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Rainfall and geology of the catchment exert a dominant control on the trophic state of endorheic basins. River inflows and runoff provide nutrients, influencing primary productivity in the water column. Through time, paleoenvironmental conditions are recorded as variations within the sedimentary organic fraction. Thereafter, microbial populations settle and develop within sediments and lead to degradation processes as long as they remain active. However, their presence is generally not considered in Quaternary studies. The present study is based on the sedimentary record of the maar lake of Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia. We investigate the relationship between paleoenvironmental conditions and colonization of the corresponding sediments by microbes. Microbiological and geochemical analyses were combined to determine factors allowing microbes to sustain their activity over time. The study of Holocene sediments, containing dense and active microbial communities, provided means to evaluate the potential of microbial communities as agents of early diagenesis. We show that phosphorus released during organic matter degradation is essential for microbial growth. In highly colonized sediments, microbial communities appear capable of recycling the excreted ammonium, thus accounting for nitrogen fractionation toward high values in bulk sediment. Microbial activity in Laguna Potrok Aike still persists in 30 ka old sediments. Thus, we proposed that future lacustrine studies should include some microbial indicators to assess their impact in diagenetic processes.  相似文献   

High-resolution paleo- and rock magnetic studies were performed on a group of four sediment cores from Laguna Potrok Aike (Santa Cruz, Argentina) representing the time period AD 1300–2000. The rock magnetic analyses show that the main magnetic mineral is (titano)magnetite with a concentration between 0.01 and 0.08%, and a grain size of 4–15 μm. This study is helpful in order to complete the paleosecular variation (PSV) and paleointensity type curves for South America which do not have a detailed record for the last millennium. The comparison with the study carried out for Lake El Trébol shows a very good agreement, supporting that PSV records of south-western Argentina can be developed into a stratigraphic correlation tool on a regional scale.  相似文献   

Gu A  Gray F  Eastoe CJ  Norman LM  Duarte O  Long A 《Ground water》2008,46(3):502-509
Sulfate (S and O) isotopes used in conjunction with sulfate concentration provide a tracer for ground water contributions to base flow. They are particularly useful in areas where rock sources of contrasting S isotope character are juxtaposed, where water chemistry or H and O isotopes fail to distinguish water sources, and in arid areas where rain water contributions to base flow are minimal. Sonoita Creek basin in southern Arizona, where evaporite and igneous sources of sulfur are commonly juxtaposed, serves as an example. Base flow in Sonoita Creek is a mixture of three ground water sources: A, basin ground water with sulfate resembling that from Permian evaporite; B, ground water from the Patagonia Mountains; and C, ground water associated with Temporal Gulch. B and C contain sulfate like that of acid rock drainage in the region but differ in sulfate content. Source A contributes 50% to 70%, with the remainder equally divided between B and C during the base flow seasons. The proportion of B generally increases downstream. The proportion of A is greatest under drought conditions.  相似文献   

Most existing studies on the algal communities of acid lakes are based on environments that have been caused by anthropogenic disturbances. Such lakes have a different origin compared to the natural acidic lakes and could be expected to differ also in the mechanisms controlling phytoplankton and trophic status. Planktonic community in Lake Caviahue is somewhat diverse in spite of the low pH of the water. Algae have a distinctive vertical distribution: the values of phytoplankton biomass remain constant throughout the water column and at times were highest in the upper end of the hypolimnion, forming a maximum or a layer of chlorophyll a at depth. The goal of this work was to investigate the factors influencing the seasonal and vertical distribution of phytoplankton. The lake was sampled between the years 2004 and 2006. Physical, chemical and biological parameters at different depths throughout the water column were determined. The interrelationships between environmental variables at different sampling dates were analyzed using an integration of multivariate matrices, multiple factor analysis, to analyze any joint partnerships in the samples. We found that phytoplankton biomass is dominated by Keratococcus rhaphidioides. With regard to zooplankton, we found a single species of rotifers (Philodina sp.). The two arms of the lake and the depths have different behaviours showing differences in the arms' conductivity, dissolved oxygen and pH. The more superficial layers were characterized by high values of phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass, organic and inorganic carbon, dissolved oxygen and pH. The deeper layers showed high values of chlorophyll a, ammonium and phosphorus (dissolved and particulate). From the multivariate analysis the relationships of the each algal species with pH, as a possible indicator of the degree of “acidophilia”, could be extracted.  相似文献   

