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This paper describes a study of the vertical structure of concentration fluctuations in a neutrally buoyant plume from an elevated point source in slightly convective to moderately stable meteorological conditions at ranges of between 12.5 and 100 m for a range of source heights between 1 and 5 m. Observations were made of concentration fluctuations in a dispersing plume using a vertical array of sixteen very fast-response photoionization detectors placed at heights between 0.5 and 16 m. Vertical profiles of a number of concentration statistics were extracted, namely, mean concentration, fluctuation intensity, intermittency factor, peak-to-mean concentration ratio, mean dissipation rate of concentration variance, and various concentration time and length scales of dominant motions in the plume (e.g., integral macro-scale, in-plume mid-scale and Taylor micro-scale). The profiles revealed a similarity to corresponding crosswind profiles for a fully elevated plume, but showed greater and greater departure from the latter shapes once the plume had grown in the vertical so that its lower dege began to interact progressively more strongly with the ground. The evolution of the concentration probability density function at a fixed range, but with decreasing height from the ground, is similar to that obtained at a fixed height but with increasing distance from the source. Concentration power spectra obtained at different heights all had an extensive inertial-convective subrange spanning at least two decades in frequency, but spectra measured near the ground had a greater proportion of the total concentration variance in the lower frequencies (energetic subrange), with a correspondingly smaller proportion in the higher frequencies (inertial-convective subrange). It is believed that these effects result from the increased mean shear near the surface, and blocking by the surface. The effect of enhanced shear-induced molecular diffusion on concentration fluctuations is examined.  相似文献   

The dynamical characteristics of concentration fluctuations in a dispersing plume over the energetic and inertial-convective range of scales of turbulent motion are studied using a multiscale analysis technique that is based on an orthonormal wavelet representation. It is shown that the Haar wavelet concentration spectrum is similar to the Fourier concentration spectrum in that both spectra exhibit an extensive inertial-convective subrange spanning about two decades in frequency, with a scaling exponent of -5/3. Analysis of the statistical properties (e.g., fluctuation intensity, skewness, and kurtosis) of the concentration wavelet coefficients (i.e., the concentration discrete detailed signal) suggests that the small scales are always more intermittent than the large scales. The degree of intermittency increases monotonically with decreasing scale within the inertial-convective subrange, reaching a plateau at the very small scales associated with the beginning of the near-dissipation subrange. The probability density function (pdf) of the concentration discrete detailed signal displays stretched exponential tails with an intermittency exponent (tail slope) q that increases as a , where is the scale or dilation and a is a power-law exponent that is dependent on downwind distance, plume height, and stratification strength with typical values in the range from about 0.25 to 0.35. It is shown that the concentration variance cascade process requires a phase coherency of eddies between different scales at the small-scale end of the inertial-convective subrange.The variation of the concentration wavelet statistics with height above the ground is investigated. The increased mean shear near the ground smooths the fine-scale plume structure for scales within the inertial-convective subrange, producing a weaker spatiotemporal intermittency in the concentration field compared to that measured higher up in the plume. The pdf of the concentration detailed signal at a fixed scale possesses less elongated tails with decreasing height z. The intermittency exponent q is found to decrease roughly linearly with increasing z.Finally, the results of the wavelet decomposition are combined to provide a conceptual model of the turbulent transport, stirring, and mixing regimes in a dispersing plume. The implications of the results for contaminant texture in a plume are discussed.  相似文献   

