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东太平洋海盆CC区表层沉积物以远洋粘土组分及生物组分为主。但是,在局部区域,沉积物的矿物成分及地球化学组成都记录到有热液作用物质存在,进而,通过经验公式,定量计算了热液组分的含量。这些都表明远离洋脊及热点的CCA区,不同程度地受到热液作用的影响。  相似文献   

东太平洋以其发育大洋多金属结核而长期以来倍受地质学家关注,国内外在该区对多金属结核及相关的沉积物、沉积环境、古海洋学等进行了大量的调查研究[1~6],取得了许多重要的研究成果.在此基础上,笔者利用先进的电镜分析测试技术(包括电子衍射技术),对东太平洋克拉里昂和克利伯顿两条断裂带之间的CC区沉积物进行了系统的矿物学研究,在研究中发现了重晶石和锐钛矿矿物.本文将简要报道对这两种矿物的形貌和结构标型特征进行研究的结果,并初步探讨其成因[1].  相似文献   

东山湾海水中化合态无机氮的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许清辉  林峰 《台湾海峡》1993,12(3):287-292
1988年5月东山湾海水中硝酸盐、铵氮、亚硝酸盐和总化合态无机氮的平均浓度分别为3.44、1.60、0.49和5.53μmol/dm~3;8月航次这些要素的平均含量分别为1.83、0.88、0.39和3.10μmol/dm~3;11月航次这些要素的平均浓度分别为6.48、0.61、0.31和7.40μmol/dm~3;1989年2月航次这些要素的平均浓度分别为12.5、0.39、0.48和13.2μmol/dm~3。不同季节无机氮的主要外部来源不尽相同。除冬季外,其他季节无机氮的分布均在不同程度上受到浮游植物摄取的影响,其中秋季的影响最大。此外,夏季无机氮的分布还受到上升流的影响。  相似文献   

中太平洋和东太平洋火山沉积作用的差异:矿物学的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中太平洋和东太平洋的沸石粘土沉积岩心(CP30和CCA121)的矿物学特征揭示了早中新世以来两个洋区火山沉积作用的差异。首先,中太平洋火山组分来自偏碱性的火山母岩,而且从早中新世到第四纪,母岩碱性增加;而东太平洋火山组分的母岩主要呈基性,从早中新世到现代,母岩具有由碱性向基性变化的趋势,表明洋壳或上地幔在时空上具有不均匀性。其次,两个洋区火山沉积物中都含有陆源物质,但东太平洋受到了较中太平洋强的陆源作用影响。同时伴随着火山沉积作用,东太平洋一直存在热液沉积作用,为结核形成提供了丰富的成矿元素  相似文献   

东太平洋表层沉积物中热水矿物组合的发现及其意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对东太平洋表层沉积物的扫描电镜观察表明,样品中除陆源碎屑和生物壳体外,存在着一组特征性的石英-钠长石-重晶石自生矿物组合。它们均呈完好自形晶,显然未经历过明显的搬运,都是原地形成的自生矿物。X射线衍射分析进一步确认了这组矿物的存在。迄今为止自生钠长石主要见于埋深较大的储层砂岩,其结晶温度不低于70℃,是一种典型的热水成因矿物,而同样完整晶形的重晶石曾在加利福尼亚湾Guaymas盆地被发现,并被确认属热水成因。作者据此认为,存在于东太平洋表层沉积物中的自生石英-钠长石-重晶石属于热水矿物组合。这意味着在远离洋中脊的大洋盆地亦有一定规模的热水活动,它对深海成矿作用和全球环境,尤其是长周期气候变化等的影响值得重视。  相似文献   

