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The Welcome Well volcanic complex east of Leonora, Western Australia, is interpreted to be the eroded remnant of an Archaean stratovolcano. Andesitic flows and intercalated mudflow deposits comprising the volcanic centre give way to coarse, poorly-sorted lithic wackes that were deposited in alluvial fans skirting the lower slopes or base of the subaerial volcanic edifice. These deposits are succeeded both laterally and vertically by fine-grained, subaqueous, turbiditic sediments that are intercalated with pillowed, tholeiitic basalts.There is a complete petrographic and geochemical gradation from porphyritic basalt through porphyritic andesite to porphyritic dacite. In general, the rocks show calc-alkaline patterns of elemental behaviour, consistent with fractionation of variable proportions of the modal minerals amphibole, plagioclase, clinopyroxene and Ti-magnetite. Among these minerals, amphibole appears to have assumed a major role in producing the geochemical characteristics of the high-Si andesites and dacites as evidenced by the behaviour of Zr, Nb, Y and REE. In order to account for the geochemical variability of the basalts and low-Si andesites, it is proposed that they differentiated from primitive basic parents which had a range of major and LIL element contents. The most plausible origin for the primary magmas involves shallow, hydrous melting of a LIL element-enriched mantle source over a significant pressure range.  相似文献   

Lead isotopic ages were determined for seven localities of gneissic granite and granodiorite from the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. For four of the localities Rb-Sr ages were also measured. In the lead isotopic system all localities showed some evidence of post-emplacement disturbance; lead redistribution varied from very slight effects to complete equilibration of K-feldspars during metamorphism. In one case, lead and Rb-Sr ages agreed within experimental error; in two cases, Rb-Sr mineral ages were younger than Pb-Pb ages, and in one case, the Rb-Sr age was intermediate between the primary and metamorphic ages recorded by the Pb isotopic system.Four localities show evidence of metamorphism at 2950 my. It is suggested that this represents the time of formation of the granite dome structures in the southeastern Pilbara. At least two of these localities were also affected by post-tectonic metamorphism (2600–2770 my). The other three localities show a more extended history of events starting at about 2900 my and ending between 2000 and 2250 my. The younger metamorphic ages are interpreted to record a thermal event at the time of outpouring of the Proterozoic Fortescue Group which formerly overlay the Archaean rocks.  相似文献   

Archaean volcanic rocks and volcanogenic sediments exposed in a regional syncline south of Meekatharra, Western Australia are described. Initial volcanic activity produced a suite of high-Mg basalts containing 10–19% MgO. Pillowed tholeiitic basalts overlie the high-Mg basalts. These lower units are thought to have been derived from a central fracture zone. The uppermost units consist of volcanogenic sediments interlayered with andesite and dacite flows which appear to have been derived from a marginal andesite pile to the east. The Archaean sequence has been tightly folded, cross-faulted and intruded by post-Archaean dykes.The central succession is predominantly submarine, although the marginal andesite pile may be in part subaerial. Whilst there are some similarities with the Marda complex to the southeast (Hallberg et al., 1976), the rocks near Meekatharra are more analogous to those associated with modern island arcs.  相似文献   

Available petrological, structural and geochronological data suggest that metamorphism and deformation of greenstone sequences and the evolution of intrusive granitoids in the Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Block, were related to a widespread and integrated tectonic event in the time interval 2700-2600 m.y.Polyphase deformation of the greenstone sequences involved the superimposition of a series of upright folds and related subvertical foliations on earlier macroscopic recumbent folds. Metamorphism was imposed rapidly on these previously deformed but relatively unaltered greenstone sequences, synchronously with a third phase of deformation. Static-style metamorphic recrystallization at very low to medium grades occurred over most of the province, but contemporaneous high grade recrystallization of dynamic style was restricted to elongate narrow zones which were also the sites of synkinematic granitoid diapirism. These zones commonly mark the present margins of greenstone belts.The extensive areas between greenstone belts are dominated by outcrops of post-kinematic granitoids whose abundance may be overestimated because of the limited exposure. Their emplacement caused only minor contact metamorphic overprinting on the pre-existing metamorphic patterns. Also present are banded gneisses interpreted as modified basement to the greenstone sequences. These gneisses are enclosed in post-kinematic granitoid batholiths or occur as remnants in synkinematic diapirs within the dynamic domains. All major granitoid groups, including gneisses, are geochemically similar and show parallel but limited variations. Both field and chemical evidence points to the gneisses being parental to intrusive granitoids derived by both anatectic and solid-state processes.The data provide important constraints on any model for greenstone belt evolution. Our preferred model involves a widespread disturbance resembling the kind currently referred to as a “mantle plume”, which initially led to extrusion of mafic and ultramafic magmas via tensional fractures in a sialic crust, then subsequently caused their deformation and metamorphism and generated the intrusive granitoids by widespread reactivation of the basement. The dynamic metamorphic domains may reflect pre-greenstone crustal lineaments that controlled the initial vulcanism. The evolution of Archean greenstone terrains proposed here appears distinct from that of subsequent Proterozoic and Phanerozoic tectonic belts.  相似文献   

