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Before ESR/U-series models were applied to ungulate teeth, it is generally assumed that calculated ages are close to the “real” ages when they range between the values obtained with the EU and LU models. When the samples show signs of uranium-leaching, a realistic mathematical modelling of the age is not possible. On the other hand, some samples have undergone a very late U-uptake “affecting” directly the U-series ages and rendering the calculated ages younger.

We present results obtained on two open-air sites, which show the limits of such combined models in the case of late uranium incorporation. For the Middle Pleistocene site of Isernia la Pineta (Italy), the ESR dates are expected to fall within the limits imposed by the Ar–Ar results. The other site, the Lower Palaeolithic deposits of Ambrona (Spain), yielded two sets of samples: some at the top of the sequence with uranium uptake ranging between EU and LU limits and thus giving a good idea of the “real” age of the site; others at the base displaying a very late U-uptake, which render an age determination difficult.  相似文献   

We have produced detailed maps of U and Th isotopes for three cross-sections of an Early Pleistocene equid tooth from the archaeological site of Fuente Nueva-3 (Orce, Andalusia, Spain). This permits us to visualise, for the first time, U migration processes in 3 dimensions. The tooth shows a concentration gradient from the top to the base, indicating the U profile had not equilibrated after >1 Ma. The spatial pattern of 230Th/234U and 234U/238U indicates complex U-mobilisation processes over the last 100 ka, dominated by small-scale redistribution of U. Leaching from the tooth through the pulp cavity started at least 93 ka ago with several later phases in various domains of the dentine and cement. This leaching event could have been triggered by changes in the local hydrological regime associated with periods of increased erosion in the Guadix-Baza basin. The results illustrate the difficulty of dating faunal material from Early Pleistocene sites. They also demonstrate that dental tissues can neither be considered as homogeneous media for U-diffusion, nor behave as closed systems for U-series isotopes because diagenetic alterations seem to trigger U-migration. The results do not support the notion that U-uptake into dental tissues is necessarily of short duration. Nevertheless, rapid laser ablation scanning can be used to identify suitable samples for dating as well as domains within the teeth that may have preserved original isotopic signatures, i.e. domains that have not been affected by recent U-mobilisation process.  相似文献   

The establishment of a chronology for late Middle Palaeolithic sites on the right bank of the Rhône valley in southeastern France is important for the knowledge of Neandertal dynamics and their demise in this area. The suite of dating methods that are directly applicable to fossils is limited for this period, especially around 50 ka where radiocarbon dating is beyond its technical limits. Currently applied to Middle and Lower Pleistocene periods, the use of combined ESR/U-series dating on Upper Pleistocene samples led to new issues, such as the acquisition of an age for samples yielding low equivalent doses and low uranium content in dental tissues. The gamma dose rate measurement thus plays a key role in age calculation. Beyond the discussion on methodological issues, the present study contributes to the establishment of a chronological framework that covers the Neandertal occupations between MIS 5 and MIS 3 for this area.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges and Western Hubei area in the geographic central part of China was a potential migration corridor for early hominin and mammals linking South and North China during the Pleistocene period. Some key early hominin sites are known in this region where limestone cave and fissure sites are numerous but difficult to date as beyond the dating range of OSL and mass spectrometry U-series method. Here, we report radiometric dating study for such a hominin site, Meipu (Hubei Province), by coupled ESR and U-series dating of nine fossil teeth and cosmogenic 26Al/10Be burial dating of one quartz sediment. The burial age calculated by simple burial model (573 ± 266 ka) gives a minimum age constraint of the sediment. The fossil dating provided two main age groups at 541 ± 48 ka and 849 ± 39 ka, the older age group is in agreement with the U-series age (>630 ka) of the flowstone overlying the fossil layer and the paleomagnetic data which placed the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary in the fossil layer. The reason of this age difference is probably caused by the U-content discrepancy in the enamel of the dated fossil samples. This study exhibits the limitation of ESR/U-series fossil dating and the importance of using multiple dating approach when it is possible in order to identify the problematic ages.  相似文献   

