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The data obtained on melt and fluid inclusions in minerals of granites, metasomatic rocks, and veins with tin ore mineralization at the Industrial’noe deposit in the southern part of the Omsukchan trough, northeastern Russia, indicate that the melt from which the quartz of the granites crystallized contained globules of salt melts. Silicate melt inclusions were used to determine the principal parameters of the magmatic melts that formed the granites, which had temperatures at 760–1020°C, were under pressures of 0.3–3.6 kbar, and had densities of 2.11–2.60 g/cm3 and water concentrations of 1.7–7.0 wt %. The results obtained on the fluid inclusions testify that the parameters of the mineral-forming fluids broadly varied and corresponded to temperatures at 920–275°C, pressures 0.1–3.1 kbar, densities of 0.70–1.90 g/cm3, and salinities of 4.0–75.0 wt % equiv. NaCl. Electron microprobe analyses of the glasses of twelve homogenized inclusions show concentrations of major components typical of an acid magmatic melt (wt %, average): 73.2% SiO2, 15.3% Al2O3, 1.3% FeO, 0.6% CaO, 3.1% Na2O, and 4.5% K2O at elevated concentrations of Cl (up to 0.51 wt %, average 0.31 wt %). The concentrations and distribution of some elements (Cl, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, As, Br, Rb, Sr, and Sn) in polyphase salt globules in quartz from both the granites and a mineralized miarolitic cavity in granite were assayed by micro-PIXE (proton-induced X-ray emission). Analyses of eight salt globules in quartz from the granites point to high concentrations (average, wt %) of Cl (27.5), Fe (9.7), Cu (7.2), Mn (1.1), Zn (0.66), Pb (0.37) and (average, ppm) As (2020), Rb (1850), Sr (1090), and Br (990). The salt globules in the miarolitic quartz are rich in (average of 29 globules, wt %) Cl (25.0), Fe (5.4), Mn (1.0), Zn (0.50), Pb (0.24) and (ppm) Rb (810), Sn (540), and Br (470). The synthesis of all data obtained on melt and fluid inclusions in minerals from the Industrial’noe deposit suggest that the genesis of the tin ore mineralization was related to the crystallization of acid magmatic melts. Original Russian Text@ V.B. Naumov, V.S. Kamenetsky, 2006, published in Geokhimiya, 2006, No. 12, pp. 1279–1289.  相似文献   

Using various methods of melt inclusion investigation, including electron and ion microprobe techniques, we estimated the composition, evolution, and formation conditions of melts producing the trachydacites and pantellerites of the Late Paleozoic bimodal volcanic association of Dzarta-Khuduk, Central Mongolia. Primary crystalline and melt inclusions were detected in anorthoclase from trachydacites and quartz from pantellerites and pantelleritic tuffs. Among the crystalline inclusions, we identified hedenbergite, fluorapatite, and pyrrhotite in the trachydacites and F-arfvedsonite, fluorite, ilmenite, and the rare REE diorthosilicate chevkinite in the pantellerites. Melt inclusions in anorthoclase from the trachydacites are composed of glass, a gas phase, and daughter minerals (F-arfvedsonite, fluorite, villiaumite, and anorthoclase rim on the inclusion wall). Melt inclusions in quartz from the pantellerites are composed of glass, a gas phase, and a fine-grained salt aggregate consisting of Li, Na, and Ca fluorides (griceite, villiaumite, and fluorite). Melt inclusions in quartz crystalloclasts from the pantelleritic tuffs are composed of homogeneous silicate glasses. The phenocrysts of the trachydacites and pantellerites crystallized at temperatures of 1060–1000°C. During thermometric experiments with quartz-hosted melt inclusions from the pantellerites, the formation of immiscible silicate and salt (fluoride) melts was observed at a temperature of 800°C. Homogeneous melt inclusions in anorthoclase from the trachydacites have both trachydacite and rhyolite compositions (wt %): 68–70 SiO2, 12–13 Al2O3, 0.34–0.74 TiO2, 5–7 FeO, 0.4–0.9 CaO, and 9–12 Na2O + K2O. The agpaitic index ranges from 0.92 to 1.24. The glasses of homogenized melt inclusions in quartz from the pantellerites and pantelleritic tuffs have rhyolitic compositions. Compared with the homogeneous glasses trapped in anorthoclase of the trachydacites, quartz-hosted inclusions from the pantellerites show higher SiO2 (72–78 wt %) and lower Al2O3 contents (7.8–10.0 wt %). They also contain 0.14–0.26 wt % TiO2, 2.5–4.9 wt % FeO, 9–11 wt % Na2O + K2O, and 0.9–0.15 wt % CaO and show an agpaitic index of 1.2–2.05. Homogeneous melt inclusions in quartz from the pantelleritic tuffs contain 69–72 wt % SiO2. The contents of other major components, including TiO2, Al2O3, FeO, and CaO, are close to those in the homogeneous glasses of quartzhosted melt inclusions in the pantellerites. The contents of Na2O + K2O are 4–10 wt %, and the agpaitic index is 1.0–1.6. The glasses of melt inclusions from each rock group show distinctive volatile compositions. The H2O content is up to 0.08 wt % in anorthoclase of the trachydacites, 0.4–1.4 wt % in quartz of the pantellerites, and up to 5 wt % in quartz of the pantelleritic tuffs. The content of F in the glasses of melt inclusions in the phenocrysts of the trachydacites is no higher than 0.67 wt %, and up to 1.4–2.8 wt % in quartz from the pantellerites. The Cl content is up to 0.2 wt % in the glasses of melt inclusions in the minerals of the trachydacites and up to 0.5 wt % in the glasses of quartz-hosted melt inclusions from the pantellerites. The investigation of trace elements in the homogenized glasses of melt inclusions in minerals showed that the trachydacites and pantellerites were formed from strongly evolved rare-metal alkaline silicate melts with high contents of Li, Zr, Rb, Y, Hf, Th, U, and REE. The analysis of the composition of homogeneous melt inclusions in the minerals of the above rocks allowed us to distinguish magmatic processes resulting in the enrichment of these rocks in trace and rare earth elements. The most important processes are the crystallization differentiation and immiscible separation of silicate and fluoride salt melts. It was also shown that all the melts studied evolved in spatially separated magma chambers. This caused the differences in the character of melt evolution between the trachydacites and pantellerites. During the final stages of differentiation, when the magmatic system was saturated with respect to ore elements, Na-Ca fluoride melts were separated and extracted considerable amounts of Li.  相似文献   

