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Summary In a polluted area, conductivity measurements do not provide significantly better fog forecasts than result from the trend of synoptic reports.  相似文献   

Summary The atmospheric electric current flow in the ionosphere was discussed in a qualitative way at the UGGI General Assembly at Berkeley, California in 1963. The following picture emerged: The atmospheric electric fair weather current leaves the earth in a radially outward direction. As it enters the higher regions of the atmosphere and the ionospheric it is increasingly influenced by the earth's magnetic field. Because the main part of the current is crowded into the polar regions, the current density over the equatorial belt is small. A circular movement around the earth's axis results in an overall flow pattern tentatively termed, the atmospheric electric ring current. An attempt to calculate this current flow soon made it clear that the generally used simplification of the one-dimensional case with slanted magnetic field lines is not adequate—not even as a first approximation. The same is true for the assumption usually made in magnetohydrodynamics that the current follows approximately the magnetic field lines. An essential feature of the atmospheric electric ring current is that in equatorial regions the flow is forced across the magnetic field lines, the component along the lines being zero. A calculation is discussed that treats the magnetic field lines as those of a true dipole field with the corresponding tensor character of conductivity. The results of the calculation are presented as graphs of the density distribution of the ring current, the space charge distribution, the current flow, and equipotential lines.
Zusammenfassung Der luftelektrische Stromfluss in der Ionosphäre ist in qualitativer Weise während der UGGI Tagung in Berkeley California, 1963 diskutiert worden. Hierbei hat sich das folgende Bild ergeben: Der luftelektrische Schönwetterstrom fliesst von der Erdoberfläche nach ausswärts in radialer Richtung. Sobald er in die höheren Atmosphärenschichten und dann in die Ionosphäre kommt wird er in zunehmendem Masse vom erdmagnetischen Feld beeinflusst. Der Hauptteil des Stromes wird in die Polarzonen abgedrängt, wodurch die Stromdichte über dem Äquatorgürtel verhältnismässig klein wird. Zu gleicher Zeit wird eine kreisförmige Bewegung um die Erdachse ausgelöst, was ein Strombild ergibt, das versuchsweise der luftelektrische Ringstrom genannt wird.—Bei der Berechnung dieses Stromflusses ergab sich bald, dass die allgemein üblichen Vereinfachungen des eindimensionalen Falles mit homogenem, schräg einfallendem Magnetfeld nicht brauchbar sind, nicht einmal in erster Näherung. Dasselbe gilt für die Annahme, die gewöhnlich in der Magnetohydrodynamik gemacht wird, nämlich dass der Stromfluss angenähert dem magnetischen Felde folgt. Eine wichtige Eigenschaft des luftelektrischen Ringstromes ist es, dass der Strom über dem Äquatorgürtel gezwungen ist quer über die magnetischen Feldlinien zu fliessen, wobei die Stromkomponente in Richtung der Feldlinien gleich 0 ist. In der hier durchgeführten Rechnung wird das magnetische Feld als wahres Dipolfeld behandelt mit dem einer solchen Feldverteilung entsprechenden Tensorcharakter der Leitfähigkeit. Die Ergebnisse der Rechnung werden an Hand von graphischen darstellungen der Ringstrom- und Raumladungsdichte und der Strom- und Äquipotentiallinien diskutiert.

Summary The measured data of the atmospheric potential gradientE during aurorae are summarized. It is shown that aurorae in the northern hemisphere decreaseE, and aurorae in the southern hemisphere increaseE. Depending on aurorae intensities, variations ofE reach 30–35% from the mean.Deviations ofE from normal values, on the average, begin 3.5 hours before aurora occurrence and end 3 hours after that.
Zusammenfassung Messdaten des luftelektrischen Feldes (Potentialgefälles)E während des Auftretens von Polarlichtern werden zusammengefasst. Es wird gezeigt, dassE bei Nordlicht abgeschwächt, bei Südlicht verstärkt wird. Die Änderungen vonE erreichen 30–35% des Mittelwerts und hängen von der Stärke des Polarlichts ab. Im Mittel beginnen die Abweichungen desE von seinem normalen Wert 3.5 Stunden vor, und enden 3 Stunden nach dem Auftreten des Polarlichts.

