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The problem of the accumulation of the Moon is discussed on the assumption that the Moon is a captured object. If it is such, it is highly improbable that it is the only object of this kind present in the early solar system. Evidence indicating that other massive objects were present at that time is presented. Also, it is pointed out that the interior of the Moon must contain normal solar proportions of the elements of intermediate volatility in the lunar interior, if the Moon accumulated in a gas sphere.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(9):1135-1189
During the last few years our knowledge about the X-ray emission from bodies within the solar system has significantly improved. Several new solar system objects are now known to shine in X-rays at energies below 2 keV. Apart from the Sun, the known X-ray emitters now include planets (Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn), planetary satellites (Moon, Io, Europa, and Ganymede), all active comets, the Io plasma torus (IPT), the rings of Saturn, the coronae (exospheres) of Earth and Mars, and the heliosphere. The advent of higher-resolution X-ray spectroscopy with the Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observatories has been of great benefit in advancing the field of planetary X-ray astronomy. Progress in modeling X-ray emission, laboratory studies of X-ray production, and theoretical calculations of cross-sections, have all contributed to our understanding of processes that produce X-rays from the solar system bodies.At Jupiter and Earth, both auroral and non-auroral disk X-ray emissions have been observed. X-rays have been detected from Saturn's disk, but no convincing evidence of an X-ray aurora has been observed. The first soft (0.1–2 keV) X-ray observation of Earth's aurora by Chandra shows that it is highly variable. The non-auroral X-ray emissions from Jupiter, Saturn, and Earth, those from the disk of Mars, Venus, and Moon, and from the rings of Saturn, are mainly produced by scattering of solar X-rays. The spectral characteristics of X-ray emission from comets, the heliosphere, the geocorona, and the Martian halo are quite similar, but they appear to be quite different from those of Jovian auroral X-rays. X-rays from the Galilean satellites and the IPT are mostly driven by impact of Jovian magnetospheric particles.This paper reviews studies of the soft X-ray emission from the solar system bodies, excluding the Sun. Processes of production of solar system X-rays are discussed and an overview is provided of the main source mechanisms of X-ray production at each object. A brief account on recent development in the area of laboratory studies of X-ray production is also provided.  相似文献   

David C. Black 《Icarus》1973,19(1):154-159
An attempt is made to construct a self-consistent picture of the deuterium abundance in the early Solar System based on the assumption of chemical equilibrium in the solar nebula. A recent determination of the DH ratio for the atmosphere of Jupiter is consistent with a previous estimate of the DH ratio for the proto-Sun. The high (> 1.5 × 10?4) DH ratios determined from analyses of carbonaceous meteorites imply an equilibrium temperature < 270°K, in marked disagreement with the equilibrium temperature determined for the same material by oxygen isotope cosmothermometry.  相似文献   

The pronounced positive gravity anomalies in the lunar circular maria imply lack of isostatic compensation of the lunar mascons. This lack of isostasy is hard to reconcile with the rheological properties of the lunar crust. Analysis of the negative ring anomalies that appear to surround the major positive gravity peaks indicates that associated with each mascon is a mass deficit of approximately the same size. In view of the lunar rheology these mass deficits most probably represent compensating mass deficits beneath the lunar mascon maria. Consequently, most lunar mascons appear to be near isostatic equilibrium, and the observed gravity anomalies may be essentially the superposition of positive gravity peaks due to the basaltic mare fill, and less pronounced, broader gravity lows due to the compensating mass deficits at depth.  相似文献   

A set of twenty-one point masses gravitationally equivalent to the L1 lunar potential model is presented. By construction, the equivalence is valid only in a region of space sampled by Apollo spacecraft. That region is taken to be a finite, torus-shaped shell. When used in place of the L1 model for Apollo 12 lunar orbit determination, the solution set gives spacecraft positions identical to within about 100 m.The solution is developed in two steps: first the L1 potential is examined to determine favorable mass locations, and then the mass values are computed to force an optimum matching of the L1 potential. Therefore the solution set is artificial. It is related to the Moon's actual mass distribution only in its similar gravitational effects in a limited region of space.  相似文献   

The geometric calibration of the Planck satellite using the planetary transits is investigated, together with the reconstruction of any offsets from the nominal layout of the focal plane. The methods presented here may be applied to a single focal plane transit of a planet, to find the values of the geometric-calibration parameters at the epoch of the transit or all the transits over the course of the mission. The pointing requirements are easily met, with the pointing reconstruction being dominated by the errors due to the star tracker.  相似文献   