Within the Pilbara Block of Western Australia, a complex of migmatite, gneissic and foliated granite near Marble Bar is intruded by a stock of younger massive granite (the Moolyella Granite) with which swarms of tin‐bearing pegmatites are associated. The age of the older granite has been determined by the Rb‐Sr method as 3,125 ± 366 m.y., and that of the Moolyella Granite as 2,670 ± 95 m.y. Initial Sr87/Sr86 ratios suggest that the older granite is close to primary crustal material, but that the Moolyella Granite consists of reworked material. It probably formed by partial remelting of the older granite.  相似文献   

The Agnew supracrustal belt consists of a greenstone sequence (interlayered metabasalt, differentiated gabbroic sills, ultramafic bodies, and black volcanogenic sediment) unconformably overlain by granitoid-clast conglomerate and meta-arkose. The base of the preserved sequence is intruded by grey tonalite with a crudely concordant upper contact, and by small discordant bodies of leucogranite.An early deformation (D1) produced isoclinal folds and a regional penetrative foliation. These structures were probably gently dipping when formed. D2 produced large-scale NNW-trending upright folds, a regional foliation, and a vertical N-trending ductile fault on the west side of the belt. D2 structures indicate a combination of ENE-WSW shortening, and right-lateral shear along the ductile fault. Both D1 and D2 were accompanied by metamorphism under upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions.The interpreted sequence of tectonic events is (1) deposition of the greenstone sequence on an unknown basement; (2) intrusion of large volumes of tonalite, separating the supracrustal rocks from their basement; (3) erosion of mafic rocks and tonalite to produce the clastic sedimentary sequence; (4) the first deformation; (5) intrusion of small volumes of leucogranite; (6) the second deformation.The bulk of the granitoid rocks were emplaced before the first recognisable deformation. Thus the granitoid magma cannot have been produced by partial melting of previously downbuckled ‘greenstone belt’ rocks, nor can the large-scale upright folds (D2) be a result of forceful emplacement of the magma — two common postulates for Archaean terrains. The D2 folds are closely related to the ductile fault bounding the zone: these structures, which give the present N-trending tectonic belt its form, are the youngest features in the terrain.  相似文献   

Small Archaean, pre-metamorphic layered sill-like intrusions showing Stillwatertype differentiation are widespread in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia. The sills have undergone low-grade metamorphism, but the retention of some original minerals and excellent preservation of primary textures have enabled most of their original features to be reconstructed. Despite their small size in comparison with well known layered intrusions, simple differentiation sequences are developed ranging upwards from dunite and harzburgite through orthopyroxenite, norite, norite-gabbro and gabbro to granophyre and anorthosite. The parent magma for the sills appears to have been rich in MgO (15–18%) and is probably represented by the spatially associated high-Mg basalts found in the region. The complexes are interpreted as being contemporaneous with volcanism and may be high-level emplacements.  相似文献   

