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A Program for Analyzing Transient and Steady-State Soil Gas Pump Tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The methods and software tools for the identification of the low-frequency portion of seismograph system transfer functions from transient (Dirac or step-impulse) calibration responses and of the high-frequency portion from steady-state (sinusoidal) calibration data are described. The presented procedures allow fast in-site determination of the overall Laplace transfer function of the analog stages of arbitrary seismograph systems. The developed identification software, which may also be employed for determining transfer functions in PAZ (p oles a nd zeros) format from steady-state calibration data given graphically or in the form of FAP (f requency- amplitude-p hase) triplets, has been made publicly available on the INTERNET. The paper is expected to prove useful especially for seismologists faced with the problem of specifying reliable calibration headers for digital upgrades of standard-class analog seismographs, for non-standard feedback-controlled seismograph systems, or for seismometric channels comprising inverse or simulation filters.  相似文献   

为了获得ABS材料的牙颌实体模型,首先通过三维CT扫描获得样本个体的牙颌数据,再通过Mimics软件进行数据的处理与转换,得到能直接用于快速成型的STL格式的数据模型,最后用熔融挤压快速成型MEM系统成型实体。实践表明:这种方法能获得牙颌的三维数据,并能加工出较满意的牙颌实体模型。  相似文献   

Sensitivity Analysis and the Ground-Water Inverse Problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Three choices of control variables for meteorological variational analysis (3DVAR or 4DVAR) are associated with horizontal wind: (1) streamfunction and velocity potential, (2) eastward and northward velocity, and (3) vorticity and divergence. This study shows theoretical and numerical differences of these variables in practical 3DVAR data assimilation through statistical analysis and numerical experiments. This paper demonstrates that (a) streamfunction and velocity potential could potentially introduce analysis errors; (b) A 3DVAR using velocity or vorticity and divergence provides a natural scale dependent influence radius in addition to the covariance; (c) for a regional analysis, streamfunction and velocity potential are retrieved from the background velocity field with Neumann boundary condition. Improper boundary conditions could result in further analysis errors; (d) a variational data assimilation or an inverse problem using derivatives as control variables yields smoother analyses, for example, a 3DVAR using vorticity and divergence as controls yields smoother wind analyses than those analyses obtained by a 3DVAR using either velocity or streamfunction/velocity potential as control variables; and (e) statistical errors of higher order derivatives of variables are more independent, e.g., the statistical correlation between U and V is smaller than the one between streamfunction and velocity potential, and thus the variables in higher derivatives are more appropriate for a variational system when a cross-correlation between variables is neglected for efficiency or other reasons. In summary, eastward and northward velocity, or vorticity and divergence are preferable control variables for variational systems and the former is more attractive because of its numerical efficiency. Numerical experiments are presented using analytic functions and real atmospheric observations.  相似文献   

Convective cloud variability on many times scales can be viewed as having three major components: a suppressed phase of shallow and congestus clouds, a disturbed phase of deep convective clouds, and a mature phase of transition to stratiform upper-level clouds. Cumulus parameterization development has focused primarily on the second phase until recently. Consequently, many parameterizations are not sufficiently sensitive to variations in tropospheric humidity. This shortcoming may affect global climate model simulations of climate sensitivity to external forcings, the continental diurnal cycle of clouds and precipitation, and intraseasonal precipitation variability. The lack of sensitivity can be traced in part to underestimated entrainment of environmental air into rising convective clouds and insufficient evaporation of rain into the environment. As a result, the parameterizations produce deep convection too easily while stabilizing the environment too quickly to allow the effects of convective mesoscale organization to occur. Recent versions of some models have increased their sensitivity to tropospheric humidity and improved some aspects of their variability, but a parameterization of mesoscale organization is still absent from most models. Evidence about the effect of these uncertainties on climate change projections suggests that climate modelers should make improved simulation of high and convective clouds as high a priority as better representations of low clouds.  相似文献   

AGalerkin finite-element model coupled with a particle tracking routine was developed to analyze the flow and transport dynamics near a high-capacity irrigation well. The model was used to compute the head distribution around the pumping well, to determine the area of influence, and to define ground water flowlines during short-term pumping periods typical of those used to collect water quality samples from high-capacity wells. In addition to hypothetical example results, the model was used to qualitatively analyze data obtained from pump-and-sample experiments conducted in an unconfined alluvial aquifer within the Platte River valley of south-central Nebraska where nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) contamination is prevalent.
Simulation results of both the hypothetical and field cases suggest that short-term pumping events, impact a limited volume of aquifer. The area of influence and flowlines are affected by aquifer anisotropy, pumping rate, and well construction characteristics). Ground water above or below the screened intervals does not enter a partially penetrating well in anisotropic aquifers. In aquifers where NO3-N concentration varies vertically and horizontally, waler quality samples from an irrigation, or other high-capacity, well provide only limited information about ground water contamination. A numerical model is thus recommended for calculating the area of influence and determining flowlines around high-capacity wells so that information derived from water quality samples collected at the wellhead can be better interpreted.  相似文献   