The statistics of level crossings and local extremes in concentration fluctuations in plumes dispersing in the atmosphere have been investigated. A set of concentration fluctuation tracer experiments has been utilized to measure the statistical propertics of the upcrossing interval (inter-arrival time between consecutive concentration bursts), excursion duration (persistence or width of concentration bursts), and concentration amplitude (difference between the maximum and minimum concentrations between successive upcrossings) with respect to a range of concentration crossing levels. In particular, the effect of downwind distance and atmospheric stratification on the level-crossing statistics has been studied in detail. It is shown that the effect of increasing atmospheric stability on level-crossing statistics is similar to the effect of increasing distance from the source in the sense that level-crossing statistics of concentration fluctuations in stable stratification resemble those in neutral stratification, but at a greater downwind distance. It is also found that the distribution of the interval between consecutive upcrossings of a concentration level, as well as the duration of an excursion across a concentration level, can be approximated by a lognormal distribution, whereas the distribution of the concentration amplitude is best characterized by a gamma distribution. Some implications of these results for the modeling of level-crossing statistics of concentration fluctuations are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental investigation of the behaviour of the statistics of concentration fluctuations in a passive plume dispersing over a two-dimensional hill of moderate steepness. Recently developed high frequency response Flame Ionization Detector (FID) technology with a frequency response in excess of 200 Hz was utilized to obtain an extensive set of measurements of the mean and fluctuating plume concentrations. Plumes dispersing over flat terrain and over a hill with a maximum slope of 0.3 were studied. For both cases, extensive turbulent flow measurements were also carried out.The measured mean plume concentration profiles were of a generally Gaussian form and showed the expected effects of surface reflection for the flat terrain and hill. Plume intermittency and concentration fluctuation intensity were calculated at all measurement locations. Conditional and unconditional plume concentration statistics were calculated. The conditional (in-plume) concentrations and intensities were more uniform with height than for the unconditional ones.  相似文献   

A meandering plume model that explicitly incorporatesinternal fluctuations has been developed and used to model the evolutionof concentration fluctuations in point-source plumes in grid turbulenceobtained from a detailed water-channel simulation. This fluctuating plumemodel includes three physical parameters: the mean plume spread in fixedcoordinates, which represents the outer plume length scale; the meaninstantaneous plume spread in coordinates attached to the instantaneousplume centroid, which represents the inner plume length scale; and, theconcentration fluctuation intensity in the meandering reference frame,which represents the in-plume fluctuation scale. These parameters arespecified in terms of a set of coupled dynamical equations that modeltheir development with downstream distance from the source. Explicitexpressions for the concentration moments of arbitrary integral orderand the concentration probability density function have been obtainedfrom the fluctuating plume model. Detailed comparisons of model predictionsagainst water-channel measurements for the first four concentrationmoments and the concentration probability distributions generally showvery good overall quantitative agreement. Exact quantitative conditions,expressed in terms of the physical parameters of the fluctuating plumemodel, have been derived for the emergence of off-centreline peaks inthe concentration variance profile. These quantitative conditions havebeen illustrated in terms of a diagram of states of the dispersing plume,and the qualitatively different regimes of plume concentration variancebehaviour on this state diagram have been identified and characterized.  相似文献   

A set of tracer experiments studying concentration fluctuations in a pollutant plume dispersing near the surface in a stably stratified nocturnal boundary layer is described, and the results are compared with those obtained in near-neutral stability conditions by Mylne and Mason (1991). The results highlight the importance of slow meandering of the plume which is characteristic of stable conditions. This meandering makes it impossible to conduct experiments under near-stationary conditions, resulting in considerable statistical variability in the results, but is important in reducing time-averaged concentrations. Spectral characteristics of the plume and general fluctuation statistics are qualitatively similar to those in near-neutral stability, but there are significant quantitative differences. Fluctuation time scales are shown to be substantially longer under stable conditions. This difference cannot be fully explained by the reduced windspeed alone, indicating that the length scale of plume elements is also longer. Some of the differences observed in stable conditions, particularly the longer time scales, are shown to substantially increase the potential hazard due to fluctuations in practical applications. A conceptual model of plume dispersion is described, which explains the observed plume structure under different conditions by relating it to the turbulent velocity spectra.  相似文献   

We describe a new high-resolution sampling technique which can be used to measure concentration fluctuations simultaneously at several points in space. The technique has been used to measure the probability distribution function as a function of the detector location relative to a continuous and steady source. Results are compared to previous experiments and theoretical predictions. The spectra of the concentration fluctuations are analyzed and their behaviour as a function of downwind distance from the source is described.  相似文献   

Results are presented from an experimental investigation of turbulent dispersion of a saline plume of large Schmidt number (Sc=830) in a turbulent boundary-layer shear flow simulated in a laboratory water channel. The dispersion measurements are obtained in a neutrally buoyant plume from an elevated point source over a range of downstream distances, where both plume meandering and fine-structure variations in the instantaneous plume are important. High-resolution measurements of the scalar fluctuations in the plume are made with a rake of conductivity probes from which probability distributions of concentration at various points throught the plume are extracted from the time series.Seven candidate probability distributions were tested, namely, the exponential, lognormal, clipped normal, gamma, Weibull, conjugate beta, andK-distributions. Using the measured values of the conditional mean concentration, , and the conditional fluctuation intensity,i p , the Weibull distribution provided the best match to the skewness and kurtosis over all downstream fetches. The skewness and kurtosis were always overpredicted by the lognormal probability density function (pdf), and underpredicted by the gamma pdf. The conjugate beta distribution for which the model parameters are determined using a method of moments based on the fluctuation intensity,i p , and skewness,S p , was capable of modeling the distribution of scalar concentration over a wide range of positions in the plume.  相似文献   

