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Qinghai Lake is situated in the northeast of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Its size and proximity to the junction of three major climate systems make it sensitive to climate changes. Some investigations on shorelines of Qinghai Lake suggested highstands during MIS 3, but to what extent the lake level was higher than today is yet undetermined. Others proposed that the maximum highstands probably dated to MIS 5. It has also been shown that the lake level 120 m higher than today occurred at around 12 ka. Most of these previous ages were obtained using 14C dating or multiple-aliquot IRSL/OSL dating. For 14C dating, because of the dating limit (<40 ka) and the lack of suitable dating materials in this arid area, it is difficult to establish reliable chronological control. In the present study, seven samples collected from lacustrine deposits (five samples) and sand wedges (two samples) were dated using quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) with the single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol. OSL dating results showed that (1) the lake had experienced two high lake levels, one was in MIS 5 and another in early to middle MIS 3; (2) no evidence of high lake levels in MIS 4 has been found; (3) the alluvial gravels, whose surface is at an elevation of ~3246 m, were formed at least 28.8 ± 2.3 ka ago, and the widespread sand wedges within the alluvial gravels were formed during the period of 15.1–28.8 ka, which implied that the lake level had not reached an elevation of ~3240 m after 28.8 ± 2.3 ka.  相似文献   

The Qaidam Basin in the northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) is one of the largest hyper-arid intermontane basins in the northern hemisphere, and has abundant records for the study on palaeo-lake level fluctuations and palaeoclimatic changes. Significant efforts have been invested to define the timing of shoreline deposits using radiocarbon dating. However, due to the dating limit, the absence of organic materials and carbon reservoir effects for radiocarbon dating in arid areas, it is difficult to establish a reliable chronology for shoreline deposits. Therefore, controversy exists regarding the chronology for the high lake level in the Qaidam Basin, as well in the QTP. Some proposed that high lake levels occurred during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, while others recently argued that the highest lake level in the QTP and adjacent regions existed in MIS 5. In Gahai Lake (now a salt lake), we investigated a section comprising lacustrine and shoreline deposits, which was about 25 m above the present lake level. Seven samples were collected for quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. A sample collected from a fine sand layer (the bottom of the section, and 12 m above the present lake level), which was assumed to have been deposited underwater, gave an OSL age of 82 ± 8 ka. It suggested that the lake level was at least 12 m higher than present in late MIS 5. The high lake level could maintain till about 73 ± 6 ka, and then decreased. This lake level decrease resulted in a gravel layer deposit between 73 ± 6 and 63 ± 6 ka (roughly during MIS 4). The lake level rose again (about 24 m above the present lake level) between 63 ± 6 and 55 ± 5 ka (roughly in early MIS 3). No lacustrine or shoreline deposits higher than the top of the current section were found around Gahai Lake. Thus, higher than present lake levels in Gahai Lake occurred in both late MIS 5 and early MIS 3.  相似文献   

The palaeo-shorelines around the lakes on the Tibetan Plateau can be used to reconstruct water level variations, which serve as sensitive indicators of hydroclimate change. Extensive studies have been carried out to constrain the Holocene lake level fluctuations by dating shorelines with a variety of methods (e.g., luminescence, 14C, 10Be and U–Th series). In comparison, the timing of the lake level variations during the last glacial and subsequent deglaciation periods has been rarely studied. The driving factors of such changes, therefore, remain elusive. In this study, we performed a detailed luminescence dating investigation on six samples taken from a nearshore sedimentary outcrop in the south of Selin Co basin. The post-IR IRSL signals measured at 225 °C (pIRIR225) on sand-sized K-feldspar grains demonstrated a generally good behavior and yielded reliable chronologies, while the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals of quartz showed systematical age underestimation, which was attributed to anomalous fading. Six pIRIR225 ages ranging from 15 to 10 ka suggested that the lake level of Selin Co during the last deglaciation reached up to 40–45 m high above the modern lake level. In view of the regional precipitation and temperature proxy records, we consider that the glacier meltwater supply has likely been the primary contributor to the lake highstands during the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