The 43 t (1.4 Moz) of gold in the Woodcutters goldfield 50 km north of Kalgoorlie has wide geological significance in terms of gold in Archaean granite, as well as its local commercial and exploration significance. Woodcutters is already one of the largest Archaean gold systems in granite, and is unusual in being so far laterally from the nearest greenstone belt. Gold in the Federal zone, one of the deposits making up the Woodcutters goldfield, is hosted in hornblende‐biotite granodiorite,6 km from the mapped contact with greenstone. In Federal open pit, the granodiorite is coarse‐grained in the northern half, and a fine‐grained granodiorite in the south, with both hosting gold. These two types of granodiorite are rather similar in both mineralogy and geochemistry. There is also a subordinate fine‐grained monzodiorite. The Federal gold mineralisation is in a northwest‐striking, northeast‐dipping (315° strike/60°E dip) shear zone in the Scotia granite. Variation in grainsize of the host rocks might have affected the style of deformation with more brittle fabrics in the coarse‐grained phase and more ductile fabrics prominent in the fine‐grained granodiorite. Hydrothermal alteration is extensively developed around the Federal deposit and is a useful vector towards gold mineralisation. Distal epidote alteration surrounds a proximal muscovite‐biotite alteration zone that contains quartz‐sulfide veins. The alteration shares some of the common alteration characteristics of Archaean greenstone‐hosted gold, but differs in that carbonate‐chlorite alteration is only weakly developed. This difference is readily explained in terms of host‐rock composition and lower concentrations of Fe, Mg and Ca in the granite compared with greenstone. Fluid‐inclusion studies demonstrate that the fluids associated with the hydrothermal alteration at Woodcutters shared the common characteristics of fluids in Archaean greenstone gold, namely low‐salinity and dominant H2O–CO2. Fluid inclusions with moderate salinity were found in one fresh sample away from mineralisation, and are inferred to represent possible magmatic fluid. There is no evidence of a granite‐derived fluid being responsible for gold mineralisation. The granodiorite host rock had cooled, crystallised and had at least started to undergo deformation prior to gold introduction. The distribution of gold mineralisation in the Woodcutters goldfield has the style, shape and orientation comparable with greenstone‐hosted gold deposits in the same region. The northwest trend, the quartz veining and simple pyrite mineralogy are all features common to other greenstone‐hosted gold deposits near Kalgoorlie such as Mt Pleasant. The alteration fluid appears to have penetrated the granite on the scale of many hundreds of metres, causing large‐scale alteration. Woodcutters gold mineralisation resulted from the same metamorphic fluid processes that led to formation of greenstone gold deposits. In this metamorphic model, granitic rocks are predicted to be less‐favourable gold hosts than mafic rocks for two reasons. Granitic rocks do not generally fracture during regional deformation in such a way as to create large‐scale dilation. Furthermore, with less iron and no carbon, granitic rocks have lower potential to precipitate gold from solution by wall‐rock reaction. The metamorphic model predicts that those granite types with higher Fe should host better gold deposits, all other factors being equal. Accordingly, tonalite‐trondhjemite and hornblende‐bearing granodiorite should provide better environments for major gold deposits compared with monzogranite, and granite sensu stricto, as borne out by Woodcutters, but mafic rocks should be better hosts than any of these felsic to intermediate rocks.  相似文献   

Four suites of granitoids intruded the supracrustal greenstone sequence in the Murchison Province of the Archaean Yilgarn Craton during a 300 million year period. The earliest granitoid suite intruded the base of the developing greenstone sequence as a series of thin subhorizontal tabular plutons of monzogranite and granodiorite at 2.9Ga. This suite has been deformed and metamorphosed, and is now a pegmatite-banded gneiss. At about 2.7 Ga, thick, subhorizontal, tabular plutons of monzogranite intruded the base of the greenstone sequence. This suite, which now forms much of the regions between greenstone belts, was folded and recrystallized during regional deformation and metamorphism. Two distinct but contemporaneous suites of post-folding granitoids intruded the greenstone belts at 2.6 Ga, largely post-dating regional metamorphism. One suite of post-folding granitoids comprises tonalite, trondhjemite, granodiorite and monzogranite plutons, confined mainly to the north of the Province. The other suite comprises quartz-rich monzogranite and syenogranite plutons, confined mainly to the south of the Province.Pegmatite-banded gneiss, recrystallized monzogranite, and the northern suite of post-folding granitoids were all derived by partial-melting of mafic crustal rocks. Most post-folding granitoids from the southern suite were derived by partial-melting of siliceous crustal material at least as old as basal greenstones. The modes and sites of intrusion of all granitoid plutons were controlled by active tectonic processes or by structural features of the crust. Widespread 2.6 Ga Rb---Sr ages of pegmatite-banded gneiss and recrystallized monzogranite reflect post-metamorphic cooling which was contemporaneous with intrusion of post-folding granitoids.  相似文献   