赤道中、东太平洋表层流速20d振荡特征分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
王凡  吴德星 《海洋与湖沼》1999,30(3):333-341
通过对1985年1月1日—1986年12月31日沿赤道5个锚定浮标站表层流速资料的分析,发现在140°W与108°W之间表层流速v存在一周期约为20d的显著振荡。该振荡是由波长约2000km、以1.15-1.23m/s的波速向西传播的波动引起的。该波动被推断为第二斜压模态混合Rossby惯性重力波。带通滤波和低通滤波结果表明,以110°W测站为例,20d振荡流速构方根为21.8cm/s(纬向)和22.1cm/s(经向);单一流速振幅的特征值为30-50cm/s,最大振幅可达70cm/s;u季节变化的均方根小于17cm/s,v无明显季节变化。年平均流速通常小于5cm/s。以上各统计量表明,20d周期波动引起的v振荡在赤道东太平洋表层流速变化中非常显著。  相似文献   

阮正 《海洋学研究》1990,8(3):66-69
本文报导了太平洋表层海水中总汞、活性汞和有机结合态汞的浓度,并探讨了该海域汞的分布特征以及同营养盐的关系。  相似文献   

本文介绍了锰结核中几种自生、蚀变矿物的化学特征,它们大多数或多或少地含有Ni、Cu、Co,这大概与这些矿物的形成环境有关。  相似文献   

本文以太平洋CC区西区12个表层沉积物样品作为研究对象,对其粒度、化学组分和矿物成分进行分析,讨论其沉积环境和物质来源。研究区地处深海,主要以深海黏土和硅钙质黏土为主,含有少量的硅质黏土、黏土质硅质软泥和黏土质钙质软泥。黏土矿物成分主要是蒙皂石和伊利石,含有部分的高岭石和绿泥石。黏土矿物组成表明,区内沉积物主要是陆源,由高空气流携带而来,南极底流和热液活动对其物源的来源有一定影响。沉积物地球化学特征也表明,物源以陆源为主,稀土元素分布曲线和北太平洋表层海水稀土曲线类似,且表现出强的Ce亏损,表明生物活动导致的生物沉降对表层沉积物也有一定的影响。  相似文献   

剪切波在快速扩张着的东太平洋海隆两侧产生分裂的现象已由MELT(地幔电磁和层析X射线摄影法)实验中的海底地震仪记录上的SKS,SKKS相位所测量到了。快速剪切波的偏振方向与扩张方向相平行,快慢剪切波之间的延迟时间在海隆两侧不对称分布,并且太平洋板块上...  相似文献   

唐松 《海洋科学》2010,34(7):34-40
借助"中国首次环球科学考察航次",在印度洋海区进行了N、Fe、N+Fe以及N+Fe+P的营养盐添加模拟实验。通过对实验过程中水体营养盐浓度、叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度以及温度等参数进行分析,探讨了添加不同营养盐对该实验海区浮游植物生长的影响。结果表明,N的添加会引起浮游植物的快速爆发,而单独添加Fe并不能刺激浮游植物快速生长,N、P联合作用对浮游植物生长的影响远远大于单独N的作用。另外,在实验海区浮游植物优先利用海水中的硝酸盐,在硝酸根耗尽后,海水中可被利用的P会促进浮游植物的生长。实验过程中水体N/P比值的变化同叶绿素a浓度以及浮游植物生长速度(R)没有可对比性,而且N/P比值与后两者之间的相关性都差,所以认为水体中N/P比值并不能单独决定浮游植物生长。此外,实验水体温度同Chl-a浓度和R值之间相关性分析表明,水体温度虽对浮游植物生长有重要作用,但不能控制浮游植物生长。  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2007,103(1-2):1-14
We succeeded in determining the Ce isotopic composition (138Ce/142Ce) in seawater with an error of 2σm = 0.3–0.7 of ε unit. In this study, 1000–3000 L of seawater samples were passed through MnO2 fibers to concentrate Ce and Nd for precise measurement of their isotope ratios. Four surface seawater samples of the northwestern Pacific and a coastal sample in Tokyo Bay were analyzed. Most Ce isotope ratios in the surface water showed positive εCe values (+ 0.8 to + 1.4) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. These values indicate that Ce in the surface water originates from the continental crust preferentially over mantle-derived materials. We examined binary mixing model between the continental crust and mid-ocean ridge basalt. However the model could not explain both isotopic compositions and concentrations, which implies that the atmospheric input was a possible pathway for Ce into the ocean. A negative εCe value was observed in Tokyo Bay, suggesting mantle-derived sources.  相似文献   

Partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in surface seawater has been measured in the northeastern Pacific Ocean at Station P and along Line P since 1973. These data have been divided into ‘oceanic’ and ‘coastal/transition’ zones, and the seasonal and interannual variability and the long-term trends for each zone have been examined. The oceanic zone shows little seasonality in surface seawater pCO2, with undersaturation throughout the year. A strong, biologically-driven seasonal cycle is offset by variation in temperature-dependent solubility of CO2. The coastal/transition zone shows a decline in pCO2 from winter–spring through summer and fall that is likely the result of seasonal stratification and convection rather than coastal upwelling. Interannual variability all along Line P is correlated with the multivariate ENSO index (MEI), with lower seawater pCO2 associated with El Niño conditions. Correlations with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index are similar but weaker, in part because there are few data prior to the 1976 regime shift. The long-term trend in seawater pCO2 in the oceanic zone is +1.36±0.16 μatm year?1, indistinguishable from the atmospheric growth rate, and varies little among the seasons. In the coastal/transition zone a slow increase in the pCO2 of surface seawater relative to that of the atmosphere has led to increasing undersaturation, particularly in spring. Aliasing of the seasonal and interannual variability due to sampling frequency may explain part of the observed trend in the coastal/transition zone, but real changes in physical or biological processes are also possible and require more detailed study.  相似文献   

During the Subarctic Pacific Iron Experiment for Ecosystem Dynamics Study ΙΙ (SEEDS-II), we monitored variations in the concentrations of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs), CH3Cl, N2O, and CH4 within a phytoplankton bloom. Stable isotopic compositions were also determined to evaluate the sources of the variations. Although there was little variation in either the concentrations or the stable isotopic compositions of alkenes, CH3Cl, N2O, and CH4 during the 23-day observation period, alkane concentrations increased substantially as the phytoplankton bloomed. The column-integrated quantities of alkanes increased to 3 times pre-bloom levels for C2H6, 5 times for C3H8, and 20 times for n-C4H10. The δ13C values of both C2H6 and C3H8 remained almost constant while concentrations increased, whereas that of n-C4H10 increased by about 12‰. To evaluate the sources of the alkanes produced during the bloom, we compared their δ13C values with those of alkanes produced in axenic phytoplankton cultures in our laboratory. We concluded that during the SEEDS-ΙΙ experiment the major portions of C2H6 and C3H8 were produced during the autolysis of diatoms cells, whereas n-C4H10 was produced during autolysis of other phytoplankton cells such as cryptophytes and dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

2014年5月搭载"实验3"号科考船对南海东北部海区进行氮、磷营养盐现场加富培养实验。水团分析的结果表明,南海东北部海区的环境参数随着空间的变化大体可以分成3个区域:近岸海区、陆架海区和陆坡、海盆海区。加富培养过程中近岸海区和陆坡、海盆海区浮游植物未发生显著变化。陆架海区浮游植物出现显著增长,该海区浮游植物加富氮、磷以后在48h出现反应,同时添加氮、磷显著促进了浮游植物的生长。各培养站位均检测到大量束毛藻,加富培养后迅速减少。营养盐的添加改变了海区浮游植物原有的硅甲藻比例与各粒级叶绿素比例,陆架海区培养后的改变最为明显,同时添加氮磷培养72h后,由甲藻为主的优势种如卡氏前沟藻(Amphidinium carterae)、光亮鳍藻(Dinophysis argus)、原甲藻(Prorocentrumsp.)转变成了以硅藻为主如绕孢角毛藻(Chaetoceros cinctus)、旋链角毛藻(Chaetoceros curvisetus)、放射角毛藻(Chaetoceros radicans)和丹麦细柱藻(Leptocylindrus danicus)。同时,加富实验表明磷酸盐的添加促进了陆架海区微微型浮游植物聚球藻的生长。  相似文献   