The Zaldívar porphyry copper deposit, Northern Chile, consists of two major intrusions, the 290 Ma Zaldívar, and the more recent Miocene (38.7 Ma) Llamo porphyry. Five types of inclusions have been identified in quartz phenocrysts from Llamo porphyry, including melt inclusions (M), and four types of fluid inclusions, called MS (multi solids), B (brines), G (vapor-rich) and W (aqueous), respectively.Melt remnants, well preserved as M-inclusions, homogenize around 1000 °C. They show a rhyolitic composition, comparable to the most evolved acidic rhyolitic end member found elsewhere in the regional magmatism and to worldwide volcanic rhyolitic glass. High silica content in some inclusions can, however, be due to partial remelting of the quartz host during the heating run. Copper content in the same inclusions ranges between 0.03 and 0.57 wt.%, with an average concentration of 0.10 wt.%, suggesting a major magmatic source for the copper (orthomagmatic model).MS inclusions, which contain a number of solids at room temperature, mostly H2O-bearing phases (system NaCl–KCl–((Fe, Mg, Cu)Cl)–H2O, average salinity 70 wt.% NaCl equiv.), homogenize at magmatic temperatures (around 1000 °C). They represent the first fluids to have exsolved from the magma at depth, at a pressure of about 2 kbar. Their high homogenization temperature, comparable to values measured for melt inclusions (1000 to 1050 °C), may indicate trapping of MS and M inclusions in host phenocrysts from an immiscible mixture of silicate melt and highly saline fluids expelled from the magma during the early stage of quartz crystallization.The data indicate a magmatic origin for copper, as well as extremely high melt temperatures. These features are interpreted by magmatic differentiation of mantle-derived primitive melts, corresponding to major changes in the tectonic regime of the Andean margin, which occurred in Miocene times.  相似文献   

Melt inclusions were examined in phenocrysts in basalt, andesite, dacite, and rhyodacite from the Karymskii volcanic center in Kamchatka and dacite form Golovnina volcano in Kunashir Island, Kuriles. The inclusions were examined by homogenization and by analyzing glasses in more than 80 inclusions on an electron microscope and ion microprobe. The SiO2 concentrations in the melt inclusions in plagioclase phenocrysts from basalts from the Karymskii volcanic center vary from 47.4 to 57.1 wt %, these values for inclusions in plagioclase phenocrysts from andesites are 55.7–67.1 wt %, in plagioclase phenocrysts from the dacites and rhyodacites are 65.9–73.1 wt %, and those in quartz in the rhyodacites are 72.2–75.7 wt %. The SiO2 concentrations in melt inclusions in quartz from dacites from Golovnina volcano range from 70.2 to 77.0 wt %. The basaltic melts are characterized by usual concentrations of major components (wt %): TiO2 = 0.7–1.3, FeO = 6.8–11.4, MgO = 2.3–6.1, CaO = 6.7–10.8, and K2O = 0.4–1.7; but these rocks are notably enriched in Na2O (2.9–7.4 wt % at an average of 5.1 wt %, with the highest Na2O concentration detected in the most basic melts: SiO2 = 47.4–52.0 wt %. The concentrations of volatiles in the basic melts are 1.6 wt % for H2O, 0.14 wt % for S, 0.09 wt % for Cl, and 50 ppm for F. The andesite melts are characterized by high concentrations (wt %) of FeO (6.5 on average), CaO (5.2), and Cl (0.26) at usual concentrations of Na2O (4.5), K2O (2.1), and S (0.07). High water concentrations were determined in the dacite and rhyodacite melts: from 0.9 to 7.3 wt % (average of 15 analyses equals 4.5 wt %). The Cl concentration in these melts is 0.15 wt %, and those of F and S are 0.06 and 0.01 wt %, respectively. Melt inclusions in quartz from the dacites of Golovnina volcano are also rich in water: they contain from 5.0 to 6.7 wt % (average 5.6 wt %). The comparison of melt compositions from the Karymskii volcanic center and previously studied melts from Bezymyannyi and Shiveluch volcanoes revealed their significant differences. The former are more basic, are enriched in Ti, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, and P but significantly depleted in K. The melts of the Karymskii volcanic center are most probably less differentiated than the melts of Bezymyannyi and Shiveluch volcanoes. The concentrations of water and 20 trace elements were measured in the glasses of 22 melt inclusions in plagioclase and quartz from our samples. Unusually high values were obtained for Li concentrations (along with high Na concentrations) in the basaltic melts from the Karymskii volcanic center: from 118 to 1750 ppm, whereas the dacite and rhyolite melts contain 25 ppm Li on average. The rhyolite melts of Golovnina volcano are much poorer in Li: 1.4 ppm on average. The melts of the Karymskii volcanic center are characterized by relative minima at Nb and Ti and maxima at B and K, as is typical of arc magmas.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions were studied in quartz samples from early (stage I) gold-poor quartz veins and later (stage II) gold- and sulphide-rich quartz veins from the Wenyu, Dongchuang, Qiangma, and Guijiayu mesothermal gold deposits in the Xiaoqinling district, China. Fluid inclusion petrography, microthermometry, and bulk gas analyses show remarkably consistent fluid composition in all studied deposits. Primary inclusions in quartz samples are dominated by mixed CO2-H2O inclusions, which have a wide range in CO2 content and coexist with lesser primary CO2-rich and aqueous inclusions. In addition, a few secondary aqueous inclusions are found along late-healed fractures. Microthermometry and bulk gas analyses suggest hydrothermal fluids with typically 15–30 mol% CO2 in stage I inclusions and 10–20 mol% CO2 in stage II inclusions. Estimates of fluid salinity decrease from 7.4–9.2 equivalent wt.% NaCl to 5.7–7.4 equivalent wt.% NaCl between stage I and II. Primary aqueous inclusions in both stages show consistent salinity with, but slightly lower Th total than, their coexistent CO2-H2O inclusions. The coexisting CO2-rich, CO2-H2O, and primary aqueous inclusions in both stage I and II quartz are interpreted to have been trapped during unmixing of a homogeneous CO2-H2O parent fluid. The homogenisation temperatures of the primary aqueous inclusions give an estimate of trapping temperature of the fluids. Trapping conditions are typically 300–370 °C and 2.2 kbar for stage I fluids and 250–320 °C and 1.6 kbar for stage II fluids. The CO2-H2O stage I and II fluids are probably from a magmatic source, most likely devolatilizing Cretaceous Yanshanian granitoids. The study demonstrates that gold is largely deposited as pressures and temperatures fall accompanying fluid immiscibility in stage II veins. Received: 15 May 1997 / Accepted: 10 June 1998  相似文献   

