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Identification of past tsunamis is important for risk assessment and management of coastal areas. Obtaining accurate and precise ages of sediments originating from such extreme marine coastal floods is crucial for a reliable estimation of the recurrence interval of these often devastating events. We present here the results of quartz optical dating and 14C dating of two sites (Boca do Rio and Martinhal) on the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). These sites contain deposits of the great tsunami of November 1, 1755. The sections were described using sedimentological techniques; at both sites tsunami-laid sands and gravels were identified, intercalated between estuarine muds. Quartz luminescence ages from these sedimentary successions were derived using standard SAR-OSL dating using multi-grain sub-samples. A multiple sampling strategy was employed with several samples taken from the AD 1755 tsunami deposit and from the sediments bracketing the tsunami layer. Our SAR-OSL protocol was shown to be appropriate using dose recovery measurements (measured/given dose ratio of 1.004 ± 0.007, n = 165). The several OSL ages from the 1755 tsunamigenic deposits are internally reproducible but yield age overestimates of between 20 and 125% (60–310 years respectively); this is in agreement with values reported in the literature for similar deposits. The age overestimation of the tsunami-laid sands is presumably due to the rapid erosion and deposition of older sediments, with insufficient light exposure for complete bleaching during the tsunami event itself. The absence of significant bleaching during the tsunami is also suggested by the shape of the dose distributions based on sub-samples made up of only about 100 grains. Analysis of the distributions with the minimum-age model seems to yield the expected age for two of the three distributions. It is important to note that age offsets of a few tens of years to a few hundred years rapidly become insignificant when dating older (>1 to few ka) tsunami layers.  相似文献   

Sediments deposited by the AD 869 Jogan tsunami offer an opportunity to test the reliability of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of relatively old historical tsunami deposits. We collected a geoslicer sample from sand deposited on the Sendai Plain, northeastern Japan, by the Jogan tsunami and applied quartz OSL dating to it. We then compared the OSL ages with the known age of the tsunami event. In ascending order, the sedimentary sequence in the geoslicer sample consists of the beach–dune sand, lower peat, Jogan tsunami deposit, upper peat, pre-2011 paddy soil, and the 2011 tsunami deposit. To obtain equivalent dose (De,bulk), a standard single-aliquot renegerative-dose (SAR) protocol was applied to large aliquots of the 180–250 μm fraction of two samples from the beach–dune sand, and four samples from differing levels of the Jogan tsunami deposit. The OSL decay curves were dominated by the medium component; thus, for two samples from the Jogan deposit the fast-component OSL signal was isolated and used to determine the equivalent dose (De,fast). Using De,bulk, OSL ages of the tsunami deposit were underestimated by ∼40%, and even the beach–dune sand was dated younger than AD 869. In contrast, De,fast provided a robust age estimate with only slight underestimation. A pulse annealing test showed that the bulk and medium-component OSL signals were thermally unstable. The medium component in the natural OSL was clearly truncated in comparison to the regenerated OSL; the medium component is thus considered to be the main cause of the underestimated ages. Similar effects of a dominant medium-component OSL have been reported in tectonically active regions, which are also prone to tsunamis. The effect of this dominance should be carefully considered in quartz OSL dating of tsunami deposits.  相似文献   

