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探讨了认为中心致密天体(CCO)起源于双星的可能性.首先, CCO与正常遗迹脉冲星有着相似的平均自旋周期,但CCO的平均表面磁场强度(B~5.4×10~(10)Gs)低于正常遗迹脉冲星(B~7.7×10~(12)Gs)~2个量级.同时,几乎所有的正常遗迹脉冲星均分布在爱丁顿吸积加速线以上,而CCO全部分布在自旋加速线以下.因此怀疑CCO可能起源于双星吸积加速过程.其次,基于中子星再加速理论,分析了CCO可能的双星演化过程:双星系统中, CCO以M~1017g·s~(-1)的吸积率,经过~106yr的时间共吸积△M~10~(-2)M⊙的物质,其自旋周期将会从P~10 s降低至P~0.1 s,表面磁场强度将会从B~10~(12)Gs降低至B~1010Gs.考虑到~106yr的演化时标远大于CCO遗迹的年龄(~0.3–7 kyr),猜想CCO可能是双星系统中第1颗恒星超新星爆发的产物,而第2颗恒星超新星爆发后双星解体,留下CCO和第2颗恒星的超新星遗迹.该模型预言在CCO附近可能存在一颗年轻的正常脉冲星(P~0.02 s, B~1012Gs),并期望未来的射电望远镜和高能探测器能够进行搜寻.  相似文献   

BVRI photometry of 107 TNOs and Centaurs establishes the range of spectral gradients to be between –5 to 55%/100 nm (with one exception). A cluster of very red Cubewanos is firmly identified in orbits of low inclination and eccentricity beyond 40 AU from the Sun. Further correlations between surface colours and dynamical parameters (inclination and perihelion distance) are suggested for Cubewanos and scattered disk objects, but lack complete confidence for their reality. Plutinos and Centaurs do not show any clear correlation between surface colours and orbital parameters. We present in this paper 12 spectra obtained in the visible region and nine of them for which we obtained also near infrared spectra up to 2.4 microns. A few other objects have been observed, but the data are still under reduction and analysis. The principal reported results obtained are: (i) a wide range of visible slopes; (ii) evidence for surface variations on 2001 PT13; and (iii) possible detection of few percent of water ice (1999 TC36}, 2000 EB173, 1999 DE9, 2001 PT13, 2000 QC243, 1998 SG35).  相似文献   

Over one thousand objects have so far been discovered orbiting beyond Neptune. These trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) represent the primitive remnants of the planetesimal disk from which the planets formed and are perhaps analogous to the unseen dust parent-bodies in debris disks observed around other main-sequence stars. The dynamical and physical properties of these bodies provide unique and important constraints on formation and evolution models of the Solar System. While the dynamical architecture in this region (also known as the Kuiper Belt) is becoming relatively clear, the physical properties of the objects are still largely unexplored. In particular, fundamental parameters such as size, albedo, density and thermal properties are difficult to measure. Measurements of thermal emission, which peaks at far-IR wavelengths, offer the best means available to determine the physical properties. While Spitzer has provided some results, notably revealing a large albedo diversity in this population, the increased sensitivity of Herschel and its superior wavelength coverage should permit profound advances in the field. Within our accepted project we propose to perform radiometric measurements of 139 objects, including 25 known multiple systems. When combined with measurements of the dust population beyond Neptune (e.g. from the New Horizons mission to Pluto), our results will provide a benchmark for understanding the Solar debris disk, and extra-solar ones as well.  相似文献   