Collisions between planetesimals were common during the first approximately 100 Myr of solar system formation. Such collisions have been suggested to be responsible for thermal processing seen in some meteorites, although previous work has demonstrated that such events could not be responsible for the global thermal evolution of a meteorite parent body. At this early epoch in solar system history, however, meteorite parent bodies would have been heated or retained heat from the decay of short‐lived radionuclides, most notably 26Al. The postimpact structure of an impacted body is shown here to be a strong function of the internal temperature structure of the target body. We calculate the temperature–time history of all mass in these impacted bodies, accounting for their heating in an onion‐shell–structured body prior to the collision event and then allowing for the postimpact thermal evolution as heat from both radioactivities and the impact is diffused through the resulting planetesimal and radiated to space. The thermal histories of materials in these bodies are compared with what they would be in an unimpacted, onion‐shell body. We find that while collisions in the early solar system led to the heating of a target body around the point of impact, a greater amount of mass had its cooling rates accelerated as a result of the flow of heated materials to the surface during the cratering event.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations are performed to understand the early thermal evolution and planetary scale differentiation of icy bodies with the radii in the range of 100–2500 km. These icy bodies include trans‐Neptunian objects, minor icy planets (e.g., Ceres, Pluto); the icy satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune; and probably the icy‐rocky cores of these planets. The decay energy of the radionuclides, 26Al, 60Fe, 40K, 235U, 238U, and 232Th, along with the impact‐induced heating during the accretion of icy bodies were taken into account to thermally evolve these planetary bodies. The simulations were performed for a wide range of initial ice and rock (dust) mass fractions of the icy bodies. Three distinct accretion scenarios were used. The sinking of the rock mass fraction in primitive water oceans produced by the substantial melting of ice could lead to planetary scale differentiation with the formation of a rocky core that is surrounded by a water ocean and an icy crust within the initial tens of millions of years of the solar system in case the planetary bodies accreted prior to the substantial decay of 26Al. However, over the course of billions of years, the heat produced due to 40K, 235U, 238U, and 232Th could have raised the temperature of the interiors of the icy bodies to the melting point of iron and silicates, thereby leading to the formation of an iron core. Our simulations indicate the presence of an iron core even at the center of icy bodies with radii ≥500 km for different ice mass fractions.  相似文献   

Recent results of charge exchange emission from solar system objects observed with the Japanese Suzaku satellite are reviewed. Suzaku is of great importance to investigate diffuse X‐ray emission like the charge exchange from planetary exospheres and comets. The Suzaku studies of Earth's exosphere, Martian exosphere, Jupiter's aurorae, and comets are overviewed (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Mark J. Reid 《Icarus》1973,20(2):240-248
Tidal interactions, by altering spin and orbital parameters, can lead to the destruction of bodies in the solar system. Specifically, tidal interactions can rapidly decay the orbit of an object which revolves around a satellite. Hence, almost any object which once orbited a satellite would have impacted the satellite early in the history of the solar system. This may explain the absence of such objects today.The tidal loss of lunar-orbiting objects offers a solution to the problem of how objects may have been “stored” for ≈0.5 eons prior to impacting the Moon. The craters produced by the impacts of lunar-orbiting objects should have characteristic sizes, shapes, and ages. The Crisium and Serenitatis basins exhibit these characteristics, and, therefore, could have been produced by the impact of a lunar orbiting object. Finally, the possibility that the Imbrium and Crisium basins originated from one object, which fragmented prior to impact, is discussed.  相似文献   

Lunar regolith breccias are temporal archives of magmatic and impact bombardment processes on the Moon. Apollo 16 sample 60016 is an “ancient” feldspathic regolith breccia that was converted from a soil to a rock at ~3.8 Ga. The breccia contains a small (70 × 50 μm) rock fragment composed dominantly of an Fe‐oxide phase with disseminated domains of troilite. Fragments of plagioclase (An95‐97), pyroxene (En74‐75, Fs21‐22,Wo3‐4), and olivine (Fo66‐67) are distributed in and adjacent to the Fe‐oxide. The silicate minerals have lunar compositions that are similar to anorthosites. Mineral chemistry, synchrotron X‐ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) and X‐ray diffraction (XRD) studies demonstrate that the oxide phase is magnetite with an estimated Fe3+/ΣFe ratio of ~0.45. The presence of magnetite in 60016 indicates that oxygen fugacity during formation was equilibrated at, or above, the Fe‐magnetite or wüstite–magnetite oxygen buffer. This discovery provides direct evidence for oxidized conditions on the Moon. Thermodynamic modeling shows that magnetite could have been formed from oxidization‐driven mineral replacement of Fe‐metal or desulphurisation from Fe‐sulfides (troilite) at low temperatures (<570 °C) in equilibrium with H2O steam/liquid or CO2 gas. Oxidizing conditions may have arisen from vapor transport during degassing of a magmatic source region, or from a hybrid endogenic–exogenic process when gases were released during an impacting asteroid or comet impact.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic processes occurring in the primordial solar system are likely to have significantly affected planetary evolution. In particular, electrical coupling of the kinetic energy of a dense T-Tauri-like solar wind into the interior of the smaller planets could have been a major driver of thermal metamorphism. Accordingly a grid of asteroid models of various sizes and solar distances was constructed using dc transverse magnetic induction theory. Plausible parameterizations with no requirement for a high environmental temperature led to complete melting for Vesta (and others with sizes down to 50 km diameter and distance out to 2.8 AU thus approximately reproducing the observed distributions of S objects) with no melting for Pallas and Ceres. Fairly high temperatures were reached in the Pallas model, perhaps implying nonmelting thermal metamorphosis as a cause of its anomalous spectrum (somewhat similar to but distinct from C type). A reversal of this temperature sequence seems implausible, suggesting that the Ceres-Pallas-Vesta dichotomy is a natural outcome of the induction mechanism. Highly localized heating is expected to arise due to an instability in the temperature-controlled current distribution. Localized metamorphosis resulting from this effect may be relevant to the production and evolution of pallasites, the large presumed metal component of S object spectra, and the formation of the lunar magma ocean.  相似文献   