Petrographic, petrological and geochemical studies have demonstrated the presence of three distinctive basic volcanic suites in the Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Block, Western Australia. These are termed the high magnesian series basalts (HMSB), the low magnesian series basalts (LMSB) and the siliceous high magnesian series basalts (SHMSB).The HMSB and SHMSB constitute differentiation series which contain both high MgO (9.5–14 wt.%) and low MgO (<9.5 wt.%) members. These suites are commonly characterized by igneous textures indicative of very rapid crystallization suggesting high eruption temperatures. This feature clearly distinguishes those low MgO members of HMSB which contain amphibole pseudomorphs after spherulitic-textured pyroxene from compositionally similar LMSB. The LMSB are generally characterized by an intergranular texture consisting of plagioclase laths and interstitial amphibole pseudomorphs after pyroxene grains. Variolitic-textured basalts are common and appear to be restricted to the SHMSB suite of basic volcanics.The HMSB and LMSB were derived from source mantle regions which were variably depleted in the incompatible elements. Archaean komatiites were derived from similarly depleted source regions and it is argued that the main petrogenetic difference between these three volcanic suites was the degree of partial melting from which they were derived. The depleted nature of the source regions may have been induced by earlier small degree (< 5%) partial melting events with subsequent extraction of a proportion of that melt. Variations in both the degree of such melting, and the proportions of melt removal, could induce considerable heterogeneity of incompatible elements in the Archaean upper mantle.Source mantle regions of the SHMSB were variably enriched in the incompatible elements and water and parental magmas of the SHMSB were derived from moderately hydrous conditions of partial melting.The relative proportions of each basalt suite varies considerably between the layered successions examined. For example, the basic volcanics overlying the komatiites at Kambalda are SHMSB, while the footwall volcanics consist predominantly of HMSB with subordinate LMSB. However, the Norseman succession, where no ultramafic volcanics are known to occur, is comprised mainly of LMSB with a smaller proportion of HMSB.  相似文献   

World-class mineral systems, such as those found in the Archaean eastern Yilgarn Craton, are the product of enormous energy and mass-flux systems driven by lithospheric-scale processes. These processes can create big footprints or signatures in the lithosphere, which can be observed at a range of scales and via a variety of methods: including geophysics, isotopes, tectonostratigraphy and geochemistry. We use these datasets to describe both the architecture (structure) of world-class gold systems of the Yilgarn Craton and the signatures of their formation. By applying an understanding of the most critical elements of the process, and their signatures, new areas, especially undercover, may be targeted more predictably than before.  相似文献   

Intense post-depositional alteration has profoundly affected sandstones in the volcanic portions of Early Archaean (3·5–3·3 Ga) greenstone belts. The mineralogy and bulk compositions of most grains have been completely destroyed by pervasive metasomatism, but grain textures are commonly well preserved. Consequently, microtextural information coupled with present alteration compositions as determined petrographically can be used to estimate original framework modes. Silicified Early Archaean volcaniclastic sandstones assigned to the Panorama Formation and Duffer Formation, Warrawoona Group, eastern Pilbara Block, Western Australia, were originally composed of volcanic (VRF) and sedimentary (SRF) rock fragments, volcanic quartz, feldspar, traces of ferromagnesian minerals and pumice. Only volcanic megaquartz remained stable during alteration. All other primary components were replaced by granular microcrystalline quartz (GMC) and sericite. In most areas, the sandstones were composed of dacitic to rhyolitic VRFs, now totally replaced by sericite-poor GMC and recognized by preserved microporphyritic textures. In a few areas, quartz-poor dacitic to andesitic(?) VRFs dominated the detrital assemblage. Minor SRFs and mafic VRFs, now replaced by GMC, are recognized on the basis of colour, internal structures, and internal textures, including skeletal, possible spinifex textures. Detrital feldspar is represented by blocky, sericite-rich grain pseudomorphs. A semi-quantitative point-count scheme, developed for the analysis of heavily altered sandstones, indicates the following primary detrital-mode ranges for Panorama arenites: quartz, 0–28%; feldspar, 0–28%, VRFs, 58–86%, and SRFs 0–25%. In about half the point-counted samples, feldspar could not be distinguished from rock fragments. In such cases, both were counted as one grain type, Lv', which makes up from 84 to 100% of the framework modes of these rocks. These sands were derived from a terrane composed largely of fresh felsic volcanic rocks and sediments, but locally including minor mafic, ultramafic, and sedimentary rocks. Much, but not all, of the felsic volcaniclastic sand represents reworked pyroclastic debris. There is no evidence for contributions from plutonic or metamorphic sources. The Panorama modal assemblage represents a provenance that is lithologically more restricted than that of Archaean greywackes and other siliciclastic units common in the sedimentary portions of these same Early Archaean greenstone belts and younger greenstone belts (3·0–2·7 Ga).  相似文献   