Sedna is the first inner Oort cloud object to be discovered. Its dynamical origin remains unclear, and a possible mechanism is considered here. We investigate the parameter space of a hypothetical solar companion which could adiabatically detach the perihelion of a Neptune-dominated TNO with a Sedna-like semimajor axis. Demanding that the TNO’s maximum value of osculating perihelion exceed Sedna’s observed value of 76 AU, we find that the companion’s mass and orbital parameters (m c , a c , q c , Q c , i c ) are restricted to $$m_c>rapprox 5\hskip.25em\hbox{M}_{\rm J}\left(\frac{Q_c}{7850\hbox{ AU}} \frac{q_c}{7850\hbox{ AU}}\right)^{3/2}$$ during the epoch of strongest perturbations. The ecliptic inclination of the companion should be in the range $45{\deg}\lessapprox i_c\lessapprox 135{\deg}$ if the TNO is to retain a small inclination while its perihelion is increased. We also consider the circumstances where the minimum value of osculating perihelion would pass the object to the dynamical dominance of Saturn and Jupiter, if allowed. It has previously been argued that an overpopulated band of outer Oort cloud comets with an anomalous distribution of orbital elements could be produced by a solar companion with present parameter values $$m_c\approx 5\hskip.25em\hbox{M}_{\rm J}\left(\frac{9000\hbox{ AU}}{a_c}\right)^{1/2}.$$ If the same hypothetical object is responsible for both observations, then it is likely recorded in the IRAS and possibly the 2MASS databases.  相似文献   

We present time–resolved optical spectroscopy of the famous X-ray binary SS 433. We obtained 61 medium resolution spectra spread over three months and thus cover roughly five orbits and about half a precession phase. We used various emission lines, that we attribute to the accretion disc, to determine the radial velocities of the compact component. They are of course modulated with the orbital period but in addition show a variation of the system velocity on a longer time scale. With the present data it is not possible to determine whether this is a transient effect or a periodic variation, although we present various possible interpretations of this effect.  相似文献   

The conclusion that tektite falls were restricted in time to an earlier era in Earth history is supported by all known facts, in particular, by the results of critical examinations of various reported falls, including 2 australite falls described not long ago by the late Dr. E. S. Simpson. On the contrary, if the tektites originate as “lunar impactites,” as Dr. H. H. Nininger has recently suggested, it seems evident that they would have continued to fall onto the Earth right up to the present time. Furthermore, the probability that the distribution of “lunar impactite” falls over the Earth's surface would exhibit the alinement along 3 great circles, which is characteristic of all known tektite deposits, is vanishingly small.  相似文献   

We identified the family of the binary asteroid 423 Diotima consisting of 411 members in the phase space of orbital elements—semimajor axes a (or mean motions n), eccentricities e, and inclinations i—by using an electronic version of the ephemerides of minor planets EMP-2003 containing osculating orbital elements for 34992 asteroids of the main belt. The 9/4 resonance with Jupiter clearly separates the family of 423 Diotima from the family of Eos, which, according to EMP for 2003, contains 1204 asteroids.  相似文献   

The possibility of interrelation between long-period comets and 2003 UB 313, a recently discovered large Kuiper Belt body, is investigated. For this purpose, 78 objects crossing the plane of motion of this body at distances from 37.8 to 97.6 AU have been selected from 860 long-period comets. The overpopulation of comets with this characteristic is also considered. The plane of motion of 2003 UB 313 is compared with the orbital planes of other objects in number of comet crossings in the specified distance interval or in some parts of it. A statistically significant overpopulation of elliptic and intermediate comets with the corresponding orbital nodes has been established. Recently discovered and absolutely faint comets show the best effect in this sense. The same is also true for comets with osculating eccentricities e < 1. A similar result is also obtained for comets with “original” a ?1 > 0.010000. It is hypothesized that the 2003 UB 313 family is present among the 78 comets. Four of them have aphelion distances from 37.8 to 97.6 AU. An ellipticity is traceable in the distribution of some of the 78 distant nodes. This may be considered as a further argument for the suggested hypothesis. Generally, the body 2003 UB 313 may be assumed to play a prominent role in injecting observable comets from the transneptunian region  相似文献   