A flight of marine terraces along the Cuban coast records Quaternary sea‐level highstands and a general slowly uplifting trend during the Pleistocene. U/Th dating of these limestone terraces is difficult because fossil reef corals have been affected by open system conditions. Terrace ages are thus often based on geological and geomorphological observations. In contrast, the minimum age of the terraces can be constrained by dating speleothems from coastal mixing (flank margin) caves formed during past sea‐level highstands and carving the marine limestones. Speleothems in Santa Catalina Cave have ages >360 ka and show various cycles of subaerial–subaqueous corrosion and speleothem growth. This suggests that the cave was carved during the MIS 11 sea‐level highstand or earlier. Some stalagmites grew during MIS 11 through MIS 8 and were submerged twice, once at the end of MIS 11 and then during MIS 9. Phreatic overgrowths (POS) covering the speleothems suggest anchialine conditions in the cave during MIS 5e. Their altitude at 16 m above present sea level indicates a late Pleistocene uplift rate of <0.1 mm/ka, but modelling also shows uplift to have been insignificant over a long timespan during the middle Pleistocene since the cave was carved. Our study shows that some flank margin caves in the region of Matanzas are older than commonly believed (i.e. MIS 11 rather than MIS 5). These caves not only can be preserved but are good markers of interglacial sea‐level highstands, more reliable than marine abrasion surfaces. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary hydroclimatic evolution of lake systems in Mongolia remains unclear. Here we present a record of lake level variations at Orog Nuur in the Valley of Gobi Lakes in southern Mongolia, since the last interglaciation, based on paleo-shoreline dating using quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and K-feldspar post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) signals. Due to feldspar contamination that could not be eliminated, the OSL signals of quartz single-aliquots (SA), except for two Holocene samples, were unsuitable for dating and a double SA regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol was used for the quartz fraction of these two samples. The pIR50IR170 and pIR200IR290 signals of K-feldspar SA were used to date Holocene samples and old samples (>100 ka), respectively, with the SAR protocol. To determine the bleaching condition of the pIR200IR290 signals, the first pIRIR dating of K-feldspar single-grains of lake shoreline sediments in Mongolia was performed. The equivalent doses of K-feldspar grains show normal distributions, suggesting that the pIR200IR290 signals are well-bleached. Overall, the results, combined with those of previous studies, show that a mega-lake developed at 56 m above the modern lake level (a.m.l.) during MIS 5e (124.2 ± 6.8114.7 ± 8.0 ka). Holocene high-stands occurred in the last deglaciationearly Holocene (11.1 ± 1.0 ka) at 23 m a.m.l. and in the mid-Holocene (6.7 ± 0.83.3 ± 0.4 ka) at 2014 m a.m.l. The dimensions of the paleo-lakes were recovered, and a hydrological index indicates that the effective moisture during MIS 5e and the mid-Holocene was 10.7 times and 3.65.0 times larger than today, respectively. Finally, the possible mechanisms behind the lake level history are discussed based on correlation with independent paleoclimatic records.  相似文献   

