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The outer region of the jovian system between ∼50 and 300 jovian radii from the planet is found to be the host of a previously unknown dust population. We used the data from the dust detector aboard the Galileo spacecraft collected from December 1995 to April 2001 during Galileo's numerous traverses of the outer jovian system. Analyzing the ion amplitudes, calibrated masses and speeds of grains, and impact directions, we found about 100 individual events fully compatible with impacts of grains moving around Jupiter in bound orbits. These grains have moderate eccentricities and a wide range of inclinations—from prograde to retrograde ones. The radial number density profile of the micrometer-sized dust is nearly flat between about 50 and 300 jovian radii. The absolute number density level (∼10 km−3 with a factor of 2 or 3 uncertainty) surpasses by an order of magnitude that of the interplanetary background. We identify the sources of the bound grains with outer irregular satellites of Jupiter. Six outer tiny moons are orbiting the planet in prograde and fourteen in retrograde orbits. These moons are subject to continuous bombardment by interplanetary micrometeoroids. Hypervelocity impacts create ejecta, nearly all of which get injected into circumjovian space. Our analytic and numerical study of the ejecta dynamics shows that micrometer-sized particles from both satellite families, although strongly perturbed by solar tidal gravity and radiation pressure, would stay in bound orbits for hundreds of thousands of years as do a fraction of smaller grains, several tenths of a micrometer in radius, ejected from the prograde moons. Different-sized ejecta remain confined to spheroidal clouds embracing the orbits of the parent moons, with appreciable asymmetries created by the radiation pressure and solar gravity perturbations. Spatial location of the impacts, mass distribution, speeds, orbital inclinations, and number density of dust derived from the data are all consistent with the dynamical model.  相似文献   

The mid-infrared spectral evolution of amorphous metastable eutectic magnesiosilica smokes, obtained by kinetically controlled gas-to-solid condensation of a Mg-SiO-O2-H2 vapor, proceeded in three distinct phases as a function of increasing time and temperature. This paper reports the mineralogical and chemical properties of these same samples. We found a previously unanticipated size dependence of the petrologic development of the initially amorphous magnesiosilica smokes that may also be at least partially responsible for the previously reported spectroscopic changes. Condensed grains less than approximately 20 nm in diameter remained amorphous throughout the thermal annealing experiment. Mineralogical changes occurred only after fusion of condensed magnesiosilica grains and chemical homogenization of large amorphous agglomerates and ring structures. Kinetically favored nucleation and growth produced the thermodynamically unstable nanocrystalline assemblage forsterite + tridymite. Further mineralogical development was stalled until continued fusing of agglomerates, rings, and some fraction of condensed grains had produced smooth amorphous magnesiosilica sheets of 42 and 20 wt% MgO. In rare sheets with more than ∼55 wt% MgO large forsterite crystals had grown, while enstatite had nucleated in low-MgO sheets still in the presence of forsterite and tridymite. The mineralogical evolution of the samples is critically dependent on the mass of the structural entities in the condensed sample and seems to be restricted to fused agglomerates and ring structures larger than about 20 nm in diameter and the sheet materials. We discuss the implications of our study for the interpretation of similar astrophysical dust analog studies and for astrophysical applications.  相似文献   

The cometary Leonid meteoroids represent a size range in between largest carbon-richIDPs and the smallest CI meteorites. Their dustball structure and chemistry offer anopportunity to constrain hierarchical dust accretion inferred from petrologic studies ofaggregate and cluster IDPs. The Leonid shower meteoroids of known ``comet ejection'ages provide an opportunity to study space weathering of cometary dust over periodsof up to several hundred years. The meteors and aggregate and cluster IDPs displaycontinuous thermal modification of organics and volatile element (Na, K-bearing phases), that occur as discrete minerals and amorphous solids each different response during kinetically controlled ablation. Leonid meteoroids are not excessively Na-rich. The occurrences of Leonid meteors can now be accurate predicted and combined withknowledge better models for the settling rates, collections of surviving dust becomea comet nucleus-sampling mission. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present the results of an ongoing optical/thermal infraredphotometric imaging survey of thedust mass loss and nuclear size ofcomets. We find an evolution with time of the kind of dust emittedfrom a comet's surface. Our results indicate that the mass loss ratefrom the short period comets alone is enough to supply the interplanetary dust (IPD) complexagainst losses. We conclude that the nature of the IPD cloud haschanged over time, with small particles dominating early, and largerparticles dominating in the present era. The rate of destruction of short period (SP)comets due to sublimation mass loss is found to be low compared to therate of surface mantle formation, but fast compared to the rate of their dynamical removal from the inner solar system.  相似文献   