I. A. Andreeva 《Petrology》2016,24(5):462-476
Melt inclusions were studied by various methods, including electron and ion microprobe analysis, to determine the compositions of melts and mechanisms of formation of rare-metal peralkaline granites of the Khaldzan Buregtey massif in Mongolia. Primary crystalline and coexisting melt inclusions were found in quartz from the rare-metal granites of intrusive phase V. Among the crystalline inclusions, we identified potassium feldspar, albite, tuhualite, titanite, fluorite, and diverse rare-metal phases, including minerals of zirconium (zircon and gittinsite), niobium (pyrochlore), and rare earth elements (parisite). The observed crystalline inclusions reproduce almost the whole suite of major and accessory minerals of the rare-metal granites, which supports the possibility of their crystallization from a magmatic melt. Melt inclusions in quartz from these rocks are completely crystallized. Their daughter mineral assemblage includes quartz, microcline, aegirine, arfvedsonite, polylithionite, a zirconosilicate, pyrochlore, and a rare-earth fluorocarbonate. The melt inclusions were homogenized in an internally heated gas vessel at a temperature of 850°C and a pressure of 3 kbar. After the experiments, many inclusions were homogeneous and consisted of silicate glass. In addition to silicate glass, some inclusions contained tiny quench zircon crystals confined to the boundary of inclusions, which indicates that the melts were saturated in zircon. In a few inclusions, glass coexisted with a CO2 phase. This allowed us to estimate the content of CO2 in the inclusion as 1.5 wt %. The composition of glasses from the homogeneous melt inclusions is similar to the composition of the rare-metal granites, in particular, with respect to SiO2 (68–74 wt %), TiO2 (0.5–0.9 wt %), FeO (2.2–4.6 wt %), MgO (0.02 wt %), and Na2O + K2O (up to 8.5 wt %). On the other hand, the glasses of melt inclusions appeared to be strongly depleted compared with the rocks in CaO (0.22 and 4 wt %, respectively) and Al2O3 (5.5–7.0 and 9.6 wt %, respectively). The agpaitic index is 1.1–1.7. The melts contain up to 3 wt % H2O and 2–4 wt % F. The trace element analysis of glasses from homogenized melt inclusions in quartz showed that the rare-metal granites were formed from extensively evolved rare-metal alkaline melts with high contents of Zr, Nb, Th, U, Ta, Hf, Rb, Pb, Y, and REE, which reflects the metallogenic signature of the Khaldzan Buregtey deposit. The development of unique rare metal Zr–Nb–REE mineralization in these rocks is related to the prolonged crystallization differentiation of melts and assimilation of enclosing carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

