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J. Warell 《Icarus》2002,156(2):303-317
Multicolor photometric observations of the “unknown” hemisphere of Mercury have been performed with the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope on La Palma at maximal elongations from the Sun in 1997 and 1998. A set of six interference filters with central wavelengths from 450 to 940 nm were used. Multicolor photometry of Mercury was performed on disk-resolved images of the unknown hemisphere (longitudes 160°-340°) with a highest resolution of ∼200 km (J. Warell and S. Limaye 2001, Planet. Space Sci.49, 1531-1552).Disk-integrated spectrophotometry shows that (1) the spectrum of Mercury displays a linear slope from 650 to 940 nm, indicating that the average mercurian regolith is considerably more mature than relatively immature pure anorthosite regions on the Moon; (2) there is negative evidence for the presence of the putative 1-μm absorption feature near 940 nm due to the presence of ferrous iron (Fe2+) in pyroxenes; and (3) no effect of phase reddening of the integrated disk is observed between phase angles of 63° and 84°.For the first time, disk-resolved spectrophotometry of Mercury's surface has been obtained, from which it is inferred that (4) the scattering properties of Mercury's regolith are more homogeneous than for the Moon and that there is no clear relation between reflectance and chemical properties at spatial scales of ∼300 km on the unknown hemisphere and (5) there exists an inverse relation of spectral slope with emission angle which is larger for Mercury than for the Moon, indicating that the average mercurian regolith is more backscattering and that this effect increases with wavelength.Finally, from filter ratio images of Mercury's disk it is found that (6) no color variations larger that 2% with respect to the surroundings are detected at a spatial resolution of ∼300 km.  相似文献   

Saturn's icy satellites are among the main scientific objectives of the Cassini-VIMS (Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer) experiment. This paper contains a first systematic and comparative analysis of the full-disk spectral properties of Dione, Enceladus, Epimetheus, Hyperion, Iapetus, Mimas, Phoebe, Rhea and Tethys as observed by VIMS from July 2004 to June 2005. The disk integrated properties (350-5100 nm reflectance spectra and phase curves at 550-2232 nm) and images of satellites are reported and discussed in detail together with the observed geometry. In general, the spectra in the visible spectral range are almost featureless and can be classified according to the spectral slopes: from the bluish Enceladus and Phoebe to the redder Iapetus, Hyperion and Epimetheus. In the 1000-1300 nm range the spectra of Enceladus, Tethys, Mimas and Rhea are characterized by a negative slope, consistent with a surface largely dominated by water ice, while the spectra of Iapetus, Hyperion and Phoebe show a considerable reddening pointing out the relevant role played by darkening materials present on the surface. In between these two classes are Dione and Epimetheus, which have a flat spectrum in this range. The main absorption bands identified in the infrared are the 1520, 2020, 3000 nm H2O/OH bands (for all satellites), although Iapetus dark terrains show mostly a deep 3000 nm band while the 1520 and 2020 nm bands are very faint. In this spectral range, the Iapetus spectrum is characterized by a strong reddening. The CO2 band at 4260 nm and the Fresnel ice peak around 3100 nm are evident only on Hyperion, Phoebe and Iapetus. The phase curves at 550 and at 2232 nm are reported for all the available observations in the 0°-144° range; Rhea shows an opposition surge at visible wavelengths in the 0.5°-1.17° interval. The improvement on the retrieval of the full-disk reflectance spectra can be appreciated by a direct comparison with ground-based telescopic data available from literature. Finally, data processing strategies and recent upgrades introduced in the VIMS-V calibration pipeline (flat-field and destriping-despiking algorithm) are discussed in appendices.  相似文献   

Lightcurve observations of 16 near-Earth objects (NEOs) and 2 Mars-crossers in 1996-1999 from three observational sites are presented. Eight objects were observed shortly after their discovery within the follow-up program of NEO observations. We were able to determine rotation periods for 14 asteroids. For 8 objects (5626, 5732, 1998 FM5, 1998 FX2, 1998 UT18, 1998 VO33, 1999 RQ36, 1999 US3) our determinations constitute new results while in the remaining 6 cases (3200, 4341, 7025, 7822, 11066, 1992 QN) we could improve or confirm previously published periods. We also put constraints on the spin vector of 3200 Phaethon.  相似文献   