2010年10月,对渤海湾西南部海域典型站位表层水体进行了模拟现场的营养盐加富培养实验。初始状态下,培养水样中溶解无机氮浓度为20.68μmol/L,磷酸盐浓度0.24μmol/L,硅酸盐浓度4.58μmol/L,叶绿素a浓度为1.05μg/L,浮游植物细胞密度为1 080 cells/L。通过改进实验设计,研究了该水样的营养盐限制类型、水样中浮游植物对不同氮磷比以及不同硝酸盐添加方式的生态响应。实验结果表明,在单一添加营养盐的各组中,添加磷酸盐的1-3组叶绿素a浓度和浮游植物细胞密度的增长状况最显著,1-3组叶绿素a浓度峰值为空白对照组1-1组的2.48倍,达到营养盐全加组1-5组同期浓度的48%,其细胞密度峰值为1-1组的1.66倍,达到1-5组同期密度的72%,该水样为磷限制。在实验条件下,浮游植物的增长在总体上随着氮磷比的降低而增大,最适宜的氮磷比为5-15左右,略低于Redfield比值16。硝酸盐的连续性添加比一次性添加更有利于浮游植物的生长,暗示了低浓度长期持续性氮污染可能会比高浓度冲击性氮污染更有效地刺激浮游植物的增长,从而造成更严重的生态问题,而此时用以往的一次性添加培养实验可能会低估浮游植物的增长潜力。  相似文献   

The concentrations of five forms of phosphorus(P) including exchangeable or loosely adsorbed P(Ex-P), Febound P(Fe-P), authigenic P(Auth-P), detrital P(Det-P), and organic P(Org-P) from the basin among the Marcus-Wake seamounts(19.4°–24°N, 156.5°–161.5°E) in the western Pacific Ocean were quantified using a sequential extraction method(SEDEX) to investigate the distribution and sources of different P species.Concentrations of total P(TP) varied from 14.0 μmol/g to 44.1 μmol/g, with an average of...  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of dimethylsulfide (DMS) in the seawater and atmosphere were conducted during SEEDS-II to investigate the responses of DMS to iron (Fe) fertilization in the subarctic North Pacific. No significant increases in the seawater DMS (DMSw) concentration were observed inside the fertilized patch compared to those outside the patch, while particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPp) concentration inside the patch increased 2-fold compared to those outside the patch in the phytoplankton bloom of major DMSP producers such as prasinophytes, cryptophytes, diatoms and prymnesiophytes. In the decline phase of the bloom, maximum DMSw was observed both inside the patch (ca. 6.2 nM) and outside the patch (ca. 9.3 nM). In this period, increases in mesozooplankton and decreases in the DMSP producers (prymnesiophytes and diatoms) were observed both sides of the patch, but larger inside the patch than outside the patch. Large decreases in the DMSPp inside the patch, which was probably related to the large increases in mesozooplankton inside the patch, did not result in increases in the DMSw concentration. Considering biological and nonbiological parameters, we discussed these results, although they could not be completely explained. Unfortunately, the impact of Fe fertilization on the atmospheric DMS (DMSa) concentration was not detected due to no significant changes in DMSw. However, it is noted that DMSa concentrations were dependent on the sea–air DMS flux in the air from higher latitudes and/or the Eurasian continent, though the DMS flux was a minor role to the budget of DMSw. Therefore if DMSw were significantly changed by Fe fertilization, DMSa might be affected through changes in the sea-air flux in this condition.  相似文献   

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