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Raised beach sand deposits along the southeastern coast of Norway were dated by optical (OSL) and infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and the quartz and K-feldspar luminescence characteristics were described. Due to the poor quartz luminescence characteristics, only a limited number of samples were suitable for OSL dating. More promising are the K-feldspar extracts, with typical K-feldspar luminescence characteristics and no sign of fading. For equivalent dose (De) determination, sand-size quartz and feldspar extracts were used, applying a single aliquot regenerative (SAR) protocol. Both, OSL and IRSL De estimates show a wide distribution, unexpected for beach deposits. The calculated OSL and IRSL age estimates were generally in good agreement and the correctness of the ages was confirmed by independent age control. Because only a limited number of the quartz samples were suitable for OSL dating, IRSL dating of the K-feldspar represents an alternative to OSL quartz dating.  相似文献   

Recent developments in luminescence dating offer new ways to date exposure and burial durations of rocks. The new rock surface dating methods ideally require high-resolution data, faster sample preparation and measurement times, and field screening methods to select samples with appropriate luminescence characteristics and bleaching histories. Presented here is a demonstration of an EMCCD (electron multiplying charge coupled device) based system capable of imaging high-resolution infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and infrared-photoluminescence (IRPL) from rock samples. The IRPL can be detected at both 880 nm and 955 nm. Using this instrument, the entire luminescence-depth profile can be reconstructed by imaging a single surface cut perpendicular to the exposed rock face. We demonstrate the possibility of reconstructing luminescence-depth profiles suitable for rock surface dating from large (cm-scale) rock samples, without using a regeneration dose for normalisation of the natural luminescence signals. Based on the different bleaching characteristics of the IRSL and IRPL emissions at 880 nm and 955 nm, we show that it is possible to gain reliable estimates of bleaching depths from measurement of as few as two images of the IRPL signal (one for each emission), or from measurement of the IRSL decay curve. We thus by-pass laborious sample preparations and the need for a gamma source to estimate the bleaching depth, thereby extending the 2D luminescence-depth profile imaging technique to other laboratories that lack access to ionising radiation facilities. This study also makes a significant progression towards development of a field instrument for in situ relative exposure dating, and sample screening for rock surface burial dating.  相似文献   

Luminescence dating is one of the leading techniques to establish chronologies for loess-palaeosol sequences and has been successfully applied to different minerals and grain size fractions. Using optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) from quartz, we present for the first time a high resolution chronology for the loess section Ostrau in Saxony/Germany. We compare OSL ages derived from two different grain size fractions, coarse (90–200 μm) and the fine grain (4–11 μm) separates. Our results show that the loess section is divided into two parts, separated by a hiatus. OSL samples from the upper part of the loess section show equivalent doses of De < 100 Gy. De values >180 Gy are observed for the lower part of the loess section. The coarse and fine grain ages agree and also fit to the litho- and pedostratigraphy for the upper part of the profile. For the lower part of the profile the coarse grained quartz OSL is in saturation. The fine grained quartz OSL is not saturated but it appears that the fine grain OSL ages underestimate the sedimentation age. Approaches to explain the De differences between the grain size fractions are presented (e.g. post-depositional translocation, dosimetry). A modified SAR protocol for the fine grain fraction produced ages that are in good agreement with expected ages based on litho- and pedostratigraphy. Although further investigations are needed, our results show the suitability of the Saxonian loess belt for OSL dating.  相似文献   

We report an investigation of the effect of different single grain OSL behaviours on multiple-grain (single aliquot) De estimates. This was done by creating ‘synthetic aliquots’ in which signals are summed from collections of individual grains. The samples used were taken from aeolian linear dune sediments, from sites located in the Kalahari. We note this is a type of sample for which single multiple-grain aliquots are routinely used for dating. Several grain behavioural types were identified in our samples but the only grain type that systematically affected multiple-grain De estimates was the ‘over-saturating’ type (the case where the natural signal (Ln/Tn) is significantly greater than the regenerated Lx/Tx signal at saturation), the presence of which lead to higher estimates of De. The magnitude of this effect is controlled by the contribution of ‘over-saturating’ grains to the total light sum of the multiple-grain aliquot and the maximum increase observed in this study was ∼15 Gy. Of the four samples investigated here, inter-aliquot variations in the signal contribution of ‘over-saturating’ grains led to a significant increase in dispersion in just one of the samples. More generally, the presence/absence of these grains is considered to be a likely source of significant ‘intrinsic’ scatter in single aliquot dating and likely to broaden multiple-grain De distributions. We suggest all samples are screened for this behaviour before single aliquot dating is attempted.  相似文献   

