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Apatite phenocrysts from the 1963 and 1723 eruptions of Irazú volcano (Costa Rica) record a volatile evolution history that confirms previous melt inclusion studies, and provides additional information concerning the relative and absolute timing of subvolcanic magmatic events. Measurements of H, Cl, and F by secondary ion mass spectrometry reveal multiple populations of apatite in both 1723 and 1963 magmas. Assuming nominal apatite/melt partition coefficients allows us to compare the pattern of melt inclusions and apatites in ternary space, demonstrating the fidelity of the record preserved in apatite, and revealing a complex history of magma mixing with at least two components. The preservation of heterogeneous populations of apatite and of internally heterogeneous crystals requires short timescales (days to years) for these magmatic processes to occur.  相似文献   

Volcán Tequila is an extinct stratovolcano in the western Mexican Volcanic Belt that has erupted lavas ranging from andesite to rhyolite during the last 0.9 Ma. Following an early period of rhyolitic volcanism, the main edifice of the volcano was constructed by central vent eruptions that produced 25 km3 of pyroxene-andesite. At about 0.2 Ma central activity ceased and numerous flows of hornblende-bearing andesite, dacite, and rhyodacite erupted from vents located around the flanks of the volcano. Bimodal plagioclase phenocryst rim compositions in lavas from both the main edifice and the flanks indicate that magma mixing commonly occurred shortly prior to or during eruption. Compositions of endmember magmas involved in mixing, as constrained by whole-rock major and trace element abundances, phenocryst compositions, and mineral-melt exchange equilibria, are similar to those of some lavas erupted from the central vent and on the flanks of the volcano. Estimated pre-eruptive temperatures for hornblende-bearing lavas (970°–830°C) are systematically lower than for lavas that lack hornblende (1045°–970°C), whereas magmatic H2O contents are systematically higher for hornblende-bearing lavas. In addition to stabilizing hornblende, high magmatic water contents promoted crystallization of calcic plagioclase (An70–82). Frequent injections of magma into the base of the subvolcanic plumbing system followed by eruption of mixed magma probably prevented formation of large volumes of silicic magma, which have caused paroxysmal, caldera-forming eruptions at other stratovolcanoes in western Mexico. The later stages of volcanic activity, represented by the flank lavas, indicate a change from a large magma storage reservoir to numerous small ones that developed along a NW-trending zone parallel to regional fault trends. Sr and Nd isotopic data for lavas from the Tequila region and other volcanoes in western Mexico demonstrate that differentiated calc-alkaline magmas are formed primarily through crystal fractionation of mantle-derived calc-alkaline basalt coupled with assimilation of crustal material. Present Address:Department of the Geophysical Sciences The University of Chicago, Chicago IL, 60637, USA  相似文献   

Volcán Ceboruco, Mexico, erupted ~1,000 years ago, producing the Jala pumice and forming a ~4-km-wide caldera. During that eruption, 2.8 to 3.5 km3 of rhyodacite (~70 wt% SiO2) magma and 0.2 to 0.5 km3 of mixed dacite (~67 wt% SiO2) magma were tapped and deposited as the Jala pumice. Subsequently, the caldera was partially filled by extrusion of the Dos Equis dome, a low-silica (~64 wt% SiO2) dacite dome with a volume of ~1.3 km3. Petrographic evidence indicates that the Jala dacite and Dos Equis dacite originated largely through the mixing of three end-member magmas: (1) rhyodacite magma, (2) dacite magma, and (3) mafic magma. Linear least-squares modeling and detailed modal analysis indicate that the Jala dacite is predominantly a bimodal mixture of rhyodacite and dacite with a small additional mafic component, whereas the Dos Equis dacite is composed of mostly dacite mixed with subordinate amounts of rhyodacite and mafic magma. According to Fe–Ti oxide geothermometry, before the caldera-forming eruption the rhyodacite last equilibrated at ~865 °C, whereas the dacite was originally at ~890 °C but was heated to ~960 °C by intrusion of mafic magma as hot as ~1,030 °C. Zoning profiles in plagioclase and/or magnetite phenocrysts indicate that mixing between mafic and dacite magma occurred ~34–47 days prior to eruption, whereas subsequent mixing between rhyodacite and dacite magmas occurred only 1–4 days prior to eruption. Following the caldera-forming eruption, continued inputs of mafic magma led to effusion of the Dos Equis dome dacite. In this case, timing between mixing and eruption is estimated at ~93–185 days based on the thickness of plagioclase overgrowth rims.Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   