The author’s database, which presently includes data from more than 18500 publications on fluid and melt inclusions in minerals and is continuing to be appended, was used to generalize results on physicochemical parameters of the formation of hydrothermal deposits and occurrences of tin and tungsten. The database includes data on 320 tin and tin-tungsten deposits and occurrences and 253 tungsten and tungstentin deposits around the world. For most typical minerals of these deposits (quartz, cassiterite, tungsten, scheelite, topaz, beryl, tourmaline, fluorite, and calcite), histograms of homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions were plotted. Most of 463 determinations made for cassiterite are in the range of 300–500°C with maximum at 300–400°C, while those for wolframite and scheelite (453 determinations) fall in the range of 200–400°C with maximum at 200–300°C. Representative material on pressures of hydrothermal fluids included 330 determinations for tin and 430 determinations for tungsten objects. It was found that premineral, ore, and postmineral stages spanned a wide pressure range from 70–110 bar to 6000–6400 bar. High pressures of the premineral stages at these deposits are caused by their genetic relation with felsic magmatism. Around 50% of pressure determinations lie in the range of 500–1500 bar. The wide variations in total salinity and temperatures (from 0.1 to 80 wt % NaCl equiv and 20–800°C) were obtained for mineral-forming fluids at the tin (1800 determinations) and tungsten (2070 determinations) objects. Most of all determinations define a salinity less than 10 wt % NaCl equiv. (∼60%) and temperature range of 200–400°C (∼70%). The average composition of volatile components of fluids determined by different methods is reported. Data on gas composition of the fluids determined by Raman spectroscopy are examined. Based on 180 determinations, the fluids from tin objects have the following composition (in mol %): 41.2 CO2, 39.5 CH4, 19.15 N2, and 0.15 H2S. The volatile components of tungsten deposits (190 determinations) are represented by 56.1 CO2, 30.7 CH4, 13.2 N2, and 0.01 H2S. Thus, the inclusions of tungsten deposits are characterized by higher CO2 content and lower (but sufficiently high) contents of CH4 and N2. The concentrations of tin and tungsten in magmatic melts and mineral-forming fluids were estimated from analysis of individual inclusions. The geometric mean Sn contents are 87 ppm (+ 610 ppm/−76 ppm) in the melts (569 determinations) and 132 ppm (+ 630 ppm/−109 ppm) in the fluids (253 determinations). The geometric mean W values are 6.8 ppm (+ 81/−6.2 ppm) in the magmatic melts (430 determinations) and 30 ppm (+ 144 ppm/−25 ppm) in the mineral-forming fluids (391 determinations).  相似文献   

The Xihuashan tungsten deposit, Jiangxi province, China, is a world-class vein-type ore deposit hosted in Cambrian strata and Mesozoic granitic intrusions. There are two major sets of subparallel ore-bearing quartz veins. The ore mineral assemblage includes wolframite and molybdenite, with minor amounts of arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite. There are only two-phase aqueous-rich inclusions in wolframite but at least three major types of inclusions in quartz: two- or three-phase CO2-rich inclusions, two-phase pure CO2 inclusions and two-phase aqueous inclusions, indicating boiling. Fluid inclusions in wolframite have relatively higher homogenization temperatures and salinities (239–380°C, 3.8–13.7 wt.% NaCl equiv) compared with those in quartz (177–329°C, 0.9–8.1 wt.% NaCl equiv). These distinct differences suggest that those conventional microthermometric data from quartz are not adequate to explain the ore formation process. Enthalpy–salinity plot shows a linear relationship, implying mixing of different sources of fluids. Although boiling occurred during vein-type mineralization, it seems negligible for wolframite deposition. Mixing is the dominant mechanism of wolframite precipitation in Xihuashan. δ34S values of the sulfides range from −1.6 to +0.1‰, indicative of a magmatic source of sulfur. δ18O values of wolframite are relatively homogeneous, ranging from +4.8‰ to +6.3‰. Oxygen isotope modeling of boiling and mixing processes also indicates that mixing of two different fluids was an important mechanism in the precipitation of wolframite.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization at the Wunugetu porphyry Cu–Mo deposit, China, include four stages, i.e., the early stage characterized by quartz, K-feldspar and minor mineralization, followed by a molybdenum mineralization stage associated with potassic alteration, copper mineralization associated with sericitization, and the last Pb–Zn mineralization stage associated with carbonation. Hydrothermal quartz contains three types of fluid inclusions, namely aqueous (W-type), daughter mineral-bearing (S-type) and CO2-rich (C-type) inclusion, with the latter two types absent in the late stage. Fluid inclusions in the early stage display homogenization temperatures above 510°C, with salinities up to 75.8 wt.% NaCl equivalent. The presence of S-type inclusions containing anhydrite and hematite daughter minerals and C-type inclusions indicates an oxidizing, CO2-bearing environment. Fluid inclusions in the Mo- and Cu-mineralization stages yield homogenization temperatures of 342–508°C and 241–336°C, and salinities of 8.6–49.4 and 6.3–35.7 wt.% NaCl equivalent, respectively. The presence of chalcopyrite instead of hematite and anhydrite daughter minerals in S-type inclusions indicates a decreasing of oxygen fugacity. In the late stage, fluid inclusions yield homogenization temperatures of 115–234°C and salinities lower than 12.4 wt.% NaCl equivalent. It is concluded that the early stage fluids were CO2 bearing, magmatic in origin, and characterized by high temperature, high salinity, and high oxygen fugacity. Phase separation occurred during the Mo- and Cu-mineralization stages, resulting in CO2 release, oxygen fugacity decrease and rapid precipitation of sulfides. The late-stage fluids were meteoric in origin and characterized by low temperature, low salinity, and CO2 poor.  相似文献   

By the example of the Orlovka massif of Li-F granites in Eastern Transbaikalia, the major- and trace-element (Li, Be, B, Ta, Nb, W, REE, Y, Zr, and Hf) compositions of the parental melt and the character of its variations during the formation of the differentiated rock series were quantitatively estimated for the first time on the basis of electron and ion microprobe analysis and Raman spectroscopy of rehomogenized glasses of melt inclusions in quartz. It was shown that the composition of the Orlovka melt corresponded to a strongly evolved alumina-saturated granitoid magma (A/CNK = 1.12–1.55) rich in normative albite, poor in normative quartz, and similar to ongonite melts. This magma was strongly enriched in water (up to 9.9 ± 1.1 wt %) and fluorine (up to 2.8 wt %). Most importantly, this massif provided the first evidence for high B2O3 contents in melts (up to 2.09 wt %). The highest contents of trace elements were observed in the melt from pegmatoid bodies in the amazonite granites of the border zone: up to 5077 ppm Li, 6397 ppm Rb, 313 ppm Cs, 62 ppm Ta, 116 ppm Nb, and 62 ppm W. Compared with the daughter rock, the Orlovka melt was depleted at all stages of formation in SiO2 (by up to 6 wt %), Na2O (by up to 2.5 wt %), and, to a smaller extent, in Ti, Fe, Mg, Sr, and Ba, but was enriched in Mn, Rb, F, B, and H2O.  相似文献   