A geochronological framework for the sequential development of coastal barrier aeolianite complexes in the mouth region of the River Murray, Australia's largest river system is presented based on amino acid racemization and thermoluminescence dating. The sedimentary successions represent a foreshortened and condensed sequence of coastal barriers compared with those of the Coorong Coastal Plain in southern South Australia where the barrier complexes are more widely separated in response to tectonic uplift. The barriers have formed during interglacial sea-level highstands and are correlatives of genetically equivalent landforms of the Coorong Coastal Plain. Thermoluminescence dating and the extent of amino acid racemization in aeolianite ‘whole-rock’ sediment samples, reveal a general increase in age of the barriers landwards from the modern coastline. In detail, however, the individual barriers represent composite structures having formed in more than one interglaciation, due to the reoccupation of Pleistocene shoreline positions during sea-level highstands of similar amplitude, in a zone of gradual basin subsidence. The most seaward Pleistocene aeolianite at Surfer Beach is of interstadial age (Marine Isotope Stage 5c, 105 ± 5 ka; MIS 5c), and correlates with the Robe Range of the Coorong Coastal Plain. The last interglacial shoreline (130 ± 15 ka; MIS 5e) is particularly well-defined in the River Murray mouth region. It is represented by a complex association of coastal parabolic dunes superimposed on a transverse dune system, which runs parallel with the former coastline, and also includes associated estuarine, lagoonal and open ocean beach facies. Landward of the last interglacial succession are distinct barriers relating to the penultimate interglaciation (215 ± 35 ka; MIS 7), as well as earlier interglaciations (350 ± 65 ka; MIS 9 or 11 and 470 ± 70 ka; MIS 11 or 13). The coastal barriers have been successively breached by the ancestral River Murray at times of lower sea level during glacial cycles. Former mouths of the River Murray during interglacial sea-level highstands are likely to have existed near Tauwitchere Island during MIS 7, and between Goolwa and Hindmarsh Island and near the southern-most part of Lake Albert during the last interglacial (MIS 5e). The River Murray mouth region represents a failed delta as the limited sediment brought to this area since late middle Pleistocene time has been either rapidly incorporated within aeolian deposits during sea-level highstands, or transported to the edge of the Lacepede Shelf during glacial maxima. The Holocene and modern River Murray has not established a marine delta, but deposits its load in the settling basins of the terminal lakes. Only a small digitate delta has formed where the river enters Lake Alexandrina.  相似文献   

This study investigated a series of dammed lakes and downstream-adjacent alluvial fans in the upstream to middle reaches of the Golmud River in the eastern Kunlun Mountain, on the north-eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). An optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronology shows the sediments of five dammed lakes developed from c. 45–40, 30–25, 18–14, and 12–8 ka, corresponding to MIS 3b, late MIS 3a, Last Deglaciation, and early Holocene, respectively. The remote sensing data show these dammed lakes have a total area of 109.4 km2, with the lake volume of more than 4.0 km3. Symmetric alluvial fans from north–south tributary valleys produced OSL ages of c. 61–52, 42–31, 26–20, and 16–10 ka, corresponding to glaciation periods: the MIS 3c and MIS 3a, MIS 2, and the Last Deglaciation. This suggests that glacial activity is responsible for the alluvial fan development, where dammed rivers occurred first, but lake formation did not take place synchronously until later periods of strong hydrologic activity, resulting from northward intrusions of the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) or glacier melt. Thus, the blocking pattern is that river valleys were dammed during periods of glacial activity and lakes formed during wet periods. The lake formation and subsequent drainage may have resulted in: (i) impeded headwater incision and strengthening of downstream dissection; (ii) enriched the halite and potash in the distal Qarhan Salt Lake through hydrologic and hydrochemical processes of abundant water input, the salt lake expansion, salt redissolution from playa and final resedimentation during later dry periods. The alluvial-dammed lake pattern in the mountain-basin systems of eastern Kunlun Mountain offers a model for assessing the linkages between monsoon dynamics, geomorphic processes and distal salt lake evolutions in other arid regions.  相似文献   

