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The exact solution is sought for the cosmological equations of Brans and Dicke's scalar-tensor theory when a power law exists between the gravitational constant and the radius of curvature of the universe. For the space of negative curvature no solution is possible. On the contrary for a closed space the gravitational constant and the radius of curvature increase linearly with respect to the age of the universe. The parameter of the scalar-tensor theory is necessarily negative and can be determined by the present values of the mass-density of the universe, the Hubble-constant and the gravitational constant. The solution has no analogy in Einstein's theory with vanishing cosmological constant, even when the deviations from Einstein's values of the solar relativistic effects are small.  相似文献   

Under the assumption of a power law (k·R n=C,C=const.) between the gravitational constantk and the radius of curvatureR of the Universe and forP=1/3 the exact solution is sought for the cosmological equations of Brans and Dicke. The solution turns out to be valid for closed space and the parameter of the scalar-tensor theory is necessarily negative. The radius of curvature increases linearly with respect to the age of the Universe while the gravitational constant grows with the square of the radius of curvature. It has been shown (Lessner, 1974) that in this case (KR 2) the spatial component of the field equations is independent of the remaining equations. However, our solution satisfies this independent equation. This solution for the radiation-dominated era corresponds to the solution for the matter-dominated era found by Dehnen and one of the authors (Dehnen and Obregón, 1971). Our solution, as is the solution previously obtained for the matter-dominated era, is in contradiction to Dirac's hypothesis in which the gravitational constant should decrease with time in an expanding Universe.  相似文献   

The dynamics of particle creation in the slowly rotating Robertson-Walker universe is studied by use of the Brans-Dicke theory, and four interesting solutions are obtained. Along with the discussion of the nature of the gravitational constant and other physical parameters in these model universes, the behaviour of these solutions with respect to Dirac's hypotheses are investigated. Also it is found that the expansion law is determined by the particles created by the expansion itself. Except for the case of a flat universe, the metric rotation as well as the matter rotation is found to have a damping effect on the creation of particles.  相似文献   

The consequences of a cosmological term varying asS –2 in a spatially isotropic universe with scale factorS and conserved matter tensor are investigated. One finds a perpetually expanding universe with positive and gravitational constantG that increases with time. The hard equation of state 3P>U (U mass-energy density,P scalar pressure) applied to the early universe leads to the expansion lawSt (t cosmic time) which solves the horizon problem with no need of inflation. Also the flatness problem is resolved without inflation. The model does not affect the well known predictions on the cosmic light elements abundance which come from standard big bang cosmology.In the present, matter dominated universe one findsdG/dt=2H/U (H is the Hubble parameter) which is consistent with observations provided <10–57 cm–2. Asymptotically (S) the term equalsGU/2, in agreement with other studies.  相似文献   

Einstein's equations of general relativity are solved in terms of gravitational potential derivatives, withT equal to mass and/or field energy such thatT 0 outside a body. The line element equation then describes the variance of test particle internal geometrical structure and time-rate due to work done in a field, not the space-time curvature. Specific properties of gravitational fields and bodies come from this new solution: (a) The gravitational field consists of electromagnetic spin 2 gravitons which produce the gravitational force through the magnetic vector. (b) The gravitational mass is the Newtonian mass, not the relativistic mass, of a moving body. (c) An action principle exists in gravitation theory. (d) Attractive gravity exists between matter and antimatter. (e) Unification with quantum physics appears possible.  相似文献   

On the Dynamics of Weak Stability Boundary Lunar Transfers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Recent studies demonstrate that lunar and solar gravitational assists can offer a good reduction of total variation of velocity Vneeded in lunar transfer trajectories. In particular the spacecraft, crossing regions of unstable equilibrium in the Earth—Moon—Sun system, can be guided by the Sun towards the lunar orbit with the energy needed to be captured ballistically by the Moon. The dynamics of these transfers, called weak stability boundary (WSB) transfers, will be studied here in some detail. The crucial Earth—Moon—Sun configurations allowing such transfers will be defined. The Sun's gravitational effect and lunar gravitational capture will be analyzed in terms of variations of the Jacobi constants in the Earth—Sun and Earth—Moon systems. Many examples will be presented, supporting the understanding of the dynamical mechanism of WSB transfers and analytical formulas will be obtained in the case of quasi ballistic captures.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study, for small values of , the three-dimensional pq resonant orbits that are close to periodic second species solutions (SSS) of the restricted three-body problem. The work is based on an analytic study of the in- and out-maps. These maps are associated to follow, under the flow of the problem, initial conditions on a sphere of radius around the small primary, and consider the images of those initial points on the same sphere. The out-map is associated to follow the flow forward in time and the in-map backwards. For both mappings we give analytical expressions in powers of the mass parameter. Once these expressions are obtained, we proceed to the study of the matching equations between both, obtaining initial conditions of orbits that will be 'periodic' with an error of the order 1–, for some (1/3,1/2). Since, as 0, the inner solution and the outer solution will collide with the small primary, these orbits will be close to SSS.  相似文献   