Niuxinshan is a typical example of the numerous mesothermal gold deposits formed during Mesozoic tectono-magmatic reactivation of the Archean North China Craton in eastern Hebei province. Gold occurs in quartz-sulfide lodes in Archean amphibolites and also in greisen zones in the Mesozoic Niuxinshan granite stock. Four mineralization stages can be recognized from early to late: (1) quartz-K-feldspar, (2) quartz-pyrite, (3) quartz-polysulfide, and (4) quartz-carbonate. Gold mineralization mainly occurs in stages 2 and 3. Fluid inclusions in quartz and fluorite from greisen zones in the Niuxinshan granite, and inclusions in vein quartz and sphalerite from stages 1 to 3 in the amphibolites, have been studied by microthermometry. Three compositional types of inclusions are recognized: type 1 (Tp1) are H2O-CO2-bearing inclusions and include primary (Tp1-P) and secondary (Tp1-S) inclusions. These are found in quartz and fluorite from the greisen zones as well as in vein quartz and sphalerite from stages 1 to 3. The Tp1-P inclusions are considered to represent the gold-bearing hydrothermal fluids. Type 2 (Tp2-S) are secondary H2O-CO2 + solid phase inclusions in fluorite from the greisen zones. Type 3 (Tp3-S) are secondary aqueous inclusions with a solid phase which coexist with the Tp2-S in fluorite from the greisen zones. The Tp1-P inclusions show variable VCO2 (commonly 0.3 to 0.6) and XCO2 values (mainly 0.1 to 0.4). The salinities of inclusions cluster around 3 to 11 wt.% NaCl equivalent and their homogenization temperatures to the liquid phase (Th(L)) fall dominantly in the range of 260 to 360 °C. The compositional variations of inclusions in stage 1 probably result from exsolution of magmatic fluids at various stages; immiscibility or boiling of the fluids can be ruled out. The compositional variations of inclusions in the greisen zones and in vein stages 2 and 3 are attributed to cooling, mixing (dilution), and necking-down of the fluids. The Tp1-S and Tp2-S inclusions show salinities of 3 to 6 wt.% NaCl equivalent and XCO2 values of 0.04 to 0.17. Th(L) clusters at 240 to 260 °C. The Tp3-S inclusions have salinities of 3 to 6 wt.% NaCl equivalent and Th(L) of 170 to 240 °C. Isochoric reconstructions, combined with oxygen and sulfur isotope geothermometry of mineral pairs, give trapping P-T conditions for the gold-bearing fluids. The greisen zones formed at 310 to 460 °C and 1.3 to 3.7 kbar; stage 1 veins at 300 to 430 °C and 1.2 to 3.7 kbar; stage 2 veins at 290 to 380 °C and 1 to 3 kbar; stage 3 veins at 250 to 350 °C and 1 to 3 kbar. H2O-CO2 fluids with low to moderate salinities and moderate to high densities (0.66 to 1.01 g/cm3) dominated at early mineralization stages, and evolved towards H2O-richer and CO2- and less saline fluids through time. The retrograde P-T evolution probably resulted from regional uplift and cooling of gold-bearing hydrothermal fluids. The gold bisulfide complex was dominant in the fluids during mineralization and gold deposition was mainly induced by decreases of temperature and pressure, as well as destabilization of the bisulfide complex during sulfidization of wall rocks. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 11 January 1999  相似文献   

Fluorine-, boron- and phosphorus-rich pegmatites of the Variscan Ehrenfriedersdorf complex crystallized over a temperature range from about 700 to 500 °C at a pressure of about 1 kbar. Pegmatite quartz crystals continuously trapped two different types of melt inclusions during cooling and growth: a silicate-rich H2O-poor melt and a silicate-poor H2O-rich melt. Both melts were simultaneously trapped on the solvus boundaries of the silicate (+ fluorine + boron + phosphorus) − water system. The partially crystallized melt inclusions were rehomogenized at 1 kbar between 500 and 712 °C in steps of 50 °C by conventional rapid-quench hydrothermal experiments. Glasses of completely rehomogenized inclusions were analyzed for H2O by Raman spectroscopy, and for major and some trace elements by EMP (electron microprobe). Both types of melt inclusions define a solvus boundary in an XH2O–T pseudobinary system. At 500 °C, the silicate-rich melt contains about 2.5 wt% H2O, and the conjugate water-rich melt about 47 wt% H2O. The solvus closes rapidly with increasing temperature. At 650 °C, the water contents are about 10 and 32 wt%, respectively. Complete miscibility is attained at the critical point: 712 °C and 21.5 wt% H2O. Many pegmatites show high concentrations of F, B, and P, this is particularly true for those pegmatites associated with highly evolved peraluminous granites. The presence of these elements dramatically reduces the critical pressure for fluid–melt systems. At shallow intrusion levels, at T ≥ 720 °C, water is infinitely soluble in a F-, B-, and P-rich melt. Simple cooling induces a separation into two coexisting melts, accompanied with strong element fractionation. On the water-rich side of the solvus, very volatile-rich melts are produced that have vastly different physical properties as compared to “normal” silicate melts. The density, viscosity, diffusivity, and mobility of such hyper-aqueous melts under these conditions are more comparable to an aqueous fluid. Received: 15 September 1999 / Accepted: 10 December 1999  相似文献   