Zafarraya Cave is considered a reference site for the last presence of Homo neanderthalensis presence in the south of the Iberian Peninsula. In this paper, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates were carried out on charcoals and faunal remains, U–Th dating using either alpha spectrometry or Thermal-Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) and ESR dating were performed on faunal remains. These analyses were carried out on samples from the Mousterian levels of the site (archaeostratigraphic units UC, UD, UE, UF, UG). The 14C AMS dates of charcoal samples (n = 11) were scattered and displayed no coherence with the stratigraphy suggesting possible alteration. The delicate charcoal and faunal samples underwent the gentle RR, ZR (ABA) or AG (ABA) pretreatment procedures at ORAU. The RR protocol is currently considered too gentle and the results are considered with caution. Four ZR charcoal pretreatments failed due to the fact that the charcoal samples were altered. Only two charcoals samples subjected to the ZR pretreatment yielded a reliable % C (>60%) (OxA-9001 and OxA-9002, 40,294–42,761 and 38,763–40,604 cal BP). Their ages are consistent with the stratigraphy and are considered to provide the best age estimate for the level bearing the Z2 Neandertal mandible (Unit UE). For the dentine and the bone samples, the 14C AMS were less dispersed. 14C analyses failed for four bone samples due to insufficient collagen content. Moreover, the %C is very low for two samples, suggesting alteration of the fossil remains at Zafarraya. Only two other samples with enough %C (>30%) were retained: OxA-8024 and OxA-8999 (Unit UE). The respective 14C ages range from ∼34 to 39 ka cal BP. The U/Th (TIMS) analyses of enamel samples displayed an extremely low uranium content (< ∼ 0.02–0.04 ppm). Moreover, the U/Th age range of faunal remains is large, thus providing no conclusive results. ESR dating was chosen for this exercise as, in combination with U-series, it can be used to assess U-uptake in open systems. The combined ESR and U/Th (TIMS) age estimates on tooth enamel yielded US-ESR ages between 33 (+3/−4) ka to 43 ± 3 ka (MIS3) for two Equus teeth and one Capra tooth in unit UE, overlapping with the oldest charcoal and bone 14C dates. The age of the Zafarraya fossil remains was derived from the US-ESR time range of 30–46 ka (MIS 3). We consider this age range to be more representative of the Neandertal occupations at the site than the hitherto widely cited uncalibrated 14C age of around 30 ka.  相似文献   

The Middle Pleistocene archaeological site of Guado San Nicola was discovered in 2005 in a fossil fluvial terrace of the Volturno River, close to the village of Monteroduni, Molise, Italy. Palaeontological remains and lithic artefacts, including both handaxes and Levallois, discoid and opportunistic debitage, were recovered in fluvial and slope sediments rich in volcanoclastic materials. This site includes four distinct human occupation levels. In two of them both “shaping-façonnage” and “knapping-débitage” technologies are highlighted, placing this site at the Lower/Middle Palaeolithic transition.In the present study, geochronological analyses by 40Ar/39Ar on single-crystal and ESR/U-series on teeth were performed to precise the chronological framework of the occupations. The 40Ar/39Ar data obtained securely bracket the human occupation levels at the transition between the interglacial and glacial marine isotopic stages MIS 11 (i.e. 400 ± 9 ka) and MIS 10 (i.e. 345 ± 9ka). The weighted mean age obtained from ESR/U-series dating of six teeth (i.e. 364 ± 36 ka) is in very good agreement with the 40Ar/39Ar results. The radio-isotopic constraints we presented place the Guado San Nicola site as one of the earliest testimonies of Levallois debitage in Western Europe and confirm the potential and accuracy of paleo-dosimetric methods to date Middle Pleistocene sites.  相似文献   