The most recent high magnitude seismic events, e.g. the Mw 8.2 Iquique earthquake (April 1st, 2014) and the Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake (February 27th, 2010) are reminders of the pronounced vulnerability of the Chilean coast to the impact of natural hazards like earthquakes and tsunamis. Therefore it is crucial to understand the complex tsunami history of Chile which can be deciphered by studying the geological record of former tsunamis in the form of tsunami deposits.At the coastal locality of Tirúa (Central Chile) six distinct, successive tsunamigenic sand layers are intercalated in fine grained floodplain sediments. We present the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) analysis of quartz from samples of this sedimentological river marsh profile of 1.5 m depth.After the assessment of the applicability of OSL to these samples, it could be noted that despite of an expected low OSL sensitivity of the quartz from the South American Cordillera, most of the sampled quartz yielded a detectable natural signal. After performance tests according to the SAR-protocol, the measurements of the different tsunami sand layers were conducted with small (2.5 mm) aliquots of quartz with the preheat temperature 180 °C. The calculation of De was provided by applying both the central age and minimum age models. All samples are heterogeneous in their De distributions due to incomplete or absent significant bleaching during transport by tsunami. The resulting ages of the tsunami sediments yield an offset of nearly 200 years for CAM ages and less than 50 years for MAM ages, consequently favouring MAM ages for true burial age determination. In some tsunami sand layers and their surrounding river marsh sediments age inversions occur. They were caused by the initial deposition of well bleached sediments derived from beach and dunes followed by older sediments redeposited from beach and intertidal environments during tsunami flow. Despite the offset and age inversion six different tsunami events were dated in the Tirúa profile. Three of these events extend the historical record to pre-Columbian time with the oldest tsunami dated to over 1500 years before present.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating methods have been widely applied in Quaternary glaciology. However, glacigenic deposits are considered in general as problematic for OSL dating, mainly because they are transported shorter distances prior to burial and are usually partially bleached. Thus, most researchers choose glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sediments (with relatively longer transportation times) for OSL dating when constraining the age of glaciation. In this study, four samples were collected from a lateral moraine series at Zhuqing Village, northern margin of Queer Shan Mountain, eastern Tibetan Plateau, in order to investigate the applicability of OSL dating for morainic deposits. Quartz grains (38–63 μm) were extracted and measured using single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol. Internal checks and dose recovery test show that the SAR protocol is appropriate for equivalent dose (De) determination. The effect of thermal transfer is small for all samples and the recycling ratio for each individual sample is close to unity. The symmetry in the De distributions indicates that quartz grains were well-bleached prior to burial. OSL ages show good agreement with geomorphological and field investigations, and are also concordant with an independent ESR age. It is concluded that: (a) the morainic deposits in Zhuqing were well-bleached and suitable for OSL dating; (b) SAR protocol can be applied to morainic deposits for samples under study.  相似文献   

Dates of tsunami deposits have been used to estimate paleotsunami recurrence intervals in areas affected by these natural events. The depositional age of tsunami deposits is commonly constrained by the radiocarbon (14C) dating of sediments above and below the geological event. However, because of calibration curve fluctuations, the depositional age sometimes has a wide error range. In this study, we conducted millimeter-scale high-resolution radiocarbon measurements of tsunami deposits at Urahoro in southern Hokkaido, Japan. The site faces the Pacific Ocean along the Kuril Trench. Eight event deposits were identified within peat at this site. We took sequential measurements for 14C dating using bulk peat samples. The results were validated based on comparison with the absolute and radiometric ages of tephra layers. Dating results were further constrained by stratigraphic order using statistical methods. We constrained the depositional age of the paleotsunami deposits better using this method than we did when using conventional methods. We proposed an efficient measurement strategy with respect to the radiocarbon calibration curve. This method is also applicable for other deposits formed by any natural hazard if bulk peat is obtainable so it can contribute to better hazard assessment worldwide.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Geochronology》2008,3(1-2):114-136
We present chronological constraints on a suite of permanently frozen fluvial deposits which contain ancient DNA (aDNA) from the Taimyr Peninsula of north-central Siberia. The luminescence phenomenology of these samples is first discussed, focusing on the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) decay curve characteristics, thermoluminescence (TL) properties, and signal compositions of quartz from these previously unstudied deposits. Secondly, we assess the suitability of these samples for OSL dating and present the OSL chronologies obtained using both single-grain and multi-grain equivalent dose (De) measurements. The results of our analyses reveal a large amount of inter-aliquot variability in OSL decay curve shape that is directly related to differences in the size of the 280 °C TL peak and the associated slowly bleached ‘S2’ OSL component. Longer OSL stimulation durations are adopted in the De measurement procedure to prevent the progressive build-up of slowly bleached signal components throughout successive single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) measurement cycles. The use of low preheat temperatures in the SAR procedure also reduces the deleterious effects of these slowly bleached signal components. The resultant single-grain and multi-grain OSL chronologies obtained using this approach are stratigraphically consistent and are in close agreement with independently established 14C ages at our sites. The findings of this research reveal the potential of OSL dating as a means of providing a reliable chronometric framework for sedimentary aDNA records in permafrost environments.  相似文献   

