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Introduction Geoelectrical field is a kind of intrinsic geophysical field of the earth, affected by kinds of current systems in outer space and electric properties of media underground, so it carries abundant interior information of the earth. Since 1981 when the group of “VAN” in Greece carried out the study of electric field observation by multi-polar distances (Varotsos and Alexopoulous, 1984a, b), more and more scientists in the world paid extensive attention to it due to its better re…  相似文献   

Introduction There are many researches on modulating and triggering seismic activities by tidal force in China and abroad. Heaton (1975) studied the tidal triggering of seismic activity and discovered that the tidal stress did have an obvious triggering action on the dip-slip or oblique slip great earthquakes. Tidal triggering of earthquakes has been studied for a long time in China, especially in recent years. For example, LI et al (2001) provided the relationship between the solar and luna…  相似文献   

TheidentificationandcriteriaofshorttermseismicitygapbeforeagreatearthquakeJINGQUANCAO(曹井泉)JIALINSUN(孙加林)YIYANG(杨毅)Seismol...  相似文献   

Mechanism of satellitic thermo-infrared brightness temperature and temperature increaming is studied. Experiments are made with a gas sample taken around the epicenter area. The gas ample is pmved to contain green house gases such as CH4, and CO2 which have increased by tens of thousands of times. In addition, lab research slso pmes that CH4, and CO2 can obtain energy under the action of transient electric field and release heat, thus reeulting in a temperature increase of 2–6°C. Also a brief account of practices since 1990 is given; altogether 40 short-tenn and impending earthquake predictions have been made, with 9 precise ones whose three main factors of an earthquake are clearly depicted, and 12 fairly good ones. These predictions include 3 earthquakes ofM.⩾ 7, 4 ofM.⩾ 6.0 and the rest are mundM. 5.0. Yet there are earthquakes left out of prediction. Finally the evolutionwy processing characters of satellitic thermo-infrared brightness temperature and temperature increase before the Lijiang earthquake on Feb. 3, 1996 and Tangshan earthquake on April 14, 1998 are introduced in detail. The conclusion makes a study on the regularities of connection among time, space and stress when there appears the satellitic thermal-inlinred brightness tempera- and temperature increasing anomaly. Project supported by the State 863 High-Tech Project (Grant No. 863-2-7-4-18)  相似文献   

Short┐termandimminentanomaliesofearth┐quakeofloadandunloadresponseratioofthewelleveltoearthtidesZHAO-DONGZHANG(张昭栋)1)XUE-ZHO...  相似文献   

The noise model based on a trous wavelet algorithm produces a multi-scale expression of image through the combination of wavelet transform and a testing model of statistical significance.This kind of expression not only gives the formation and location of image structure on different scales,but also eliminates the influence of noise Since the algorithm does not need any priori hypotheses,it is suitable for the data with complex structure.The research line is employed in this paper to analyze the spatial activity of earthquake.The method of how to recognize and describe the multi-scale space activity of earthquake is emphatically discussed in this paper.Taking typical sequences in Southwest China as research cases,we systematically study the structure characters of spatial activity of earthquake on different scales.Results show that multi-scale space structure to some extent possesses indicative effect on strong epicenters.And the foreshock anomalies of Songpan seismic sequence also reveal interesting pattem during the spatial-temporal evolvement.  相似文献   

Self-affinefractalfeaturesofearthquaketimeseriesbeforeandaftermoderateearthquakesChang-HatLIU(刘长海),Yi-GaoLIU(刘义高)andJunZHANG(...  相似文献   

Themedium┐andshort┐termpredictionmethodsofstrongearthquakesbasedonneu┐ralnetworkZHI-QIANGHAN(韩志强)BI-QUANWANG(王碧泉)Instituteof...  相似文献   

Introduction The MS=8.1 earthquake occurred in west of the Kunlun Pass on November 14, 2001. It is the greatest earthquake occurred in China since the last half of the century and is an important event in recent seismic history of China. Some specialists consider that the earthquake occurred in the area where the earthquake monitoring capability is lowest in Chinese mainland; no striking precursory seismicity was found. The study on the precursory seismicity before the earthquake has not b…  相似文献   

Seismogenicmodelofearthquakesingroups intectonicblockandanalysisforsomefeaturesofearthquakeprecursoryfieldGuo-MinZHANG;Lu-Min...  相似文献   

A great earthquake of M S=8.1 took place in the west of Kunlun Pass on November 14, 2001. The epicenter is located at 36.2°N and 90.9°E. The analysis shows that some main precursory seismic patterns appear before the great earthquake, e.g., seismic gap, seismic band, increased activity, seismicity quiet and swarm activity. The evolution of the seismic patterns before the earthquake of M S=8.1 exhibits a course very similar to that found for earthquake cases with M S≥7. The difference is that anomalous seismicity before the earthquake of M S=8.1 involves in the larger area coverage and higher seismic magnitude. This provides an evidence for recognizing precursor and forecasting of very large earthquake. Finally, we review the rough prediction of the great earthquake and discuss some problems related to the prediction of great earthquakes.  相似文献   