Analyses of concentration fluctuation (C) spectra from boundary-layer smoke plume experiments at six separate locations show that the spectra from these experiments generally exhibit an inertial subrange at high frequencies with a slope of -5/3 and indicate peak energy at a time period of about 50 to 100 s. These periods of peak energy are a factor of two to five less than those for the peak of the wind speed fluctuation (u or v) spectra. A general spectral formula fits normalized spectra from the U.S. and Australia, where the frequency, n, is made dimensionless by multiplying by the plume dispersion parameter, y , and dividing by the wind speed, u. Peak energy occurs at a dimensionless frequency of n y/u equal to about 0.15. The Kolmogorov constant in the inertial subrange is estimated from a set of averaged spectra. Cross-spectra indicate little relation between concentration and wind fluctuations. However, most of the correlation that exists is due to periods larger than about 10 or 20 s.  相似文献   

A set of tracer experiments designed to compare two concentration fluctuation detectors and measure fluctuation statistics at high frequencies is described. A detector which has been used in several previous fluctuation experiments (the TIP photoionisation detector manufactured by Photovac of Canada) is compared with another with a much higher frequency response (the flame ionisation detector — FID — made by Cambustion of the UK). Good agreement is found and results show that the signal optimization system used in previous work with the TIP provides an accurate enhancement of the instrument output, thus improving confidence in the results of previous papers. They also confirm that the TIP detector is able to resolve most of the concentration variance in most situations of interest, but not at very short range. Measurements of the high frequency end of the fluctuation spectrum using the FID show inertial-convective subrange behaviour at frequencies not resolved by the TIP, supporting earlier work. Fluctuation spectra measured very close to the source are also shown to have a characteristic +2/3 power law behaviour (when nSc (n) is plotted against n) at lower frequencies, in agreement with theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

The optical refractive index fluctuation has been determined from measurements of turbulent temperature and humidity fluctuations in the atmospheric surface layer over the ocean. Probability density, spectral density and even- and odd-order structure functions of the refractive index fluctuation are presented. The spectral density exhibits a significant -5/3 inertial subrange as a result of the existence of a -5/3 subrange in the spectra of temperature and humidity fluctuations and in the temperature-humidity co-spectrum. The behaviour in the inertial subrange of fourth- and sixth-order structure functions of the refractive index is in reasonable agreement with that predicted by the analysis of Antonia and Van Atta (1975, 1978). The third-order structure functions of the refractive index exhibit an approximately linear dependence on separation in the inertial subrange, in agreement with a ramp model for the large coherent structure of the motion.  相似文献   

A numerical stochastic model is developed for the upcrossing rate across a specified threshold concentration. The model assumes that the concentration time series at a given spatial point within a dispersing plume can be approximated as a first-order Markovian process designed to be consistent with a given time-invariant concentration probability density function (pdf). The model requires only the specification of a concentration pdf with a given mean and variance and a concentration fluctuation integral time scale. Predicted upcrossing rates are compared with atmospheric plume concentration data obtained from a point source near the ground. For this data set, a log-normal pdf is found to give better estimates of the threshold crossing rate than a gamma pdf.  相似文献   

Measurements of concentration fluctuation intensity, intermittency factor, and integral time scale were made in a water channel for a plume dispersing in a well-developed, rough surface, neutrally stable, boundary layer, and in grid-generated turbulence with no mean velocity shear. The water-channel simulations apply to full-scale atmospheric plumes with very short averaging times, on the order of 1–4 min, because plume meandering was suppressed by the water-channel side walls. High spatial and temporal resolution vertical and crosswind profiles of fluctuations in the plume were obtained using a linescan camera laser-induced dye tracer fluorescence technique. A semi-empirical algebraic mean velocity shear history model was developed to predict these concentration statistics. This shear history concentration fluctuation model requires only a minimal set of parameters to be known: atmospheric stability, surface roughness, vertical velocity profile, and vertical and crosswind plume spreads. The universal shear history parameter used was the mean velocity shear normalized by surface friction velocity, plume travel time, and local mean wind speed. The reference height at which this non-dimensional shear history was calculated was important, because both the source and the receptor positions influence the history of particles passing through the receptor position.  相似文献   