Palynostratigraphical records have been used to understand the response of vegetation to climate change, and benefit from independent dating to ensure a robust correlation with global climate and sea-level change. In order to constrain the pollen chronology of a long sedimentary core taken at Azzano Decimo in the Friulian foreland of northeastern Italy, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) has been applied to fine grain quartz. The samples meet all the standard performance criteria set to test the reliability of the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol, and still show increasing dose response at 500 Gy. OSL ages are in good agreement with radiocarbon dating and the pollen interpretation down to 70 ka, and with De values of ~140 Gy, but below this point, they display an increasing age underestimation towards the Eemian and beyond. The comparison of De values measured using both a SAR and single-aliquot regeneration and added-dose (SARA) protocol, confirmed that both were successfully correcting for sensitivity changes in the quartz during measurement of the burial dose, and this was not the reason for the age underestimation. The quartz OSL dose response curve for all samples is best described by a saturating exponential plus linear (SEPL) function. Although all underestimated ages are derived from De values that fall on the high dose linear region of this curve, it is unclear if this is the cause of the underestimation.  相似文献   

Previous works focused on optically stimulated luminescence dating of quartz extracted from Romanian and Serbian loess reported significant discrepancies between ages obtained on fine (4–11 μm) and coarse (63–90 μm) quartz. The present study is directed at expanding these investigations. The SAR-OSL and double SAR-OSL protocols are applied on quartz of different grain sizes belonging to 9 samples extracted from a newly identified archaeological site at Bistricioara-Lutărie III on the Bistrița Valley (NE Romania). Radiocarbon ages are also obtained for the 3 uppermost cultural layers hosted in the loess-like deposit.Discrepant ages are obtained between fine (4–11 μm) and coarse (63–90 and 90–200 μm, respectively) quartz for equivalent doses higher than ∼80–100 Gy. However, a very good agreement is achieved for the youngest sample, with an age of ∼8 ka (with a De of 38 Gy for fine and 35 Gy for coarse grains, respectively). The comparison with independent control provided by radiocarbon dating suggests better agreement of ages calculated for coarse quartz. Our results are once again proof that concerns should be raised regarding the reliability of the equivalent doses obtained on quartz samples for which the laboratory dose response cannot be fitted by a single saturating exponential function. Further systematic investigations are required regarding the very different saturation characteristics of fine and coarse grained quartz.  相似文献   

Research conducted by the Western New South Wales Archaeology Program (WNSWAP) provides the opportunity to assess the reliability of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of late Pleistocene and Holocene fluvial sediments and burnt stone samples from arid zone geoarchaeological contexts. A large number of radiocarbon age determinations of charcoal preserved in heat retainer hearths provides independent chronological control at these contexts. We describe a rapid OSL methodology for dating burnt hearth stones to complement previously applied radiocarbon methods, which we have tested using 37 samples from hearths with radiocarbon determinations. We propose a geoarchaeological model in which these hearths were constructed by people whose activity took place on an archaeological surface, formed by the earlier deposition of fluvial sediments. Here we demonstrate the veracity of this model by dating sediments lying stratigraphically below the hearths, and use the radiocarbon age control and chronological consistency to assess the accuracy and reliability of both small aliquot and single grain single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) OSL dating. While small aliquot age estimates are in most cases in agreement with independent control, the single grain determinations using a finite mixture model (FMM) appear to provide improved chronological resolution. Using single grains, we note some problems in the application of the FMM and in the dating of young samples in the range of 1–100 years. As many samples may have resided close to the surface since deposition, we have developed a mathematical function to describe gamma and cosmic dose rate contributions at burial depths down to 40 cm. These OSL age estimates allow us to reject the model of intensification of human activity as responsible for the observed pattern of archaeological radiocarbon determinations in this part of the Australian arid zone.  相似文献   