Similar to the loess in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), the loess deposits in the Ili basin of Central Asia arid area play an important role in understanding the climate and environmental changes. However, in contrast to the intensively investigated loess deposits in the CLP, the Ili loess is still insufficiently known and poorly understood. The geochronology study of the Ili loess remains controversial. In order to examine the potential of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating for the Ili loess, we carry out a combined luminescence and radiocarbon dating study on a 6.9 m loess section in the south margin of the Ili basin. Polymineral fine grains were investigated by post infrared (IR) OSL using a Multiple-Aliquot Regenerative-dose (MAR) protocol. Radiocarbon dating of organic carbon were carried in a 3 Megavolt (MV) multi-element Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). The results indicate that the OSL ages are in agreement with the observed stratigraphy in the field, which is well correlated with that of the CLP, but the AMS 14C ages are much younger than the OSL and assumed stratigraphical ages. Thus, the OSL dating technique may provide an absolute chronology in this loess section. Further methodological approaches and more samples analysis will lead to the improvement of this chronology for high-resolution paleoclimatic interpretation.  相似文献   

Raised beach sand deposits along the southeastern coast of Norway were dated by optical (OSL) and infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and the quartz and K-feldspar luminescence characteristics were described. Due to the poor quartz luminescence characteristics, only a limited number of samples were suitable for OSL dating. More promising are the K-feldspar extracts, with typical K-feldspar luminescence characteristics and no sign of fading. For equivalent dose (De) determination, sand-size quartz and feldspar extracts were used, applying a single aliquot regenerative (SAR) protocol. Both, OSL and IRSL De estimates show a wide distribution, unexpected for beach deposits. The calculated OSL and IRSL age estimates were generally in good agreement and the correctness of the ages was confirmed by independent age control. Because only a limited number of the quartz samples were suitable for OSL dating, IRSL dating of the K-feldspar represents an alternative to OSL quartz dating.  相似文献   

Romanian loess -palaeosol sequences are amongst the thickest and most complete available in Europe. These deposits represent an extended continental record of environmental and climatic change during at least five glacial/interglacial cycles. Their chronology, however, is mainly based on relative methods. In this paper, we investigate whether SAR–OSL dating of fine-grained quartz can be used to establish a reliable chronology for Romanian loess.The samples were collected from the loess–palaeosol sequence near Mircea Vod? (Dobrogea, SE Romania). The luminescence characteristics of the fine-grained quartz extracts are investigated to some extent, and indicate that the applied laboratory measurement procedure (SAR) is reliable. An internally consistent set of optical ages is obtained for the loess deposited up to ~70 ka, and evidence is presented for a varying loess accumulation rate during the Last Glacial. Comparison with independent age control (pedostratigraphy and a newly-developed palaeomagnetic time–depth model) indicates that the optical dating procedure underestimates the true burial age from the penultimate glacial period onwards (i.e. for samples below the last interglacial S1 palaeosol). These results indicate that an apparently reliable laboratory measurement procedure not necessarily yields accurate sedimentation ages. We suggest that quartz-based SAR–OSL ages obtained using the high dose linear region of the growth curve are interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Palynostratigraphical records have been used to understand the response of vegetation to climate change, and benefit from independent dating to ensure a robust correlation with global climate and sea-level change. In order to constrain the pollen chronology of a long sedimentary core taken at Azzano Decimo in the Friulian foreland of northeastern Italy, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) has been applied to fine grain quartz. The samples meet all the standard performance criteria set to test the reliability of the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol, and still show increasing dose response at 500 Gy. OSL ages are in good agreement with radiocarbon dating and the pollen interpretation down to 70 ka, and with De values of ~140 Gy, but below this point, they display an increasing age underestimation towards the Eemian and beyond. The comparison of De values measured using both a SAR and single-aliquot regeneration and added-dose (SARA) protocol, confirmed that both were successfully correcting for sensitivity changes in the quartz during measurement of the burial dose, and this was not the reason for the age underestimation. The quartz OSL dose response curve for all samples is best described by a saturating exponential plus linear (SEPL) function. Although all underestimated ages are derived from De values that fall on the high dose linear region of this curve, it is unclear if this is the cause of the underestimation.  相似文献   