One-armedglobal oscillations in a non-selfgravitating polytropic disk rotating around a star are investigated. The unperturbed disk is axisymmetric, geometrically thin, and extends infinitely in the radial direction keeping its thickness constant. Perturbations considered are inviscid and adiabatic. It is found that there are one-armed retrograde wave modes which are trapped in an inner region of the disk. The eignefrequency of the lowest order mode is given by K(r s)(z 0/r s)2, wherer s is the radius of the central star,z 0 is the half-thickness of the disk, and K(r s) is the Keplerian angular frequency at the surface of the star.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

The distortions of the relict radiation spectrum in the region of the wavelength <120 are considered. These distortions are due to the emission of photons under the formation of molecular hydrogen in the expanding universe in the cosmological epoch 40z200. It is shown that the real intensity of the relict radiation in the region of the wavelength under consideration must significantly exceed Planck's intensity, with a radiation temperature amounting to 2.8 K.  相似文献   

Two spherically symmetric time-dependent Green's functions of the equation of transport for cosmic rays in the interplanetary region are derived by transform techniques. The solar wind velocity is assumed radial and of constant speedV. In the first model the radial diffusion coefficient =0 r (0 constant), and in the second solution =0= constant. The solutions are for monoenergetic, impulsive release of particles from a fixed heliocentric radius. Integration of the solutions over timet, fromt=0 tot=, gives the steady-state Green's functions obtained previously.  相似文献   

Infinite series expansions are obtained for the doubly averaged effects of the Moon and Sun on a high altitude Earth satellite, and the results used to interpret numerically integrated examples. New in this paper are: (1) both sublunar and translunar satellites are considered; (2) analytic expansions include all powers in the satellite and perturbing body semi-major axes; (3) the fact that retrograde orbits have more benign eccentricity behavior than direct orbits should be exploited for high altitude satellite systems; and (4) near circular orbits can be maintained with small expenditures of fuel in the face of an exponential driving force one forI ab, whereI b=180°–I a andI a is somewhat less than 39.2° for sublunar orbits and somewhat greater than 39.2° for translunar orbits.Nomenclature a semi-major axis - A lk coefficient defined in Equation (11) - B lk coefficient defined in Equation (24) - C km coefficient defined in Equation (25) - D, E, F coefficients in Equations (38), (39) - e eccentricity - H k expression defined in Equation (34) - expression defined in Equation (35) - I inclination of satellite orbit on lunar (or solar) ring plane - J 2 coefficient of second harmonic of Earth's gravitational potential (1082.637×10–6 R E 2 ) - K k, Lk, Mk expressions in Section 4 - expressions in Section 4 - p=a(1–e 2) semi-latus rectum - P l Legendre polynomial of degreel - q argument of Legendre polynomial - radial distance of satellite - R E Earth equatorial radius (6378.16 km) - R, S, W perturbing accelerations in the radial, tangential and orbit normal directions - syn synchronous orbit radius (42 164.2 km=6.6107R E) - t time - T satellite orbital period - T orbital period of perturbing body (Moon) - T e period of long periodic oscillations ine for |I|<I a - T s synodic period - U gravitational potential of lunar (or solar) ring - x, y, z Cartesian coordinates of a satellite with (x, y) being the ring plane - coefficient defined in Equation (20) - average change in orbital element over one orbit (=a, e, I, , ) - 1,23 unit vectors in thex, y, z coordinate directions - r , s , w unit vectors in the radial, tangential and orbit normal directions - =+ angle along the orbital plane from the ascending node on the ring plane to the true position of the satellite - angle around the ring - gravitational constant times mass of Earth (3.986 013×105 km s–2) - gravitational constant times mass of Moon (or Sun) - m gravitational constant times mass of Moon (/81.301) - s gravitational constant time mass of Sun (332 946 ) - ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter - radius of lunar (or solar) ring - m radius of lunar ring (60.2665R E) - s radius of solar ring (23455R E) - true anomaly - argument of perigee - 0 initial value of - i critical value of in quadranti(i=1, 2, 3, 4) - longitude of ascending node on ring plane This work was sponsored by the Department of the Air Force.  相似文献   