The San Martín shield volcano, located in the Los Tuxtlas Volcanic Field, has experienced effusive shield-building activity, as well as explosive eruptions, as evidenced by direct observations during the last eruption in 1793. The threat to the surrounding villages consists principally of lahars, especially because of the tropical climate in the region. Ash fallout and lava flows represent additional hazards. In addition, the surrounding Quaternary monogenetic field includes more than 300 scoria cones and about 40 explosion craters (mainly maars) that also represent a hazard source. In the present study we constructed hazard maps using field data, orthophotos, spatial analysis, and specialized software (LAHARZ and HAZMAP) to deliminate lahar inundation zones, areas that could potentially be affected by ash fallout (including the evaluation of houses prone to roof collapse due to ash load), and the most susceptible areas for hosting future monogenetic vent formation.  相似文献   

High-pressure (HP) rocks at Tehuitzingo, on the western margin of the HP belt within the Paleozoic Acatlán Complex (southern México), occur in a klippe that was thrust over low-grade clastic rocks. The youngest detrital zircon cluster in the low-grade rocks yielded U-Pb ages of 481 ± 16 Ma, which provide an older limit for deposition. The HP rocks are composed of metabasites, serpentinite, granite (482 ± 3 Ma) and mica schist (youngest concordant detrital zircon: 433 ± 3 Ma). The schist and granite are inferred to be high-grade equivalents of lower Paleozoic, low-grade rocks exposed elsewhere in the Acatlán Complex, from which they are inferred to have been removed by subduction erosion. Mineral analyses indicate that the subducted rocks underwent HP metamorphism and polyphase deformation at depths of ~ 50 km (~ 16 kbar and 750 °C: eclogite facies). Subsequent retrogression passed through epidote-amphibolite to greenschist facies, which was synchronous with W-vergent thrusting over the low-grade clastic rocks. Deposition of the low-grade rocks and thrusting are bracketed between either 481–329 Ma (Ordovician-Mississippian), and was followed by F3 synformal folding. Cooling through ca. 385 °C is indicated by 329 ± 1 and 316–317 ± 2 Ma, 40Ar/39Ar muscovite plateau ages in HP rocks, which are 5–17 my younger than those of the adjacent Piaxtla eclogites suggesting younger exhumation. The petrology, P-T conditions and ages of the Piaxtla Suite is consistent with an extrusion channel within the Acatlán Complex along the active western margin of Pangea during the Carboniferous. Detrital zircon populations in the low-grade psammite (ca. 481, 520–650, 720, 750, 815, 890, 1050 and 2750 Ma) and the HP schist (ca. 457–480, 534, 908, 954–1150, 1265, 1845 and 2035 Ma) indicate derivation from the Ordovician Acatlán granitoids, Neoproterozoic Brasiliano orogens, 900–750 Ma Goiás arc (Amazonia), 1–1.3 Ma Oaxaquia, and more ancient sources in Oaxaquia/Amazonia.  相似文献   

