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Hemond and Condomines (1985) claim that our results on zero age volcanic materials of Vesuvius and Etna are incorrect, that no disequilibrium exists in those materials and that the validity of the 230Th-238U dating method is thus confirmed. We show that other researchers obtained similar results in zero age rocks. The validity of the 230Th-238U dating method is simply ruled out by a comparison of the ages obtained by this method with those obtained on the same samples by different methods.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The Okinawa Trough(OT) extends for ~1200 km between Taiwan and Kyushu, and is an incipient back-arc basin bounded by the Ryukyu Arc to the south and east, and by Diaoyudao Uplift Belt[1,2] (Tai- wan-Sinzi Belt[3]) to the north and west. Drastic faults and volcanic activities are the typical features in the OT. Generally, the OT is divided into three segments (north, middle and south) by the Tokara Strait and Kerama Gap[4]. The geological features, such as tec- tonics, m…  相似文献   

The island of Aegma includes some of the oldest volcanic rocks in the south Hellenic Arc previous radiometric dates range from 3.87 to 4.4 Ma. The volcanic sequence is divided into nine units on the basis of field relations, petrography and geochemistry, and the characteristic paleomagnetic polarity of each unit has been determined. Two new radiometric dates (2.1 and 3.9 Ma) show that the volcanism spans the Pliocene. A detailed chronology is proposed using the paleomagnetic data which places the most voluminous volcanism in the mid Pliocene.  相似文献   

A detailed petrological study of the Banda Arc volcanism, documented by extensive microprobe whole-rock and mineral analysis, shows that the apparent geographical eastwards continuity of the Sunda Arc conceals a major geochemical discontinuity adjacent to the southern end of the Weber Deep beneath Serua. The alkali contents and Sr isotope ratios suggest that Nila, Teun and Damar form one volcanic group distinct from Banda and Manuk, and Serua is in the border discontinuity, reflected in its widely fluctuating Fe/Mg partitioning between mineral phases and its variable Sr isotope ratios. With the exception of basalt from S. W. Ambon, all lavas are quartz normative and typical of an ensimatic oceanic island arc. They range from tholeiitic basalt and dacite on S. W. Ambon and Banda, through low-K calc-alkaline andesites on Manuk and Serua, to high-K calc-alkaline andesites on Nila, Teun, Damar, Gunung Api north of Wetar, and Romang which also contains dacite. The higher potassium contents are normally contained in biotite and hornblende, and occasionally in the groundmass glass. Increasing potassium from Banda to Manuk may be related to increasing Benioff Zone depth between the 100 to 200 km contours, but the lavas of Gunung Api north of Wetar have insufficient potassium to be derived from the underlying 400–500 km Benioff Zone. Older cordierite dacites (ambonites) on North Ambon must be derived from a underlying continental crust, but the younger tholeiitic lavas of S.W. Ambon and Banda may be related to a shallow subduction zone dipping southwards from Seram.  相似文献   

The degree of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of basaltic rocks, as is known from the large AMS database of these rocks, is generally very low, while in more acidic volcanic rocks such as andesites, trachytes and phonolites, which have been investigated much less frequently, it is in general much higher. In the present study, the AMS of various volcanic rocks including trachytic and phonolitic rocks was investigated in the Tertiary volcanic region of the eské stedohoí Mts. Viscosities of the respective lavas were calculated from the chemical composition using the KWARE program. A rough correlation was found between the degree of AMS and lava viscosities, probably resulting from different mechanisms orienting the magnetic minerals. In basaltic lava flows this mechanism is traditionally considered to be of a hydrodynamic nature, in trachytic and phonolitic bodies it can also be represented by quasi-intrusive flows resembling, at least partially, ductile flow deformation. This is in agreement with the AMS data predicted by the viscous (liquid flow) and line/plane (ductile flow) models.  相似文献   

The numerous Miocene-Recent alkaline volcanic outcrops in the Antarctic Peninsula form a substantial volcanic province, the least well-known part of a major belt of alkaline volcanism that extends between South America and New Zealand. The outcrops consists mainly of aa and pahoehoe lavas and hyaloclastites which locally contain accidental nodules of spinel lherzolite and other mantle-derived lithologies. The province is predominantly basaltic with two major differentiation lineages: (1) a sodic series of olivine and alkali basalt, hawaiite, mugearite, trachy-phonolite and trachyte; and (2) a relatively potassic, highly undersaturated series of basanite, tephrite and phono-tephrite. All the lavas show varying effects of fractionation by crystallization of olivine and clinopyroxene, joined by plagioclase in the hawaiites to trachytes. Fractional crystallization can probably explain most of the chemical variation observed within each outcrop, but variable partial melting is necessary to account for the differences in incompatible element enrichment between the two series, and between the individual outcrops. The degree of partial melting may not have exceeded 3%, as is the case for many other alkaline magmas.The volcanism is an intraplate phenomenon but there is no correlation in timing between the cessation of subduction and the inception of alkaline volcanism. The activity cannot be related to the passage of the coupled Pacific-Antarctic plate over a stationary mantle hot-spot. Although the precise causal relationship with tectonic setting is unknown, regional extension was a prerequisite for giving the magmas rapid access to the surface.  相似文献   