Amit Levi 《Icarus》2009,202(2):681-693
We show that for low temperatures (T∼30 K) and small, but non-negligible, gravitational fields the hydrodynamic escape of gas can be treated by Parker's theory of coronal expansion [Parker, E.N., 1963. Interplanetary Dynamical Processes. Interscience Publishers, New York]. We apply this theory to gas escape from Kuiper belt objects. We derive limits on the density and radius of the bodies for which this theory is applicable, and show how the flow depends on the mean molecular weight and internal degrees of freedom of the gas molecules. We use these results to explain the CH4 dichotomy seen on KBOs [Schaller, E.L., Brown, M.E., 2007. Astrophys. J., 659, L61-L64].  相似文献   

The scattering properties of particulate rings with volume filling factors in the interval D=0.001-0.3 are studied, with photometric Monte Carlo ray tracing simulations combining the advantages of direct (photons followed from the source) and indirect methods (brightness as seen from the observing direction). Besides vertically homogeneous models, ranging from monolayers to classical many-particle thick rings, particle distributions obtained from dynamical simulations are studied, possessing a nonuniform vertical profile and a power law distribution of particle sizes. Self-gravity is not included to assure homogeneity in planar directions. Our main goal is to check whether the moderately flattened ring models predicted by dynamical simulations (with central plane D>0.1) are consistent with the basic photometric properties of Saturn's rings seen in ground-based observations, including the brightening near zero phase angle (opposition effect), and the brightening of the B-ring with increasing elevation angle (tilt effect). Our photometric simulations indicate that dense rings are typically brighter in reflected light than those with D→0, due to enhanced single scattering. For a vertically illuminated layer of identical particles this enhancement amounts at intermediate viewing elevations to roughly 1+2D. Increased single scattering is also obtained for low elevation illumination, further augmented at low phase angles α by the opposition brightening when D increases: the simulated opposition effect agrees very well with the Lumme and Bowell (1981, Astron. J. 86, 1694-1704) theoretical formula. For large α the total intensity may also decrease, due to reduced amount of multiple scattering. For the low (α=13°) and high (α=155°) phase angle geometries analyzed in Dones et al. (1993, Icarus 105, 184-215) the brightness change for D=0.1 amounts to 20% and −17%, respectively. In the case of an extended size distribution, dynamical simulations indicate that the smallest particles typically occupy a layer several times thicker than the largest particles. Even if the large particles form a dynamically dense system, a narrow opposition peak can arise due to mutual shadowing among the small particles: for example, a size distribution extending about two decades can account for the observed about 1° wide opposition peak, solely in terms of mutual shadowing. The reduced width of the opposition peak for extended size distribution is in accordance with Hapke's (1986, Icarus 67, 264-280) treatment for semi-infinite layers. Due to vertical profile and particle size distribution, the photometric behavior is sensitive to the viewing elevation: this can account for the tilt-effect of the B-ring, as dense and thus bright central parts of the ring become better visible for larger elevation, whereas in the case of smaller elevation, mainly low volume density upper layers are visible. Since multiple scattering is not involved, the explanation works also for albedo well below unity. Inclusion of nonzero volume density helps also to model some of the Voyager observations. For example, the discrepancy between predicted and observed brightness at large phase angles for much of the A-ring (Dones et al., 1993, Icarus 105, 184-215) is removed when the enhanced low α single scattering and reduced large α multiple scattering is allowed for. Also, a model with vertical thickness increasing with saturnocentric distance offers at least a qualitative explanation for the observed contrast reversal between the inner and outer A-ring in low and high phase Voyager images. Differences in local size distribution and thus on the effective D may also account for the contrast reversal in resonance sites.  相似文献   

