the data acquisition system. And the preliminary test results of the electronic system are also given.  相似文献   

X-ray images taken by the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) aboard SMM during the 1980, November 18 limb flare are analysed. The temporal and spatial evolutions of the X-radiation are described. They differ significantly for hard and soft X-rays. During the elementary flare bursts energetic photons are predominantly emitted from a region close to the solar limb. In contrast, the soft X-ray sources are situated higher in the solar atmosphere. The observed X-ray spectra, in particular those emitted from small source regions at various altitudes, were fitted to power laws. Analysis of the spatial variation of the spectral index shows that there is a systematic tendency of the spectra to get harder with decreasing source altitude, especially during the elementary flare bursts. This fact is in agreement with the existence of nonthermal electron beams precipitating from the corona towards the denser layers of the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

We describe the design of a balloon-borne Imaging X-ray Polarimeter for Solar flares (IXPS). This novel instrument, a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) for photoelectric polarimetry, will be capable of measuring polarization at the few percent level in the 20?C50 keV energy range during an M- or X-class flare, and will provide imaging information at the ??10 arcsec level. The primary objective of such observations is to determine the directivity of nonthermal high-energy electrons producing solar hard X-rays, and hence to learn about the particle acceleration and energy release processes in solar flares. Secondary objectives include the separation of the thermal and nonthermal components of the flare X-ray emissions and the separation of photospheric albedo fluxes from direct emissions.  相似文献   

The primary scientific objectives of the Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer (HXRBS) to be flown on the Solar Maximum Mission are as follows: (1) To determine the nature of the mechanisms which accelerate electrons to 20–100 keV in the first stage of a solar flare and to > 1 MeV in the second stage of many flares; and (2) to characterize the spatial and temporal relation between electron acceleration, storage and energy loss throughout a solar flare.Measurements of the spectrum of solar X-rays will be made in the energy range from 20 to 260 keV using an actively-shielded CsI(Na) scintillator with a thickness of 0.635 cm and a sensitive area of 71 cm2. Continuous measurements with a time resolution of 0.128 s will be made of the 15-channel energy-loss spectrum of events in this scintillator in anticoincidence with events in the CsI(Na) shield. Counting-rate data with a time resolution as short as 1 ms will also be available from a limited period each orbit using a 32K-word circulating memory triggered by a high event rate.In the first year after launch, it is expected that approximately 1000 flares will be observed above the instrument sensitivity threshold, which corresponds to a 20–200 keV X-ray flux of 2 × 10–1 photons (cm2 s)–1 lasting for at least one second.  相似文献   

We present X-ray fluorescence observations of the lunar surface, made by the Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer during two solar flare events early in the mission (12th December 2008 and 10th January 2009). Modelling of the X-ray spectra with an abundance algorithm allows quantitative estimates of the MgO/SiO2 and Al2O3/SiO2 ratios to be made for the two regions, which are in mainly basaltic areas of the lunar nearside. One of these ground tracks includes the Apollo 14 landing site on the Fra Mauro Formation. Within the 1σ errors provided, the results are inside the range of basaltic samples from the Apollo and Luna collections. The Apollo 14 soil composition is in agreement with the results from the January flare at the 1σ uncertainty level. Discrepancies are observed between our results and compositions derived for the same areas by the Lunar Prospector gamma-ray spectrometer; some possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

嫦娥一号卫星搭载的干涉成像光谱仪(Interference Imaging Spectrometer, IIM)用于获得月表元素的含量. IIM光谱左右色调不均一, 影响元素制图精度, 因此有必要对其进行平场校正, 消除探测器各像元的光谱响应不一致对图像产生的影响. 在嫦娥一号卫星在轨运行1 yr期间(2007年10月至2008年10月), 干涉成像光谱仪共获得576轨数据, 之前已有学者进行过平场校正, 但是校正结果不能适用于月表所有地区. 结合了2008年11月和12月获得的130轨数据, 采用基于光谱特征的反射率归一化方法, 通过选取大量太阳矢量与卫星轨道面夹角beta对称的轨道中的均一平坦、无曝光过度地区的光谱数据, 对其平均求得平均行, 利用平均行求得校正因子实现平场校正. 对比校正前后光谱图像和反射率曲线, 月球不同地形的色调不均一现象和条纹均得到有效的消除, 这将有利于后续元素的反演和实际应用.  相似文献   

The first space-borne solar astronomy experiment of India, namely Solar X-ray Spectrometer (SOXS), was successfully launched on 08 May 2003 on board geostationary satellite GSAT-2 of India. The SOXS is composed of two independent payloads, viz. SOXS Low-Energy Detector (SLD) Payload and SOXS High-Energy Detector (SHD) Payload. The SOXS aims to study the full-disk integrated X-ray emission in the energy range from 4 keV to 10 MeV. In this paper we present the first report on the SLD instrumentation and its in-orbit performance. The SLD payload was designed and developed at the Physical Research Laboratory in collaboration with various centers of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The basic scientific aim of the SLD payload is to study solar flares in the energy range from 4 to 60 keV with high spectral and temporal resolution. To meet these requirements, the SLD payload employs state-of-the-art solid state detectors, the first time for a solar astronomy experiment, viz. Si PIN (4 –25 keV), and cadmium–zinc–telluride (4 –60 keV). With their superb high-energy resolution characteristics, SLD can observe iron and iron–nickel complex lines that are visible only during solar flares. In view of its 3.4 FOV, the detector package is mounted on a Sun Aspect System, for the first time, to get uninterrupted observations in a geostationary orbit. The SLD payload configuration, its in-flight operation, and the response of the detectors are presented. We also present the first observations of solar flares made by the SLD payload and briefly describe their temporal and spectral mode results.  相似文献   