Green clinopyroxenes, commonly rounded and anhedral and richer in Fe, Na and Mn than the pyroxenes of the surrounding groundmass are a common feature of mafic alkaline volcanic rocks (e.g. basanites, monchiquites, leucitites). Some are accompanied by one or more of the following phases: Fe-rich kaersutite and biotite, anorthoclase, sodic plagioclase, apatite, magnetite, sphene, which are believed to be cognate with the green pyroxenes. We review evidence that these minerals have crystallized from mugearite, trachyte or phonolite magmas, and their presence in mafic alkaline rocks is due to magma mixing. The intermediate and salic magmas may sometimes be generated at mantle depths, possibly by melting of mantle material enriched in Fe, Na and volatiles.  相似文献   

Consideration of available diffusion rate data at high temperatures and pressures casts serious doubt on disequilibrium melting as a mechanism by which variable 87Sr/86Sr ratios can be generated in basaltic melts whose parental rocks were at or below the low-velocity layer for more than a million years. Diffusion rates are orders of magnitude faster in these regions than in the upper lithosphere and lower crust. Ultramafic fragments with minerals in isotopic disequilibrium are pieces of the upper lithosphere, where elapsed time and comparatively low temperatures have resulted in the observed disequilibrium. Regional isotopic heterogeneity in the mantle is the most reasonable explanation for isotopic variability found in abyssal basalts.  相似文献   

A geochronological study of zircon U-Pb on the volcanic rocks from the stratotype section of the Qingshan Group within the Jiaozhou Basin, eastern Shandong Province, is presented. The zircons were analyzed using the method of in situ ablation of a 193 nm excimer laser system coupled with an up to date ICP-MS system. Among the three formations of the Qingshan Group, zircons recovered from the lowest part of the Houkuang Fm. were dated at 106±2 Ma (95% confidence, the same below), whereas those from the lower and upper parts of the Shiqianzhuang Fm. were given ages of 105±4 Ma and 98±1 Ma, respectively. A spatially decreasing trend for the Mesozoic magmatic timing from west to east in the province is observed through comparing the data of this study with those by previous works on the Qingshan volcanic lavas occurring at western Shandong and within the Yishu fault zone. The Qingshan volcanic rocks are constituent of the 'Shoshonite Province' in East China. Exposed at most provinces of central East China along the Tan-Lu fault and the Yangtze fault zones, these volcanic suites are characterized by shoshonite and high-K calcalkalic rocks in lithology and thought to be correlated with the partial melting of continental mantle in genesis. It is also shown that the Qingshan potassic volcanic suite from eastern Shandong basins is distinctly younger than those from other ar-eas of the shoshonite province. By contrary, ages of the Mesozoic to Cenozoic alkaline basalts, sourced by asthenospheric mantle, from both northern Huaiyan basin and northern Dabie belt along the Tan-Lu fault zone and from the Ningwu, Lishui and Luzong basins along the Yangtze fault zone are observably older than those occurring within eastern Shandong. The revealed temporal and spatial patterns in magmatism for the two types of volcanic suites make an important geochronological con-straint on the Mesozoic to Cenozoic dynamic evolution model of the subcontinental lithosphere in East China.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation on the location of magmatic intrusions in the Carboniferous strata of the Qinggelidi area, north‐eastern Junggar Basin, is presented based on the interpretation of gravity and magnetic data constrained by petrophysical data, seismics and surface geology. The wavelet multi‐resolution analysis based on the discrete wavelet transform is adopted to the regional‐residual separation of gravity and magnetic anomalies. A power spectrum analysis is applied to estimate the source depths corresponding to different scales. A comparative analysis on the characteristics of local gravity and magnetic anomalies improved our understanding of volcanic rock distribution in the Carboniferous strata. Generally speaking, in total 75 anomalies are recognized, among which 23 are inferred to be the responses of basalts, diabases and andesites with high density and strong magnetization. Twelve anomalies are assumed to be caused by andesites, rhyolites and volcanic breccias with medium‐low density and high magnetization. There are still five anomalies that are believed to be generated by volcanic tuffs with low density and weak magnetization. Lastly, four cross‐sections in 3D gravity and magnetic modelling are displayed to provide a more thorough image of volcanic rocks in our study area.  相似文献   