There are many reports about the abnormal electromagnetic signals observed before great earthquakes. In particular, the signals of electromagnetic anomalies before the Hyogo-Ken Nanbu, Japan, MS=7.2 earthquake on January 17, 1995 (Hayakawa, et al, 1996) and those before the Loma Prieta, USA, MS=7.1 earthquake on October 19, 1989 (Fraser-Smith, et al, 1990) are especially remarkable. However, what the above authors reported are only the phenomena of one or two observatories. In order to …  相似文献   

We performed an analysis of mean daily variations in the ΔEz atmospheric electric field at the Hornsund (located near the polar cap boundary) and Kakioka (located at near-equatorial latitudes) observatories under magnetically quiet and weakly disturbed conditions. At both observatories, the mean daily variations in ΔEz were found to be mainly controlled by the location of the observation point with respect to the focuses of the convective vortices of the DP 0 system. The substorm evolution in the nightside of the magnetosphere (a sharp burst in the AE index) was shown to lead to negative variations in ΔEz in the dayside sector at polar latitudes (the Hornsund observatory) and positive deviations in ΔEz at premidnight time at equatorial latitudes (the Kakioka observatory). It is concluded that variations in ΔEz at the Kakioka observatory are largely controlled by the equatorial electrojet, which is maximal during day-time hours, and at the Hornsund observatory these variations are controlled by the auroral electrojet, which is maximal at night-time and early morning hours of local time.  相似文献   

In the used model, the quasistationary electric field in the atmosphere of the Earth is obtained by solving the conductivity equation. The penetration characteristics of the electric field from the Earth’s surface into the ionosphere depend on both atmospheric and ionosphere conductivity. The ionosphere is taken into account by setting a special condition on the upper boundary of the atmosphere. The influence of the atmospheric surface layer with a reduced conductivity on the penetration of the electric field from the surface of the Earth into the ionosphere is analyzed.  相似文献   

ResearchontheseismogenicenvironmentfordeepearthquakeandthecauseofearthquakesinXinjianganditsadjacentareasQiangLI(李强);Rui-Feng...  相似文献   

Onthephysicalmodelofearthquakeprecursorfieldsandthemechanismofprecursors'timespacedistribution(Ⅲ)──anomaliesofseismicityandcr...  相似文献   

Fractalanalysisappliedtofaultsandearthquakes———AcasestudyofChinaJIANWANG(王建)XIAOHUAZHU(朱晓华)YONGHUIXU(徐永辉)DepartmentofGeog...  相似文献   

Introduction The study of tectonic stress field, a major branch of the Earth science, plays an important role in geodynamics. The world stress map plan started from 1980s and was leaded by Zoback. Lots of scientists from many countries participated this plan. The plan collected global tectonic stress measurements and research results and established global stress database. The world stress map was edited based on the global stress database. The world stress map reflected feature of global li…  相似文献   

The characteristics and correlation of faults and earthquakes are discussed based on fractal and statistical analysis of the earthquakes in the last 500 years and the active faults in China. It is found that fractal relationship exists between the frequency and the length of the active faults, and the fractal dimension is 1.70 in the continental region of China, and 1.40 in the northwest China. The fractal relationship also exists between the frequency and the scales of earthquakes during the last five centuries and the fractal dimension is 1.30 for the whole continental region of China and 1.08 for the northwest China. The differences of the fractal dimensions between the active faults and the earthquakes indicate that some of the active faults have not caused earthquakes during the last 500 years. The differences of fractal dimensions of the active faults and earthquakes between the northwest China and the whole continental region of China suggest that the frequency of strong earthquakes is greater in northwest China than that of the average level of China, because the number of longer active faults is larger in northwest China than that of the average in whole China. Thus, the fractal analysis is an effective method for studies of faults and earthquakes.  相似文献   

We analyze the variations in the horizontal and vertical components of the Earth??s electromagnetic field measured at nine points onshore along the southern part of Lake Baikal. It is found that variations with a period of a few tens of seconds have decayed 20 minutes before the earthquake. This is a regional effect. It is observed in the variations of the horizontal magnetic field. The intensity of the effect in the electric field is site-specific, which is due to the nonuniform distribution of electric conductivity in a medium, as revealed by the deep magnetotelluric sounding. The electric field also experiences a coseismic variation associated with the seismic wave. This effect is stronger pronounced in the vertical electric field. The bay-like anomalies that precede and accompany the Kultuk earthquake are revealed in the electric field of intraterrestrial origin and in the behavior of the electric tipper. These anomalies are concurrent with the rise of the ground water level in the borehole. The probable nature of the revealed anomalies is discussed.  相似文献   

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