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Photometric redshift(photoz) is a fundamental parameter for multi-wavelength photometric surveys, while galaxy clusters are important cosmological probes and ideal objects for exploring the dense environmental impact on galaxy evolution.We extend our previous work on estimating photoz and detecting galaxy clusters to the latest data releases of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument(DESI) imaging surveys, Dark Energy Survey(DES) and Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program(HSC-SSP) imaging s...  相似文献   

高新华  陈力 《天文学报》2011,52(4):265-274
利用斯隆数字巡天(SDSS)第8次释放数据(DR8)的恒星光谱数据及2MASS(Two Micro All Sky Survey)近红外点源测光数据研究著名的疏散星团NGC 6791,得到该星团的视向速度与金属丰度分别为Vr=-46.4±0.2 km·s-1和[Fe/H]=0.32±0.11dex.利用星团中红团簇巨星作为理想"标准烛光",结合2MASS近红外点源测光数据计算了该星团的绝对距离模数为(m-M)0=13.02±0.08 mag或4.02±0.15 kpc.与其他研究者给出的结果进行了比较,金属丰度、视向速度及绝对距离模数都符合得比较好.主要结论有3点:(1)NGC 6791是个极度富金属的星团;(2)在SDSS的光谱分辨能力以内,分离出的87颗团星之间不存在明显的金属丰度差异;(3)得到的距离模数对年龄、金属丰度及尘埃消光不敏感,是一种可靠的间接测量.  相似文献   

The stellar spectroscopic data of SDSS-DR8 (The Eighth Data Release of Sloan Digital Sky Survey) and the near-infrared photometric data of 2MASS (Two Micron All Sky Survey) point sources are used to analyze the fundamental parameters of the open cluster NGC 6791. Using the radial velocities of 274 stars in the region of the cluster, we calculate the membership probability for each star with the maximum likelihood method. Based on the stars with high membership probabilities, we have derived the radial velocity and metal abundance of the cluster to be respectively Vr =−46.4±0.2 km·s−1 and [Fe/H]=0.32±0.11dex, in good agreement with the results obtained by other authors on the basis of high-resolution spectroscopy. Using red clump giants in the cluster as “standard candle”, we have derived the absolute distance modulus of the cluster to be (mM)0 =13.02±0.08mag or 4.02±0.15 kpc in distance, consistent with the values obtained from main-sequence fittings by some authors. And our main conclusions are: (1) NGC 6791 is extremely metal-rich; (2) Within the spectral resolution of SDSS, the discriminated 87 cluster members have no evident difference in matallicity; (3) The obtained distance modulus is insensitive to the age, metallicity and dust distinction, so it is a kind of reliable indirect measurement.  相似文献   

Krisanova  O. I.  Bobylev  V. V.  Bajkova  A. T. 《Astronomy Letters》2020,46(6):370-378
Astronomy Letters - We have studied a sample of more than 25?000 young stars with proper motions and trigonometric parallaxes from the Gaia DR2 catalogue. The relative errors of their...  相似文献   

In this paper, we attempt to use the DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) clustering algorithm to detect nearby open clusters based on the Gaia Data Release 2 (Gaia-DR2). We select 594284 stars (within a distance of 100 pc to the Sun) from the Gaia-DR2 catalog, and construct a five-dimensional phase space (three-dimensional spatial position and two-dimensional proper motion) in order to obtain reliable cluster members. At the data preprocessing stage, we normalize each dimension of data to the [0, 1] interval in order to avoid the effect of inconsistent units. Then, we use the k-dist graphs to determine the input parameters of the DBSCAN Algorithm. Finally, we obtain 133 reliable members using the DBSCAN algorithm, which correspond to two open clusters—Hyades and Coma. According to these cluster members, the distances to the Hyades and Coma clusters are determined to be (6.5 ± 0.3) pc and (4.9 ± 0.4) pc, respectively.  相似文献   

Stellar photometry derived from the INT/WFC Photometric Hα Survey (IPHAS) of the Northern Galactic plane can be used to identify large, reliable samples of A0–A5 stars. For every A-type star, so identified, it is also possible to derive individual reddening and distance estimates, under the assumption that most selected objects are on or near the main sequence, at a mean absolute r ' magnitude of 1.5–1.6. This study presents the method for obtaining such samples and shows that the known reddenings and distances to the open clusters NGC 7510 and NGC 7790 are successfully recovered. A sample of over 1000 A-type stars is then obtained from IPHAS data in the magnitude range  13.5 < r ' < 20  from the region of sky including the massive northern OB association Cyg OB2. An analysis of these data reveals a concentration of ∼200 A stars over an area about a degree across, offset mainly to the south of the known 1–3 Myr old OB stars in Cyg OB2: their dereddened r ' magnitudes fall in the range 11.8–12.5. These are consistent with a ∼7 Myr old stellar population at distance modulus DM = 10.8, or with an age of ∼5 Myr at DM = 11.2. The number of A-type stars found in this clustering alone is consistent with a lower limit to the cluster mass of  ∼104 M  .  相似文献   

