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中国精准扶贫土地整治的典型模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地整治是助推精准扶贫,实现脱贫解困的重要途径。根据土地整治作用于农村减贫发展的实现路径,将全国土地整治助推精准扶贫的典型模式概括为四种:① 单项土地整理模式。通过开发低效未利用地,建设高标准农田,改善农业生产条件,促进农业规模化经营。② 三生空间优化模式。将农村宅基地复垦与易地扶贫搬迁相结合,改善人居环境,恢复脆弱生态,优化乡村三生空间。③ 土地资产显化模式。实施补充耕地指标有偿异地调剂,积累扶贫开发资金,促进城乡要素双向流动,统筹城乡发展。④ 土地资本流动模式。将土地整治与土地流转及作价入股相结合,整合贫困地区劳动力、资本等要素资源,推动农业现代化和乡村振兴。  相似文献   

贫困地区乡村振兴与精准扶贫有效衔接研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
王永生  文琦  刘彦随 《地理科学》2020,40(11):1840-1847
精准扶贫与乡村振兴是新时代统筹城乡发展的重要途径和根本抓手,基于贫困地区发展历程、扶贫实践及成效梳理,提出了乡村振兴与精准扶贫有效衔接的理论框架,对于指导贫困地区乡村转型与可持续发展具有重要意义。结果表明,对贫困户、贫困县、贫困片区的精准扶贫,能够显著改善乡村地区的生产、生产和生态条件,逐步解决城乡发展不平衡的问题。通过乡村产业、生态、文化、人才、组织振兴,能够激发乡村发展活力、能力、动力和竞争力,解决乡村发展不充分的问题。精准扶贫旨在补齐乡村发展的短板,是乡村振兴的重要基础。乡村振兴可以巩固提升脱贫成果,是精准脱贫的有力保障。因此,在精准扶贫和乡村振兴的交汇期,应同步推进和实施两大战略,按照人?地?业?财的耦合协调状态,设定贫困地区精准脱贫量表,实现贫困地区乡村稳定与持续脱贫,设定县域乡村振兴率、村域居业协同度等指标,为乡村振兴成效评估提供定量考评依据。  相似文献   

In-migration to popular ‘sea change’ and ‘tree change’ regions has produced conflicts between rural land users. In the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, new residential developments have been built on much of what was previously prime agricultural land, while farmers (in particular, those negatively affected by the deregulation of the dairy industry) have sought to secure retirement incomes by subdividing land for sale. Although developers, local councils and individual farmers sometimes see eye to eye on the mutual benefits of in-migration and population growth, land use has none the less become the subject of a hotly contested local political battle. Conflicts occur at the interface of growing urban developments and surrounding farmland, with new residents finding the sights, sounds and smells of rural production intrusive. More generally, there is considerable concern that the best farmland in the region may be lost to urbanisation and rural residential subdivision. This paper discusses the results of a survey that collected opinions from local residents about the pressures on the region's land uses by in-migration, the future role of farmland as both an economic and cultural landscape, and views on proposed measures to protect prime farmland in the region. Results highlighted a strong and consistent ‘pro-farmland’ and ‘pro-protection’ attitude throughout the region, and across social groups. Yet, variations emerged when respondents were asked about why they attribute value to agricultural landscapes. For some, ‘economic’ values dominated, while for others, value was attributed in ways that reflected an emerging ethos of ‘localism’ and village lifestyle. Although values differed, a clear message from this study is that the population of Australia's pre-eminent ‘sea change’ region strongly support measures to curb urban development and the more destructive consequences of a dynamic property market.  相似文献   

During rapid urbanization and industrialization process, non-farm employment of rural laborers has emerged as a prevalent phenomenon in rural areas of China and become an important driving factor for changes in agricultural land use. This article attempts to theoretically analyze the impacts of non-farm employment of rural laborers on agricultural land use based on economic frameworks. As rational agents, farmers aim to maximize their income and follow equilibrium principles when they decide how to allocate their labor forces (or working time) in two departments (farm and non-farm) and how to use their agricultural land with different quality and location. The income earned by non-farm employment is higher, and there exists a comparative advantage between labors, as a result the quantity and quality of labor input in agricultural land use decreases. With the limitation of labor input during agricultural land use decision-making of farm households, on the one hand, land with higher quality is still utilized by farmers. On the other hand, poor quality land will be less well managed and is more likely to be abandoned. Non-farm employment of rural laborers and the rising of opportunity costs will result in abandonment of poor quality land, and great importance should be attached to this by policy makers.  相似文献   