From February 13 to May 13, 2000, the near-infrared spectrometer (NIS) instrument on the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft obtained more than 200,000 spatially resolved 800- to 2500-nm reflectance spectra of the S-type asteroid 433 Eros. An important subset of the spectra was obtained during a unique opportunity on February 13 and 14, when the NEAR spacecraft flew directly through the 0° phase angle point between Eros and the Sun just prior to the orbital insertion maneuver. This low phase flyby (LPF) dataset consists of ∼2000 spectra of the northern hemisphere of Eros, obtained from 1° to 47° phase angle and at spatial resolutions of between 6×12 km to 1.25×2.50 km per spectrum. The spectra were calibrated to radiance factor (I/F, where I=observed radiance and πF=solar input radiance) and then photometrically corrected to normal albedo. The average northern hemisphere spectrum of Eros is similar to the asteroid's unresolved telescopic spectrum and exhibits absorption features near 1000 nm (Band I) and 2000 nm (Band II) consistent with an orthopyroxene to orthopyroxene+olivine (opx+ol) mixing ratio of approximately 0.38±0.08. The ensemble of NIS LPF spectra falls primarily within the S(IV) to upper S(III) fields of the Gaffey et al. (1993) S-asteroid classification scheme and exhibits Band I and Band II properties similar to those of ordinary chondrite meteorites. While some small spatially coherent spectral variations have been detected, neither the opx/opx+ol) mixing ratio nor other spectral parameters vary spatially by more than ∼1σ across the entire northern hemisphere of the asteroid, suggesting a remarkable homogeneity of the composition and mineralogy of the uppermost regolith. Spectral mixture modeling suggests that the presence of glass and/or a reddening agent like nanophase iron, likely formed from exposure of the regolith to the space environment, is a component of the surface of Eros. Reddening and darkening components could also explain the dissimilarity in overall spectral slope and albedo between Eros and other S(IV) asteroids and ordinary chondrite meteorites. The largest (but still weak) spectral variations across the surface are seen in the depths of Band I and Band II, which are greatest in and around the largest craters and at the 0° longitude “nose” of the asteroid, and in the Band II/Band I area ratio between the large impact craters Psyche and Himeros. These subtle NIS spectral variations are usually associated with albedo and surface slope variations seen in NEAR imaging and topographic data and appear to be related to downslope movement of regolith materials.  相似文献   

CCD observations of Mercury were obtained with the large angle spectrometric coronograph (LASCO) on the solar and heliospheric observatory spacecraft, near superior and inferior solar conjunctions. Whole disk photometry was extracted from the orange and blue filter images and transformed to V magnitudes on the UBV system. The LASCO data were combined with ground-based, V-filter photometry acquired at larger elongation angles. The resulting photometric phase function covers the greatest span of angles to date and is the first wide-range function to be obtained since the era of visual observation. We analyzed the data using a polynomial fit and a Hapke function fit, and derived the following photometric results. Mercury's fully lit brightness, adjusted to a distance of 1.0 AU from the Sun and observer, was found to be V=−0.694(±0.030), which is more luminous than previously measured. The corresponding geometric albedo is 0.142(±0.005). The phase integral is 0.478(±0.005) and resulting spherical albedo is 0.068(±0.003). The upper limit of a possible rotational brightness variation is about 0.05 magnitude. Mercury's brightness surges by more than 40% between phase angles 10 and 2°, while the illuminated fraction of the disk increases by less than 1%. A set of coefficients for Hapke's function that fit most of the phase curve includes h=0.065±0.002 indicating that Mercury and the Moon have similar regolith compaction states and particle size distributions, and θ-bar=16°±1° implying a macroscopically smoother surface than the Moon. However, we found other solutions that fit the observations nearly as well with significantly smaller and larger values of h, and with values of θ-bar around 25°. The wide range for θ-bar is due to the inability of the model to fit the photometry obtained at large phase angles.  相似文献   