Relict (perched) lacustrine deltas around the perennially ice-covered lakes in the Taylor Valley, Antarctica, imply that these lakes were up to 40 times larger in area than at present since the last glacial maximum (LGM). These deltas have been used to constrain ice-margin positions in Taylor Valley, and the boundaries of the proposed LGM ice-damned Glacial Lake Washburn. The timing of these high lake levels has depended on 14C chronologies of algal layers within relict lacustrine deltas. To provide additional geochronometric data for the post-LGM lake-level history, we applied photon-stimulated-luminescence (PSL) sediment dating to polymineral fine silt and sand-size quartz from 7 perched-delta and 3 active-delta sites of different elevations along 3 major meltwater streams entering Lake Fryxell. Our PSL dating of 4 quartz-sand samples from core tops in the seasonal ice-free moat of Lake Fryxell (elevation ∼18 m a.s.l.) and two core-top moat samples from the seasonal moat of Lake Vanda in nearby Wright Valley establish that adequate PSL clock zeroing (by daylight) occurs in regional, modern shoreline deposits. Minimum-age micro-hole PSL results from the moats are consistently near 100 a. Minimum-age micro-hole age estimates for the deltas range from ∼50 to 100 a near the present lake level up to 13.4 ± 1.3 ka at 240 m. These are systematically younger than the comparable, reservoir-uncorrected, 14C ages that range from 7 ka (cal yr BP) to 13 ka (cal yr BP) near lake level up to 20 ka (cal yr BP) at 220–240 m elevation. Our results indicate the occurrence of a dramatic discrepancy between PSL minimum-age and 14C age estimates that is presently unresolved.  相似文献   

Lake Manas, located in northwestern China, has been formed in a structure depression since early Quaternary. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is applied to the lacustrine and aeolian deposits collected from the lake to construct a chronological frame for lake level fluctuations since the last inter-glacial period. The results yielded two stages of high lake stands (∼20 m above the present lake bed) occurred before 66 ka and 38–27 ka ago. No evidence for Holocene high lake level was found in the studying area.  相似文献   

全新世内蒙南缘黄旗海湖面的波动   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
李栓科  王涛 《湖泊科学》1993,5(4):324-334
黄旗海是一封闭湖泊,气候是控制其湖面变化的主要因素。地貌、沉积物、地球化学分析及历史考古资料均证实,一万年以来湖面在总体收缩下降过程巾不断地波动着。全新世初期,湖面扩张抬升,9000a B.P.前后湖面达最高(1340m),湖面面积也最大(约560km~2),其后,湖面持续地收缩下降。  相似文献   

中国晚新生代湖泊沉积及其反映的环境概貌   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在地球历史上湖泊沉积大规模的发育或缺失,都和一定的构造背景和气候环境条件相关。本文依据我国晚新生代以来,湖泊沉积时空规模和分布的变化,来探讨我国大环境的变迁过程。上新世和早更新世我国西部存在许多大湖泊,发育巨厚的湖泊沉积,而东部分布的范围很局限,造成这种情况的原因,除了构造运动的差别外,当时大气环流的形势与今不同,西部的气候条件相当湿润。中—晚更新世西部的大湖大都萎缩,甚至消失,东部却表现出大湖增加的趋势,这显然与青藏高原的迅速隆起、东亚季风的加强有关。末次冰期以来,对应于冰期、间冰期的气候变化,不同气候带湖泊的响应差异颇大,既表现出区域环境的特点,也有全球变化事件的反映。  相似文献   

Many lakes in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) experienced dramatic lake level changes in the late Quaternary, as suggested by well-preserved paleo-shorelines up to ∼200 m above present lake levels. These relic shorelines provide direct geomorphic record to reconstruct past lake level fluctuation history and water volume changes, linked closely to variations in paleo-climatic controls including Asian monsoon, westerlies and glacial meltwater. In this study, 27 near-shore sediment samples from three of eight paleo-shorelines at north of Nam Co were dated by Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) technique, using coarse grains of quartz and potassium feldspar.Our results indicate that: 1) S1 is the highest/most developed shoreline (+26 m). Sediment from upper part of S1 has a consistent age of ∼25 ka (nine samples from 3 gullies), suggesting a high lake level of Nam Co occurred around 25 ka. An overflow point west of Nam Co has a close elevation to that of S1 and thus limits the presence of higher lake levels; 2) sediment profile from the slightly lower S2 (+22 m) contains two parts, silty sand (6.9–8.9 ka) at the bottom and shoreline deposits atop (∼2.3 ka), suggesting Nam Co maintained a relative high lake level in the early Holocene and such lake level occurred again at about 3.0–2.0 ka; 3) In contrast to the swift variations of monsoon precipitation and glacial meltwater in the late Quaternary, water level of Nam Co remained relatively stable during the period from ∼25 ka to about early Holocene (from +26 m to +22 m), implying a continuous outflowing stage and lake infill constantly exceeds evaporation; 4) S5 (+11 m) has an age of 0.7–1.4 ka. Nam Co showed a much accelerated pace of shrinkage since about 2.0 ka in the late Holocene in roughly two steps: it dropped from +22 m to +11 m from ∼2.0 ka to 1.4 ka, and subsequently dropped another 11 m after 0.7 ka.  相似文献   

