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浙江缙云县大洋山石鼓尖花岗岩坑穴成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浙江缙云县大洋山石鼓尖海拔1477m,在其山顶花岗岩表面发现大量直径几十厘米至1m左右、深度10cm至45cm的坑穴。经对60处坑穴的形态量测发现,坑穴主要发育在山坡的NE和SE一侧;坑穴积水后出水口流向亦主要朝向NE和SE。对岩石标本的偏光显微镜和X荧光光谱鉴定分析发现,该处基岩为易风化、泥化明显的中细粒钾长花岗岩。该处年平均气温9.2oC,年降水量在1700mm以上,每年12月至翌年3月会经历4个月日气温在0oC上下波动的冰缘作用期,雨雪水冻融交替对基岩的崩解作用明显。该处位于夏季台风雨迎风坡(NE和SE坡)一侧,暴雨常伴随有10级以上大风。现场常可见风力吹蚀带动坑穴中细岩屑对坑穴内壁产生加速旋转磨蚀作用。上述研究表明,该处花岗岩坑穴形成的主要动力成因首先是冰缘寒冻风化作用,暴雨和山顶大风的风力吹蚀加速了坑穴的形成。观察表明,此种作用目前仍在进行之中,风向的转变是造成坑穴出现多种形态的主要原因。由于此处海拔距雪线尚有1500m高差,即使在第四纪盛冰期也仅是接近雪线高度,且因山顶无积雪屯冰的低洼地形,因此,第四纪“冰臼”成因说难以成立。  相似文献   

Weathering pits 1–140 cm deep occur on granite surfaces in the Cairngorms associated with a range of landforms, including tors, glacially exposed slabs, large erratics and blockfields. Pit depth is positively correlated with cosmogenic exposure age, and both measures show consistent relationships on individual rock landforms. Rates of pit deepening are non‐linear and a best fit is provided by the sigmoidal function D = b1 + exp(b2+b3/t). The deepest pits occur on unmodified tor summits, where 10Be exposure ages indicate that surfaces have been exposed to weathering for a minimum of 52–297 ka. Glacially exposed surfaces with pits 10–46 cm deep have given 10Be exposure durations of 21–79 ka, indicating exposure by glacial erosion before the last glacial cycle. The combination of cosmogenic exposure ages with weathering pit depths greatly extends the area over which inferences can be made regarding the ages of granite surfaces in the Cairngorms. Well‐developed weathering pits on glacially exposed surfaces in other granite areas are potential indicators of glacial erosion before the Last Glacial Maximum.  相似文献   

The low lying Nal region in western India, linking the Gulf of Kachchh with the Gulf of Khambhat through the Little Rann and Nal Sarovar is barely 15 m above msl and lacks surface exposures. The evolutionary history of the Nal region using remote sensing data and sub-surface lithological correlation indicated that late Quaternary sedimentation in the Nal region was governed by changes in sea level and by tectonism in the region of Cambay Graben. The geomorphic evidence for changes in sea level was found in the form of inland palaeo-deltas and old mud flats. Abrupt changes in lithological data in the vicinity of Nal region pointed to the role of tectonism. Contrary to the earlier view, a shallow sea linked the Gulf of Kachchh to the Gulf of Khambhat only in a time period around Marine Isotope Stage 5. Our studies also suggest that the Nal region itself may not have witnessed any major uplift (beyond 10 m) during late Quaternary.  相似文献   

广东省花岗岩出露区面积大,不同侵蚀风化壳岩层为母质的土壤侵蚀过程和侵蚀类型区域差异明显,因此依据不同侵蚀土壤类型的特点进行治理显得十分必要.该省德庆县花岗岩风化壳土壤侵蚀非常严重.在对该地区花岗岩风化壳特性与侵蚀过程关系调查基础上,对花岗岩风化壳剖面分带特征及其物理化学垂直分异特点进行了分析,探讨了花岗岩区侵蚀土壤的发生机理,对花岗岩区主要侵蚀土壤类型、特点及其治理对策进行了讨论.  相似文献   

