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We have shown, in previous publications, that stable chaos is associated with medium/high-order mean motion resonances with Jupiter, for which there exist no resonant periodic orbits in the framework of the elliptic restricted three-body problem. This topological “defect” results in the absence of the most efficient mechanism of eccentricity transport (i.e., large-amplitude modulation on a short time scale) in three-body models. Thus, chaotic diffusion of the orbital elements can be quite slow, while there can also exist a nonnegligible set of chaotic orbits which are semiconfined (stable chaos) by “quasi-barriers” in the phase space. In the present paper we extend our study to all mean motion resonances of order q≤9 in the inner main belt (1.9-3.3 AU) and q≤7 in the outer belt (3.3-3.9 AU). We find that, out of the 34 resonances studied, only 8 possess resonant periodic orbits that are continued from the circular to the elliptic three-body problem (regular families), namely, the 2/1, 3/1, 4/1, and 5/2 in the inner belt and the 7/4, 5/3, 11/7, and 3/2 in the outer belt. Numerical results indicate that the 7/3 resonance also carries periodic orbits but, unlike the aforementioned resonances, 7/3-periodic orbits belong to an irregular family. Note that the five inner-belt resonances that carry periodic orbits correspond to the location of the main Kirkwood gaps, while the three outer-belt resonances correspond to gaps in the distribution of outer-belt asteroids noted by Holman and Murray (1996, Astron. J.112, 1278-1293), except for the 3/2 case where the Hildas reside. Fast, intermittent eccentricity increase is found in resonances possessing periodic orbits. In the remaining resonances the time-averaged elements of chaotic orbits are, in general, quite stable, at least for times t∼250 Myr. This slow diffusion picture does not change qualitatively, even if more perturbing planets are included in the model.  相似文献   

The stability of the motion of a hypothetical planet in the binary system ?? Cen A?CB has been investigated. The analysis has been performed within the framework of a planar (restricted and full) three-body problem for the case of prograde orbits. Based on a representative set of initial data, we have obtained the Lyapunov spectra of the motion of a triple system with a single planet. Chaotic domains have been identified in the pericenter distance-eccentricity plane of initial conditions for the planet through a statistical analysis of the data obtained. We have studied the correspondence of these chaotic domains to the domains of initial conditions that lead to the planet??s encounter with one of the binary??s stars or to the escape of the planet from the system. We show that the stability criterion based on the maximum Lyapunov exponent gives a more clear-cut boundary of the instability domains than does the encounterescape criterion at the same integration time. The typical Lyapunov time of chaotic motion is ??500 yr for unstable outer orbits and ??60 yr for unstable inner ones. The domain of chaos expands significantly as the initial orbital eccentricity of the planet increases. The chaos-order boundary has a fractal structure due to the presence of orbital resonances.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional secular behavior of a system composed of a central star and two massive planets is modeled semi-analytically in the frame of the general three-body problem. The main dynamical features of the system are presented in geometrical pictures allowing us to investigate a large domain of the phase space of this problem without time-expensive numerical integrations of the equations of motion and without any restriction on the magnitude of the planetary eccentricities, inclinations and mutual distance. Several regimes of motion of the system are observed. With respect to the secular angle Δ?, possible motions are circulations, oscillations (around 0° and 180°), and high-eccentricity/inclination librations in secular resonances. With respect to the arguments of pericenter, ω1 and ω2, possible motions are direct circulation and high-inclination libration around ±90° in the Lidov-Kozai resonance. The regions of transition between domains of different regimes of motion are characterized by chaotic behavior. We apply the analysis to the case of the two outer planets of the υ Andromedae system, observed edge-on. The topology of the 3-D phase space of this system is investigated in detail by means of surfaces of section, periodic orbits and dynamical spectra, mapping techniques and numerical simulations. We obtain the general structure of the phase space, and the boundaries of the spatial secular stability. We find that this system is secularly stable in a large domain of eccentricities and inclinations.  相似文献   