The study of remanent magnetization of lunar samples and of meteorites has opened up the possibility of direct detection of primordial fields in the early history of the solar system. Lunar samples have not yielded a record predating 4.0 b.y. as a result of the intense bombardment on the lunar surface. Meteorites on the other hand can be studied as well as the individual chondrules. These infer the presence of a field as high as 16 Oe when the chondrules within the meteorites formed. This may reflect a primordial field of magnitude inferred for the early solar system. At the same time the magnetic moment of Mars and of Mercury may reflect a magnetization frozen into their crusts during the formation of the crust. These concepts are subject to test by long-range surface magnetic profiles or by satellite studies which would show whether subsequent cratering and volcanic activity has disrupted the crustal pattern. Small objects such as asteroids might also retain a memory of a primordial field.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May 1978.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evidence for short-lived radionuclides in the early solar system and evaluates the models of their origin. The stellar model requires that some freshly-nucleosynthesized radionuclides were injected into the proto-solar cloud shortly before it began to collapse. The spallation theory suggests that these nuclides were the products of interaction between energetic particles and gas/dust in the proto-solar cloud or solar nebula. A brief discussion is given to a new theory for the X-wind model of solar system formation.  相似文献   

After the catastrophic disruption of the Chelyabinsk meteoroid, small fragments formed funnels in the snow layer covering the ground. We constrain the pre‐impact characteristics of the fragments by simulating their atmospheric descent with the atmospheric entry model. Fragments resulting from catastrophic breakup may lose about 90% of their initial mass due to ablation and reach the snow vertically with a free‐fall velocity in the range of 30–90 m s?1. The fall time of the fragments is much longer than their cooling time, and, as a consequence, fragments have the same temperature as the lower atmosphere, i.e., of about ?20 °C. Then, we use the shock physics code iSALE to model the penetration of fragments into fluffy snow, the formation of a funnel and a zone of denser snow lining its walls. We examine the influence of several material parameters of snow and present our best‐fit model by comparing funnel depth and funnel wall characteristics with observations. In addition, we suggest a viscous flow approximation to estimate funnel depth dependence on the meteorite mass. We discuss temperature gradient metamorphism as a possible mechanism which allows to fill the funnels with denser snow and to form the observed “snow carrots.” This natural experiment also helps us to calibrate the iSALE code for simulating impacts into highly porous matter in the solar system including tracks in the aerogel catchers of the Stardust mission and possible impact craters on the 67P/Churyumov‐Gerasimenko comet observed recently by the Rosetta mission.  相似文献   

An analysis of the distribution of the orbital periods of the asteroids has shown that there is a preference for these periods to be near-commensurate with that of Mars. We suggest that this preference is associated with a formation process and implies that the orbital period of Mars has not changed greatly since the time of asteroid formation. We deduce from this that the solar system is highly stable and long-period gravitational perturbations have probably had little influence on the gross evolution of the solar system.Paper presented to the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September 1971.  相似文献   

The distribution of mass in the planetary system and solar nebula   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model solar nebula is constructed by adding the solar complement of light elements to each planet, using recent models of planetary compositions. Uncertainties in this approach are estimated. The computed surface density varies approximately asr –3/2. Mercury, Mars and the asteroid belt are anomalously low in mass, but processes exist which would preferentially remove matter from these regions. Planetary masses and compositions are generally consistent with a monotonic density distribution in the primordial solar nebula.  相似文献   

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