The Central Karakoram, which includes K2 in Pakistan, is one of the most rapidly rising areas on Earth and exhibits complex topography and extreme relief. Impressive valley fills and glacial landforms are present throughout the valleys. The dynamics of landscape evolution of the region are currently not well understood. Consequently, the landforms were mapped and assessed in the Skardu, Shigar, and Braldu valleys, to elucidate the spatio-temporal scale dependencies of surface processes active in the region. These valleys were examined using geomorphic field methods, remote sensing, geomorphometry, and terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCNs) surface exposure dating. The glaciers in this region have oscillated considerably throughout the Late Quaternary, and four glacial stages have been recognized including at least six glacial advances. Surface processes readjusted after glacier retreat, and ubiquitous mass movements and catastrophic landsliding transported material from steep slopes to valley bottoms, while glaciofluvial meltwater and glacier outburst floods redistributed sediment down valley. Glacier geochronology and late Holocene ages of the outburst flood deposits indicate that landscape evolution has been dominated by glaciation and paraglaciation during the late Quaternary.  相似文献   

Threshold is a limit and marginal point when a qualitative change takes place.Since threshold principle was firstly used in landform research by S.A.Schumm in the 1970s,the quantitative research on watershed landform development stage has come true.Davis proposed a three-stage model on landform evolution:young ,mature and old stages.Thereafter Stahler quantified this model by hypsometric analysis method.The authors thought that the material movement stage cannot be expressed by hypsometric method in watershed landform at development stage,because of the uncertainty on stage delimitaion.To meet this shortcoming,this paper presents an integral erosion value method.A clear delimitation on landform development stage in the Loess Plateau region has been tested by this method.The result shows that gullied loessial hilly area is at the mature stage,and gullied loessial tableland area is at the young stage.It is estimated that from the point of erosion related sediment yield,natural erosion accounts for 70% of the total erosion amount,and artificial accelerating erosion is 30%.Therefore soil and water conservation is very crucial for the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Micropiping processes and biancana evolution in southeast Tuscany, Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biancane badlands consisting of small domes dissected by rills and micropipes, with rough disordered microrehef, can be found along the Apennines in Italy. The dominant processes forming biancane differ from those of badlands formed on smectite-rich mudrocks, as micropipes associated with pseudokarstic enlargement of pores and cracks predominate and form the main routes for evacuation of eroded material.Biancana evolution is controlled by water infiltration into intact bedrock, producing an erodible weathering ‘rind’ which is more porous than intact rock. This rind is easily removed by rill or micropipe flow, and erosion is therefore ‘weathering-controlled’, depending on rind production by infiltrating water. Infiltration is initially slow and stepped, due to slow water movement through very small capillary pores in intact rock alternating with rapid filling of macropores and cracks. This occurs due to rapid matrix pore enlargement by dispersion and/or dissolution. The infiltration pattern is accurately reproduced by a model built on progressive development of weathering layers by moisture penetration. Model results are consistent with weathering rind depths and erosion observed in the field, and show that a pipe network can be generated on newly exposed rock by the rainfall of one year.Propagation of the pipe network diverts a progressively larger proportion of runoff into micropipes, expanding weathering rind production within the biancana as well as on the surface. Internal weathering and flow progressively dominate with few unweathered corestones, and the biancana gradually collapses into a penultimate “soufflé-like” form.  相似文献   

对青藏高原东部若尔盖盆地内外实地考察,在玛曲瓶颈段黄河二级阶地前沿陡坎,发现了含有古深湖相和古河床河漫滩相地层序列的典型沉积剖面。通过沉积物粒度特征分析和光释光(optically stimulated luminescence,OSL)测年,研究结果表明:① 剖面下部淡蓝灰色古深湖相沉积层为深水厌氧环境下形成的湖相沉积物,而覆盖其上的杂色卵石层夹淡黄橙色透镜状沙层则是古河床河漫滩相沉积物,指示了强动力流水作用过程。这2组地层的不整合接触关系,是黄河切开若尔盖湖盆导致古湖水外泄的直接证据。② 剖面古深湖相沉积层顶部和古滨浅湖相沉积层底部的OSL测年结果表明,古黄河在37 ka BP切开若尔盖湖盆,导致湖水外泄,35 ka BP湖水变浅消失,黄河沟通了若尔盖盆地水系。③ 晚更新世东昆仑大断裂强烈的新构造运动和37 ka 温暖湿润气候的综合影响使得尚处于玛曲断陷谷地草原的古黄河源溯源侵蚀加剧,由西向东在玛曲城南瓶颈段切开了若尔盖古湖盆,导致古湖水外泄,从而沟通了若尔盖湖盆的水系,使之成为黄河源。该研究结果对于深入理解青藏高原东北部河湖水系演变及黄河水系的形成具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