Yumidong (Corn Cave) is a newly discovered Paleolithic site in the Three Gorges region of central China. Numerous Paleolithic artifacts have been excavated from the sedimentary deposits of the cave in association with faunal remains attributed to the Middle-Late Pleistocene Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna of southern China. To establish the chronology of the sedimentary sequence (>5 m thick), 14C dating was applied to bone and charcoal samples (n = 6); the U-series method was used to date in situ precipitated speleothems (n = 12), transported speleothem samples (n = 6) and 18 subsamples of a fossil tooth; and the coupled ESR/U-series method was used to date fossil teeth (n = 6). The derived dates were combined using a hierarchical Bayesian approach to generate a unified chronostratigraphy for the Yumidong sequence. In our Bayesian analyses, the 14C and coupled ESR/U-series dates were considered to provide direct age estimates for the target layers, while the U-series dates of the in situ precipitated speleothems and fossil tooth were used as minimum age constraints and those of the transported speleothem fragments as maximum age constraints. The Bayesian analyses provided robust time intervals for the archeological layers: L2-Upper (14–23 ka), L2-Lower (27–63 ka), L3 (106–171 ka), L4 (140–192 ka), L10 (157–229 ka), L11 (181–256 ka), and L12 (214–274 ka) with a probability of 95%, allowing the establishment of a ∼300 ka long geological and archeological history for the Yumidong site and placing it as a reference site for Paleolithic cultural evolution in the Three Gorges region from the late Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Discovered accidently during factory building construction works, the Middle Palaeolithic site of Biache-Saint-Vaast (Pas-de-Calais, France) was excavated from 1976 to 1982 by a team of Lille University directed by Alain Tuffreau. An abundant archaeological and paleontological material, including two human skulls, was there recovered from fossil alluvial deposits of the Scarpe River. In order to determine the ages of these remains, the ESR/U-series method was applied on bone and teeth. As the U-series data obtained of the main part of the analyzed tissues do not allow the use of the classical US-ESR model, the recently proposed AU-ESR model, taking into account if necessary U-leaching from some of the tissues, was used to calculate combined ESR/U-series ages for these samples. The obtained ages suggest a MIS7 attribution to the faunal remains and permit an age of ca 240 ka to be assigned for the human remains and associated archaeological material, in accordance with the stratigraphic data and the large mammal associations.  相似文献   

Palaeolithic sites associated with the Eemian Interglacial (MIS 5e) are very rare in NW Europe, and especially in Northern France, where their preservation is restricted to very specific geological contexts, in association with carbonated tufa (Caours) or peat deposits (Waziers). In order to check the reliability of ESR/U-series method to date teeth recovered from archaeological levels in such specific geological environments, teeth were sampled on these two Middle Palaeolithic sites and systematic in situ dosimetry was performed using portable gamma spectrometer. The ESR/U-series ages obtained on the Caours site are very homogeneous allowing the calculation of a mean age equal to 125 ± 11 ka, in agreement with the geological age, mammal's association and other available geochronological data (U-series on tufa carbonate, TL on burnt flints, OSL on sediments), despite a relatively heterogeneous dosimetric environment (gamma dose rate ranging between ca 200–450 μGy/a). At Waziers, reducing (water logging) environment linked to the peat leads to very specific U-series data of the analysed teeth (U content lower than 0.1 ppm in all the dental tissues, evidence of leaching in some tissues), but the mean ESR/U-series age, 129 ± 4 ka, is also in agreement with the available geological and palaeoenvironmental data indicating that the dated teeth were associated with Late Glacial deposits prior to the climatic interglacial optimum. These two case studies then confirm the reliability of ESR/U-series method to date with good reliability and accuracy the archaeological levels linked to such relatively short climatic events (ca 10 ka).  相似文献   

In connection with the future Seine-North Europe Canal (Seine-Scheldt), a large-scale rescue archaeological survey was conducted at Havrincourt (northern France) between 2008 and 2011. The discovery of several levels of Palaeolithic flint artefacts embedded in a relatively thick loess sequence (ca 6–7 m) preserved on a gentle slope facing North-East, resulted in a 6000 m2 excavation. This opened the opportunity for a detailed pedosedimentary and interdisciplinary geochronological survey (14C, optically stimulated luminescence, thermoluminescence, ESR/U-series) that has allowed us date the sequence reliably. On the basis of these results we propose this sequence as a new pedostratigraphic and archaeological reference sequence for northern France. We present here the optical dating of the sequence performed on fine (4–11 μm) quartz grains extracted from 17 samples. The luminescence characteristics of these extracts indicate that the single-aliquot regenerative dose optically stimulated luminescence (SAR-OSL) procedure that was applied is well suited. A consistent set of optical ages was obtained for the loess deposited up to around 70 ka ago. Independent age control (pedostratigraphy, 14C, ESR/U-series dates) allowed us to apply a Bayesian approach to build a chronometric model. This in turn enabled a regional chronostratigraphic framework to be built, to constrain the correlations with neighboring regions (northern France and Belgium) and to calculate a precise age for the four Palaeolithic levels discovered, including a unique occupation related to the early Upper Palaeolithic which was previously unknown in the area.  相似文献   