At Wadi Sabra (SW Jordan) human occupation dates back to the Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic. Although there is stratigraphic correlation based on archaeological finds of Ahmarian origin, numerical age estimates are lacking. We applied single-aliquot optical dating of coarse grained quartz of wadi deposits and investigated the luminescence properties in detail to achieve more accurate age information about the time of human occupation. Weak luminescence signals and scattered dose distributions characterise the multi-grain aliquots. The residual doses of the investigated modern wadi sediment are between 0 and 7 Gy. Moreover, comparison of equivalent dose (De) values of 1 mm and 8 mm aliquots shows higher equivalent doses for the large aliquots. Both experiments indicate that the luminescence signal is partially bleached prior to deposition. The dose distributions of all samples are broadly scattered and have overdispersion values between 25 and 43%, some samples are significantly skewed. The shape of the dose distributions points to other sources of scatter, in addition to partial bleaching. Comparison of 1 mm multi-grain and single-grain data demonstrates that the luminescence signal of one multi-grain aliquot most likely is from a single grain. For this reason, variation in the number of photon counts due to the weak luminescence intensity and variations in beta microdosimetry have a bigger impact on the spread of dose distributions. However, we cannot quantify the particular impact of partial bleaching, weak luminescence intensity and beta microdosimetry. To account for the spread of the dose distribution, we use the central age model to calculate equivalent doses. Age calculations yield results in the range of 30–48 ka.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the long-term sediment accumulation dynamics of Naracoorte Cave Complex (NCC) solution pipe cavities, and many of the megafauna-bearing infill deposits at this globally significant Australian Pleistocene fossil locality remain partially dated or lack any numerical age control. In this study, we assess the suitability of three different luminescence dating signals for improving existing chronologies at six Late and Middle Pleistocene NCC sites (n = 22 samples), and we undertake multi-site examinations of NCC sediment infill dynamics spanning the last 550 thousand years (ka). Modern analogue samples collected from above and beneath two active cave entrances confirm that single-grain OSL, single-grain TT-OSL and multi-grain pIR-IRSL signals can be reset down to insignificant residual levels (<10−1–100 Gy) when compared with the natural dose ranges of interest for most NCC palaeontological applications. Replicate luminescence dating comparisons performed at six NCC fossil sites (n = 15 samples) reveal consistent ages for twenty-eight out of thirty-one paired OSL–TT-OSL, OSL–pIR-IRSL and TT-OSL–pIR-IRSL datasets. Nineteen of the twenty Middle to Late Pleistocene samples analysed from the NCC sites produce homogeneous OSL, TT-OSL and pIR-IRSL De datasets suggesting that the NCC solution pipe deposits considered here are generally not affected by syn-depositional mixing complications that can take place within closed karst cavities (i.e., the remobilisation of unbleached grains from pre-existing cave floor sediments, and their subsequent translocation and incorporation into deposits within deeper parts of the cavity along with externally bleached, allochthonous grain populations). Detailed examination of solution pipe dynamics at Smoke Tortoise Cave (SMT) reveals a complex accumulation history focused on the marine isotope stage (MIS) 9 and MIS 7 interglacial complexes, as well as the MIS 8e interstadial. The SMT case study highlights that NCC solution pipes are not simply associated with short-lived opening and sediment accumulation events, but may involve multiple, discontinuous deposition episodes and reactivation events. An initial multi-site examination of all published NCC infill chronologies (n = 70) appears to suggest statistically significant, preferential solution pipe development during the relatively wet parts of interglacial or interstadial cycles. The non-uniform infill age distribution implies that NCC solution pipe dynamics may have exerted taphonomic biases on fossil accumulation, which should be taken into consideration when reconstructing long-term palaeoecological histories from NCC solution pipe cavities.  相似文献   

Quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is widely used to determine the time of deposition and burial of Late Quaternary sediments. Application of the method is usually limited to the past 150,000 years due to early saturation of the OSL signal. Here we explore the potential to date Quaternary sediments using the violet (402 nm) stimulated luminescence (VSL) signal of quartz. We develop and test a new post-blue VSL single aliquot regenerative dose dating protocol, and demonstrate that the VSL signal originates from a deep trap at about 1.9 eV with a thermal lifetime of 1011 years at 10 °C, and that this trap is bleachable by sunlight. The VSL signal grows with dose to ∼6400 Gy, a factor ∼20 higher than the conventional quartz OSL signal, and with the proposed protocol we recover a known dose of 1000 Gy in three out of four samples. The potential of the VSL protocol for dating Quaternary sediments is highlighted by its successful application to a suite of geological samples ranging in age between 13 and 330 ka. Based on our investigations, we propose that the VSL protocol has the potential to extend the quartz dating range to cover the full Quaternary.  相似文献   

Infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and post-IR IRSL are applied to small aliquots and single grains to determine the equivalent dose (De) of eleven alluvial and fluvial sediment samples collected in the Pativilca valley, Central Peru at ca. 10°S latitude. Small aliquot De distributions are rather symmetric and display over-dispersion values between 15 and 46%. Small aliquot g-values range between 4 and 8% per decade for the IRSL and 1 and 2% per decade for the post-IR IRSL signal. The single grain De distributions are highly over-dispersed with some of them skewed to higher doses, implying partial bleaching; this is especially true for the post-IR IRSL. Measurements of a modern analog reveal that residuals due to partial bleaching are present in both the IRSL as well as the post-IR IRSL signal. The g-values of individual grains exhibit a wide range with high individual uncertainties and might contribute significantly to the spread of the single grain De values, at least for the IRSL data. Electron Microprobe Analysis performed on single grains reveal that a varying K-content can be excluded as the origin of over-dispersion. Final ages for the different approaches are calculated using the Central Age Model and the Minimum Age Model (MAM). The samples are grouped into well-beached, potentially well-bleached and partially bleached according to the evaluation of the single grain distributions and the agreement of age estimates between methods. The application of the MAM to the single grain data resulted in consistent age estimates for both the fading corrected IRSL and the post-IR IRSL ages, and suggests that both approaches are suitable for dating these samples.  相似文献   

Daihai Lake is one of the largest lakes in the mid-latitude of northern China. Previous environmental change investigations using the sediments from the lake have been mainly focused on the last 13 ka. In 2006, we drilled an 80-m borehole on the southwest coast of the lake. Here we report the results of initial optical dating of the upper 22-m sediments from the core. Most of the samples allow separation of the 4–11 μm fine-grained and 45–63 μm medium-grained quartz, both of which were used for equivalent dose (De) determination. Dose recovery test experiments with the single-aliquot regeneration-dose (SAR) protocol indicate that a preheat at 240 °C for 10 s combined with a cut-heat of 240 °C is suitable for these samples. The De values show marked discrepancy between the two grain size fractions with the fine-grained quartz yielding up to over 50% higher De values than the medium ones for some samples. We consider the OSL ages for the samples from upper ~10 m to be overestimated. The main cause of the overestimation is attributed to the incomplete bleaching of the sediment grains at deposition. The OSL ages for the lower part of the sequence are considered to be reasonable age estimates which provide useful temporal constrains on the deposition of the sediments for the period of 20–40 ka.  相似文献   

We investigated the sensitivity change of multiple-elevated-temperature (MET) stimulated post-infrared infrared-stimulated luminescence (MET-pIRIR) signals as a response to irradiation, sunlight bleaching and heating using samples from the Mu Us Desert, central China. A strong dose dependence of MET-pIRIR signal sensitivity was observed. The intensity of the test-dose signals (Tx) increase with the pre-dose received. Furthermore, the signal sensitivity can be reset by sunlight bleaching or heating. This suggests that both the electron traps and hole centres in K-feldspar can be bleached by sunlight, and can, therefore, be used for dating. Using the test-dose signal as a monitor for sensitivity change, it was found that the sensitivity (or hole centres) saturate at a higher dose (D0 = ∼750 Gy) than the sensitivity-corrected signals (or electron traps) (D0 = ∼400 Gy). We propose a multi-aliquot regenerative-dose (MAR) MET-pIRIR dating protocol, which utilises the high saturation dose of hole centres. This protocol was tested using aeolian sediments from north China with ages ranging from 0 to 470 ka. It was found that, compared to the dose limit of ∼800–1000 Gy using the normal MET-pIRIR or pIRIR procedure, the new method can measure a natural dose of up to ∼1500 Gy and produce ages consistent with the expected ages for the samples investigated.  相似文献   