Summary An analysis of the global nature of the atmospheric electric field is presented on the basis of comparison of measurements on the research vessel, Hakuho-Maru, on the Mid- and South-Pacific Ocean, with those at Syowa Station in Antartica and on two vessels on the Mid-Atlantic Ocean. The comparison of daily averages gave a different type of latitude dependence, which was characterized by a gradual decrease toward the antarctic region. Diurnal variations at these globally representative stations on the same day were checked with each other for the first time, and the correlation between them was found much higher than that between land stations. The regional effect, which might depend on the distance from the thunderstorm area, was not evidently detected. So the influence of the generator area was considered to propagate over the entire globe without significant attenuation.
Zusammenfassung Auf der Grundlage von Vergleichen zwischen Messungen an Bord des Forschungsschiffes Hakohu-Maru im mittleren und südlichen Pazifischen Ozean, an der antarktischen Forschungsstation Syowa und an Bord von zwei Forschungsschiffen im mittleren Atlantik wird eine Analyse der weltweiten Natur des luftelektrischen Feldes vorgelegt. Der Vergleich von Tagesmitteln ergab eine spezielle Abhängigkeit von der geographischen Breite, gekennzeichnet durch eine allmähliche Abnahme in Richtung auf den antarktischen Bereich. Die Tagesgänge an diesen weltweitrepräsentativen Stationen wurden zum ersten Mal untereinander für jeweils die gleichen Tage verglichen. Es wurde gefunden, dass die Korrelation zwischen ihnen weitaus grösser war als sie zwischen Landstationen ist. Ein regionaler Effekt, vermutbar in der Form einer Abhängigkeit von der Entfernung zur Gewitterzone, wurde nicht sicher gefunden. Deswegen wird angenommen, dass die Auswirkungen des Generatorbereichs sich über die gesamte Erde ohne merkliche Verminderung erstrecken.

We have estimated the variations in the atmospheric electrostatic field (AEF, E Z(0)) strength in the surface layer caused by variations in conductivity due to radon influences, cosmic ray intensity, changes in the balance of light and heavy ions during sunset and sunrise, and under the effect of the ionospheric electric current potential on the AEF potential. It is shown that the air conductivity varies due to ionization under the effect of radon emanations and is determined by the radon exhalation and turbulent diffusion of the surface air layer, while the cosmic ray intensity affects the surface air conductivity through changes in the ion recombination conditions. A decrease in the air conductivity due to a decrease in the cosmic ray intensity (Forbush decrease) also decreases E Z(0), while a decrease in radon fluxes results in an increase in E Z(0). We have estimated the effect of illumination conditions on the AEF due to variations in the relative concentration of heavy and light ions under the influence of photodetachment and photoattachment processes. The work has been done on the basis of data received from the Paratunka observatory (Kamchatka).  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-eight balloons have been flown in Canada to measure vertical and horizontal electric fields at balloon altitudes. A horizontal electric field of magnitude typically between 10 and 50 millivolts/meter has been measured at night at high latitudes in association with auroras and magnetic disturbances. Its origin is in the magnetosphere and it maps to balloon alitudes with small attenuation according to Maxwell's equations. The vertical electric field at the balloon displays variations as the horizontal ionospheric field changes in order to maintain . Thus, magnetospheric processes affect both vertical and horizontal atmospheric electric fields and the potential differences induced by these processes may be comparable to weather induced potential differences. Weather processes have also been observed to produce large horizontal electric fields at balloon altitudes. Methods of distinguishing horizontal fields of ionospheric origin from those of weather origin are investigated with the conclusion that a determination of the source of a given event can often if not generally be made.This paper was presented byU. Fahleson  相似文献   

The effects of morning magnetospheric substorms in the variations in near-Earth atmospheric electricity according to the observations of the electric field vertical component (E z ), at Hornsund polar observatory (Spitsbergen). The E z, data, obtained under the conditions of fair weather (i.e., in the absence of a strong wind, precipitation, and fog), are analyzed. An analysis of the observations indicated that the development of a magnetospheric substorm in the Earth’s morning sector is as a rule accompanied by positive deviations in E z, independently of the Hornsund location: in the polar cap or at its boundary. In all considered events, Hornsund was located near the center of the morning convection vortex. In the evening sector, when Hornsund fell in the region of evening convection vortex, the development of a geomagnetic substorm was accompanied by negative deviations in E z., It has been concluded that the variations in the atmospheric electric field E z), at polar latitudes, observed during the development of magnetospheric substorms, result from the penetration of electric fields of polar ionospheric convection (which are intensified during a substorm) to the Earth’s surface.  相似文献   