The disk dynamo     
The simplest dynamo in a thin disk is analysed. It the antisymmetric helicity function (z) (wherez is a coordinate perpendicular to the disk plane) is smooth and limited, then the conditions for generating a magnetic field and the symmetry of the resulting solutions depend only on the form of at the segment (0,h) — whereh is the half-thickness of the disk — and the value of the dimensionless dynamo numberD. When (z) does not change its sign at this segment andD>D c (the critical dynamo number), the excitation of non-oscillating even (quadrupole) and oscillating odd (dipole) fields are possible. When (z) changes its sign at the segment indicated, non-oscillating odd magnetic fields can also be excited.The old exact solutions of the disk dynamo are studied and new ones are found. The results can be of importance when applied to the problem of the generation of a magnetic field in galactic and turbulent disks appearing around some X-ray sources.  相似文献   

Applying the basic concepts of general relativity to the global motion of a particle in a mass-filled universe leads to a loss of momentum relative to the rest frame of the Universe. This loss is caused by the different running times of the gravitational interaction quanta exchanged with masses in front and behind the moving particle, if the signal velocity is limited to the speed of light. Due to this gravitational viscosity of space, the energy of photons will be reduced with the time, and thus with the distance of the emitting source. This red shift is superimposed on the Doppler shift in an expanding universe. A discussion of the limiting case of vanishing expansion leads to predictions about mass and radius of the Universe. The value of the mass density in such a steady-state universe must be about three times the closing density discussed in Big-Bang theories. The existence of the gravitational viscosity casts severe doubts on all estimations of the age of the Universe derived from the red-shift data.  相似文献   

Comparison of the large-scale density and velocity fields in the local universe shows detailed agreement, strengthening the standard paradigm of the gravitational origin of these structures. Quantitative analysis can determine the cosmological density parameter, , and biasing factor,b; there is virtually no sensitivity in any local analyses to the cosmological constant,. Comparison of the dipole anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background with the acceleration due to theIRAS galaxies puts the linear growth factor in the range 0.6 /b = 0.6 –0.3 +0.7 (95% confidence). A direct comparison of the density and velocity fields of nearby galaxies gives = 1.3 –0.6 +0.7 , and from nonlinear analysis the weaker limit > 0.45 forb > 0.5 (again 95% confidence). A tighter limit, > 0.3 (4–6), is obtained by a reconstruction of the probability distribution function of the initial fluctuations from which the structures observed today arose. The last two methods depend critically on the smooth velocity field determined from the observed velocities of nearby galaxies by thePOTENT method. A new analysis of these velocities, with more than three times the data used to obtain the above quoted results, is now underway and promises to tighten the uncertainties considerably, as well as reduce systematic bias.  相似文献   

The assumption of a linearly expanding universe for the JBD-cosmological equations generates a set of solutions for the barotropic equations of statep= (=const.). These solutions turn out to be valid for closed space-except in the casep= which is for open space. The gravitational constant which is inversely proportional to the scalar field increases with time if >–1/3 and decreases for <–1/3. No solution exists for =1/3. The Brans-Dicke parameter is negative if <–1/3.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for undamped, toroidal, small-amplitude Alfvén waves in a spherically-symmetric or equatorial stellar wind is developed in this paper. The equations are reduced to a very simple form by using real Fourier amplitudes and the ratio of the inward and outward propagating wave amplitudes, which is interpreted as a measure of the relative influence of wave reflection in the flow, on the solution at a given point. Asymptotic solutions at large distances are found to depend only on one parameter, = / P - the ratio of wave frequency and critical (or cutoff) frequency which is a flow characteristic; a = 1 divides solutions into two qualitatively different groups. When 1 the asymptotic (r-) ratio of the inward and outward propagating wave amplitudes does not depend on wave frequency and is equal to unity, while the phase shift between them changes; in this case the wave pattern is a standing wave. If > 1 the converse occurs with the ratio of the amplitudes decreasing rapidly as the frequency increases, and the phase shift equals to -1/2, corresponding to a propagating wave pattern. The result is also expressed in terms of velocity and magnetic field perturbations.Existence of a finite incoming wave amplitude solution at the Alfvén critical point indicates that this point is stable with respect to the perturbations which originate at the critical point and spend an infinite time in its vicinity.Special attention is paid to the applicability of the WKB approximation. It is argued that it can be used only in finite intervals which do not contain the Alfvén critical point, with inward propagating waves taken into account through the boundary conditions. It is shown that despite the presence of reflection, the outward propagating wave amplitude can be described reasonably well by the WKB formula, perhaps with different constants in different regions. In this context = 1 divides solutions which cannot be approximated by the WKB estimate at all at large distances (the first group), from those which can with any given accuracy.As an illustration of the analytical behaviour some numerical results are shown using a cool wind model. These are likely to express qualitatively the features of the Alfvén waves in any stellar wind, since the only assumptions about the flow used in the analytical study of the wave equations were that: the flow has small velocity at the base of the corona; it then passes through the critical point, and reaches its finite non-zero limit at infinity.  相似文献   

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