A 400-mm-long stalagmite from Tangshan Cave, Nanjing has been analyzed by a high-precision TIMS-U series dating method and also determined for oxygen and carbon stable isotopic compositions. The results provided a high-resolution paleoclimate record for eastern China during a time interval (from 54 000 to 19 000 aBP) of the last glaciation. The continuous record of oxygen-18 variations in the stalagmite, indicating a precipitation history of the East Asian monsoon, shows not only signals of the Heinrich events, but also the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles which are first found in the last glacial climate record of the East Asian monsoon area. Although the stalagmite-based climatic signals match well with the GRIP ice core record, some differences between the two records can be recognized: (1) The last glacial climate changes in eastern China exhibited a long-term remarkably cooling trend, superimposed on which were four successive Bond’s cycles illustrated by the δ18O curve. This strong cooling tendency may be an effect of the strong summer monsoon event during the MIS 3 over the Tibetan Plateau. (2) There exist some phase differences of 1000–2000 years between the cooling events in the stalagmite-based climate signal and the GRIP ice core record. Such differences should be further verified by calibrations of multiple dating methods  相似文献   

Lakes over the inner Tibetan Plateau (TP) are very sensitive to the regional environmental transformations and climate changes. Well-preserved lake sediments around these lakes provide critical geomorphological and sedimentary evidence that can be used to infer the past hydroclimate changes. In this study, a lacustrine section from a sandy shoreline (∼74 m above the modern lake) situated to the northwest of modern Dawa Co in the inner TP was investigated using both luminescence and radiocarbon dating methods. Our results demonstrated: (1) the quartz optically simulated luminescence (OSL) dating yielded much younger ages (∼4 ka) than that of the post-infrared IRSL (pIRIR) dating of the K-feldspar fraction; (2) fading test showed g-values ranging between 1.34 and 4.46%/decade for quartz OSL signals, which is considered to be responsible for the underestimation of the corresponding ages; (3) the AMS 14C age of the charcoal sample from the section is in line with the K-feldspar pIRIR225 ages, confirming the reliability of the pIRIR225 dates and the underestimation of the quartz OSL ages. The anomalous fading of quartz OSL signals and the consequent age underestimation have been reported in several other lakes on the TP, we presented here for the first time firm evidence of the phenomenon with the help of a robust independent control of AMS 14C age of the charcoal. Based on the pIRIR225 and AMS 14C ages, we conclude that Dawa Co underwent a prominent highstand during the early Holocene (∼9–7 ka), which was probably controlled by the large amounts of glacial meltwater input and the increased monsoonal precipitation.  相似文献   