Summary Regular measurements of the dust and nuclei content of the air near the ground at Poona were made during 1967–69 to study the characteristic elements of natural pollution near the ground, its origin and its variation with time, seasons and altitude. The electrical field strength, the positive and negative polar conductivities of the air and the number of positively and negatively charged small ions in the atmosphere near the ground were also measured at the same time. These measurements were repeated at two mountain stations during February, March, and June 1969. The dust content and the electric field show seasonal and diurnal variations opposite to those of the small ion density and electrical conductivity. Thus while the electric field is a maximum in winter, the conductivity and small ion content is a maximum during the monsoon months and the dust content a maximum in the premonsoon summer months. A marked increase in the electric field and the dust and condensation nuclei content is observed since similar measurements were last made in 1935–37 at Poona, with a corresponding decrease in small ion count and conductivity. These large variations are associated with the increased industrialization and urbanization of the regions round Poona during the last thirty years.
Zusammenfassung In den Jahren 1967 bis 1969 wurden in Poona regelmässige Messungen der Staub-und Kernzahlen in der bodennahen Atmosphäre ausgeführt, um die charakteristischen Elemente der bodennahen Pollution, ihrer Herkunft und ihren Änderungen im Lauf der Zeit, der Jahreszeiten, und der Höhe zu studieren. Gleichzeitig wurden auch die luftelektrische Feldstärke, die positiven und negativen polaren Leitfähigkeiten, und die Konzentration der positiven und negativen schnellen Ionen in der bodennahen Luft gemessen. Im Februar, März, und Juni 1969 wurden diese Messungen an zwei Bergstationen wiederholt. Staubgehalt und luftelektrisches Feld zeigen Jahresgänge und Tagesgänge welche zu denen der Leitfähigkeiten und der Ionenzahlen entgegengesetzt verlaufen. Demnach sind, während das luftelektrische Feld seinen Höchstwert im Winter erreicht, luftelektrische Leitfähigkeit und Ionenzahlen während der Monsunmonate am grössten; der Staubgehalt hat seinen Höchstwert in den Sommermonaten vor der Monsunzeit. Seit ähnliche Messungen zum letzten Male in Poona ausgeführt wurden, 1935 bis 1937, ist die Konzentration der Kerne und der Wert des luftelektrischen Feldes merklich angestiegen, während Kleinionenzahlen und Leifähigkeit entsprechend zurückgegangen sind. Diese starken Veränderungen werden mit der in den letzten dreissig Jahren angewachsenen Industrialisierung und Verstädterung der Gegend um Poona in Zusammenhang gebracht.

Summary The air-earth current density in the stratosphere, the columnar resistance derived from the measurements of conductivity, and the ionospheric potential were investigated. The data were obtained by radiosonde ascents during the period of 1957–1967.It was found that the local horizontal visibility at the surface is related to the air-earth current density in the stratosphere, and it is expected that the air-earth current density has a seasonal variation. Statistical results show that indeed the air-earth current has a pronounced seasonal variation, high in winter and low in summer. The columnar resistance has also a seasonal variation, reverse to the variation of the air-earth current.The percentage time variation of the air-earth current (1/i) (di/dt) was found to be twice as much as the percentage time variation of the columnar resistance (1/R) (dR/dt) at the Tateno Observatory.The ionospheric potential, deduced from the measurements of the potential gradient by radiosonde ascents, shows no clear seasonal variation at Syowa-Base (Antarctica). Following Ohm's law, however, the above-mentioned results suggest that the seasonal variation of the ionospheric potential would exist on land.
Zusammenfassung Die Vertikalstromdichte in der Stratosphäre, der Säulenwiderstand, berechnet aus Leitfähigkeitsmessungen, und das Ionosphärenpotential wurden untersucht. Die Messergebnisse wurden mittels Radiosonden im Jahrzehnt 1957–1967 erlangt.Es wurde festgestellt, dass die örtliche waagrechte Sichtweite am Erdboden mit der Vertikalstromdichte in der Stratosphäre korreliert ist, und dass erwartet werden muss, dass die Vertikalstromdichte einen jahreszeitlichen Gang aufweist. Tatsächlich lässt sich statistisch zeigen, dass ein solcher jahreszeitlicher Gang der Vertikalstromdichte besteht, mit einem Höchstwert im Winter und einem Mindestwert im Sommer. Auch der Säulenwiderstand zeigt einen jahreszeitlichen Gang, umgekehrt zu dem der Vertikalstromdichte.Die prozentuale zeitliche Änderung der Vertikalstromdichte (1/i) (di/dt) stellte sich als zweimal so gross heraus als die des Säulenwiderstandes (1/R) (dR/dt) gemessen am Observatorium zu Tateno.Wird das Ionosphärenpotential aus den Messungen des Potentialgefälles mit Radiosonden hergeleitet, so stellt sich bei den an der Syowa-Station in der Antarktik angestellten Messungen kein klarer Jahresgang heraus. Die hier zuvor erwähnten Ergebnisse, jedoch, führen zu der Annahme eines Jahresgangs des Ionosphärenpotentials über der genannten Station, wenn man das Ohm'sche Gesetz auf sie anwendet.