下扬子天目山盆地火山岩锆石LA-ICP-MS定年及地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天目山盆地是下扬子江南隆起带保存较完整的中生代火山盆地,中生代火山岩系岩性自下而上主要为流纹岩-英安岩-安山岩。对盆地内黄尖组下段流纹岩和英安岩分别进行了锆石 LA-ICP MS定年,分别获得了133.6±1.5 Ma(MSWD=0.73)和135.0±2.1 Ma(MSWD=0.78)的锆石U-Pb年龄,指示天目山盆地黄尖组火山岩时代为早白垩世。天目山盆地火山活动起始时间和长江中下游地区晚中生代火山活动基本一致,说明江南隆起带和长江中下游地区在早白垩世均处于强烈拉张环境。  相似文献   

Potassium-argon dating of volcanic and plutonic rocks in the Andean region of central Chile has revealed previously unrecognized episodes of igneous activity during Cretaceous and Cenozoic time. These results indicate the need to re-evaluate the classic stratigraphic subdivisions that have evolved on lithologic rather than time-stratigraphic criteria.Four radiometric age groups have been identified in the coast range volcanic belt:
1. (1) Las Chilcas Formation — Early Cretaceous continental volcanic strata (120-110 m.y.).
2. (2) Lo Valle Formation — Late Cretaceous continental volcanic strata (78-65 m.y.).
3. (3) Late Oligocene extrusive volcanics (31-28 m.y.).
4. (4) Early Miocene intrusive volcanics (20.6–19.5 m.y.).
Two radiometric age groups have also been identified in the adjacent Andean Cordillera:
1. (1) Farellones Formation — continental volcanic strata (18.5–17.3 m.y.).
2. (2) Early Pliocene extrusive volcanics (5-4 m.y.).
An older group of continental volcanic strata in the Andes represented by the Abanico Formation remains undated but is intruded by plutons dated at 19.5 and 24 m.y.Available chronologic evidence indicates that volcanic activity moved eastward from the coast range volcanic belt to the Andean Cordillera between 20 and 18 m.y. ago and remained there to the present time.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar dating results on seven volcanic rocks from four areas of the Deccan Traps, India, suggest that volcanic activity more than 70 Ma ago might have occurred at least in limited areas.In the Igat Puri area, the uppermost flow shows an40Ar/39Ar age of 63 Ma, whereas a lower flow has an age of around 82–84 Ma.40Ar/39Ar ages of samples from the Bombay area also seem to favor the occurrence of volcanic activity more than 70 Ma ago. One rhyolite dyke from the Osam Hill in the Girnar Hill area shows a well-defined plateau age of 68 Ma, whereas two tholeiitic basalts from the Mahabaleshwar area indicate a total40Ar/39Ar age of around 63–64 Ma, though they show the effect of secondary disturbance in the age spectra.The volcanic activity(ies) more than 70 Ma ago may correspond to precursory one(s) for the main volcanic activity around 65 Ma ago in the Deccan Traps.  相似文献   

A new method for the sampling of sublimates from high-temperature volcanic gases has been used at Merapi volcano, Java, in 1978. The sublimates were collected on the inner walls of silica tubes introduced into fumarolic vents. Volcanic gases were allowed to move freely through the tubes and as they cooled, a fraction of the volatile components condensed on the inner walls of the tubes along the temperature gradient. The sublimates were then analyzed by a combination of light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction.Six successive zones of different compositions and mineralogical associations have been identified along the covered range of temperatures (900° to around 400°C). From the high to the low temperatures, these zones are composed of: (1) cristobalite, magnetite, hercynite; (2) molybdenite; (3) acmite; (4) halite, sylvite; (5) sphalerite, pyrite; and (6) galena. Equilibrium calculations show that these crystalline phases are stable for pS2, pC1, and pO2, values typical of magma-buffered gases that have not been contaminated by atmospheric oxygen.The deposits observed in the tubes may be useful in aiding the understanding of the mechanisms acting during the cooling of the gaseous phase on its way to the surface and before its emission into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Feng  Guo  Weiming  Fan  Yuejun  Wang  Chaowen  Li 《Island Arc》2005,14(2):69-90
Abstract Early Cretaceous high‐K calc‐alkaline volcanism occurring in the Laiyang Basin north of the Sulu high‐pressure to ultrahigh‐pressure (HP‐UHP) Metamorphic Belt, eastern China, comprises a wide spectrum of rock types, ranging from trachybasalts to trachydacites. The basaltic–andesitic rocks erupted at 107–105 Ma, spanning an SiO2 range of 50.1–59.6% and an MgO range of 2.6–7.2%, and are characterized by large ion lithophile element (LILE; e.g. Ba and K) and light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, high field strength element (HFSE) depletion and highly radiogenic Sr but non‐radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.70750–0.70931; ?Nd(t) = ?17.9 ? ?15.6). The geochemical similarities between these rocks and the earlier Sulu Belt lamprophyres suggest that both types of mafic rocks were derived from similar mantle sources with LILE and LREE enrichment. Thus, the Wulian–Qingdao–Yantai Fault that separates the two terranes at the surface should not be considered as a lithospheric boundary between the North China and Yangtze blocks. The felsic lavas erupted at 93–91 Ma, spanning an SiO2 range of 61.6–67.0% and an MgO range of 1.1–2.6%, and show a trace element geochemistry similar to the basaltic rocks, but with higher radiogenic Sr and even lower Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.70957–0.71109; ?Nd(t) = ?19.1 ? ?17.5), similar to I‐type granitoids in the Sulu Belt. A crustal origin was proposed to explain their compositions (which are comparable to those of experimental slab melts), the >10 Ma eruption interval and the compositional gaps in some elements (e.g. P, Ti and Sr) between them and the older basaltic–andesitic rocks. These melts were derived from predominant metaigneous protoliths containing mafic accumulative counterparts of the basaltic–andesitic and/or lamprophyric magmas. The extensive extrusion of Early Cretaceous high‐K calc‐alkaline rocks in the Laiyang Basin favored an extensional regime in response to the progressive attenuation of the thickened lithosphere and orogenic collapse, as reflected in the development of the basin from a foreland basin (before the end of the Jurassic period) to a fault basin (since the Early Cretaceous period).  相似文献   