Desert pavement surfaces of the eastern Libyan Plateau in central Egypt represent a stable landscape preserving Middle and Upper Paleolithic artifacts. Detailed measurements of pavement clasts indicate significant variability in clast size, density, lithology and orientation between pavements, but no spatial relationship among any of these pavement variables over the study area. Pavement characteristics are unrelated to local geomorphic features including slope gradient and aspect, suggesting a desert pavement surface that has developed without significant influence from transporting mechanisms such as overland flow and slope failure. Meridional vertical cracks in surface clasts implicate thermal stresses due to diurnal solar variation as a mechanical weathering process, whereas the presence of a clast-free silty layer within all soil profiles indicates that these are accretionary pavement surfaces that have grown upward over time. The desert pavement in this region has likely developed in situ through mechanical breakdown of surface clasts and desert pedogenesis, indicating long-term stability for this region and minimal taphonomic effects on artifacts > 2 cm in diameter deposited on this surface over the last ca. 100 ka.  相似文献   

Fluvial process and morphology of the Brahmaputra River in Assam, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Brahmaputra River finds its origin in the Chema Yundung glacier of Tibet and flows through India and Bangladesh. The slope of the river decreases suddenly in front of the Himalayas and results in the deposition of sediment and a braided channel pattern. It flows through Assam, India, along a valley comprising its own Recent alluvium. In Assam the basin receives 300 cm mean annual rainfall, 66–85% of which occurs in the monsoon period from June through September. Mean annual discharge at Pandu for 1955–1990 is 16,682.24 m3 s 1. Average monthly discharge is highest in July (19%) and lowest in February (2%). Most hydrographs exhibit multiple flood peaks occurring at different times from June to September. The mean annual suspended sediment load is 402 million tons and average monthly sediment discharge is highest in June (19.05%) and lowest in January (1.02%). The bed load at Pandu was found to be 5–15% of the total load of the river. Three kinds of major geomorphic units are found in the basin. The river bed of the Brahmaputra shows four topographic levels, with increasing height and vegetation. The single first order primary channels of this braided river split into two or more smaller second order channels separated by bars and islands. The second order channels are of three kinds. The maximum length and width of the bars in the area under study are 18.43 km and 6.17 km, respectively. The Brahmaputra channel is characterised by mid-channel bars, side bars, tributary mouth bars and unit bars. The geometry of meandering tributary rivers shows that the relationship between meander wavelength and bend radius is most linear. The Brahmaputra had been undergoing overall aggradation by about 16 cm during 1971 to 1979. The channel of the Brahmaputra River has been migrating because of channel widening and avulsion. The meandering tributaries change because of neck cut-off and progressive shifting at the meander bends. The braiding index of the Brahmaputra has been increasing from 6.11 in 1912–1928 to 8.33 in 1996. During the twentieth century, the total amount of bank area lost from erosion was 868 km2. Maximum rate of shift of the north bank to south resulting in erosion was 227.5 m/year and maximum rate of shift of the south bank to north resulting in accretion was 331.56 m/year. Shear failure of upper bank and liquefaction of clayey-silt materials are two main causes of bank erosion.  相似文献   

A comprehensive methodology that integrates the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and Geographic Information System (GIS) was adopted in this study to determine the soil erosion and sediment yield of the Irga watershed in Jharkhand, India. Based on the availability and applicability of data in a GIS-environment, the original equations for the model input parameters were, however, modified by researchers. In the present study, a power-law equation was generated to estimate the rainfall erosivity (R) factor, and the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient used to determine the accuracy of the modified R factor. Average annual soil erosion in the Irga watershed is estimated to be 4.3 t ha?1 yr?1. On the other hand, average annual sediment yield of the watershed, estimated using the sediment delivery ratio, was found to be 1.2 t ha?1 yr?1. Low sediment yield indicates that most of the eroded soil was deposited within the watershed.  相似文献   