The results of the U, B, V photometries of W. BRONKALLA and N. RICHTER near the north galactic pole are discussed. In these photometries which have been carried out on the same Tautenburg Schmidt plates the share of blue objects suspected as quasistellar (QSO) has been determined by total photometry of all starlike objects in selected partly overlapping test fields. The results of both photometries agree very well. The position of the blue objects of the Tautenburg catalogues and BRONKALLA's photometry in the two-colour diagram is compared with the two-colour diagram of QSO's published by C. BARBIERI and M. CAPPACIOLI . In both cases 65 per cent of the objects are placed on the right-hand side and 35 per cent on the left-hand side (region of white dwarfs) of the black-body line. Therefore, it is no longer admissible to qualify in a photometric statistics of blue objects all those objects as white dwarfs which are situated on the left-hand side of the black-body line in the two-colour plot. This result is confirmed by the discussion of the number-magnitude relation of these objects. Clustering of blue objects and their connection with clusters of galaxies are discussed. Using results from A. SANDAGE and E. M. BURBIDGE and our own results one can conclude that more than 60 per cent of Tautenburg blue objects must be QSO's. For further spectroscopic and proper motion investigations it is proposed to prefer the objects placed on the left-hand side of the black-body line in order to obtain the real share of white dwarfs in this group of objects suspected to be quasistellar.  相似文献   

Three importantphysical processes occurringin contact binarysystems are studied. The first one is the effect of spin, orbital rotation and tide on the structure of the components, which includes also the effect of meridian circulation on the mixing of the chemical elements in the components. The second one is the mass and energy exchange between the components. To describe the energy exchange, a new approach is introduced based on the understanding that the exchange is due to the release of the potential, kinetic and thermal energy of the exchanged mass. The third is the loss of mass and angular momentum through the outer Lagrangian point. The rate of mass loss and the angular momentum carried away by the lost mass are discussed. To show the effects of these processes, we follow the evolution of a binary system consisting of a 12M and a 5M star with mass exchange between the components and mass loss via the outer Lagrangian point, both with and without considering the effects of rotation and tide. The result shows that the effect of rotation and tide advances the start of the semi-detached and the contact phases, and delays the end of the hydrogen-burning phase of the primary. Furthermore, it can change not only the occurrence of mass and angular momentum loss via the outer Lagrangian point, but also the contact or semi-contact status of the system. Thus, this effect can result in the special phenomenon of short-term variations occurring over a slow increase of the orbital period. The occurrence of mass and angular momentum loss via the outer Lagrangian point can affect the orbital period of the system significantly, but this process can be influenced, even suppressed out by the effect of rotation and tide. The mass and energy exchange occurs in the common envelope. The net result of the mass exchange process is a mass transfer from the primary to the secondary during the whole contact phase.  相似文献   

The geometry of broad-line regions (BLRs) in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is still controversial. We use a sample of BL Lac objects, of which the black hole masses Mbh are estimated from their host galaxy absolute magnitude at R-band, MR, by using the empirical relation between MR and black hole mass Mbh. The sizes of the broad-line regions for Mgn are derived from the widths of Mgn lines and the black hole masses. Compared with the empirical relation between BLR size RBLR and MgII line luminosity LMgII, it is found the BLR sizes in the BL Lac objects derived in this paper are 2-3 orders of magnitude higher. If the BLR geometry of these sources is disklike, then the viewing angle between the axis and the line of sight is in the range of ~ 2°-15°, which is consistent with the unification scheme.  相似文献   

极端质量比旋进系统是空间引力波探测器最重要的波源之一。对引力波的探测需要高精度波形模版。当前主流的极端质量比旋进系统引力波计算模型中,人们一般将小质量天体当作试验粒子进行计算,而忽略了其结构及自身引力对背景引力场的影响。利用MathissonPapapetrou-Dixon方程研究延展体在弯曲时空中的运动,以及小天体自旋和质量多极矩对引力波信号识别产生的影响。结果表明,质量比在10-6~10-4范围的旋进系统,其自旋达到很大时,自旋对延展体的轨道运动有不可忽略的影响;在质量比10-4~10-2区间内,需要考虑中心黑洞潮汐作用导致的白矮星形变;在质量比大于10-4,且白矮星自旋很大时,其自旋产生的形变会对小天体轨道运动产生不可忽略的影响。大质量黑洞潮汐作用导致的恒星级黑洞或中子星产生的形变可以忽略,中子星和黑洞的自旋会对轨道运动产生不可忽略的影响,而自旋产生的四极矩对轨道运动不产生影响。  相似文献   