Since the first discovery of eclogite in the Acatlán Complex in southern México, the age of the high-pressure metamorphism has been a matter of debate. Several attempts to date high-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Acatlán Complex have been made using the U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar methods. The resulting dates, however do not correspond unambiguously to the time of eclogite facies metamorphism. In this study, the age of high-pressure metamorphism in the Acatlán Complex has been determined by Lu-Hf garnet-whole rock geochronology. This paper presents four high precision, 4- to 7-point garnet-whole rock isochrons of amphibolitized eclogite from the Piaxtla Suite and the Asís Lithodeme, in the Acatlán Complex. The four dates agree within uncertainties, yielding a weighted mean of 352.5 ± 1.6 Ma, which we interpret to be the age of eclogite facies metamorphism in the Piaxtla Suite and the Asís Lithodeme, marking active subduction in the Acatlán Complex in the Carboniferous. Mississippian high-pressure metamorphism in turn, might be related to the closure of the Rheic Ocean and the assembly of Pangea.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1998,13(7):841-850
Increasing fumarolic activity at Popocatépetl volcano has been observed since 1992. On 21 December 1994, a series of eruptions at Popocatépetl volcano produced ash emissions that reached the city of Puebla located to the east of the volcano. Eruptive activity declined sharply from June 1995 until 5 March 1996 when ash emissions and fumarole flux increased to levels similar to those of December, 1994. Intermittent ash production has continued to 1997. Ash was sampled at more than 80 different locations around the volcano during the various eruptions. Gas produced during an eruption may be scavenged by the ash and leaching of the ash with water allows determination of the concentration of ions adsorbed from the volcanic gases. The leachates obtained from eruptions from December 1994 until 28 November 1996, were analyzed by potentiometry with selective electrodes for Cl and F and by ion chromatography for SO42−. Minor cations (Co2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, Sb2+, Ti4+, Cd2+, Tl3+) were determined in some samples by ICP-MS. The highest concentrations of Cl and SO42− were obtained for the 21 December 1994 ash at the start of the eruptions with 19 550 ppm SO42− and 1028 ppm Cl and for the emission which occurred on 5 March 1996, with 21 775 ppm SO42− and 1250 ppm Cl. At both times a concentration decrease was observed, but with particular trends in each case. The composition of the ash leachates suggests that the two Popocatépetl eruptions in 1994 and 1996 began with phreatic and magmatic components. The increase in F and the decrease in the Cl/F ratio may indicate a heating up of the volcanic system at the beginning of March, 1996, one week before the outpouring of lava in the bottom of the crater on 20 March 1996. The concentration trends for SO42−, Cl and F suggest that during the 1996 activity, the system attained higher temperatures than in 1994–1995.  相似文献   

The present study characterized the hydrogeochemical processes of the aquifer of Ciénega de Chapala in Michoacán, Mexico. The dominant water families contained bicarbonate magnesium and sodium. In the region, water infiltrates into a fractured volcanic environment exposed in the surrounding mountains and is transmitted to the volcano-sedimentary units of the ciénega, where silicate alteration and ion exchange processes occur in the clays of the subsoil. The Gibb diagrams confirm that the main evolutionary processes in the aquifer are rock-water interactions in the local flow and evaporation in the intermediate and regional flows. The molar ratios of HCO3/Na and Ca/Na are congruent with the type of volcano-sedimentary environment present in the area. Ternary mixing processes associated with three end members were also identified and were related to the flow systems in the area. The local flow contributes 77% of water to the system, and the intermediate and regional flows contribute 16% and 7%, respectively.  相似文献   


— Le système de piémont atlasique du Sud marocain, d’âge tertiaire, est constitué dans le secteur de Boudenib de deux unités distinctes. La llamada de Boudenib forme l’unité inférieure et se caractérise par d’importants encroûtements carbonatés, riches en dolomite et attapulgite. L’unité supérieure de la llamada du Cuir marque une reprise de l’érosion et le dépôt de matériaux relativement peu altérés.

Des silicifications affectent les différents faciès de l’unité inférieure, ainsi que les grès crétacés sous-jacents, et jalonnent une surface d’érosion intra-fonnationnelle. Ces silicifications sont précoces, puisque remaniées dans les dépôts ultérieurs. Les illuviations d’opale et les accumulations gramdaires intercalées entre les concrétionnements successifs de silice attestent d’environnements pédologiques. La silicification plus forte vers la partie supérieure des coupes, ainsi que l’association fréquente des faciés silicifiés avec des niveaux hioturhés et altérés sont également à rapporter à des dispositions pédologiques. Ce sont des silcréles pédogénétiques.

