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A detailed analysis is presented of the horizontal wind fluctuations with periods 20 s to 1 hr, and their vertical structure as measured with light three-cup anemometers in a tropical forest environment. Information collected during the TREND (Tropical Environmental Data) experiment in a monsoon dominated region, was utilized. A special attempt was made to extract information relevant for dispersion modeling. Variability parameters within and above the forest canopy under different stability conditions were derived. A similar analysis was performed for a nearby clearing, to facilitate comparison between relatively smooth and rough surfaces, under identical ambient conditions. A limited sample of data (7 days) was utilized, initially, to develop a methodology to be later applied on a comprehensive data base, spanning the whole monsoon cycle.  相似文献   

Turbulence measurements above a pine forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eddy fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat, and turbulence spectra measured over the Thetford Forest during 10 days in the Spring of 1973 are described. The measured total heat flux (H + E) for 122 20-min periods agreed closely on average with independent estimates from an energy balance method. There was evidence that the energy balance data gave small systematic overestimates of available energy during the hours before noon, compensated by slight underestimates for the remainder of the day. A comparison of measured wind speeds and friction velocities in neutral stability confirmed the validity of the aerodynamic method for estimating momentum fluxes at heights of a few roughness lengths above the canopy. In stable conditions the log-linear wind profileU = (u */k)(ln ((z -d)/z o) + (z -d -z o)/L) with = 3.4 ± 0.4 provided a good fit to the data. Spectra in unstable conditions were generally more sharply peaked than those measured by other workers over smoother terrain: differences were less marked in the case of vertical velocity in stable conditions. Temperature spectra in these stable conditions showed high energy at relatively low wavenumbers, andwT cospectra showed a cospectral gap; both of these results were associated with an intermittent sawtooth structure in the temperature fluctuations.Now at the Meteorological Office, Bracknell  相似文献   

Static pressure fluctuations in the microscale range were measured in a mature deciduous forest. Pressure measurements were taken at the ground and above the canopy, and mean profile data of windspeed were collected from above the canopy to near the forest floor. Time series, spectra, and cross-correlations were calculated under different canopy conditions, and relationships between surface pressure fluctuations and mean windspeeds were determined. High-frequency pressure fluctuations that occur over aerodynamically smoother surfaces do not occur at the forest floor. These surface fluctuations are advected by the wind above the canopy, not that within the trunk space. The shapes of the pressure spectra are affected by changes in windspeed. Comparisons of spectra above and below the canopy also show some effect of the canopy itself on the shape of the pressure spectra.  相似文献   

The deposition velocity (V d) of nitric acid vapor over a fully leafed deciduous forest was estimated using flux/gradient theory. HNO3 deposition velocities ranged from 2.2 to 6.0cm/s with a mean V don the order of 4.0cms-1. Estimates of V dfrom a detailed canopy turbulence model gave deposition velocities of similar magnitude. The model was used to investigate the sensitivity of V dto the leaf boundary-layer resistance and leaf area index (LAI). Although modeled deposition velocities were found to be sensitive to the parameterization of the leaf boundary-layer resistance, they were less sensitive to the LAI. Modeled V d's were found to peak at LAI = 7.  相似文献   

Summary Solar radiation (Qc), sunshine hours (n) and reflectance coefficients or albedo (A) were measured above, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was measured above and within three levels in a tropical dry deciduous forest in western Mexico (19° 30 N, 105° 03 W).Values ofQc andn, and PAR andA showed a drastic change between rainy and dry season, and leafed and leafless period, respectively. The transmittance for solar radiation was high in dry season and showed a great variation on transition months from dry to rainy season. Midday albedo changed from 14 (August, leafed period) to 21% (May, leafless period).The transmittance of PAR within the forest was 0.92, 0.26 and 0.19 at levels of 10.0, 5.0 and 0.2m above ground, respectively, in leafed period. The mean tree height was 11.0 m. In leafless period, the transmittance was 0.75 and 0.46 at 5.0 and 0.2 m levels.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