On top of Shigujian Peak (1477 m a.s.l.) of the Dayangshan Mountain in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province, large amounts of granite pits with diameters ranging from several dozens of centimeters to around one meter and depth from 10 cm to 45 cm are found on rock surface. These pits mainly appear on the NE and SE sides, and their drainage mouths are in the same direction. The identification results through micropolariscope and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer reveal that bedrock of pits is from middle to fine-grained moyite being apt to be weathered and modified. In Dayangshan region the annual mean temperature is 9.2°C and annual precipitation is over 1700 mm. On the one hand, there always experiences a period of periglacial action with temperature oscillating near 0°C for 4 months, i.e., from December to March next year. As a consequence, the freezing-thawing cycles may be remarkable to disintegrate the bedrock. On the other hand, the windward slope of Shigujian Peak meets typhoon of over force 10 on the Beaufort scale in summer, therefore, the blowing makes suspending sands or pebbles grind in swirling form. Based on field investigation and periglacial geomorphic theory, the pits on top of Shigujian Peak are attributed to freezing-thawing of periglacial action. Meanwhile, storm and strong wind accelerate the process. Observation shows that both the actions are still undergoing and variant directions of wind are the main cause for making different shapes of the pits. Because the top of Shigujian is 1500 m lower than the present snow line, some scholars considered that “glacial pothole” formed in the Quaternary is hard to work, even though in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Foundation: Regional landform and landscape survey programme of the Zhejiang Institute of Geological Survey Author: Zhu Cheng (1954–), Professor, specialized in geomorphology and the Quaternary geology.  相似文献   

On top of Shigujian Peak (1477 m a.s.l.) of the Dayangshan Mountain in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province, large amounts of granite pits with diameters ranging from several dozens of centimeters to around one meter and depth from 10 cm to 45 cm are found on rock surface. These pits mainly appear on the NE and SE sides, and their drainage mouths are in the same direction. The identification results through micropolariscope and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer reveal that bedrock of pits is from middle to fine-grained moyite being apt to be weathered and modified. In Dayangshan region the annual mean temperature is 9.2℃ and annual precipitation is over 1700 mm. On the one hand, there always experiences a period of periglacial action with temperature oscillating near 0℃ for 4 months, i.e., from December to March next year. As a consequence, the freezing-thawing cycles may be remarkable to disintegrate the bedrock. On the other hand, the windward slope of Shigujian Peak meets typhoon of over force 10 on the Beaufort scale in summer, therefore, the blowing makes suspending sands or pebbles grind in swirling form. Based on field investigation and periglacial geomorphic theory, the pits on top of Shigujian Peak are attributed to freezing- thawing of periglacial action. Meanwhile, storm and strong wind accelerate the process. Observation shows that both the actions are still undergoing and variant directions of wind are the main cause for making different shapes of the pits. Because the top of Shigujian is 1500 m lower than the present snow line, some scholars considered that “glacial pothole” formed in the Quaternary is hard to work, even though in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).  相似文献   

A model for the evolution of weathered landsurfaces in Uganda is developed using available geotectonic, climatic, sedimentological and chronological data. The model demonstrates the pivotal role of tectonic uplift in inducing cycles of stripping, and tectonic quiescence for cycles of deep weathering. It is able to account for the development of key landforms, such as inselbergs and duricrust-capped plateaux, which previous hypotheses of landscape evolution that are based on climatic or eustatic controls are unable to explain. Development of the Ugandan landscape is traced back to the Permian. Following late Palaeozoic glaciation, a trend towards warmer and more humid climates through the Mesozoic enabled deep weathering of the Jurassic/mid-Cretaceous surface in Uganda during a period of prolonged tectonic quiescence. Uplift associated with the opening South Atlantic Ocean terminated this cycle and instigated a cycle of stripping between the mid-Cretaceous and early Miocene. Deep weathering on the succeeding Miocene to recent (African) surface has occurred from Miocene to present but has been interrupted in the areas adjacent to the western rift where development of a new drainage base level has prompted cycles of stripping in the Miocene and Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a life history trait that plays a key role in population dynamics. We used camera traps to estimate the distance male and female tigers (Panthera tigris) dispersed from Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve (RTR) in semi-arid habitats of western India from 2003 to 2010. We deployed camera traps whenever tiger tracks were found in places adjacent to protected areas where tigers had not been recently reported. We identified tigers by matching strip patterns by using their photographs with the database of camera-trapped tigers of RTR at the Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun. We determined the aerial distance (straight line) between the last location of photo-capture in the natal area (in RTR) and the location of the most recent photo-capture. One female and three male tigers that dispersed from RTR were identified from photographs. The longest distance dispersed by a tiger was 148.4 km, and the average dispersed distance was 124.2 ± 23.7 km (n = 3) for male tigers and 78.4 km for the female tiger. The minimum age of the male tigers when they dispersed was 24 months. These data are important for making conservation and management decisions for restoration of potential connectivity between landscapes.  相似文献   