The loess-paleosol sequence on the Chinese Loess Plateau provides a unique archive that records climate change in East Asia in the Quaternary, yet absolute dating of the loess deposits is challenging due to the lack of directly datable materials. Fossil land snail shells, which are made from aragonite, are widely preserved in the loess deposits and have long been used to reconstruct past environmental changes. U-series dating of fossil land snail shells has the potential to provide a route for absolute dating of the loess deposits but remains largely unexplored. In this study, we present the first systematic investigation on the U-series isotope geochemistry as well as the early diagenetic imprints of fossil land snail shells (Cathaica sp.) from the Mangshan loess-paleosol sequence in Henan province, central China. Several geochemical techniques, including Raman microscopy, SEM, LA-ICPMS, LA-MC-ICPMS, solution-MC-ICPMS, and AMS 14C dating, were employed to investigate the mineralogy, chemical and isotopic compositions of both modern and fossil snail shells to micrometer level. Our results show that the fossil Cathaica sp. shells are overall characterized by a higher degree of porosity and elevated contents of organic matter compared to live-collected shells of the same species. The layers with higher porosity and organic matter content in the fossil Cathaica sp. shell are also found to be enriched in Na, Mg, Mn, Ba, and U, indicating diffusion and adsorption of these elements by specific surface binding sites of either aragonitic lattice or organic compounds of the fossil shell. Combining in-situ measurements using LA-MC-ICPMS with solution U-series determination, we further demonstrate that fossil Cathaica sp. shell is relatively homogeneous regrading both [234U/238U] and [230Th/238U] values although the distribution of U in the fossil shell is sample-specific. The comparison of different dating results suggests that the calculated apparent closed system U–Th ages are all systematically younger (∼6000 to 13,000 years) than the corresponding shell 14C ages and quartz SAR (single-aliquot regenerative-dose) ages from the Mangshan section. We suggest that the underestimation of U–Th ages of fossil Cathaica sp. shells is very likely caused by diagenetic uptake of U that started immediately after the burial of the shell and effectively ceased when the fossil shell was isolated from the pore waters due to persistent deposition of eolian dust at the Mangshan section. Our work on both modern and fossil Cathaica sp. shells thus provides detailed morphological and geochemical characterization for the diagenetic alteration of fossil snail shells and suggests that U-series dating of fossil land snail shells may provide age constraints for dust deposits in the semi-arid region although the timing of early diagenetic U-uptake by the fossil shells need to be better quantified for reliable age determination.  相似文献   

Teeth are usually targeted for dating archaeological sites because they are less prone to dissolution, in comparison with bones. However, despite this apparent resistance, teeth do undergo diagenesis, which needs to be accounted for in order to obtain accurate ages. In particular, the uptake of trace elements such as uranium in dental tissues needs to be considered for dose rate determination when dated using electron spin resonance (ESR). Characterising the mineralogy and structural integrity of samples prior to dating may thus provide important information related to their state of preservation, especially in the case of teeth whose U content can significantly affect the dose rate.In this study, we dated five teeth of small-sized bovids using combined ESR/U-series dating. They were collected at the Middle Stone Age site of Lovedale, located in the central interior of South Africa. Micromorphology provided sedimentary context to the samples, which were recovered from a layer of gravel rich in faunal remains. Using cathodoluminescence, laser-induced fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and Raman micro-spectroscopy we assessed the degree of preservation of the enamel. Results reveal that carbonate hydroxyapatite underwent post-depositional alteration, based on its molecular structure and elemental composition. Although the teeth all originate from the same layer and were sampled in the same 1-m square and at a similar elevation, U-content in the enamel differs highly from one tooth to the other, with values ranging from 1.7 to 29.6 ppm. These values are correlated with equivalent doses (De) from 228 to 923 Gy and are consistent with variations in crystallinity determined with vibrational spectroscopy. We also investigated the possible saturation of the ESR signal, by repeating measurements with microwave power values from 1 to 20 mW.Despite such diversity in U-content, the ages calculated assuming an early uptake of U all fall within the same range, from 63 ± 8 ka to 68 ± 15 ka and may only represent a minimum estimate.  相似文献   