Chemical sediments are common and diverse in the c. 3500 Myr old North Pole chert-barite unit in the Warrawoona Group, Western Australia. Although almost all original minerals were replaced during hydrothermal alteration, metamorphism and deformation, pseudomorphic relics of sedimentary and diagenetic textures and structures show that at least six lithofacies were partly or wholly chemical in origin. These contained five main chemical sedimentary components: primary carbonate mud, diagenetic carbonate crystals, primary sulphate crystals, diagenetic sulphate crystals and diagenetic sulphate nodules. All show a wide range of characteristics consistent only with a marine evaporative origin. Diagenetic carbonate and sulphate crystals, once ferroan dolomite and gypsum, were precipitated within volcanogenic lutites high on littoral mudflats. The other evaporative phases were apparently deposited behind a barrier bar composed of stranded pumice rafts. Primary sulphate crystals, once gypsum and now barite, were precipitated in semi-permanent pools immediately behind the bar. Primary carbonate mud, originally calcitic or aragonitic but now silicified, was deposited in nearby channels and on surrounding mudflats. Within these sediments, diagenetic carbonate crystals (formerly ferroan dolomite) and diagenetic sulphate nodules and crystals (once gypsum) grew during later desiccation. The existence of these evaporites, and more like them in the sediments of other Early Archaean cratons, suggests that shallow marine and terrestrial conditions prevailed over a small but significant portion of the early Earth, contrary to some models of global tectonic evolution. Their overall similarity with more recent evaporitic deposits indicates that there was greater conformity between conditions in modern and primeval sea-shore environments than might be expected, given the great age difference. The attitude implicit in many accounts of Earth's early history, that evaporites were either not deposited or not preserved in Archaean sediments, thus seems to be incorrect.  相似文献   

A series of linked extensional detachments, transfer faults, and sediment- and volcanic-filled half-grabens that pre-date regional folding are described in the Late Archaean Margaret anticline, Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Coeval structures and rock units include layer-parallel extensional detachments, transfer faults (high-angle rotational faults rooted in the detachments and linking layer-parallel shear zones with varying amounts of extension); felsic intrusions, either as granitoids emplaced in or below the detachments, or as fine-grained intrusive bodies emplaced above the detachments and controlled by the high-angle faults; and half-grabens controlled by the high-angle faults and filled with clastic sedimentary and volcanic rocks. At least 1500 m of section is excised across the detachments. The detachments and high-angle faults are folded by the east-northeast regional compression that formed the Margaret anticline. Extensional deformation in the Margaret anticline is correlated with the regionally recognised felsic magmatism and associated volcanic and volcaniclastic basin fill dated at approximately 2685–2670 Ma across the Eastern Goldfields Province. This suggests the extensional event was province-wide and post-dated initial greenstone deposition (at around 2705 Ma) but pre-dated regional compressive deformation. We suggest the extension is the result of a thermal anomaly in the crust, generated by the insulating effect of a thick pile (of the order of 10 km or greater) of mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks on precursor Archaean felsic crust. The thermal anomaly has generated renewed production of felsic and mafic volcanic rocks, coeval with uplift and extension in the upper crust.  相似文献   

Although many Archaean greenstone-hosted mesothermal gold deposits are in steep, reverse-motion fault zones, other fault geometries are prospective for mineralization. Harbour Lights is one of a number of deposits at Leonora hosted in a normal-motion shear zone, probably related to movement off the adjacent domal granitoid. The deposit is also atypical in that mineralization predates the last deformation to affect the mine sequence, but formed by similar processes to other mesothermal deposits in all respects other than the detail of shear zone geometry, kinematics and timing. Gold mineralization at Harbour Lights is related to D1 quartz veins parallel to a well-developed gently NE- to E-dipping D1 cleavage, both of which are deformed in steeply dipping and later extensional shear bands (D2). Gently dipping quartz veins, as at Harbour Lights, must have formed at extremely high fluid pressures, capable of holding the weight of the overlying crust. In the gently dipping normal-motion shear zone continued reactivation and veining was possible only with extremely high fluid pressures, and steeply dipping structures, such as the D2 extensional shear bands, were initiated as the fluid pressure dropped after the mineralizing event. The rarity of gold mineralization hosted in normal-motion shear zones is due to their being linked to steep structures which pump fluid upwards and prevents the build-up of extremely high fluid pressures. At Harbour Lights it appears that these links were (atypically) absent, probably because deformation was a result of granitoid doming, and was subparallel to strata.  相似文献   