以耕地资源较为富集的贫困县兰西为例,采用空间统计方法分析县域贫困格局,剖析耕地利用对农村贫困格局的影响机制。研究发现:兰西县贫困发生率呈西北向东南梯度递减特征。贫困家庭收入来源单一,对耕地的依赖性较强。耕地利用的各因子对贫困发生率在影响方向和影响程度上不同,且由于耕地资源差异形成了资源依赖机制和资源利用机制,进而影响贫困格局。 建议该类型区域加强土地整治,提高耕地的自然质量和生态价值;加大对农业投入强度,促进农业提档升级;调整农业生产关系,实现现代农业与贫困户的有机结合,确保农业可持续发展与贫困户增收、脱贫。  相似文献   

精准扶贫视角下中国东北农村贫困地域性特征及成因   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
基于结构性问卷,采用入户访谈及问卷调查的方法,解析中国东北地区农村贫困空间格局与地域性特征,并对区域内部典型农村贫困区贫困问题的形成机制进行探讨与解构。研究认为: 东北地区农村贫困人口与贫困县集中分布在大兴安岭南麓和黑、吉、辽三省与内蒙古东部交界地区以及中俄、中朝边境地区,形成东、西两大片区,西部片区呈带状自北向南延伸,东部片区内存在两个团块状贫困人口集聚区,整体表现出“大集聚,小分散”的空间分布特征。 区域内部存在5个农村贫困高发区,分别为中俄北部边境贫困高发区、中俄东部边境贫困高发区、松嫩平原贫困高发区、西部贫困高发区、中朝边境贫困高发区;农村贫困发生率“北高南低,西低东高”的特征明显。农村贫困群体以中老年人为主,文化水平整体较低,吃穿与医疗保障问题突出;罹患疾病以及耕地不足、耕地利用率低是导致东北地区农村贫困的主因,发展现代农业和外出务工是消除贫困的重要途径。 区域内部存在西部农牧交错区、东部边境山地朝鲜族聚居区、东部平原与丘陵过渡区三大典型农村贫困区,西部农牧交错区农村贫困问题的产生主要受农业生产结构单一、农产品市场价格下行、农户自身思想认识落后、基础设施建设滞后、区域自然生态条件不利等多种因素的协同影响;东部边境山地朝鲜族聚居区农村贫困问题主要由劳动年龄人口的持续性外流所引发的系列效应导致;东部平原与丘陵过渡区农村贫困问题的出现主要受地理位置偏远、地形复杂导致自然灾害多发、耕地资源不足的影响。  相似文献   

尹铎  朱竑 《地理学报》2022,77(4):888-899
农业扶贫是乡村发展与贫困减缓最为关键且重要的研究内容之一。西南山区孕育着独特的自然生态与社会文化,承载了中国传统人地互动的经典实践,同时也是观测国家发展计划实施后人地关系变迁的关键地方。本文以云南丽江高寒山区的玛咖种植与西双版纳热带山地的普洱茶生产为案例,分析并回溯两种特色农业扶贫计划实施的机制与过程,力图呈现并比较特色产业扶贫带来的乡村发展效应。研究发现:① 农业扶贫项目的选择与确立,需要符合“国家—地方”这一对多元尺度层级的社会文化语境与政治经济管治框架。各类经济作物被引进成为山地乡村的产业扶贫项目,得益于中国地缘政治战略、“内地—边疆”的社会文化分异以及地方多元行动者之间的复杂互动;② 农业扶贫使得山地乡村实现了资本下乡、土地利用有效转型,从而达到不同程度的经济资本积累与文化再造,使所在地方农民经历了从市场竞争的被动接受者到主动的市场主体的身份转型;③ 农业扶贫中“扶贫”与“产业”所表征的政治逻辑与市场逻辑之间并非互相矛盾与掣肘,二者在中国乡村发展语境之下得到了有效、协调的互促与兼容。本文为产业扶贫研究提供了来自地理学的新兴视角与反思,对西南边疆地区立足特色产业提振乡村经济亦具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper is a multi‐sited ethnography of cross‐border rubber cultivation between China and Laos. Smallholder minority rubber farmers from Xishuangbanna (China) have forged successful informal share‐cropping arrangements to grow rubber trees on the land of relatives and friends in neighbouring Laos. By becoming rich and entrepreneurial rural citizens, Akha and Tai farmers have also, in their own eyes, raised their own ‘quality’ (suzhi) and see themselves as ‘modern’. By examining various meanings of ‘modern’ in China, and contrasting the rubber farmers' experience with Jacob Eyferth's notion of rural ‘deskilling’, this paper shows how through learning to plant, cultivate and tap rubber, these farmers have taken on the discipline and technical knowledge of ‘modern’ workers and become ‘skilled’. By rising in ‘quality’, minority farmers on China's periphery challenge the entrenched binaries of urban/rural, modern/backward, prosperous/poor and Han/minority nationality. Xishuangbanna minority farmers acknowledge that they are also ‘backward’ in the Chinese social hierarchy, but their extension of rubber cultivation to kin and others in Laos has confirmed their modernity as dispensers of development, technical know‐how and ‘superior’ Chinese culture to Lao farmers who are ‘backward and poor’. In contrast to large state rubber farms that have failed to establish rubber plantations in northern Laos, minority farmers have created regionalization.  相似文献   