Scheelite mineralization accompanied by muscovite and albite, and traces of Mo-stolzite and stolzite occurs in epigenetic quartz vein systems hosted by two-mica gneissic schists, and locally amphibolites, of the Paleozoic or older Vertiskos Formation, in the Metaggitsi area, central Chalkidiki, N Greece. Three types of primary fluid inclusions coexist in quartz and scheelite: type 1, the most abundant, consists of mixed H2O-CO2 inclusions with highly variable (20–90 vol.%) CO2 contents and salinities between 0.2 and 8.3 equivalent weight % NaCl. Densities range from 0.79 to 0.99 g/cc; type 1 inclusions contain also traces (<2 mol%) of CH4. Type 2 inclusions are nearly 100 vol.% liquid CO2, with traces of CH4, and densities between 0.75 and 0.88 g/cc. Type 3 inclusions, the least abundant, contain an aqueous liquid of low salinity (0.5 to 8.5 equivalent weight% NaCl) with 10–30 vol.% H2O gas infrequently containing also small amounts of CO2 (<2 mol%); densities range from 0.72 to 0.99 g/cc. The wide range of coexisting fluid inclusion compositions is interpreted as a result of fluid immiscibility during entrapment. Immiscibility is documented by the partitioning of CH4 and CO2, into gas-rich (CO2-rich) type 1 inclusions, and the conformity of end-member compositions trapped in type 1 inclusions to chemical equilibrium fractionation at the minimum measured homogenization temperatures, and calculated homogenization pressures. Minimum measured homogenization temperatures of aqueous and gas-rich type 1 inclusions of 220°–250 °C, either to the H2O, or to the CO2 phase, is considered the best estimate of temperature of formation of the veins, and temperature of scheelite deposition. Corresponding fluid pressures were between 1.2 and 2.6 kbar. Oxygen fugacities during mineralization varied from 10−35 to 10−31 bar and were slightly above the synthetic Ni-NiO buffer values. The fluid inclusion data combined with δ18O water values of 3 to 6 per mil (SMOW) and δ13C CO2− fluid of −1.2 to +4.3 per mil (PDB), together with geologic data, indicate generation of mineralizing fluids primarily by late- to post-metamorphic devolatilization reactions. Received: 8 April 1997 / Accepted: 8 July 1997  相似文献   

A microthermometric study of inclusions in granites and pegmatites in the Proterozoic Harney Peak Granite system identified four types of inclusions. Type 1 inclusions are mixtures of CO2 and H2O and have low salinities, on average 3.5 wt.% NaCleq; type 2 inclusions are aqueous solutions of variable salinities, from 0 to 40% wt.% NaCleq; type 3 inclusions are carbonic, dominated by CO2, with no detectable water; and type 4 inclusions consist of 20 to 100% solids, with the remaining volume occupied by a CO2-H2O fluid. Many inclusions have a secondary character; however, a primary character can be unambiguously established in several occurrences of the type 1 inclusions. These inclusions were trapped above the solidus and represent the exsolved magmatic fluid. The secondary populations of types 1, 2, and 3 probably formed as a result of reequilibration and unmixing of the type 1 fluid that progressively changed composition and density with decreasing temperature and pressure and was finally trapped along healed microfractures under subsolidus conditions. Type 4 inclusions are primary and are interpreted to be trapped, fluid-bearing, complex silicate melts that subsequently solidified or underwent other posttrapping changes.It is demonstrated that primary type 1 fluid inclusions that coexist with crystallized melt inclusions in the complex, Li-bearing Tin Mountain pegmatite were trapped along the two-fluid phase boundary in the system CO2-H2O-NaCleq. Consequently, the temperature and pressure conditions of trapping are identical to the bulk homogenization conditions—on average 340°C and 2.7 kbar. These conditions indicate that this Li-, Cs-, Rb-, P-, and B-rich pegmatite crystallized at some of the lowest known temperatures for a silicate melt in the crust. An internally consistent, empirical solvus surface in P-T-XCO2 coordinates was generated for the pseudobinary CO2-(H2O-4.3 wt.% NaCleq) pegmatite fluid system. Distribution coefficients for the major species CO2, H2O, NaCl, and CH4 between the immiscible CO2-rich and H2O-rich fluid phases as a function of pressure and temperature were extracted from data for the two cogenetic fluid inclusions types.  相似文献   

Fault bound blocks of granulite and enderbite occur within upperamphibolite-facies migmatitic tonalitic–trondhjemitic–granodioritic(TTG) gneisses of the Iisalmi block of Central Finland. Theseunits record reworking and partial melting of different levelsof the Archean crust during a major tectonothermal event at2·6–2·7 Ga. Anhydrous mineral assemblagesand tonalitic melts in the granulites formed as a result ofhydrous phase breakdown melting reactions involving amphiboleat peak metamorphic conditions of 8–11 kbar and 750–900°C.A nominally fluid-absent melting regime in the granulites issupported by the presence of carbonic fluid inclusions. Thegeochemical signature of light rare earth element (LREE)-depletedmafic granulites can be modelled by 10–30 wt % partialmelting of an amphibolite source rock leaving a garnet-bearingresidue. The degree of melting in intermediate granulites isinferred to be less than 10 wt % and was restricted by the availabilityof quartz. Pressure–temperature estimates for the TTGgneisses are significantly lower than for the granulites at660–770°C and 5–6 kbar. Based on the P–Tconditions, melting of the TTG gneisses is inferred to haveoccurred at the wet solidus in the presence of an H2O-rich fluid.A hydrous mineralogy, abundant aqueous fluid inclusions andthe absence of carbonic inclusions in the gneisses are in accordancewith a water-fluxed melting regime. Low REE contents and strongpositive Eu anomalies in most leucosomes irrespective of thehost rock composition suggest that the leucosomes are not meltcompositions, but represent plagioclase–quartz assemblagesthat crystallized early from felsic melts. Furthermore, similarplagioclase compositions in leucosomes and adjacent mesosomesare not a ‘migmatite paradox’, as both record equilibrationwith the same melt phase percolating along grain boundaries. KEY WORDS: Archean continental crust; fluid inclusion; granulite; migmatite; partial melting  相似文献   

