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The Matsitama schist belt in northeastern Botswana comprises an area of metasediments, notably quartzites, limestones, shales and amphibolites that are bounded by granites and gneisses. The belt lies southwest of the Rhodesian cration and north of the Limpopo mobile belt.Stratigraphic, structural and lead isotopic evidence indicates that the Matsitama metasediments are equivalent to the Shashi metasediments in the Limpopo belt. There is strong evidence that the Matsitama and Shashi metasediments stratigraphically underlie volcanic rocks of the Tati belt which have been correlated with Archaean schist belts of about 2700 Ma of Rhodesia. Therefore, the Matsitama and Shashi rocks are at least as old as the schist belts of the Rhodesian craton and may represent a shallow-water facies that occurs only in the Limpopo area.There is no structural evidence that the Matsitama and Shashi metasediments were deposited unconformably on basement rocks, although the presence of gneiss, amphibolite and ironstone pebbles in a Matsitama conglomerate, as well as the presence of orthoquartzites, shows the existence of a basement source region. However, the surrounding granites intrude the Matsitama and Shashi metasediments and all underwent several deformation phases.The structural history of the Matsitama rocks can be described in terms of five phases of deformation. The main cleavage-producing deformation phase, F2, folded the rocks into a major synform and intensely deformed them. Before this, however, the rocks had been folded and thrust so that part of the succession shows downward-facing F2 structures and there are possibly repetitions of the stratigraphy due to imbrication. Structures of the F3 and F4 phases fold the main cleavage but locally are sufficiently intense to modify the shape of the finite strain ellipsoid. There is a major ductile shear zone of F4 age, south of which F4 folds are tight, while to the north, F4 deformation is negligible. All of these structures can be correlated with deformation phases in the Tati schist belt to the east and in the northern part of the Limpopo mobile belt.Lead isotope evidence suggests that mineralization in the Matsitama metasediments occurred at least 2200 Ma ago, and that leads from Dihudi/Thakadu and Messina, in the centre of the Limpopo belt, underwent a two-stage history of events at 2600–2700 Ma and 2000–2100 Ma ago, agreeing with other geochronological evidence. The leads from Matsitama and Messina are isotopically distinct from leads from the Rhodesian schist belts, which show evidence of transfer to the crust some 3500 Ma ago. The absence of this 3500 Ma-old lead from the Matsitama and Messina environments may indicate different crustal conditions and possibly the absence of the Rhodesian-type early basement.  相似文献   

Variations in intensity of deformation have been examined in the Fort Victoria greenstone belt in southern Rhodesia and in the Tati belt in northeast Botswana, both of which are on the diffuse northern border of the Limpopo mobile belt. Much of the deformation is related to widespread Limpopo events, and not to diapiric granite intrusions previously considered of major importance in the development of the Early Precambrian crust.Variations in intensity of deformation are due to the form of the major structures and to localised major ductile shear zones which cut both granites and greenstone belts. The pattern of deformation within the belts depends partly on how the granites behaved. Whether the schist belts deformed homogeneously or were part rotated and cut by shear zones depended on whether the granites deformed homogenously with the schist belt matrix or whether they were deformed by block sliding.  相似文献   

During the early development of the Rhodesian craton the regional metamorphism of some of the oldest rocks of Bulawayan and Shamvalan age, was apparently progressive and is expressed in terms of a clearly defined metamorphic zonation established under conditions of relatively high geothermal gradients in which very low grades typical of the central craton pass into extremely high grades that define the cratonic margin particularly within the Zambezi and the Limpopo belts. The distribution of the associated early granitic rocks relates to the metamorphic pattern, thus implying that both metamorphism and granite development were due to thermal highs centred on the Limpopo mobile belt and possibly the Zambezi belt.  相似文献   


The Archaean granite‐greenstone rocks of the Marymia Inlier outcrop within Proterozoic rocks forming the Capricorn Orogen. Five major deformation events are recognised in the rocks of the Plutonic Well and Baumgarten greenstone belts. The first two events were Late Archaean and synchronous with major epithermal gold mineralisation in the belts. Palaeoproterozoic extensional faulting was probably related to the early stages of the Capricorn Orogeny. The fourth event records a compressional phase of the Capricorn Orogeny associated with greenschist‐facies metamorphism, whereas the last major event involved wrench faulting associated with minor folding. The Archaean tectonic history, rock types and timing of mineralisation strongly suggest that the Marymia Inlier is part of the Yilgarn Craton, and that each of the provinces in the craton experienced the same geological history since 2.72 Ga. The inlier is now interpreted to include two components; one is the eastern or northern extension of either the Narryer Terrane, Murchison Province or Southern Cross Province, and the other is the northwestern extension of the Eastern Goldfields Province. The Jenkin Fault, which was active in Proterozoic times, separates these two components.  相似文献   