Threats to rural livelihoods and rural landscapes have increased over time as developed nations in particular look for cheaper and more locally based alternatives to traditional energy sources to drive national economies. In New South Wales, through the expansion of coal mines and coal seam gas (CSG), small towns such as Gloucester on the edge of the Upper Hunter are faced with competing visions which seek to redefine their future. Powerful and competing discourses over land use threaten not only the sustainability of the region but the integrity of its sense of place, centred on community, rurality, agricultural production and confrontation of risk from mining. The different discourses of local groups such as ‘tree-changers’, established residents and farmers conflict with those of external organisations such as the State government and mining/CSG companies which envisage Gloucester as a ‘balanced’ space of co-existence and position it as a new node in the carbon supply chain.  相似文献   

湖南省县域乡村反贫困绩效评价与空间分异特征   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
综合运用熵值法、地理探测器等方法,从基本生存绩效、自身发展绩效,县域扶贫绩效3个方面构建指标体系,对湖南省51个贫困县2017年反贫困绩效空间地域分异特征及其影响因素进行研究。结果表明:湖南省贫困农户一般能满足基本的生存需要;自身发展绩效水平得分较高的区域大多处于武陵源区、鹤城区等城市市区周围以及罗霄山片区,而雪峰山脉周围县市则普遍较低;县域扶贫绩效水平高的区域分布较为零散,大致位于各城区周围,而省城或西北的少数民族聚集区以及中南部绩效水平还有待提高。反贫困绩效总体上呈现出高、中、低3种绩效水平交替分布的空间特征,愈靠近武陵源区、鹤城区和长株潭地区的贫困县市,综合反贫困绩效水平愈高。县域发展情况是影响湖南省反贫困绩效的决定性因素,农户条件与乡村状况是基础性因素,自然条件是重要因素,各因子间交互作用的影响远大于单因子,不存在独立作用的因素,体现出湖南省反贫困绩效影响因素的复杂性特征。  相似文献   

Aborigines, because of their population numbers and increasing control over land and resources, are crucial to the sustainable development of rural Australia. However, appropriate Aboriginal development requires the replacement of the ‘top‐down’ approaches generally adopted by government agencies by ‘bottom‐up’ approaches reflecting the needs and aspirations of rural Aboriginal people. Past experience demonstrates that Aborigines have faced many frustrations in reconciling these concepts. But some approaches now being adopted in the use and management of Australia's rangelands provide interesting alternatives which may be more generally applicable in enhancing rangeland sustainability. Examples include land‐use practices conducted by Aborigines living in remote homeland centres on their own freehold land, and the diversity of land uses introduced on pastoral stations now under Aboriginal ownership. Broader recognition of the value of these approaches will depend on widespread acknowledgment of the overall worth of Aboriginal land management knowledge in rural restructuring  相似文献   


Government efforts to industrialise and modernise the Lao economy through intensive resource development are having adverse effects on rural livelihoods as resources are degraded and access to limited land and natural resources has intensified. In one of the country's key river basins, Nam Ngum, a series of resource developments including hydropower, mining and agricultural plantations have modified the landscape over the last four decades. Uncoordinated resource developments are putting intense pressure on increasingly scarce natural resources and affecting the lives of people who are dependent on them. Economic diversification of rural households in Feuang District in the Nam Ngum River Basin has created significant discrepancies between the rich and the poor, yet all households remain primarily dependent on agriculture. Land is of enduring importance to rural livelihoods. National development intervention has failed to secure basic livelihoods for rural households.  相似文献   

