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攀枝花红格地震台地震观测环境保护案例介绍与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的发展,地震台站观测环境受到的威胁日益严重。本文介绍了2005年2月进行攀枝花红格地震台地震观测环境保护的有关工作,以及所形成的“同生存、共发展”的良好局面及其影响。认为,要做好地震观测环境保护工作,一要切实提高职工地震观测环境保护意识,二要加强对社会的宣传,三要依法保护地震观测环境,四要做好协商沟通工作找好切入点,五要积极寻求各方面的指导和支持。  相似文献   

引言 随着“九五”数字化改造的结束,地震台站用于地震监测的模拟仪已经被数字地震仪所取代,如何尽快熟悉掌握数字地震仪的性能,有故障出现时能够做出准确判断,并加以排除,使其尽快恢复正常记录,维护数字地震观测系统的正常运转,是台站同志面临的新问题。天水台的数字地震观测系统曾几次出现故障,在此我们将排除该系统故障的过程介绍给大家,以供参考。 1 数字观测系统概况 天水台数字地震仪架设于1998年11月,配备FBS-3A宽频带速度平坦型响应地震计和EDAS-3数据采集器。采集器的串行接口COM1通过长线驱动器加多功能卡,和700 m长的铜芯…  相似文献   

1 台站简介兰州观象台是新中国成立后,在第一个五年国民经济计划时期,根据国民经济建设的需要,于1953年由中国科学院地球物理研究所在甘肃省内陆续布设的4个台之一。1954年1月22日甘肃省有史以来的第一张地震记录图在兰州地震台诞生了,从此揭开了甘肃省地震事业的序幕。1956年我国为迎接1957年的国际地球物理年建立了7个综合性的地球物理观象台,兰州观象台就是其中之一。它位于兰州市黄河北岸的刘家坪上,台址是前苏联的著名地震学家果什科夫,基尔诺斯与新中国地震事业的奠基人,著名地震学家李善邦先生亲自选…  相似文献   

Radio wave scintillation due to the presence of ionospheric irregularities can cause fading and phase variation of L-band navigation signals such as those used by the Global Positioning System (GPS). The high-latitude regions experience increased scintillation events under geomagnetically disturbed conditions, particularly during solar maximum. This paper presents phase scintillation measurements observed at the South African Antarctic polar research station during solar minimum conditions. In addition, a multi-instrument approach is shown in which the scintillation events are associated with auroral electron precipitation. Furthermore, it is shown that external energy injection into the ionosphere is an important factor in the development of irregularities producing scintillation.  相似文献   

新一代CDSN台站磁带,是重要的CDSN数据存贮介质。本文叙述了编制程序解折其数据记录格式方法和实验过程,通过对实验结果讨论分析,揭示了该磁带的数据记录格式。  相似文献   

利用太阳能供电系统解决天津市部分台站无法接入交流供电的问题,对部分台供电系统进行改造,采用复合式供电模式,避免农忙或雷雨季节停电问题,以提升台网整体数据传输连续率。  相似文献   

正地电阻率前兆观测是我国地震前兆观测重要手段之一,但是目前城市地铁和轻轨等对其造成了严重影响.利用低频交流电场与直流电场具有相似特性的特点(桂燮泰等,1988;马希融,1989),采用交流方法进行地电阻率观测,能够在一定程度上抑制地铁和轻轨的干扰影响(张宇等,2014;马小溪等,2015).目前,地电阻率台站所受到的突出干扰是地铁、轻轨等运行引起的近直流干扰,干扰周期主要为  相似文献   

An index of cosmic ray scintillation introduced previously is verified. This procedure has been performed within the scope of the long-term full-scale monitoring of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) in the real time regime. The 5-min data of the global network of high-latitude neutron monitors at Tixie Bay (Apatity) and Oulu (Finland) stations during the last four solar cycles (cycles 20–23), i.e., during the entire period of data registration with a high (5 min) resolution, have been used. The relationship between the amplitude-frequency-time structure of a precursor in the GCR scintillation index and the soliton-like structure of the heliospheric current sheet during the disturbed period has been established. This indicates that the precursor is of a coherent origin. Only the presence of a coherent process—quasi-week variation—makes it fundamentally possible to predict heliospheric storms. Finally, the justifiability of the effective prediction of heliospheric storms (~80%) has been obtained based on the long-term cosmic ray monitoring during cycle 23.  相似文献   