The Precambrian metamorphic complex in the southern portion of Wind River Canyon is interpreted as being a fragment of an Archaean greenstone belt. The sequence is composed of meta-sediments inferred to have been various types of pelites and psammites, including graywackes and shales, and a silicate facies banded-iron formation. Meta-volcanics are represented by massive amphibolites.The area has undergone three periods of roughly coaxial folding that represent a single tectonic pattern. A period of intrusion of leucogranite with associated pegmatites separates the first two periods of deformation. These rocks appear to have been derived anatectically from sialic material at greater depth, suggesting the possibility of a sialic basement on which the greenstone belt rocks accumulated. Boudinage of the country rocks can be correlated with either or both of the first two folding episodes, and boudinage of the intrusive rocks occurred with different styles in the axial surfaces of the second and third generation folds.One period of amphibolite-facies metamorphism corresponds to the first and second deformational phases. Minor retrograde effects, fracture fillings, and small-scale metasomatism occurred either in the waning stages of the metamorphism or during a minor subsequent thermal event.Numerous Archaean ages from the Wyoming Precambrian province place Wind River Canyon in a region where examples of such greenstone belts might be expected. As no young intrusive or tectonic events have been reported from the area, the youngest deformational features discussed are considered to be not much younger than reported radiometric dates and therefore not of regional significance.  相似文献   

Four suites of granitoids intruded the supracrustal greenstone sequence in the Murchison Province of the Archaean Yilgarn Craton during a 300 million year period. The earliest granitoid suite intruded the base of the developing greenstone sequence as a series of thin subhorizontal tabular plutons of monzogranite and granodiorite at 2.9Ga. This suite has been deformed and metamorphosed, and is now a pegmatite-banded gneiss. At about 2.7 Ga, thick, subhorizontal, tabular plutons of monzogranite intruded the base of the greenstone sequence. This suite, which now forms much of the regions between greenstone belts, was folded and recrystallized during regional deformation and metamorphism. Two distinct but contemporaneous suites of post-folding granitoids intruded the greenstone belts at 2.6 Ga, largely post-dating regional metamorphism. One suite of post-folding granitoids comprises tonalite, trondhjemite, granodiorite and monzogranite plutons, confined mainly to the north of the Province. The other suite comprises quartz-rich monzogranite and syenogranite plutons, confined mainly to the south of the Province.Pegmatite-banded gneiss, recrystallized monzogranite, and the northern suite of post-folding granitoids were all derived by partial-melting of mafic crustal rocks. Most post-folding granitoids from the southern suite were derived by partial-melting of siliceous crustal material at least as old as basal greenstones. The modes and sites of intrusion of all granitoid plutons were controlled by active tectonic processes or by structural features of the crust. Widespread 2.6 Ga Rb---Sr ages of pegmatite-banded gneiss and recrystallized monzogranite reflect post-metamorphic cooling which was contemporaneous with intrusion of post-folding granitoids.  相似文献   