Poverty is a key issue restricting rural sustainable development; concurrently, regional land degradation impedes agricultural development and rural revitalization. China faces severe land degradation and deepening rural poverty under the context of rapid urbanization. To address these challenges, sustainable land use is an important tool in our society's economic development. Rural engineering, including rural land consolidation, reclamation, restoration, reallocation, improvement, and development, is the most direct and effective way to achieve rural sustainable poverty alleviation. This study clarifies the framework between land engineering and rural poverty alleviation, and introduces land engineering technologies, newly created land utilization practices, and the contributions to poverty alleviation in representative degraded land regions. Land engineering can increase land quantity,improve land quality, enhance land ecological function, and promote man-land system coupling. Further, it can erase rural poverty by increasing county revenue and households' income, lead to industrial development, and improve living environment. Specifically, degraded sandy land, gully land, hollowed construction land, and barren hilly land are transformed into productive land by improving the land structure. Innovated land engineering technologies and sustainable land utilization modes can provide the basic theories and reference approaches for rural poverty alleviation. Identifying obstacles to effective land and corresponding engineering practices are crucial to regional land exploitation and development, improving quality of life and alleviating rural poverty.  相似文献   

This paper focuses upon a generation of agricultural change in Lapinlahti, a parish in the central Finnish lake district. The resettlement of displaced Karelian farmers in the immediate post-war years disrupted the established farming pattern here as elsewhere in Finland. A programme of forest clearance – socially desirable, but economically insupportable – changed the rural scene as well as providing new arable land for fodder crops to support increased dairy production. In the last decade, agricultural output surplus to market needs has been coupled with timber production insufficient to meet demand. Within the space of a generation, legislation encouraging afforestation and compensating for land withdrawn from cultivation has replaced subsidies for forest colonisation and land clearance. The reactions to this legislation of Karelians in Lapinlahti differ from those of the indigenous farmers.  相似文献   

The postsocialist transition resulted in widespread structural change in Polish agriculture, but fine-scale assessments of how these changes affected farming and rural landscapes are scarce. This article examines changes in farm sizes and land use patterns after the breakdown of socialism in Poland using micro-census data and satellite images. Our study area is Pyrzyce County. The analysis indicates a polarization of the farm size distribution (e.g., medium-sized farms disappeared) as well as marked changes in land use patterns (e.g., increasing field sizes and field aggregation). Interviews with farmers and stakeholders suggest that this shift can be explained by decreasing competitiveness of medium-sized farms in the emerging new agricultural value chain, which forced farmers to increase and intensify production or to downsize their farms, especially when the preference was for other occupations.  相似文献   

基于2005年在南京市进行的大规模家庭户调查,检查城市不同社会群体的贫困发生率和贫困集聚度,并分析不同贫困群体的特征及贫困的决定因素。1370个调查案例被分为三种类型:无失业人员的城市家庭、有失业人员的城市家庭、农民工家庭。研究采用主观感知和客观测度两种方法分析不同城市群体的贫困发生率和贫困集聚度。城市贫困群体的特征分析集中于其日常生活的最基本元素,包括人口学特征、社会权利、住房条件、邻里关系和社会网络等。研究发现,有失业人员的城市家庭与农民工家庭有着相似的贫困发生率,后者更遭受多重不利。在贫困决定因素方面,城市家庭的贫困主要取决于不利的个人和家庭特征因素,而农民工家庭的贫困很大程度上与制度歧视相联系,农民工不仅在生活条件上而且在社会保障方面仍无法真正融入城市社会。  相似文献   