为研究曲线桥梁结构桥墩高度参数对地震响应的敏感性,借助有限元分析软件Midas Civil,通过分类处理建立边墩为变高墩和中墩为变高墩两类有限元分析模型。根据Newmark-β法对多自由度体系的曲线桥梁结构进行动力时程分析,结合曲线桥梁结构地震激励的输入基本方式,计算两类墩高布置形式下两跨曲线连续梁桥结构的基本周期、墩顶位移、主梁内力和桥墩墩底内力的变化规律,通过对计算结果分析探究桥墩高度参数和桥墩高度比参数对曲线桥梁结构地震响应的影响规律。研究结果表明:相同条件下,Ⅱ类曲线桥梁的整体刚度小于Ⅰ类曲线桥梁结构;各墩顶径向位移对桥墩高度比和墩高参数敏感性不同;中墩顶曲线主梁内力耦合机理复杂,难以用较少结构参数表征;变高墩墩底内力与曲线桥梁桥墩布置类型密切相关。研究结果可用于指导山区曲线桥梁结构的抗震分析和设计。  相似文献   

In this study, the impacts of climate change on crop water requirements and irrigation water requirements on the regional cropping pattern were evaluated using two climate change scenarios and combinations of 20 GCM models. Different models including CROPWAT, MODFLOW, and statistical models were used to evaluate the climate change impacts. The results showed that in the future period (2017 to 2046) the temperature in all months of the year will increase at all stations. The average annual precipitation decline in Isfahan, Tiran, Flavarjan, and Lenj stations for RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios are 18.6 and 27.6%, 15.2 and 18%, 22.5 and 31.5%, and 10.5 and 12.1%, respectively. The average increase in the evapotranspiration for RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios are about 2.5 and 4.1%, respectively. The irrigation water demands increases considerably and for some crops, on average 18%. Among the existing crops in the cropping pattern, barley, cumin, onion, wheat, and forage crops are more sensitive and their water demand will increase significantly. Results indicate that climate change could have a significant impact on water resources consumption. By considering irrigation efficiency in the region, climate change impacts will result in about 35 to 50 million m3/year, over-extraction from the aquifer. This additional exploitation causes an extra drop of 0.4 to 0.8 m in groundwater table per year in the aquifer. Therefore, with regard to the critical condition of the aquifer, management and preventive measures to deal with climate change in the future is absolutely necessary.  相似文献   

地震发生后通常无法快速获取较准确的断层参数,这可能会对采用地震动模拟方法进行地震动强度快速评估产生影响。选取美国西部两次地震,采用两种地震动模拟方法,通过改变断层走向、滑移角、倾角和震源深度等主要断层参数进行模拟计算,分析不同参数对地震动参数和反应谱值的影响以及不同方法计算结果的准确性。结果表明:GP方法模拟的结果比EXSIM方法更接近观测值;在参数误差范围内,相比于模拟方法本身的误差,各参数对模拟结果的影响较小,地震动强度快速评估时可以利用较合理的快速反演断层参数进行地震动模拟。  相似文献   

给出基于Biot多孔介质理论分析饱和土体在动载荷作用下瞬态响应的有限元公式,数值计算部分采用本文有限元法分别计算一维饱和土柱在两种不同类型动载荷作用下的瞬态响应,并将数值计算结果与文献中的解析解进行比较,二者结果十分吻合,从而验证本文方法的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper presents analytical solutions for determining non-steady-state capture zones produced by a single recovery well and steady-state capture zones produced by multiple recovery wells. Analysis of non-steady-slate capture zones is based on the lime-dependent location of caplure zone stagnation points and the geometric similarity between steady-slate and non-steady-state capture zones. The analytical solution of steady-state capture zones is obtained from spatial variations of discharge potential across the capture zone boundary. Both capture zone analyses are based on the assumptions of uniform flow field with a constant hydraulic conductivity, the Dupuit assumption of insignificant vertical flow, a negligible delayed yield, and a fully penetrating well with a constant pumping rate. For a ground water pump-and-trcat remediation program, the pumping rate and well location design variables can be adjusted to ensure containment of the ground water contaminant plume.  相似文献   

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