The infrared (IR) stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) signals from K-feldspar can, for convenience, be divided into two components, bleachable and ‘non-bleachable’, where the latter corresponds to the ‘residual’ signal observed in sunlight-bleached samples. In this paper, we examine the non-bleachable component of IRSL of K-feldspar for several sedimentary samples from across Eurasia. We observed a large variability in the residual doses among these samples after prolonged exposure to sunlight. By employing multiple elevated temperature (MET) IR stimulations at 50–300 °C, we show that the residual dose increases systematically with stimulation temperature, attaining values as high as ∼50 Gy at 300 °C, even after several hours to tens of hours of exposure to unfiltered sunlight. We examined two samples in detail and found that the bleachable and non-bleachable components produced different dose response curves. Pulse annealing studies showed that the non-bleachable component is more stable than the bleachable component, suggesting that a preheat procedure cannot eliminate the non-bleachable component. Additional experiments revealed that the non-bleachable component is dose dependent. Owing to this dose dependency, we demonstrate mathematically and empirically that the simple subtraction of a residual dose from the measured equivalent dose (De) – which is the most common approach employed (if any residual dose is subtracted at all) – will result in underestimation of the actual De. We present a method to correct for the dose dependency of the residual dose, which can improve the accuracy of either MET-pIRIR or pIRIR age estimates for samples in which the non-bleachable component represents a significant fraction of the measured signals.  相似文献   

Relict periglacial wedge structures are widespread in mid-latitude and polar regions. The wedges have a high preservation potential and are often infilled with quartz-rich aeolian sand, making them potentially suitable for luminescence dating. This paper presents initial work from an anti-syngenetic sand wedge in the Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands, Arctic Canada. When samples were measured at the single grain level they showed poor palaeodose (De) reproducibility and consequent high age uncertainties. The aim of the study was to determine whether this intra-sample De scatter reflected methodological issues arising from OSL measurement or processes of wedge development.Initial single grain dose recovery tests show that De scatter was not easily explained by poor recycling, sensitivity changes, variable OSL components, recuperation problems, or large De uncertainties from dim grains. Single grain preheating tests did show that some De scatter might be attributable to individual grains requiring different preheat temperatures, whilst dose recovery tests revealed that highly sensitive grains showed less scatter than dim grains. However, selection of these bright grains from natural samples still resulted in scattered De values. An alternative explanation for the De scatter relates to the formation of anti-syngenetic sand wedges by thermal contraction cracking over thousands of years in an eroding landscape, which may result in sediment of very different ages being deposited in adjacent cracks. Finite mixture modelling was used to identify De components within each sample. Ages calculated from these components suggest sand wedge formation at ca. 5, 8.5, 12.5 and 18 ka which correlate well with known cooling events over the last 18 ka and support a multiple phase activity model for anti-syngenetic sand wedges.  相似文献   

Luminescence and ESR dating methods of quartz sediment are based on the natural resetting of the signal by light exposure (optical bleaching). When the bleaching is incomplete, a residual dose (DeR) is added to the post-depositional dose accumulated since the deposit and hence the age is overestimated.Insufficient bleaching is usually linked to the environment and conditions of transport/deposition of the quartz grains affecting the light exposure duration. Indeed, each transportation mode – fluvial, marine or aeolian – is associated to specific conditions of light exposure, depending mainly to the location of grains in the transport agent during the transport phase, the opacity of the transport environment and the velocity of the transport.The present study attempts to discriminate the modes of transport/deposition providing a satisfying reset of the ESR signals of quartz grains. For this purpose, we investigated bleaching rates and ESR residual doses of aluminum centers from “present-day” aeolian, fluvial and marine sediments sampled in various sedimentary environments. The bleaching efficiency evaluation in these different environments may help for a better understanding of the resetting phenomenon for quartz signals which represents presently the main difficulty for ESR dating.The results show that the residual doses are small enough to allow an ESR dating of the main part of the sediment transported in almost all the context examined in this study. The smallest residual doses are obtained from quartz grains within the range of 100–200 μm and transported in clear water. Some limits for the application of optically bleached quartz ESR dating appears nevertheless, mainly when the residual dose and the dose accumulated after the deposit are quite similar, i.e. for Upper Pleistocene samples.  相似文献   