H. Scholl  F. Marzari 《Icarus》2005,175(2):397-408
In this paper we explore the dynamical stability of the Mars Trojan region applying mainly Laskar's Frequency Map Analysis. This method yields the chaotic diffusion rate of orbits and allows to determine the most stable regions. It also gives the frequencies which are responsible for the instability of orbits. The most stable regions are found for inclinations between about 15° and 30°. For inclinations smaller than 15°, we confirm, by applying a synthetic secular theory, that the secular resonances ν3, ν4, ν13, ν14 rapidly excite asteroid orbits within a few Myrs, or even faster. The asteroids are removed from the Trojan region after a close encounter with Mars. For large inclinations, the secular resonance ν5 clears a small region around 30° while the Kozai resonance rapidly removes bodies for inclinations larger than 35°. The dynamical lifetimes of the three L5 Trojans, (5261) Eureka, 1998 VF31, 2001 DH47, and the only L4 Trojan 1999 UJ7 are determined by numerically integrating clouds of corresponding clones over the age of the Solar System. All four Trojans reside in the most stable region with smallest diffusion coefficients. Their dynamical half-lifetime is of the order of the age of the Solar System. The Yarkovsky force has little effect on the known Trojans but for bodies smaller than about 1-5 m the drag is strong enough to destabilize Trojans on a timescale shorter than 4.5 Gyr.  相似文献   

We study the motion of asteroids in the main mean motion commensurabilities in the frame of the planar restricted three-body problem. No assumption is made about the size of the eccentricity of the asteroid. At small to moderate eccentricity, we recover existing results (shape of the phase space and location of secondary resonances). We also provide global pictures of the dynamics in the region of secondary resonances. At high eccentricity, the phase space portraits of the integrable part of the Hamiltonian show new families of stable orbits for the 3:2 and 2:1 cases and the secular resonances 5 and 6 are located.  相似文献   

We have accumulated thousands of orbits of test particles in the Solar System from the asteroid belt to beyond the orbit of Neptune. We find that the time for an orbit to make a close encounter with a perturbing planet, T c ,is a function of the Lyapunov time, T ty .The relation is log (T c /T o )= a + b log (T ly T o )where T o is a fiducial period which we have taken as the period of the principal perturber or the period of the asteroid. There are exceptions to this rule interior to the 2/3 resonance with Jupiter. There, at least in the restricted problem, for sufficiently small Jupiter mass, orbits may have a positive Lyapunov exponent and still be blocked from having a close approach to Jupiter by a zero velocity curve. Of more serious concern is whether the relation holds for purely secular resonances, and if it does, how to choose T o .This is the case of interest for the planets in the solar system.  相似文献   

The orbits of 12 Trojan asteroids, which have Lyapunov times T L105 years and were previously classified as ASCs(=asteroids in stable chaos), are integrated for 50 Myrs, along with a group of neighbouring initial conditions for each nominal orbit. About 40% of the orbits present strong instabilities in the inclination, which may be attributed primarily to the action of the 16 secular resonance; two escapes are also recorded. Higher-order secular resonances, involving the nodes of the outer planets, are also found to be responsible for chaotic motion. Orbital stability depends critically on the choice of initial conditions and, thus, these objects can be regarded as being on the edge of strong chaos.  相似文献   

In the present article, we use an axially symmetric galactic gravitational model with a disk–halo and a spherical nucleus, in order to investigate the transition from regular to chaotic motion for stars moving in the meridian (r,z) plane. We study in detail the transition from regular to chaotic motion, in two different cases: the time independent model and the time evolving model. In both cases, we explored all the available range regarding the values of the main involved parameters of the dynamical system. In the time dependent model, we follow the evolution of orbits as the galaxy develops a dense and massive nucleus in its core, as mass is transported exponentially from the disk to the galactic center. We apply the classical method of the Poincaré (r,pr) phase plane, in order to distinguish between ordered and chaotic motion. The Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent is used, to make an estimation of the degree of chaos in our galactic model and also to help us to study the time dependent model. In addition, we construct some numerical diagrams in which we present the correlations between the main parameters of our galactic model. Our numerical calculations indicate, that stars with values of angular momentum Lz less than or equal to a critical value Lzc, moving near to the galactic plane, are scattered to the halo upon encountering the nuclear region and subsequently display chaotic motion. A linear relationship exists between the critical value of the angular momentum Lzc and the mass of the nucleus Mn. Furthermore, the extent of the chaotic region increases as the value of the mass of the nucleus increases. Moreover, our simulations indicate that the degree of chaos increases linearly, as the mass of the nucleus increases. A comparison is made between the critical value Lzc and the circular angular momentum Lz0 at different distances from the galactic center. In the time dependent model, there are orbits that change their orbital character from regular to chaotic and vise versa and also orbits that maintain their character during the galactic evolution. These results strongly indicate that the ordered or chaotic nature of orbits, depends on the presence of massive objects in the galactic cores of the galaxies. Our results suggest, that for disk galaxies with massive and prominent nuclei, the low angular momentum stars in the associated central regions of the galaxy, must be in predominantly chaotic orbits. Some theoretical arguments to support the numerically derived outcomes are presented. Comparison with similar previous works is also made.  相似文献   

