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This paper explores the concept of ‘geographical imaginaries’ in New Zealand geography. It reflects on the genealogy of the concept and on the work it might perform in the world. At a time when the purpose and contribution of geography in schools is under question and the discipline is under severe strain at universities, we ask whether the idea of ‘geographical imaginaries’ offers a conceptual platform for demonstrating the potential for geography to offer meaning in the complex world of 21st‐century New Zealand and whether it will help teachers to foster geographic thought in classrooms. In short, we argue for the merits of working with the idea of geographical imaginaries in classrooms and for utilising it to interrogate accounts of the geographical gaze and its values. This, we argue, offers opportunities to catalyse geographical thought, highlight the potential of thinking geographically, and open up a thinking space in which geography teachers can examine their pedagogy and enhance the purpose of their work. This would provide a platform for building a more imaginative and more politically and culturally relevant geography at school.  相似文献   

李小建 《地理学报》2022,77(8):1873-1891
中国经济地理思想史是一部经济活动与地理环境关系思想的进展史。古代时期产生了以适应和利用地理条件发展经济活动的思想;近代时期经济地理学作为学术领域出现;现代时期I重视自然条件的利用,从国家需求角度研究生产布局与地理条件的关系;现代时期II从国土整治与国土规划角度切入人地关系,构建“点—轴系统”理论等空间结构理论,根据区域差异扩大趋势提出调控思想;现代时期III结合主体功能区研究人地关系,注重产业集聚、都市经济区、农区衰退及振兴等问题。中国经济地理思想演化可以梳理出3支脉络:① 史志脉络通过历史文献对经济区位和地方差异的描述,逐步探究经济活动与地理条件的关系;海量的地方志,以实例支持人地关系思想。② 从游记考察到现代考察和观测分析,为经济地理研究提供了重要的科学事实发现手段。③ 国外引进脉络与多元思想本土化,带来不同的研究方法和思维逻辑。后两支脉络逐渐融入前一脉络,以突出中国特色之趋势。经济地理思想史研究可对当前经济地理学发展提供3点启迪:① 加强经济活动与地理环境关系的条件规律探索;② 鼓励问题导向的批判性思维;③ 弥补中国经济地理学研究的弱项,如与整体论对应的还原论,与归纳法对应的演绎法。  相似文献   

孙俊  潘玉君  武友德  赫维人 《地理学报》2014,69(9):1369-1384
当前主流地理学史研究可归结为两种互补性范式。一种是科学地理学史:① 从近现代地理学形象出发,遵循“自上而下”的叙事模式,选择性地建构切合当前地理学的历史;② 主张一元传统的科学史观,从而导致了不同传统的对立;③ 其性质是建构性的、抽象性的,造成了自然与人文的分裂;④ 强纲领的叙事模式不仅造成了“古代思想的现代解读”,且挣扎于科学分化的大潮中。另一种是在批判科学地理学史基础上兴起的知识地理学史:① 从地理实践本身出发,遵循“自下而上”的叙事模式,从地理学知识体系的底层诠释历史;② 主张多元论传统的科学史观,从而一定程度上消解了不同地理学传统之间的对立,为多样的地理学传统纳入叙事框架奠定了基础;③ 其历史的性质是实践论的或语境论的,旨在阐发不同地理学知识形态的意义;④ 表现为对称性原则的叙事纲领,大大扩展了地理学史研究的视野,为理解作为地理学与自然并社会统一的实践统一体提供了可能。科学地理学史和知识地理学史当前表现为一种批评性关系,但这并不意味着应当制造更多的二元论对立,相反,整体的方向应当是加强科学精神与人文主义的相互对话。  相似文献   

The New Zealand government approach to regional development and the economy more broadly has oscillated from the 1970s economic growth and investment focus to 1980s neoliberal neglect, followed by the more recent rediscovery of the regions' importance in national economies, all with tenuous outcomes. This paper explores the changing scope of regional development initiatives by successive New Zealand governments over the last 60 years to show a pattern of opportunism and neglect that suggests regional development is more aligned to electoral priorities than regional success.  相似文献   