Eddy-correlation measurements of the vertical fluxes of ozone, carbon dioxide, fine particles with diameter near 0.1 m, and particulate sulfur, as well as of momentum, heat and water vapor, have been taken above a tall leafless deciduous forest in wintertime. During the experimental period of one week, ozone deposition velocities varied from about 0.1 cm s–1 at night to more than 0.4 cm s-1 during the daytime, with the largest variations associated primarily with changes in solar irradiation. Most of the ozone removal took place in the upper canopy. Carbon dioxide fluxes were directed upward due to respiration and exhibited a strong dependence on air temperature and solar heating. The fluxes were approximately zero at air temperatures less than 5 °C and approached 0.8 mg m–2 s–1 when temperatures exceeded 15 °C during the daytime. Fine-particle deposition rates were large at times, with deposition velocities near 0.8 cm s–1 when turbulence levels were high, but fluxes directed upward were found above the canopy when the surface beneath was covered with snow. Diffusional processes seemed to dominate fine-particle transfer across quasilaminar layers and subsequent deposition to the upper canopy. Deposition velocities for particulate sulfur were highly variable and averaged to a value small in magnitude as compared to similar measurements taken previously over a pine forest in summer.  相似文献   

The processes influencing turbulence in a deciduous forest and the relevant length and time scales are investigated with spectral and cross-correlation analysis. Wind velocity power spectra were computed from three-dimensional wind velocity measurements made at six levels inside the plant canopy and at one level above the canopy. Velocity spectra measured within the plant canopy differ from those measured in the surface boundary layer. Noted features associated with the within-canopy turbulence spectra are: (a) power spectra measured in the canopy crown peak at higher wavenumbers than do those measured in the subcanopy trunkspace and above the canopy; (b) peak spectral values collapse to a relatively universal value when scaled according to a non-dimensional frequency comprised of the product of the natural frequency and the Eulerian time scale for vertical velocity; (c) at wavenumbers exceeding the spectral peak, the slopes of the power spectra are more negative than those observed in the surface boundary layer; (d) Eulerian length scales decrease with depth into the canopy crown, then increase with further depth into the canopy; (e) turbulent events below crown closure are more correlated with turbulent events above the canopy than are those occurring in the canopy crown; and (f) Taylor's frozen eddy hypothesis is not valid in a plant canopy. Interactions between plant elements and the mean wind and turbulence alter the processes that produce, transport and remove turbulent kinetic energy and account for the noted observations.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted during the growing season of 1993 at a mixed deciduous forest in southern Ontario, Canada to investigate the atmospheric abundance of hydrocarbons from phytogenic origins, and to measure emission rates from foliage of deciduous trees. The most abundant phytogenic chemical species found in the ambient air were isoprene and the monoterpenes -pinene and -pinene. Prior to leaf-bud break during spring, ambient hydrocarbon mixing ratios above the forest remained barely above instrument detection limit (20 parts per trillion), but they became abundant during the latter part of the growing season. Peak isoprene mixing ratios reached nearly 10 parts per billion (ppbv) during mid-growing season while maximum monoterpene mixing ratios were close to 2 ppbv. Both isoprene and monoterpene mixing ratios exhibited marked diurnal variations. Typical isoprene mixing ratios were highest during mid-afternoon and were lowest during nighttime. Peak isoprene mixing ratios coincided with maximum canopy temperature. The diurnal pattern of ambient isoprene mixing ratio was closely linked to the local emissions from foliage. Isoprene emission rates from foliage were measured by enclosing branches of trees inside environment-controlled cuvette systems and measuring the gas mixing ratio difference between cuvette inlet and outlet airstream. Isoprene emissions depended on tree species, foliage ontogeny, and environmental factors such as foliage temperature and intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). For instance, young (<1 month old) aspen leaves released approximately 80 times less isoprene than mature (>3 months old) leaves. During the latter part of the growing season the amount of carbon released back to the atmosphere as isoprene by big-tooth and trembling aspen leaves accounted for approximately 2% of the photosynthetically fixed carbon. Significant isoprene mixing ratio gradients existed between the forest crown and at twice canopy height above the ground. The gradient diffusion approach coupled with similarity theory was used to estimate canopy isoprene flux densities. These canopy fluxes compared favorably with values obtained from a multilayered canopy model that utilized locally measured plant microclimate, biomass distribution and leaf isoprene emission rate data. Modeled isoprene fluxes were approximately 30% higher compared to measured fluxes. Further comparisons between measured and modeled canopy biogenic hydrocarbon flux densities are required to assess uncertainties in modeling systems that provide inventories of biogenic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Coherent structures in turbulent flow above a midlatitude deciduous forest are identified using a wavelet analysis technique. Coupling between motions above the canopy (z/h=1.5, whereh is canopy height) and within the canopy (z/h=0.6) are studied using composite velocity and temperature fields constructed from 85 hours of data. Data are classified into winter and summer cases, for both convective and stable conditions. Vertical velocity fluctuations are in phase at both observation levels. Horizontal motions associated with the structures within the canopy lead those above the canopy, and linear analysis indicates that the horizontal motions deep in the canopy should lead the vertical motions by 90°. On average, coherent structures are responsible for only about 40% of overall turbulent heat and momentum fluxes, much less than previously reported. However, our large data set reveals that this flux fraction comes from a wide distribution that includes much higher fractions in its upper extremes. The separation distanceL s between adjacent coherent structures, 6–10h, is comparable to that obtained in previous observations over short canopies and in the laboratory. Changes in separation between the summer and winter (leafless) conditions are consistent withL s being determined by a local horizontal wind shear scale.  相似文献   