The Sanshandao gold deposit, with total resources of more than 60 t of gold, is located in the Jiaodong gold province, the most important gold province of China. The deposit is a typical highly fractured and altered, disseminated gold system, with high-grade, quartz-sulphide vein/veinlet stockworks that cut Mesozoic granodiorite. There are four stages of veins that developed in the following sequence: (1) quartz-K-feldspar-sericite; (2) quartz-pyrite±arsenopyrite; (3) quartz-base metal sulfide; and (4) quartz-carbonate. Fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite in vein/veinlet stockworks contain C-O-H fluids of three main types. The first type consists of dilute CO2–H2O fluids coeval with the early vein stage. Molar volumes of these CO2–H2O fluid inclusions, ranging from 50–60 cm3/mol, yield estimated minimum trapping pressures of 3 kbar. Homogenization temperatures, obtained mainly from CO2–H2O inclusions with lower CO2 concentration, range from 267–375 °C. The second inclusion type, with a CO2–H2O±CH4 composition, was trapped during the main mineralizing stages. These fluids may reflect the CO2–H2O fluids that were modified by fluid/rock reactions with altered wallrocks. Isochores for CO2-H2O±CH4 inclusions, with homogenization temperatures ranging from 204–325 °C and molar volumes from 55 to 70 cm3/mol, provide an estimated minimum trapping pressure of 1.2 kbar. The third inclusion type, aqueous inclusions, trapped in cross-cutting microfractures in quartz and randomly in calcite, are post-mineralization, and have homogenization temperatures between 143–228 °C and salinities from 0.71–7.86 wt% NaCl equiv. Stable isotope data show that the metamorphic fluid contribution is minimal and that ore fluids are of magmatic origin, most likely sourced from 120–126 Ma mafic to intermediate dikes. This is consistent with the carbonic nature of the fluid, and the cross-cutting nature of those deposits relative to the host Mesozoic granitoid.Editorial handling: R.J. Goldfarb  相似文献   

The Olympias Pb-Zn(Au, Ag) sulfide ore deposit, E. Chalkidiki, N. Greece, is hosted by marbles of the polymetamorphic Kerdilia Formation of Paleozoic or older age. The geologic environment of the ore also comprises biotite-hornblende gneisses and amphibolites intruded by Tertiary pegmatite-aplite dikes, lamprophyre dikes, the 30-Ma Stratoni granodiorite, and porphyritic stocks. Only limited parts of the deposit display shear folding and brecciation; most of it is undeformed. Microthermometry of fluid inclusions in gangue syn-ore quartz indicates three types of primary and pseudosecondary inclusions: (1) H2O-rich, 1–18 wt.% NaCl equivalent, <3.6 mol% CO2; (2) H2O-CO2 inclusions, <4wt.% NaCl equivalent, with variable CO2 contents, coexisting in both undeformed and deformed ore; (3) aqueous, highsalinity (28–32 wt,% NaCl equivalent) inclusions found only in undeformed ore. Type 2 inclusions are differentiated into two sub-types: (2a) relatively constant CO2 content in the narrow range of 8–15 mol% and homogenization to the liquid phase; (2b) variable CO2 content between 18 and 50 mol% and homogenization to the vapor phase. Type 1 and 2b inclusions are consistent with trapping of two fluids by unmixing of a high-temperature, saline, aqueous, CO2-bearing fluid of possible magmatic origin, probably trapped in type 2a inclusions. Fluid unmixing and concomitant ore mineralization took place at temperatures of 350 ± 30 °C and fluctuating pressures of less than 500 bar, for both undeformed and deformed ores. The wide salinity range of type 1 inclusions probably represents a complex effect of salinity increase, due to fluid unmixing and volatile loss, and dilution, due to mixing with low-salinity meteoric waters. High solute enrichment of the residual liquid, due to extreme volatile loss during unmixing, may account for high salinity type 3 inclusions. The Olympias fluid inclusion salinity-temperature gradients bear similarities to analogous gradients related to Pb-Zn ores formed in “granite”-hosted, low-T distalskarn, skarn-free carbonate-replacement and epithermal environments.  相似文献   