A new National Geological Map of Botswana incorporates data acquired from a variety of sources; the map is produced as a 1:1 million hardcopy as well as in digital format. The new map shows the pre-Kalahari Group geology. The oldest rocks are exposed in eastern Botswana where three Archaean terranes are recognised: the western parts of the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe Cratons and the western part of the Limpopo Mobile Belt. All three terranes are lithologically similar but differ in their structural styles and in the timing of major thermal events. The oldest (pre-3.0 Gal high-grade metamorphic rocks are found in the Kaapvaal Craton, and the youngest in the Limpopo Mobile Belt, which appears to record Palæoproterozoic ductile shearing. Proterozoic orogenic belts, mostly concealed beneath Karoo rocks, define the western limits of the Archaean terranes and pprogressively young westwards away from the Archaean rocks. The Palwoproterozoic Magondi and Kheis Belts are well-defined by regional magnetic maps, but both are very poorly exposed in Botswana. The Kheis Belt trends due north from South Africa into central Botswana to define the western edge of the Kaapvaal Craton. The western part of the Magondi Belt, as well as all of a Mesoproterozoic (Kibaran) belt and rift are overprinted by the Neoproterozoic Damara Belt; all have pronounced northeasterly trends. During the Palæoproterozoic, there was also significant intraplate magmatism, sedimentation and deformation within the Archæan terranes. Some of the magmatism (in southeastern Botswana) was contemporaneous with, and lithologically similar to, the Bushveld Igneous Complex of South Africa. The main feature of the Mesoproterozoic geology of Botswana is a northeast trending rift that extends right across the northwest of the country and which is partly infilled with ca 1 106 Ma volcanic rocks. Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks overlie the volcanics within the rift. The various rocks are exposed along the Ghanzi Ridge and to the northeast in the Chobe District.New detailed airborne magnetic surveys in northwest Botswana (Ngamiland) show the detailed geology of the northeast trending inland branch of the Damara Belt and exactly define its northwestern and southeastern boundaries. The southeastern part of the Damara Belt comprises the Mesoproterozoic volcanics of the Kgwebe Formation and the Neoproterozoic Ghanzi Group sedimentary strata. The full extent of the volcanics, and of the three formations recognised in the Ghanzi Group, is shown on the new map. Deformation of these rocks increases to the northwest where they are bounded by the tectono-stratigraphical Roibok Group. To the northwest of the Roibok Group are poorly dated granitoid rocks separated into several units that are locally overlain by carbonate-dominated sequences. A cover sequence of metasedimentary rocks with northnorthwest trending folds lies northwest of the Damara Belt. These sediments may overlie the southernmost part of the Congo Craton in the extreme northwest of Botswana. Neoproterozoic/ Lower Palæozoic sediments of the Nama Group partly infill a foreland basin to the south of the Damara belt in western Botswana.Karoo strata deposited within the Kalahari Basin underlie central Botswana. The distribution of the four major sedimentary groups, as well as of the capping basalts, is shown. The total thickness of the sediments is < 2000 m and the basalts are up to 1000 m in thickness. The sediments comprise a lower sequence (Dwyka and Ecca Groups) related to regional sagging and an upper sequence (Beaufort and Lebung Groups) that succeeded regional uplift that created intra-Karoo unconformities. Karoo sedimentation commenced towards the end of the Carboniferous Period and the basalts were extruded at about 180 Ma before Present. Wherever there have been detailed studies undertaken on the Karoo rocks, they show intense faulting that may or may not mimic structures in the pre-Karoo bedrock. The faulting appears to be post-sedimentation. No evidence was found for growth faults producing abnormal thicknesses of Karoo sediments. It is always possible to correlate the internal stratigraphy, at least at the formational level across the faults. Abnormal thicknesses of the basalts are preserved on the downthrow sides of the major faults. A major dyke swarm coeval with the extrusive basalts trends east-southeast right across north-central Botswana to cut across older structural trends.Over 200 kimberlites are shown on the new map. The kimberlites are distributed throughout Botswana in a number of separate clusters. Most of the kimberlites are of Cretaceous age. Isopachs are shown of the Kalahari Group, which is generally < 180 m in total thickness.  相似文献   

文章通过系统梳理津巴布韦克拉通成矿年代学研究成果,结合野外观测工作、赋矿岩体间接年龄测定以及热液矿物的同位素年龄测定,总结了其区内典型地区如Harare-Shamva绿岩带、Midlands绿岩带、Mutare绿岩带及Limpopo活动带北缘的金矿化时限分布特征,提出主金矿化年龄分布范围为2 660 Ma—2 610 Ma,接近于新太古代地壳块体稳定克拉通化阶段末期,属同构造期或后构造期成矿;另一期矿化作用时限为2 420 Ma—2 380 Ma,与后克拉通化作用中大岩墙的侵位、区域性应力转换拉伸以及再活化作用引起的广泛的岩浆作用有关。两期矿化作用事件可与其它地区典型克拉通相类比。  相似文献   