The Archaean greenstone terrane between Menzies and Kambalda exhibits a coherent, although deformed, stratigraphic sequence intruded by granitoids and bounded by major NNW-trending shear and/or fault zones. The greenstone terrane hosts a large number of lode gold prospects and deposits, including the giant Kalgoorlie deposits. The initial Pb isotope compositions of lode gold deposits, as determined from ore related galena and pyrite, vary systematically in a linear trend on a207Pb/204Pb versus206Pb/204Pb diagram which reflects crustal heterogeneity at the time of mineralisation. Deposits hosted within a 90 km section of the Menzies-Boorara Shear Zone have a uniform, radiogenic initial Pb isotope composition irrespective of temperature of mineralisation and proximity to granitoid-gneiss in plan view. The Pb in these deposits is considered to be derived largely from older felsic crust underlying the greenstone belt and was accessed via this major shear-zone system. Deposits in a transect unrelated to a major shear zone show a systematic correlation between initial Pb isotope compositions and proximity to granitoid-gneiss and/or to mineralisation temperature. These compositions are less radiogenic than those within the Menzies-Boorara Shear Zone, but trend on a207Pb/204Pb versus606Pb/204Pb diagram between this isotope signature and the uniform Pb isotope signature which characterises the >100 km greenstone transect from the Mt Pleasant area through Kalgoorlie to Kambalda. These data are interpreted to reflect Pb derivation from discrete crustal segments within and below the greenstones, and require that mineralisation was related to crustal-scale hydrothermal systems that accessed both sialic mid- to lower-crust and the greenstone succession.  相似文献   

A 500 m wide shear zone occurs between the base of an Archaean greenstone sequence and adjacent granitoid gneiss complex on the shores of Lake Dundas, Western Australia. The dynamothermal margin remains distinguishable due to the preservation of upper amphibolite facies assemblages, related granitoid anatectites and mylonitic, schistose and gneissose fabrics developed parallel to the contact, which itself lies subparallel to the greenstone bedding surface. The margin contrasts with less deformed greenschist to low amphibolite facies assemblages which characterize lithologies within the greenstone belt, many of which retain igneous textures and relict primary phases. Structural, petrological and textural evidence indicates that the dynamothermal contact originally evolved as a subhorizontal ductile shear zone during juxtaposition of the greenstone pile with granitoid gneiss and that its formation preceded regional folding, greenschist facies overprinting and granitoid intrusion which occurred at about 2700 Ma. The amount of heat generated within the transition zone during thrusting was limited to maximum temperatures of c. 650°C due to the buffering effect of granitoid anatexis.  相似文献   

REE, Th, U, Pb and Hf have been determined in nine selected samples from the Marda Archaean calc-alkaline suite. Data are consistent with field relationships and major and other trace element abundances, which suggest a crustal origin for the Marda magmas. REE patterns are analogous to continental margin (Andean) calc-alkaline volcanic suites and are not similar to those from other Archaean areas.  相似文献   

The Racetrack Au−Ag deposit, in the Archaean Yilgarn Block, Western Australia, is hosted by a porphyritic basalt in a low greenschist facies setting and is associated with a brittle strike-slip fault system. Three distinct and successive stages of hydrothermal activity and late quartz-carbonate veining resulted in multiple veining and/or brecciation: Stages I and II are Au-bearing, whereas Stage III and late veins are barren. The ore shows features of both classic epithermal and mesothermal deposits. Alteration assemblages, typified by sericitization, carbonization, silicification and chloritization, are similar to those of mesothermal gold deposits, wheras the quartz vein-textures including comb, rosette, plumose and banded, ore mineralogyof arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, freibergite, tetrahedrite, tennantite, fahlore, electrum and gold, and metal associations (Cu, As, Ag, Sn, Sb, W, Au and Pb) are more characteristics of epithermal deposits. Fluid inclusions related to Stage II are two phase and aqueous with 1–8 (average 4) wt. % NaCl equiv. and CO2 content of <0.85 molal. Pressure-corrected homogenisation temperatures range from 190°C to 260°C. Mineral assemblages indicate that ore fluid pH ranged between 4.2 and 5.3, fO 2 between 10−38.8 and 10−39.6 bars, and mΣs between 10−3.2 and 10−3.6. Calculated chemical and stable isotope compositions require a component of surface water in the ore fluid depositing the mineralisation, but evidence for deep crustal Pb indicates that deeply sourced fluids were also involved. The deposit is interpreted to have formed in a shallow environment via mixing of deeply sourced fluids, from at least as deep as the base of the greenstone belt, with surface waters. It therefore represents the upper crustal end-member of the crustal depth spectrum of Archaean lode-gold mineralisation.  相似文献   

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