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Bridging organizations facilitate a range of governance processes, including cooperation and social learning, and are theorized to be a key component of robust governance systems. In this article, we use node removal simulations to test structural hypotheses of robustness in a regional water governance network in Central America. We investigate the response of network measures supporting core governance processes to the targeted removal of bridging organizations and other actors, which we compare to random and centrality-based simulations. The results indicate removing bridging organizations has a greater impact on the network than any other type of actor, suggesting bridging organizations are critical to the robustness of the governance system. Furthermore, network structures supporting cooperation may be less robust than structures facilitating social learning. We conclude with policy implications of the research findings as they relate to the exit problem in governance systems with a large presence of international development actors.  相似文献   

汪涛  Ingo LIEFNER  李丹丹 《地理研究》2011,30(10):1861-1872
以重庆维普期刊全文数据库中2000~2009年发表于生物技术领域的合著论文作者信息统计数据为数据源,从省级层面运用UCINET和ArcGIS软件分析知识网络的空间结构特征及其演化规律。近十年来生物技术知识网络经历了由萌芽阶段向扩张阶段和成熟阶段转变的过程,知识的扩散方式由接触扩散为主向等级扩散为主转变,知识交流的密集区...  相似文献   

Mu Us Sandy Land(MUSL) of China, as a typical eco-fragile and farming-pastoral transitional region, shows great vulnerability to disturbances from cultivation activity. In this region, the conflict between cultivation activity and environmental protection has not attracted great importance until the implementation of China's Grain-for-Green Policy(CGGP) since2000. Here, using Landsat5 TM/Landsat7 ETM+ images from 1990, 2000, and 2010, we monitor the cultivation activity and land-use/cover changes(LUCC) resulting from cultivation activity in the MUSL region. Based on the data from images, we developed a series of databases of cultivated activity-induced LUCC and use them to discuss comparatively the spatio-temporal evolution trends of cultivation activity before and after CGGP implementation. These results provide evidence for managers to evaluate the implementation effectiveness of governmental policy and the influence of cultivation activity on the ecological environment of the MUSL region.  相似文献   

基于高速公路流的江苏省城市网络空间结构与演化特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
高速交通网络是城市网络发育的重要指示器。以江苏省2004~2012年的高速公路流数据为支撑,辅以路网为背景,借助社区发现模型对其城市网络的空间结构与演化过程进行分析。结论如下:城市网络的演化由稀疏到稠密,但“南密北疏”的宏观格局与松散化的空间结构未发生明显改变;不同年份城市网络的空间结构可视为由多个“城市社区”组成,并凸显一体化效应、行政区效应、袭夺与被袭夺效应等区域效应;苏南、苏中和苏北的空间关联特征可分别概括为“一体化、多层次”“由均一到分化”和“破碎化、分散化”的网络结构。在此基础上,归纳了一个涵盖城镇化中早期、中期和中后期的“破碎化、分散化网络-逐步分化的多层级网络-多中心、多层级网络”三阶段的城市网络演化模型。  相似文献   

Participatory methods are a common approach for giving voice to local communities in hazard and disaster research. Drawing on a study that trialled and modified a range of participatory methods in North Sulawesi, eastern Indonesia, this paper reflects on how such methods help document the capacities of small island communities. We assessed capacity from a sustainable livelihoods perspective, identifying the assets that enable villagers to cope with hazards. This overall approach promoted a discourse of strengths and resourcefulness, contrasting with vulnerability and needs‐assessment approaches common to government and non‐governmental organizations, which tend to focus on weaknesses and can sometimes fuel undeliverable expectations of funding. We provide a critical reflection on participatory methods and their significance for researchers, policy makers and funding agencies working with communities in hazard‐prone regions.  相似文献   

This article examines the microgeography of diplomacy, particularly its localized embodiment in a corps diplomatique and international governmental organizations. Drawing on the case of The Hague, we map embassies and consider the locations of organizations engaged with interstate and transnational relations. The article raises questions about diplomatic form and function, whereby urban, economic, and political geographies intersect around issues of diplomacy, representation, and security. Our case study has implications for the study of other diplomatic centers and poses research questions about diplomacy as a spatial practice pertaining to diplomatic buildings, diplomatic clusters, para-diplomacy, and securitization.  相似文献   