The Sakharjok Y-Zr deposit in Kola Peninsula is related to the fissure alkaline intrusion of the same name. The intrusion ∼7 km in extent and 4–5 km2 in area of its exposed part is composed of Neoarchean (2.68–2.61 Ma) alkali and nepheline syenites, which cut through the Archean alkali granite and gneissic granodiorite. Mineralization is localized in the nepheline syenite body as linear zones 200–1350 m in extent and 3–30 m in thickness, which strike conformably to primary magmatic banding and trachytoid texture of nepheline syenite. The ore is similar to the host rocks in petrography and chemistry and only differs from them in enrichment in zircon, britholite-(Y), and pyrochlore. Judging from geochemical attributes (high HSFE and some incompatible element contents (1000–5000 ppm Zr, 200–600 ppm Nb, 100–500 ppm Y, 0.1–0.3 wt % REE, 400–900 ppm Rb), REE pattern, Th/U, Y/Nb, and Yb/Ta ratios), nepheline syenite was derived from an enriched mantle source similar to that of contemporary OIB and was formed as an evolved product of long-term fractional crystallization of primary alkali basaltic melt. The ore concentrations are caused by unique composition of nepheline syenite magma (high Zr, Y, REE, Nb contents), which underwent subsequent intrachamber fractionation. Mineralogical features of zircon-the main ore mineral—demonstrate its long multistage crystallization. The inner zones of prismatic crystals with high ZrO2/HfO2 ratio (90, on average) grew during early magmatic stage at a temperature of 900–850°C. The inner zones of dipyramidal crystals with average ZrO2/HfO2 = 63 formed during late magmatic stage at a temperature of ∼500°C. The zircon pertaining to the postmagmatic hydrothermal stage is distinguished by the lowest ZrO2/HfO2 ratio (29, on average), porous fabric, abundant inclusions, and crystallization temperature below 500°C. The progressive decrease in ZrO2/HfO2 ratio was caused by evolution of melt and postmagmatic solution. The metamorphic zircon rims relics of earlier crystals and occurs as individual rhythmically zoned grains with an averaged ZrO2/HfO2 ratio (45, on average) similar to that of the bulk ore composition. The metamorphic zircon is depleted in uranium in comparison with magmatic zircon, owing to selective removal of U by aqueous metamorphic solutions. Zircon from the Sakharjok deposit is characterized by low concentrations of detrimental impurities, in particular, contains only 10–90 ppm U and 10–80 ppm Th, and thus can be used in various fields of application.  相似文献   

Kerimasi calciocarbonatite consists principally of calcite together with lesser apatite, magnetite, and monticellite. Calcite hosts fluid and S-bearing Na–K–Ca-carbonate inclusions. Carbonatite melt and fluid inclusions occur in apatite and magnetite, and silicate melt inclusions in magnetite. This study presents statistically significant compositional data for quenched S- and P-bearing, Ca-alkali-rich carbonatite melt inclusions in magnetite and apatite. Magnetite-hosted silicate melts are peralkaline with normative sodium-metasilicate. On the basis of our microthermometric results on apatite-hosted melt inclusions and forsterite–monticellite phase relationships, temperatures of the early stage of magma evolution are estimated to be 900–1,000°C. At this time three immiscible liquid phases coexisted: (1) a Ca-rich, P-, S- and alkali-bearing carbonatite melt, (2) a Mg- and Fe-rich, peralkaline silicate melt, and (3) a C–O–H–S-alkali fluid. During the development of coexisting carbonatite and silicate melts, the Si/Al and Mg/Fe ratio of the silicate melt decreased with contemporaneous increase in alkalis due to olivine fractionation, whereas the alkali content of the carbonatite melt increased with concomitant decrease in CaO resulting from calcite fractionation. Overall the peralkalinity of the bulk composition of the immiscible melts increased, resulting in a decrease in the size of the miscibility gap in the pseudoquaternary system studied. Inclusion data indicate the formation of a carbonatite magma that is extremely enriched in alkalis with a composition similar to that of Oldoinyo Lengai natrocarbonatite. In contrast to the bulk compositions of calciocarbonatite rocks, the melt inclusions investigated contain significant amount of alkalis (Na2O + K2O) that is at least 5–10 wt%. The compositions of carbonatite melt inclusions are considered as being better representatives of parental magma composition than those of any bulk rock.  相似文献   

Pegmatitic and other felsic rock pockets and dike-like intrusions are abundant in the South Kawishiwi Intrusion of the Duluth Complex, including the basal, Cu–Ni–PGE mineralized units. These occurrences are found as pockets, pods or as veins and contain abundant accessory apatite and quartz. Quartz hosts primary fluid inclusions as well as silicate melt inclusions. Combined microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy helped to determine the bulk composition of primary fluid inclusions that are CO2-rich (95 mol%) and contain small amounts of H2O (4.5 mol%), CH4 (0.4 mol%) and trace N2, respectively. This combined technique also made it possible to measure total homogenization temperatures of the inclusions (Thtot = ~ 225 ± 10 °C), otherwise not detectable during microthermometry. Silicate melt inclusions have been quenched to produce homogeneous glasses corresponding to the original melt. Composition of the entrapped melt is granitoid, peraluminous and is very poor in mafic components. We interpret the melt as a product of partial melting of the footwall rocks due to the contact effect of the South Kawishiwi Intrusion. The presence of CO2 in the vapor bubbles of the quenched melt inclusions and petrographic evidence suggest that the fluid and melt inclusion assemblages are coeval. The composition of the fluid and melt phase implies that the fluid originates from the mafic magma of the South Kawishiwi Intrusion and the fluid and melt phases coexisted as a heterogeneous melt–fluid system until entrapment of the inclusions.Coexistence of primary fluid and melt inclusions makes it possible to calculate a minimum entrapment pressure (~ 1.7 kbar) and thus estimate formation depth (~ 5.8 km) for the inclusions. Chlorine is suggested to behave compatibly in the silicate melt phase in the fluid–melt system represented by the inclusions, indicated by the high (up to 0.3%) Cl-concentrations of the silicate melt and CO2-rich nature of the fluid.Apatite halogen-contents provide further details on the behavior of Cl. Apatite in pegmatitic pockets often has elevated Cl-concentrations compared to troctolitic rocks, suggesting enrichment of Cl with progressive crystallization. Systematic trends of Cl-loss at some differentiated melt pockets suggest that in some places Cl exsolved into a fluid phase and migrated away from its source. The segregation of Cl from the melt is probably inhibited by the presence of CO2-rich fluids until the last stages of crystallization, increasing the potential for the development of late-stage saline brines.Platinum-group minerals are often present in microcracks in silicate minerals, in late-stage differentiated sulfide veinlets and in association with chlorapatite, indicating the potential role of Cl-bearing fluids in the final distribution of PGEs.  相似文献   

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