Plunge pool deposits from Australia's 'Top End' are considered as important archives of past monsoonal activity in the region. The available chronology of these deposits was so far based on thermoluminescence (TL) dating and indicated maximum flood magnitudes during the Last Glacial Maximum in contrast with more arid conditions as deduced from other archives of the region. This study revisits plunge pool deposits at Wangi Falls by applying multiple and single-grain Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of quartz and high-resolution gamma spectrometry, supported by radiocarbon dating of organic material. The aim is to reappraise the existing chronology and investigate if the deposits are affected by partial bleaching, post-depositional mixing and/or problems related to annual dose determination. The latter seems to have a minor impact on the ages at most. Equivalent Dose (De) distributions are broad, in particular for single grains, but apparently not result from partial bleaching or post-depositional mixing. Rather, microdosimetry caused by radiation hotspots in the sediment and zircon inclusions in the quartz grains is considered problematic for these sediments. The results presented here imply that the previous TL chronology overestimated the real deposition age of the sediments.  相似文献   

This study presents results from 20 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages from one of the world's largest beach ridge plains, the Jerup beach ridge plain at the base of the Skagen Spit in the northernmost part of Jutland, Denmark. The OSL ages were obtained using quartz and a SAR protocol, and used to establish a chronology for the beach ridge plain and for the underlying coastal plain. The accuracy of the chronology is tested both by laboratory tests (recuperation, recycling ratio and dose recovery) and by comparison with independent age controls, e.g. previously reported radiocarbon dates, map sources, anecdotal evidence and settlement names. It is concluded that the OSL signals are internally consistent, and that the derived OSL ages are in good agreement with a large range of independent age controls. The ridge plain is shown to cover a time span from 1000 to 2700 years ago; this chronology is more detailed and precise than those previously available, and gives an average beach ridge formation rate of 15 yr/ridge and an average lateral migration rate of 2.0 m/yr. This study adds to the growing knowledge that OSL dating has a large potential for establishing detailed and precise chronologies in coastal marine sediments, including beach ridges.  相似文献   

Paleotsunami remains have been studied in Middle/Late Holocene peat bogs and lacustrine deposits on Shikotan I. We determined the age of the events, the inundation areas, and the distance the tsunami waves traveled on shores of varying structures. The frequency of tsunami occurrence was nonuniform; these events were the most frequent in the middle of the Late Holocene. Data are provided for specific areas of the island’s coast, sequences have been identified containing numerous interbeds of tsunamigenic sand, which can be used as markers. The composition of the tsunamigenic sand has been analyzed to reveal its similarities with and differences to other coastal marine facies and to determine the sources of the material. These data could serve as a basis for compiling a highly detailed geological record of these events for the southern Kuril region during the last 6000 years.  相似文献   

The present work reports the first numerical ages obtained for the two highest fluvial terraces (Qt1 and Qt2) of the Alcanadre River system (Northeastern Spain) representing the earliest remnants of Quaternary morphosedimentary fluvial activity in the Ebro basin. ESR dating method was applied to optically bleached quartz grains and both the Al and Ti centers were measured, in accordance with the Multiple Center approach. The results are overall in good agreement with the existing preliminary chronostratigraphic framework and our interpretation indicate that terraces Qt1 and Qt2 have an ESR age of 1276 ± 104 ka and 817 ± 68 ka, respectively. These data provide some chronological insights on the beginning of the fluvial sedimentary processes in a scenario of incision maintained over Quaternary in the Ebro Basin. These are among the first numerical ages obtained for such high terraces in the Iberian Peninsula.Our results demonstrate the interest of using the Multiple Center approach in ESR dating of quartz, since the two centers provide complementary information, i.e. an independent dose control. The overall apparent consistency between the ESR age estimates and the existing preliminary chronostratigraphic framework may be considered as an empirical evidence that the Ti–Li center may actually work for Early Pleistocene deposits, whereas the Ti–H center shows some clear limitations instead. Finally, these results demonstrate the interest of using ESR method to date Early Pleistocene fluvial terraces that are usually beyond the time range covered by the OSL dating method.  相似文献   