Emilio  Saccani  Adonis  Photiades 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):494-516
Abstract Ophiolitic mélanges associated with ophiolitic sequences are wide spread in the Mirdita–Subpelagonian zone (Albanide–Hellenide Orogenic Belt) and consist of tectonosedimentary ‘block‐in‐matrix‐type’ mélanges. Volcanic and subvolcanic basaltic rocks included in the main mélange units are studied in this paper with the aim of assessing their chemistry and petrogenesis, as well as their original tectonic setting of formation. Basaltic rocks incorporated in these mélanges include (i) Triassic transitional to alkaline within‐plate basalts (WPB); (ii) Triassic normal (N‐MORB) and enriched (E‐MORB) mid‐oceanic ridge basalts; (iii) Jurassic N‐MORB; (iv) Jurassic basalts with geochemical characteristics intermediate between MORB and island arc tholeiites (MORB/IAT); and (v) Jurassic boninitic rocks. These rocks record different igneous activities, which are related to the geodynamic and mantle evolution through time in the Mirdita–Subpelagonian sector of the Tethys. Mélange units formed mainly through sedimentary processes are characterized by the prevalence of materials derived from the supra‐subduction zone (SSZ) environments, whereas in mélange units where tectonic processes prevail, oceanic materials predominate. In contrast, no compositional distinction between structurally similar mélange units is observed, suggesting that they may be regarded as a unique mélange belt extending from the Hellenides to the Albanides, whose formation was largely dominated by the mechanisms of incorporation of the different materials. Most of the basaltic rocks surfacing in the MOR and SSZ Albanide–Hellenide ophiolites are incorporated in mélanges. However, basalts with island arc tholeiitic affinity, although they are volumetrically the most abundant ophiolitic rock types, have not been found in mélanges so far. This implies that the rocks forming the main part of the intraoceanic arc do not seem to have contributed to the mélange formation, whereas rocks presumably formed in the forearc region are largely represented in sedimentary‐dominated mélanges. In addition, Triassic E‐MORB, N‐MORB and WPB included in many mélanges are not presently found in the ophiolitic sequences. Nonetheless, they testify to the existence throughout the Albanide–Hellenide Belt of an oceanic basin since the Middle Triassic.  相似文献   

This paper reports the analysis on cores and rock slices,data on seismic and logging activities,characteristics of core samples,and the paleogeographic background of the Yingcheng Formation of the Xujiaweizi faulted depression in the Songliao Basin.The results show that some of the volcanic rocks were formed during subaquatic eruptions.These subaqueous volcanic rocks are further characterized by the interbedded black mudstone and tuffite,the presence of double-layer perlite enclosing aphyric or sparsely phyric rhyolite,the presence of a bentonite layer,and the coefficient of oxidation(Fe2O3/FeO).The types of rocks are volcanic breccia,lava breccias,perlite,rhyolite,tuff and sedimentary tuff.The subaquatic eruptions are distributed mainly in Wangjiatun,Shengping,Xuxi,Xuzhong,and Xudong.The XS-1 area is the most typical.The organic abundance of overburden mud rocks within the volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation indicates that these rocks represent high-quality source rocks.The analysis also shows that continental subaquatic volcanic eruptions provide a rich supply of minerals and energies for the lake basin and increase the organic matter content in the water.Moreover,the water differentiation provides a good reducing environment for the conservation of organic matter,and is beneficial for the formation of high-quality source rocks.Finally,we propose a hypothesis to describe the mode of subaquatic eruptions and the formation of high-quality source rocks.  相似文献   

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