This study investigated two mining lakes located in the north of Lower Austria. These lakes arose 45 years ago when open cast lignite mining ceased. The lakes are separated by a 7-m wide dam. Due to the oxidation of pyrite, both lakes have been acidified and exhibit iron, sulphate, and heavy metal concentrations several orders of magnitude higher than in circumneutral lakes. The water column of both lakes is divided into two layers by a pronounced chemocline. The smaller mining lake (AML), with pH close to of 2.6, is the most acidic lake in Austria, whereas flooding with stream water and by drainage from the surrounding fields neutralized the adjacent larger pit lake. The goal of our study was to investigate the effect of flooding on its physical, chemical and biological properties, in comparison to the pristine AML. Even relative to other extremely acidic lakes, the flora and fauna in the AML was reduced and composed of only two flagellate, one ciliate, and one rotifer species. The simplified pelagic food web in the mixolimnion consisted of heterotrophic bacteria, the mixotrophic flagellates Chlamydomonas acidophila and Ochromonas sp., the ciliate Oxytricha sp., and the rotifer Cephalodella sp. The latter two are as yet undescribed new species. The heliozoan Actinophrys sp. that may act as top predator occurred only in low abundance. The euglenid Lepocinclis buetschlii formed a stable deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) at 7 m depth. Highest cell numbers of L. buetschlii in the DCM exceeded 108 L?1. The neutralized mining lake harboured higher plankton diversity similar to that of natural circumneutral lakes. A peak of at least 16 different phytoplankton taxa was observed during summer. The zooplankton consisted of several copepod species, daphnids and other cladocerans, and at least six different rotifer species. Several fish species occurred in the neutralized lake. Although the effect of non-permanent flooding was largely sustainable, interannual fluctuations of the pH affected the plankton community and reduced its species diversity.  相似文献   

长江中下游湖泊沉积物生物可利用磷分布特征   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:24  
利用化学提取方法对太湖6个样点,巢湖4个样点和龙感湖3个样点的表层沉积物和沉积物柱样进行了生物可利用磷(BAP)测定.北太湖表层沉积物的平均含量为259.5mg/kg,而西部湖区平均含量为114 6mg/kg,湖心区平均含量为40.6 mg/kg,而东太湖平均含量为50.7 mg/kg,呈显著北高南低的特点.巢湖西部湖区表层沉积物的BAP平均含量为 254.2 mg/kg,而东部湖区BAP含量降低为101.9mg/kg.龙感湖表层沉积物BAP平均含量为67.8 mg/kg.显著表明污染程度较高的湖区沉积物的BAP相应较高.BAP在沉积物中随深度呈指数降低,显示生物可利用磷在沉积作用下向稳定的非活性磷转化.夏季沉积物中的BAP由于生物活性的增强向溶解态活性磷转化过程增强,显示为较低的BAP含量.BAP 含量与水体溶解态活性磷呈正相关关系,且该相关性在BAP含量较低的样点好于高BAP的样点.  相似文献   

Qinghai Lake, on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, is the largest extant closed-basin lake in China, and has been the subject of numerous palaeoclimatological and palaeoenvironmental studies. In this study, 32 samples of aeolian sand, loess and palaeosol at six sites, and 1 sample of shoreline deposits underlying aeolian deposits were dated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Where available, OSL ages are in agreement with previously published 14C ages. Our dating results, in combination with previous published ages on aeolian deposits showed that: (1) The oldest aeolian deposits around Qinghai Lake are in excess of 165 ka. (2) Aeolian deposition then began at ∼14 ka in the Qinghai Lake area. Periods of palaeosol formation occurred at ∼16.9 ka, ∼12.2–11 ka, ∼10–9 ka, ∼5.2–4 ka, and ∼3.9–0.7 ka. (3) The accumulation intervals of palaeosols are generally consistent with drilling-core-based environmental change proxies, indicating that palaeosols were formed during wet periods with higher vegetation cover. (4) A depositional hiatus period of ∼40–50 ka exists between the surface mantle aeolian deposits and underlying gravel deposits. (5) Lake levels during the Holocene did not exceed 3205.2 m elevation (11.8 m above recent lake level of April, 2010).  相似文献   