The archaeological site of Payre (France) yielded Middle Palaeolithic layers with Neanderthal remains, which are partly bracketed by two stalagmitic flowstones. To obtain a precise chronological framework for the human occupation and the faunal remains of this site, several dating methods were used: uranium-series (U-series by alpha spectrometry and TIMS) and electron spin resonance (ESR) on stalagmitic flowstones, combined ESR/U-series on teeth and bones, and thermoluminescence (TL) on burnt flints. Most of the ages obtained for levels H to C range from 300 to 140 ka. The age-spread obtained for the anthropic (burnt flints) and faunal remains (bones and teeth) suggests that the dated levels represent several human occupation periods, near the transition from MIS8 to MIS7 (levels G–F) and from MIS6 to MIS5 (levels D–E).  相似文献   

This study presents palaeodosimetric results from the Middle Pleistocene archaeological site of Coudoulous I (Lot, SW France). Nine sedimentary quartz samples (41–60 μm) have been analyzed using a multiple aliquot protocol based on the measurement of the TT-OSL signal. In addition, 7 teeth and 7 bones have been dated by combining the ESR method with U-series analyses. Both methods gave consistent age results allowing correlation of the Early Middle Paleolithic Human occupation of the site to MIS 6 and part of the Lower Paleolithic tools to MIS 7. Beyond the establishment of a radiometric chronology for the Coudoulous I sequence, this study focuses on the information extracted from the intercomparison of the methods. Our data suggest that 1) the TT-OSL signal is stable over at least the last 230 ka (considering the age range of the studied samples), 2) there are not significant problems of incomplete bleaching leading support to the applicability of the TT-OSL technique for sedimentary deposits associated with karstic contexts. This approach highlights the interest of combining luminescence and ESR/U-series methods to discuss the reliability of the dating results.  相似文献   

Geochemical alteration processes in archaeological sites may affect the environmental dose rate during the burial history and cause inaccuracy in age determination by palaeodosimetric dating methods, such as luminescence or ESR. In Arago Cave (Tautavel, France), the original composition of the sandy aeolian sediments of palaeoanthropological level G, where the Homo heidelbergensis Arago XXI skull was found, has been modified by both carbonation and phosphatization processes. Eight fossil teeth were collected from different geochemically affected parts of level G and analyzed by the ESR–U-series method. All the teeth are presumably contemporaneous. The results show that the samples from the phosphated area agree within error with those from the carbonated area. Surprisingly, the samples from the non-altered area show ages 100–150 ka younger. This difference is mainly due to the remarkable changes in the gamma dose rate over time. The measured in situ dose rate accounts for more than 50% of the total dose rate for all the samples. We observed that the samples' equivalent dose (DE) were generally 20% lower in the non-altered area than in the carbonated and phosphated ones. These results show the crucial effect of the geochemical processes affecting the age calculation by ESR–U-series method in comparison with independent chronological data.  相似文献   

One of the principal reasons why speleothems are recognised as important palaeoclimate archives is their suitability for accurate and precise uranium-series (U-series) age determination. Sampling speleothem sections for U-series dating is straightforward in most cases because visible growth layers are preserved. However, this is not always the case, and here we describe a sampling strategy whereby growth layers are resolved from trace-element images produced by laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). We apply this method to a section of an Italian subaqueous speleothem (CD3) that lacks persistent visible growth layering.Trace-element imaging revealed growth layers that are strongly non-planar in their geometry owing to the speleothem's pronounced euhedral crystal terminations. The most prominent trace-element layers were first digitized as x, y vector contours. We then interpolated these in the growth-axis direction to generate a series of contour lines at ∼250-μm increments. The coordinates of these contours were used to guide the sampling via a computerised micromilling lathe. This produced a total of 22 samples for U-series dating by multi-collector ICP-MS. The dating results returned ages in correct stratigraphic order within error. Close inspection of the U-series data and the derived depth–age model suggests that the main source of model-age uncertainty is unrelated to the contour sampling but instead more associated with how closely spaced the model ages are in time, i.e. the model age density. Comparisons between stable oxygen and carbon isotope profiles derived from aliquots of the dating samples and two other stable isotope profiles from CD3 spanning the same time period compare very favourably. Taken together, this suggests that our trace-element contouring method provides a reliable means for extracting samples for dating (and other geochemical analyses), and can be applied to similar speleothems lacking visible growth layering.  相似文献   