中国花岗岩地貌的类型特征与演化   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在中国南方亚热带季风气候条件下, 自中、上新世以来的夷平面及其深厚的花岗岩风化壳在后期不同程度构造抬升-下切过程中, 造成许多中国特有的花岗岩地貌类型, 如黄山和三清山等处的花岗岩峰林、石林、造型石、风动石等。本文讨论了中国花岗岩风化壳和地貌的时空演化规律, 提出地貌发育年代与中、上新世广布的夷平面的密切关系, 以及在不同抬升背景下, 花岗岩地貌与风化壳的关系。并可据此推算不同山地的抬升幅度, 沿海仅抬升约200m, 向内地逐渐增大, 到南岭或大别山、伏牛山则达到约1600~2000 m。  相似文献   

松嫩平原杜蒙沙地地表物质的地化组成及风化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢远云  孟杰  郭令芬  何葵  康春国 《中国沙漠》2013,33(4):1009-1018
本文分析了杜蒙沙地表土样品各粒级组分(全样、>63 μm、63~30μm、30~11 μm和<11 μm)的常量元素组成。结果表明:杜蒙沙地地表物质化学元素组成以Si、Al为主,与上地壳相比,除Si、Mn和Ti外,Fe、Mg、Ca和P严重亏损,Al和Na中度亏损,K轻微亏损;除Si、Al、Na、K外,Fe、Mg、Ca、Ti、P、Mn的变异系数均很高;常量元素在不同粒级中的变化程度按照Al相似文献   

东北典型黑土区气候、地貌演化与黑土发育关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过野外实地调查,利用地层学方法结合孢粉分析结果,研究了黑土区地层地貌的发育历史、地层序列以及古气候变化,重建黑土、黑钙土的发育历史及发育所需的地貌、气候条件。结果表明,黑土从温暖湿润的晚更新世早期便开始在嫩江的二、三级阶地上发育,而黑钙土则从全新世初开始在嫩江的一级阶地上发育,这时气候处于暖干期,且一级阶地地势较低,水位相对较高,容易接受上方高地淋洗下来的钙,从而在土壤中形成比较典型的淀积层。可见,地貌条件及气候因素对黑土、黑钙土的形成发育起到至关重要的作用。研究结果为黑土区的水土保持及土壤改良研究提供理论基础,同时为正确评估黑土层的侵蚀速率及制订合理的改良措施提供科学的参考。  相似文献   

刘前进  于兴修 《地理研究》2010,29(8):1471-1483
以具北方土石山区典型特征的沂蒙山区为例,在分析土壤侵蚀过程的基础上,选取具生态学意义的侵蚀强度景观格局指数,从垂直维度上分析侵蚀景观格局变化特征。结果表明:土壤侵蚀景观格局具有显著垂直分带性。50~200带为低侵蚀稳定区,人类活动影响大,缀块成片分布,连通性强,形状较规则;400~800带为高侵蚀稳定区,自然因素起主导作用,缀块密度大且分散,形状较复杂;200~400带为侵蚀景观急剧变化区,侵蚀程度随高程增加而增大,自然因素作用增强。微度与轻度侵蚀景观、强烈与极强烈侵蚀景观具相同垂直变化趋势,此两组侵蚀景观变化趋势的差异主要分布于低于300带和高于500带处;中度侵蚀景观变化趋势可视为前两组侵蚀景观变化趋势的过渡。  相似文献   

The karst landforms distributed on the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau can be genetically classed with the Tertiary underground karst, which were gradually exhumed to the surface with the uplift of the plateau during Quaternary period. The relative deposits of the Tertiary palaeokarst processes, such as the residuum and speleothem, were discovered recently in the southern and southeastern fringe areas of the plateau, where has geological-currently been disintegrated by the headward erosion processes of the modern river systems. The major chemical components of the clay portion of the residuum consist mainly of SiO2C, Al2CO3 and Fe2O3. The clay minerals composition of the clay portion belongs to illite-kaolinite pattern for most of the residuum samples, and kaolinite-illite pattern for a few of the samples. It can be judged from the silicic acid index and the clay minerals composition that the formation of the residuum of the Plateau was in its initial phase. However, such a lower chemical weathering index only reflected the weathering degree in the bottom or lower parts of the lateritic weathering crust. The relatively intensive chemical weathering processes of the surface layers of the lateritic weathering crust could be logically speculated. The surface feature textures of quartz grains in the residuum were formed mainly by the chemical erosion, which revealed a long-term humid-tropical environment when the residuum and the palaeokarst formed.  相似文献   

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