天体物理环境中的硅酸盐尘粒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硅酸盐尘粒是宇宙尘埃的主要成分之一,它广泛存在于许多天体物理环境中,其特性随环境而变化。由于近年来观测数据的不断增加和红外光谱质量的逐步提高,宇宙空间中的硅酸盐尘粒正受到越来越多的关注.该文详细地介绍了在各种天体环境(星际空间、演化晚期恒星的星周尘埃包层、绕年轻恒星和主序星的星周尘埃盘、彗星的彗发和行星际空间)中的硅酸盐尘粒的观测特征,并分别对其物理和化学性质进行了综合比较.观测已经证实在星际尘埃演化的前身(演化晚期恒星的星周尘埃包层)和其遗迹(彗星)均有可观数量的结晶硅酸盐存在。但是至今还没有在其中间态(弥散星际介质)找到结晶硅酸盐存在的证据。这一尚未解决的难题突出了结晶态硅酸盐在天体物理研究中的重要意义。  相似文献   

More than half of the C-type asteroids, which are the dominant type of asteroid in the outer half of the main belt, show evidence of hydration in their reflectance spectra. In order to understand the collisional evolution of asteroids, the production of interplanetary dust, and to model the infrared signature of small particles in the Solar System it is important to characterize the dust production from primary impact disruption events, and compare the disruption of hydrous and anhydrous targets. We performed impact disruption experiments of three “greenstone” targets, a hydrothermally metamorphosed basalt, and compared the results of these disruptions to our previous disruption experiments on porous, anhydrous basalt targets and to literature data on the disruption of non-porous, anhydrous basalt targets. The greenstone targets were selected because their major hydrous alteration phase is serpentine, the same hydrous alteration phase found in hydrous CM meteorites, like Murchison. The porous, anhydrous basalt targets were selected because their structure, consisting of millimeter-size olivine phenocrysts in a more porous, anhydrous matrix is similar to the structure of anhydrous chondritic meteorites, which consist of millimeter-size olivine chondrules embedded in a more porous, anhydrous matrix. The disruption measurements indicate the threshold collisional specific energy, Q D*, is 570 J/kg for the greenstone, which is lower than the literature values for non-porous basalt targets, and significantly lower than the value of 2500 J/kg that we have measured for porous anhydrous basalt targets. We determined the mass-frequency distribution of the debris from the disruption of the greenstone targets, which ranged in mass from 80 to 280 g, over a nine order-of-magnitude mass range, from ~10−9 g to the mass of the largest fragment. The cumulative mass-frequency distribution from the greenstone targets is fit by two power–law segments, one for masses >10−2 g, which is significantly steeper than the corresponding segment from the disruption of similar-sized anhydrous basalt, and one in the range from 10−9 to 10−2 g, which is significantly flatter than the corresponding segment from the disruption of similar size anhydrous basalt. These hydrous greenstone targets overproduce small fragments (10−4 to 100 g) compared to anhydrous basalt targets, but underproduce dust-size grains (10−9 to 10−4 g) compared to anhydrous basalt targets.  相似文献   

Asteroidal dust particles resulting from family-forming events migrate from their source locations in the asteroid belt inwards towards the Sun under the effect of Poynting-Robertson (PR) drag. Understanding the distribution of these dust particle orbits in the inner solar system is of great importance to determining the asteroidal contribution to the zodiacal cloud, the accretion rate by the Earth, and the threat that these particles pose to spacecraft and satellites in near-Earth space. In order to correctly describe this distribution of orbits in the inner solar system, we must track the dynamical perturbations that the dust particle orbits experience as they migrate inwards. In a seminal paper Öpik (1951) determines that very few of the μm-cm sized dust particles suffer a collision with the planet face as they decay inwards past Mars. Here we re-analyze this problem, considering additionally the likelihood that the dust particle orbits pass through the Hill sphere of Mars (to various depths) and experience potentially significant perturbations to their orbits. We find that a considerable fraction of dust particle orbits will enter the Hill sphere of Mars. Furthermore, we find that there is a bias with inclination, particle size, and eccentricity of the particle orbits that enter the Martian Hill sphere. In particular the bias with inclination may create a bias towards higher-inclination sources in the proportions of asteroid family particles that reach near-Earth space.  相似文献   