The spatial distributions of electric fields and currents in the Earth’s atmosphere are calculated. Electric potential distributions typical of substorms and quiet geomagnetic conditions are specified in the ionosphere. The Earth is treated as a perfect conductor. The atmosphere is considered as a spherical layer with a given height dependence of electrical conductivity. With the chosen conductivity model and an ionospheric potential of 300 kV with respect to the Earth, the electric field near the ground is vertical and reaches 110 Vm−1. With the 60-kV potential difference in the polar cap of the ionosphere, the electric field disturbances with a vertical component of up to 13 V m−1 can occur in the atmosphere. These disturbances are maximal near the ground. If the horizontal scales of field nonuniformity are over 100 km, the vertical component of the electric field near the ground can be calculated with the one-dimensional model. The field and current distributions in the upper atmosphere can be obtained only from the three-dimensional model. The numerical method for solving electrical conductivity problems makes it possible to take into account conductivity inhomogeneities and the ground relief.  相似文献   

Variations in the global atmospheric electric circuit are investigated using a wide range of globally spaced instruments observing VLF (∼10 kHz) waves, ELF (∼300 Hz) waves, Schumann resonances (4–60 Hz), and the atmospheric fair weather electric field. For the ELF/VLF observations, propagation effects are accounted for in a novel approach using established monthly averages of lightning location provided by the Lightning Image Sensor (LIS) and applying known frequency specific attenuation parameters for daytime/nighttime ELF/VLF propagation. Schumann resonances are analyzed using decomposition into propagating and standing waves in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide. Derived lightning activity is compared to existing global lightning detection networks and fair weather field observations. The results suggest that characteristics of lightning discharges vary by region and may have diverse effects upon the ionospheric potential.  相似文献   

Data on observations of acoustic gravity waves and variations in the electric field strength in the surface layer of the atmosphere are presented. Analysis of the obtained data shows that synchronous variations in the pressure and electric field strength appear with the passage of a weather front, solar terminator, and in some other cases. It is seen that the amplitude of electric field perturbations is approximately proportional to the amplitude of variation in the pressure. A possible mechanism of generating electric field perturbations during the passage of microbaroms has been considered.  相似文献   

Fluctuations of short period in the atmospheric electric field were studied through the measurements of electric field and space charge density on the Mid-Pacific Ocean. The amplitude of fluctuation is about one third of the mean electric field, and the period mainly ranges from 2 to 5 min. The fluctuations are considered to be under the influence of spatial and temporal variation of space charge layer that possibly originates from the electrode effect above the sea surface. The unit of electrical irregularities in the atmosphere above the ocean has horizontal scale of the order of 1.5 km and indicates a tendency to become large as the wind speed increases. The vertical scale of space charge layer is estimated at several tens meters.  相似文献   