L’étude micrographique montre que la silicification procède par épigénie des argiles et des carbonates, ainsi que par des cristallisations dans les vides. C’est à partir des vides existants (fentes, bioturbations et porosité intergranulaire) que se développe la silicification, montrant ainsi le rôle primordial des circulations. En particulier, l’épigénie des carbonates par la silice semble limitée par la diffusion de la silice à partir des vides, où le renouvellement des solutions est assuré. Les séquences de cristallisation des différentes formes de silice (allant de l’opale vers les quartz automorphes) peuvent être interprétées en terme d’évolution du milieu au cours de la silicification. Au fur et à mesure que des dépôts de silice se font sur les parois des vides, les solutions nourricières sont isolées de la roche encaissante, elles se chargent alors moins en cations étrangers, et la cristallisation de plus grands cristaux peut intervenir.

Les silicifications se développent pendant une période de stabilité tectonique et s’installent dans un paysage de glacis et sous des climats chauds à saisons alternées. Leur reconnaissance à l’échelle régionale peut constituer un repère lithostratigraphique précieux.  相似文献   

Résumé Les gneiss de l'orogénie hercynienne dans les Pyrénées forment plusieurs grands massifs enveloppés par les terrains primaires. Certains faciès persistants» supracrustaux se reconnaissent dans ces gneiss malgré leur haut degré de métamorphisme. Ils permettent d'établir des corrélations stratigraphiques et de dessine: la structure des massifs en grandes voûtes plates.Localement on constate un raccourcissement très marqué du gradient de métamorphisme. En ces endroits la gneissification (pour ainsi dire) est montée exceptionnellement haut. Des exemples typiques concernent les massifs de l'Agly, du Saint-Barthélémy, de l'Aston. Il ne semble pas possible d'expliquer ce phénomène par des extrusions et involutions syncinématiques de migmatites, comme par exemple au Groenland d'après J.Haller. Pour les exemples pyrénéens, la cause n'en est pas encore déterminée.
Hercynian gneisses of the Pyrenees form several flat domeshaped massifs. Despite a high degree of metamorphism, relict structures of supracrustal origin are visible. They permit a stratigraphic correlation wit neighbouring Palaeozoic series.

Zusammenfassung In den Pyrenäen bilden die variskischen Gneise mehrere Massive in Form von großen flachen Kuppeln. Relikte suprakrustalen Ursprungs, die trotzhoher Metamorphose zu erkennen sind, gestatten die stratigraphische Korrelation der Gneise mit paläozoischen Serien. Die Vergneisung ist an einzelnen Stellen außergewöhnlich stark mit Verkürzung des metamorphen Gradientes, besonders in den Massiven von Agly, Saint-Barthélemy und Aston. Ihre Ursache läßt sich nicht völlig durch Migmatisierung erklären, sondern muß z. T. offenbleiben.

. . . Agly, SaintBarthélemy Aston. , .

The interest in numerical simulation of cascading processes involving mass movements and lakes has recently risen strongly, especially as the formation of new lakes in high-mountain areas as a consequence of glacier recession can be observed all over the world. These lakes are often located close to potentially unstable slopes and therewith prone to impacts from mass movements, which may cause the lake to burst out and endanger settlements further downvalley. The need for hazard assessment of such cascading processes is continuously rising, which demands methodological development of coupled numerical simulations. Our study takes up on the need for systematic analysis of the effect of assumptions taken in the simulation of the process chain and the propagation of the corresponding uncertainties on the simulation results. We complemented the research of Adv Geosci 35:145-155, 2014 carried out at Lake 513 in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, by focusing on the aspects of (a) ice-avalanche scenario development and of (b) analysis of uncertainty propagation in the coupled numerical simulation of the process chain of an impact wave triggered by a rock/ice avalanche. The analysis of variance of the dimension of the overtopping wave was based on 54 coupled simulation runs, applying RAMMS and IBER for simulation of the ice avalanche and the impact wave, respectively. The results indicate (a) location and magnitude of potential ice-avalanche events, and further showed (b) that the momentum transfer between an avalanche and the impact wave seems to be reliably representable in coupled numerical simulations. The assessed parameters—initial avalanche volume, friction calibration, mass entrainment and transformation of the data between the models—was decisive of whether the wave overtopped or not. The overtopping time and height directly characterize the overtopping wave, while the overtopping volume and the discharge describe the overtopping hydrograph as a consequence of the run-up rather than the wave. The largest uncertainties inherent in the simulation of the impact wave emerge from avalanche-scenario definition rather than from coupling of the models. These findings are of relevance also to subsequent outburst flow simulation and contribute to advance numerical simulation of the entire process chain, which might also be applied to mass movements other than rock/ice avalanches.  相似文献   