The Yellow River is characterized by its tremendous sediment load. In this study we investigated the residual OSL signals in modern fluvial sand and suspended-sediment samples from the middle reach of the river. The residual equivalent dose (De) is found to vary with grain size, mineralogy and the techniques used for the De determination. The results indicate that the OSL signals in some grains from these samples were not completely bleached prior to burial, the maximum individual De value obtained is up to 56 Gy. The results also show that coarse grains are generally better bleached at deposition than fine grains; the fine-grained quartz from suspended sediments are better bleached than the fine-grained quartz from the fluvial sand deposits. The Des obtained using quartz TT-OSL signals are up to ~380 Gy for these modern samples.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Geochronology》2008,3(1-2):99-113
The Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) is of major interest to Quaternary geologists because it represents an important terrestrial archive of palaeoclimatic fluctuations. Previous multiple-aliquot luminescence dating studies of Chinese loess mainly used thermoluminescence (TL) and infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signals of polymineral fine-grains; these are known to be subject to anomalous fading and thus will tend to yield age underestimations. In this paper we investigate whether the blue-light stimulated luminescence (BLSL) signals from 63 to 90 μm quartz grains extracted from three western Chinese loess sites (Zhongjiacai, Le Du and Tuxiangdao) can be used to establish a reliable chronology. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure is used for the equivalent dose (De) determinations and the suitability of our measurement protocol is confirmed by dose recovery tests. The influence of an IRSL signal on the quartz De measurements derived from BLSL has been investigated. From these results we conclude that an IRSL contamination, expressed as an IRSL/BLSL ratio, of up to 10% can be accepted before the values of De are significantly affected. All three sites yield stratigraphically consistent and spatially highly reproducible optical ages up to about 50–70 ka. At the Tuxiangdao site a marked hiatus in the record is identified between ∼20 and ∼30 ka; this remained undetected in previous studies and clearly highlights the importance of high-resolution optical dating in Chinese loess research. The optical ages presented in this work provide more evidence for episodic loess deposition and varying loess accumulation rates in the western part of the CLP. Our study seems to confirm the potential of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating using the SAR procedure applied to the very fine sandy quartz fraction in Chinese loess back to ∼40–50 ka (∼120–150 Gy).  相似文献   

Quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is increasingly being used to constrain the depositional age of fluvial and glaciofluvial sequences over orbital (Milankovitch) timescales within the British Isles. Few of these previous studies have had any age control; however there is some evidence that OSL ages based on the single aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) protocol may be subject to systematic age underestimation as samples approach saturation. In this study, the age of 12 luminescence samples from a chronologically well-constrained site dating to 450 ka from the Thames terrace sequence, southern Britain, was measured using SAR in order to test the performance of the method close to its upper age limit. The characteristics, dose response and thermal stability of the OSL signal in these samples were assessed by investigating equivalent dose (De) as a function of stimulation time and component-resolved pulse annealing. Despite the fact that the samples are dominated by the quartz fast component, these results showed that both the medium and slow components have lower stabilities than the fast component, but with the unstable medium component most affecting the initial part of the OSL signal used in dating. Based on isolating the fast component either through curve fitting or eliminating the medium component using the early background subtraction method, OSL ages up to 450 Gy were found to compare well with the expected age of the site of 450 ± 23 ka. In contrast, a systematic age underestimation of 10% was manifested at lower doses when using the initial part of the OSL signal, contaminated by the medium component. These results suggest that the early background subtraction method should be used when dating in the non-linear part of the growth curve as it provides a better separation of thermally unstable signals and represents a more convenient approach than curve fitting in well-behaved samples.  相似文献   

In this article we test for the first time the potential of single-grains of K-rich feldspar to date well-bleached and poorly bleached sediments using a post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) protocol. We measure natural dose distributions using K-rich feldspars from four coastal samples applying the pIRIR protocol with a preheat of 200 °C and a pIRIR stimulation temperature of 180 °C; each sample had an independent age control obtained from quartz OSL and radiocarbon dating. We also analyse single-grain dose distributions of “zero-dose” and γ-irradiated samples to determine thermal transfer/residual doses and the intrinsic sources of variability of pIRIR single-grain measurements, respectively. Based on these experiments, we conclude that thermal transfer/residual dose give rise to an offset of ∼0.6 Gy in these samples and that the uncertainty assigned to individual pIRIR single-grain dose estimates cannot be smaller than 16.5%.The analysis of the well-bleached samples shows that only the brightest 30% of the grains give pIRIR single-grain ages in agreement with the age control; this effect may arise from the suggested correlation between blue emission and potassium content of individual grains. Comparison of single-grain quartz and feldspar dose distributions from the poorly bleached samples shows that quartz is relatively better bleached; nevertheless, selection of a reliable ‘minimum’ feldspar dose was achieved using two different statistical models.  相似文献   

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