Solar system exploration has been grabbing the headlines over the past few months, with the first triple spacecraft observations of Jupiter followed by the first landing on an asteroid. Peter Bond reports.  相似文献   

It is proposed to determined minimums of the 11-year solar cycles based on a minimal flux of the large-scale open solar magnetic field. The minimal fluxes before the finished cycle 23 (Carrington rotation CR 1904) and the started cycle 24 (CR 2054, April 2007) were equal to 1.8 × 1022 and 1.2 × 1022 μs, respectively. The long-term tendency toward an approach to a deep minimum of solar activity is confirmed. On the assumption that magnetic flux variations from minimums to maximums are proportional to each other, the anticipated value of the maximal Wolf number during cycle 24 is estimated as W max = 80.  相似文献   


There are considerable difficulties in assembling global hydrological data sets in near real time, data that might be used for deciding investment for sustainable water resources development and management, for environmental protection and for studying global change. Several reasons exist for these difficulties, a new one is that many countries have recently been cutting back on hydrological networks and the services that operate them. This means that knowledge of the World's water resources is getting worse when the global demand for water is accelerating. By way of contrast, meteorologists have ready access to large volumes of global data, much of it in real time, principally through WMO's World Weather Watch (WWW). A World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) is proposed to facilitate access to global data and support hydrological services in need. A world-wide network of about 1000 stations is planned for the largest rivers, together with associated data bases and products to meet the needs of users. WHYCOS would start in Africa with a 100-station network and be expanded to other regions. It is a necessary tool for averting the coming water crisis and essential to the drive towards sustainable development.  相似文献   

通过进行对比观测实验,对水汞观测中同一水样的汞含量随观测时间变化及与观测环境的关系进行分析,研究所取得的一些结果。该结果对台站监测工作中仪器发生故障时的样品分析处理,以及特殊条件下的短临跟踪监测工作具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

结合实际工作和第3次全国地震台长培训班,谈一些在新时期建设好基准台的几点思考。随着地震观测从模拟技术到数字化技术的重大变革,新的观测技术要求台站观测人员具有复合型的知识结构。同时我们必须对基准地震台监测、预测、科研三结合的内容有新的认识和把握。因此,要重视人员的培训和人才的培养。对于台站的基础建设应该与观测技术、社会经济的发展相适应。  相似文献   

For calculating photolysis rates and solar heating in the atmosphere, the radiation field has to be calculated very accurately. Previous investigations have shown that for large solar zenith angles a solution of the radiation equation which accounts for the Earth\’s curvature is needed. A new simplified version of the 3D radiation equation in spherical geometry allowing for anisotropic scattering is presented. The horizontal variation of physical quantities, the variation of the solar zenith angle with different longitude and latitude for the scattering calculation for one vertical column of air and any effects of refraction are neglected. A numerical model is introduced which efficiently solves this new 3D radiation equation accurately. The effects of anisotropic scattering are shown to be very important for the directional dependence of the scattered intensity. Anisotropic scattering by aerosols and air molecules can change the intensity in certain directions by up to 180% and 25%, respectively. However, most of these changes cancel each other out when averaged over all angles, so that the effect of anisotropic scattering for large solar zenith angles on the mean intensity (actinic flux) is much smaller, i.e. less than 10%. For the heating rates, the effect of anisotropic scattering for large solar zenith angles is even smaller, being less than a few percent. Generally, the effects of anisotropic scattering and the effects of including aerosols are the larger on higher altitudes the larger the solar zenith angle is. Results of the model are shown to compare well with results of previous investigations, including the independent work of Dahlback and Stamnes. The agreement is especially good in the case of isotropic scattering by air molecules and neglecting the effects of aerosols.  相似文献   