Robust, independent age constraints on the absolute timing of climate events based on the U-series dating of fossil coral are sparse before the last glacial cycle. Using multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with multiple-Faraday protocols, we are able to date ~ 600 ka samples with an uncertainty of better than ± 15 ka (2σ), representing a three-fold improvement in precision compared with previous techniques. Using these methods, we report U-series measurements for a suite of > 500 thousand year old (ka) corals from Henderson Island, an emergent atoll in the south-central Pacific Ocean. The fossil corals show extraordinarily little diagenetic alteration for their age and the best-preserved sample yields a U-series age of 600 ± 15 ka (2σ), which overlaps with the timing of the warm Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 15 interglacial. The open-system model of Villemant and Feuillet [Villemant B. and Feuillet N. (2003) Dating open systems by the 238U–234U–230Th method: application to Quaternary reef terraces. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 210(1–2), 105–118.] and the linear regression (or open-system isochron) is clearly limited for such old samples. However, the open-system model developed by Thompson et al. [Thompson W.G., Spiegelman M.W., Goldstein S.L., and Speed R.C. (2003) An open-system model for U-series age determinations of fossil corals. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 210(1–2), 365–381.] appears to reliably correct for open-system effects in roughly half of the corals, giving a MIS 15 origin for these. Thus the data provide evidence that the systematic addition of 230Th and 234U through α-recoil is a dominant open-system process occurring in the Henderson Island fossil reef system. Several coral samples yield significantly older Thompson et al. open-system ages between 650 and 750 ka. The uncertainty on these ages (typically ± 30 kyrs) is too great for precise assignment but most data overlap with the MIS 17 interglacial. The reliability of these ages is currently unclear. It is shown that separate aliquots of the same coral can yield different Thompson model ages. Therefore, there appear to be additional diagenetic mechanisms that create further anomalous excursions in the U-series systematics, limiting the reliability of the Thompson et al. open-system model.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, extensive road-construction works in Northern France have allowed the discovery of numerous Middle Palaeolithic sites. Geological and multidisciplinary studies performed on these localities allowed the establishment of a precise chronostratigraphical and biostratigraphical framework of regional significance, which could be correlated to the global marine palaeoclimatic scale. Each human occupation layer has been linked to this regional framework, thus providing a stratigraphical age-control for the Middle Palaeolithic human settlements of this area.At the same time, a program of geochronological studies was developed using TL, OSL, U-series, ESR and, as often as possible, ESR/U-series methods. Hence, bones and teeth recovered from archaeological sites of Savy, Ault, Caours, Gentelles and La Celle-sur-Seine, were analyzed and the results compared to the chronostratigraphical ages. The age results are generally in good agreement with the geological data while bones and dental tissues display in some cases U-series ages higher that the EU-ESR ones, suggesting U-loss phenomena.  相似文献   

The quartz Al centre has been used in pioneering studies for ESR dating of sediments. Acceptable age estimates could be obtained for a range of deposits using this centre after estimating the residual level. To inspect the feasibility and reliability of ESR dating of windblown sediments, six loess samples from the loess–paleosol sequences of Luochuan profile on central Loess Plateau, China, were dated by ESR with regeneration method using the quartz Al centre measured at 115 K. The samples were exposed to sunlight for 430 h. Only about 25% signal intensity was bleached. According to our preliminary results, ESR age estimates increased with the depth along the loess profile, however, the ESR age of each sample is only about a half of the reference age of the corresponding strata. For example, the ESR age of a sample from the top of L8 loess near B/M boundary (a known age of 780 ka) yields an age of only 385 ka. It seems that ESR dating using quartz Al centre with dose regeneration protocol may have the potential for dating of loess and other aeolian deposits, but the studies on the nature of the quartz Al centre and experiment protocols have to be studied further.  相似文献   

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