F. MarzariH. Scholl 《Icarus》2002,159(2):328-338
We have numerically explored the mechanisms that destabilize Jupiter's Trojan orbits outside the stability region defined by Levison et al. (1997, Nature385, 42-44). Different models have been exploited to test various possible sources of instability on timescales on the order of ∼108 years.In the restricted three-body model, only a few Trojan orbits become unstable within 108 years. This intrinsic instability contributes only marginally to the overall instability found by Levison et al.In a model where the orbital parameters of both Jupiter and Saturn are fixed, we have investigated the role of Saturn and its gravitational influence. We find that a large fraction of Trojan orbits become unstable because of the direct nonresonant perturbations by Saturn. By shifting its semimajor axis at constant intervals around its present value we find that the near 5:2 mean motion resonance between the two giant planets (the Great Inequality) is not responsible for the gross instability of Jupiter's Trojans since short-term perturbations by Saturn destabilize Trojans, even when the two planets are far out of the resonance.Secular resonances are an additional source of instability. In the full six-body model with the four major planets included in the numerical integration, we have analyzed the effects of secular resonances with the node of the planets. Trojan asteroids have relevant inclinations, and nodal secular resonances play an important role. When a Trojan orbit becomes unstable, in most cases the libration amplitude of the critical argument of the 1:1 mean motion resonance grows until the asteroid encounters the planet. Libration amplitude, eccentricity, and nodal rate are linked for Trojan orbits by an algebraic relation so that when one of the three parameters is perturbed, the other two are affected as well. There are numerous secular resonances with the nodal rate of Jupiter that fall inside the region of instability and contribute to destabilize Trojans, in particular the ν16. Indeed, in the full model the escape rate over 50 Myr is higher compared to the fixed model.Some secular resonances even cross the stability region delimited by Levison et al. and cause instability. This is the case of the 3:2 and 1:2 nodal resonances with Jupiter. In particular the 1:2 is responsible for the instability of some clones of the L4 Trojan (3540) Protesilaos.  相似文献   

In this work, I conduct a preliminary analysis of the Phocaea family region. I obtain families and clumps in the space of proper elements and proper frequencies, study the taxonomy of the asteroids for which this information is available, analyse the albedo and absolute magnitude distribution of objects in the area, obtain a preliminary estimate of the possible family age, study the cumulative size distribution and collision probabilities of asteroids in the region, the rotation rate distribution and obtain dynamical map of averaged elements and Lyapunov times for grids of objects in the area.
Among my results, I identified the first clump visible only in the frequency domain, the (6246) Komurotoru clump, obtained a higher limit for the possible age of the Phocaea family of 2.2 Byr, identified a class of Phocaea members on Mars-crossing orbits characterized by high Lyapunov times and showed that an apparently stable region on time-scales of 20 Myr near the  ν6  secular resonance is chaotic, possibly because of the overlapping of secular resonances in the region. The Phocaea dynamical group seems to be a real S-type collisional family, formed up to 2.2 Byr ago, whose members with a large semimajor axis have been dynamically eroded by the interaction with the local web of mean-motion and secular resonances. Studying the long-term stability of orbits in the chaotic regions and the stability of family and clumps identified in this work remain challenges for future works.  相似文献   

In the framework of the planar restricted three-body problem we study a considerable number of resonances associated to the basic dynamical features of Kuiper belt and located between 30 and 48 a.u. Our study is based on the computation of resonant periodic orbits and their stability. Stable periodic orbits are surrounded by regular librations in phase space and in such domains the capture of trans-Neptunian object is possible. All the periodic orbits found are symmetric and there is an indication of the existence of asymmetric ones only in a few cases. In the present work first, second and third order resonances are under consideration. In the planar circular case we found that most of the periodic orbits are stable. The families of periodic orbits are temporarily interrupted by collisions but they continue up to relatively large values of the Jacobi constant and highly eccentric regular motion exists for all cases. In the elliptic problem and for a particular eccentricity value of the primary bodies, the periodic orbits are isolated. The corresponding families, where they belong to, bifurcate from specific periodic orbits of the circular problem and seem to continue up to the rectilinear problem. Both stable and unstable orbits are obtained for each case. In the elliptic problem, the unstable orbits found are associated with narrow chaotic domains in phase space. The evolution of the orbits, which are located in such chaotic domains, seems to be practically regular and bounded for long time intervals.  相似文献   