Canopy turbulence plays an important role in mass and energy exchanges at the canopy-atmosphere interface. Despite extensive studies on canopy turbulence over a flat terrain, less attention has been given to canopy turbulence in a complex terrain. The purpose of this study is to scrutinize characteristics of canopy turbulence in roughness sublayer over a hilly forest terrain. We investigated basic turbulence statistics, conditionally sampled statistics, and turbulence spectrum in terms of different atmospheric stabilities, wind direction and vertical structures of momentum fluxes. Similarly to canopy turbulence over a homogeneous terrain, turbulence statistics showed coherent structure. Both quadrant and spectrum analysis corroborated the role of intermittent and energetic eddies with length scale of the order of canopy height, regardless of wind direction except for shift of peak in vertical wind spectrum to relatively high frequency in the down-valley wind. However, the magnitude of the momentum correlation coefficient in a neutral condition was smaller than typical value over a flat terrain. Further scrutiny manifested that, in the up-valley flow, temperature skewness was larger and the contribution of ejection to both momentum and heat fluxes was larger compared to the downvalley flow, indicating that thermal instability and weaker wind shear in up-valley flow asymmetrically affect turbulent transport within the canopy.  相似文献   

Turbulent transport processes for momentum and scalar quantities are examined by a joint probability distribution analysis using data observed within and above a deciduous forest. Characteristics of transport processes in the frequency domain were also analyzed using Tukey's procedure. The results confirm that sweep phenomena prevail within and at the top of a tall plant canopy and that downdrafts are more effective for vertical transport of momentum and scalar quantities. On the other hand, updrafts become more efficient for vertical transport in the daytime at levels about twice treetop height. The results show that within the forest, the sweep phenomenon prevails over a wide frequency range, while above the forest, prevalence of the ejection phenomenon is limited to low frequencies. It is again noted that the plant canopy plays an important role in the sweep-ejection cycle as well as in turbulent transport processes.  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations of isoprene and several of its atmospheric oxidation productsmethacrolein, methylvinyl ketone, formaldehyde, formic acid, acetic acid, and pyruvic acid-were measured in a central Pennsylvania deciduous forest during the summer of 1988. Isoprene concentrations ranged from near zero at night to levels in excess of 30 ppbv during daylight hours. During fair weather periods, midday isoprene levels normally fell in the 5–10 ppbv range. Methacrolein and methylvinyl ketone levels ranged from less than 0.5 ppbv to greater than 3 ppbv with average midday concentrations in the 1 to 2 ppbv range. The diurnal behavior of formaldehyde paralleled that of isoprene with ambient concentrations lowest (1 ppbv) in the predawn hours and highest (>9.0 ppbv) during the afternoon. The organic acids peaked during the midday period with average ambient concentration of 2.5, 2.0, and 0.05 ppbv for formic, acetic, and pyruvic acid, respectively. These data indicate that oxygenated organics comprise a large fraction of the total volatile organic carbon containing species present in rural, forested regions of the eastern United States. Consequently, these compounds need to be included in photochemical models that attempt to simulate oxidant behavior and/or atmospheric acidity in these forested regions.  相似文献   

This review of the last three years of progress in the understanding of wind profiles and the structure of turbulence in the planetary boundary layer is divided into three parts. The first part, by N. E. Busch, deals with the atmospheric surface layer below 30 m. It is shown that the Monin-Oboukhov similarity hypotheses fail at low frequencies and large wave-lengths, probably due to mesoscale influences. Also, it is suggested that the neutral surface layer is a poor reference state in some respects, because the structure of turbulence in unstable conditions is quite different from that in stable stratification. The second part, by H. Tennekes, is concerned with the intermittency of the dissipative structure of turbulence and its effects on the velocity and temperature structure functions. It is shown that the modified Kolmogorov-Oboukhov theory, which attempts to explain the consequences of the dissipative intermittency, is unable to predict the shape of the temperature structure functions. The third part of this review, by H. A. Panofsky, deals with wind profiles and turbulence structure above 30 m. It is shown that between 30 and 150 m, surface-layer formulas can be used, if such mesoscale effects as changes of terrain roughness are taken into account where needed. Experimental data on turbulence above 150 m are quite sparse; some of the current scaling laws that can be used in this region are described.  相似文献   