沈阳市居住就业结构的地理空间和流空间分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
修春亮  孙平军  王绮 《地理学报》2013,68(8):1110-1118
以沈阳市为案例,使用"六普"居住人口数据和"二经普"就业数据,通过因子分析方法进行居住和就业一体的综合空间分析。在城市尺度上的地理空间与"流变量"视角下"流空间"的比较分析发现:在城市地理空间表达上,居住功能的作用明显重于就业,但就业功能对城市地理空间也有所表达,居业一体的空间分析仍然是有意义的;在社会构成要素的分布上,传统地理空间仍有基本的规定性,居业空间结构中居住空间差异的分层明显,而就业的集中度则高很多;文化精英在居住和就业方面与大众已经有所分化,由大学的建设和布局所致,"单位"仍然是扩张中的大城市空间结构特征之一;居住的空间扩展几乎是全方位的,而就业的扩张范围则小得多,精英层的就业空间主要集中于市中心和"金廊"一带,导致居住与就业空间不匹配;城市空间结构中形成了"居住扇"、"就业廊"、"流动圈"等几大空间构造;大学和大学城、行政机关、金融等生产者服务业是"流空间"的主要因子;在"流变量"空间格局中,就业功能分布变化的"去中心化"或"多中心化"的趋势还不明显。  相似文献   

Andrew D Davies 《Area》2009,41(1):19-25
This paper examines the ability of ethnographic research methods to effectively study spatially extensive political activity. It argues that traditional ethnographic methods of sustained engagement with spatially bounded sites are not adequately suited to dealing with contemporary spatially extensive political movements. It argues that contemporary attempts to bridge this impasse have emphasised a dichotomy between global and local that ignores the connections, disconnections and process that occur between places. The paper argues for a critical ethnography that is based on a relational understanding of space emphasising Gillian Hart's conception of the interconnected nature of the 'site'. Taking a single demonstration against the Beijing 2008 Olympics conducted by UK-based Tibet supporters, it examines how the site of protest was closely linked to a variety of other places. Interrogating the processes of connection and disconnection brought about through the protest creates an ethnographic account that, while partial, develops an engagement with the heterogeneity of contemporary political action.  相似文献   

Geography seems to be in good hands in New Zealand's schools and universities, but we cannot afford to be complacent. What are the key priorities for further strengthening geography in New Zealand in the years ahead? The New Zealand Geographical Society has to play a crucial role by helping to bring together geographers in the different sectors, as well as in promoting New Zealand geography internationally, and raising its profile in the media. Most of all, we need to demonstrate the vibrancy, significance and relevance of geography to the wider community.  相似文献   

This article examines the ambivalent relationship between members of the Portuguese-Melakan Kristang minority and the state from the 1940s to the present day through the lens of ethnic politics. It reveals how ambivalent imaginaries of the future have shaped the politics of community members and what strategies they have used to assert their place. Moreover, it analyses how partly contradictory, partly converging imaginaries of the future of the Melaka coastline fuelled the failure of the Melaka Gateway land reclamation project. Grounded in ethnographic fieldwork in Melaka in 2018 and 2019, it focuses on the Melaka Gateway, a large-scale land reclamation project located in the Melaka Straits where three man-made islands and one natural island with high-rise buildings, a cruise terminal and a deep sea port have been planned.  相似文献   