Holocene yardangs in volcanic terrains in the southern Andes,Argentina   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yardangs of different sizes were developed in the Payun Matru Volcanic Field, a semiarid area east of the southern Andes mountains. Yardangs from volcanic terrains have not been described previously from Earth, although studies from Mars interpreted linear ridges found by Mariner and Viking images as yardangs. The Payun Matru Volcanic Field is an extensive plateau at 2000 m a.s.l. covered by basaltic lava and ignimbrite flows. Strong westerly winds affect the extensive plateau. Micro‐ and mesoyardangs are formed on the ignimbrite rock blanket, and macroforms or megayardangs, several kilometres in length, are developed in the basaltic lava flows as long parallel troughs. They all have a distinctive 320° azimuth, which is the prevailing wind direction. No yardang features are noted in the more recent lava flows, younger than 1000 years, indicating that their formation needed a longer time or they developed in earlier periods with stronger winds. The yardang development is explained by the strong unidirectional winds, the poor vegetational cover due to the aridity of the region, the available quartz sand and volcanic ash particles as abrasive agents, and the volcanic lithology texture and flow structure. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In March of 2001 a study was carried out to evaluate hydrocarbon levels in the lower course of the Chubut River. The study included 12 sample stations along the river from San Cristóbal Bridge to the confluence with the sea, in a 25 km straight-line extension in a urbanized area. In the first 11 stations, resolved aliphatic (RAli) hydrocarbons presented low values, between 0.07 and 0.96 microg/g dry weight (dw); the unresolved complex mixture (UCM) between 0.42 and 2.72 microg/g dw, and the total aliphatic (TAli) hydrocarbons between 0.55 and 3.07 microg/g dw. In the last station, at the mouth of Chubut river, these values increased to 460, 284, and 741 microg/g dw for RAli, UCM and TAli, respectively. The n-alkanes distribution indices and the compositional parameters suggested a predominantly biogenic origin in eleven stations, and a predominantly anthropogenic origin in the last station, with the highest hydrocarbon values. It is possible to conclude that the stations with low hydrocarbon values and biogenic origin predominance would constitute the baseline of aliphatic hydrocarbons for river sediments at this zone. The station with the highest hydrocarbon concentration and predominantly anthropic origin was related to the presence of Rawson city's port, where its activities (harbor and fishing vessels) generate hydrocarbon wastes unrelated to the river base profile in the study zone. Offshore, but within the river influence, there is an important fishing area of Argentine Red and Patagonian shrimps (Pleoticus muelleri and Artemesia longinaris, respectively).  相似文献   

Andean Patagonian lakes are ultraoligotrophic and deep, have simple food webs and low fish diversity and abundance. In this work the distributional abundance data of fish was studied in two interconnected Andean Patagonian lakes with varying proportions of contrasting habitat types. Hydroacoustic data (120 kHz) were used to analyze fish abundance and habitat use during the mixis and stratification periods. Three types of habitat (near shore, surface pelagic and deep pelagic) and two groups of fish, based on size (Big Fish >12 cm total length and Fish Larvae and Small Fish <12 cm total length) were defined. The distribution of both fish groups in these lakes revealed differences in habitat use for each lake and period. Fish group abundance was related to the availability of habitat types, according to the morphology of each lake. The Big Fish group showed preference for the near shore habitat during lake stratification and always appeared as individual targets. The Fish Larvae and Small Fish group used mainly the pelagic habitat during mixis, where they formed dense sound scattering layers. However, during lake stratification many individual targets from this group were found both in pelagic and near shore habitats, which would seem to indicate a change in distributional behavior. This is possibly associated with niche changes in the Galaxiids (Galaxias spp), a key component of Northern Patagonian lake food webs. Lakes like Moreno Oeste, which are morphologically and structurally more complex, could have more diverse fish ensembles with higher abundances. In contrast, lakes of simple morphology with low development of near shore habitats and ample deep zones, like Lake Moreno Este, could present lower Big Fish abundance. The contrasting habitat availability between lakes accounts for the abundances and distribution patterns of each fish group. While in these lakes fish assemblage species composition could depends on the environmental filter, the particular structure of a fish assemblage in terms of the proportional abundances of species depends on proportional habitat type availability. We can speculate that in Andean Patagonian lakes Galaxiids mediate a habitat coupling process critical for the transfer of energy and matter in oligotrophic lakes. We may also consider that the Small Puyen in this type of lake is a keystone prey species that relieves predation pressure on other potential prey. The existence of deep pelagic habitats in numerous deep lakes in the Northern Patagonian Andean region provides not only daytime refuge for Galaxiids, which allows them to maintain their high numbers in the lakes, but could also, in the long term, act as a Galaxiid source for other water bodies.  相似文献   