Drowned landscapes are important archives documenting palaeoenvironmental response to abrupt climate and sea-level changes characteristic of the Quaternary. Analysis of high resolution geophysical and core data has revealed preservation of fluvial, coastal, shallow marine and periglacial deposits on the continental shelf in the eastern English Channel, thus providing an ideal field site to test the application of optical dating to a variety of depositional environments presently submerged beneath the sea. A stratigraphic model detailing the sequence and nature of sedimentary processes operating on the shelf in relation to post-glacial relative sea-level change is presented as a framework to test the reliability of optical ages. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol was applied to 1 mm aliquots of fine quartz sand and individual aliquots were rejected following the criteria proposed by Wintle and Murray (2006). All samples demonstrate a range of intrinsic sensitivities with a sufficient number of grains giving enough light to enable reliable estimation of De. Different age models, CAM and MAM-3, were used to establish palaeodose and the robustness of these age models was tested using a bootstrapping technique. Coastal sediments show evidence of incomplete bleaching limiting confidence in age estimates. Quartz deposited in fluvial, periglacial and shallow marine environments is suitably bleached and OSL sensitive to enable reliable estimates of De. Changes in environmental dose must be considered when interpreting ages from sediments that have experienced repeated relative sea-level cycles. Ages in the range of 107.8 ka to 5.3 ka were calculated that are remarkably consistent with the stratigraphic model, thus demonstrating the successful applicability of optical dating to drowned landscapes.  相似文献   

Sediments of river deltas provide valuable records of past coastal environments. Optically-stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating has become an alternative to radiocarbon dating for constraining the sediment chronology in large deltas that allow for sufficient sunlight bleaching of sediments during the fluvial transport. However, its applicability to smaller deltas with mountainous riverine systems has not been confirmed yet. To check this, we examine multiple signals from two Holocene sediment cores in the wave-dominated Thu Bon River delta in central Vietnam. Two cores were collected, respectively, 3.9 km and 1.2 km inland from the present shoreline and both show a >-25-m thick succession of coarsening-upward mud to sand deposits. Coarse grains (180–250 μm in diameter) of quartz and K-feldspar, and fine grains (4–11 μm in diameter) of quartz and polymineral were extracted from the upper and lower parts of the cores for multi-grain measurements of quartz OSL, and of feldspar infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) at 50 °C (IR50) and post-IR IRSL at 175 °C (pIRIR175) to determine burial ages. In addition, facies analysis and radiocarbon dating were conducted. The landward core consists of transgressive to early regressive estuarine and prodelta facies, which is overlain by a sandy beach-shoreface facies. The seaward core consists of a relatively simple shallowing-upward succession from muddy prodelta facies to sandy beach-shoreface facies. All luminescence ages except for pIRIR175 of fine grains are mostly consistent with the radiocarbon ages. Instead, pIRIR175 ages of fine grains are significantly overestimated with variable offsets. OSL and IR50 of fine grains provide reasonable age estimates, as these grains were likely well bleached during the transport even along a short and steep mountainous river. Consistent age estimates of all signals from sand indicate that sand was well-bleached in the beach and shoreface owing to the frequent sediment reworking by waves and currents. These results support the hypothesis that luminescence dating is applicable to Holocene wave-dominated deltas and reiterate that comparing different luminescence signals is an effective way to check reliability of the age estimates in environments where the sunlight bleaching is not ensured.  相似文献   