The planetary dynamics of 4/3, 3/2, 5/2, 3/1 and 4/1 mean motion resonances is studied by using the model of the general three body problem in a rotating frame and by determining families of periodic orbits for each resonance. Both planar and spatial cases are examined. In the spatial problem, families of periodic orbits are obtained after analytical continuation of vertical critical orbits. The linear stability of orbits is also examined. Concerning initial conditions nearby stable periodic orbits, we obtain long-term planetary stability, while unstable orbits are associated with chaotic evolution that destabilizes the planetary system. Stable periodic orbits are of particular importance in planetary dynamics, since they can host real planetary systems. We found stable orbits up to 60° of mutual planetary inclination, but in most families, the stability does not exceed 20°–30°, depending on the planetary mass ratio. Most of these orbits are very eccentric. Stable inclined circular orbits or orbits of low eccentricity were found in the 4/3 and 5/2 resonance, respectively.  相似文献   

We study homoclinic transport to Lyapunov orbits around a collinear libration point in the planar restricted three body problem. A method to compute homoclinic orbits is first described. Then we introduce the scattering map for this problem (defined on a suitable normally hyperbolic invariant manifold) and we show how to compute it using the information already obtained for the homoclinic orbits. An example application to Astrodynamics is also proposed.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of asteroid spin states is challenging work, in part because asteroids have a variety of orbits, shapes, spin states, and collisional histories but also because they are strongly influenced by gravitational and non-gravitational (YORP) torques. Using efficient numerical models designed to investigate asteroid orbit and spin dynamics, we study here how several individual asteroids have had their spin states modified over time in response to these torques (i.e., 951 Gaspra, 60 Echo, 32 Pomona, 230 Athamantis, 105 Artemis). These test cases which sample semimajor axis and inclination space in the inner main belt, were chosen as probes into the large parameter space described above. The ultimate goal is to use these data to statistically characterize how all asteroids in the main belt population have reached their present-day spin states. We found that the spin dynamics of prograde-rotating asteroids in the inner main belt is generally less regular than that of the retrograde-rotating ones because of numerous overlapping secular spin-orbit resonances. These resonances strongly affect the spin histories of all bodies, while those of small asteroids (?40 km) are additionally influenced by YORP torques. In most cases, gravitational and non-gravitational torques cause asteroid spin axis orientations to vary widely over short (?1 My) timescales. Our results show that (951) Gaspra has a highly chaotic rotation state induced by an overlap of the s and s6 spin-orbit resonances. This hinders our ability to investigate its past evolution and infer whether thermal torques have acted on Gaspra's spin axis since its origin.  相似文献   

We use probability density functions (pdfs) of sums of orbit coordinates, over time intervals of the order of one Hubble time, to distinguish weakly from strongly chaotic orbits in a barred galaxy model. We find that, in the weakly chaotic case, quasi-stationary states arise, whose pdfs are well approximated by q-Gaussian functions (with 1 <?q < 3), while strong chaos is identified by pdfs which quickly tend to Gaussians (q =?1). Typical examples of weakly chaotic orbits are those that ??stick?? to islands of ordered motion. Their presence in rotating galaxy models has been investigated thoroughly in recent years due to their ability to support galaxy structures for relatively long time scales. In this paper, we demonstrate, on specific orbits of 2 and 3 degree of freedom barred galaxy models, that the proposed statistical approach can distinguish weakly from strongly chaotic motion accurately and efficiently, especially in cases where Lyapunov exponents and other local dynamic indicators appear to be inconclusive.  相似文献   

On the origin of the unusual orbit of Comet 2P/Encke   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The orbit of Comet 2P/Encke is difficult to understand because it is decoupled from Jupiter—its aphelion distance is only 4.1 AU. We present a series of orbital integrations designed to determine whether the orbit of Comet 2P/Encke can simply be the result of gravitational interactions between Jupiter-family comets and the terrestrial planets. To accomplish this, we integrated the orbits of a large number of objects from the trans-neptunian region, through the realm of the giant planets, and into the inner Solar System. We find that at any one time, our model predicts that there should be roughly 12 objects in Encke-like orbits. However, it takes roughly 200 times longer to evolve onto an orbit like this than the typical cometary physical lifetime. Thus, we suggest that (i) 2P/Encke became dormant soon after it was kicked inward by Jupiter, (ii) it spent a significant amount of time inactive while rattling around the inner Solar System, and (iii) it only became active again as the ν6 secular resonance drove down its perihelion distance.  相似文献   