A previous hydrometric study of runoff production in tussock grassland drainage basins in Otago (45°50′S, 169°45′E), New Zealand, revealed a marked change of slope in storm hydrograph recessions. An environmental isotope study was initiated to investigate the runoff mechanisms operating and to test specific hypotheses to explain this break in the hydrograph recession. The results indicated that for quickflow volumes in excess of 10mm, the first part of the storm hydrograph can be attributed to two separate sources, namely, ‘old’ water from a shallow, unconfined groundwater reservoir and ‘new’ water from saturation overland flow on the lower wetlands of concave slopes. Despite the extensive area of wetlands, ‘old’ water runoff from the unconfined groundwater reservoir is delivered more rapidly to the stream than ‘new’ water from saturation overland flow. Substantial surface storage in the wetlands has first to be exceeded before rain becomes a significant part of stream discharge. For quickflow volumes less than 10mm, only ‘old’ water from groundwater contributes to the first part of the hydrograph recession. This means that only the largest 7 per cent of storms (in terms of quickflow volume) generate quickflow containing significant amounts of ‘new water’. The second part of the recession of the storm hydrograph consists of ‘old’ water derived from a remarkably well-mixed shallow unconfined groundwater body.  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic analyses (Sr–Nd–Pb) of late Miocene to Quaternary plateau lavas from the Pali Aike and Morro Chico areas (52°S) were undertaken to constrain the melting processes and mantle sources that contributed to magma generation and the geodynamic evolution of southernmost Patagonia, South America. The Pali Aike and Morro Chico lavas are alkaline (Pali Aike, 45–49 wt.% SiO2; 4.3–5.9 wt.% Na2O+K2O) and subalkaline (Morro Chico, 50.5–50.8 wt.% SiO2; 4.0–4.4 wt.% Na2O+K2O), relatively primitive (Pali Aike, 9.5–13.7 wt.% MgO; Morro Chico, 7.6–8.8 wt.% MgO) mafic volcanic rocks that have typical intraplate ocean island basalt‐like signatures. Incompatible trace element ratios and isotopic ratios of the Pali Aike and Morro Chico lavas differ from those of the majority of Neogene southern Patagonian slab window lavas in showing more enriched characteristics and are similar to high‐μ (HIMU)‐like basalts. The rare earth element (REE) modeling to constrain mantle melting percentages suggests that these lavas were produced by low degrees of partial melting (1.0–2.0% for Pali Aike lavas and about 2.6–2.7% for Morro Chico lavas) of a garnet lherzolite mantle source. The major systematic variations of Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes in southern Patagonian lavas are related to geographic location. The Pali Aike and Morro Chico lavas from the southernmost part of Patagonia have lower 87Sr/86Sr and higher 143Nd/144Nd and 206Pb/204Pb ratios, relative to most of the southern Patagonian lavas erupted north of 49.5°S, pointing to a HIMU‐like signature. An isotopically depleted and HIMU‐like asthenospheric domain may have been the main source of magmas in the southernmost part of Patagonia (e.g. Pali Aike, Morro Chico, and Camusu Aike volcanic field), suggesting the presence of a major discontinuity in the isotopic composition of the asthenosphere in southern Patagonia. On the basis of geochemical and isotope data and the available geological and geotectonic reconstructions, a link between the HIMU asthenospheric mantle domain beneath southernmost Patagonia and the HIMU mega‐province of the southwestern Pacific Ocean is proposed.  相似文献   

The optical properties and light climate in the deep and extremely acid Lake Caviahue have been studied in order to better understand its characteristics and the possible influence upon the phytoplankton community. The absorption coefficients for the dissolved fraction were maximal in the ultraviolet (UV) region and the water absorption spectra showed a shoulder around 300 nm, which was attributed to the concentration of Fe(III). No radiation was detected in the water column below 360 nm. The depth of the 1% incident radiation was dependent of wavelength, showing its maximum of 13.3 m at 565 nm, compared to 1.7 m and 4.8 m at 400 nm and 700 nm, respectively. Phytoplankton biomass was low and showed an almost constant profile with depth despite the relative darkness of the water column. Optical climate of Lake Caviahue is not typical of high elevation lakes but is more similar to low elevation shallow lakes of the Andean region. The chemical composition of the water, mainly Fe oxidation state and concentration, is the responsible for the high attenuation of the UV radiation (UVR). Living organisms are protected of UVR because Lake Caviahue waters are a shield against UV-B.  相似文献   