We investigate a one-zone chemo-photometric evolutionary model of truncated spiral galaxies with and without starbursts in order to explore the origin of the spectrophotometric properties of S0s. First, we show that 1) the tight U-V colour–magnitude (CM) relation cannot reject the model with a starburst and 2) the model with a starburst can explain the difference in the I-K colour–magnitude relation between S0 galaxies and spiral galaxies. Next, we demonstrate how we can distinguish the truncated spirals with a starburst from those without a starburst by using the CaII–Hδ/λ4045 diagram (proposed by Leonardi and Rose, 1996) and the 1550-V colour. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The existence of gaps in the perihelion distribution of the orbits of multikilometer-sized asteroids that approach the orbits of terrestrial-group planets is confirmed. This property of the orbits of large asteroids suggests the existence among them of a family of last meteorite parent bodies. Astrophysical data were considered for S-asteroids of the Main Belt and those that approach terrestrial planets. The u–x color index, which is related to the position of the absorption band at 950 nm in the asteroid spectra, was chosen for a qualitative comparison of the surface composition of these asteroids (identical or differing composition). The ux color-index distributions were analyzed statistically according to the perihelion (q) and mean heliocentric distances (a) of the S-asteroids. It is shown that these distributions are -shaped, peaking at q 1.8 AU and a 2.2 AU. The wings of the distributions can be approximated by linear regressions. A comparison of the ux color-index mean values for S-asteroids in the regions of the Earth and Mars and of the Main Belt prompts the conclusion that the last meteorite parent bodies in the vicinity of the orbits of the Earth and Mars come primarily from various regions of the asteroid Main Belt.  相似文献   

利用耦合的吸积-喷流模型,对巨椭圆星系M 87(NGC 4486)核区的高分辨率观测到的多波段能谱分布进行了研究,重点是核区的X射线辐射起源问题.研究结果表明,M 87核区的X射线辐射是由喷流主导的,而不是此前认为的由径移主导的吸积流(ADAFs)主导的.  相似文献   

行星磁场强度的分布具有规律性,中间巨行星的强度值大,两侧类地行星和远日行星的强度值小。在类地行星和远日行星中,也是中间行星磁场强度值大,如地球和海王星。两侧行星磁场强度值小,如金星、火星、天王星和冥王星。水星磁场强度值比金星大是因为水星环较早的从A组星云环中分裂出来所致。行星磁场强度大小分布的规律性与星云环级式分裂、环体物质中聚即铁磁性物质较快中聚的规律性一致。所以,铁磁性物质多少,可能是行星磁场强度大小分布的一个主要原因。  相似文献   

本文用磁拉瓦尔管机制解释了双极喷流的形成。这样,喷流内部的热压力被外部纵向磁场的磁压所平衡。本文研究了这一平衡态基础上的Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性,得出了共振模式的分析解。这一族解可解释喷流块状结构的许多观测特点,如块状结构的间距。高本动速度及喷流膨胀段的光学不可见性等等。  相似文献   

The variation in the orbital period of the W UMa type contact binary V502 Oph is analyzed. The orbital period exhibits a wavelike variation with a periodicity of 23.0 years and an amplitude of △P = 1.24×10~(-6) days superimposed on secular decrease of dP/dt = 1.68×10-7 day per year. The long-term decrease may be accompanied by the contraction of the secondary at a rate of 83 m per year and a mass transfer rate from the primary to the secondary of 4.28×10~8 M per year. The short-term oscillation may be explained by the presence of a third component. Orbital elements of the third body and its possible mass are presented.  相似文献   

We propose a model to explain fast pulsations in sub-THz emission from solar flares. The model is based on the approach of a flaring loop as an equivalent electric circuit and explains the pulse-repetition rate, the high-quality factor, Q≥103, low modulation depth, pulse synchronism at different frequencies, and the dependence of the pulse-repetition rate on the emission flux, observed by Kaufmann et al. (Astrophys. J. 697, 420, 2009). We solved the nonlinear equation for electric current oscillations using a Van der Pol method and found the steady-state value for the amplitude of the current oscillations. Using the pulse rate variation during the flare on 4 November 2003, we found a decrease of the electric current from 1.7×1012 A in the flare maximum to 4×1010 A just after the burst. Our model is consistent with the plasma mechanism of sub-THz emission suggested recently by Zaitsev, Stepanov, and Melnikov (Astron. Lett. 39, 650, 2013).  相似文献   

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