We present color ratio curves of the S-Asteroid 15 Eunomia, which have been extracted from high-precision photometric lightcurves obtained in three different VNIR wavelength bands at the Bochum Telescope, La Silla. The measured color ratio curves and near infrared spectra were used to derive a detailed surface composition model whose shape has been computed by V-lightcurve inversions. According to this analysis, the asteroid shows on one hemisphere a higher concentration of pyroxene, which causes an increased 440/700 nm and a reduced 940/700 nm reflectance ratio as well as a pronounced 2-μm absorption band. The remaining surface shows a higher concentration of olivine, leading to a reduced 440/700 nm and slightly increased 940/700 nm color ratio. In addition, we found that the maximum of the 440/700 nm color ratio curve coincide with the minimum of the 940/700 nm color ratio curve and vice versa. We demonstrate on the basis of USGS laboratory spectra that this anti-cyclical behavior can be explained by choosing Fe-rich olivine and a pyroxene with moderate Fe content as varying mineral phases. Furthermore, our observations confirm that 15 Eunomia is an irregular elongated and at least partially differentiated body. Previous spectral investigations of several smaller fragments of the Eunomia asteroid family revealed that the amount of fragments showing an increased pyroxene content exceeds the amount of pyroxene-poor fragments (Nathues, 2000, DLR Forschungsbericht, ISSN 1434-8454). This finding together with the observation that the major fraction of Eunomia's surface is enriched in olivine let us claim that a large fraction of the original pyroxene-enriched crust layer has been lost due to a major collision that created the Eunomia asteroid family. Significant spectral evidences, consistent with high concentrations of metals have been found neither in the rotational resolved spectra of 15 Eunomia nor in its fragments. This led to the conclusion that either no core consisting mainly of metals exists or that an eventual one has not been unearthed by the impact.  相似文献   

The second phase of the Small Main-belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey (SMASSII) produced an internally consistent set of visible-wavelength charge-coupled device (CCD) spectra for 1447 asteroids (Bus and Binzel 2002, Icarus, ). These data provide a basis for developing a new asteroid taxonomy that utilizes more of the information contained in CCD spectra. Here we construct a classification system that builds on the robust framework provided by existing asteroid taxonomies. In particular, we define three major groupings (the S-, C-, and X-complexes) that adhere to the classical definitions of the S-, C-, and X-type asteroids. A total of 26 classes are defined, based on the presence or absence of specific spectral features. Definitions and boundary parameters are provided for each class, allowing new spectral observations to be placed in this system. Of these 26 classes, 12 bear familiar single-letter designations that follow previous conventions: A, B, C, D, K, O, Q, R, S, T, V, and X. A new L-class is introduced to describe 35 objects with spectra having a steep UV slope shortward of 0.75 μm, but which are relatively flat longward of 0.75 μm. Asteroids with intermediate spectral characteristics are assigned multiletter designations: Cb, Cg, Cgh, Ch, Ld, Sa, Sk, Sl, Sq, Sr, Xc, Xe, and Xk. Members of the Cgh- and Ch-classes have spectra containing a 0.7-μm feature that is generally attributed to hydration. Although previously considered featureless, CCD observations reveal distinct features of varying strengths in the spectra of asteroids in the X-complex, thus allowing the Xc-, Xe-, and Xk-classes to be established. Most notably, the spectra of Xe-type asteroids contain an absorption feature centered near 0.49 μm that may be associated with troilite. Several new members are identified for previously unique or sparsely populated classes: 12 A-types, 3 O-types, and 3 R-types. Q-types are common within the near-Earth asteroid population but remain unobserved in the main belt. More than 30 new V-types are found in the vicinity of Vesta. The heliocentric distribution of the SMASSII taxonomic classes is similar to that determined from previous studies, though additional structure is revealed as a result of the larger sample size.  相似文献   