In the Eastern Lachlan Orogen, the mineralised Molong and Junee‐Narromine Volcanic Belts are two structural belts that once formed part of the Ordovician Macquarie Arc, but are now separated by younger Silurian‐Devonian strata as well as by Ordovician quartz‐rich turbidites. Interpretation of deep seismic reflection and refraction data across and along these belts provides answers to some of the key questions in understanding the evolution of the Eastern Lachlan Orogen—the relationship between coeval Ordovician volcanics and quartz‐rich turbidites, and the relationship between separate belts of Ordovician volcanics and the intervening strata. In particular, the data provide evidence for major thrust juxtaposition of the arc rocks and Ordovician quartz‐rich turbidites, with Wagga Belt rocks thrust eastward over the arc rocks of the Junee‐Narromine Volcanic Belt, and the Adaminaby Group thrust north over arc rocks in the southern part of the Molong Volcanic Belt. The seismic data also provide evidence for regional contraction, especially for crustal‐scale deformation in the western part of the Junee‐Narromine Volcanic Belt. The data further suggest that this belt and the Ordovician quartz‐rich turbidites to the east (Kirribilli Formation) were together thrust over ?Cambrian‐Ordovician rocks of the Jindalee Group and associated rocks along west‐dipping inferred faults that belong to a set that characterises the middle crust of the Eastern Lachlan Orogen. The Macquarie Arc was subsequently rifted apart in the Silurian‐Devonian, with Ordovician volcanics preserved under the younger troughs and shelves (e.g. Hill End Trough). The Molong Volcanic Belt, in particular, was reworked by major down‐to‐the‐east normal faults that were thrust‐reactivated with younger‐on‐older geometries in the late Early ‐ Middle Devonian and again in the Carboniferous.  相似文献   

Banded iron formations occur in greenstone belts in which volcanic rocks are predominant. Greenstone belts are not restricted to the Archaean (>2500 Ma), as is commonly perceived, but they continued to form, albeit in lesser abundance, in the Proterozoic. Thus, banded iron formations which are closely associated with volcanic sequences occur in several well-documented early-mid Proterozoic greenstone belts. Examples are the Yavapai belts at Jerome in Arizona, the Trans-Amazonian belts in Guiana, and the Dalma belts of the Singhbhum region of NE India. Stratigraphic and sedimentological studies are needed to establish the similarities and differences of these iron formations with those in Archaean greenstone belts, and with the banded iron formations which were common in cratonic-shelf environments in the early-mid Proterozoic.  相似文献   

琉璃庙地区变质杂岩主要由变质上壳岩、变质深成侵入杂岩及其脉岩群组成.它们多数经韧性变形改造形成各种类型糜棱岩和构造片岩.研究表明,变质上壳岩原岩主要以钙碱性火山(熔)岩为主.本区变质杂岩经历了三期变质变形作用,即高角闪岩相区域变质作用形成大型复式同斜紧闭褶皱;绿帘角闪岩相动力变质作用及强烈的韧性变形,形成了以蓝闪石为特征的不同强度的糜棱岩带;绿片岩相动力变质作用和韧脆性变形作用.  相似文献   

Recent geological mapping and U/Pb age determinations show that the Kasila Group has many of the characteristics shown by the Limpopo Belt and other high-grade linear metamorphic belts. The Kasila Group appears to form the southwestern periphery of the dominantly low-grade West African Archaean Craton.  相似文献   

Archaean gneiss-greenstone relationships are still unresolved in many ancient cratonic terrains although there is growing evidence that most of the late Archaean greenstone assemblages were deposited on older tonalitic crust.We report here well defined basement-cover relationships from a late Archaean greenstone belt in Lapland, north of the Polar Circle. The basal greenstone sequence contains quartzite, schist, komatiitic volcanics and an unusual volcanic conglomerate with well preserved granite pebbles of an older basement. These rocks surround a gneiss dome composed of foliated tonalite which shows a polyphase deformation pattern not seen in the neighbouring greenstones.Zircon fractions of the gneisses plot on two discordia lines and give upper intercept ages with concordia at 3,069±16 Ma and 3,110±17 Ma respectively. One fraction contains metamict zircons with components at least 3,135 Ma old. These are the oldest reliable ages yet reported from the Archaean of the Baltic Shield. Rb-Sr whole-rock dating of the tonalitic gneiss yielded an isochron age of 2,729±122 Ma and an ISr of 0.703±0.001. This is interpreted to reflect a resetting event during which the gneisses may have acquired their present tectonic fabric.Rb-Sr model age calculations yield mantle values for ISr at about 2,950±115 Ma and suggest that the tonalite was intruded into the crust as juvenile material at about 3.1 Ga ago as reflected by the zircon ages. It was subsequently deformed and isotopically reset at about 2.7 Ga ago, prior to greenstone deposition.Comparison with tonalitic gneisses of eastern Karelia displays significant differences and suggests that the Archaean of Finland may contain several generations of pre-greenstone granitoid rocks.  相似文献   