Rural governance has drawn considerable attention from both local government officials and scholars in the United States since the early 1990s. It is touted as a way to mitigate the limitations of the traditional government unit‐based approaches to problem solving and decision making and to foster partnerships across both jurisdictional boundaries and sectors (public, private, and nonprofit). Established in 1962, the Resource Conservation and Development (rc&d ) program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture provides a unique model of rural regional governance. Acting as a coalition of governments, private businesses, individuals, and interest groups, the rc&d program provides the flexibility needed to deal with issues at the appropriate spatial scale. It incorporates aspects of both grassroots and governmental organizations and can bring together local interests and expertise with governmental policy and support in service provision, problem solving, and economic development. The approach does not necessarily entail loss of power on the part of the state, but it does provide a mechanism for local people to exercise their agency, to tackle their problems, and to decide which elements of their lives they want to sustain.  相似文献   

从康雍乾垦殖政策看中国清前期垦荒发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
垦荒作为一种农业生产活动,与国家政策密切相关。在以农业生产为主要经济活动的清代,这种关系尤为密切。因而详尽分析与合理把握有清一代垦殖政策的内涵与取向,是深入了解清代垦荒态势及特征的重要途径。本文通过对康雍乾三朝垦殖政策及措施的比较分析,阐述了我国清前期土地垦辟的历史过程及其时空特征。分析结果认为:康熙朝是以恢复因战乱而凋敝的农业生产为主要目的,雍正朝是处于从恢复农业生产向解决“人多地少”矛盾方向转化的过渡期,而乾隆朝则是以解决“穷民资生”问题为目的;它们反映在垦荒上,即表现为:康熙朝以恢复性垦殖为特征,雍正朝以恢复性垦殖向拓展性垦殖过渡为特征,乾隆朝则是以拓展性垦殖为特征。同时,它们在地域空间及垦殖强度上也表现出明显的差异。  相似文献   

The putative post-welfare city is marked by a debate between continuity with previous welfare structures, versus a radical break whereby new, more punitive measures prevail. Seeking to clarify the role of the third sector at the margins of the debated post-welfare city, margins which can be characterized by a stigmatized and abandoned clientele, I focus on organizations serving precarious migrants in London. There were 15 interviews of third sector organizations across well-served, inner boroughs (Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets) and less well-served outer boroughs (Brent, Hounslow). The results indicated a mixed intermediary role for third sector organizations: strong in compensating and filling the gaps from an absent state, yet rather weak in contesting or challenging the overbearing state on behalf of their clients. More generically, the results also underlined the importance of looking beyond the labor market to appreciate the intricacies of social reproduction among precarious populations, as well as recognizing important continuities in support systems that belie a radical break with previous structures.  相似文献   

以全球恐怖主义数据库(GTD)的研究数据为基础,运用地学空间统计分析方法和社会网络分析方法,对2000-2018年东南亚发生的恐怖主义事件进行时空演变特征分析及其参与组织的社会网络关联解析,得出以下结论:1)东南亚恐怖主义发展态势呈现显著的阶段性波动增长,在空间上表现为明显的集聚性,由2000-2013年的两极集聚中心转变为2014-2018年的三级集聚中心。2)东南亚恐怖主义组织众多,恐怖组织类型复杂,各恐怖组织及独狼型恐怖主义之间通过情报、资源及人员交流等方式进行联系,形成了一个巨大的跨地区恐怖组织网络;以伊斯兰祈祷团(JI)为代表的东南亚恐怖组织在上个世纪90年代利用域外组织的支持建立了一个横跨多国、分工明确的4M活动网络,并利用此活动网络进行资金筹集、人员培训、策划活动等。3)东南亚恐怖主义迅速发展有其深层次原因,既有地区内部社会文化、政治环境和经济发展的影响,又有区域外恐怖主义势力的干预。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):245-252