地理学视角下的中国乡村贫困——源起、进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡村贫困一直是困扰中国的现实难题之一,消除贫困是全面建成小康社会以及乡村振兴战略顺利实施的基础。一直以来,乡村贫困是经济学、社会学、政治学、心理学等不同学科高度重视的问题,相关研究成果日趋增多,但对乡村贫困空间表达较弱。地理学具有空间格局研究的优势,近年来其对乡村贫困的研究较为活跃,重点关注乡村贫困的源起、空间分布、地理特征等内容,与其他学科有极强的互补性。论文梳理了地理学乡村贫困的相关研究成果,对其内涵与标准、测度与空间格局、影响因素与发生机理、反贫困策略等研究进行归纳总结与综合评述,探讨已有研究存在的主要问题与未来研究方向的发展趋势,为深入开展本领域研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Feminist scholars have traditionally emphasized the importance of incorporating “the everyday” worlds of women into the historically masculinist theoretical and empirical foundations of the social sciences. Such emphases have commonly resulted in smaller-scale research projects and more interactive kinds of research methods and methodologies. Feminist geographers have uniquely contributed to the body of feminist scholarship through drawing out the importance of place in everyday constructions of gender and, more recently, sexuality. Critical field-based research has therefore from the beginning been the mainstay of subdisciplinary research. Like the discipline as a whole, however, little explicit attention has been given in publications or pedagogically to the politics of fieldwork (including how a “field” is defined and the politics involved in choosing and working in a particular “field”) or the politics of representation (which includes considerations of the partiality of knowledge and how and to whom we represent our work, ourselves and others in various kinds of texts). These “Opening Remarks” show how these issues are addressed in the papers that follow and how feminist geography has much to contribute to critical analyses of global and multinational processes, including patriarchy, capitalism, and racism.  相似文献   

Timur Hammond 《Urban geography》2013,34(7):1039-1054
Istanbul’s Taksim Square has long been a place from which people have envisioned the city and the nation. As such, it has a long history of architectural interventions. This essay describes three new interventions as they appeared in July2018, two years after the failed coup attempt of 15July2016: a municipal complex commemorating the resistance to the coup attempt; the juxtaposition of a memorial photo exhibit and the void of the Atatürk Culture Center; and the rapid construction of the Taksim Mosque. Drawing on conceptualizations of landscape and scholarship on Taksim Square’s contested meanings, this paper utilizes the “politics of perspective” as an analytical lens to examine how authorities are attempting to create anew way of seeing in the city. I argue that this project has acquired a new character in the aftermath of the coup attempt, placing viewers within the landscape rather than outside it.  相似文献   

Using a recent editorial comment in this journal as a focus, this paper reviews the extent to which geography has been implicated in the ‘colonial project’ in Australia. It argues that recent work amongst geographers involved with indigenous Australians reflects a commitment to transcend this colonial past. The paper calls for geographers to work toward a wide‐reaching decolonisation of the discipline, and to develop a better understanding of the contemporary legacies of geography's colonial past.  相似文献   

北京大学是中国最早开展人文地理学教学、研究和实践的综合性教学科研单位。人文地理学的前身为1955年成立的北京大学地质地理系经济地理专业。60多年来,北京大学人文地理学秉持“教学科研并重,理论服务实践”的宗旨,从以人文地理基础理论研究为主,逐渐向基础研究与应用实践相结合的纵深拓展,形成了文理工交叉融合的创新研究思维和人文地理学科体系,创建了城市与经济地理系、城市与区域规划系和历史地理研究所。经过60多年的不断发展和开拓创新,对城镇化、城镇体系、城市与区域规划、土地利用评价与规划、产业区位与区域产业演化、产业集群与创新网络、住房与房地产经济、风景名胜区与世界遗产、村镇发展规划、城市社会地理、时间地理与行为地理、历史地理、旅游地理研究与规划、计量地理、交通地理和交通规划等各个领域进行了深入系统的理论研究和应用实践探索,取得了一系列在国内外具有显示度和影响力的创新成果,为国家社会经济发展提供了重要的科技支撑,在推动国家经济社会建设与城乡可持续发展方面做出了重大贡献。未来北京大学人文地理将面向国家战略需求和学科发展前沿,继续包容发展,加强多学科间的交流合作,进一步提升为国家战略决策的服务能力和人文地理学科在世界的学术影响力。  相似文献   

The article presents a systematic review of 152 articles in which the concept of knowledge is applied and that are published in international human geography journals. As the importance of knowledge in society is increasing, especially economic geography has taken up the task of reviewing the concept or role of knowledge in geography. However, there is a need for a more nuanced understanding of knowledge in economic geography, drawing more broadly on human geographical research. The authors analyse how the concept of knowledge is understood and applied in contemporary human geography. Their results demonstrate four knowledge rationales: economic, policy, empowerment, and methodological. Each rationale and their combinations display a particular role and purpose for knowledge, as well as a distinct approach to space. Separately, each rationale provides several insights into a more nuanced understanding of specific aspects of knowledge. When combined, the four rationales offer a holistic overview of the field. The authors conclude that the empowerment rationale offers novel methodological choices towards a more nuanced understanding of knowledge in economic geography.  相似文献   