Dust particles exposed to the stellar radiation and wind drift radially inward by the Poynting-Robertson (P-R) drag and pile up at the zone where they begin to sublime substantially. The reason they pile up or form a ring is that their inward drifts due to the P-R drag are suppressed by stellar radiation pressure when the ratio of radiation pressure to stellar gravity on them increases during their sublimation phases. We present analytic solutions to the orbital and mass evolution of such subliming dust particles, and find their drift velocities at the pileup zone are almost independent of their initial semimajor axes and masses. We derive analytically an enhancement factor of the number density of the particles at the outer edge of the sublimation zone from the solutions. We show that the formula of the enhancement factor reproduces well numerical simulations in the previous studies. The enhancement factor for spherical dust particles of silicate and carbon extends from 3 to more than 20 at stellar luminosities L?=0.8-500L, where L is solar luminosity. Although the enhancement factor for fluffy dust particles is smaller than that for spherical particles, sublimating particles inevitably form a dust ring as long as their masses decrease faster than their surface areas during sublimation. The formulation is applicable to dust ring formation for arbitrary shape and material of dust in dust-debris disks as well as in the Solar System.  相似文献   

为了研究尘埃消光对伽玛射线暴余辉的影响,基于严格的Mie理论和最新的星际尘埃光学性质,进行了高精度的数值计算,并分析具有不同物理参数的尘埃所产生的消光曲线.结果表明,介质密度和金属丰度是决定消光总量的主要物理参数,而尘埃颗粒大小的分布则是产生不同消光曲线轮廓的重要物理参数.如果尘埃颗粒相互聚集形成导致尺度增大,将产生较平或者较灰的消光曲线,同时绝对总量将减少;相反,如果尘埃颗粒由于某种原因发生离解导致尺度变小,将产生较陡的消光曲线,同时消光总量将增加.这些结果将对理解光学暗暴的形成机制提供重要的启示.  相似文献   

空间尘埃动力学的研究动向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李中元 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):161-166
讨论了空间尘埃动力学的特性,特别是空间尘埃等离子体的充电,波动和不稳定性现象以及它们在太阳系中的一系列表现。  相似文献   

We report on the results of the Cosmic Dust Experiment (CDE) onboard the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) satellite, collected during eight months of operation between May 2007 and February 2008. CDE is an impact detector designed to measure the variability of the cosmic dust influx of grains with radius, . CDE consists of 14 permanently polarized polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) channels that produce an electrical signal when impacted with hyper-velocity dust particles. The instrument has a total surface area of 0.11 m2 and a time resolution of 1 s. CDE experienced higher noise levels than expected on-orbit, triggering the need for new laboratory experiments, as well as the development of new data reduction approaches. We present the first eight months of reduced CDE data, highlighting the observed spatial and temporal variability of the cosmic dust influx.  相似文献   

Cold Dust and Very Cold Excess Emission in the Galaxy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We provide insight in the origin of the far-IR to mm emission from galaxies by presenting a decomposition of the Galaxy emission where we separate the contributions from dust in the atomic gas and dust associated with quiescent molecular gas as a function of Galacto-centric distance. This decomposition leaves a puzzling very cold emission excess with a brightness independent of Galactic longitude that might be pointing at interstellar matter in the outer Galaxy not traced by H I nor CO emission. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Assuming that similar organic components as in comet 81P/Wild 2 are present in incoming meteoroids, we try to anticipate the observable signatures they would produce for meteor detection techniques. In this analysis we consider the elemental and organic components in cometary aggregate interplanetary dust particles and laboratory analyses of inter- and circumstellar carbon dust analogues. On the basis of our analysis we submit that (semi) quantitative measurements of H, N and C produced during meteor ablation will open an entire new aspect to using meteoroids as tracers of these volatile element abundances in active comets and their contributions to the mesospheric metal layers.  相似文献   