The population of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) appears to be overabundant at sizes smaller than 50m, compared to a power-law extrapolation from kilometer-sized objects. Several of these small NEAs are also concentrated on low-eccentricity orbits, where a few larger Earth-crossers are observed, and are called Small Earth-Approachers (SEAs). Their source region as well as the dynamical mechanisms involved in their transport close to the Earth on low-eccentricity orbits have not yet been determined. In this paper, we present our numerical and statistical study of the production and dynamical evolution of these SEAs. We first show that three main sources of Earth-crossers which are, according to recent simulations, the 3/1 and 6 resonances in the main belt, and the Mars-crosser population, are not able to produce as many bodies on SEAs-like orbits compared to other Earth-crossing orbits as has been inferred from observations. From these sources, SEAs-like orbits are reached through the interplay of two required mechanisms: secular resonances and planetary close approaches. However, the time spent on these orbits remains smaller than 1 Myr as confirmed by the study of the evolutions of 11 observed SEAs which also reveal the action of various mechanisms such as close approaches to planets and/or secular resonances. Therefore, our results present some mechanisms which can be responsible for their production but none that would preserve the lifetime of the SEAs sufficiently to enhance their abundance relative to other Earth-crossing orbits at the level observed. The overabundance of the SEA population, if real, remains a problem and could be related to the influence of collisional disruption and tidal splitting of Earth-crossers, as well as to observational biases that might account for a discrepancy between theory and observation.  相似文献   

Effect of stellar electromagnetic radiation on the motion of spherical dust particle in mean motion orbital resonances with a planet is investigated. Planar circular restricted three-body problem with the Poynting–Robertson (P–R) effect yields monotonic secular evolution of eccentricity when the particle is trapped in the resonance. Planar elliptic restricted three-body problem with the P–R effect enables nonmonotonous secular evolution of eccentricity and the evolution of eccentricity is qualitatively consistent with the published results for the complicated case of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with nonspherical dust grain. Thus, it is sufficient to allow either nonzero eccentricity of the planet or nonsphericity of the grain and the orbital evolutions in the resonances are qualitatively equal for the two cases. This holds both for exterior and interior mean motion orbital resonances. Evolutions of argument of perihelion in the planar circular and elliptical restricted three-body problems are shown. Numerical integrations show that an analytic expression for the secular time derivative of the particle’s argument of perihelion does not exist, if only dependence on semimajor axis, eccentricity and argument of perihelion is admitted. Connection between the shift of perihelion and oscillations in secular eccentricity is presented for the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem with the P–R effect. Period of the oscillations corresponds to the period of one revolution of perihelion. Change of optical properties of the spherical grain with the heliocentric distance is also considered. The change of the optical properties: (i) does not have any significant influence on the secular evolution of eccentricity, (ii) causes that the shift of perihelion is mainly in the same direction/orientation as the particle motion around the Sun. The statements hold both for circular and noncircular planetary orbits.  相似文献   

The chaotic behaviour of the motion of the planets in our Solar System is well established. In this work to model a hypothetical extrasolar planetary system our Solar System was modified in such a way that we replaced the Earth by a more massive planet and let the other planets and all the orbital elements unchanged. The major result of former numerical experiments with a modified Solar System was the appearance of a chaotic window at κ E ∈ (4, 6), where the dynamical state of the system was highly chaotic and even the body with the smallest mass escaped in some cases. On the contrary for very large values of the mass of the Earth, even greater than that of Jupiter regular dynamical behaviour was observed. In this paper the investigations are extended to the complete Solar System and showed, that this chaotic window does still exist. Tests in different ‘Solar Systems’ clarified that including only Jupiter and Saturn with their actual masses together with a more ‘massive’ Earth (4 < κ E < 6) perturbs the orbit of Mars so that it can even be ejected from the system. Using the results of the Laplace‐Lagrange secular theory we found secular resonances acting between the motions of the nodes of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These secular resonances give rise to strong chaos, which is the cause of the appearance of the instability window. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Following Papadakis (2005)'s numerical exploration of the Chermnykh's problem, we here study a Chermnykh-like problem motivated by the astrophysical applications. We find that both the equilibrium points and solution curves become quite different from the ones of the classical planar restricted three-body problem. In addition to the usual Lagrangian points, there are new equilibrium points in our system. We also calculate the Lyapunov Exponents for some example orbits. We conclude that it seems there are more chaotic orbits for the system when there is a belt to interact with.  相似文献   

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