本文根据全球高空10 hPa位势高度距平场EOF分析得知,存在于地面层大气中的南北向涛动现象~北极高空大气涛动和南极涛动,在高空大气中更为清楚,而且这种高空南北向涛动现象是波及全球的;存在于地面层大气中著名的纬向涛动现象~南方涛动(Southern Oscillation,SO)和北方涛动(North Oscillation,NO),在高空大气中则变得不甚清楚.表征北极高空大气涛动的第一模态与表征南极涛动的第二模态的方差贡献率分别为41.47%和27.04%,二者累积方差贡献率达到68.51%,构成了平流层高空大气年代际振荡的主要形式;另外还存在两半球对称性中高纬度南极涛动模态和两半球不对称性中高纬度南极涛动模态,是高空大气中出现概率比较小的振荡形式.谱分析表明,无论北极高空大气涛动模态、南极涛动模态还是中高纬度纬向涛动模态,都存在与太阳磁场磁性指数相一致的22年准周期变化以及与太阳黑子相对数相一致的11年准周期变化;采用逐次滤波法的滤波分析和对比分析表明,高空大气涛动现象的重要影响因子乃太阳活动,其中太阳磁场的大幅度涨落及其磁性变化是主要因素,太阳黑子相对数的变化为次要因素.  相似文献   

The present study is based on simultaneous measurements of the atmospheric electric potential gradient (PG) and Schumann resonances at Nagycenk station (Hungary) from 1993 to 1996. Annual and semiannual variations detected previously in the relative amplitudes of Schumann resonances (SR) in the first three modes are confirmed by the extended data series applied here. The regular annual variation found in the PG (with winter maximum and summer minimum) is in the opposite phase, compared to that of the SR amplitudes. Nevertheless, even the PG (being a parameter of the DC global circuit) occasionally shows a distinct secondary peak in summer as indicated by the results of the present analysis (and corresponding to a recent study on further parameters of the DC global circuit). In spite of the presumed dominance of local influence over the global one, a suitable PG parameter correlates well with SR (representing the AC global circuit) on the annual time scale. It also became evident that a semiannual variation (with spring and autumn maxima and winter and summer minima) is generally present in SR. Certain signatures of a semiannual variation have also been revealed in the PG, however, the phase of this semiannual variation does not fit the pattern shown by SR (and tropical surface air temperature, respectively). The representativeness of the PG data has also been checked by means of a single day’s diurnal variations displaying a phase corresponding to that of the ‘Carnegie Curve’. Additionally, the coincidence of short-term changes (lasting some hours) both in the SR and the PG parameter is also demonstrated on a day disturbed by local factors. The results are discussed in the context of correlations between surface air temperature and parameters of the atmospheric electric global circuit shown by previous studies.  相似文献   

A new mechanism of the atmosphere-magnetosphere interaction, which might be called “acoustic-magnetospheric cyclotron accelerator”, is proposed. The idea of this mechanism stems from the fact that strong acoustical perturbations in the ionosphere (e.g., due to earthquakes, thunderstorms, etc.) may generate magnetic disturbances in the magnetosphere. Then, the latter will induce local resonant acceleration and subsequent inward diffusion of trapped particles. This idea may be fruitful in the interpretation of some occasional increases in inner zone particle fluxes which do not correlate with the solar or magnetospheric activities.  相似文献   

Regular measurements of the atmospheric electric field made at Vostok Station (φ=78.45°S; λ=106.87°E, elevation 3500 m) in Antarctica demonstrate that extremely intense electric fields (1000–5000 V/m) can be observed during snow storms. Usually the measured value of the atmospheric electric field at Vostok is about 100–250 V/m during periods with “fair weather” conditions. Actual relation between near-surface electric fields and ionospheric electric fields remain to be a controversial problem. Some people claimed that these intense electric fields produced by snowstorms or appearing before strong earthquakes can re-distribute electric potential in the ionosphere at the heights up to 300 km. We investigated interrelation between the atmospheric and ionospheric electric fields by both experimental and theoretical methods. Our conclusion is that increased near-surface atmospheric electric fields do not contribute notably to distribution of ionospheric electric potential.  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been proposed for describing quasi-stationary atmospheric electric fields with approximate, but fairly accurate allowance for ionospheric conductivity. It is shown that some well-known models of electric field penetration from the Earth into the ionosphere have been deemed inadequate, though they work well in the atmosphere below 50 km. In these models, the arbitrarily specified boundary condition in the upper boundary of the atmosphere omits the existing good conductor or adds not existent conductor. The maximum possible field in our model is far less than in models where ionospheric conductivity is not taken into account, but vastly larger than in models based on the approximation with infinite Pedersen conductivity in the upper ionosphere.  相似文献   

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