张延吉  庄宇丹  邓伟涛  郭华贵 《地理研究》2022,41(11):2884-2896
本文旨在识别盗窃犯罪易发地的主要类型、影响强度及其区域异质性特征,同时厘清地理探测器在犯罪地理研究中的适用性。利用北京中心城区的多源大数据,研究发现:① 在全域范围内,37类设施均属显著的盗窃易发地,道路边界、行政边界、用地边界也是盗窃高发的边缘地带,影响力突出的盗窃易发地更具备犯罪模式理论提及的犯罪引致条件。② 如社会解组理论所言,随着社会解组程度减弱,犯罪易发地的类型数量及其对盗窃分布的影响逐渐下降。除低解组区外,各类设施及边界的相对影响排序基本相同。③ 因未考虑混淆因素干扰,地理探测器容易高估解释变量的作用,与负二项回归结果的吻合度不高。而结合排除控制法,将混淆因素同质化的样本进行分区分析是规避外生变异和稳健运用地理探测器的可行路径。  相似文献   

Australian placename studies have focused on documenting toponymic histories and issues of concern mainly for placename taxonomy and etymology. Language-external factors such as geographical and environmental conditions have not been of great interest to Australian toponymists. This article assesses the role of geographical and environmental constriction of island places on their toponymy. It considers whether or not island locations breed ‘insular toponymies’ or placename histories inaccessible and not readily accessible to outsider researchers. The case studies are Norfolk Island, South Pacific, and Dudley Peninsula, South Australia, two island environments within political Australia. The results demonstrate that the degree of insularity of the toponymies of the two island environments is driven more by geographical and social factors than linguistic elements. The results put forward several ways in which geographers, linguists, historians, toponymists, and Australian studies scholars could work together and collaborate to better understand Australian island places.  相似文献   

王学军  李本纲  李金玲 《地理学报》2017,72(11):2009-2017
北京大学的环境地理学研究承载于城市与环境学院的环境学系,其前身为北京大学地理系自然地理学专业环境教研室。65年来北京大学的环境地理学研究从传统的自然地理学,到将化学与地理学相结合的化学地理学,再到有地学环保性质的环境地理学,研究领域不断扩大,研究内容不断深入。目前,环境学系依托地理学二级学科环境地理学,在全球或区域环境中有毒污染物的区域环境过程、污染物的生物地球化学循环和界面间的迁移转化、污染物的环境毒理效应及其生态和健康风险等领域取得了一系列具有国际显示度的创新成果,研究水平处于国内这一领域的领先位置,各研究团队还将基础研究和应用研究紧密结合,围绕环境领域的热点问题,开展了一系列面向国家重大需求的应用型研究和咨询工作,为保护生态环境以及实现经济社会可持续发展发挥了重要作用,也为国家培养了大量高水平学术型和实用型人才。未来北京大学环境地理学科将从科学创新和面向国家重大需求两个角度出发,以培养高水平人才为核心,争取在多方面逐步取得较大突破。  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, feminist historiography of geography has begun to situate women's contribution to the production of geographical knowledge within the histories of geography, at times against the conviction of skeptical colleagues. In this Focus Section introduction, we renew Domosh's (1991a Domosh, M. 1991a. Beyond the frontiers of geographical knowledge. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 16 (4): 48890.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 1991b ———. 1991b. Toward a feminist historiography of geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 16 (1): 95104.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) call for creating more inclusive feminist histories of geography by situating the three focus section articles on the careers and contributions of women in twentieth-century geographical practice and knowledge production in the United Kingdom and the United States within wider debates about diverse, unfamiliar, and previously hidden aspects of geographical knowledge production. We argue that feminist historiography of geography and feminist historical geography could benefit from continuously diversifying inclusive and comparative research perspectives, and from unlocking diverse archives, to enhance understanding of why and how some male and some female gatekeepers have been more supportive of women than others.  相似文献   

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