D. Vokrouhlický  D. ?apek 《Icarus》2005,179(1):128-138
We consider the possibility of detecting the Yarkovsky orbital perturbation acting on binary systems among the near-Earth asteroids. This task is significantly more difficult than for solitary asteroids because the Yarkovsky force affects both the heliocentric orbit of the system's center of mass and the relative orbit of the two components. Nevertheless, we argue these are sufficiently well decoupled so that the major Yarkovsky perturbation is in the simpler heliocentric motion and is observable with the current means of radar astrometry. Over the long term, the Yarkovsky perturbation in the relative motion of the two components is also detectable for the best observed systems. However, here we consider a simplified version of the problem by ignoring mutual non-spherical gravitational perturbations between the two asteroids. With the orbital plane constant in space and the components' rotation poles fixed (and assumed perpendicular to the orbital plane), we do not examine the coupling between Yarkovsky and gravitational effects. While radar observations remain an essential element of Yarkovsky detections, lightcurve observations, with their ability to track occultation and eclipse phenomena, are also very important in the case of binaries. The nearest possible future detection of the Yarkovsky effect for a binary system occurs for (66063) 1998 RO1 in September 2006. Farther out, even more statistically significant detections are possible for several other systems including 2000 DP107, (66391) 1999 KW4 and 1996 FG3.  相似文献   

During the Cassini spacecraft's flyby of Jupiter (October, 2000-March, 2001), the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) produced an extensive dataset consisting of 3349 spectrally dispersed images of the Io plasma torus. Here we present an example of the raw data and representative EUV spectra (561-1181 Å) of the torus, obtained on October 1, 2000 and November 14, 2000. For most of the flyby period, the entire Io torus fit within the UVIS field-of-view, enabling the measurement of the total power radiated from the torus in the extreme ultraviolet. A typical value for the total power radiated in the wavelength range of 580-1181 Å is 1.7×1012 W, with observed variations of up to 25%. Several brightening events were observed. These events lasted for roughly 20 hours, during which time the emitted power increased rapidly by ∼20% before slowly returning to the pre-event level. Observed variations in the relative intensities of torus spectral features provide strong evidence for compositional changes in the torus plasma with time. Spatial profiles of the EUV emission show no evidence for a sharply peaked “ribbon” feature. The ratio of the brightness of the dusk ansa to the brightness of the dawn ansa is observed to be highly variable, with an average value of 1.30. Weak longitudinal variations in the brightness of the torus ansae were observed at the 2% level.  相似文献   

F. Marchis  M. Kaasalainen 《Icarus》2006,185(1):39-63
This paper presents results from a high spatial resolution survey of 33 main-belt asteroids with diameters >40 km using the Keck II Adaptive Optics (AO) facility. Five of these (45 Eugenia, 87 Sylvia, 107 Camilla, 121 Hermione, 130 Elektra) were confirmed to have satellite. Assuming the same albedo as the primary, these moonlets are relatively small (∼5% of the primary size) suggesting that they are fragments captured after a disruptive collision of a parent body or captured ejecta due to an impact. For each asteroid, we have estimated the minimum size of a moonlet that can positively detected within the Hill sphere of the system by estimating and modeling a 2-σ detection profile: in average on the data set, a moonlet located at 2/100×RHill (1/4×RHill) with a diameter larger than 6 km (4 km) would have been unambiguously seen. The apparent size and shape of each asteroid was estimated after deconvolution using a new algorithm called AIDA. The mean diameter for the majority of asteroids is in good agreement with IRAS radiometric measurements, though for asteroids with a D<200 km, it is underestimated on average by 6-8%. Most asteroids had a size ratio that was very close to those determined by lightcurve measurements. One observation of 104 Klymene suggests it has a bifurcated shape. The bi-lobed shape of 121 Hermione described in Marchis et al. [Marchis, F., Hestroffer, D., Descamps, P., Berthier, J., Laver, C., de Pater, I., 2005c. Icarus 178, 450-464] was confirmed after deconvolution. The ratio of contact binaries in our survey, which is limited to asteroids larger than 40 km, is surprisingly high (∼6%), suggesting that a non-single configuration is common in the main-belt. Several asteroids have been analyzed with lightcurve inversions. We compared lightcurve inversion models for plane-of-sky predictions with the observed images (9 Metis, 52 Europa, 87 Sylvia, 130 Elektra, 192 Nausikaa, and 423 Diotima, 511 Davida). The AO images allowed us to determine a unique photometric mirror pole solution, which is normally ambiguous for asteroids moving close to the plane of the ecliptic (e.g., 192 Nausikaa and 52 Europa). The photometric inversion models agree well with the AO images, thus confirming the validity of both the lightcurve inversion method and the AO image reduction technique.  相似文献   