The Palaeoproterozoic Magondi Supergroup lies unconformably on the Archaean granitoid-greenstone terrain of the Zimbabwe Craton and experienced deformation and metamorphism at 2.06–1.96 Ga to form the Magondi Mobile Belt. The Magondi Supergroup comprises three lithostratigraphic units. Volcano-sedimentary rift deposits (Deweras Group) are unconformably overlain by passive margin, back-arc, and foreland basin sedimentary successions, including shallow-marine sedimentary rocks (Lomagundi Group) in the east, and deeper-water shelf to continental slope deposits in the west (Piriwiri Group). Based on the upward-coarsening trend and presence of volcanic rocks at the top of the Piriwiri and Lomagundi groups, the Piriwiri Group is considered to be a distal, deeper-water time-equivalent of the Lomagundi Group. The Magondi Supergroup experienced low-grade metamorphism in the southeastern zone, but the grade increases to upper greenschist and amphibolite facies grade to the north along strike and, more dramatically, across strike to the west, reaching upper amphibolite to granulite facies in the Piriwiri Group.  相似文献   

Gold mineralization in Archaean granite-greenstone environments, especially gold-quartz veins, contributes considerably to the world's gold production. The formation of epigenetic gold mineralization in greenstone belts is generally explained by the metamorphic secretion theory. This theory is based on the assumption that the source of the gold may be komatiitic or tholeiitic lavas, pyritic chemical or clastic sediments and even granitic rocks from which, as a result of regional metamorphic overprinting, gold was extracted and concentrated in suitable structures.It has been shown that in proposed potential source rocks, gold is predominantly associated with sulfide minerals and thus relatively easily accessible to secretion and reconstitution processes.A large number of various rock types originating from granite-greenstone terranes of the Kaapvaal and the Rhodesian cratons were geochemically investigated, and the following ranges for gold determined:volcanic rocks (komatiitic and tholeiitic): 0.1–372 ppbgranitic rocks of the basement: 0.3–7.8 ppbiron-rich chemical sediments: 1.0–667 ppbStatistical treatment of the data reveals that volcanic rocks as well as iron-rich chemical sediments are favorable sources for epigenetic gold mineralization formed by metamorphic secretion, while the granitic rocks make less suitable primary gold sources. This finding explains the close spatial relationship which is common between gold-quartz veins and greenstone belts. The conspicuous abundance of epigenetic gold mineralization in the Archaean, however, is attributed to the unique geologic and metamorphic history of the granite-greenstone terranes.  相似文献   

The Agnew supracrustal belt consists of a greenstone sequence (interlayered metabasalt, differentiated gabbroic sills, ultramafic bodies, and black volcanogenic sediment) unconformably overlain by granitoid-clast conglomerate and meta-arkose. The base of the preserved sequence is intruded by grey tonalite with a crudely concordant upper contact, and by small discordant bodies of leucogranite.An early deformation (D1) produced isoclinal folds and a regional penetrative foliation. These structures were probably gently dipping when formed. D2 produced large-scale NNW-trending upright folds, a regional foliation, and a vertical N-trending ductile fault on the west side of the belt. D2 structures indicate a combination of ENE-WSW shortening, and right-lateral shear along the ductile fault. Both D1 and D2 were accompanied by metamorphism under upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions.The interpreted sequence of tectonic events is (1) deposition of the greenstone sequence on an unknown basement; (2) intrusion of large volumes of tonalite, separating the supracrustal rocks from their basement; (3) erosion of mafic rocks and tonalite to produce the clastic sedimentary sequence; (4) the first deformation; (5) intrusion of small volumes of leucogranite; (6) the second deformation.The bulk of the granitoid rocks were emplaced before the first recognisable deformation. Thus the granitoid magma cannot have been produced by partial melting of previously downbuckled ‘greenstone belt’ rocks, nor can the large-scale upright folds (D2) be a result of forceful emplacement of the magma — two common postulates for Archaean terrains. The D2 folds are closely related to the ductile fault bounding the zone: these structures, which give the present N-trending tectonic belt its form, are the youngest features in the terrain.  相似文献   