The C1XS X-ray Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS) is a compact X-ray spectrometer for the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chandrayaan-1 lunar mission. It exploits heritage from the D-CIXS instrument on ESA's SMART-1 mission. As a result of detailed developments to all aspects of the design, its performance as measured in the laboratory greatly surpasses that of D-CIXS. In comparison with SMART-1, Chandrayaan-1 is a science-oriented rather than a technology mission, leading to far more favourable conditions for science measurements. C1XS is designed to measure absolute and relative abundances of major rock-forming elements (principally Mg, Al, Si, Ca and Fe) in the lunar crust with spatial resolution ?25 FWHM km, and to achieve relative elemental abundances of better than 10%.  相似文献   

ASO-S卫星HXI量能器探测单元的标定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
先进天基太阳天文台卫星(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)是中国科学院第2批空间科学先导专项之一,其主要目标是同时观测太阳磁场、耀斑和日冕物质抛射,并对3者之间的相互关系和内在联系进行研究.硬X射线成像仪(HXI)是ASOS卫星的3大载荷之一,它通过对太阳活动发射的硬X射线进行傅里叶调制成像,实现高空间分辨率和高时间分辨率的太阳能谱成像观测.量能器单机是HXI的关键单机之一,其主要任务是精准测量通过每对光栅后太阳硬X射线的能量和通量.主要介绍了量能器单机的工作原理及其关键指标要求、标定设备及标定方案,最后给出了标定结果,从而验证了量能器单机方案设计的合理性.  相似文献   

The scientific and operational aims of the Czech-made Hard X-Ray Spectrometer (HXRS) launched onboard the U.S. Department of Energy Multispectral Thermal Imager satellite (MTI), on 12 March 2000 are discussed. The principal operating characteristics of the instrument such as the temporal resolution, energy band selection, spectral sensitivity, and the in-flight calibration procedure are described as well as the technical details of the spectrometer including detectors, shielding (against charged particles) and electronic design. The MTI host satellite and its orbit are briefly described. Recent observations by the 3 GHz Ondřejov radiometer are compared with HXRS data to demonstrate one example of the HXRS data utilization: the temporal relation between hard X-rays and radio emission. These results show relatively long time delays (2–14 s) of the GHz broadband radio pulses relative to the hard X-ray emission peaks. Access to the HXRS data base via the Internet is provided.  相似文献   

In the Chang'e-3 mission, the Active Particle-induced X-ray Spectrometer(APXS) on the Yutu rover is used to analyze the chemical composition of lunar soil and rock samples. APXS data are only valid are only if the sensor head gets close to the target and integration time lasts long enough. Therefore, working distance and integration time are the dominant factors that affect APXS results. This study confirms the ability of APXS to detect elements and investigates the effects of distance and time on the measurements. We make use of a backup APXS instrument to determine the chemical composition of both powder and bulk samples under the conditions of different working distances and integration times. The results indicate that APXS can detect seven major elements, including Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti and Fe under the condition that the working distance is less than 30 mm and having an integration time of 30 min. The statistical deviation is smaller than 15%. This demonstrates the instrument's ability to detect major elements in the sample. Our measurements also indicate the increase of integration time could reduce the measurement error of peak area, which is useful for detecting the elements Mg, Al and Si. However, an increase in working distance can result in larger errors in measurement, which significantly affects the detection of the element Mg.  相似文献   

The UK-built Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS) is flying as an ESA instrument on India's Chandrayaan-1 mission to the Moon. The Chandrayaan-1 mission launched on the 22nd October 2008 and entered a 100 km polar lunar orbit on the 12th November 2008. C1XS builds on experience gained with the earlier D-CIXS instrument on SMART-1, but will be a technically much more capable instrument. Here we describe the instrument design.  相似文献   

The Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS) flown on-board the first Indian lunar mission Chandrayaan-1, measured X-ray fluorescence spectra during several episodes of solar flares during its operational period of ∼9 months. The accompanying X-ray Solar Monitor (XSM) provided simultaneous spectra of solar X-rays incident on the Moon which are essential to derive elemental chemistry. In this paper, we present the surface abundances of Mg, Al, Si, Ca and Fe, derived from C1XS data for a highland region on the southern nearside of the Moon. Analysis techniques are described in detail including absolute X-ray line flux derivation and conversion into elemental abundance. The results are consistent with a composition rich in plagioclase with a slight mafic mineral enhancement and a Ca/Al ratio that is significantly lower than measured in lunar returned samples. We suggest various possible scenarios to explain the deviations.  相似文献   

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