为明确草海湖水及其入湖河流硝酸盐污染的主要来源,定量分析各来源的贡献率,对草海湖水与入湖河流水化学特征和水体硝酸盐的氮氧同位素组成进行了系统研究.通过对草海湖水、河水、井水丰水期水体理化参数和同位素分析发现:湖水的NO_3~-/Cl~-比值和Cl-浓度表明其主要受牲畜粪便和城镇污水输入的影响,而河水与井水则受农业活动和城镇污水的共同影响.δD-water与δ~(18)O-water显示草海水体主要源于大气降水,并有较强的蒸发作用.湖水δ~(15)N-NO_3~-和δ~(18)O-NO_3~-值分别为-5.56‰~11.30‰和0.02‰~25.40‰,较河水偏负而较井水偏正.稳定同位素混合模型(SIAR)计算结果表明草海湖水及其入湖河流硝酸盐主要源于化肥、土壤有机氮、牲畜粪便相关的农业活动,其贡献率在50%以上;城镇污水贡献率在22%左右;大气降水的贡献主要体现在湖水中.  相似文献   

Summary Annual average precipitation values obtained at 765 Italian raingauge stations south of the Rome parallel and in the Italian Isles, are analyzed. The analysis is extended over 18 years and marked variations in precipitation with the Zürich annual relative sunspot numbers are found. It is found furthermore that the magnitude of change appears to depend also on the average altitude of the 5 categories of stations considered.
Riassunto In questo articolo viene fatta un'analisi sulle variazioni delle precipitazioni medie annue in base ai dati forniti da 765 stazioni pluviometriche dell'Italia meridionale, Sicilia e Sardegna, negli anni dal 1926 al 1943 incluso. Tali variazioni sembrano essere legate al numero medio annuo di macchie solari e dipendono anche dall'altezza delle stazioni.

Contribution of the Centro Nucleazione Aerosoli of the National Research Council of Italy; Via Vettore 4 (Monte Sacro)  相似文献   

This study evaluates the main sources of antropogenic Pb in one of the most industrialized centers of the southern Chilean coast (36 degrees S). Stable lead isotopes ((206)Pb/(207)Pb, (208)Pb/(207)Pb) were used to trace main Pb sources to coastal sediments, considering the suspended particulate matter (SPM) from marine (traps), continental (rivers) and industrial effluents, sediments and leaded gasoline samples. The atmospheric input was evaluated through natural collectors; i.e. Raqui-Tubul salt marsh. Results show that marine samples lie on a trend between industrial effluents ( approximately 1.16, 2.44) and natural sources (1.20, 2.50), not related to gasoline consumption. Salt marsh sediments show comparable isotopic composition to marine samples, suggesting the importance of the atmospheric input in the coastal sediments, not related to the leaded gasoline composition either. The continental input (1.18, 2.48) is highly influenced by precipitation, being difficult to separate both sources (atmosphere and continental runoff), showing also similar isotopic ratio to marine sediments. The signal of industrial emissions is masked with the introduction of Pb with higher isotopic ratios, compared to the values observed in the material collected from traps (SPM approximately 1.19, 2.48). The contribution of more radiogenic Pb by the upwelling is suggested.  相似文献   