Dust depositions are critical archives for understanding interior aridification and westerly climatic changes in Central Asia. Accurate and reliable dating of loess is very important for interpreting and correlating environmental records. There remains a disparity between luminescence ages and radiocarbon dating of late Quaternary loess from the Ili Basin in Central Asia. In this study, we establish a closely spaced quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronology for the 20.5-m-thick Nilka loess section in the Ili Basin. Based on OSL ages, two intervals of higher mass accumulation rate occurred at 49–43 ka and 24–14 ka. We further compare these OSL ages with 23 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C ages of bulk organic matter. The results indicate that the OSL and radiocarbon ages agree well for ages younger than ca. 25 14C cal ka BP. However, beyond 30 cal ka BP, there is no consistent increase in AMS 14C age with depth, while the OSL ages continue to increase. These differences confirm the observation that the AMS 14C ages obtained using conventional acid–base–acid (ABA) pretreatment are severely underestimated in other terrestrial deposits in Central Asia, which could be due to 2–4% modern carbon contamination. However, OSL dating is applicable for constructing an accurate chronology beyond 30 cal ka BP. We suggest caution when interpreting paleoenvironmental changes based on radiocarbon ages older than 25 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

The new scale Mt of tsunami magnitude is a reliable measure of the seismic moment of a tsunamigenic earthquake as well as the overall strength of a tsunami source. This Mt scale was originally defined by Abe (1979) in terms of maximum tsunami amplitudes at large distances from the source. A method is developed whereby it is possible to determine Mt at small distances on the basis of the regional tsunami data obtained at 30 tide stations in Japan. The relation between log H, maximum amplitude (m) and log Δ, a distance of not less than 100 km away from the source (km) is found to be linear, with a slope close to 1.0. Using three tsunamigenic earthquakes with known moment magnitudes Mw, for calibration, the relation, Mt = log H + log Δ + D, is obtained, where D is 5.80 for single-amplitude (crest or trough) data and 5.55 for double-amplitude (crest-to-trough) data. Using a number of tsunami amplitude data, Mt is assigned to 80 tsunamigenic earthquakes that occurred in the northwestern Pacific, mostly in Japan, during the period from 1894 to 1981. The Mt values are found to be essentially equivalent to Mw for 25 events with known Mw. The 1952 Kamchatka earthquake has the largest Mt, 9.0. Of all the 80 events listed, at least seven unusual earthquakes which generated disproportionately-large tsunamis for their surface-wave magnitude Ms are identified from the relation. From the viewpoint of tsunami hazard reduction, the present results provide a quantitative basis for predicting maximum tsunami amplitudes at a particular site.  相似文献   

We suggest supplementing the MLH magnitude with the threshold (M thr) values of MPV, MSH, and MLH magnitudes (Russian scales), as well as M S and M W now in wide international use, for issuing tsunami alerts for hazards emanating from the main tsunamigenic zones of the Pacific Ocean. Relations are given to connect the MLH to these magnitudes. A comparative analysis applied to a catalog of large (M ≥ 6) earthquakes in the North Pacific and to the associated tsunami catalog gave the probabilities of false alerts and unpredicted tsunamis as functions of the threshold magnitude value (M thr). A two-step decision rule is proposed to issue tsunami alerts due to the tsunamigenic zones situated close to the Far East coast of Russia.  相似文献   

Modern and known-age Pleistocene fluvial sediments were investigated by optical dating of quartz to test the suitability of the approach for dating deposits from the deeply incised Middle Rhine Valley. Samples from modern flood sediments revealed skewed distributions indicating different residual levels of equivalent dose (De) within the different aliquots. Nevertheless, a substantial number of aliquots from the modern deposits reflect De values close to zero. For the Pleistocene samples, optical ages are in general consistent with age control given by the presence of the Laacher See Tephra and radiocarbon dating. However, some samples overestimate the known age by a few thousand years when using the arithmetic mean. This is apparently explained by including aliquots in the determination of mean De where the optical signal was incompletely bleached at deposition. The most difficult issue in this context is identifying a suitable approach that can distinguish between the variability of De due to partial bleaching and microdosimetry. However, even when considering these limitations it appears that optical dating will by a quite suitable method to date Pleistocene sediments from such a complex fluvial environment, especially when focusing on a precision scale beyond a few thousand years.  相似文献   

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