Using the Hewitt-Burbidge QSO Catalogue (1993) and all-sky catalogue of Abell clusters (ACO, 1989) at the region |b| > 40° we analyze the cross correlation function and find anti-correlation between them at angular separations 3° < θ < 10° , which is mainly caused by optical-selected QSOs, rather than radio-selected QSOs. There is no such anti-correlation between QSOs and Abell clusters at smaller separations θ < 3°. Considering that this phenomenon may be caused by different characters of the objects, we further estimate the correlation function with various subsamples. We find that the correlation is independent of the redshift of QSOs, but depends upon the type of Abell clusters: for the D ≤ 4 clusters there is an obvious tendency of overdensity of quasars at 0° < θ < 5°; around the R ≥ 2 Abell clusters there is about an 18.7% deficit of quasars in the region 3° < θ < 7°. K-S Test shows the overdensity or deficit of quasars around different types of clusters cannot be explained by the projection effect of background quasars. We get the enhancement factor of quasar overdensity (for D ≤ 4 clusters) q =1.13, and the extinction magnitude factor of QSO deficiency (for R ≥ 2 clusters) Av= 0.14. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have selected and analyzed a sample of OB stars with known line-of-sight velocities determined through ground-based observations and with trigonometric parallaxes and propermotions from the Gaia DR2 catalogue. Some of the stars in our sample have distance estimates made from calcium lines. A direct comparison with the trigonometric distance scale has shown that the calcium distance scale should be reduced by 13%. The following parameters of the Galactic rotation curve have been determined from 495 OB stars with relative parallax errors less than 30%: (U, V,W) = (8.16, 11.19, 8.55)± (0.48, 0.56, 0.48) km s?1, Ω0 = 28.92 ± 0.39 km s?1 kpc?1, Ω'0 = ?4.087 ± 0.083 km s?1 kpc?2, and Ω″ 0 = 0.703 ± 0.067 km s?1 kpc?3, where the circular velocity of the local standard of rest is V0 = 231 ± 5 km s?1 (for the adopted R0 = 8.0 ± 0.15 kpc). The parameters of the Galactic spiral density wave have been found from the series of radial, VR, residual tangential, ΔVcirc, and vertical, W, velocities of OB stars by applying a periodogram analysis. The amplitudes of the radial, tangential, and vertical velocity perturbations are fR = 7.1± 0.3 km s?1, fθ = 6.5 ± 0.4 km s?1, and fW = 4.8± 0.8 km s?1, respectively; the perturbation wavelengths are λR = 3.3 ± 0.1 kpc, λθ = 2.3 ± 0.2 kpc, and λW = 2.6 ± 0.5 kpc; and the Sun’s radial phase in the spiral density wave is (χ)R = ?135? ± 5?, (χ)θ = ?123? ± 8?, and (χ)W = ?132? ± 21? for the adopted four-armed spiral pattern.  相似文献   

Bobylev  V. V.  Bajkova  A. T. 《Astronomy Letters》2019,45(6):331-340

We have studied a sample containing ~6000 OB stars with proper motions and trigonometric parallaxes from the Gaia DR2 catalogue. The following parameters of the angular velocity of Galactic rotation have been found: Ω0 = 29.70 ± 0.11 km s-1 kpc-1, Ω'0 = -4.035 ± 0.031 km s-1 kpc-2, and Ω 0 = 0.620 ± 0.014 km s-1 kpc-3. The circular rotation velocity of the solar neighborhood around the Galactic center is V0 = 238 ± 5 km s-1 for the adopted Galactocentric distance of the Sun R0 = 8.0 ± 0.15 kpc. The amplitudes of the tangential and radial velocity perturbations produced by the spiral density wave are fθ = 4.4 ± 1.4 kms-1 and fR = 5.1 ± 1.2 kms-1, respectively; the perturbation wavelengths are λθ = 1.9 ± 0.5 kpc and λR = 2.1 ± 0.5 kpc for the adopted four-armed spiral pattern. The Sun's phase in the spiral density wave is χ = -178° ± 12°.


E+A galaxies are characterized as galaxies with strong Balmer absorption lines but without any [O  ii ] or Hα emission lines. The existence of strong Balmer absorption lines indicates that E+A galaxies have experienced starburst within the past one gigayear. However, the lack of [O  ii ] and Hα emission lines indicates that E+A galaxies do not have any on-going star formation. Therefore, E+A galaxies are interpreted as post-starburst galaxies. For many years, however, it has been a mystery why E+A galaxies started starburst and why they quenched star formation abruptly. Using one of the largest samples of 266 E+A galaxies carefully selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 2, we have investigated the environment of E+A galaxies from 50 kpc to 8 Mpc scale, i.e. from a typical distance to satellite galaxies to the scale of large-scale structures. We found that E+A galaxies have an excess of local galaxy density only at a scale of <100 kpc (with a 2σ significance), but not at the cluster scale (∼1.5 Mpc) nor at the scale of large-scale structure (∼8 Mpc). These results indicate that E+A galaxies are not created by the physical mechanisms associated with galaxy clusters or the large-scale structure, but are likely to be created by dynamical interaction with closely accompanying galaxies at a <100 kpc scale. The claim is also supported by the morphology of E+A galaxies. We have found that almost all E+A galaxies have a bright compact core, and that ∼30 per cent of E+A galaxies have dynamically disturbed signatures or tidal tails, which quite strongly suggest the morphological appearance of merger/interaction remnants.  相似文献   