The La Voluntad porphyry Cu–Mo deposit in Neuquén, Argentina, is one of several poorly known porphyry-type deposits of Paleozoic to Early Jurassic age in the central and southern Andes. Mineralization at La Voluntad is related to a tonalite porphyry from the Chachil Plutonic Complex that intruded metasedimentary units of the Piedra Santa Complex. Five new Re–Os molybdenite ages from four samples representing three different vein types (i.e., quartz–molybdenite, quartz–sericite–molybdenite and quartz–sericite–molybdenite ± chalcopyrite–pyrite) are identical within error and were formed between ~312 to ~316 Ma. Rhenium and Os concentrations range between 34 to 183 ppm and 112 to 599 ppb, respectively. The new Re–Os ages indicate that the main mineralization event at La Voluntad, associated to sericitic alteration, was emplaced during a time span of 1.7 ± 3.2 Ma and that the deposit is Carboniferous in age, not Permian as previously thought. La Voluntad is the oldest porphyry copper deposit so far recognized in the Andes and indicates the presence of an active magmatic arc, with associated porphyry style mineralization, at the proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana during the Early Pennsylvanian.  相似文献   


The proximity to the Tacaná volcano, to the subduction zone between the Cocos and North America plates, to the Mexican coast, and to the active geologic Polochic-Motagua fault makes the population of Union Juarez (UJ), Chiapas, Mexico, exposed to many natural hazards including hurricanes, earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions. We assessed the risk perception of UJ, and our findings indicate that the community has moderate level of risk perception according to the scale of the National Center for Disaster Prevention of Mexico. The UJ’s risk perception is mainly dependent on gender and religion because females unlike males in case of disasters and emergencies: (1) believe that it is necessary to improve their preparedness; (2) trust the local civil protection authorities; (3) would know how to respond; (4) would follow the established protocols; and (5) would not relocate. On the other hand, non-religious people know better the protocols to follow in the event of disasters than the religious population. Besides, the community of UJ reasonably perceives earthquakes and extreme rains as the main hazards that they are exposed to, while volcanic hazards are considered less important although the town is located very close to the Tacaná volcano that has been active during the last 30 years. The local population lacks of proper knowledge and resources to develop adequate disaster mitigation plans. Surprisingly, the work of the local civil protection is considered poor. Our results can be used for local authorities as a tool to strength the disaster prevention actions in UJ.