COnstellation of small Satellites for Mediterranean basin Observation (COSMO-SkyMed) is the largest Italian investment in Space Systems for Earth Observation, commissioned and funded by Italian Space Agency (ASI) and Italian Ministry of Defence (MoD). COSMO-SkyMed is a Dual-Use (Civilian and Defence) end-to-end Earth Observation System aimed at establishing a global service supplying provision of data, products and services compliant with well-established international standards and relevant to a wide range of applications, such as Risk Management, Scientific and Commercial Applications and Defence Applications. The system consists of a constellation of four LEO mid-sized satellites, each equipped with a multi-mode high-resolution SAR operating at X-band. Three out of four COSMO-SkyMed satellites have been successfully launched the 8th of June, the 9th of December 2007 and the 25th of October 2008 respectively, while the remaining satellite will be deployed within 2010. COSMO-SkyMed 1 and 2 completed their commissioning phase to test, verify and qualify the overall system and from the 1st of August 2008 both satellites are in the operational phase. The third satellite is still performing its commissioning and it is expected to enter in operation in the second half of 2009. The results of the commissioning phase of COSMO-SkyMed 1 and 2 are presented together with the Scientific Mission Exploitation strategy (i.e. Announcement of Opportunity, Background Mission).  相似文献   

介绍基于GPRS的APN无线网络通讯技术,并应用于地震前兆观测系统。实际运行结果表明,应用该技术系统可提高数据传输的稳定性、可靠性、安全性和实时性,是地震前兆观测数据传输的有效通讯手段。  相似文献   


The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is employed to find geometry-independent limits on the magnetic helicity dissipation rate in a resistive plasma. These limits only depend upon the total energy of the plasma, the energy dissipation rate, and a mean diffusion coefficient. For plasmas isolated from external energy sources, limits can also be set on the minimum time necessary to dissipate a net amount of helicity ΔH. As evaluated in the context of a solar coronal loop, these limits strongly suggest that helicity decay occurs on a diffusion timescale which is far too great to be relevant to most coronal processes. Furthermore, rapid reconnection is likely to approximately conserve magnetic helicity. The dilliculties involved in determining the free energy residing in a magnetic structure (given the constraint of magnetic helicity conservation) are discussed.  相似文献   

Modeling and observing land-surface-atmosphere interactions on large scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The land surface and atmosphere exchange fluxes of radiation, heat, mass (water and carbon dioxide), momentum and trace constituents over a wide range of time and space scales. These are reviewed in the context of modeling studies, where it has been shown that the vegetation on the Earth's land surface may have a significant influence on the continental climates, and large-scale field experiments, which have been used to obtain a deeper understanding of the processes controlling these exchanges and to explore means of quantifying them using satellite based remote-sensing. It is anticipated that over the next few years, the combination of global models (general circulation models combined with biosphere models) and global data sets (provided by satellites and other synoptic techniques) will yield crucial information on the Earth System and its sensitivity to perturbation.  相似文献   

Methods of upper wind measurements used in operational meteorology have been reviewed to provide guidance to those developing wind profiler radar systems. The main limitations of the various methods of tracking weather balloons are identified using results from the WMO radiosonde comparisons and additional tests in the United Kingdom. Costs associated with operational balloon measurements are reviewed. The sampling and quality of operational aircraft wind observations are illustrated with examples from the ASDAR system. Measurement errors in horizontal winds are quantified wherever possible. When tracking equipment is functioning correctly, random errors in southerly and westerly wind component measurements from aircraft and weather balloons are usually in the range 0.5-2 m s−1.  相似文献   

Summary Using the long-term relations between solar motion and solar activity, long-term relations between solar activity and air temperature variations on the Earth's surface have been studied. A long-term periodicity in the period range from 25 to 250 years, corresponding to the periodicity of solar motion and solar activity, has been found in four very long European surface air temperature series. The positions of the spectral peaks approximately obey the relation pi=178.7/i, i=1, 2, ... . Similar long-term patterns of solar and geomagnetic activity and of global surface air temperature have been found in the years 1861 to 1990. The results indicate that the solar activity impact on the climate could be significant, and that the prolonged minimum of solar activity, predicted from solar motion for the next 2 – 3 decades, could decreace global air temperatures.  相似文献   

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