The influence of atmospheric stability on the behaviour of the third moment of flow velocities observed inside a deciduous forest canopy is examined. Results suggest that buoyancy plays a dominant role in dictating the magnitude of gusts observed inside tall vegetation. Furthermore, an examination of the turbulence recorded throughout leaf fall inside the same forest indicates that larger velocity skewnesses are observed inside a canopy in full leaf than inside a sparse canopy. The behaviour of the measured terms in the non-dimensionalized rate equation of the third moment of canopy flow velocities is also examined. Turbulent diffusion and turbulence gradient interaction terms are largest in stable conditions in the upper canopy layer while these are most important in unstable conditions in the lower canopy layer. In all stability regimes, the turbulent diffusion term is the main source of skewness. The turbulence gradient interaction term, the residual and buoyant production terms all contribute to destroy skewness in stable conditions.  相似文献   

利用LI-8100开路式土壤碳通量系统测定龙王山森林土壤呼吸速率,研究北亚热带落叶阔叶林土壤呼吸速率的日变化和季节性变化规律.结果表明:北亚热带落叶阔叶林土壤呼吸速率在12—14时达到最大,与土壤温度变化基本一致;森林土壤呼吸速率随土壤温度的季节性变化而变化,在夏季土壤呼吸速率较高,在冬季土壤呼吸速率较低;土壤呼吸速率与土壤温度间存在着明显的指数关系,土壤呼吸温度敏感系数Q10为2.81.  相似文献   

Eddy fluxes of CO2, water vapor,and sensible heat over a deciduous forest   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Fluxes of CO2, latent heat and sensible heat were measured above a fully-leafed deciduous forest in eastern Tennessee with the eddy correlation technique. These are among the first reported observations over such a surface. The influences of solar radiation, vapor pressure deficit and the aerodynamic and canopy resistances on these mass and energy exchanges are examined. Following a concept introduced by McNaughton and Jarvis (1983), examination of our data suggest that the water vapor exchange of a deciduous forest is not as strongly coupled with net radiation as is that of agricultural crops. The degree of decoupling is smaller than in the case of a coniferous forest. This difference may be attributable in part to the greater aerodynamic resistance to water vapor transfer in a deciduous forest. It appears that the concept of decoupling may be extended to the CO2 exchange of a deciduous forest as well.Published as Paper No. 7832, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Research Division. ATDD Contribution No. 85-17.  相似文献   

Turbulence measurements performed in a stable boundary layer over the sloping ice surface of the Vatnajökull in Iceland are described. The boundary layer, in which katabatic forces are stronger than the large-scale forces, has a structure that closely resembles that of a stable boundary layer overlying a flat land surface, although there are some important differences. In order to compare the two situations the set-up of the instruments on an ice cap in Iceland was reproduced on a flat grass surface at Cabauw, the Netherlands. Wind speed and temperature gradients were calculated and combined with flux measurements made with a sonic anemometer in order to obtain the local stability functions m and h as a function of the local stability parameter z/L. Unlike the situation at Cabauw, where m was linear as a function of z/L, in the katabatically forced boundary layer, the dependence of m on stability was found to be non-linear and related to the height of the wind maximum. Thermal stratification and the depth of the stable boundary layer however seem to be rather similar under these two different forcing conditions.Furthermore, measurements on the ice were used to construct the energy balance. These showed good agreement between observed melt and components contributing to the energy balance: net radiation (supplying 55% of the energy), sensible heat flux (30%) and latent heat flux (15%).Local sources and sinks in the turbulent kinetic energy budget are summed and indicate a reasonable balance in near-neutral conditions but not in more stable situations. The standard deviation of the velocity fluctuations u, v, and w, can be scaled satisfactorily with the local friction velocity u* and the standard deviation of the temperature fluctuation with the local temperature scale *.  相似文献   

Probability density distributions of vertical velocity fluctuations from the daytime convective boundary layer and from convection within a nighttime stratocumulus-capped boundary layer are described and contrasted. Some implications for the diffusion of released, neutrally buoyant, material are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

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