We evaluate the performance and statistical accuracy of the fast Fourier transform method for unconditional and conditional simulation. The method is applied under difficult but realistic circumstances of a large field (1001 by 1001 points) with abundant conditioning criteria and a band limited, anisotropic, fractal-based statistical characterization (the von Kármán model). The simple Fourier unconditional simulation is conducted by Fourier transform of the amplitude spectrum model, sampled on a discrete grid, multiplied by a random phase spectrum. Although computationally efficient, this method failed to adequately match the intended statistical model at small scales because of sinc-function convolution. Attempts to alleviate this problem through the covariance method (computing the amplitude spectrum by taking the square root of the discrete Fourier transform of the covariance function) created artifacts and spurious high wavenumber content. A modified Fourier method, consisting of pre-aliasing the wavenumber spectrum, satisfactorily remedies sinc smoothing. Conditional simulations using Fourier-based methods require several processing stages, including a smooth interpolation of the differential between conditioning data and an unconditional simulation. Although kriging is the ideal method for this step, it can take prohibitively long where the number of conditions is large. Here we develop a fast, approximate kriging methodology, consisting of coarse kriging followed by faster methods of interpolation. Though less accurate than full kriging, this fast kriging does not produce visually evident artifacts or adversely affect the a posteriori statistics of the Fourier conditional simulation.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1401-1417
The high-pressure (HP) Piaxtla Suite at Tehuitzingo contains peridotites, gabbros, and serpentinized peridotites, as well as granitoids and metasedimentary rocks. The HP mafic rocks are characterized by low SiO2 (38–52 wt.%) and high Mg# (~48–70), Ni (100–470 ppm), and Cr (180–1750 ppm), typical of cumulate compositions. Trace elements and rare earth element (REE) primitive mantle-normalized patterns display generally flat profiles, indicative of derivation from a primitive mantle with two distinct patterns: (1) gabbroic patterns are characterized by a positive Eu anomaly, low REE abundances, and slightly depleted high REE (HREE) relative to low REE (LREE), typical of cumulus olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase; and (2) mafic-intermediate gabbroic patterns exhibit very flat profiles characteristic of olivine and clinopyroxene as cumulus minerals. Their Nb/Y and Zr/TiO2 ratios suggest a subalkaline character, whereas low Ti/V ratios indicate that the Tehuitzingo cumulates are island arc tholeiitic basalts that resemble modern, immature oceanic, forearc magmas. These cumulates have high values of ? Nd(t) = 5.3–8.5 and 147Sm/144Nd = 0.18–0.23, which renders calculations of model ages meaningless. Our data are consistent with the Tehuitzingo arc rocks being part of a tectonically extruded Devonian–early Carboniferous arc developed along the west margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   

In this study, we performed leaching experiments for timescales of hours-to-months in deionized water on fresh volcanic ash from Mt. Etna (Italy) and Popocatépetl (Mexico) volcanos to monitor Fe release as a function of ash mineral chemistry and size, with the aim of clarifying Fe release mechanisms and eventually evaluating the impact of volcanic ash on marine and lacustrine environments. To define sample mineralogy and Fe speciation, inclusive characterization was obtained by means of XRF, SEM, XRPD, EELS and Mössbauer spectroscopies. For Etna and Popocatépetl samples, glass proportions were quantified at 73 and 40%, Fe2O3 total contents at 11.6–13.2 and 5.8 wt%, and Fe3+/FeTot ratios at 0.33 and 0.23, respectively. Leaching experiments showed that significant amounts of iron, ~?30 to 150 and ~?750 nmol g?1 l?1 for pristine Etna and Popocatépetl samples, respectively, are released within the first 30 min as a function of decreasing particle size (from 1 to 0.125 mm). The Popocatépetl sample showed a very sustained Fe release (up to 10 times Etna samples) all along the first week, with lowest values never below 400 nmol g?1 l?1 and a maximum of 1672 nmol g?1 l?1 recorded after 5 days. This sample, being composed of very small particles (average particle size 0.125 mm) with large surface area, likely accumulated large quantities of Fe-bearing sublimates that quickly dissolved during leaching tests, determining high Fe release and local pH decrease (that contributed to release more Fe from the glass) at short timescale (hours-to-days). The fractional Fe solubility (FeS) was 0.004–0.011 and 0.23% for Etna and Popocatépetl samples, respectively, but no correlation was found between Fe released in solution and either ash Fe content, glass/mineral ratio or mineral assemblage. Results obtained suggest that volcanic ash chemistry, mineralogy and particle size assume a relevant role on Fe release mostly in the medium-to-long timescale, while Fe release in the short timescale is dominated by dissolution of surface sublimates (formed by physicochemical processes occurring within the eruption plume and volcanic cloud) and the effects of such a dissolution on the local pH conditions. For all samples, a moderate to sustained Fe release occurred for leaching times comparable with their residence time within the euphotic zone of marine and lacustrine environments (variable from few minutes to few hours), revealing their possible contribution to increase Fe bioavailability.  相似文献   

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