The loess-palaeosol deposits of the Central Shandong Mountains (CSM) to the east of the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) potentially provide valuable archives for the reconstruction of East Asian monsoon patterns. However, compared to the abundant attention given to the loess layer, fewer studies have explored the palaeosols documenting the processes and characteristics of interglacial climate changes. The high-resolution chronologies and provenances of the palaeosol in the CSM area are still unclear. In this work, the luminescence ages and paleoclimate proxies in the Shaozhuang (SZ) and Focun (FC) sections were studied, by combining detrital zircons U–Pb ages from the loess-palaesosol in Jingbian, Licheng, Focun, Pianguan and Dongming Yellow River sediments. Quartz single-aliquot regenerative dose protocol (SAR) and K-feldspar post-infrared IRSL (pIRIR290) dating results were obtained in the SZ (8.0 ± 1.1 ka −50.8 ± 2.7 ka) and FC (3.8 ± 0.3 ka—144.0 ± 7.8 ka) sections to develop the most detailed CSM region chronologies to date. The analyzed grain sizes and detrital zircon U–Pb ages suggest that the provenance of the CSM loess was dominated by local Yellow River sediments. The palaeosols observed in the field in these two sections were composed of both aggradation soils deposited in the interglacial period and non-aggradation soil formed by the weathering and leaching of the underlying loess. We found evidences for the presence of non-aggradation soils as indicated the relatively high 5–16 μm particle percentages, relatively low chemical index of alteration (CIA) values and the percentages of >63 μm particles compared to those of the overlying palaeosol layers. Nevertheless, the loess-palaeosol deposits in the CSM are still the product of the East Asian monsoon and global climatic variations, as the deposits have recorded the glacial-interglacial cycles.  相似文献   

We present the results of a 3‐year monitoring programme of the stable isotope composition of lake water and precipitation at Taozi Lake, in the East Asian monsoon region of China. Our aims were to reveal the spatiotemporal pattern of variation of stable isotopes in a small closed‐basin lake and to quantitatively determine the impacts of precipitation and evaporation on the stable isotope composition of lake water under a humid monsoon climate. In the time domain, the stable oxygen isotopic ratio of the lake water (δ18OL) exhibited substantial seasonal and interannual variations, but the isotope variations between different precipitation events substantially exceeded seasonal and interannual variations. Compared with the stable isotopes in precipitation, δ18OL was substantially positive and dL was negative. In the space domains, the lake water was homogeneously mixed. Indicated by statistic analyses, precipitation plays a dominant role in dynamic of the lake stable isotope during precipitation events of relatively large magnitude, whereas the effect of evaporation is dominant during smaller precipitation events. Results advance our understanding of the stable isotope change rule in the process of lake water evaporation, and it is helpful to identify the climatic significance recorded in stable isotopic compositions of lake bottom sediments.  相似文献   

不同时间尺度青海湖沉积物总有机碳对气候变化的敏感性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张姚  吴铎  张欢  周爱锋  王苏民  陈发虎 《湖泊科学》2019,31(5):1468-1478
湖泊沉积物总有机碳(TOC)含量通常作为表征流域和湖泊生产力的指标,在亚洲季风区也常常被当作夏季风的代用指标,被广泛应用于气候与环境变化研究.本文梳理了过去千年、全新世以及冰期-间冰期时间尺度上青海湖沉积物TOC的变化特征,并探讨了其指示气候变化的敏感性与有效性.结果表明,过去千年青海湖沉积物TOC含量与区域暖季温度和降水表现出较为一致的周期性波动.通过对比全新世区域夏季温度、基于孢粉的降水定量重建结果,以及湖泊水位、风沙活动反映的湿度状况等,发现不能简单地将青海湖沉积物TOC含量或沉积通量作为夏季风强度或者季风降水强度的代用指标.青海湖沉积物TOC含量在冰期和间冰期表现出巨大的差异,指示了冰期-间冰期时间尺度上较大的温度与降水变幅.因此,不同地域条件及不同时间尺度下,湖泊沉积物TOC对气候变化的敏感性不同,将湖泊沉积物TOC含量作为亚洲夏季风的代用指标需要特别谨慎,特别是在高寒气候区.  相似文献   

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