Anorthosite-bearing layered intrusions are unique to the Archaean rock record and are abundant in the Archaean craton of southern West Greenland and the Superior Province of Canada. These layered intrusions consist mainly of ultramafic rocks, gabbros, leucogabbros and anorthosites, and typically contain high-Ca (>An70) megacrystic (2–30 cm in diameter) plagioclase in anorthosite and leucogabbro units. They are spatially and temporally associated with basalt-dominated greenstone belts and are intruded by syn-to post-tectonic granitoid rocks. The layered intrusions, greenstone belts and granitoids all share the geochemical characteristics of Phanerozoic subduction zone magmas, suggesting that they formed mainly in a suprasubduction zone setting. Archaean anorthosite-bearing layered intrusions and spatially associated greenstone belts are interpreted to be fragments of oceanic crust, representing dismembered subduction-related ophiolites. We suggest that large degrees of partial melting (25–35%) in the hotter (1500–1600 °C) Archaean upper mantle beneath rifting arcs and backarc basins produced shallow, kilometre-scale hydrous magma chambers. Field observations suggest that megacrystic anorthosites were generated at the top of the magma chambers, or in sills, dykes and pods in the oceanic crust. The absence of high-Ca megacrystic anorthosites in post-Archaean layered intrusions and oceanic crust reflects the decline of mantle temperatures resulting from secular cooling of the Earth.  相似文献   

This paper compiles and describes several lithostratigraphic sequences which have characteristics typical of granite-greenstone and granite-gneiss terranes. The Archaean high-grade metamorphic assemblages are also described and are considered to form part of the mobile belt areas. Three major Archaean domains appear to be present in central eastern Brazil, i.e., the São Francisco Craton and the Jequié and Goiás Mobile Belts. In addition, several other small, but no less important, ancient nuclei occur within the Tocantins Province, especially in central Goiás.The São Francisco Craton is mostly covered by thick platform sequences of Proterozoic age, and as a result it can be examined only around the margins where granite-greenstone terranes are partially exposed. There appears to be sufficient evidence to recognise a stable Archaean basement domain, except in the northeast where the craton has been largely affected by the Transamazonian cycle (2.2-1.8 Ga) and, therefore, may represent a separate province. The available data for the Jequié and Goiás belts suggest that these domains have been subjected to high-grade regional metamorphism, chiefly granulite facies, during the Jequié tectono-thermal event of ~2.7 Ga, equivalent to the Liberia-Limpopo events in Africa. The differentiated mafic to ultramafic complexes of central Goiás, of uncertain age, may also be related to the evolution of the Goiás Mobile Belt.In general, the Archaean terranes described here appear to display a rather fragmentary pattern with poorly defined boundaries due to substantial reworking, which makes them partially different from better preserved, major ancient domains in other continents.  相似文献   

The Archean basement of Sierra Leone is a typical example of granite-greenstone terrains found in ancient continental nucleii. Reconnaissance field mapping showed that the area can be subdivided into old gneiss, which predates the greenstone belts, and young granite which is later than the greenstone belts.New Rb-Sr whole-rock age determinations on two suites of old tonalitic gneiss yield ages of 2786 ± 49 Ma and 2770 ± 137 Ma, which either reflect the time of formation of the original tonalites or their metamorphism. Three new Rb-Sr whole-rock age determination on young granites yield ages of 2786 ± 143 Ma, 2780 ± 79 Ma and 2770 ± 50 Ma, which are interpreted as the time of emplacement. The widespread occurrence of similar young granites, throughout the Archaean of West Africa, suggests that these results date a major event in the evolution of this segment of the crust.A published Pb-Pb age of the old gneiss and the new ages of the young granite bracket the age of the greenstone belts to 3000-2770 Ma. However, if the Rb-Sr ages of the old gneiss reported in this paper reflect the time of their formation, the age of the greenstone belts is tightly bracketed to ca. 2770 Ma. There is no isotopic evidence for rocks substantially older than 3000 Ma in the West African Archaean.  相似文献   

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