In a previous publication (Dominik and Nübold, 2002, Icarus 157, 173-186), we presented analytical expressions and theoretical considerations concerning preplanetary dust aggregation with magnetized grains in the solar nebula. The present work is dedicated to the experimental study of magnetic aggregation in a ground-based laboratory as well as under microgravity conditions on parabolic flights. We conducted aggregation experiments with dust analogues in order to study the temporal evolution and the structural outcome of grain growth processes dominated by or comprising exclusively magnetic grains. Within aggregation times ranging from a couple of seconds to a few minutes only, formation of huge chain-like and/or web-like dust aggregates was observed. After aggregate retrieval we were able to study the sizes and structures of the aggregates in great detail. We established the fractal dimension of the aggregates as Dfs=1.20±0.05 for single chains and Dfc=1.50±0.21 for inter-connected web-like structures. This is considerably lower than for non-magnetic grain growth. The dynamic exponent z for the mass increase with time according to tz was found to be z=2.7 from in-situ video images of the microgravity aggregation runs. The results are compared with the theoretical considerations presented earlier as well as with previous experimental work on the same and on related topics, respectively.  相似文献   

Ryuji Morishima  Heikki Salo 《Icarus》2004,167(2):330-346
We investigate the spin rates of moonlets embedded in planetary rings, subject to collisions with surrounding small particles, using three-body integrations including friction and spins. All successive impacts of the particle with the moonlet are followed, including a possible sliding phase after the initial inelastic rebounds. Two methods for treating impacts, (1) as instantaneous velocity changes and (2) using an impact force model, are applied after Salo (1995, Icarus 117, 287). Conducting a series of integrations with various initial summed spin velocity of the moonlet and the particle, we determine the equilibrium spin rate for which the averaged torque vanishes. This equilibrium spin rate corresponds to the final spin rate of the moonlet if the moonlet is much larger than the surrounding particles; it also corresponds to the mean spin rate for a ring composed of identical particles. We find that the equilibrium spin rate is enhanced by sliding orbits as compared with the spin rate determined by considering only the first impacts of the particles with the moonlet. If the random velocities of incident particles are small enough, the resulting equilibrium spin rate of the moonlet can be larger than the synchronous rotation rate, for rp∼1, where rp denotes the sum of radii of the colliding pair normalized by their mutual Hill radius. In this special case aggregates without internal strength may become rotationally unstable. However, the equilibrium spin rate decreases with increasing random velocity, and aggregates are always rotationally stable in the more likely case where the relative velocities are comparable to the mutual escape velocity. We also compare our results with the mean spin rates found in previous N-body simulations, and find a good agreement for optically thin rings; however the spin rates for optically thick rings are significantly larger than those predicted by our three-body calculations.  相似文献   