农户生计资产决定着农户生计方式选择与生计策略行为,作为当前农户主要消费性投资行为的农村居民点建设消费受制于农户所拥有的生计资产量,基于此引导农户的居民点建设消费行为、开展农村居民点整合已成为当前提高农村土地利用效率、改善农户生产生活条件的关键。研究选取重庆市沙坪坝区白林村为样点,采用“PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) +3S”相结合的方法,以地理坐标为标识码,建立农户属性数据与地块的空间数据相链接的“农户-土地”数据库。运用该数据库,构建农户生计资产量化指标体系,量化农户生计资产进行农户分化,剖析不同农户的后顾生计来源及其住居意愿,开展农村居民点整合。结果表明,农户生计资产的配置结构差异明显,8%的农户各项资产产值高于平均水平,23%的农户各项资产产值处于中等水平;以农户拥有的自然资产产值为主辅以其他各项资产产值,将农户划分为农业多样化发展型(16%)、农业专业化发展型(8%)、兼业化发展型(23%)、非农多样化发展型(31%) 和非农专业化发展型(22%) 5 类;根据不同生计来源农户的住居意愿并结合国家与地方发展战略,构建了社区型(非农多样化发展型与非农专业化发展型)、组团型(农业专业化发展型)、块状型(农业多样化发展型) 和带状型(兼业化发展型) 4 种农村居民点整合方式。  相似文献   

贫困地区的精准扶贫与乡村振兴:内在逻辑与实现机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭远智  周扬  刘彦随 《地理研究》2019,38(12):2819-2832
面向“两个一百年”奋斗目标的需要,当前中国贫困地区乡村发展正逐渐由低层次的脱贫向更高层次的振兴转变,两者的紧密关联使得减贫对于推动乡村振兴战略目标的实现具有重要意义。通过分析精准扶贫与乡村振兴的基本内涵,探讨两者的内在逻辑关系,进而从多个维度剖析贫困地区的精准扶贫实践如何助推其乡村振兴。结果表明:① 贫困地区的精准扶贫旨在科学诊断致贫因子的基础上采取针对性措施实施帮扶,从根本上消除导致贫困的各种障碍性因素;乡村振兴则重点在于通过构建城乡融合发展的体制机制,最终实现农业农村的现代化。② 精准扶贫与乡村振兴的内在一致性使得两者存在紧密的逻辑顺承性,精准扶贫是乡村振兴的关键和基本前提,而乡村振兴是精准扶贫的深化和保障,可以说农村减贫的过程也是乡村逐步振兴的过程。③ 通过要素资源合理流动和配置补齐乡村人、地、业等发展短板,贫困地区重塑了要素耦合、结构合理、功能复合的乡村地域系统,从而推动乡村产业、人才、文化、生态、组织等振兴,最终实现农业强、农民富和农村美的发展目标。  相似文献   

The economic importance of periodic and daily markets as well as the crucial role played by women in these markets has been well noted in the development literature on West Africa. While markets in Ghana have been examined in various aspects, not enough work has been done on their potential role within the context of the current decentralized district development process. This article makes the case for market development with the study of markets in two district capitals in the Central Region of Ghana. In both districts, with little industry and a weak tax base, levies on markets serve as a major source of internally generated revenue to local government, namely District Assemblies. The study also indicated that, for many people, the markets in the district capitals serve as the main avenue for interacting with the ‘centre’ (urban), thereby promoting rural‐urban interactions. However, these markets are underdeveloped. This article emphasizes the need to upgrade the infrastructure in these markets in order to generate more revenue for district development, improve agriculture and income, and reduce poverty, especially among women, and generally provide an alternative means to district development.  相似文献   

In rural Burkina Faso, intensification has been an uneven process that has resulted in social costs, particularly in the form of uneven distribution of assets and disparate environmental trade-offs. This study examines the effects of wealth status on agricultural practice and soil fertility, arguing that differences in the practices of wealthier and poorer farmers lead to differential social and environmental outcomes. Two concerns are highlighted. First is the role of poverty in environmental degradation. Much of the debate about the role of wealth and poverty in environmental outcomes in developing countries has pinpointed poverty as the main causal explanation. Using studies of agricultural practices and soil fertility from several villages in southwestern Burkina Faso, this paper will counter this dominant view by showing that wealthier farmers farm much larger areas, have fewer trees in their fields, and use higher levels of animal traction which, in turn, has led to lower levels of soil fertility. A second concern is that while poorer farmers may have agricultural practices that minimize environmental degradation, their exclusion from key institutions that provide access to resources has serious livelihood consequences and potentials for increasing socioeconomic differentiation. The agricultural practices of wealthier farmers, while not optimal environmentally, result in higher levels of household wealth. A paradox emerges that while poorer farmers are conserving environmental resources, they are doing so at the expense of economic development and well-being.  相似文献   

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