Predicting long‐term consequences of climate change on hydrologic processes has been limited due to the needs to accommodate the uncertainties in hydrological measurements for calibration, and to account for the uncertainties in the models that would ingest those calibrations and uncertainties in climate predictions as basis for hydrological predictions. We implemented a hierarchical Bayesian (HB) analysis to coherently admit multiple data sources and uncertainties including data inputs, parameters, and model structures to identify the potential consequences of climate change on soil moisture and streamflow at the head watersheds ranging from low to high elevations in the southern Appalachian region of the United States. We have considered climate change scenarios based on three greenhouse gas emission scenarios of the Interovernmental Panel on Climate Change: A2, A1B, and B1 emission scenarios. Full predictive distributions based on HB models are capable of providing rich information and facilitating the summarization of prediction uncertainties. With predictive uncertainties taken into account, the most pronounced change in soil moisture and streamflow would occur under the A2 scenario at both low and high elevations, followed by the A1B scenario and then by the B1 scenario. Uncertainty in the change of soil moisture is less than that of streamflow for each season, especially at high elevations. A reduction of soil moisture in summer and fall, a reduction or slight increase of streamflow in summer, and an increase of streamflow in winter are predicted for all three scenarios at both low and high elevations. The hydrological predictions with quantified uncertainties from a HB model could aid more‐informed water resource management in developing mitigation plans and dealing with water security under climate change. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three large rivers have their headwaters in the Patagonian Ice Fields (PIFs) in the Andes Mountains, the largest mid-latitude ice masses on Earth: Santa Cruz, Baker and Pascua. They are the last large free flowing rivers in Patagonia, but plans are advanced for building dams for hydroelectric power generation. The three PIF rivers, with a discharge dominated by ice melt, share a common, unique hydrograph compared to that of the other eight large rivers in the region: a distinct seasonal cycle, and an extremely stable discharge, with much lower variability than other rivers. In this study we present the first extensive survey of habitats and benthic macroinvertebrates in the least studied system, the Santa Cruz River. We assess how much of the natural capital provided and sustained by benthic invertebrates are expected to be lost by flooding and discuss how dams would affect riverine habitat and biota. In the Santa Cruz River, we conducted an intensive field survey during September 2010; a total of 52 sites located at regular 6 km intervals were sampled along the 310 river-km for macroinvertebrates and seventeen habitat variables. Although some habitat structure is apparent at the local scale, the Santa Cruz River could be described as very homogeneous. Macroinvertebrate density and the richness (38 genera) found in the Santa Cruz River resulted to be one of the lowest in comparison with 42 other Patagonian rivers. Albeit weak, the structure of the macroinvertebrates assemblages was successfully described by a reduced set of variables. The reduced flow variation and the lack of bed scouring flows have a direct and negative effect on the heterogeneity of riverbeds and banks. The high turbidity of the Santa Cruz River may also contribute to shorter food webs, by affecting autotrophic production, general trophic structure, and overall macroinvertebrate productivity and diversity. Dams will obliterate 51% of the lotic environment, including the most productive sections of the river according to our macroinvertebrate data. Since Santa Cruz River has a naturally homogeneous flow cycle, dams may provide more variable flows and more diverse habitat. Our data provide critically valuable baseline information to understand the effects of dams on the unique set of glacial driven large rivers of Patagonia.  相似文献   

Urbanization,urban land expansion and environmental change in China   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
China’s economic reforms and unprecedented growth have generated many fascinating issues for scholarly research. An understanding of urbanization and land use change in China is required for appropriate strategies and policies to facilitate future sustainable development. This paper reviews the literature on urbanization, land use and sustainable development in China with a focus on land use change. We argue that land use and environmental research are embedded in the complex economic-geographical processes and multiple trajectories of development and urbanization in China. This paper highlights the important role of space–time modeling in a multi-disciplinary setting in the study of urbanization, land use and sustainable development. It also points out potential areas for future research.  相似文献   

Environmental isotopes (2H or D, 18O, 3H), along with geology, hydrochemistry and in situ physicochemical parameters (EC, T, DO, pH) were employed to study surface water (reservoir, lake)–groundwater (spring) relationships at (1) Nagewadi, a minor irrigation project in the State of Maharashtra, Western India; (2) Kanhirapuzha reservoir in the State of Kerala, Southern India and (3) Ghatghar Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project in the State of Maharashtra, Western India for the purpose of understanding the seepage/leakage and its associated problems. The studies concluded that the springs found downstream of the Nagewadi project originate from the reservoir and not from the abutments or shallow aquifers. The Kanhirapuzha reservoir receives a substantial base‐flow component compared to riverine inputs. The reason for the water‐logging problem at a nearby downstream village during the non‐summer periods is due to the change in the upstream groundwater flow direction under reservoir filling conditions and is not due to reservoir leakage. Most of the springs in the approach tunnel to the underground power house of the Ghatghar Project originate from the lower reservoir and not from the upper reservoir or the overburden rock matrix. The above case studies illustrate the diversity of environmental isotope applications in surface water (reservoir, lake)–groundwater (spring) relationships related to sustainability of hydro‐projects. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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