Geographic information systems (GIS) is a fairly new and evolving curriculum area within geography and other disciplines at colleges and universities in the United States. The challenge of teaching underlying concepts of GIS functionality, the details of computer operation and software interfaces, as well as the contexts of various applications can be a difficult one. At Indiana University of Pennsylvania, a teaching strategy—Client-Life Cycle GIS Project Learning—has been introduced in which students in an upper level GIS course work with local organizations, faculty from other university departments, and governmental entities. This allows students with some GIS background to work with real clients; utilize and operationalize the concepts of the GIS Project Life Cycle; make the connection between data development, analysis, and applications development; provide expertise and needed data to local organizations; and see the utility and impact of their work. A group pilot project from the spring semester of 1998 is discussed to illustrate how students responded to this method of teaching GIS.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Czech Republic and its regional development consequences after the collapse of state socialism. Two types of FDIs are identified: cross border export-oriented investments and market capture investments. The cross border export-oriented investments exploit low cost labor in the service of external markets and are typically concentrated in peripheral areas, mostly along the former West German border. This type of FDI is not likely to contribute to durable regional economies. The market capture investments involve both servicing the Czech market and integrating activities within a larger, multinational corporate network. This type of investment may create more durable sources of regional economic activity. A case study of the Volkswagen/Skoda joint venture is used to examine market capture investments and their consequences for regional development. This paper is based on interviews with plant managers and trade union leaders in companies with foreign investment, governmental officials at the various ministries and state agencies dealing with FDI, and information and data from the secondary sources.  相似文献   

陈雯  王珏  孙伟 《地理学报》2019,74(2):312-322
在全球化和区域一体化背景下,区域合作已成为各地区应对全球化、增强竞争力的重要手段,政府又在促进区域合作中扮演着至关重要的角色。本文以博弈论和政府行为理论为基础,结合利益相关者和成本收益分析法,提出共享型、损益型、比较利益型三种地方政府合作模式及其成本—收益分析框架,并据此考察中国区域合作典范长三角地区的旅游、交通、环境三个关键领域的合作博弈案例,深入阐释基于成本—收益的政府不同合作模式的合作动力、行为及其策略等,使之丰富区域一体化和城市政府合作等研究,也为进一步推动长三角一体化提供科学参考。  相似文献   

中国区域规划的演变与展望   总被引:38,自引:4,他引:34  
胡序威 《地理学报》2006,61(6):585-592
在回顾了中国区域规划发展和演变的三个历史阶段基础上,阐述了在不同时期按不同名目开展的规划内容和特点,分析了当前存在的部门间竞相争夺规划空间的现象及其形成的国情背景。在展望未来中国区域规划发展将面临大好机遇的同时,着重就理顺规划体系、调整规划管理机构、制订区域规划法规、增加规划内容、改善空间管治等问题,提出一系列具体建议。  相似文献   

HENNEMANN Stefan  汪涛 《地理科学》2011,31(9):1043-1049
中国科学技术体制现在正处于非常重要的转型期。在过去的十多年里,不仅高校进行了合并和重组,一些公共研究机构也进行了全面调整以应对国家未来发展的需求。不仅如此,国家政策和全球化的趋势还要求中国科学研究体系融入到全球科研体系中。通过对1998~2004年的国际科学刊物中有中国参与发表的合作论文数据进行分析,探索哪些科研机构在直接或间接吸收国外相关研究组织研究成果中发挥重要作用。结果表明,中国科研机构不同科研组织与国外高校间的知识联系存在着相当稳定的等级序列,精英高校的影响力远远大于公共研究机构,而且随着时间的推移,精英高校在本地和全球科研机构间起着越来越重要的中介作用。虽然北京处于中国知识网络中的核心地位,但这种空间上的核心边缘差异表现出逐步缩小的趋势。精英高校的主动融合效应和全球知识系统的涓滴效应共同推进了中国学术知识网络的演化。  相似文献   