On January 14, 2001, shortly after the Cassini spacecraft's closest approach to Jupiter, the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (UVIS) made a radial scan through the midnight sector of Io plasma torus. The Io torus has not been previously observed at this local time. The UVIS data consist of 2-D spectrally dispersed images of the Io plasma torus in the wavelength range of 561-1912 Å. We developed a spectral emissions model that incorporates the latest atomic physics data contained in the CHIANTI database in order to derive the composition of the torus plasma as a function of radial distance. Electron temperatures derived from the UVIS torus spectra are generally less than those observed during the Voyager era. We find the torus ion composition derived from the UVIS spectra to be significantly different from the composition during the Voyager era. Notably, the torus contains substantially less oxygen, with a total oxygen-to-sulfur ion ratio of 0.9. The average ion charge state has increased to 1.7. We detect S(V) in the Io torus at the 3σ level. S(V) has a mixing ratio of 0.5%. The spectral emission model used can approximate the effects of a nonthermal distribution of electrons. The ion composition derived using a kappa distribution of electrons is identical to that derived using a Maxwellian electron distribution; however, the kappa distribution model requires a higher electron column density to match the observed brightness of the spectra. The derived value of the kappa parameter decreases with radial distance and is consistent with the value of κ=2.4 at 8RJ derived by the Ulysses URAP instrument (Meyer-Vernet et al., 1995). The observed radial profile of electron column density is consistent with a flux tube content, NL2, that is proportional to r−2.  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of the H+3 intensity and velocity profiles crossing Saturn's auroral/polar region, as described by Stallard et al. [Stallard, T., Miller, S., Melin, H., Lystrup, M., Dougherty, M., Achilleos, N., 2007. Icarus 189, 1-13], with a view to understanding the magnetospheric processes with which they are connected. The data are not consistent with the theory that Saturn's main auroral oval is associated with corotation enforcement currents in the middle magnetosphere. This implies that the main auroral oval can be associated with the open-closed field line boundary [Cowley, S.W.H., Bunce, E.J., O'Rourke, J.M., 2004. J. Geophys. Res. 109. A05212]; a third model, by Sittler et al. [Sittler, E.C., Blanc, M.F., Richardson, J.D., 2006. J. Geophys. Res. 111. A06208] associates the main oval with centrifugal instabilities in the outer magnetosphere, but does not make predictions about ionospheric plasma flows with which we can compare our data. We do, however, tentatively identify emission at latitudes lower than the main auroral oval which may be associated with the corotation enforcement currents in the middle magnetosphere. We also find that at latitudes higher than the main auroral oval there is often a region of the ionosphere that is in rigid corotation with the planet. We suggest that this region corresponds to field lines embedded in the centre of the magnetotail which are shielded from the solar wind such that their rotation is controlled only by the neutral atmosphere.  相似文献   

We report the first spectroscopic detection of discrete ammonia ice clouds in the atmosphere of Jupiter, as discovered utilizing the Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS). Spectrally identifiable ammonia clouds (SIACs) cover less than 1% of the globe, as measured in complete global imagery obtained in September 1996 during Galileo's second orbit. More than half of the most spectrally prominent SIACs reside within a small latitudinal band, extending from 2° to 7° N latitude, just south of the 5-μm hot spots. The most prominent of these are spatially correlated with nearby 5-μm-bright hot spots lying 1.5°-3.0° of latitude to the north: they reside over a small range of relative longitudes on the eastward side of hot spots, about 37% of the longitudinal distance to the next hot spot to the east. This strong correlation between the positions of hot spots and the most prominent equatorial SIACs suggests that they are linked by a common planetary wave. Good agreement is demonstrated between regions of condensation predicted by the Rossby wave model of A. J. Friedson and G. S. Orton (1999, Bull. Am. Astron. Assoc31, 1155-1156) and the observed longitudinal positions of fresh ammonia clouds relative to 5-μm hot spots. Consistency is also demonstrated between (1) the lifetime of particles as determined by the wave phase speed and cloud width and (2) the sedimentation time for 10-μm radius particles consistent with previously reported ammonia particle size by T. Y. Brooke et al. (1998, Icarus136, 1-13). A young age (<two days) for most SIAC cloud particles is indicated. To the south, the most prominent SIACs are located to the northwest of the Great Red Spot, in a region where a westward flow of jovian air, diverted approximately 10° of latitude northward by the Great Red Spot, encounters a large eastward flow. SIACs have been observed repeatedly by NIMS at this location during Galileo's first four years in Jupiter orbit. It is speculated that due to the three-dimensional interactions of these flows, relatively large amounts of ammonia gas are steadily transported from the sub-cloud troposphere (below the ∼600-mbar level) to the high troposphere, nearly continuously forming fresh ammonia ice clouds to the northwest of the Great Red Spot.  相似文献   

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