本文从弱湍动等离子体理论出发,由Vlasov方程导出了Maser效应作用机制下共振波的演化规律;并且讨论了尘埃等离子体电子束入射情况下,共振Langmuir波的增长率.研究结果表明,Maser效应比其它不稳定性(如本文中论及的束流不稳定性等)能更好地解释空间中的反常Langmuir辐射现象.  相似文献   

A critical analysis of the methods and results of estimating the optical thickness of the dust component in the Martian atmosphere 0, the particle size r 0, and the imaginary part of the refractive index n ihas shown the following. (1) Observational data on the brightness distribution over the Martian disk as well as the phase dependences of diffusely reflected light and the azimuthal dependences of diffusely transmitted light are most appropriate to use only for verifying the reliability of the aerosol parameters determined by other methods. (2) If the morning and evening fogs in the atmosphere are disregarded, the Bouguer–Lambert–Beer method used to analyze the solar-brightness attenuation measured on the planetary surface yields overestimated extraatmospheric solar intensity I 0and atmospheric optical depth 0. At the Viking 1landing site, I 0and 0could be overestimated by a factor of 1.7 and by 0.35, respectively. (3) The aerosol size determined by analyzing measurements of the azimuthal dependences for the Martian sky brightness at low elevations of the Sun most likely corresponds to the fog particles. (4) If overestimated values of I 0were used to standardize the observations of the solar radiation transmitted by the Martian atmosphere, then n iwere also overestimated; using overestimated 0also affected the reliability of the latter. (5) The problem of reliability of the available 0and r 0estimates for periods of high atmospheric transparency is yet to be solved. For the highest activity of the dust storm in 1971, it was found that 4.5 r 0 7.5 m for the lognormal particle size distribution with 2= 0.2 and the optical thickness of a dust cloud 0 15. (6) The spectral values of the apparent albedo of Mars measured in October 1971 at a phase angle of 42° in the spectral range 0.250 0.717 allowed the imaginary part of the refractive index to be estimated in terms of a model of a dust cloud composed of spherical particles with the lognormal size distribution with r 0= 4.5 m and 2= 0.2.  相似文献   

We define a procedure which allows estimation of the optical thickness of a cometarydust coma and the ambient illumination of the nucleus for any given comet, if estimatesof the nucleus radius and the dust activity (Afρ) are available. The calculation isperformed for a singly scattering coma with a cos(ϑ) distribution of dust overits day side. We find that the ambient illumination is of the same order as the incidentsunlight if the optical thickness is of order one. The optical thickness increases, all elseequal, linearly with the nucleus radius. Therefore the effect of the presence of the comamay be neglected for small (≈ 1 km diameter) comets, but is important forcomets such as 1P/Halley and Hale–Bopp.  相似文献   

We report on theoretical efforts to understand the process of vaporization and ion formation upon hypervelocity impact of small cosmic dust particles on a solid surface. Such collisions occur at the surface of solid bodies within the planetary system, which do not have an atmosphere as well as in various actual and upcoming space missions for in-situ measurements of interplanetary, interstellar and cometary dust. The investigation uses Godunov's method to simulate the impact. For the very high velocitites investigated, the impacting dust particle as well as parts of the target vaporize and some of the vapor cloud may change to partially ionized. Numerical results of the impact process are communicated for an 80 kms-1impact of a slightly porous SiO2 particle on a compact SiO2surface. Values of the amount of vapor and liquid excavated from the target are given. Ionization rates are calculated for the example investigated and an estimate is given how this extrapolates to the highest conceivable velocities in the planetary system (above 100 km s-1). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Correct and complete (to terms of orderv/c) derivation of the Poynting-Robertson effect is presented. It is based on the idea that aberration of light is an important part in the effect of radiation on the motion of (interplanetary) dust particle. Derivations are presented for spherical particles, however, not only for perfectly absorbing ones. It follows from the presented derivations that the Poynting-Robertson effect is purely relativistic phenomenon and cannnot be treated in nonrelativistic manner, although results in orderv/c are sufficient for calculation in the Solar System studies.  相似文献   

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