种植业可持续发展的支持系统——农作物卫星遥感估产   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文从种植业可持续发展需要出发,指出建立农作物卫星遥感估产系统是实现种植业可持续发展地面信息准确、快速、经济获取的最有效手段,并能成为种植业可持续发展的支持系统。本文还分析了我国种植业地面信息统计现状和卫星遥感估产国内外研究进展,一个实际运行的农作物卫星遥感估产系统可以监测作物长势、种植面积和作物产量,与其它信息相配合有利于种植业可持续发展战略的实施。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Until the middle of the 20th century, Pyrenean rivers were characterized by braided channels, unstable sedimentary structures and an almost complete lack of plant cover in the alluvial plain, due to the high sediment yield in hillslopes and the occurrence of frequent and intense flooding. This was probably related to strong demographic pressures, including the cultivation of steep slopes, frequent fires, deforestation and overgrazing. Depopulation and farmland abandonment resulted in plant recolonization in formerly cultivated areas, causing a decrease in runoff and sediment yield. As a consequence, most Pyrenean rivers tend to reduce the width of the alluvial plain and to replace the braided pattern with an incised, somewhat meandering pattern, involving the construction of new terrace levels and the stabilization of fluvial bars.  相似文献   

杨效忠  张捷  乌铁红 《地理学报》2009,64(8):978-988
跨界旅游区是旅游发展潜力大而管理对象复杂的地理单元,成为旅游地理学区域性研究新焦点。立足于组织际关系(IORs)和社会网络理论方法视角,剖析出跨界旅游区空间合作行为实质为跨界旅游组织之间接触交流的网络构建和重组。在相应的社会网络评价指标体系建立的基础上,对大别山天堂寨跨界旅游区网络结构和跨界合作进行实证分析,并经核心—边缘模型验证,表明:①从网络密度看,天堂寨整体网络密度较局域网络密度小,呈现出行政区内的强联结和行政区之间的弱联结,网络结构洞特征凸显;低层级行政区之间网络密度大于高层级行政区之间的网络密度;跨界维度越多,网络密度越小,说明跨界旅游活动存在显著的边界效应。②从网络节点中心度看,局域中心度最大,整体中心度次之,边界中心度最小,从一个侧面印证了旅游行政区经济存在且相当强势。③根据Francisco的组织际合作关系整合模型,发现天堂寨跨界旅游合作处于由弱合作阶段向中合作阶段过渡。进一步降低交易成本,增加各方共识度,营造良好的外部环境,采取组建跨界旅游联盟,进而提高跨界合作强度,是实现天堂寨跨界旅游区可持续发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Rural private lands in the Mountain West of the United States are undergoing a profound land‐use conversion, from agriculture to low‐density residential or exurban development, though little scientific study documents the ecological consequences of this change. Nongovernmental conservation organizations are working with ranchers to keep rangeland out of development and in ranching, ostensibly because these organizations believe that biodiversity is better protected on ranches than on exurban developments. We compared plant and wildlife communities across the principal rural land uses in the Mountain West: protection, livestock ranching, and exurban development. Native plant and faunal biodiversity was better maintained on ranches and protected areas than on exurban developments. Exurban developments favored species that were nonnative or adapted to human‐altered environments. The continued conversion of ranches to exurban development suggests a long‐term alteration of the region's natural heritage.  相似文献   

区域一体化研究综述:尺度、联系与边界   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
区域一体化是当今世界最具活力的经济现象之一,它是一个多维度的空间现象,也是一个多学科参与的科学问题。地理学独特的尺度、联系和边界视角对于理解区域一体化是如何改变世界经济格局及其对国家和区域发展的影响有重要意义。文章梳理了区域一体化理论和发展,以尺度、联系和边界的分析视角重新审视了快速发展的区域一体化进程,阐述了区域一体化的网络化特征和多维联系,重新定义了区域一体化中的多重边界,并从“全球―地方”联系的角度对区域一体化进程下有关区域和地方发展的研究进行了综述。区域一体化的实践表现出越来越多的网络特征,形成了以国家权力和关系为导向,涵盖多维度邻近的立体网络空间;区域一体化的边界效应重塑了全球经济格局,同时传统的领土边界依然重要;区域一体化的制度安排深刻影响了一国边境地区的发展和经济地理格局。最后,针对区域一体化,从尺度建构、内部联系、边界效应和多元分析框架等角度指出了亟待学界解决的一些问题,并展望了未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

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