疏散星团是探究银河系结构与演化的良好示踪体,一直以来颇受关注.之前关于疏散星团的研究中,仅有一小部分疏散星团有金属丰度参数,而且,金属丰度的测量,是基于不同质量的观测数据,采用了不同的方法.收集了一个年龄大于2 Gyr的老年疏散星团样本,通过整理这些星团成员星的金属丰度数据,一方面,以星团NGC 2682为例,对比了不同光谱巡天项目给出的星团成员星金属丰度的系统差异;另一方面,计算了星团成员星金属丰度的平均值和中位值,作为该疏散星团的金属丰度推荐值.此外,还利用该样本探究了银盘径向金属丰度梯度随时间的演化,结果表明,早期银盘有着更加陡峭的径向金属丰度梯度,随着演化时间的增加,银盘径向金属丰度梯度逐渐趋于平缓,为银盘化学演化模型提供了更加严格的观测约束.  相似文献   

天文观测数据开放共享政策与策略分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代天文学已经进入数据密集型和数据驱动的时代。随着我国天文学研究的不断发展,国内自产的天文观测数据呈现爆炸式增长的趋势。将天文观测数据资源集成并推动数据资源与应用服务的共建共享,建立健全符合科学发展规律的数据资源开放共享政策与制度,使天文科技资源得到高效有序的管理和使用,对国内天文学研究和科普教育的发展至关重要。在充分调研各国政府、部门和国际组织有关政策的基础上,剖析了国外科学数据"完全与公开"的共享原则,介绍了我国科学数据共享有关的管理规定和当前状况,重点论述国际各大天文望远镜项目和天文数据中心天文观测数据资源开放共享的有关政策。对国内天文观测数据资源和开放共享的现状以及存在的问题进行了分析和总结。对我国天文观测数据资源共享工作发展和政策制定提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

We have used the largest cluster statistics and the average filamentarity to quantify respectively the connectivity and the shapes of the patterns seen in the galaxy distribution in two volume-limited subsamples extracted from the equatorial strips of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release One (DR1). The data was projected on to the equatorial plane and analysed in two dimensions (2D). Comparing the results with Poisson point distributions at various levels of smoothing we find evidence for a network-like topology with filaments being the dominant patterns in the galaxy distribution. With increasing smoothing, a transition from many individual filamentary structures to an interconnected network is found to occur at a filling factor of 0.5–0.6. We have tested the possibility that the connectivity and the morphology of the patterns in the galaxy distribution may be luminosity dependent and find significant evidence for a luminosity–morphology relation, the brighter galaxies exhibiting lower levels of connectivity and filamentarity compared to the fainter ones. Using a statistical technique, Shuffle, we show that the filamentarity in both the SDSS strips is statistically significant up to 80  h −1 Mpc but not beyond. Larger filaments, though identified, are not statistically significant. Our findings reaffirm earlier work establishing the filaments to be the largest known statistically significant coherent structures in the Universe.  相似文献   

On the basis of the revised Hipparcos data recently released, the zero-point of the period-luminosity relation for classical cepheids is reexamined. Fitting the proper motion and radial velocity data via an axisymmetric model, the Oort constants and circular rotation velocity of the LSR are calculated to obtain the Galactocentric distance of the Sun, R0 = 8.0 ± 0.8 kpc. From the rotation curve in solar neighborhood, the existence of weak ellipticity of the Galactic potential is found. Adopting a simple asymmetric model, we have obtained the ellipticity ∈(R0) = 0.067 ± 0.036 at the Sun, while the minor axis points to φb = 32° ± 15°.  相似文献   

根据最近发表的新编依巴谷星表数据,重新研究了经典造父变星周光关系零点问题.利用运动学模型对自行数据和视向速度分别拟合奥尔特常数及本地静止标准的旋转速度,得到太阳的银心距R0=8.0±0.8kpc.从太阳附近的旋转曲线,发现银河系盘的引力势具有弱椭圆分布的迹象.通过-个简单的非对称模型,得到太阳附近盘引力势的椭率e(R0)=0.067±0.036,其短轴指向φb=32°±15°.  相似文献   

Starting with the status of the developments of oceanic altimetry satellites, the significance of orbit determination by using altimeter data is introduced. Then the error correction model of the altimeter data and the calculational method of the data of crossovers are analyzed. The modification quantities of the errors and the adopted model concerned in the files of the altimeter data from the aircraft JASON-1 are also introduced in detail. Finally, through the calculations of the simulated data and the data of actual measurements, the highest accuracies of the orbit determination reached by solely using the altimeter data and the data of crossovers are analyzed, respectively. And this work provides a valuable reference to the practical applications in future.  相似文献   

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