Observations of 1-s average concentration fluctuations during two trials of a U.S. Army diffusion experiment are presented and compared with model predictions based on an exponential probability density function (pdf). The source is near the surface and concentration monitors are on lines about 30 to 100 m downwind of the source. The observed ratio of the standard deviation to the mean of the concentration fluctuations is about 1.3 on the mean plume axis and 4 to 5 on the mean plume edges. Plume intermittency (fraction of non-zero readings) is about 50%; on the mean plume axis and 10%; on the mean plume edges. A meandering plume model is combined with an exponential pdf assumption to produce predictions of the intermittency and the standard deviation of the concentration fluctuations that are within 20%; of the observations.  相似文献   

Field experiments on concentration fluctuations have frequently measured horizontal cross-sections of fluctuation statistics through plumes at fixed heights near the surface, but have not considered the effect of height above the ground in any detail. A set of tracer experiments designed to measure vertical profiles of concentration fluctuations in plumes, with a range of source heights, is described, and profiles of statistics are presented. Considerable variation of the statistics with both source and detector height is found. Near the surface, fluctuation intensity is a minimum and the time and length scales of the fluctuations are greatly increased. Profiles are consistent with the idea that concentration fluctuations near the surface are like those higher up at a greater distance from the source. Lowering the source height reduces the fluctuation intensity at all heights, and also alters the form of the concentration PDF. Results may be explained by the reduced length scale of sheargenerated turbulence near the surface causing enhanced small-scale mixing, which rapidly smooths out much of the fine structure with the plume.  相似文献   

A series of tracer experiments studying the statistical properties of concentration fluctuations in clouds dispersing in the atmospheric surface layer is described and analyzed. Experiments were conducted at downwind fetches between about 200 and 1200 m, under a wide range of atmospheric conditions ranging from very unstable to moderately stable stratification. The present experiments have addressed basic requirements not met by past field experiments involving instantaneously released clouds; namely, the experiments provided repeat realizations of instantaneously released clouds measured with high-resolution concentration detectors, accompanied by the contemporaneous acquisition of high-quality meteorological and turbulence measurements.Extensive analyses are performed on the cloud concentration data in the framework of relative diffusion. Ensembles of cloud concentration realizations have been constructed. From these ensembles, crosswind and time profiles of the ensemble-mean concentration, concentration variance, ensemble-mean dosage, and dosage variance are obtained. The behaviour of the time profiles of the integral time scale of cloud concentration fluctuations is studied. The use of surface-layer similarity theory for the analysis of the downwind variation of a number of cloud quantities (e.g., cloud size and duration, cloud centre ensemble-mean concentration and dosage, cloud centre concentration and dosage variance, cloud centre integral time scale) is shown to be an effective basis for ordering these quantities. Furthermore, a number of approximate universal relationships describing the behavior of these cloud quantities has been derived. Finally, it is shown that the scaled crosswind and time profiles of ensemble-mean concentration and concentration variance as well as the scaled time profiles of the concentration fluctuation integral time scale exhibit self-similar forms that are independent of atmospheric stratification and downwind fetch.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new model of concentration fluctuations for neutrally buoyant gas clouds dispersing in a wind tunnel. It is derived from a series of exact results, which apply in the hypothetical case when there is no molecular diffusion, coupled with a probability density function model previously used to describe steady releases of contaminant. A simple self-similar relationship between the evolution of the concentration intensity and mean is established. As a first step the time independent variant of the model, applicable to a continuous plume, is tested against some previously published experimental data for steady wind-tunnel releases. Comparisons of experimental results and model predictions at different downwind positions, heights and source geometry are presented. Then, the results for the time dependent model, applicable to instantaneous releases, are discussed. The experimental evidence presented here supports the self-similar relationship established earlier. The implications for modelling higher moments of concentration and the fixed point probability density function are investigated.  相似文献   

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